Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh- Data collection by deep interviews for some staffs working personnel in t
Bui Đức HìnhChu Văn Thắng
Supervisor: Prof Lars — Torsten Eriksson PhD
Local Supervisor: Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang
Class: MPPM - Intake 6 — Group 10
Ha Noi, May — 2013
Trang 2Thesis: Invroving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
We sincerely thank Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang, Prof - Dr Lars Torsten
Erikssm and teachers who were dedicated to teach us knowledge who did not
regret tme and effort to guide us help us and correct the thesis draft together with
us in th: implementation and completion of this thesis
Ve also sincerely thank lectures of training department in the master
progran in public management at the University of Economics and Business
-Vietnan National University, Hanoi and Uppsala University — Sweden facilitated
and hebed us during the time of studying and researching at the university.
Tie research team also thanks Administration — Organization Department atthe Offce of the Provincial People’s Committee of Phu Tho, leaders of the Office
of the 'rovincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh, staffs of Administration —
Organiation Department at the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Bah as well as volunteers who coordinated and helped us in the process of
researci collection of information and date for the thesis.
We sincerely thank the civil affairs committee of the class who took care,
encourged and supported us This thesis will be not completed well without the
civil afairs committee of the class’s enthusiastic support
Fnally we respectfully give thanks to the leaders and colleagues in the
agencyind families of members of the group who created favorable conditions of
time, material and spirit for us as well as always encouraged us to complete the
Trang 3Thesis: Imprving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
Tith: “Jmproving the quality of human resource at the office of the
proincial People’s Committee of Hoa Bình `
Levl: Thesis of Master program in public managementAutors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thang (Group 10 - class: MPPMIntake 6)
- Prof Lars-Torsten Eriksson PhD; Dr Sven - Erik Svard PHD
- Dr Nguyén Ngoc Thang PhDDat when the thesis is presented: 17th, May 2013
Resarch objectives:
Thi: topic focuses on determining the current status of the quality of
human reources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa
Binh; detrmine causes of the restrictions on the quality of human resources in
the unit;
Finc out effective ways and solutions to improve the quality of human
resource t the office of the provincial People’s Committee in order to meet
well worlrequirements.
Resarch methodology: In the research process, author group has used
SWOT aalysis method and quantitative research methods combined with
qualitativ methods.
The ollection of data, analysis and reporting are done through:
- Uing the statistics: The research team used statistical data in the
documeni and reports of the agency to serve to analyze, compare the fluctuationsand chanes in the quantity and quality of human resources in the unitsresearche during the years of the research period
- Da collection by questionnaire: For update information in question time,provide mch quantitative information, help research team assess the situationreflected 1 the organization through thought perception, attitude, desire of
Individua in the organization.
Authors: Bubtec Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6
Trang 4Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
- Data collection by deep interviews for some staffs working personnel in
the organization: For more detailed and specific information related to the
research content of the topic such as the recruitment forms, the treatment policies
for employees
- Direct observation method: The research team used this method to capture additional information relating to the work attitude, work time, habits during the
working hours of staff in the organization related to the quality of work
Results and conclusions: The research result of the topic is expressed inthe chapters:
- Chapter I The basic issues of human resources and the quality of human
resources: This chapter systemarises theoretical basis related to the research
topic, including the concepts of human resources, the quality of human
resources; the evaluation criteria; the management factors affecting the quality
of human resources such as: job analysis, manpower recruitment, training and
development of human resources, the compensation for employees
- Chapter II Research methodology: This chapter identifies the research
object and the research scope of the topic, defines the research theoretical
models, the methods 0° data collection and research methods applied in the
- Chapter III Curent situation of human resources at the Office of the
Provincial People's Conmittee of Hoa Binh: This chapter focuses on analysis
and evaluation of the quantity and quality of human resources in the unit;
description and analysis of the real activities of human resource management in
the agency and its impact on the quality of human resources.
- Chapter IV Som: suggestions aimed at improving the quality of humanresources at the office cf the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh: This
chapter offers some suggestions around the activities of the human resources
management to improv: and enhance the quality of personnel and employees
‘such as the recruitment of human resources, solutions on the layout of human
resources, solutions on he training and development of human resources, the
itreatment policies
/Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chuan Thắng MPPM Intake6
Trang 5-hesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
- Conclusion: By researching the topic, we found that: In order to improve
tie quality of human resources in any organization, it is necessary to have the
iiterest and understanding of leadership for the personnel management; all
contents of the human resources management from staff recruitment, training to
saff rotation must be applied methodologically and flexibly in order to have the
saffs and employees who are qualified, skilled, experienced and enthusiastic
vork, work efficiently, meet job requirements of the organization One of the
inportant factors that decide the quality of human resources within the
qganization, our team found through the surveys and directly interview at the
(ffice of the provincial of People’s Committee of Hoa Binh is the workingevironment of staff The working environment here includes not only the
tngible physical elements such as office, machines and equipment for the work but also friendly and open relations between staff and leadership; the
eivironment for every staff and employee to promote forte points, confirm
tiemselves in the collective; the environment to train, develop skills, accumulate
experience toward the higher positions, be more respected and further contribute
tt the organization in particular and the society in general
Suggestions for future research:
In order to complete further the topic, authors would like to offer some
oientations to continue to research the topics such as analyze deeply factors
afecting the quality of human resources at the unit: inputs of human resources,ficilities and working conditions, the leadership of head of the organization,cipacity and prestige of the leader, the psychology of employees, the brain drainfom the state agencies
Besides a number of directions to further research the topic mentionedaove, on a larger scale, the topic can be developed and researched the office oftle people's Committee of provinces in the Northwest of Vietnam to see theboader issues, to find out the factors creating advantages or causing difficultiesfir improving the quality of human resources for the Northwest of Vietnam.Snce then, identify synchronize strategic solutions for all the region so that the
qiality of human resources in the provinces of the Northwest is increasingly
Athors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6
Trang 6Thesis: lmproving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
imprevec, and foreign and domestic talent are attracted to work in this region inorder to promote potential and strength of the provinces in the Northwest andcontrbute positively to Vietnam’s socio-economic development in the sustainable
Contribution of the thesis: The thesis provides further a scientific basis,
making reference to the personnel management at the Office of the provincial
Peopk's Committee: The thesis can be also the basis so that the head of theagency consider and decide the construction and promulgation of the regulations
on the management of human resources at the unit, which is both scientific and
associated with the working practices to help improve the quality of human
resources and improve the quality of the work at the unit.
Through the authors” the process of survey, interview and implementation of
tthe thesis and through the research content of the thesis, the staffs and officers at
tthe Office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh have the opportunity
tto receive additionally information about the personnel management, to exchange,self-aware, self-assess on the quality of labor, the level of dedication, work oftthemselves, from there change individual behavior and make the quality ofImanpower in the unit better.
The results of the thesis research may be the reference so that the state
Imanagenent agencies in localties review, modify and innovate leadership styles
of agencies and units, encourage cadres, officials and civil servants to learn and train actively, improve their qualifications, professional competences, enhance the
quality of work at the agency
Keywords: Quality, manpower, qualifications, training, working
Authors: Bij Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6
Trang 7Thess: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
LAL CONTEXD Lí vo .a 77 1A 3 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS sisssscesessesssssnsssensssossesssscncnassssssessssessasssessssssssevesserasveesee 5 1.3, RESEARCH OBJECTIVES wcssoosrersevseressvscsseneossnersonssnenserenvonsensnssncerssoosenssonsonsnesn 5
Chapter II FRAME OF REFERENCE - 2-5-5555 Ă n2 n1 eeeeesee 6
2.1.1 Human resources and human resources managemenI( se « 6 2.1.2 Quality of human, F€SOUFC‹‹‹ ccccccccceccoosccscocogS06501460346606656615654656655666506685565 665 8 2.1.3 Factors affecting the quality of human resource from the human
FESOUFCE I1AđÀ€IN€TIÍ 255 << 5 << 9 9 9 0 0 00 0090809008906 11
3.1 RESEARCH OBJECTS AND SCOPE s5 <5 S215 9e, 14
S11 Research ODj OCHS cac cessslsdssesasiclbdsicsldeekssessesekekSEnslsssnsissraas12s00g 14 31.2 Research scope scsscsscsssscsssscssssssccscsssscescssessssssccssscsscssesceccsssessscssesseeees 14
3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLUOC ÝY s- <5 < si nung 14
32:1, Research method ology scccissssiscsossesiecssosessnsesssassstsossssssvscssossicesssctenseasesesesnsses 14
32.2 Data collection metho 5-5 5 < =5 << 9 Hư 00900900 15
4.1, HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY ccscssssssssssscsssscssssssssssssssesessssscssesecees 18
4.2, HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING scccccsssscssscessscecsccsssessccsssoreonesesessosers 18
42.1 Identifying manpower demann - s- << 5< 5s s4 s99 2e se 19 42.2 Develop recruitment DÌ41n -<- <5 << si HH ng me 19 4.3.PERSONNEL RECRUITIMENTT 2 << 5< << m0 1 90 20 4.4.TRAINING AND IMPROVING PERSONNE 5-5-5 =s<e 26
Authors Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng — MPPM Intake 6
Trang 8Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
4.6.1 :, SA TY ssieeersniiaiiEETET111215036š01314.615ã066550188600g0g558091303503g04031530555036i03031685888g536 5558 33
4.6.2 Welfare, reward and iueenitives EkzSG.585t8550S55695%555E685655550695368W/843ã88465E858/3950 35
4.7.1 LÍHẨAfÏOTAS 5< Ă Ăn HH HH me 36 4.7.2 CAUSES HH Họ HH HH Họ HH 10 0ø 38
Chapter V COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS ccsssssssssssssssssessessevecessssessesesers 40
5.1.1 Human resources F€CTUIÏẨI€TIÍ <5 5< 5s 290980 5050 40
5.1.2 Solution to arrange human F€SOUIFCC 5-5 5< 5 5< S9 99 9999599595.959996 40
š.1.3 Solutions of training and developing human resources 40
5.1.4 Treatment DOÌÏCÌÏ S - << 5< 5 5s s2 9 9 9 .090 009 09969.9809909989099699899ø 42 3.1.5 Other recomendations - <5 55 =5 sư 9.0 0000009, 42
5.2 CONCLUSION saecreoeeennerrndonaalisisasoatcdsicslivalsisgauiägsggsgsgkoksasz3868554g5g8862g428 42
Š.s SUGGESTION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH o 5 5 55555 5< s=se 44
5.4 CONTRIBUTION OF THE THESIS 5-5-5 5 5< 5< << se se se 44 LIST OF REFERENCE 5 << << HH HH 0000900000090 1 AIPPPPNDIỀX HH HH Họ HH HH nh 0h 00008 8 3
Author: Bu: Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng — MPPM Intake 6
Trang 9Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
Figure 1 Chart shows the qualifications of employees recruited through
personnel examination at the office of the provincial people’s committee of Hoa
Binh from 2009 — 2012
Figure 2 Chart shows the qualifications of employees recruited through theappointment for staffs to work at the the office of the provincial pcople’scommittee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
Figure 3 Chart shows the qualifications of employees recruited through therotation for staff to work at the office of the provincial people’s committee of Hoa
Binh from 2009 — 2012
Figure 4 Chart shows the qualifications of employees recruited through theform of consideration to work at the office of the provincial people’s committee
of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
Figure 5 Diagram of opinion rate result on personnel recruitmentFigure 6 Chart shows the change of staffs and officiers’ qualifications of atthe office of the provincial people`s committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
Figure 7 Structure of staff's level at the office in 2009Figure 8 Structure of staff's level at the office in 2012Figure 9 Structure of staff's qualification at the office of the provincialpeople’s committee of Phu Tho in 2012
Figure 10 Result diagram of opinion rate on personnel training and
Figure 11 Chart shows the result of assessment on emulation in 2011 and
2012 of the office of the provincial people’s committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 —
Trang 10Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
Table 1 Results of personnel recruitment at the office of the provincialpeople’s committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
Table 2 Figures about the personnel at the office of the provincial people’s
committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
Table 3 Result of training and improving personnel at the office of the
provincial people's committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6
Trang 11Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
PPC: Provincial People’s Committee
“Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6
Trang 12Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
It is considered that human resource is an important factor in the
organization’s development Human resource is key factor because of its ownspecial value, it is different from other factors and can not be replaceable It is the
first priority in consideration when establishing and maintaining an organization
Human resource is always an important resource and is a leading factor
deciding the success or failure as well as the advantages of an organization.Especially in the context that Vietnam is pushing industrialization, modernization,
regional and international economic integration, the quality of human resources inorganizations is required higher: the demand for skilled labor is required greater
Not only business focus on the issue of human resources development, but also
the state-managed agencies should pay special attention to this issue To achieve
the goal of sustainable development, we have to create high-quality humanresources and have policies on the effective management and use of these human
In the general way, the human resources of Vietnam are poor in quality,
irrational in structure and allocation Human resources in general and the quality
of human resources in particular at the office of PPC of Hoa Binh are also in the
common situation of the country The requirement of the quality of the humanresources in the state-managed agencies at the locality has been changed by the
influence of the global integration and application of information technology inthe management to reduce the gap between requirements of human resourcesquality in the work and current human resources quality In improving the quality
of human resources, vision and long-term thinking have great significance inbuilding skills, knowledge, and ability to work and collaborate
The quality of the advising of the team of staffs and experts of the office of
PPC of Hoa Binh (as an agency advising directly to the leaders of PPC in alloperations running state administrative apparatus at the locality) plays an
important role for PPC, Chairman of PPC to fully grasp the information andhandle the situations in the management of society-economy, security and defense
of the province: help leaders of the provincial committee timely make decision to
Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng — MPPM Intake 6 1
Trang 13Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
enact the strategies planning directing and running plans, ensure stability and
socio-economic development in the right directions The team of advisory staffs
of high quality will help the leadership of PPC, Chairman of PPC oriented, be
proactive and timely to achieve common goals in accordance with the strategies,
and plans set out
However, until now there is no any specific research on the quality of
human resources at the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh Therefore, the authors group
researched the topic "Improving the quality of human resources at the Office of
the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh " in order to determine the currentstatus of human resources quality in the units, based on which implies a number
of solutions, suggestions to improve and enhance the quality of staffs andemployees at the office in coming time
The structure of the thesis consists of 5 parts:
1 Introduction.
2 Frame of reference
3 Research methodology and data collection
4 Practical data collected and data analysis
5 Comments and conclusions
Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 2
Trang 14Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
In the context that Vietnam is actively integrating into the world and orients
the aims of sustainable development, the role of human resources is very
important, the quantity and quality of human resources should meet the personnel
needs of domestic and international organizations Due to the impact of marketdemand when integrating into the world, along with Vietnam's education and
training policies, domestic human resources will develop increasingly diversly
about specialty and careers; raising professional qualification, knowledge, skills
and experience to be able to get a position in a new environment, requiring increasingly stringent according to international requirements.
Along with the development of market and society, the state-managed
agencies also need cadres and civil servants who are not only diligent, faithful,
but also good at specialty and operation, experienced and skilled, have knowledge
of science and technology, good at foreign languages to meet socialmanagement requirements, economic management After many years of
implementing the policy on opening market, on international economic
integration, the team of cadres, officials and public servants of Vietnam in generalhas changed, developed in all aspects, meeting the requirements of work assigned
by the state
However, there are also many cadres, officials and civil servants who do not
really have enough capacity and skills to fulfill well tasks assigned; many
officials and civil servants are used improperly trained specialty , do not promotetheir forte in the work; the majority of cadres and civil servants are weak atscience, foreign languages, have not enough knowledge and confidence to stand
up independently and be active in their work These cases also remain relatively
much in the state-managed agencies in the provinces and localities Therefore,improving the quality of human resources in current context is very essential,
especially in a mountainous province with difficult socio-economic conditions
like Hoa Binh province
Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6
Trang 15Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
Hoa Binh is a mountainous province in Northwest of Vietnam, chief town is
Hoa Binh City, located 73km from the center of Hanoi capital Hoa BinhProvince borders on Phu Tho province in the northern; on the provinces of Ha
Nam, Ninh Binh in the south: on Hanoi capital in the east and the northeast: on
the provinces of Son La Thanh Hoa in the west, northwest, southwest The
_ natural surface of the province is 4,662.5 km 2, accounting for 1.41% of the totalnatural area of Vietnam Income per capita is 730 USD (equivalent to 15,300,000VND) In 2012, Hoa Binh province has provincial competitiveness index (PCI)
ranked the 41“ over 63 provinces and cities of the country.
Hoa Binh province has a population of about 80 thousand people, there are 6
ethnic groups living in the province, the largest is Muong people occupied 63.3%
of the people, the rest are ethnics of Kinh, Thai, Dao, Tay, H'mong.
The office of PPC of Hoa Binh is a Service-equal agency, has functions of
general advisory, helps PPC organize common operations of PPC; advises and
assists the Chairman of PPC to direct and run general operations of the state
administrative apparatus in local government; ensures the provision of
information for the management, direction and administration of PPC and the
Chairman of PPC and information for people according to rules of the law;
ensures the material and technical conditions for PPC and Chairman of PPC’soperation PPC of Hoa Binh has 79 personnel with the structure including 01
chief of the PPC secretariat, 04 Deputy Chiefs of the secretariat, 11 Offices and
02 affiliated career units
For the Office of PPC of a mountainous province with the starting point oflow socio-economic development like Hoa Binh province, improving the quality
of human resources will contain specific factors needing to resolve to catch upwith workforce development planning of the country Within the frame of thistopic the authors researched the issue of improving the quality of human
resources associated with the management of human resources at the Office of
PPC of Hoa Binh to find out limitations and propose solutions forward to the aim
at improve the quality of service, quality of advice and serving of agencies
Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 4
Trang 16Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
From the meaning and importance of human resources in the organization, particularly in the state-managed state agencies in localities as described above
along with the desire to understand further the nature of human resources at work,
we chose the topic "/mproving the quality of human resources at the Office of the
provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh" (where two members of the group
are working) to research and do the thesis The topic is assigned to carry out by
University of Economics and Business — Vietnam National University, Hanoi in
Decision No 3045/QD-DHKT signed 18 December 2012
1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Within the research scope as presented above, the research team identified
specifically research questions including:
- What is the current status of the quality of human resources at the Office
to meet well the work requirements in the context of Vietnam’s internationalintegration and sustainable development
“Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng — MPPM Intake 6
Trang 17Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
2.1.1 Human resources and human resources management
2 1.1.1.The concept of human resource and human resource management
Human resource: There are many different concepts of human resources.According to United Nations’ concept, Human resources are all the knowledge
skills, experiences, competences and creativity of the human having relationship
to the development of each individual and the country
According to the World Bank, human resources are the entire human
capitals including physical force, mental power and professional skills of each
individual Human resource is considered as a capital next to other types ofphysical capital: monetary, technology and natural resources
According to international labor organization, human resources of a country
are all people in the age having capacity to work
In the narrow sense and to be able to quantify in the planning in VN,
Human resources is prescribed as a part of the population, including those of
working age have the ability to work in accordance labor Code of Vietnam(employee is people from 15 years old and above, being capable to work, working
under labor contracts, get paid and working under the management andadministration of employer — Item 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code No10/2012/QH13 which is passed by the 13th National Assembly of Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, 3rd session 18 June, 2012)
In the broad sense, human resources could be defined as human being
resources of a country, a locality, which were prepared in certain level, having
‘capacity to mobilize in the country’s economic development process (or of a
jparticular locality) Under the point of view of Labor Statistics, human resources
include those of working age having the ability to work under the provisions oftthe Labor Code of Vietnam
“Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 6
Trang 18Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
Although the points of views and approaches to define the human resources
are different, they all unified a point of view that human resources are the ability
to work of the society and are considered under two points of view on the
quantity and the quality of the part of population taking part in socio-economicactivities The quantity of human resources is expressed through norms of scaleand growth of human resources In terms of quality, human resources arereviewed through criteria such as physical force, qualification, specialty,
capability, virtue, human development index
Human resources management: Human Resources Management (HRM) is a
relatively new term in the chain of concepts and practices related to managing
people HRM is reviewed as a crucial stage in the production process It is
considered a strategic approach combining personnel management to achievement
of business objectives
HRM refers to factors such as planning, management and improving
capacity of human resources; identifying, developing and maintaining knowledgeand competences of employees; encouraging participation and exchange rights forworkers All these factors have an impact on business performance or operatingresults of the organization because human resources are one of the organization’s
fixed assets An organization / business can improve their position by usingemployees in an efficient manner, profit employee’s standard, experience and
ingenuity to achieve the set goals HRM is aimed at selecting those of being
qualified, nimble-witted and able to devote to work; training them, managing
their performance and reward and motivate to develop their competences The role of human resource and human resource management
Roles of human resources: Human resources (or labor — human factor) inany organization plays an important role The labor is not only a apart of
organization (in term of structure), but also the subject in organization’s process
(in term of human factor and internal relation in organization) Labors are notsimple to run in accordance with process, they could actively improve themselves
to stimulate the process in specific circumstances Although, there are a lot of
modern equipment in organization, they are always under the control of labor in a
“Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM intake 6 7
Trang 19Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
direct or indirect way That is the reason why human resources take an important
role in organization
The importance of human resource management: The importance of human resource management led the organization acknowledge the merit of
human People are not only the factor to establish and running an organization but
it is also the reason of failure Because of its importance, human resourcemanagement plays a key factor in management in all organization If the manager
does not have well proper organized his/her staff, the organization will not
operate effectively because all the business activities are run by people
In term of economic aspect, HRM help organization/ enterprise to expand potential capability to increase labor activities and organization influence in their workers.
In term of social aspect, HRM must base on employee benefit regulation toexpand potential capability in Human resource to maintain the relative harmony
between Government, Organizations and Labors
Nowadays, most of organizations realize the importance in HRM The
advantage of HRM is considered as the factor to enhance the effectiveness in
organization However, there are still challenging in HRM in state ownercompanies The question was put to them how to manage Human Resourceeffectively
2.1.2 Quality of human resource Concept of quality of human resource
The quality of human resource is defined as the human quality requirement
in each organization for each working position that labors could meet with So it
is necessary to list down the qualities of human resource requirement as well asthe different quantity between actual labors and required labor
In fact, the higher qualities of human resource management is, the better
organization run their business The criteria for human resources
There are two aspects of the human resource, the quality and quantity, we
would like to list down the criterion as follows:
“Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng — MPPM Intake 6 8
Trang 20Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
* The criteria for human resources quantity.
- Percentage of labor force in the total population;
- Percentage of people in working age taking part in the labor force;
- Percentage of labor employing:
* The criteria of human resources quality
- Criteria expressing status of health of human resources.
Health, according to the most common definition, is worker’s relaxed state
of physical, mental, is a combination of inside and outside factors, between the
physical and the human spirit
We can assess the health status of human resources of a community, anation through some indicators such as:
+ Average life expectancy of employee;
+ Average Height and weight;
+ Classification of health
+ Ratio of disability people in working age population
+ The criterions for medical
- Criteria for education of human resources
It is considered as the fundamental and important criteria group which
reflect the quality of human resources and have strong impact to the developmentresults of each organization and of an entire society The high educational levelhelps employee be able to acquire and use quickly technical and scientificadvances into practical jobs, improve the quality of work performed
Educational level of human resources is expressed through following
+ The percentage of literate workers;
+ The percentage of people going to school in general;
+ The percentage of people going to school in high school levels;
+ The percentage of workers graduating high school levels
- Criteria for evaluating the qualifications of human zesourcesQualification is understanding, ability to practice in an industry; a specific
‘expertise sector (expression of training results in the professional schools,
Authors: Bui Đức Hinlì and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 9
Trang 21Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
colleges and universities), ability to perform a certain professional task Qualification of human resources is measured by:
+ The percentage of professional staffs:
+ The percentage of employees divided by levels: Intermediate colleges,
universities, graduate (master and PhD)
- Other criteria
In addition to the above criteria, indicator of human development index andqualitative indicators showing employee's virtue competences through factors of
ethnic category, culture, tradition, customs and lifestyle also used to assess the
quality of human resources Improving human resource quality
Human resources are the most important assets of an organization; its
benefits can hardly be measured specifically Human resources in an organization
are both the goal and the motivation for organization’s operations Human
resources are the basic elements to form the organization, the conditions for theorganization’s existence and development So, an organization which is evaluated
as strong or weak, developed or out-of-date depends greatly on the quality of its
work force
Today, science and technology are rapidly changing, information exposes,
the world is compared to a global village, requiring the organization to have theteam of staffs who have enough health, education level, professional level, ability
to respond promptly to changes
From the above reasons, it can be affirmed that improving the quality ofhuman resources in each organization is very important and necessary Possessing
a qualified labor force is always an advantage; it maintains organization's strong
On the other hand, investment in human is considered the most effectiveway of investment, deciding the ability to grow fast, develop sustainable of the
‘organization, ensuring the ability to meet work demands of the team of staffs,
employees, and as a basis for improving the operational efficiency of the
“Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 10
Trang 22Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
To improve the quality of human resources, it is necessary to perform
effectively attraction of human resources, use of human resource and training and
development of human resources In which, working effectively the training anddevelopment of human resources is a sustainable and long-term holistic solution
which needs to be properly paid attention It can be confirmed that developing
human resources to achieve high quality is the way out, is the answer of the lag risk problem of any organization in the process of development and
anti-international integration
2.1.3 Factors affecting the quality of human resource from the human
resource management RecruitmentHuman resources recruitment is the process to find and select the human
resources to meet organization’s human demand on quantity, quality and structure
in a specific period
Manpower recruitment process can be carried out according to specific stepsand be specified in basic procedures in the human resources recruitment such as:
- Identify recruitment demands to meet works that the organization needs
(Elaborate the recruitment target);
- On the basis of the analysis of work, define requirement standards and
conduct the recruitment announcement;
- Receive records and study candidates’ records;
- Organize interview, check the applicants’ qualifications;
- Comparison, selection and decision manpower recruitment
The human resources recruitment which is done well will help the unit have
employees really matching the job requirements, meet the labor needs of theorganization On the other hand, finding a suitable work will help workers
develop their capacity and forte and devote the most for the organization Human resources training and development
Human resources training and development is the process of teaching,
guiding, training to improve the qualification, skills, the level of knowledge and
qualities required for each employee Each job in the agency needs labors of
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Trang 23Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
professional qualifications in certain degree Therefore, organization must
elaborate and implement specific training plans to help employees become
familiar with the work, adapted to work and implement better assigned works
Activities of each agency, organization take place regularly, continuously
and change over time requiring personnel to be trained and layout reasonably and
balanced between the physical elements as well as between the departments of theorganization Compensation to employees
In human resource management, compensation for personnel decides the
capacity of reproduction of labor, decides employee’s psychology and directlyaffects the work efficiency Personnel treatment is done through physical
treatment and mental treatment
- Material treatment: Being satisfaction of the material needs of workers by
salary, bonuses and social welfare This is activity meeting the basic needs not
only of employees, but also of their family and relatives
- Spirit treatment: Being interests and satisfaction of the spiritual needs of
workers so that they have fun at work, satisfying needs to be respected, to be
listened, have opportunity for career advancement, are taken care, helped and
encouraged when they have difficulties or risks
The treatments which are satisfied and suitable to cadre and staffs
aspirations and wishes will help organization keep talents so that employees have
strong attach to the organization; at the same time contributing to create
motivation to boost work spirit, improve the level of contributions of employees
to the organization
Within the research scope of the topic, the research team used a SWOT
analysis to evaluate aspects related to the quality of human resources at the Office
of PPC of Hoa Binh and offered appropriate solutions.
- SWOT analysis model is a method that provides ways to select strategies
of an organization, is derived from the first four letters: Strengths — Weaknesses—
Opportunities — Threats
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Trang 24Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
* Strengths: These are valuable elements or strengths of the organization
These elements are internal properties and helpful of the object under
- consideration
* Weaknesses: These are points incomplete, not good, the weak elements of
organization This is also internal property and harmful of the object underconsideration
* Opportunities: These are favorable factors, or they will bring advantagesfor the organization They are external factors and helpful for the organization
* Threats: These are the negative impact from the outside (external) thatyour organization may face
Through this model, organization can develop its strategies to promote the
strengths and overcome weaknesses, seize opportunities and confront the
challenges and go to success
- Pursuant to the human resource situation and internal and external factors
having impact on human resources at the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh, the research
team conducted SWOT analysis to figure out some solutions to improve and
enhance the quality of human resources in the agency (see SWOT analysis in
Appendix 4 attached)
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Trang 25Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
3.1.1 Research objects.
Research objects of the topic is to evaluate the human resources quality,human resource management, analyze and propose some solutions to improve thequality of human resources at the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh
Through fact-finding process at the unit, the topic "Improving the quality of
human resources at the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh" has not been researched,therefore, the authors had difficulties in learning, acquiring and developing theresearch results of the group ahead However, the group learned, read and studiedsome researches of the national authors on the topic "Improving the quality ofhuman resources" in a number of branches, agencies and other units to study, and
add for their research.
3.1.2 Research scopeThis thesis focuses on some specific contents of human resources
management in microcosmic which has impact and influence on the quality of
human resources at the office of PPC of Hoa Binh to answer research questions,
to clarify the current status of human resources quality at the office of PPC of
Hoa Binh and to find out solutions to improve the quality of human resources at
the office of PPC of Hoa Binh The research period is from 2009 to 2012
3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.2.1 Research methodology
In the process of researching and implementing the topic, the research teamused SWOT analysis and quantitative research method combined with qualitative
methods including:
- Synthesis and analysis method: Researching specialist books, journals,
magazines, reports on the current status of human resources management and
human resources quality This method allows the authors to collect overall
information, identify the theoretical framework related to research issue; collect
updated information about the actual situation of human resources management;
“Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 14
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Space of the quality of human resources at other locations in the country is
co3sidered as a basis to make reference for the research.
- Statistical method and statistical analysis: Based on the actual statistics regarding use of the human resources of the office of PPC of Hoa Binh The data
is collected through the survey by questionnaires and deep interviews theauhors conducted the analysis evaluation and argument to make logical
conments about the human resources and quality of human resources in the research units.
- Direct observation method: This method allows researchers to take advantage that member of the group are staffs working in research unit, thus they
have good conditions to access, observe activities, the structure of the personnel
organizational apparatus of the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh, collect data for ressarch and have the comments and assessments which are close to the unit’s reality.
- Comparison method: Through collected data about human resources,qu¿lity of human resources at the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh, the authors used
comparison method to compare data between the years of research period;compare research unit’s data with other units to clarify and assess closely and
Olbjectively the quality of human resources of the Office of PPC of Hoa Binh.
3.2.2 Data collection method3.2.2.1 Using statistical data: This method helps to quickly collect data at
specific time in the past in a less expensive way However, the statistics only refect the quantitative data and do not have enough information to fully reflect the object of study.
The research team used statistical data from the documents and reports ofthe organizations to analyze compare fluctuations, changes in the quantity and
qudity of human resources in research units through the years of the study period
32.22 Data collected by questionnaire: Although the questionnairemiehod is time consuming and costly, it can provide updated information at thetim: of inquiring The qualitative information helps the research group to assess
Auittors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng — MPPM Intake 6 15
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tte situation of the organization reflecting the thought, perception, attitude, desire
Of individuals in the organization
The questionnaire consisted of two parts Section A included questionsaout general information of the study object (from question | to question 6).These are the kind of questions about the event: its advantage is easy question toaiswers and helps the respondents to be familiar with the interview Part B (from
qiestion 7 to question 26) consists of questions related to personnel policies in
provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh This section consists of questions torreasure the satisfaction level of research issues from low to high level
The questionnaire survey was designed according to the Five-level Likert
- Find out the theoretical model of employee satisfaction
- Develop theoretical model for research
- Detailed description of information needs
- Develop a questionnaire on the information outlined
- Mock interviews and editing, complete the survey questionnaire Data collection through interviews: In addition to information aboutth: study objects were collected through statistics and questionnaires, the
researchers have carried out some deep interviews to the officers who work in thepesonnel area for more detailed information in the fields of research topics such
asthe recruitment form, the remuneration of the employee Direct observation method: The research team used this method to
oHain information relating to the work attitude, working time, routine activitiesduring working hours of the staff relating to the quality of work Select the sampleOverall sample: Participants in this study were staff in various locations,
diferent work regardless of gender, age, and income at the office of theprvincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
Size of sample: The reliability of study results depends on strictly
proportional to the sample size If the larger sample size is, the higher reliability is
Auhors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 16
Trang 28Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
but requires more time and cost Reasonable sample size will reduce the time andcost of the survey
The number staffs of researched agency is 79 people, the sample sizeselected for research is 50 samples
Date collected by indirect interview method: Researched people received
questionnaires including the questions and answers The respondents just select
the best answer Questionnaires were sent directly or indirectly by colleagues to
the survey objects for completing the answer and they were sent back to the
Trang 29Thesis Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh
In order to build a good and effective human resource strategy, it is
necessary to rely on the development strategy of the organization Office of the
provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh (hereinafter referred to as the Office)
is advisory bodies as well as assisting apparatus of the provincial People's
Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
Human resource strategy of the Office is built on the basis of advisory and
synthetic function that helps Provincial People's Committee organize generalactivities of provincial people's committee and consult the Chairman of theprovincial People's Committee to direct and executive general activities of the
local administration; ensure to provide information on direction and executive
management of the Provincial People's Committee as well as Chairman of the
Provincial People's Committee and publicize the information in accordance withthe law; ensure the physical and technique condition for the operation of theProvincial People's Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's
Office of the Provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh has set thedevelopment strategy for the period 2010 — 2020 which is becoming a standard
‘advisory body, not only meets advisory requirements of the Provincial People’s
‘Committee but also meets the demand of support, professional guidance to the
‘Offices and the Office of the District People's Committee
In order to implement this strategy, the Office has developed human
resources strategy which focuses on expertise, training professionals in
‘specialized and highly specialized fields.
In fact, advisory and serving activities in the office indicates that human
Iresources are very important and decisive factors of all activities in the unit Thus,
tthe human resource planning helps office use right people flexibly and timely to
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adapt thg arising and unexpected work in the office Human resource planning in
the Office includes the following basic steps:
4.2.1 Identifying manpower demand
Pursuant to Circular No 02/2011/TTLT-VPCP-BNV, dated 28-01-2011 of
the Government Office and die Ministry of Interior which Guidelines functions,
tasks, powers and structure of provincial People's Committee Office, cities;
Decision No 10/2012/QD-UBND, dated 17-08-2012 of the provincial People's
Committee Office of Hoa Binh which stipulated positions, functions, duties,
powers and structure of the Office of Hoa Binh provincial People's Committee
Office, the workload, expected increasing workload due to the new tasksannually, the Office reviews current personnel situation and identifies specificpersonnel demand in the coming years
Being an agency under the management of the state, the number of staffdepends on the payroll regulations of the state The Ministry of Internal Affairs
approves the total payroll for the province and the regular staff in the total payroll
decided by the Provincial People's Committee Human resources in the officeinclude Provincial People’s Committee Leader, Department’s Leaders, the
advisory body and affiliated centers
The organizational chart of the Office (see Appendix 3)4.2.2 Develop recruitment plan
On the basis of available human resources and human resource demand in
the coming year, the Office develops the recruitment plan by number, agerequirements, qualifications, working experience, language proficiency,
information technology accordance with the requirements in each job vacancies
Due to the general regulations on the management and recruitment ofagency in locality, based on the payroll of civil servants and the target of Contractnumber 68 (indefinite term contract for some type of work in the administrative
state, units under the provisions of Decree No 68/2000/ND-CP, dated 17-1
1-2000 of the Government) and seasonally contract, Office built recruitment planfor each specific location in the form of recruitment, transferring or contracting
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For positions in payroll and the contract 68, the recruitment plan must be
reviewed by the Department of Internal Affairs and approved by the provincial
People's Committee before implementation
After the recruitment plan was approved by the Provincial People's
Committee, the Office announces in the mass media about the recruitmentdemand of the unit, date of dossiers recruitment registration On the basis of the
number of registration dossiers recruitment, the Office approved dossiers, remove
records that do not meet the requirements of the vacancy These approved records
will be eligible to participate in the civil service examination
In fact, due to the small number of recruitment officers, eligibility recordsare usually sent to the competition at the Examination Council of the departments
in the province The passed case will gain the decision of the Department of theInternal Affairs to work at the location according to the Office’s recruiting plan
Because of being the general advisory unit to assist the highestadministrative offices in the local, in some position the Office needs experiencedand highly qualified professionals who are able to withstand job pressure, so thatthe personnel appointment form (appoint the personnel working in the statemanagement agencies to the office of the provincial People’s Committee) is
commonly used On the basis of recruitment plans and requirements of the
position, the Office identified a list of suitable experts, made contact, interviewed
and dealt with individual professionals and their agencies about the transferring of these experts to the office Based on the agreement, the Office proposed the
Department of Internal Affairs to make decision of transferring the expert to work
in the office Due to management requirements and training key staff for
leadership positions in local, rotation is also used to enhance the human resource
to the Office The rotation is assigned by the province (no agreement as thetransfer)
For the targets of Contract number 68, the Office implemented in the form
‘of admission Office informed the contract demand, record review The Office
jproposed Department of Internal Affairs to contract with suitable candidates
“Authors: Bùi Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 20
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For short-term contract (under | year), Office directly contracted with the
candidates after the preliminary work, probation and come to agree on the
contents of the contracts with the candidate.
Table 1 Personnel recruitment results at the Office of PPC
of Hoa Binh in the period 2009 — 2012
- The new recruitment for officials is often applied to the positions which are simple; belong to the serving division, the qualification required for the
positions is not high
+ In 2009, 4 newly recruited people including | of university, 01 of college
and 02 of beginner level These cases are recruited to work for the guesthouse.
+ In 2012, 01 personnel is recruited to work in the finance managementdepartment (accounting division)
Figure 1 Diagram showing the qualification of the employees recruited
through civil service examinations at the Office of the Provincial People's
Committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
8 University
8 College Interm : termediate % Intermediate
College 2009
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- Staff appointment is often done for the positions of research experts,demanding workers having high qualification, experiences, working in thebranches and having good skills, meeting immediately the requirements of the
chamber of control administrative procedures (01 person).
+ In 2012, 01 person of university qualification appointed to work at the chamber of external affairs in the office of the provincial People’s Committee.
Figure 2 Diagram showing the qualification of the employees recruitedthrough the appointment of staff at the Office of the Provincial People's
Committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
- The rotation of staffs is used for the positions of important leaders of the
Office of the Provincial People's Committee or the Provincial People's
/Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Van Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 22
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+ In 2009, there were 02 staffs rotated to work at the the office of the
Provincial People's Committee 01 person rotated to the Vice Chairman of the
Provincial People's Committee, being responsible for Culture and Social affairsand 01 person work as deputy chief of the office of the Provincial People's
Committee, tracking emulation block and administrative management
+ In 2010, 01 staff of master’s degree was rotated to work in the position ofchief of the office of the Provincial People's Committee
+ In 2011, 01 staff of university degree was rotated te work in the position
of deputy chief of the office of the Provincial People's Committee, supervising theareas of trade, natural resources and environment
Figure 3 Diagram showing the qualification of the employees recruited
through the rotation of staff at the Office of the Provincial People's
Committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
- Admission form is used for the jobs in these positions which do not require
high qualifications, work purely and have the nature of service
+ In 2009, 01 person of university degree was recruited to work as the
receptionist for the Chamber of Financial Management
+ In 2010, 03 people of intermediate were recruited to work as driver,
guardian and receptionist for the Chamber of Financial Management
+ In 2011, 02 people of intermediate were recruited to work for the center of
Information and official Gazette.
“Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng — MPPM Intake 6 23
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+ In 2011, 02 people of intermediate were recruited to work as servant forthe guesthouse of the office of the Provincial People's Committee
Figure 4 Diagram showing the qualification of the employees recruited
through the admission of staff at the Office of the Provincial People's
Committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 — 2012
8 2009
In the form of different recruitment of employers, recruitment of personnel
in the Office has met the demand of job positions in accordance with the state”s
recruitment manpower regulations
Table 2 Data on human resources at the office of PPC
of Hoa Binh from 2009 to 2012 (Unit: Person)
betel Civil Indefinite
number Short term
Year servants, term
(Source: Quoted the quality officials report of the provincial People’s
Committee Office of Hoa Binh)
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In regard to the recruitment at the office of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh, through the questionnaire with the representative
question | “For you, the recruitment at the office is objective, scientific and
professional”, the result received is the following:
| person responds strongly disagree;
3 people respond disagree;
8 people have no opinion;
30 people agree;
6 people respond strongly agree;
Figure 5 Diagram of opinion rate result on personnel recruitment
Strongly agree Strongly Disagree |
Therefore, 72% of respondents said that the recruitment process at the office
is Objective, scientific and professional (including 60% agree and 12% strongly
agree) This showed that the recruitment was done fairly well However, 12% of
respondents respond disagree (including 2% strongly disagree and 10% disagree),demonstrating that the recruitment still exists inadequate problems and it should
be reviewed and improved to be better In addition, up to 16% of respondents
have no opinion This proved that they have not been interested in the work of
recruitment, do not know or do not want to express clear views about the
recruitment of the unit This shows that the recruitment policies at the agency
‘shoiuld continue to be open and common so that cadres and staffs know and
‘contribute their ideas
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4.4 TRAINING AND IMPROVING PERSONNEL The training staffs, employees of the office is assure update, improve
knowledge, skills for workers so that they have capacity and qualification to meet
work requirements and perform well tasks belong to the domains which they are
responsible for and supervise
The training, improving personnel of the office is done through the
following steps:
Step 1: Identifying training needs
Every year, the department of office administrative organization identifiescommon training needs for staffs and employees The identification of trainingrequirements of staffs and employees based on:
- Newly recruited staffs;
- Requirements on specialty, professional knowledge;
- Requirements on state management level to titles;
- Proposal for training of the units;
- Review results of the leadership
In addition to the training requirements identified above, when necessary,
the relevant person in charge may make unexpected improving and training
For newly recruited staffs, it is essential to train the following contents:
- Working rules and regulations of the agency;
- The organizational structure of the office and working relationship withtthe superior, equal level and inferior agencies;
- The main text on the functions and responsibilities of the agency, theregulations in collaboration with organizations involved, work processes
For staffs, experts who are working, the administrative organization office
will examine and identify training and improving needs of specialist, politics,
state management or improving and training on special subject according to the
specific field
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Step 2: Training planning Based on the training needs identified in the previous step and on the ability
to arrange training time for staffs and employees in the agency, the administrative
organization office plans annual training and shows it to the chief of the
provincial people’s committee secretariat to consider and send to the department
of home affairs assess, shows it to the provincial people’s committee approve as
performance basic.
Training plan includes the following major contents:
- Training content: Training staffs, experts on special subject of specialties
in higher education(for staffs having intermediate level, college or some people
want to learn second degree which is suitable to the job they possess), in graduate
education for people having university level
- Duration of training: 4-5 years for university level, 2-3 years for masterdegree standard, about 2 years for political theory advanced level (in-servicetraining) and 3 months for classes training state management knowledge
- Form of training: Because the nature of work in the office is not allowed
to stop for a long time, the form of training mainly applied by the office is service training, distance learning
in-Step 3: Training implementing
The training is implemented through many specific forms:
- Training at the agency: Applied mainly to newly recruited staffs, trainingclasses specialized in specialties, workshops, symposium organized by theprovince;
- Training through in-service training courses at the national academies and
universities, through distance learning courses of the universities at home and
abroad Particularly, some staffs are sent to abroad for training according to theJprovincial resource staff training program
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Table 3 The result of training, improving personnel at the office
of the provincial People’s Committee of Hoa Binh from 2009 to 2012
Professional training Political State management
| Year | Master’s | advanced Major Senior |
resources quality in the unit is not high
Figure 6 The change chart on office staffs, employees ‘qualification
at the office of PPC of Hoa Binh from 2009-2012
O College and under
@ Master's degree
Trang 40Thesis: Improving the quality of human resources at the office of the provincial People's Committee of Hoa Binh
The qualification structure of staffs, officials in the office has a tendency of
improving professional level.
Figure 7 Structure of staffs level at the office in 2009
The qualification structure of staffs
and officals in the office in 2009
Figure 8 Structure of staffs level at the office in 2012
The qualification structu:
and officals in the offic:
Master degree
To see more clearly the real situation of the quality of human resources at
the Office of the provincial of People’s Committee of Hoa Binh, we see the
structure of qualification of staffs working at the office of the provincial ofPeople’s Committee of Phu Tho in 2012 (4 province has the same population size
cand level of development like Hoa Binh province) through the following diagram:
“Authors: Bui Đức Hinh and Chu Văn Thắng - MPPM Intake 6 29