Lennart Wikander Date of completion: Time of completion: 26/3/2012Purpose: To the conditions of Vietnam in general and of Dak Nong province in particular, there are many poor people in e
Trang 1Evaluate the effectiveness of support policy on building land,
productive land, dwelling and running water for poor ethnic
minority people in the area of Dak Nong province.
1 Vietnamese teacher: Dr Hoang Thi Thuy Nguyet
2 Swedish teacher: Prof Lennart Wikander, MSc., PhD
Class: MPPM INTAKE 4A - Group 11
Trang 2To complete the graduate program and this thesis, we have received the guidance, help and suggestions of our enthusiastic teacher at University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University Hanoi and Upsala University.
First of all, our team would like to thank our teachers at University of Economics and
Business, Vietnam National University Hanoi and Upsala University, particularly those dedicated teachers have taught us throughout the study time at the University.
We send our profound gratitude to Dr Hoang Thi Thuy Nguyet, Prof Lennart Wikander spent so much time and dedication, study guides and help us complete the thesis.
By the way, we would like to thank Management and Training Centre for International
Education, University of Economics and the coordinator of the Center has created a lot of our conditions to study and complete good course.
At the same time, we also like to thank Leaders of ethnic Dak Nong province has
facilitated for us have been reports related to Program 134 for us to have accurate data
Trang 3Title:
Assessment on the effect of policies on supporting living land, production land,
living house and living water for poor ethnic minorities with difficult lives in Dak Nong
1 Vietnamese lecturer: Dr Hoang Thi Thuy Nguyet
2 Swiddish lecturer: Prof Lennart Wikander
Date of completion:
Time of completion: 26/3/2012Purpose:
To the conditions of Vietnam in general and of Dak Nong province in particular, there are many poor people in ethnic minorities who lack of living land, production land, living house and living water for the life To that situation, on 7/20/2004, the Prime
Minister issued Decision 134/2004/QD-TTg on some policies on supporting living land, production land, living house and living water for poor households in ethnic minorities.
After more than 3 years of implementing Decree 134 (2004-2008) in the territory of
Dak Nong province, there have been limitations found in the implementation of the
Decision, especially about living water Therefore, the Thesis will focus on researching Decision 134 in deploying and using concentrated living water works in Dak Nong province, pointing out the causes of limitations so as to recommend some solutions to implement this program effectively int he coming time.
- Methods of data collection;
- Methods of data processing;
- Methods of analysis.
Trang 4Result and Conclusion:
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the water concentration;
- Causes of inefficient projects;
- To propose recommendations and solutions in the future
Suggestions for future research
Of the 4 contents of Program 134 (living land, production land, living house andliving water, we just choose concentrated living water works serving poor households of
ethnic minorities to research because this content accounts for a major finance in the
In the future, we will expand the research more into the rest contents of Program
134 - living land, production land and living house
Contribution by the thesis:
Assessments on the effect of concentrated living water works now, explanation
about the causes and solutions may be motivations for the authorities of Dak Nong province
to implement Decision 1592 by the Government better
Key words:
- Decision 134/QĐ-TTg; Concentrated living water works; Effect evaluation;
Status; Role.
1 The necessity of the research
2 The objectives, scope and population of the research
3 The study and research methodology a
1 Natural features and economic- social conditions
2 Economic — social conditions
1 Needs to implement the decision 134 in Dak nong province
2 Situation of direction, implementation of Program 134 of Dak Nong province
2.1, Situation of the local, beneficiaries ee 134
2.2 The implementation of program 134
2.3 The implementaion of concentrative ti water r works i in program 134
2.3.1 Period 2004 - 2007
2.3.2 Works status (to 12/2011
3 Reason for the shortcomings
1 Solutions
1.1 Propagandize, train to improve the abilit
1.2 Invest in repairing, upgrading the works
1.3 Enhance the responsibilities of relevant agencies
Trang 61 The necessity of the thesis
In the typical conditions of our country, the issues of ethnic group have a very closerelationship with those of farmers Therefore, the goal of the national democratic revolution
is to gain national independence and give land to the farmers However, after 30 years of
the country independence and reunification, there has existing a sad fact resulting from the
past i.e due to traditional customs, a number of ethnic minority people are still falling in the situation of lacking land for residenting and cultivating In addition, they are also in
short of clean water
Under the urgent demand for land for residenting and cultivating and clean water for
the socioeconomic development of several ethnic minorities in mountainous areas, on the
20th of July, 2004, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No 134/2004/QD-TTg on anumber of policies to provide land for residenting and cultivating, housing and clean waterfor poor ethnic minority households This is an important decision which shows that the life
of ethnic people, especially poor households and the cause of hunger alleviation and
poverty reduction in mountainous areas with deep humanity are the big concerns of the
Party and the State Decision 134 is significantly meaningful in implementing theresolution approved on the 7th Conference of Central Committee of the Communist Party,term [X and in the action program of the Government to implement this resolution With
the tremendous results in the implementation of Decision 134, dated on the 12th of October, 2009, the Prime Minister issued Decision 1592/QD-TTg to continue implementing
a number of policies to provide land for residenting and cultivating, housing and clean
waiter for poor ethnic minority households by 2010.
After more than 3 years of implementing Decision 134 (2004-2008) and more than
1 year of implementing Decision 1592 (2010), Dak Nong province has achieved great
results on many fronts which helps lay the firm foundation for stabilizing life and
production of the people, contributing to the cause of hunger alleviation and poverty
reduction and improving the life of ethnic minorities in the province According to the Party committees and loca! authorities at al! levels, this is an important political task which has
drawn much attention and consensus of the whole society
However, through the practical implementation of Decision 134 and 1592, therehave existed some limitations that should be remedied in the near future Thus, the mainfocus of the thesis is the current situation of implementing Decision 134 in the deployment
Trang 7and the use of clean water facilities in Dak Nong province Besides, the thesis also aims at
giving the causes and suggesting a number of solutions to the effective implementation of
this program in the coming years.
2 The objectives, scope and population of the research
2.1 Research objectives
The overall objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the implementation
and propose some solutions to the effective implementation of Decision 134, 1592 of the Government in Dak Nong province The specific objectives are as follows:
(i) Systemize theoretical issues relating residential and productive land, housing andclean water for the ethnic minority people in Dak Nong province
(ii) Analyze the relationship between different factors that affect the life of ethnic
minority people in Dak Nong province
(iii) Develop and propose some solutions to contribute to the effective
implementation of Decision 134, 1592 of the Government in Dak Nong province in the
later phases.
2.2 The scope and the population of the research
Because the problems of land for residenting and cultivating, housing and cleanwater in Program 134 is relatively large; therefore, in order to conduct this study, it takes alot of time, manpower and funding The scope of this study is as follows:
(i) Time: Decision 134 was developed and implemented during the period between
2004 and 2007, and the data of the current situation of facitilies was collected in 2011; hence, the data for this thesis are mainly collected from reports of the provincial People’s Committee, Ethnic Committee and Center for Clean Rural Water and Environment Sanitation of Dak Nong Province Also, in each specific point of the research, we use data
and documents which were published in different period of time
(ii) Geographical areas: The research was carried out in Dak Nong province(iii) Scope, msin points and population of the research: In four main points of the
program 134, we decide to choose the issues relating to infrastructure of clean water for
poor ethnic minority households as the main focus of the study because it accounts for the
najority of funding of the province
3 The study and research methodology3.1 The content of the research
The study by identifying the objectives, scope and population of the study, thesipecific points that needs to clarify in the research are:
Trang 8(i) Systemize and clarify the theoretical issues on water, poor ethnic minorityhouseholds and the relationship as well as positive and negative impacts between water and
the life of ethnic minority people.
(ii) Analyze and assess the state of the water facilities which have been
implemented since 2004.
(iii) Propose solutions to the effective implementation of Program 134 in the later
3.2 The research methodology
- The analysis on the impact of clean water facilities to the life of the poor ethnic
minority households: As mentioned above, the scope and the population of the study is to analyze positive and negative impacts of clean water facilities to the life of the poor ethnic
minority households in Dak Nong province They will be made clear by looking at relevant
points Then, the positive and negative impacts to the life of the people (within the scope of the study) will be determined Analysis framework is considered appropriate if this study is
developed as follows.
- Methods ofdata collection: includes publisheddata (secondary
data) and new data (primary data)
+ Published data include information, documents and data relating to Program
134in Dak Nong province and researches which have been conducted by the ministries, departments, institutes, agencies, organizations and individuals both inside and
outside the country in the period from 3 to 7 years since 2004
+ New data collection: through questionnaire survey atthe field site in Dak Nong province with 50 ethnic minority households relevant data have been collected We
have to investigate data collection of six districts in a total of 8 districts in Dak Nong
province, so although the survey is small but we think the figures were somewhat answered
honestly and accurately the content we need care, analysis and evaluation
- Data calculation method: After being collected, the data will be processed in different forms such as tables and figures for the later analysis All the data are processedon the computer by using some software application programs such
as EXCEL, SPSS 13.0
- Alnanysis methods: in order to conduct this research, the following methods are
+ Statistical analysis methods: the descriptive statistics and comparative statistics
are mostly used during the process of conducting the research In the descriptive statistics,
Trang 9some tools such as tables, figures and diagrams relating to the research are used Then, basing on that ground, the comparison and analysis are made to draw the findings for the
The comparative statistics withthe use ofboth absolute and relative numbers to assess thespatial extent and time to analyze and assess different aspects relating to water
facilities that affect the life of the poor ethnic minority people on the basis of time
space In each point, both mehthods and one of them may be used
+ Economic efficiency analysis method: this is one of the methods which is selected
to conduct the research The construction of water facilities should focus on bringing aboutbenefits for health and environment sectors To facilitate the process of analysing, only a
number of quantitative criteria are used to give specific assessment for the issues of
economy, environment and society
+ SWOT matrix method is also appropriate with this study The use of this tool does not mean we are going to give a specific matrix We only use elements in the matrix to analyze and evaluate strength - S, weakness - W, opportunity —O and threat- Tin the construction of the water facilities and its impacts on the life of the poor ethnic minority
Trang 10SOUMISTUILU J_EA2|31 duu | Mau Jo 1aqumN - S20 SHIOM 19]BAA
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Data collection (published and new data)
{ ' )
Fundings for water facilities: ` WE Biult
1 Material capital water facilities,
2 Financial capital (central households and and local) population benefiting
3 Manpower capital from this project
l ]
Evaluate positive and negative impacts of clean water facilities construction to the life of
the poor ethnic minority households and the socioeconomic development of the province
Output of the evaluation on positive and negative impacts of
clean water facilities construction to the life
1 Context of establishment
During the renovation period, economy in the ethnic and mountainous areas has
experienced significant changes The evidence is the relatively high economic growth speed
and positive economic indicators GDP growth rate of the mountainous and ethnic areas hasreached to 10% from 8% which is higher than the average rate of the whole country.Economic structure has shifted positively by gradually reducing the proportion
of agricultural production and increasing that of industrial and services sectors Theproduction of crop and livestock has also changed into commodity direction Numerous
models have emerged such as household economic model, excellent production model, farming, raising livestock, aquaculture, fruit trees, and cash crops with greater scale Through projects, especially hunger alleviation and poverty reduction programs and their
own efforts, the life of the majority of people in the province has been gradually improved
However, the province has to face with a lot of challenges such as low startingpoint, slow speed of economic growth, small- scale economy, markert constraints, and sloweconomic structure transformation Besides the large proportion of agriculture andforestry production and the inappropriate strucure of plants and animals together withfarming backward make hard to narrow the economic development gap with other richerprovinces Infrastructure for production and people’s daily life is still low and outdated By
late 2003, out of ethnic and mountainous areas nationwide, there have been 72 communes
without motorways to the commune centers: 356 out of extremely difficult communes have
not integrated into the national grid The rate of poverty in these areas remains high: most
ethnic minority households fall into poverty due to lack of land for cultivating, hard life,
temporary housing and water shortage For example in Dak Lak, the rate of propertyhouseholds in the mountainous areas is 50.27%.In other provinces such as Quang Nam,Son La Soc Trang the number is, 58%, 35% and 34.69 % respectively
In general, socioeconomic development system for the ethnic and mountainousareas has been issued quite sufficiently and comprehensively in all aspects of life whichreflects the interest of the Party and State to the cau socioeconomic development andmaterial and spirtial life of people in the mountainous area
However, the policy system has revealed its shortcoming with both the shortage andexcess in which some policies are not feaseble to be implemented Following theDecision I54.a number of provinceshas produced some experimental concrete
Trang 14buildir rames the people have refused to accept them because the model does not meettheir needs and is inconsistent with customs and practices Furthermore, these frames arequite expensive, and the people can not make full use of materials in the areas Proceduresinfluenced by the economy operated under market mechanism and the mass migrationhaveled to the phenomenon selling and transferring land illegally As a consequence a part of
and fall into nomadic life and
ethnic minority people have to sell their land and houses
poverty According to initial reports from the local relevant agencies out ofthe communes under Program 135 alone there are as many as 321.000 ethnic minority
households (17%) who are in lack of cultivation land.
Most ethnic minority people in mountainous areas are away from water source.They must depend mostly on the water from rains They are so poor that they can not afford
to dig wells build reservoirs In order to taking water, they must walk up to tens ofkilometers away Their daily life is extremely difficult which lead tounsanitariness, disease outbreaks, illness and they become poorer and poore The State hasfunded for the areas to construct rural water supply system through national targetprograms, international projects, program 135 and the decisions of regional development.The results are worth being recognized The water shortage in rural and mountainous areashas been significantly improved However because the people live in the large areawith complex and seprated terrain, water are hardly or never found in some places Theneed for investment funds is aching, while budget is belted Recently, there are more than40% of ethnic minoritty households are in short of hygienic water
The policy system of Party and State has focused onthe purpose of socio economic development within regions, sectors and specific local (provinces, districts andcommunes) However, there has not been a sustainable policy to solve difficulties andcontribute to developing the economyas well as improving living standards for ethnicminority households In addition, no policy such as health care, tax exemptions, free
-provision of fabric, books, roofing etc to support ethnic households Some policies are only
useful in the emergency situation, but can not help them escape from poverty In constrast,some people intend to depend on the support from government and in porverty forever Thedecision of the Prime Minister on area development pointed out the reclaimation forfarming and residental land, water for households and the use capital for other investmentpurposes Over the past 5 years, only 0.5% from the program 135 has been spent onreclaimation items, 5.8% of over 7,000 billion for clean water Housing assistance just stopsait providing roofing sheets The Central Highland is implementing the Decision 168, sounder this decision, no specific policy on land settlement for ethnic minorities is clarified
Trang 15Some neighboring areas which share the same conditions withthe CentralHighland and northern mountainous provinces are not entitled to the policy on cultivatingland, housing and water activities such as areas complied with Decision 168 and
2 The contents of Decision 134
2.1 Beneficiaries
The subjects entitled to the decision are fisrt the ethnic minority householdspermanently residenting in the locality, second the poor households living on agricultureand forestry without owning any area of land or possessing a tiny one and in trouble of
housing and clean water.
d/ Households who are received lands for cultivating and residenting, housing andcllean water must be responsible for manage and use them to develop the production,improve their life and make a contribution to hunger alleviation and poverty reduction Inspecific cases, when a household wish to move to another place, they must transfer theirrights of using land for local authorities to provide for another poor ethnic minority
2.3 Policies in the Decision 134
2.3.1 To land for cultivating:
The minimum level of land allocation for a household is 0.5 hectare for milpa type
or 0.25 hectare for one-season rice cultivating land or 0.15 hectare two-season rice
Trang 16cultivating land Basing on the certain source of land in cach locality, working capacity, thenumber of people and the local budge, the People’s Committee at provincial level has theright of considering allocating a larger amount of land for households.
2.3.1 To land for residenting
Due to typical characteristics ofthe Khmer ethnic group households in theMekong River Delta, the State will apply another policy of land allocation for them
2.3.2 To housing issues
For the ethnic minority households in place (including Khmer ethnic group) whohave no house or are living in temporarily damaged ones, the following motto is applied:People do, the State and community support
a/ The amount of money funded from the State budget to each household to supportthem making a house is VND 5 million Depending on the current situation and the budgetcapacity, localities may support more and mobilize the common effort from the whole
b/ For localitieswhich have forests and are appoved to exploit timber annually, thePeople’s Committee at provincial level can exploit timber to support the households tomake The specific supporting level of timber is determined by the People’s Committee atprovincial level The action of taking advantages of this policy to log trees for other
purposes is strictly prohibited.
2.3.4 To the clean water issiues
a/ For the ethnic minority households scattering in mountainous, rocky areas, the Statebudget will support 0.5 tons of cement for each household to buildrain water tanks
or VND 300,000 per household to help them dig a well or generate water a source
b/ For collective clean water facilities: the State budget will support totally for hamletswhere at least 50% of households are ethnic minority ones; 50% for hamlets where 20% to5.0% of households are ethnic minority ones the localities must ensure the sustainability andefficiency of collective water facitilies
2.4, Finance2.4.1 The State budget ensures all expenditures as specified in this Decision
2.4.2 At least 20% of the local budget must be spent for the implementation of thisDecision In addition, each iocality can mobilize other legal source of capital to fuifillsuccessfully this Decision
2.4.3 Localities actively allocate funds to carry out the measurement and land
certification for people.[2]
1 Natual features:
1.1 Ground
Dak Nong is endowed with diverisifed topography, consisting of a mix of valleys,plateau and steep mountains The topography lies increasingly high from East to West andfrom North to South
Valleys are the lowest lying parts located along Krong No and Sprepok rivers inproximity to Cu Hut and Krong No districts The region has a relatively flat topography,with gradient from 0 to 30%, which is suitable for growing rice, crops, and raising cattles
and livestocks.
Plateau is mainly seen in Dak Nong, Dak Mil and Dak Song districts with theaverage elevation of 800m or more, and with average gradient of above 150% Basalt is thelargest soild area in the region, which is suitable for planting long-term industrial trees,forestry and raising cattless
Mountains are concentrated in Dak Rlap district where there are sharp topographicaldivisions and high gradient The land is largely comprised of basalt soil suitable forgrowing long term crops such as coffee, rubber, cashew and pepper
1.2 Climate:
Dak Nong has tropical and humid plateau climate, influenced by hot and and dryWest-South wind There are two distinct seasons, namely wet and dry seasons Wet seasonstarts from April to October, resulting in an annual rainfall of 90% of the total rainfall in theprovince Dry season begins from November to next April with negligible rainfall
The average tempterure ranges between 22 and 23°C, with the highest temperature
of 350C and April as the hottest month, the lowest temperature of 140C, and December asthe coldest month in a year The total sunshine hours in a year are from 2,000-2,300 hours.The ozone storage stratum is at 8.0000 meters, suitable for tropical long term trees
1.3 Hydrology:
Dak Nong has a relatively spreading network of rivers This is an advantage foragriculture and irrigation, especially a potential for hydropower generation Main riversflowing through the province include Srepok and Drong No There are many other smalland medium rivers and/or streams running through Krong No and Cu Jut districts, such asDak Mam, Dak Po, Dak Ri and Dak Nang
Trang 18A network of banches ahead of Dong Nai River: The main course of Dong NaiRiver does not feed into the province but many of its upstream branches do The mostnotable of all is Dak Rung, originating from Thuan Hanh region and running through DakNong province with the total length of 90km Dak Nong stream provdes an average,
maximum and minimum flow of 12.44m*/s, 87.8 m°/s and 0.5 m°/s respectively The
maximum, average and minimum flow module of 338m /skm”, 47.9 mỶ/skm”, and
1.9mỶ/skm? respectively Dak and Dak Rlap streams have the basin area of 55.2 km’, etc.
In the provices there are also some lakes and/or dams helping to store water for bothirrigation and tourism purposes These include West, Truc, Ea T'Linh, and Dak Rong lakes,
So, etc Many of these projects are now in the process of calling for investment In addition,small rivers across the province could also be exploited for hydropower generation tosupply and meet the power demand by the local villages, thus contributing to the nationalmodernization
1.4 Water resources
Abundant surface water, deriving from rainwater, feeds well to needs for productionand daily living activities for the whole province Nevetheless, since the province is locatedwithin a plateau climate zone, in the west and also at the end of Truong Son range, there is
little rain and long lasting sunshine during dry season.
Ground water can be found in almost any part of basalt plateau and other land of theprovince The large reserves have been estimated from the depth of 40-90m This watersource will supplement water for production and domestic use in dry season, particularlyfor gardening and farming economies
2 Economic — social conditions:
Dak Nong province was established in 2004 after being separated from Dak Lakprovince Newlt established, Dak Nong is currently subject to many difficulties and
Trang 19challenges These could be seen clearly in newly established provincial level departmentsand/or divisions Meanwhile, inferior departments and/or divisions were not affected by this
Dak Nong has a population of approximately 489,000 people, comprising of 29groups, namely Kinh, Ede, MNong, Ma, Mong, and Tay, etc Of which, ethnic minoritypeople account for 154,917, an equivelant to 32.01%, indigenous ethnic minority people is
49,300, holding 10.78% of the whole province population.
Dak Nong is among the poorest provinces of Vietnam Althouhg the population issmall in relation to its land area, the majority of the people living in the mountains remainvery poor and have few chances of escaping from poverty without support from outside the
This program shall support mountainous farmers, particularly the ethnic minoritypeople, improving productivity and income from agriculture production via technicalassistance and better management practices delivered by existing service providers At thesame time, it will assist the local farmers in diversifying their production activities byextending their farming to forest land and forest products
Dak Nong agriculture production is also facing the same difficulties with otherprovinces of Vietnam One different thing is that the province still has a chance to expandagriculture land and other forms of rural productions Though over the past 20 years, a largeportion of forest has been destroyed for agriculture purpose, a lot of untouched forest could
be taken advantage of if due attention is paid to environmental issues However, to do sowill require new production techniques and forms as well as carefull planning so as to i)prevent adverse impacts on the environment, and to preserve the existing biodiversity, and
to ii) combine with other competitive purpose for the same production area (i.e wood
A prerequisite in enhancing benefit in agriculture production in the mountains isthat local people will be ensired to have the rights of land use for their production land andassigned forest land At present, mostly production land in the mountains has not beengiven land use license or been allocated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.This is partially due to limited capacity of the land officers at the district level Thisprogram shall definitely help to speed up the process of assigning forest land to localpeople
Currently there are two land use right schmes, including community based andparticularly for forest land, group based Small scale pilot projects had been implemented;
Trang 20yet, it had not been popularized This was partially because both local people and landofficers had not paid due attention ot these schemes The other reason was that in someceses, the pilot model had to be modified to fit the matriarchy of the ethnic minority people.
Under the French colony, Dak Lak (when including Dak Nong province) and othercentral highlands provinces were considered to be the homes to ethnic minority people,particularly the Ede, M nong and Gia Rai people Nevetheless, over the past 50 years, a lot
of people have been migrating here from other parts of the country Nowadays, 80% of thepopulation is believed to come from other places or to be the offsprings of the firstmigrants King people are thought to be such first migrants Meanwhile, over the last 10years, other groups of people are also coming to the province from the north mountainousarea Northern ethnic minority people account for 10 — 25% of the total population, making
ita mix of 43 groups of people in the province.
The migration rush had also caused a lot of changes to the socioeconomic andenvironmental situation in the province
Expanded agriculture production has resulted in undermined forest coverage In
1980, Dak Lak was considered to be a province with the best forest coverage in the countrywith some forest areas remaining completely in tact Over 9 years, from 1992 to 2000, thenatural forest area had dropped by 240,000 hectare, though it was at a lower rate, forestdestruction for agriculture caltivation is still taking place in the province In the past, most
of the forest land was transformed into coffee plantations; however, since coffee price wentdown, coffee trees are now being displaced by other crops
As forest coverage is seriously being undermined, biodiversity is also subject tosharp decrease Furthermore, undermined forest coverage has also changed water resourcesparttern Given increasing demand for water used for irrigation purpose, in recent years,sometimes the region had suffered from serious water shortage Water sector actionassessment report indicated that current water usage is not sustainable and water aquifiers
are being overexploited.
Also due to non-sustainable farming practices, soil fertility has been undermined,leading to soild erosion, decreased productivity and higher production cost Soild erosionshal! also seriously contribute to surface soild displacement, particularly in wet season Inaddition, soil erosion has also caused difficulties to irrigation due to sedimentation process
in reservoirs and/or lakes.
Recently, ethnic minority people are living in a quite separate manager with thestate policy Under the French colony, their roles have not received proper attention from
Trang 21the central authorities During the war against the US and following the nationalreunification, the state agencies were established Key measures taken by the stateauthorities were to “stabilize” migrating people, nationalize forest land and enforce national
regulations, including marriage and family law and inherirance law.
Severe forest destruction by migrating people had pushed indigenous ethnicminority people to move further inside forest land or become void of forest land Many ofthe people had completely lost their agriculture land or had their land acquired by the statefor developing new economic zones, factories or state owned plantations This process hadbeen enhanced together with the national policy on “rearrangement and stabilization” ofpopulation, thereby, ethnic minority people groups have been encouraged to settle alongmain road so that they could benefit from the national development
Economically, this policy did not fit most of the ethnic minority groups If beforethey lived on different economic activities, exploiting a variety of natural resources, thenew policy had forced them to rely on a single economic activity, that is, rice or coffeecultivation on their ricefields Due to limited knoelwdge of new farming techniques andunderdeveloped infrastructure, the productivity and income had reduced which resulted inspreading poverty Out of current 90,000 poor households, more than 50% are ethnicminority people, both indigenous and coming from the north Hence, it is reasonable toassume that approximately 75% of these ethnic minority people are living below the
poverty line.
Unlike the common characteristics of the migrating people from the north, the
majority of the households are able to lift themselves from poverty without special
assistance Poverty among indigenous ethnic minority people is becoming worse and worseand has been considered as “poverty epedimic”
The ethnic minority people in the region are suffering from social consequences thatthey would not be able to adapt to They were pushed away from forest land and thus thetraditional customs and practices were undermined The present authority apparatus andpowers formed “from generation to generation” and the reluctant acceptance of thetraditional customs and practices all have been undermining the local social structure.[3]
1 Needs to implement the decision 134 in Dak Nong province
Dak Nong province, like in many other regions and sections of ethnic minoritypeople, before 2004, had faced with a lot of difficulties in terms of production material,particularly the shortage of farming land, housing and domestic water supply Lookingfrom a ethnology and socioeconomic policy, addressing land use and domestic water supplyfor the ethnic minority people are becoming a pressing issue
In order to do so, on 20 July 2004, the Prime Minister had issued the DecsionNo.134/2004/QD-TTg providing some support for production land, housing land anddomestic water supply for poor ethnic minority households This decision was thought to be
of greate political and socioeconomic significance since it would help to improve the lifeand socioeconomic development, particularly for the ethnic minority people in general andfor Dak Nong province in particular Dak Nong province was a real target group of theDecision No.134/2004/QD-TTg The province was really in need of support from the Party,State and other ethnology agencies in reducing present difficulties, especially for those poorhousehold falling short of farming land, housing land and domestic water supply
Based on this decision, Dak Nong had reviewed and assessed its population needsand identified the target group for implementation according to the decision
Although the province has certain advantages in terms of land area and other naturalresources, over the past years due to pressure from growing population and increasingsocioeconomic and agriculture and forestry development in the province, farming land isbeing seriously eroded and therefore, local people are loosing their land In some ethnicminority groups, people are used to their flash and burn farming practices therefore, thelocal soil is becoming increasingly exhausted and underemined Given the currentdevelopment pace and needs, land use need is a critical issue in stabilizing people life andsocioeconomic development and national security as Dak Kong is a bordering province
The population keeps growing while the land area remains the same Many of
grown people after marriage, they don’t have the land to live on and develop theirproduction Hence, addressing the issue of production land, housing land and daily waterneeds shall contribute to improving people life Ethnic minority people always receivespecial attention from the party and state
Trang 23As an effort in implementing the Decision No.134/2004/QD-TTg by the Prime Mnister,Dak Nong province had reviewed its poor households and those households need productionland, housing and daily water needs This work had been assigned to Dak Nong EthnologyDepartment The identified households had been classified into beneficiary groups, eitherentitled to 1, 2, 3 or 4 policies Review of the project documentation by 6 districts indicatedtotal production and housing land needs of 346,93 1ha Of which, producton land 328,247ha,housing land 18,648ha (of which, land needs opening and transformation is 244,910ha, landbought from gardens and transferred land is 74,487ha, from businesses is 27,534ha).
851 households will need production land, 721 need housing land, and 3,947 need housearrangements Beneficiaries to well water are 4,924 and another 16.423 households will bebeneficial from 161 centralized water works
Total investment cost: 102,098,855,000 VND
Where from the central budget: 1,641,235,000 VND.
3 Houses: Total investment: 2,615,000,000 VND.
Where from the central budget: 19,735,000,000 VND
Province budget: 6,380,000,000 VND
4 Domestic water:
a Well, containers, tanks
Total investment: 1,477,200,000 VND Where from central budget: 1,477,200,000 VND
b Centralized water supply works
Total investment: 72,772,000,000 VND Where from central budget: 72,450,000,000 VND.Province budget: 322,000,000 VND (contributiong by local people in form of labourmaanday)
In conclusion, the Decision No.134/2004/QD-TTg has satisfied the pressing needs
of a large section of ethnic minority people in Dak Nong province, in terms of land use and
Trang 24domestic water supply Dak Nong province had assigned the Ethnology Department as thecoordinator for impleneting the Decision and it has fulfilled its mission These figures,related to land use, investment capital, show the efforts of both central and local authoritiesand related agencies in enforcing the decision to daily life It has produced certain positiveand practical impacts on the ethnology issue in the province.
2 Situation of direction, implementation of program 134 of Dak Nong province
To implement the Decision No.134, in addition to reviewing, identifying andclassifying target households to the decision, Dak Nong province has undertaken manyother activities under the framework of this decision
2.1 Situation of the local, beneficiaries of program 134
Right after the establishment of the province, given a lot of difficulties, under the leadership
of the Standing Provincial Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee had insertedstrong directions towards implementing Ethnology policies, including Program 132,Program 154 by the Prime Minister, regarding production land and housing land for ethnicminority people in the central highlands Following the issuance of Decision No.134 by thePrime Minister, Dak Nong provincial people’s committee had promptly directed relateddepartments, district and town people’s committees within the province to conduct reviewsand formulate their own projects Since the districts are very large and there were a highpercentage of ethnic minority people, until November 2004 the Program 134 was
2.2 The implementation of program 134
Since the Dak Nong is a newly established province with a lot of difficulties, particularlythe limited pool of officers in departments and divisions, the implementation of Program
134 was significantly affected.
In face of this, the Standing Committee of the provincial People’s Committee hadopened up a conference to strictly deliver the province directions regarding the contents ofProgram 134 by the Prime Minister to all levels of party committee, authorities and fatherland front of all political and social mass organizations As part of this, on 10/9/2004 theprovincial people’s committee had issued the Decsion No.864/QD-UBND to establish theProvincial Steering Committee 134 The Vice Director of the Standing Committee wasappointed as the Director of Committee, the Director of the Ethnology Department as theVice Director of the Committee, the Directors of Construction Department, Agriculture andRural Development Department as Vice Directors, the Directors of other relateddepartments and divisions, father land front committee and other mass organizations as
Trang 25members of the committee On 07/10/2004 the Steering Committee 134 established a Task
Force Group to support the Committee.
Soon after that, the Task Force Group had consulted the Steeting Committee tosubmit to the provincial people’s committee the Action Plan No.92/KH-UB dated7/10/2004 for implementing the Program 134 Based on that, the steering committee hadassigned the members with specific district That is, members of the Task Force Goup werealso assigned to support the members of the Steering Committee in organizing trainings andproviding consultancy and guidance for districts These included relevant legal documents
on beneficiaries, budget support from the central and local level (province and districts)under the philosophy “The state contributes, community supports and people implement”.The steering committee had requested the district and commune people’s committees toestablish their respective steering committees for Program 134 The Vice Director ofdistrict people’s committee is the Director of such committee The Director of EthnologyDepartment and Region is the Vice Director of the committee and other related departments
as members of the committee.
- Commune level: A commune steering committee for Program 134 is established.The Director or Vice Director of the commune people’s committee was assigned to directlyinstruct the implementation of the program and at the same time provide guidance forconducting investigation and commenting in a public and democratic manner The districtsrelied on households, villagers or hamlets to give comments and fix the list of households
as benificiaries to Program 134 at the commine head quarter over a specific time period.This list later was consolidated and submitted to the commune provincial people’scommittee office for adoption The commune people’s comititee then submit the wholeapplication to the district people’s committee where all the individual projectdocumentation was consolidated into a disitrict project report The district project reporstthen were submitted to the provincial people’s committee where the Task Force Group 134validated individual project and formulate an overall Program 134 for the whole province
* Program scope:
The program is aimed at addressing the issues of housing land, production land,houses and domestic water need for ethnic minority households who are living onagriculture and forestry production in the province A summary of needs under the program
is as follows:
- Housing land: 721 households, 18.6 ha, total investment: 93.4 million VND
- Production land: 851 households, 328,2 ha, total investment: 1,641.3 million VND
Trang 26- New house construction and house repair: 3.947 houses, total investment: 26,115
million VND.
+ New construction: 1,945 houses, total investment: 16,105 million VND (province+ district budget: 6,380 million VND)
+ House repair: 2,002 houses, total investment: 10,010 million VND
- Decentralized domestic water supply: 4,924 households, total investment: 1,477
million VND.
- Centralized domestic water supply: 161 works, total investment: 72,772 million
The total investment for the whole province: 102,098 million according to the support rate
provided in the Decision No.134.
To implement the Decision No.198/2007/QD-TTg, dated 31/12/2007, by the PrimeMinister, on amendment of some clauses of the Decision No 134/2004/QD-TTg, dated20/7/2004 by the Prime Minister, the People’s Committee of Dak Nong province hasimplemented in accordance with contents like: continuing the implementation of remainingitems in 2008; increasing the Central source of capital in term of housing from 5 millionVND to 6 million VND/house: increasing domestic water dispersion from 0.3 million to 0.4million/house In addition, the remaining expenditure has been invested into the
construction of the common-use domestic water facility.
The Official Document No 256/UBDT-CSDT, dated 19/4/2007 by the Council forEthnic Minority on “Strengthening the management and steering to implement the Decision
No 134” was implemented.
The People’s Committee has directed associated Departments, sectors, people’scommittees of suburban districts and county towns to examine and adjust the province’sProject No 134 in accordance with the content of the official document No 256 of theCouncil for Ethnic Minority The number of household and water facility according to theexamination figure which was approved by the Central ministries and sectors for Dak Nong
province were adjusted as follows:
- Housing land: 721 households; budget: $3 million VND
- Production land: 851 households; budget: 1,641 million VND
- Houses: 3,947 houses; (including 1,945 ones and 2,002 repaired ones); budget:
19,735 million VND.
- Water dispersion: 4,924 households; budget: 1,447 million VND
Trang 27- Common-use domestic water: 133 facilities (planned); budget: 59,850 million VND.Total funding approved and distributed from the Central Body to Dak Nongprovince in 2005-2008 was 85,920 million VND, including 83,000 million VND distributed
in full according to the above examination figure and 2,920 million VND added in 2008according to the Decision No 198/2007/QD-TTg, dated 31/12/2007 of the Prime
With a secured domestic water supply, people’s lives have been gradually improvedand their health was also raised: reduction in the rate of people with trachoma, childmalnutrition, etc People in the commune also changed their awareness and built moresanitary facilities such as bathrooms, latrines, etc thus there were no more sights oflivestocks being held under the house since breeding facilities were moved far from there.Hygienic living and eating habits and secured domestic water supply not only providedpeople with a better life but also helped the ethnic minorities change some backward
customs as well as raise the healthcare standard.
In 133 of the water concentration to be built in 8 districts of Dak Nong, Cu Jutdistrict has 27 worrks Basing on the national reports of the province and the peopleinterviewed in person, the number of effective operations accounted for the highest ratecompared to other districts and bring signiicant benéit to the people According to Mr DoanNgoc Sang, deputy director of water supply management focus Dak Wil is to promote goodworks in the area, has established cooperative groups andwater in the villages and hanletshave water supply to operate, manage, collect water in the household to establish a fund foruse in case of recovery and repair of nimor damage, as well as supports for the
The proceeds from the household will be assigned to its head and monthlymanagement and dear Along with that, to raise awareness of people about the protection ofworks on, people at meetings, social rules are made more like forbidden breaking pipes,
Trang 28pumps, water theft, and force households to use water must follow if the measures wouldviolate strict handling Thanhks to the measures that’s the system of water supply facilitiesare concentrated locally smooth operation, less damaged, thereby creating fovuorableconditions in the daily activities for households Mrs H’Rit in Ha Thong village was happy,said: “Before my familly and other huosholds in the village had to get water from thestream at the end of the village for rural living So often in turlid water so I’m satisfied Butsince the work of rural water supply in operration, the water quality significantly improved.Water resources, the need to unlock is there right to use water so I’m very excited” As forher familly in the village H’Dak Trum is from when her familly was accessed to watersupply and water concentration, the average monthly familly consume between 5 — 7m3 ofwater, with the total the cost of just over 15.000VND For her and many other households
in the village, this is appropriate cost, by using the medium of this work freely, ensuring the
health of the familly.
According to the project management of CuJut district currently has weter supplyschemes focused, with a total investermant cost 40 billion from 134 government funds,which the program objectives and the district’s budget By this time, district 38/51 projectsare operating effectively, providing real benefits for people, especially relatives of ethnicminorities To be effective these works, over time, the district has implemented variosmeasures to synchronize the local authorities as well as people in the area Accodingly, thedistrict has established project management in communes and tows regular activities toachieve high efficiency Therefore, immediately after handing over the works, theManagement Board have agreed immediately to households outside the electricty issue alsoplays an additional fee to pay remuneration to the operator Particularly for householdsrefused to pay fees of district officials, the districts and communes to direct propagandcampaign and urging residents to funding This, operators are responsible and her childrenare highly ancious of keeping the property
2.3.2 Works status (to 12/2011)
Among 133 inspected facilities, 64 facilities were operating normally, accountingfor 48.12%; 11 facilities were operating intermittently, accounting for 4.51%; 47 facilitieshas been shut down completely, accounting for 35.34%; 8 facilities were being repaired andupgraded for further use, accounting for 6%; 3 facilities were abandoned and moved due to
the hydropower project.[6]
Program 134 includes policies of the Party and State with special favors for thedisadvantaged areas to create motivation to promote and improve material and spiritual life
Trang 29the poor ethnic minorities with struggling life With the source of capital to implementprogram No 134, in recent years, many welfare projects have been invested andconstructed, effectively serving the living and production of people However, practicalobservation and inspection of the authorities have showed that many facilities in program
No 134 were ineffective after they are completed and put into use, mainly because of theignorance of local governments and the lack of awareness of a part of people benefitingfrom the facilities
The research group conducted interviewed to gather opinions of 50 households of the
county have water works focused The results showed that:
The jops are suitable ?
Frequency Percent | _ Percent Percent
| Valid Very satisfied ik 2.0 2.0 2.0
| Satisfied 39 78.0 78.0 80.0
Not satisfied 9 18.0 18.0 98.0
No opinion c1 2.0 2.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0 100.0
The quality of the works
Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Very satisfied 1 2.0 2.0 2.0
Trang 30Convenient, easy to use water
Valid Cumulative
| Frequency Percent | Percent Percent
Valid Very satisfied 3 6.0) 6.0 6.0
| Valid Very satisfied 2 4.0 4.0 4.0
a Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Very satisfied 2 40 40 4.0
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Very satisfied Đi 6.0 6.0 6.0
Satisfied 15 30.0 30.0 36.0
Not satisfied 28 56.0 56.0 92.0
No opinion 4 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Trang 31- The farmers knew about the work (98%), were consulted on the construction(24%) However, households are involved construction supervision up to 14% for
households not involved (88%), no time, not able to participate.
- 100% of households are asked to use water from water works concentrate, 98% ofrespondents answered the construction of this project is needed to meet the water needs ofpeople (80% of people satisfied), 64% of people satisfied that water convinient, easy to use;
to improve the living conditions of households (36%) However, when asked about thequality of the water concentration, water quality, up to 58% of households are not satisfied,80% of households are not satisfied because not enough water for the needs, not happypleased to contribute to improving living condition (56%)
Through the study found, the causes of the inefficient work mainly as follow: Construction qualitiy:
- Failing to assess practical needs of people at the initial investment; looseobservation in the process of well drilling and exploitation leading to inaccurate evalutation
of well capacities and lack of water during usage
- Insufficient management: small problems which were not repaired led to biggerproblems, stopping the whole facility from working
- Due to mistakes when designing or installing relays for automatedopening/closing, when water ran out, the power supply shut down while the pumb was notsafe enough or depleted well made the pumb or power supply system crash
- Poorly maintained, dirty and obstructed metering system caused the pressure in thepipe system to rise and break the pipes Beneficiaries were lack awareness of facilityprotection In some places, when lacking water, people have broken water pipes and meters
in households.
- Facilities were operating intermittently due to poor management, insufficientincome to cover the expenses As a result, problems could not be fixed due to budgetshortage, making the problems worse over time Some facilities had to stop working due topower cut off since they could not pay the power fee Management and exploitation.
It could be said that the management and exploitation of rural common-usedomestic water facilities were the worst segment and also the main reason causing thefacilities to be ineffective and wear out rapidly This segment will need a large amount oftime and effort to improve, since it is related to many aspects and objects
Most rural common-use water supply facilities were constructed in remote areas,areas occupied by ethnic minorities In these areas, people’s awareness was low and uneven,
Trang 32particularly that they did not have the concept of using common-use water supply facilities, inboth terms of equipment and management and exploitation Meanwhile, most facilities withthe People's Committees of suburban districts, county towns or the Ethnology Department asinvestors did not have any program for training and communication Beneficiaries did noteven know their role, responsibilities and interests regarding the facilities Currently, in mostcommunes, there were no profile of the facilities and the leaders did not know the size andduty of the facilities and reasons the facilities were damaged There was a situation that theHead of Water Supply of the facility was not a beneficiariy, hence having no bond of interest
and responsibility with the facility’s operation.
Therefore, in terms of management and exploitation, only 35% of the facilities wereoperating stably and capable of long-term service The number of facility which has amanagement model, however having inadequate management activities, accounted forapproximately 56% of the facilities The number of facility without a manager, mainly oneslacking water, having no water or contaminated water sources after finalization or ones
experienced technical problems that could not operate.
In many facilities, after being put into use, the managers earned too little allowance,
so they were not keen on their job The repair budget is insufficient, hence only certainsmall prolems might stop the facility from working Financial situation:
Most of the fee collected is used to pay for electricity charge, regular repair forequipments; finance for supporting management force is very limited In the models withstable finance resource, support for officers is low, too, which is usually at 150 — 200
thousand VND/month.
Many works have no finance for repairing when getting ruined, and the People’sCommittee of the communes must extract their own budget to repair the works without a
defined resource to make up.
With such a financial situation mentioned above, the ability to maintain the operation
of water supply works is very difficult and this difficult will increase more and more becausethie demand for repair for the works will increase as their age increases The main reason forthis financial situation of concentrative rural water supply works is the method of worksorganization and management, which lacks of a person to hold meetings, discussions to makeagreement in the beneficiary community on their responsibility and liabilities
Moreover, there have not been any system to supervise the collection and expensesoff water supply works, so at many works, the finance collected is used with wrong aim,leading to lack of finance for electricity charge and repairing
Trang 33Due to the way of managing and operating the works, many works the water tanksand towers are filled for the households to use, but due to lack of training, the children openthe valve and play with water when the adults are out, making a huge waste of water andleading to higher electricity charge for pumping water up to the tanks.
At some good management models, the manager only switches the electricity on in
a certain time in the day and informs the households to prepare articles to take water andreserve in the time between the two times of pumping By doing like this, they can saveelectricity charge, monitor the operation of equipments during work time
3 Reason for the shortcomings:
The status of such a high number of works not working, working with errors, andlack of finance for operation is due to some reasons and factors below:
3.1 Social factor:
- Most of concentrative rural water supply works are in remote areas, where thepeople’s knowledge is low and not equal; for almost of them, it is the first time to useconcentrative water resource, so their knowledge on responsibilities and liabilities in
protecting and maintaining the works are not clear.
- Each water supply works combines many areas, many resident groups who havedifferent life routines and habits, adding with lack of a person who is capable of organizing,
so it fails to make a unity in organizing managing and protecting the works
- The beneficiaries’ income is still low and not equal, so some of them can not affordwater charge, making unfairness, affecting on the finance resource of the whole system
3.2 Investment resource structure:
- In such a social condition 4 mentioned, and the fact is that concentrative watersupply works serves mostly for social life and requires high socialization, while we don’thave finance for propagandizing, training to improve management ability; Investmentsusing finance from program 134 are also limited by total investment limit (No more than
500 million VND for each Water supply works), so the investors must reduce the scale, notcarrying out full steps as provided, or use unqualified equipments, making the worksdegrade rapidly, or the water source has not been tested fully before putting into use
3.3 Role and responsibilities of related parties:
The role of related parties presenting herein includes of: Investor’s role, consultant’srole, executor’s role and the combination of these units with the authorities and socialorganizations
Trang 34- Investor’s role: According to the provisions by laws, investor is the unit to hold thehighest responsibilities on the quality and the effect of the works; in this case, the investorsare the units to hold the main responsibilities The cause of the conditions mentioned above
is the limitation of professional degree, experience in managing investment in development,and inadequate awareness of their role and responsibilities So they can not supervise thequality of design survey document such as water flow and quality, suitability of quipments,procedures, execution quality At many works, the investor seems assign the whole package
to the consultant and executing contractor Even during operating time, the works breaks
down but the investor does not request maintenance as provided.
The investors rarely pay attention to organizing the management and exploitation ofthe works after completing and putting into use; the combination between the investor and theauthorities, politic and social organizations and the beneficiaries in the local is very weak
- The role of design consultancy unit: Many design consultants operating in theprovince, in construction consultancy in general and in water supply consultancy inparticular have unqualified ability Especially for consultancy on water source, selectingequipment, preparing and submitting operation procedures to managing, exploiting andusing unit Because the investors hardly care about, the responsibility of supervising theconsultancy author is very weak, lacking of sense of responsibility in experimentalpumping and testing the water quality
- Executing unit’s role: Normally in rural water supplying, executing unit also dosurveying, experimental pumping to define the flow and taking water sample As theinvestor does not manage well, and executing unit wants to receive the works, theprocedures on experimental pumping and taking sample are not complied with anddishonest So when taking the works into use, there is lack of water source or the water isnot qualified
Because of weakness in technique, some executing units do not comply with thestrict requirements for electricity system, earthing system in the design and cause ruinessduring putting into operation
- The role of authorities and politic and social organizations and the beneficiaries:Because of the bad combination between the investor and the authorities, added withcarelessness in propagandizing to improve the ability, the supervision of the authorities,politic and social organizations and the beneficiaries has not been carried out, or the leaderseven do not know whether the works are operating or not
1 Solutions:
So as to strengthen, improve the effect of concentrative water supply systemoperation, making basis for the success of water supply and environment sanitation in ruralareas, we suggest that the People’s Committee of the province directs the relevantauthorities to combine with National Target Program II, applying the following solution
1.1 Propagandize, train to improve the ability:
This is regarded as a particularly important solution group, which has the decisiveimportance to the existence and operation of concentrative rural water supply Thesesolutions do not costs much money, but it requires quite a long time and technique degreeand experience for officer group in supporting the development of rural areas The contents
on propagandizing, training to improve the ability focus on the following fields:
- Propagandize for beneficiaries, communal officers to understand well about theParty and the State’s guideline on the National Target Program on water supply andenvironment sanitation for rural areas Analyze so that they can see their role andresponsibilities in organizing, manging, protecting water supply works
- Train to equip thr units organizing, operating, exploiting water supply works withbasic knowledge on the methods of mobilizing, establishing, and organizing exploitationmanagement machinery Equip basic techniques on the equipments used, about theirfunction, operation method, maintaining and repairing normal errors
- Train to equip basic knowledge on financial accounting in managing water supplyworks such as: Water price accounting, calculating costs; create provision for maintenance
and repairs, etc.
- Organize visiting, exchanging experience on managing, organizing models to learngood models of water supply works management in the province and in other provinces.Uphold the role of Village partriage in organizing managing exploiting water supply works
1.2 Invest in repairing, upgrading the works:
For rural water supply works to continue working, ensuring the task of the NationalTarget Program set out, beside training and applying other solutions, we should givepriority to finance for repairing, upgrading the works For works with unqualified
Trang 36equipments, works which are ruined heavily, we should give priority to investing tin
repairing in the coming years.
- Firstly, eliminate investment in new works; focus the finance on repairing ruinedworks Works preferred will be recommended by the communes, wards, the P.C of districts,towns basing on the urgence and management and exploitation ability
- At works invested for repairing, propagandizing and training work should becompleted before carrying out repairing the works, so as to ensure supervision, receipt toput into management, operation of the organizations combined in using the water
1.3 Enhance the responsibilities of relevant agencies
- the People's Committee of the province should organize conferences with theparticipation of relevant agencies at provincial level and the People's Committee of districts
to define obligation of each unit as well as propose solutions for put the facilities into
operation as soon as possible.
- The sanctions in the payment for these facilities should be established for theeffective operation in the cost estimation of the water provision projects, a fund using forpersonnel and operation staff should be made
- The People's Committee of the province is responsible for guiding the People'sCommittee at district level to monitor the quality of insfrastructure construction in generaland agricultural water provision facilities in its own erea in particular
- The People's Committees of districts are in charge of requesting the heads ofcommunes to manage the exploitation water provision facilities in their communes
- Enhance the capacity of Centres for clean water and environmental sanitation sothat these centres actually become a perfect service supporting unit for water provisionfacilities in the whole province; establish in the centre a mobilizing service group ofrepairing which supports rural water provision facilities in case of being damaged
1.4 Financial assistance
- For areas which are facing with extraordinarily difficult conditions and thebeneficiaries’ income remains so low that they cannot afford clean water, the assistance tomanagement and operation costs is vital However, this solution should not widely appliedand it should have clear criteria; otherwise, it may make the beneficiaries loose theirinternal forces It is expected that the number of facilities entitled to receive the assistancemust not exceed 20% of the entire facilities
- The People's Committee of the province should clarify the clean water price frame
for all rural water provision facilies in the area.
Trang 372 Recommendations:
- The Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Planning and Investment,Finance, Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Construction and the Council for Ethnic
Minority should develop a plan to check and examine the state of implementing Decision
No 134/2004/QD-TTg in the area of Dak Nong province and consider the petitions of theprovince’s Steering Committee for Program 134 in the review conference on three years ofimplementing Decision No 134 dated December, 2007 held by the Council for EthnicMinority On that basis, they should come up with a plan to submit to the Prime Minister toconsider adjusting the associated macroscopic contents and items with low practicality and
reasonableness found in Dak Nong to help policy-favored objects sooner lessen their
- Strengthening the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, People'sCommittee, and People’s Council for Steering Committees at local levels Reviewing anddrawing lessons on the work of staff of Steering Committees in advocating the participation
of people and mobilizing resources, especially funding for improvement in near future
1 Contributions of Thesis:
Based on the analysis and evaluation of the current reality of the water works focus, theteam has made some recommendations and solutions to manage and use wisely worksresult, effective services to the people This will be a resource for managers of Dak Nongresearch, reference and apply these recommendations on the management and operation of
water works;
This is also a useful resource for policy makers to consult, need to be calculated to havethe maintenance funds for maintenance, maintenance of buildings, to promote long-term
2 Proposals for further research.
Programs and policies to support 134 on land, productive land, housing and clean waterfor households of ethnic minorities, difficult life had done the first phase (2004-2008).Implementation of Decision 1592 (Phase II of Program 134), Dak Nong continue doing but
by the time we studied (12/2011), the program has not made any use of any internal of thedecision, while the 1592 decision of the Prime Minister's regulations implementing theprogram only through 2010 With these shortcomings, along with more than half of thetotal 133 water projects first phase is damaged, seriously degraded; other contents of theDecision as land supply, soil production, the are expressed in many issues need to bestudied assessment Due to the scope of research and time, limited funding, we have onlystudied in a very small aspect of the program Therefore there should be more in-depthstudy to assess the overall program to draw on experience in implementing programs andpolicies to be effective
Trang 39After seven years of implementing Program No 134 in the area of Dak Nongprovince, the determined direction of all levels and sectors and effort of the poor ethnicminorities combined with the source of capital from the State budget, contributions ofagencies, units, people, businesses, social organizations and the integration with otherPrograms have created the essentially synthetic strength and resources in the process ofestablishment and implementation Principles of democracy and publicity from the localwere enforced quite effectively, for that the people may comment directly upon the objects
and select investment projects.
The achievement has improved the quality of material and spiritual life for the poorethnic minorities with struggling life and helped them escape from poverty andbackwardness step-by-step, especially for their housing and water conditions Basically, thepeople’s hardness and pressing problems were solved and the socio-economic developmentwas fostered The implementation of Program No 134 also produced a new momentum inthe spirit of people in urban areas, remote regions and places with particular difficulties andstrongly promoted the movement of support and solidarity in communities Also, thedemocracy, equality and solidarity between ethnic groups were increasingly promoted;capacities of personnel at basic and hamlet levels were boosted; the sentiment betweenpersonnel and people became friendlier; political security and social order werestrengthened and stabilized People of ethnic groups were encouraged to believe in thepolicy and guideline of the Party and the State, making the great national unity more and
more sustainable.
However, Dak Nong is still facing with many problems which keep arising in theprocess of carrying out the Decision No 134 given the specific advantages anddisadvantages of local area, especially land, resources, leadership, etc Some of the aboveapproaches, comments and suggestions in this first scientific work of ours surely havemistakes Anyway, through a few proposals, we also expect to contribute a small brick toshare the advantages and disadvantages with the poor ethnic minorities in Dak Nongprovince who are putting great effort to reduce poverty and integrate into the national
Trang 40[1] Website: www.webluanvan.com Thesis "The direction of and solutions to improve theperformance of the 134 program period (2007-2008)", Committee for Ethnic Minorities(2005) The program of economic development - economic development in extremelydifficult ethnic minority and mountainous period 2006 to 2010) ;Government of Republic
of Vietnam (1998) Decision 135/1998/OD - TTg of the Prime Minister has approved theprogram of economic development - economic development extremely difficult,
mountainous and remote areas
2] Government of Republic of Vietnam (2003) Decision 134/200#/QD - 07/20/2004TTG of the Prime Minister on a number of policies to support productive land, residentialland housing and clean water for poor ethnic minority households living hard constraints
3] Electronic portal Dak Nong province
4] The People's Committee of Dak Nong province (2004) Implementing Decision Scheme
134QD-TTg of the Prime Minister in the province.
5] Dak Nong province (9/2009) Report on the implementation of Decision 134/QD-TTg
rime Minister in Dak Nong province.
6] Center for Living Water & Sanitation Rural Agriculture and Rural Development
Department, (12/12/2011) Report on the present site projects of rural piped water supply
in Dak Nong provine
7] Website of the CEMA