Objectives and tasks of the study Purpose of the study Clarify the theoretical and practical issues related to theservice economy and its development in Hung Yen Province; based on this
1 Rationale for choosing the dissertation topic
The service economy is an increasingly important sector inthe development of economies, is a factor that promotes economicactivities and makes an important contribution to improving thequality of people's lives Along with the processes of industrializationand modernization, the service economy has come to represent alarger share compared to agriculture and industry
In Vietnam, since implementing economic reform andopening up to world integration, the process of industrialization andmodernization has taken place at an increasingly rapid pace, and theservice economy has received increasing attention and prioritydevelopment through Party Congresses as well as various legalregulations The 13th National Congress of the Party has identified:
Vigorously develop the service sector based on theapplication of modern scientific and technologicalachievements, especially high-value-added services Focus
on the strong development of certain service industriessuch as tourism, trade, telecommunications, informationtechnology, transportation, logistics, technical services,legal consulting services, etc Organize the provision ofprofessional, civilized, and modern services according tointernational standards [15, p.125]
Hung Yen is a province located in the center of the RedRiver Delta, within the largest economic triangle in the North,comprising Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh As a neighboringprovince to Hanoi, Hung Yen benefits from abundant resources andconvenient transportation, which facilitate socio-economicdevelopment The province places a strong emphasis on attractingboth domestic and foreign investment in the development of industryand services The Resolution of the Party Committee of Hung Yenprovince for the 2020 - 2025 term states: “Develop commerce,services, and tourism in a synchronized manner to promote economicrestructuring” [16, p.26] This is identified as one of the central tasksand key breakthroughs in socio-economic development
Trang 2In recent years, the service economy of Hung Yen Provincehas consistently played an important role, accounting for 28% of theprovince's economic structure Several service sectors haveexperienced rapid growth in both scale and quality, following amodern and sustainable direction The service economy hascontributed significantly to the province's rapid socio-economicgrowth in the direction of modernization, created numerous jobopportunities for workers, and improved the quality of life and well-being of the population However, in the context of global economicrestructuring trends and the goal of economic restructuring in ourcountry, the current achievements in the service sector have not yetfully reflected the province's potential and strengths Some servicesectors remain small in scale and fail to meet the development goalsand requirements; the quality of services and competitiveness insome sub-sectors do not meet the expected standards; and thestructure of the service economy includes elements that are not yetaligned with the province's true potential and strengths.
With a view to addressing these limitations and leveraging HungYen province's comparative advantages, potential, and strengths in theservice economy, as well as to developing a fast-growing, modern,effective, and sustainable service economy, it is essential to conductthorough research both in theory and practice Stemming from the above
reasons, the author has chosen the topic: "Development of service economy in Hung Yen province" as the subject of his doctoral dissertation
in Political Economy."
2 Objectives and tasks of the study
Purpose of the study
Clarify the theoretical and practical issues related to theservice economy and its development in Hung Yen Province; based
on this foundation, propose viewpoints and solutions for thedevelopment of the service economy in Hung Yen province by 2035
Research Mission
- Provide an overview of the research works related to thedissertation topic, summarize the value of these works, and identify theissues that the dissertation will continue to research
Trang 3- Clarify the theoretical issues concerning the service economyand its development in Hung Yen province, focusing on the concepts ofservices, the service economy, and the development of the serviceeconomy in Hung Yen Develop evaluation criteria and identify thefactors influencing the development of the service economy in HungYen province today.
- Accurately assess the current state of the service economy inHung Yen province during the period of 2018 - 2023, identifying itsstrengths, limitations, causes, and the issues that need to be addressed inthe form of contradictions arising from the current state of the serviceeconomy in Hung Yen
- Propose viewpoints and solutions for the development of theservice economy in Hung Yen province by 2035
3 Subjects and scope of study
Object of study: Service economy.
Scope of study
- Regarding the content: The study examines the service
economy in Hung Yen Province as a sector or economic area throughthe following aspects: scale and quantity; quality; structure of theservice economy The dissertation focuses on five main servicesectors that have significant scale and substantial contributions to theprovince's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), includingwholesale and retail trade, repair services (commerce); transportationand warehousing; tourism; information and communication; andbanking and finance
- Spatial Scope: The study is conducted within Hung Yen Province
- Temporal scope: The research covers the period from 2018 to
2023, with viewpoints and proposed solutions extending to the year 2035
4 Theoretical, practical basis and research methods
Theoretical basis
The dissertation is based on the perspectives of Leninism, the ideology of Ho Chi Minh, the Party's guidelines, andthe State's policies on the development of the service economy
Marxism-Practical basis
The research is grounded in a survey of the development ofthe service economy in several domestic regions and the actual
Trang 4situation of the service economy in Hung Yen Province during theperiod of 2018 - 2023 It also draws upon summary reports from theprovince and the findings from relevant scientific studies.
Research Methodology
Dialectical materialism method: This method is applied
throughout the dissertation's research process It examines the serviceeconomy in connection with the economic, political, and social factors
in Hung Yen province in order to build theoretical frameworks, analyze,and clarify the current state of the service economy in the region Itidentifies the achievements and limitations of the current situation andproposes viewpoints and solutions to develop the service economy inHung Yen province
Scientific abstraction method: Using this method, the thesis
research and clarify the theoretical and practical issues of the serviceeconomy in Hung Yen province, focusing on the scale, quality, andstructure of the service economy It is employed throughout thedissertation, with a primary focus in Chapter 2, where it studies concepts,content, and factors affecting the service economy in Hung Yen province.The method is also used to study the development of the service economy
in various regions, both domestically and internationally, to draw lessonsfor developing Hung Yen's service economy effectively by 2035 Chapter
3 focuses on evaluating the current state of the service economy, whileChapter 4 outlines viewpoints and solutions for its development in HungYen Province by 2035
Statistical and comparative methods: This method is mainly
used in Chapter 3 of the dissertation Based on the collected data, theauthor conducts a comparison to see the advantages and limitations
of the service economy in Hung Yen province over different periods,thereby deriving lessons and experiences for its future development
in the following years
Analysis and synthesis method: This method is employed
throughout the dissertation and is used by the author across allchapters In Chapter 1, the author analyzes and reviews relatedstudies to identify areas that need further investigation Chapter 2
Trang 5involves analyzing relevant research to determine the structure anddevelopment trends of the service economy Based on these analyses,the chapter develops conceptual frameworks and forms theoreticalfoundations In Chapter 3, the author analyzes and synthesizes thecollected data to evaluate the current state of the service economy inHung Yen province, highlighting its achievements, limitations, andcauses In Chapter 4, this method is used to elaborate on viewpointsand explain solutions for the development of the service economy inHung Yen province by 2035.
Method of combining logic and history: This method is applied
throughout the dissertation In Chapter 1, it is used to provide anoverview of research related to the topic based on both chronologicalprogress and relevant content Chapters 2, 3, and 4 utilize this method tosummarize experiences, evaluate strengths and weaknesses, andconstruct viewpoints and basic solutions, forming logical arguments thatare subsequently analyzed and justified
5 New contributions of the thesis
The thesis has clarified a number of theoretical issues aboutservice audit in Hung Yen province as given The dissertation presents aconceptual framework and establishes evaluation criteria for the serviceeconomy in Hung Yen Province Based on this assessment, it analyzes thecurrent state of the service economy in the province to identify key issuesthat need to be addressed Furthermore, the dissertation proposesviewpoints and solutions for the development of the service economy inHung Yen province by 2035
6 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
Theoretical significance
The dissertation enhances the understanding of theoretical andpractical issues related to the service economy in Hung Yen Province Itprovides a clear concept of the service economy, develops content andevaluation criteria, and identifies the factors influencing the serviceeconomy in the province
Practical significance
This dissertation serves as a reference for various agenciesand local authorities in Hung Yen Province to refine mechanisms andpolicies, effectively implement solutions for the development of the
Trang 6service economy Additionally, it can be utilized as a referencematerial for research and teaching related topics in universities andcolleges both within and outside the military.
7 Structure of the thesis
The dissertation is organized as follows: an introduction, fourchapters (comprising nine sections), a conclusion, a list of theauthor’s published scientific works related to the dissertation topic, abibliography, and appendices
1.1 Foreign and domestic research works related to the thesis topic
1.1.1 Foreign research works related to the thesis topic Research works on services
Atilgan, Serkan Akıncı, Şafak Aksoy (2003), Mapping service quality in the tourism industry Akbaba, A (2006), Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: A study in a business hotel in Turkey Arpita Mukherjee (2013), The Service sector in India
Banko Sentral Pilipinas (BSP) (The Central Bank of the Republic of
the Philippines), (2013), Survey of IT - BPO Service Ishu Garg, Suraj Walia (2013), An analysis of Services sector in India economy
Christian Kowalkowski, Heiko Gebauer, Bart Kamp, Glenn Parry
(2017), Servitization and deservitization: Overview, concepts, and
definitions John Mcmanus, Barry Ardley (2019), "Services: Therelationship between Innovation and the Co-creation Process" IpKinAnthony Wong , Jingwen Huang , Zhiwei (CJ) Lin , Haoyue Jiao
(2022), Smart dining, smart restaurant, and smart service quality (SSQ) Mohamad Abou - Foul, Jose L Ruiz - Alba, Pablo J López - Tenorio (2023), The impact of artificial intelligence capabilities on servitization: The moderating role of absorptive capacity-A dynamic capabilities perspective Diandian Xiang, Xia Li, Daniel Peter
Trang 7Hampson (2023), "Service exchange activities in the sharing economy:Professional versus amateur peer providers". Research works on service economy and service economy development
John Mcmanus (2009), "The Service Economy" Raja Mikael
Mitra (2013), Service Sector Growth in the Philippines Zhenhua Zhou (2015), The Development of Service Economy A General Trend of the Changing Economy in China A Banoun, L Dufour, M Andiappan
(2016), "Evolution of a service ecosystem: Longitudinal evidence frommultiple shared services centers based on the economies of worthframework" case: Vertical evidence from multiple service centers sharedbased on the value economy framework) Ulrich Witt, Christian Gross(2020), "The rise of the "service economy" in the second half of thetwentieth century and its energetic contingencies" Xing Ying, Li Sumei,
Yu Guanqian (2020), Annual report on Catering industry development
of China Hiroki Nakamura, Naoya Abe, Takeshi Mizunoya (2021),
"Factors inhibiting the use of sharing economy services in Japan".Xuejiao Zhao (2024), "The influence of knowledge-intensive serviceindustry agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta urbanagglomeration on regional economy"
1.1.2 Domestic research works related to the thesis topic Research works on services
Nguyen Huu Khai, Vu Thi Hien (2007), Vietnam's Service Industries - Competitiveness and International Integration Nguyen Hong Son (2010), Vietnam Services 2020 towards quality, efficiency and modernization Vu Thi Hien (2012), Enhancing the competitiveness of Vietnam's export-oriented service industries in the context of international economic integration Nguyen Thuy Hien
(2017), Orientation and solutions for the development of the distribution
service sector in Vietnam Tran Quoc Trung (2018), Improving service quality in the context of ASEAN economic community integration Nguyen
Trang 8Hoang Thanh Lam (2022), Digital services for workforce management capacity in enterprises - Emerging issues. Research works on service economy and service economy development
Dang Thi Hieu La (2009), "Service Economy in the Context ofRegional and International Economic Integration in Vietnam" Nguyen
Hong Son (2009), Development of the service sector Nguyen Chien Thang (2010), Development of Vietnam's service sector in the context of WTO accession Tran Huu Nam (2011), "For the
sustainable development of the service economy in the context ofinternational economic integration" Pham Thi Khanh (2012),
Development of Vietnam's service economy in the context of international integration Nguyen Thi Huong (2013), International Service Business Nguyen Thanh Binh (2015), "Developing high-
quality services - a driving force for the economic development of
Hanoi capital" Nguyen Van Ky (2018), Sustainable development of telecommunications services in the Military Telecommunications Group Nguyen Thi Tam (2018), State management of tourism accommodation business in Hai Phong Luong Xuan Quy (2019) "Some solutions to
develop the service economy in Hanoi city today" Nguyen Huu Khanh
(2021), Development of non-credit services at Sai Gon Joint Stock Commercial Bank Hoang Thi Ngoc Thuy (2021), Development of retail banking services at Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade in the context of international integration in banking and finance Cao Tri Dung (2022), Development of regional tourism products in theory and practical lessons Nguyen Thi Thuy Hong, Dang Thi Thuy Hong (2022), Development of Vietnam's logistics services in the conditions of market liberalization Le Manh Hung (2022), Development of commercial-service cooperatives in Vietnam in the context of international economic integration and industry 4.0.
1.2 The value of the reviewed scientific works and The issues the dissertation focuses on
Trang 91.2.1 The value of the reviewed scientific works for the thesis topic
Firstly, the research works address the theories of service, the service economy, and the development of the service economy
Secondly, the research works assess the current state of service development and the service economy on both macro and micro levels
Thirdly, the research works discuss perspectives and solutions for the development of services and the service economy.
1.2.2 The issues the dissertation focuses on
In order to explain the above contents, PhD students identifythe problems that the thesis needs to focus on solving on the basis ofanswering the following questions:
First, what is the service economy in Hung Yen province?
What theoretical basis does the development of the service economy
in Hung Yen province rely on?
Secondly, what is the current state of the service economy
in Hung Yen province during the period from 2018 to 2023? Whatare its strengths and weaknesses? What are the reasons for thesestrengths and weaknesses? What are the contradictions in thedevelopment of the service economy in Hung Yen province?
Thirdly, in order to develop economic services in Hung Yen
province by 2035, what views and solutions need to be well implemented?
2.1 General issues on the service economy
2.1.1 Concept and characteristics of service
Trang Characteristics of the service
First, Service economy as goods and services, there are two
attributes, namely value and utility.
Second, Service economy inseparability of the service
Third, Service economy heterogeneity of the service
Fourth, non-storability of the service
Fifth, Service economy services increasingly depend on the development of science and technology.
2.1.2 Concept, role and classification of service economy Concept of service economy
Service economy is an economic sector in the national economy, including the scale, quality, and structure of service industries, reflecting the relationship between people in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. The role of the service economy
First, Service economy it has a ripple effect that promotes the development of other economic sectors
Second, Service economy it promotes a deeper division of labor
Thirdly, Service economy it stimulates the production, circulation and distribution of goods, as well as domestic and international trade
Fourth, Service economy contributes it enhances the material and spiritual well-being of society Classification of service economy
First, classification based on economic components
Second, classification based on service industries.
Trang 11Third, classification based on the operational processes of
services 2.2 Concepts, contents, evaluation criteria and factors
affecting the service economy in Hung Yen province
2.2.1 Concept of service economy in Hung Yen province
The service economy in Hung Yen province is an economic sector in the economic structure of the province, including many different service industries, reflecting people-to-people relationships in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.
2.2.2 Contents and evaluation criteria of service economy
in Hung Yen province Scale of service economy in Hung Yen province Firstly, the number of economic organizations engaged in
service businesses within the province
Secondly, the volume of investment capital allocated to
service sectors in the province
Thirdly, the number of laborers employed in the service
sector within the province Quality of service economy
Firstly, the efficiency of capital utilization, revenue, and profitability of the service sector.
Secondly, the quality and competitiveness of products from the service industries.
Thirdly, the quality of scientific and technological advancements applied in the service sectors.
Fourthly, the quality of the workforce in the service industries Structure of the service economy
First, the value structure of the service sectors.
Second, the labor structure within the service industries Third, the investment capital structure for the service economy Fourth, the economic composition of entities participating in the service economy within the province.
Fifth, the structure of economic services across districts, cities and towns in the province Role of the Service Economy
Trang 12Firstly, the contribution of the service economy sector, as well
as each individual service industry, to the Gross Regional DomesticProduct (GRDP) of Hung Yen province at specific points in time
Secondly, the contribution of the entire service economy sector
in increasing income, creating additional employment opportunities forlocal residents, and in implementing poverty alleviation bydemonstrating concrete results in income growth, job creation, andachieving poverty reduction goals in various localities across theprovince and the province as a whole
2.2.3 Factors affecting the service economy in Hung Yen province Objective factors
First, the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies Second, the development of the market economy and international integration
Third, the development of modern science and technology Fourth, traditional and non-traditional security challenges Fifth, geographical location and natural conditions Subjective factors
First, the guidelines, mechanisms and policies of Hung Yen province on the service economy
Second, human resources
Third, investment capital for the service economy
Fourth, the technical and economic infrastructure.
2.3 Concept of service economy development in Hung Yen province and practical experience
2.3.1 Concept of service economy development in Hung Yen province
The development of the service economy in Hung Yen province involves purposeful activities by various stakeholders aimed at increasing the scale, enhancing the quality, and improving the structure of the service economy This development contributes to promoting socio- economic growth, international integration, and enhancing the material and spiritual well-being of the people in the province.