Trang 1ly ch
Hanoi, May 2020
Supervisor : Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, MA
Hanoi, May 2020
Trang 3Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor,Ms Pham Thi Quynh Hoa for the continuous support of my research, for her motivation,
enthusiasm and immense knowledge Based on her invaluable guidance, I can carry out
and present the research works as clearly as possible During the writing of the final report,I received much insightful comments and encouragement from her, thus continuously
improving my research
My thanks additionally go to my manager and employees of Truong Thanh Vietnam
Group Joint Stock Company, who give me the internship opportunities in their groups and
lead me to work on diverse exciting projects
I am extending my thanks to all lecturers of the Faculty of Foreign Language of
National Economics University who taught me many valuable lessons They have assisted
a lot throughout the learning process so that I have enough background in both professionalknowledge and practical skills to complete the graduation thesis
Finally, I am extremely grateful to my parents for their love, prayers, caring and
sacrifices for educating and preparing me for my future Besides, my thanks go to all thepeople who have supported me to complete the research work directly or indirectly
Nguyen Thanh Huyen
Trang 4Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
HR Human Resource
HRM Human Resource Management
TTVN Truong Thanh VietNam
TEG Truong Thanh Real Estate And
TTG Truong Thanh Green Technology
TTP Truong Thanh Power and High
TTJ Truong Thanh Japan
TTI Truong Thanh Infrastructure
VND Vietnamese Dong
Trang 5Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
Table 1.1: Major revenue of TTVN Group for the period of 2018 - 2019 oo eee 4
Table 1.2: Number of employees at TTVN during the period of 2018 — 2019 5
Table 3.1: Personnel structure by #Ø€rIđeT - <5 11191191 k ng kg ket 16
Table 3.2: Personnel structure by educational ÏeVeÌS -ssss*++s*sveesseeeeeeres 17
Figure 2.1: Maslow's Hierarchy of neeS - - «c1 vn ng 10
Figure 3.1: Personnel structure by Øð€II€T - 1 S1 E911 nen kg 16
Figure 3.2: Personnel structure by job ÏŒV€Ì§ - S3 111 1 ng ng rrg 17
Figure 3.3: Personnel structure Dy aة - - cv ng ng He 18
Figure 3.4: Personnel structure by monthly income levels - «5< << << <2 19
Figure 3.5: Personnel structure by S€TOTIẨY - <1 1322111111131 11111 1 8111 ng về 20
Figure 3.6: Survey results of factors "Nature Of WOT” -c + xxx veeeseeeree 21
Figure 3.7: Survey results of factors "Salary, Bonus, BenefIt” +-<<<c<c+2 22
Figure 3.8: Survey results of factors "Working environment/condiflon”" 24
Figure 3.9: Survey results of factors "Training, coaching, assessment” - 25
Figure 3.10: Survey results of factors "Working relationship” c::ccccsesseeeeeeeneees 27
Figure 3.11: Survey results of factors "Brand and corporate cuÏture” «« 28
Figure 3.12: Survey results of factors "Labor retenIOI”” - «<< «scs++sersssees 29
Trang 6Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
This research provides an analysis and evaluation of the current situation of
personnel fluctuations in Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company from findingfactors of work that affect employee's leaving decisions The idea for this topic comes from
the fact that the turnover rate of employees in the group has been alarmingly high in the
recent 2018 - 2019 period, raising many concerns for the management and HumanResources Department of the group Therefore, with the analysis and evaluation strategy
of the Human Resources Department, the author participated in the research to find out the
causes and solutions for this situation of personnel fluctuation
By researching from the online resources and previous studies about the reasons for
the employees' leave as well as applying it to the company, the author tends to approach
and research this topic The analysis method is a method of surveying and investigating
over 150 samples with job factors affecting the decision to leave the job of TTVN Group
employees Moreover, the author also takes advantage of the data collected from theHuman Resources Department of the company to synthesize and analyze more visually
The results of the initial data collection and analysis show that the existence of a group of
factors has a direct impact on employee satisfaction and their decision to quit
The results of the analysis indicate that some of the current factor groups are well
controlled and implemented by the company and have a positive impact on employees such
as "Nature of work; Working environment/condition; Brand and corporate culture"
Besides, other factor groups such as "Salary, bonus, and benefit; Training, coaching,assessment; Working relationships" are facing many problems in the working environment
of TTVN Group This group of factors has seriously affected employee dissatisfaction,
leading to an uncontrolled leaving from work at the company
In general, the analysis results only come from the author's perspective in the
process of recognizing and assessing the status of personnel fluctuations of the company
The need for further studies is underpinned by the fact that the results of this report are
limited by small survey sample sizes on the total number of employees of TTVN Group
Trang 7Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
JOINT STOCK COMPAINNYY oGG Ọ ọ Ọ c H Họ 00 00000040000 1
1.1 Overview of Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company 1
1.1.1 General information - - s11 SH nh ky 1
1.1.2 Visions & ITISSIOTNS 5G S0 và 1
1.1.3 Key development milestones - - - 5 2111133339101 11 18319 1111 1 81111 ng vớ 2
1.1.4 The organizational structure of the COMPANY - <5 s + S*sskessssses 2
2.1 The definition of Human Resource o5 5 55 <5 5< 9E 999900 1900 8850068856 7
2.2 Human Resource ManagØ€ITIIIÍ << G5 5 5 9 9994 004.00 8094096080880906 7
2.2.1 The definition of Human Resource Managemei( -« «sex 7
2.2.2 The importance of Human Resource Management « «55+ <+++ 7
2.2.3 The function of Human Resource ManagøemeI( - - - «+ +<<sssss+++ssxx 8
2.3 The satisfaction of employee With WOFFK o s9 0609896 9
2.3.1 The definition of satisfaction with WOTK chen vn 9
2.3.2 The relationship between employee satisfaction and their leaving decision 9
2.4 Personnel FIUCtUatiOn cscccsscsssssssssssssssesesssevsssssssscsessssssscesssssssssssesssseessesses 11
2.4.1 The definition of Personnel FÏucfuation - + c< << << <<sszs+cccs 11
Trang 8Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
2.4.2 The effect of personnel flucfUatiOT - s11 kg vs ke 12
2.4.3 Factors influencing personnel fÏucfUat1OII - - - s55 +ssseeeereesss 13
3.1 Personnel structure in TT VN GTOUDD o5 G5 SH HH n0 080 16
3.1.1 Personnel structure by Ø€TIC€T - - - - <5 1111133111111 39 11111 ve, 16
3.1.2 Personnel structure by education levels «<5 cSSS +ssseeeereesse 17
3.1.3 Personnel structure DY aØ© - ng ngư 18
3.1.4 Personnel structure by monthly income levels - «+ «+ + <£+sse+s 19
3.1.5 The seniority of eậDÏOY€€S 11111290111 vn ng key 20
3.2 Survey results about employee satisfaction with jobs at TTVN Group 21
3.2.2 Salary, Bonus, B€nefT( - - - - c1 1111 111 ng ng rưy 22
3.2.3 Working environmenft/COnđ1fIONI - c1 113332111111 3951111 net 24
3.2.4 Training, coaching, aSS€SSITIII 5G 1113199911111 9 vn key 25
4.1 For factors of salary, bonus, and benefit at WOrK co 5c <5 5555556555556 33
4.2 For leadership ÍACẨOIF o2 <5 5 G S9 9.9 0 0 000.0000004 00060000 35
4.3 For training, coaching, assessment factors 55 << s S9 9 930 6 5 09 37
4.4 Other reCcommenn(AfÏOIIS 5 5< s5 5 5 94.9 9904.20.9000 0004.0009 6040060996 38 CONCLUSIƠN G0 cọc c0 0 00000.000.000 04.10009000 0009 000408 40 REEERENCES Go cỌ Lọ cọ 0 c0 00 10 00.10001004 8019.080900 41APPENDIX G9 THỌ 1000000100010 0010001000009108080908600080986 42
Trang 9Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
1 Rationale
Since ancient times, people have been considered a decisive factor in all activities
For many countries nowadays, caring about people is not only socially important but also
affirmed as a solid and long-term investment strategy for the future That also happens to
businesses, focusing on human resources is one of the factors that help businesses grow
and compete in the market The Human Resources Department is established to take on the
role of recruiting, training, and maintaining the employees while building the corporate
culture with a unique identity to attract talents
However, how to build and maintain the company's staff so that they can stay in theorientation of the business, which is always the concern of the leadership and the Human
Resources Department Especially in the context of a competitive economy, there are more
and more good opportunities for workers, making them more likely to change jobs Truong
Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company was operating in this open-market situation
so that they realized the importance of taking care of their human resource as well as found
out continuous strategies to build their orientation of the business
To ensure the company's employees are satisfied with the working environment andready to contribute most effectively, the Human Resource Department needs to constantly
improve the quality of personnel stably as well as retain talent to stay at the company
Understanding the urgency of building and devising a strategy to retain quality personnel,
from which employees are satisfied with long-term to follow the company's business plan,
I chose the topic "Some measures to improve the situation of personnel fluctuation inTruong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company" in the situation that the rate of
employees leaving the company is very high today.2 Research Objectives
The main objective of the report is to produce associate degree enhanced analysison an overall unit of time observers of TTVN This report can reveal the problem of whypersonnel fluctuation situations are happening with reality respondents from employees at
the company The research builds on the following specific objectives:
e Studying the current personnel situation in Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint
Stock Company
e Identifying and clarifying the causes as well as factors affecting the personnel
fluctuation of the company
Trang 10Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
e Offering some suggestions to improve the rate of personnel fluctuation in the
The scope of this study issues on the current personnel fluctuation situation inTruong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company This study is based on data andanalysis from the Human Resource Department, which is accompanied by personaljudgment and observation and assessments from the survey on employees here
5 Research Methodology5.1 Research process
Literature Review
Theory of Human Resource Management
The study will be mainly based on some data collected from both primary data andsecondary data
First of all, the primary data from the company’s annual personnel report will becollected from the Human Resources Administration Department Besides, othercompanies’ reports data in this field, as well as the research of personnel fluctuation, will
Trang 11Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
be collected from the library together with the internet to provide more accurate analysisfor this situation
Secondary, formal employees of the company will participate in an online surveyassessing their satisfaction with the factors working at the company to get the main data.Based on this survey, participants can give their feedback, their wishes, and suggestions toimprove company policies, which helps them be willing to be engaged with work for thelong term
e Survey respondents: People who have worked at TTVN Group.
e Sample size: 150 users@ Questionnaire design: There are three main parts They are respondents'
information; the questionnaire assessing staff satisfaction with the factors workingat TTVN Group; some suggestions for improving the status of employees leaving.After collecting all the necessary data, both qualitative and quantitative methodswill be used to clarify the current problems Based on these discoveries, the author willdraw-up some recommendations helping the company reduce the rate of personnelfluctuation and improve the company's competitive advantages
5.3 Data analysis
The author collected data from the survey, and the data will be entered into the Excelsoftware to analyze
Trang 12Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
1.1 Overview of Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company1.1.1 General information
e Name: Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company (TTVN Group)
Representative office in Ho Chi Minh City: No 22, Street 63, Quarter 1, Thanh My
Loi Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
e Tax code: 0106064772 e Chairman: Mr Dang Trung Kien
e Founding: 2012-12-19
Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company (TT VN Group) is a industry enterprise, which focuses on the main areas: Real estate, Renewable energy, Hightechnology, and Infrastructure development With the philosophy of "Gathering talents,connecting people's hearts, improving intelligence and sharing success", TTVN Groupgathered a team of highly qualified, experienced, creative, and spirited staff Responsibilityis an important premise for sustainable development and the breakthroughs in productionand business activities of the Group
multi-1.1.2 Visions & missions
e Vision
With the light of “Tri Hue”, TTVN Group has always been a pioneer in the new
field, breaking through in the traditional field with a strategy of fast and sustainable
development; strive to become one of the top 50 enterprises in Vietnam and gradually reach
out to the region
e Mission
Trang 13Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
Truong Thanh Vietnam believes in the philosophy of "Gathering talents, connecting
people's hearts, improving intelligence and sharing success"
1.1.3 Key development milestones
e 2012
The company officially founded on December 19th, 2012, with the charter capital
of VND 30 billion, and operated in the field of manufacturing and developing real estateprojects
e 2017
In October 2017, the company changed from a one-member limited liabilitycompany to a joint-stock company with a new name: Truong Thanh Vietnam Joint StockCompany The company also increased its charter capital to VND 600 billion andrestructured the business vertically into corporations corresponding to the main areas ofoperation
e 2018
The company increased its charter capital to VND 800 billion and invested in 3 solar
power projects in Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, and Phu Yen provinces
e 2019
The company continues to increase its charter capital to VND 1,000 billion, makingTTVN one of the top three enterprises in Vietnam, accounting for 80% of the country'srenewable electricity market share
1.1.4 The organizational structure of the company
The model of the organizational structure of the TTVN Group Joint Stock Company
is a functional style All those who relate to functional operations are classified as the samedepartment Each department undertakes its professional duties The organizationalstructure of TTVN includes the Management Board, Control Unit, Director Board,Departments of Head Office, subsidiary companies
Trang 14Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
Board of Directors
Board of Managent
xã Architect Truong Thanh |itecj Sytvicul
Truong Thanh viviculture | Project
Green Technology: 4 _ ¬ Develapment
Truong Thanh _ Truong Thanh Department Accounting
| Quy Nhon Dai Nam | | Departrnent
a Í mamam | Lgl l ai| Binh Dinh Industry | | | Project TƯƠNG AM | TEC Group
ad h P———_- „ ` = Ð Manager
KH ‘ee j TIP Truong Thanh | | Bamboo Broad
| QuangNgai | | PhuYen | | Group
Figure 1.1: TTVN Group's Hierarchy
Source: Human Resources Department TTVN Group
Trang 15Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
1.1.5 Major revenue
Table 1.1: Major revenue of TTVN Group for the period of 2018 - 2019
Revenue Profit before
Source: Finance Department TTVN Group
In general, in 2019 both revenue and profit before tax of the Company increased
dramatically compared to 2018 In particular, the parent company and its subsidiaries TEG,
TTP, and TTI had a very high speed of development, contributing significantly to the
growth of the group However, in the period of 2018 - 2019, TTJ company, which was in
the initial stage of investment in two main products: Sen Point Sharepoint application and
Sencoinex cryptocurrency exchange platform, had not yet made a profit It is expected thatin 2019, once the company has created a particular position in the accumulation application
market, TTJ will take the charge to partner stores and generate revenue, contributing to the
overall growth of TTVN Group
1.2 Human Resource Department in Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint StockCompany
The Human Resources Department of the company includes Administrations and
Public Relations Department The whole department has 10 people, including the Human
Trang 16Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
Resources Manager, 2 Recruiters, 2 Public Relations Officers and 5 Administration and
HR staff working in subsidiaries
1.2.1 Functions
This department is responsible for advising and assisting the Director in terms of
organization, personnel, administration, legislation, communication, and public relations
of the company, as well as all internal and external activities of the Company.1.2.2 Personnel structure
The labor situation at Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company during
the period of 2018 - 2019 is demonstrated in Table 1.2
Table 1.2: Number of employees at TTVN during the period of 2018 — 2019
Unit: Number of employees
Project Development E——S———
TE TT mu
rr 1mm đa
Trang 17Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
Figure 1.2: The number of employees of TTVN Group from 2018 to 2019
Source: Human Resources Department TTVN Group
Overall, the total number of employees at TTVN Group in 2019 increased slightly
compared to 2018, in which, two member companies were Truong Thanh Urban
Infrastructure Joint Stock Company (TTI) and Truong Thanh Joint Stock Company (TTS).) has a three-fold increase in the number of employees in 2019 This data shows the trend
and growth rate to expand the size and market of the two companies, especially the event
of TTJ opening more branches in Ho Chi Minh City to deploy the application of Sen Point
and Sencoinex cryptocurrency exchange
The rest of the TTVN Group maintains slight personnel change Some departmentseven keep the number of employees and no department needs to reduce their staff
Trang 18Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
2.1 The definition of Human Resource
Human resources are understood as all the physical and mental abilities of thehuman being shown in the production labor process It is also considered human labor - themost valuable resource in the production factors of businesses In the context that societyis developing towards the knowledge economy, the factor of human knowledge is
increasingly important Therefore, knowing how to exploit this resource properly will help
businesses develop sustainably; increasingly create more material wealth for society, andmeet the increasing needs of people (Source: Assoc.Prof Dr Tran Kim Dung, HumanResource Management, page 4, Statistical Publishing House, 2006)
2.2 Human Resource Management2.2.1 The definition of Human Resource Management
There are many ways to understand human resource management However, in anyaspect, human resources management is still an activity of an organization to attract, build,develop, use, evaluate and preserve a workforce following public requirements of the
organization both in terms of quality and quantity
The object of human resource management is employees as individuals, officials,and employees in the organization and issues related to them such as work, rights,obligations in the organization
2.2.2 The importance of Human Resource Management
Any business carrying out production and business activities must meet two factors,namely human and material resources In particular, human resources play an extremelyimportant and decisive role in the existence and development of enterprises Professor Dr
Trang 19Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
C C Thow, Economist as well as Administrator of the MasSachusett Institute ofTechnology (MIT), said: “The key to the company's survival and development is its people.They are highly educated, well-trained, ethical, cultured, and knowledgeable people whoknow how to work effectively”.
Human resource management creates the adjustment and harmony of people in thecollective, thereby forming the cultural face of the company, which contributes todetermining the success of the company Human resource management research helpsmanagers learn how to deal with others, know how to ask questions, listen, find a commonlanguage with employees, and evaluate employees well Moreover, they also know how toentice staff to be passionate about their work, improve organizational efficiency
2.2.3 The function of Human Resource Management
For Vietnam, a country with a transforming economy with low technological levels,
an unstable situation, the State's policy is that "the development process must be done bypeople and for human resources" Therefore, human resource management is a system ofphilosophies, policies, functional activities about attracting, training - developing, andmaintaining people of an organization to achieve maximum results for both organizationsand employees
The functions of human resources management are divided as follows:
e Attracting human resources: is to ensure a sufficient number of employees with
appropriate qualifications for the work of the business
e Training and developing human resources: is improving the necessary capacity
or skills to complete the work of the employees and create conditions for theemployees to maximize their capacity Besides, HRM has to retrain activities foremployees when there is a change in production and business needs or technologicalprocesses and innovative technologies
e Maintaining human resources: is focusing on stimulating and motivating
employees to maintain and effectively use human resources in the organization,including activities: job performance evaluation, labor remuneration andmaintenance, development of good labor relations in the enterprise
e Stimulating, motivating, and expressing in activities: is building and managing
the system of wage scales and payrolls, Establishing and applying policies onsalaries, benefits, promotions, discipline These are effective measures to attract and
maintain a skilled workforce for businesses
e Building and strengthening labor relations: is related to activities to improve the
working environment and working relationships such as signing labor contracts,
Trang 20Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
settling complaints or labor disputes, improving the workplace, health insurance,and labor safety
If the business can deal with the labor relations functions successfully, it will helpthem create a collective atmosphere and good traditional values, as well as make employeessatisfied with their jobs and businesses (Source: Tran Kim Dung (2006), Human ResourceManagement, Statistical Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City)
2.3 The satisfaction of employee with work2.3.1 The definition of satisfaction with work
Employee satisfaction is "the extent to which employees have a positive sense of
direction in organizational employment" (Source: James L Price, 1997, p.470)
Staff satisfaction is one of the criteria for assessing the success of a business Onceemployees feel satisfied with the job, they will work more effectively and more closely
with the company On the other hand, improving employee satisfaction will maintain thestability of human resources, reduce operating costs, and increase business productivity
Employee satisfaction with work is defined as measuring in both aspects: generaljob satisfaction and satisfaction with component elements at work Improving employeesatisfaction is not just about raising wages Many simple, low-cost measures help managersimprove employee satisfaction and increase employee commitment
2.3.2 The relationship between employee satisfaction and their leaving decision
There are many theories about the satisfaction of employees with work and beapproached in many different forms However, the doctrines all have the same conclusion,that improving employee satisfaction will result in employee loyalty and the efficiency of
the organization's human resources maintenance, Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
Maslow's theory states that people have five desires that are satisfied and arrangedin a certain order The satisfaction of the needs for individuals will go in a hierarchy fromlow to high, and when each of these needs is met, the next needs become more important.Therefore, Maslow believes that managers need to understand which rank the employeerequires to improve their exact satisfaction
Trang 21Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, The two-factor theory of Frederick Herzberg
Herzberg said that an individual's relationship to the job is a fundamental elementand a person's attitude toward work is most likely to determine the success or failure of anorganization Herzberg has scrutinized the question "What do people want from their job?"and through research, he divided the factors of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction into
two groups:
e Group 1: includes the key elements to create job satisfaction such as success,
recognition of achievement, the inner nature of the job, labor responsibility,promotion Those are factors that belong to the job and the staff's personal needs.When these needs are satisfied, it will create job satisfaction
e Group 2: includes elements of the organizational environment such as policies and
management regimes of the company, job supervision, wages, human relations,working conditions If these factors are positive, they will help prevent jobdissatisfaction but not enough to create satisfaction
From the research and theories of the previous scientists, it can be seen that twotrends are formed from the satisfaction factor in the work of employees as follows:
e Trend 1: if employees are satisfied with the work as well as other elements of the
company, they will work effectively and have long-term attachment with the
Trang 22Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
e Trend 2: if employees lack satisfaction with factors at work and the company, they
will be discouraged and work ineffectively, leading to the decision to leave the
2.4 Personnel Fluctuation2.4.1 The definition of Personnel Fluctuation
Personnel fluctuation is defined by the ability of the organization to attract newemployees, to maintain and retain members effectively
Personnel fluctuation numerically expresses a natural phenomenon of employee
dynamics within an organization by periodically calculating the number of staff departures(layoffs, resignations, transfers, promotions) relative to the number of necessary employees
for certain departments or the entire organization or jobs, within a certain timeframe(usually annually but also monthly or quarterly)
Severance is a decision to terminate the labor relationship between the employeeand the organization Severance decisions may have come from causes such as discipline,production economics of the enterprise, or personal reasons
There are three types of job severance: downsizing payroll, layoff, and voluntaryresignation
e Downsizing payroll: is the termination of labor relations between workers and
businesses due to the impact of business results such as reducing production scale,over-staffing, reorganizing the company, and so on
e Layoff: is the employee who is fired for a job discipline or does not meet the health
condition needed for the job requirement.e Voluntary resignation: is the form of severance due to the individual cause of the
employee Reasons for resignation often come from dissatisfaction with the factors
in the work and business environment
In the study of company personnel fluctuations, we focus on analyzing employeeswho voluntarily resign because of personal reasons This is the most fluctuating personnelforce based on the impact of many factors that will be analyzed in the following section
For any enterprise or organization, an overall staff turnover rate can be calculated.It is expressed by a so-called “fluctuation index” (Chraif, 2013):
1s the number of employees who left during the year x 100%
` the average number of employees during the year '
Conclusion by Dr John Sullivan said that the index of personnel fluctuations will
represent problems that businesses are facing, as follows:
Trang 23Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
® Above 10%
Normally, if the obtained index is of high value, the fluctuation will have a negativemeaning of "lost" of human resources, which signally indicates an error in the managementof human resources
e About 10%
This index shows the level of stability in the personnel structure of the company.This shows that the company is well controlled in recruiting as well as maintaining afriendly working environment for its employees Besides, the rate of employee renewal isnot much and necessary to suit the development of the business
e Below 10%
A very low index is not favorable either, as turnover has some notable
disadvantages: offering the difficulties of replacing low-performing employees, makingdecrease innovation and diversification by attracting young or highly specialized
personnel, etc
2.4.2 The effect of personnel fluctuation
It can even be stated that a low level of personnel fluctuation is necessary withinany organization, as excessive stability of the workforce can lead to negative effects, suchas methodological immobility and resistance to modernization However, if the index istoo high, this is considered an undesirable impact that is causing useless losses to thebusiness :
e Human resources difficulties
The unexpected leave of employees will take the "gaps" in the business, especially
when the company is developing, which will put a lot of pressure on the business At the
same time, the business must quickly recruit new employees to continue the work Thisaction will make the company costly and they may have to pay higher salaries but notguarantee the quality of employees
e Brand influence
If personnel fluctuations occur frequently, it will cause many inadequacies instorage, updating, records management, etc At the same time, the company will take a lotof effort and time to rebuild welfare policies and salaries for the positions
Besides, it also causes negative effects, causing unpredictable consequences as wellas adversely affecting the production and business activities of the company Moredangerous is that the business can be losing customers, losing technology secrets tocompetitors, or creating bad images for businesses in the market
e Stagnant business activities
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Many businesses are afraid of personnel changes, most of them are manufacturingcompanies Because there will be times when you need to develop more chain stores, needa lot of employees but not have options, you have to accept the shortage of both quantityand quality This will reduce business efficiency, service quality, and customer satisfaction.Product quality declines while high prices affect the company's profits
2.4.3 Factors influencing personnel fluctuation
From the concept of employee satisfaction, the analysis of the relationship betweenemployee satisfaction and employee resignation decisions, it can be seen that the study offactors affecting personnel fluctuations of businesses means studying the factors that affecttheir satisfaction at work
According to Tran Kim Dung's study, on "Measuring job satisfaction in Vietnamese
conditions", job satisfaction depends on factors such as job nature, training opportunities,promotions, leadership, colleagues, salaries, benefits, and working conditions
According to research by Nguyen Ngoc Khanh on "Factors affecting the satisfactionof engineers’ decision to work at companies in high-tech parks" that the satisfaction of thedecision of the assistant engineer to work Factors include a job change, pay rates,allowances, benefits, work environment, workplace relationships, promotion/ training, anddevelopment opportunities, company branding
Therefore, based on the above arguments, combined with the actualacknowledgment of the personnel situation at Truong Thanh Vietnam Group Joint Stock
Company during the internship and the consult with the leaders and several employees of
the company; at the same time, with the consent of the instructor, Mrs Pham Thi QuynhHoa, the author has built and proposed some main factors affecting the satisfaction of
1 Nature of work
Factors affecting the 2 Salary, bonus, and benefit
satisfaction of employeesemployees as follows:
3 Working environment/condition
Trang 25Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
® Nature of work
The nature of the job is usually perceived by five factors: the level of diversity of
skills, the degree of clarity and completeness of the tasks, the meaning level of the tasks,
the autonomy at work, and the feedback level at work
e Salary, bonus, and benefit
Direct financial amounts: including salaries received in the form of salaries, bonuses
and commissions that are paid periodically
Indirect financing: a part of a social contract between the employer and the employee
such as benefits, number of leave days, retirement plans, training and employee services
e Working environment/condition
The working environment is a broad concept covering everything relevant, directly
affecting operations and development, improving the work capacity of each employee A
qualified working environment is a place with adequate equipment to ensure safety and
health for workers both physiologically and physically Business policies also contribute
to building good working conditions for employees
e Training, coaching, assessment
Training, coaching, or assessment are necessary interactive activities for employees
Based on this, managers and supervisors will detect shortcomings, solve performance
issues, and develop the ability of employees, which is enabling employees to constantly
update suitable and specialized knowledge for their work This process is necessary to
enhance the capacity of employees to cope with the changing and developing economy
e Working relationships
The working relationships are expressed in relationships with two groups of
subjects: superiors (managers, supervisors, ) and colleagues (subordinates)
e Brand and corporate culture
Corporate culture is the values, beliefs, and forms that everyone in the enterprise
recognizes, thinks, and acts with, including vision, mission, and core values
The brand is the overall perception of the quality, environment, prestige, and core
values of a business It helps create emotions, associations in the eyes of consumers about
the business and the products/ services it provides
In terms of identification, a brand is a name or a mark (logo, trademark) that can be
identified visually
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The above analysis of factors affecting the employee's job satisfaction will be used
by the author to analyze in chapter 3 So at TTVN Group, which factors are the company
doing well? And which ones are needed to improve to meet the satisfaction and loyalty of
employees, making them a long-term attachment to the company? The results of the online
survey collected from the employees of the corporation will be clarified by the author in
the next chapter
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Table 3.1: Personnel structure by gender
Gender Number of respondents Percentage (%)
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Based on the statistics from the online survey, the number of male employees in the
company is 92, accounting for about 61% and female is 58, accounting for about 39% of
the total employees It can be seen that the number of male employees dominates in the
company's personnel structure According to the group's business activities, personnel areconcentrated in companies operating in the field of real estate, design, construction of
works or high-tech products Therefore, personnel must be required to have specific
expertise and health to go on local field visits These factors make male employees performbetter than female employees For female employees, they are mainly allocated in market
development, marketing or back-office, etc In summary, although the ratio of men to
women at the company is uneven, they are distributed reasonably following thecharacteristics and work requirements of the company
3.1.2 Personnel structure by education levels
Table 3.2: Personnel structure by educational levels
Educational levels Number Percentage (%)
Trang 29Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
According to Table 3.2, the number of employees with university degrees accounts
for 72% (108 people), postgraduate degrees account for 22% (33 people), and other degrees
account for 6% (9 people) This allocation shows that the company has concentrated on the
quality of the employees with a high education level, especially for positions that requireexpertise Besides, other employees with undergraduate levels are designed in the customer
care, business development, and marketing department, which requires excellent
communication skills and the ability to negotiate with the partners
Moreover, Figure 1.3 also shows that in the TTVN Group, it is about one-third of
employees who work as managers It also means that the focus on building a senior
management team with the expertise to take on key positions is the top goal and along withthe company's mission
3.1.3 Personnel structure by age
Survey results show that employees over the age of 40 dominate the largest
proportion of personnel structure according to the company's age (59 people, account for
39.3%) Meanwhile, employees from 21 to 30 years old accounted for about 32% of the
personnel structure, about 3% more than employees between the ages of 31 and 40.Especially, there are no employees below 20 years old working at Truong Thanh Vietnam
The diversity of working age is also consistent with the business model of the company,
Trang 30Nguyen Thanh Huyen — 11162433 — Business English 58B
allocating appropriate personnel in working experience (expressed by age) into important
professional departments such as Truong Thanh Infrastructure, Truong Thanh Power &
Hi-Technology, Truong Thanh Real Estate, or Investment Division
Besides Truong Thanh Japan, which accounts for the largest number of employeesamong the group's subsidiaries and focuses on project development, the employees here
are mostly young people from the age of 21 to 30 with the responsibilities of marketing,
customer care and developing the market
3.1.4 Personnel structure by monthly income levels
level of income comes from some positions such as the board of directors, managers, team
leaders, technology engineers, and so on Meanwhile, the group of employees with VND
4.000.000 - 10.000.000 also accounts for a significant percentage of 36 Besides the
positions which require management and specialized skills that are mentioned above, otherpositions such as office work, human resource, marketing, and sales are just received the
salary level of VND 4.000.000 - 10.000.000 Moreover, the rest participants belong to the
group with a monthly income of less than VND 4 million is 12 people, accounting for 8%
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of the total employees They are mostly junior and senior students at universities
participating as customer service collaborators of TTJ or interns at some positions
3.1.5 The seniority of employees
Survey results show that at TTVN Group, the majority of employees have short
working seniority from 1 to 3 years This proportion accounted for 46.7% of the total 150
attendees, mostly young people aged 21-30 years, evenly distributed in positions of new
companies Also, senior staff working from 3 to 5 years account for a relatively high
proportion of about 35.5% of the total They are the leaders, managers who have held an
important position and have been with the company since its establishment The group ofemployees less than 1-year working accounts for about 15% (23 people) mainly due to thefluctuation of employees in specific positions on Sale and IT
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3.2 Survey results about employee satisfaction with jobs at TTVN Group 3.2.1 Nature of work
@ Strongly disagree §§ Disagree |) Notsure {§§ Agree { Strongly agree
Your current job is
suitable for your
You are passionate
about your work Time and workload
is right for you The labor contract is
very clear
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Figure 3.6: Survey results of factors ''Nature of work"
Source: Appendix
According to the results from Chart 3.5, factors such as "the employee is working
in the right major"; "the job is suitable for the ability"; "the job is suitable for individual
target"; "the time and the workload are suitable" is highly appreciated by employees of
TTVN Group At some of Renewable Energy & High technology, InfrastructureDevelopment, and Real Estate subsidiaries, most employees will be carefully recruited
from the beginning by requiring a job-related diploma or certificate Moreover, job
requirements are also focused during the recruitment and interview process to identifysubjects that suit the needs of the position The Human Resources Department has built
and performed quite well in the process of developing standards on recruitment criteria,
thereby restricting the recruitment of people who are not suitable for important positions
that need professional skills
In the company, most employees only work according to the company's regular
working hours from 8:10 to 17:30 daily The employee is entitled to Saturday and
Sunday-off, and for those who need to work overtime, they will receive a corresponding allowance
Moreover, collaborators or salesmen are allowed to flexibly work outside hours under thecontrol of the head of the department