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CHAPTER I: eicescssssssssssssssessccssccsescsescesssesscccsssessscesesesessessssesssessssesssessseessseseseees 7
1.1 Overview and history of CBRE GrOUD 55 << 5 5< s5 3 se 7
1.2 Company’s visions, core value and business lÏne «se 8
1.2.1 Company Visions and Core values «-sss + +ssveksssee 81.2.2 Business Lines ce eeeeeeececessceeesseeeessceeesseeecssacecssaeecesaeeesaeeessaeeesues 8
1.3 Organizational S{TUCỀUITF€ do 5 55s 9 99 903.0 03 00 09806589 9
1.3.1 Structure of CBRE Vietnam s Sky 91.3.2 CBRE Hanoi Branch Organization Structure «««<ss+ 10
1.4 Business PerformIAICC dœ- <5 <5 s5 E< 9 59.94 689100 8956 11
2.1 Human Resources Definition oo << S8 m 9.56 13
2.1.1 Human Re€SOUTCeS - G5 SH re 132.1.2 Human Resources Managemeri - eee << + *£++‡s+ssesesee 13
2.2 Recruitment Definition <5 <5 5 00 00089866 13
2.2.1 D€finitIOI - Gv TH KH HH ni, 132.2.2 Requirements of labour reCru1fIn€TI <5 555 + ss++sssseexss 14
2.3 Elements that effect on Labor reCruÏfI€nnif -s «5< <s««e< seees 14
2.3.1 External ÍACOTS + SH nh 14 Political ECOnOmVy 2 Ă SH ng re Scientific and Technical qualifications -‹ Supply and Demand RelationshIp -. -<++++<<<<<<s++ 152.3.2 Internal factors eesceseseccessecesssneeessaeeessaeeesseeessnaeessaeeesaeeeses 15 Developing a target of the company -<<< <2 Fimancial CapaCIẨV -c cv re Image and reputation of the orØan1zation - -««« «<2 16
2.4 Content of RecruitMent <5 << 5 5< 9 94 99.9.9003 0036 890.06 16
2.4.1 Human Resources Department and Manager staff ‘s responsibilities
Trang 3Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
Table 2: Standard responsibilities Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.4.2 Method & Sources of employment recruitmen( ««« 16 SOULCES LH TH no ng MethOdS Gv kt 17 Internal sfafÍing - - - cc cv HH ng và External recruitment - - - - s11 nen 17
attracting qualified appÏICai{S - 5 c1 1 31s ke 19
2.5 Importance and the role of ÑecruÏ(I€TÍ o 5 5 << 555 s 55s ss 19
2.5.1 To the eTmpÏOY€TS .- Gv re 192.5.2 To the eTmpÏOy€©S - -G ng ng ket 192.5.3 To the SOCIaÌL Gọi 20CHAPTER IIT: ANALYSIS AND FKINDINGS se ee 20
3.1 The current recruiting status in CB RE <5 s «<< se =essee 20
3.1.1 Recruit process of CBRE - - c1 ng 20 Step 1: Making Recruitment Plans - + «<< c+ssccs+ Step 2: Announcing labour demand - .-‹- ««+<s<++sex++ 21 Step 3: Receiving and processing resUMES - - 22 Step 4: Int€rVIC€WITBE HH ng nhe Step 5: Decisions makKIng - -. s5 xnvnnnrrey 223.1.2 Methods and Sources of T€CTUItINE << 5 1S sssveeree 23 Internal SOULCES - 2< 1E E1 vn vn vn net 23 Employees Referral - - - << + kh eg Job Announcement - - -«-c + + kvresssee 25 External SOULCES - - 5 E11 ng nen kg 25 Social Network 0 ieee eeseecesseecssseeeeseeeceeeesssaeesssaeeeesaes 26 Employment and Recruitment Website ««- 27 Testing and training - - - -c sgk 28 Entrance f€SỂ - - c1 ng ng kg Challenging time - - . - 1111939 v1 ng về 29
Trang 4Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B The practicality of E-learning system -.-<««- 30
3.2 Evaluation of the current labor hiring pDFOC€SS «s5 ss« 30
3.2.1 StrengtH L LH HH ng 30
CBRE VIETNAM (HANOI BRANCH) scsssssssssssscesscsssesssesesccssesssssssseesesees 32
4.1 Completing the Job announcements << 5 5< 555 << sss£e+ss+ 334.2 Balancing the sources of Human resources 55 < sss=<< se 334.3 Doing a professional Ïnf€rVÏCW cọ HH 00000956 34
4.3.1 Interview question ÏISỂ - 0113333 11111111 21111 1n vn ngà 344.3.2 Emtrance nh e 354.4 Upgrading and diversifying training DFOÿTAI 5< <55<es< « 35
REFERENCES :sssscsssseesscessssesscsesesenscseesensceseaseeesesesseecaeeesseseneeesseseseeseeeees 1QUESTTIONNAIII «Gì n0, 2
Trang 5Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
HR Human ResourcesHRM Human Resources Management
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Figure 1: The order of CBRE Vietnam - cesseccesneeeeeseeeesneeeessaeesesnees 9Figure 2: The organizational structure of CBRE Hanol - - «s5 10
Figure 3: Traditional Process of RÑeCTuItIN€TI( 555 + + ++vEssseeeses 18
Figure 4: General steps of recruiting in CBIREE - 5 5 «sex 20
Figure 5: The sources of passed resumes in 2017 — 2019 -««<+++ 24
Figure 6: The rating of the practicality of the E-learning sysfem 30
Picture 1: Monthly Internal Email updating vacancies (Source: Collected) 25Picture 2: CBRE Hanoi's Job Announcement on Facebook «-‹ s 27Picture 3: CBRE's Job Announcement on “Vietnaméworks.cofi” 28
Trang 7Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
Table 1: Revenue of CBRE in 2017 - 2019.00 eeecccessceeeseeesseeeeseeeeseeeesaeees 12Table 2: Standard responsibilities +1 133293111 113951111 kg re 16Table 3: Comparison between real work and the Job description 1n
Table 4: Sample of interview QU€SfIOTS c5 11H ng rệt 34
Pie chart 1: Sources of recruiting information that candidates matched 23Pie chart 2: Number of staffs that took the entrance test -«- + 29
Pie chart 3: The way that new staff catch up with Work -<<<x++ 29
Trang 8Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
Knowing the role of human power in not only doing business but also inmany different aspects of life, I chose Human Resources for my report after a 5-
month internship in CBRE Hanoi
I would like to express my deepest thanks to my advisor instructor, Ms Hoa
Pham, for her patience, enthusiasm and immense professional knowledge Thanks
to her guidance, this report could be completed in the best version
During the internship in CBRE Vietnam (Hanoi Branch), I was the
youngest member here, I received so much help and guidance from my team’s
member Especially, thanks to Ms Lana Phung, the office manager, who gave methe company information and data to process this report
Finally, Ihave invested my time, the motivation, and my love for each word
of this report and hope that it could be finished with the best result
Trang 9Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
The report entitled “Some solutions to improve the quality of current Labor
Recruitment in CBRE Vietnam (Hanoi Branch) was conducted based on
fundamental theories of Human resources and the current situation of CBRE HanoiBranch which pointed out the pros and cons of the problem, finally to suggestseveral measures to strengthen and further make the quality of personnelrecruitment better to increased the company’s current business status
This study was processed with the information from CBRE’s HR report as well as the raw and realistic date from the internal survey among CBRE’s current
staffs which made by the author Some of the remarkable issues has been shownfrom the finding The first is the current status of CBRE’s human power source
and its effect on the business result The second is the staffs’ feedback on the
recruiting process and the current training system that they have experienced.Collecting data from current staffs, then the author can find out the key factors, theroot of the drawbacks of the recruitment process: Most of the interviewees, whoexperienced on the recruiting process, said that it was still complicated andinefficient
After analyzing, a list of recommendations and suggestions were presented.Human is the key element of both doing business and creating a talent staff, so themanagers play an important role in doing labour recruitment The company hadbetter do it carefully from the first step of the process that can reduce the difficulty
Trang 10Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
I, IntroductionWith the rapidly growing up of the world’s economy, changing andupdating are what both employers and employees have to adjust to The human
factor is the most important things in everything, running a company is not an
exception—that why Human Resource became one of the hottest keywordscurrently
CBRE Vietnam, under CBRE Group, with the head office in Ho Chi Minh
City, a Branch in Hanoi and a Representative Office in Da Nang and more than
700 property professionals, is one of the leading company in Real Estate marketof Vietnam They provide a variety of multicultural services, including facilities,transaction and project management; property management; investmentmanagement; appraisal and valuation; property leasing; strategic consulting;property sales; mortgage services and development services
The company has approximate 1200 employees; to them, Labor is a key
factor in their success ““We are an Employer of Choice, being in an unique position to attract and retain the most qualified talent” (cbrevietnam.com).
After five months working as an Intern in Branch of CBRE Vietnam in
Hanoi City, the author creates this study with the subject:” Some solutions to
improve the quality of current Labor in CBRE Vietnam (Hanoi Branch)”.The content of this research is the overview of Human Resource recruitment inCBRE Vietnam and solutions for better and stronger staffs
II, Research ObjectivesTo the purpose of this study, the following research objectives wereidentified:
1 Learning about CBRE Vietnam core information and their currentrecruitment process
2 Analyzing this process then point out its Strengths and Weaknesses.3 Suggesting some solutions and campaigns to improve the quality of therecruitment process
III, Research Questions
This research is the answer to these below questions:1 How is the Recruitment process in CBRE Vietnam ?
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2 What should the company do to improve the quality of the recruitment
process?IV, Scope of workThe scope of this final report issues on numbers and documents taken fromthe Human Resource Department of CBRE Vietnam and the result of the staff
V, MethodologyA combination of various methods was used in order to gain the research’saims and objectives
Firstly, the author is going to conduct a survey questionnaire among 40
people who are CBRE’s staffs to explore their opinion and thought
- A series of questions are designed based on their real working conditionand environment
- After gathering identified information, the investigator expects to receivestandardized answers so as to simply analyze the issue
Secondly, a huge and correct amount of information comes from the HumanResource Administration Department They are willing to provide records and data
about the number of employees in the recent ten years
Then the search can be conducted, and with the understanding ofRecruitment process and The company business, the author would be draw-up
several recommendations, solutions and campaigns for the company to improvetheir current situation
VI, Research Timetable
Time Research
22TM February -7 March | - Designing the questionnaire and also preparing
the questions for personal interview.15 March - Proposal
20" March -29" March - Data collecting and analyzing
- Finding and reading documents relevant to onlinemarketing from the library and the internet
- Writing from the beginning to chapter 2- Collecting data, figures, information for Chapter
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30" March -30° April - Writing chapter 3 and 4
30" April - 10" May - Checking and correcting report
30 May - Submitting report
Trang 13Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B
1.1 Overview and history of CBRE Group
It is known as one of the most famous “American firm of investment andcommercial real estate services” The full name Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis hasshort form as CBRE The headquarter of the 114-year-old group is in Los Angeles,California, United States Recorded in 2019, (cbrevietnam.com) 530 offices allover the world After ranked 146th on the Fortune 500, the firm has been on thelist every year Its own Website: cbre.com
Coldwell Bankers was obtained by Sears in 1981, $300 million was the
number Cold Banker’s commercial unit sold to The Carlyle Group After that, the
company’s name changed to CB Commercial Real Estate Group
The company became a public company in 1996, which raised around $80
million In 1997, acquired Koll Real Estate Services for $145 million One year
later, the company changed its name to CB Richard Ellis after merging with
Richard Ellis International (REI) Limited
On June 10, 2004, “CB Richard Ellis once again became a public company
via an initial public offering” And this current name, CBRE Group Inc Was born
in 2011 after when the company “acquired Trammell Crow Company for $2.2 billion in 2006 and ING Group for $940 million in 2011”.(Wikipedia.com)
In the Asia Pacific Region, CBRE owns 87 offices, therein three places in
Vietnam, Headquarter in Ho Chi Minh City, Representative office in Da Nang andHanoi Branch For your information, CBRE’s tax code is 0302847667, business
licence number 411043000057 with Mr Marc Townsend is the legal representative
Located on the 6th floor, BIDV Tower, no 194 Tran Quang Khai street, LyThai To Ward, Hoan Kiem district, the central business district of Hanoi, CBREVietnam, Hanoi Branch now has over 100 staffs who working in the office and
who working in other CBRE’s project.
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1.2 Company’s visions, core value and business line1.2.1 Company Visions and Core values
s* Vision and Core valuesAs a global group, CBRE has its own principle, not only the key personteam but also do each staff have to respect and follow this when working in CBRE
As we know, discipline creates success
In their own website, CBRE has shown their vision succinctly and clearly
- “Deliver superior outcomes for occupiers, residents and the communities
in which we build”
- “Deliver market-leading financial returns to our investment partners”
- “Attract and retain top talent by upholding an entrepreneurial and
rewarding work environment”
- Service“Dedicate ourselves to making a meaningful impact with our clients andour communities.”
It is divided into five main Department: Advisory & Transaction Services,Property Management, Residential Project Marketing, Valuation & AdvisoryServices and Research & Consulting Services Besides three departments forsupporting the company’s main business activities: Marketing & Communications,Shared Services and Accountants
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1.3 Organizational Structure1.3.1 Structure of CBRE Vietnam
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1.3.2 CBRE Hanoi Branch Organization Structure
Transaction Dpt Advisory Dpt Communications
ñ = Senior Senior Managers Office Manager fœsstiEnt
Official Staffs (es) Accountant
Interns Interns Interns Interns Interns Interns
Official Staffs Official Staffs Official Staffs Official Staffs Official Staffs
Figure 2: The organizational structure of CBRE Hanoi
(Source: Collected)
s* Advisory & Transactions Department
Working as Agency Brokers, focus on leasing activities, being in the middleof landlord and tenant to negotiate the lease terms CBRE Office services team isworking in-office services, retails and logistics services
s* Property Management Services Department
CBRE Property Management Team is the direct and officialcommunication channel between residents, tenants and developer They provideasset managing solution such as advice and people in residents, commercialbuildings and office buildings
s* Residential Project Marketing Department
They work in selling and buying residential project as brokers betweendevelopers and tenants who have demand for buying and selling Their missions
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are finding potential commercial projects and customers who are having demand.CBRE team is concentrating on hotels and residential projects
s* Valuation & Advisory Services Department
The 10-people team is one of the most hard-working team in CBRE,variating in many types of property Which are including: “Residential, industrialcommercial for various purposes like mortgage, consult for proving financialcapacity”
s* Research & Consulting Services Department
They are the professional and experienced team who are working on marketresearching and analyzing in 13 sectors: hospitals, golf course, education, hotel,logistics, industrial, residential, resort, offices, retail, townships, vacation villasand serviced apartments Besides, they also take responsibilities in Development
Consulting & Feasibility Studies, Corporate Consulting, Retainer-based
Consulting and Publications
s* Marketing & Communications Department
It is an indispensable business support department by holding a range
of internal and external activities To the internal activities, this team is
responsible for collectives activities with the purpose of connecting people and
making a working motivation To external activities, Mar-coms team prepares
tenants events, quarterly and yearly events for CBRE customers and partners
s* Accounting
They manage the financial issues that are internal payment and external
transaction CBRE has its own financial e-system called “myFInance”, staffs and
accountant mostly exchange information through this website system
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Table 1: Revenue of CBRE in 2017 - 2019
(Source: CBRE Hanoi)
Each team has its own missions and professional, which both bring benefitsand income for the company Doing business is same as taking part in acompetition with the opponents, step by step strengthens its position in the market.Last year CBRE Vietnam celebrated their 11th birthday, year by year, themanagers and staffs did make what the great effort to build up a strong and famous
current CBRE
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Human resources recruitment is being conducted based on a variety of
requirements, such as the property of the vacancy, the enterprise’s size Some
terms of Recruitments will be explained and clarified in this Chapter.2.1 Human Resources Definition
2.1.1 Human Resources
When it comes to Human Resources, people are aware that Human is thefoundation of doing business William R Tracey, in “The Human ResourcesGlossary”, defines Human Resources as:” The people that staff and operate anorganization”, as contrasted with the material and financial resources of anenterprise (https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-a-human-resource-
1918144)2.1.2 Human Resources Management
Pigors and Myers said:” It is basically a method of developingpotentialities of employees so that they feel maximum satisfaction of their workand give their best efforts to the organization” Human Resources Managementand the business running have a solid relationship, as human power is the initialelement of business so that it plays an important role in every company
2.2 Recruitment Definition
2.2.1 Definition
Labor Recruitment is the prerequisite for the building process of quality staff Edwin B Flippo (1984):” Recruitment is a process of searching forprospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs inan organization”
high-Mathis and Johnson “Human Resources Management” (1999:250) said:”Staffing is the process of matching appropriate people with relevant jobs” In otherwords, Labor recruiting is an activity of the company that finding and selectingpeople who meet the working requirements and ready to join the company Mathis
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and Johnson also said, “ Recruiting is the process of generating a pool of qualified
applicant for organizational jobs”.
Following to Gurpreet Randhawa (2008):” Recruitment is a process by
which a large number of prospective candidates are attracted by various methodsto apply for the job”
It would be given a conclusion that all definition above supposed the samecontent that recruitment is a process that finding, attracting and selectingcandidates that meet the standard to join the enterprise For that, LaborRecruitment occupies the most important role in the business
2.2.2 Requirements of labour recruitment
Firstly, implemented in the case of necessity only, labour recruitment isrequired to be both parallels with the demand for Human Resources and
appropriate to the business strategies of the company in long-term
Secondly, choosing the right candidates who can adapt the specialitydemand of the corresponding vacancy also plays a crucial role in the organizationsince these qualified workforces not only promote higher productivity but reducethe cost spent on training as well
Thirdly, the attitudes towards working, sense of discipline and trustworthyare emphasized among potential applicants Besides, their health conditions needto be good enough to have the capacity of working, especially working underpressure or dense schedule of meetings, working travel
Finally, in terms of recruitment, the factor that it should be mentioned is thedesire along with the passion for devoting to the enterprise at least one year
2.3 Elements that effect on Labor recruitment
A company’s human resource recruitment process is influenced by both
internal and external factors If it brings positive impact, staffing activities will be
conducted smoothly, the firm can get more outstanding employees And it’s vice
versa, the corporation can not hire the good workers that bring about a bad effecton company business
To that point, managers had better take a look at these issues for completingthe labour recruitment process
Trang 21Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B Political Economy
A stable condition of political status is a foundation for the economy grows,appreciate the working opportunities for the citizen This also a great chance foremployers who want to broaden their company size, improve their business quality. Scientific and Technical qualifications
The industrial 4.0 revolution is affecting markedly on every aspect of ourlife, especially office working style The production lines are designed and
upgraded according to the new demand for work that also reduce Human’s rolesand only keeping Labor from intermediate to upper-level skills So, the changing
of Scientific and Technical qualifications have influenced on the target employed
object of any companies recently and Demand Relationship
It took a remarkable affection on the firm as well as the recruitment process
When the labour market is in surplus, the recruitment could be easier when having
more options to choose In others hand, when Supply is smaller than Demand, it’s
impossible for the enterprises to run their normal recruitment process, a rush and
urgent one is a must, if not the candidates could belong to the opponents.2.3.2 Internal factors
The firm itself has already set a list of terms and conditions that influencedtheir way of attracting and selecting employees Hereby are some of them: Developing a target of the company
In fact, when conducting all activities in general and for recruitment inparticular, managers have to base on the development goals and business strategies.Each enterprise has its own mission and core value, their range activities all arechasing the general business goals Moreover, each department of the firm has itsown sector, which is the key to the Human Resources Department plans detailrecruitment strategies Financial capacity
Recruiting requires a large financial source which is an element related to
the quality of recruitment In several small companies, their financial capacity islow leads the low-quality labour Besides, all businesses are aware of thereciprocal relationship between salaries and employee The more money employer
can pay, the better welfare of the company, the higher is employee’s working
Trang 22Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B Image and reputation of the organization
People who are finding job always want to work in a giant, famouscorporations which bring them promotion opportunity, working space for self-growth It means a huge and successful enterprise is the one owning an outstandingstaff For example, Vin Group is a leading group in many sectors frommanufacturing to entertaining, most of the younVietnameseng people want to be amember of Vingroup And vice versa, one is interested in a company with baa dimage To sum up, it is a strength to attract talent, smart and experiencedcandidates
2.4 Content of Recruitment 2.4.1 Human Resources Department and Manager staff ‘s responsibilities
Table 2: Standard responsibilities
Human resource department Managers
¥ Forecasts recruiting needs v Anticipates needs for employees to fill¥ Prepares copy for recruiting ads and | job vacancies
campaigns Y Determine knowledge, skills and
¥ Plans and conducts recruiting efforts abilities needed from applicants
activities information about job requirements
w Review recruiting efforts activities
(Source: Mathis and Johnson — “Human Resources Management’, 1999, page 259)
2.4.2 Method & Sources of employment recruitment2.4.2.1 Sources
Specialist of Human Resources has divided sources of Labor in two groups.They are the internal and external source
The first method means using people who have already working in the firmand having a desire for changing the working position It can be considered as agreat policy for employees and also a way to appreciate their efforts
Opposite to internal source, external staffing is the way of finding peoplewho unemployed at that moments or having a desire of changing workingenvironment Referring, networking and corporate with recruitment agencies aresome typical methods that most of the employers are choosing for their enrollment
Trang 23Le Thi Ha Vi— 11165920 — Business English 56B Internal staffing
- Promotions and Transfer
Pigours and Myers said that “Promotion is Advancement of an employee to
a better job — better terms of greater responsibility, more prestige or status, greater skill and especially increased rate of pay or salary” Besides, Transfer is a
movement of an employee from this department to other parts in the samecompany These two forms are suitable for people who met the requirement ofwork, made remarkable progress Senior managers, the first group are
responsibilities for observing and evaluating their staffs working ability and
attitude to make a decision of promotion and transference
(https://corehr.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/transfer-and-promotion/)- Job Announcement
Job Announcement is the action from the Human Resources Department,which are publicizing jobs vacancies on bulletin boards, and emailing staffs to their
company account or posting on the own website To this method, it’s an effective
way to fully sharing information for staffs
- Employees Referrals
It’s defined as one of the most quality methods because of staffs’
relationships such as relative, friends, ex-coworkers People who hooked up withemployer by their friends tend to have to attention and motivation with that newvacancy To this reason, some company have a policy that staff who succeed inconnecting the right candidate can receive a commission External recruitment
- Job advertisementsThe most common ways include job hiring on newspaper, oral informationon radio or that on television Those things now may not attract people as Internet— social network Employers who have demands just need to post a short and detail
hiring announcement on Recruitment Information Groups on Facebook or Twitter,
it can easily attract thousands of candidates who are a member of those group
- Employment agenciesThey also called Head Hunters, organizations who master on findingsuitable applicant for their customers This way of cooperating may take an amountof money from the enterprise, but this may faster, and more productive
- Interns