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luyện kỹ năng nghe nói trong giao tiếp tiếng anh nxb lao động 2009 leo jones 181 trang

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Tiêu đề Luyện kỹ năng nghe nói trong giao tiếp tiếng Anh
Tác giả Leo Jones, Hổng Đức
Chuyên ngành English
Thể loại Student's Book
Năm xuất bản 2009
Định dạng
Số trang 180
Dung lượng 92,74 MB

Cấu trúc

  • c G roup WOrk Discuss these questíons (17)
    • Unit 4 Unit 4 ■ VVeather and climate (19)
  • 2 2 S Ĩ E I Pair vvork W hich City do you think each person is going to visit? (20)
  • W hat can you buy in ủicse places? (25)
  • 22 1 Unit 5 (27)
    • 1. Do you think about money a lot? (28)
    • 2. Which do you preter to do? (28)
    • 3. Which do you do more ofỉen? (28)
    • 4. What is more important in a ịob? (28)
    • 5. WỊiat do you save money for? (28)
    • 6. ỊỊow otten do you use credit cards? (28)
    • 7. Can money make you happy? (28)
    • 8. If you have a lot of money, what should yoú do? (28)
  • How much m oncy do you think most people your age spend? (28)
  • yogurt(n) /'joug9:ự sữa chua spaghetti (n) /spd‘get!/ mi ống (29)
  • How do you fỉnish the meal? (31)
    • Unit 7 Travel and tourism (33)
  • CSSSSSBI (34)
  • B G ro u p WOrk Discuss these questions (34)
  • gơing on adventure I (36)
    • 1. W lio do you ask fo r tra v e l advice? (36)
    • 3. W ỉiỉch place sounds the most rom antic? (36)
  • d. a sM lodge m the mountaỉns (36)
  • a. bird-watching in the rain íorest (36)
  • 8 A Lct s S 6 G E ĨĨIOVIế! (37)
  • Have you seen any of the movies above? Which ones? (37)
  • Hovv does each movie look? Describe each One using these vvords or your own word (37)
  • poster (n) /'pousta/ áp phích quảng cáo violent (adj) /'vaialanự bạo lực (37)
  • Saẳllng arounđ th e ^ w ri^ .ríalon^ (39)
  • What is the most popular magazine among your ỉriends or coworkers? (39)
  • Are there any popular magazines in your country written in English? (39)
  • uôUâlly^o to the eporte ôâction. i ỊỊke to reâcẨ hiO0râphic6 offamoue athìetee (40)
  • 255SEBI (40)
    • 1. Here arc 6 scrambled words (41)
  • Unscramble die letters to make words from Lesson 6A (41)
    • 2. Here arc 6 more scrambled words (41)
  • Unscramble ứie letters to m ake words from Lesson 6B (41)
    • 3. Now use ứie letters in the drcles above to complete the sentence (41)
  • tS^SEBEi (44)
    • 1. p I am male (44)
    • 1. Babies dream less than adults (45)
    • 2. Some people don't dream at all (45)
    • 3. VVomen sleep more than men (45)
    • 4. It's dangerous to wake up a sleepvvalker (45)
    • 5. A sound sleeper rarely moves during the night (45)
    • 6. The best cure fo r insomnia is to take short naps during the iday (45)
    • 7. You can play tapes and learn a foreign language while you sleep (45)
  • sleepwalking (n) /sH :p 'w o :kin / mộng du (45)
  • toaccept(v) /ak'sepự chấp nhận patient(ađj) A e ///7 Í/ kiên nhẫn (49)
  • to be afraid o f st /a'freid/ lo sỢ điều gì (49)
  • 47In the CityUnit 11 (52)
  • Public transportatìon is fast and ừiexpcnsive (53)
    • 2. restaurait ___ (54)
  • W hat do you ìike to do on holidays? (56)
  • boss (n) /b D s/ ông chi 52 Unit 12 ■ Poreign customs (57)
  • zzle l> (60)
    • Unit 13 Unit 13 ■ Famous people (63)
  • 1 - Stome swset Home Ị-J;\ (68)
  • 66 frisbee (n) /r r íz b i:/ ưò chơi ném đ ĩ (71)
    • Unit 15 Unit 15 I Then and now (71)
  • trendy (adj) /'tre n d ự khuynh hướng (72)
    • 1. Here are 6 scramblcd words (77)
  • ưnscramble ứie letters to make vvords from Lesson 13A (77)
    • 2. Here are 6 more scrambled V70j":’ds (77)
  • ưnscram ble the letters to make vvorđs from Lesson 13B (77)
    • 3. Now use the letters in the đrdes above to complete ứie sentence (77)
  • Use ứic dues to complete ứie puzzỉe wiđi words from U nit 14 (77)
  • Across (77)
    • 12. what you can see from your w indow (77)
  • Down (77)
  • comfortable (adj) /•k A m fy t9 b ự thoải mái sunshine(n) /*sA nfaỉrự ánhnắag (77)
  • floor (n) /fìo :/ sàn nhà 72 Units 13-16 ■ Revievv pu 2 zles (77)
    • Task 1 Task 1 (79)
    • Task 2 Task 2 (79)
    • Task 5 Task 5 (81)
    • Task 6 Task 6 (81)
    • Task 7 Task 7 (82)
    • Task 8 Task 8 (82)
  • Now look at Task 26 on page 86 (82)
    • Task 9 Task 9 Ask your partner for directions to the foUowing places. M a rk the placxs on the map (83)
    • Task 10 Task 10 (83)
    • Task 11 Task 11 (84)
    • Task 12 Task 12 (84)
    • Task 13 Task 13 (85)
    • Task 14 Task 14 (85)
    • Task 17 Task 17 (87)
    • Task 18 Task 18 (87)
    • Task 19 Task 19 (88)
    • Task 21 Task 21 (89)
    • Task 23 Task 23 (90)
    • Task 24 Task 24 (90)
    • Tạsk 26 Tạsk 26 (91)
    • Task 28 Task 28 (92)
  • The symbols are (95)
  • If your housc ha5 more than one window, you are talkadvc (95)
    • 1. Danieìle (101)
  • DanieUe (101)
  • Kenji (101)
  • Lindsay (101)
  • ay be tOí) romantic for somc people, but that’s one of the reasons I like it (104)
    • T... T his m ovie cam e out m 1958 (104)
    • Unit 10 Unit 10 (106)
  • R io de Janeừo (107)
  • Sydney (107)
  • Singapore (107)
  • Rio de Janeừo (107)
  • Sydncy (107)
    • Unit 13 Unit 13 (109)
  • D the Stores ncarby D thc yard (110)
  • B Listcn to the descríptỉons agaỉn. Mark the statemcnts I h ie (I) or False (F) (110)
    • 1. clrcaitỉ (114)
    • 5. light (114)
    • 3. ycll (115)
  • Rosa (115)
  • ARTICLES (117)
  • OSSESSIVES (118)
  • 3EM0NSTRATIVES (118)
  • RB + INPINITIVE (120)
  • Ì 1 6 i •Grammaịteiỉíá (121)
  • 3JECT PRONOUNS (122)
  • 118 Grammar (123)
  • Text Credits (125)
  • niustratìon Credits (125)
  • 74 Stephcn Ogilvy (127)
    • 1. pureseat toativer (131)
    • 2. carddirect popstars (131)
    • Listen 0 Listen 0 (134)
      • 1. perfume (141)
  • markats (143)
    • Tapescrĩpt 3 Tapescrĩpt 3 m inutes (143)
  • izzle B on pagc 54 of the Student’s Book revicws some vocabulary from Unit 10 (160)
  • lerc is thc solution (160)
  • W oman : ÓK (162)
    • W) iat do these things have m common: a (176)

Nội dung

LÒI GIỚI THIỆULet’ s talk là cuốn sách về k ĩ năng giao tiếp, nghe và hiểu ý của người khác, đồng thời chia sẻ những ý kiến của bạn với người khác.. Đó là cả một quá trình, thậm chí nếu

c G roup WOrk Discuss these questíons

Unit 4 ■ VVeather and climate

Symbol (n) /'sim bdự biểu tượng

2 2 S Ĩ E I Pair vvork W hich City do you think each person is going to visit?

Yumikỡ lõ wearln(^ warm cìothee, eo I think ehõ‘6 ^ỡỉn^

Listen Q You w ill now hear about the people’s trips Complete the chart

VVhere díd they go? What was the weather llke? fum iko 5đn Pranciõco

G roup WOrk Choose a place m the w orld ứiat you want to visit Say when u want to go and what you want to do there. want to 00 tơ Auetraỉìa ỉn Decemịper becaueõ I ivđnt to 00 to the ỈPổâch J

C onriniunicatĩon task W ork w ith a partner One o f you should )k at Task 4 on page 75, and the other at Task 18 on page 82 YouVe gomg to a weather report.

LF-STUDY page 95 VVeather arVVẹather and climate Unit 4 15

A Pair WOrk The U nited States has some extreme weaứier Tr\^ to match cach place to its location on the map W rite ứie numbers in the circles.

1 the hottest place 3 the driest place 5 the wettest place 2 the coldest place 4 the snowiest place 6 the \vindiest place

B Listen Q Two people are discussing weather in the U nited States Listen and check your answers to part A.

A Listen Q You w ill hear an expert giving advice about what to do durm g a tornado Check ( ị/) his advice.

2 I f you are at an oíHce,

□ lie dovvn on the floor and cover your head.

□ lie down and cover your head.

□ try to drive away quickly.

□ go to the basement or to a closet.

□ go to ứie m iddle o f the bưilding.

□ íìnd a strong tree and hold on to it.

□ leave the car and get under a bridge.

B Paĩr WOrk Compare your answers Then discuss these questions.

• W hat kinds o f storms do you have in your country?

• H ow should people prepare for them?

• W hat should peõple do during those storms? prepare for a emwetorm, you ehoulà have enough foocẲ and water, ^ tomado (n) /tD :’neidou/ bão táp, degree Pahrenhelt /dì'grí:*faerdnhaiự độFa*ren'hétf(độP) loc xoáy degreeCelsius(n) /di'gri:'selsids/ ĐỘC

A c t iv it y 3 A Pair w o r k Take this vvorld weathcr quiz.

H ow múcíh d o you khọW âbóút; w eal;h ô r?

1 ií 1 When is smog the vvorst? a on hot, sunny sum m er days b on warm , cloudy spring days c on clear, Cỡld winter days

2 A b o u t how many tim es does lỉg h tn in g strike the U nited States every year? a 4,000 b 400,000 c 40,000,000 3 W hich c o u n try overali has the m o st extrem e vveather on Earth? a Russia b Canada c th e U nited States

4 What is the same th in g as a hurricane? a a ty p h o o n b a tornad o c a snovvstorm

5 Which co n tin e n t has never had a typ h o o n or tornado? a Europe b Antarctica c Aírica 6 VVhere is the saíest place to be during a thunderstorm ? a in a íorest b on a g o ỉf course c in a sw im m ing pooỊ

3 P a ir w o r k T u m to page 88 to check your answers. c Joĩn a n o th e r p a lr Discuss these questions.

• W hat place has thc best vveathcr in your countrỵ? the vvorst?

• W h a t’s your íavorite kmd o f weather? W hy?

• W hat do you like to do vvhen it rains?

• W lia t Ì5 die vvorst storm you remember?

\ ^ h â heet weâthớr Í£5 in thớ eouth ìt'e ueuaW\ỉ Wârm and eunny J hurrican (n) /'hA ríkan/ bão nhỏ (cấp 8) typhoon(n) /ta ì'fu :n / bão to, bão lớn lig h ín in g (n ) /'la itn /q / sét, chớp continent(n) /'to a tin a n ự lục địa, châu lục

1 Here are 6 scram bleđ words

Unscram ble the letters to m ake words fro m Lesson lA pureseal toafiver getmine orjam iamtly sadréds

2 Here are 6 m ore saa m bled wcrdis

Unscramble the letters to make words fro m Lesson IB carddirect popstars treelt zcopied bakerydo pierc c _£L-£ _íí J_ ±- ỉ = = = % ,= p _ 0 _ _ -

3 Now use the lettcrs in ứie drdes above to complete the sentence.

Use the dues to complete the puzzle w ith words fro m U n it 2

1 His hair isn’t straight It’s

2 another word for “ good-looking” to describe a man 3 Someone vvho won’t change their mmd is

5 ITiese are betvveen your íorelieacl and your cycs.

6 Somcone who speaks a lot is

8 Someone who likcs to make things is

11 You find this on the top o f your head.

18 Units V 4 ■ Review puzzles í the clues to solve the puzzle w iứ i words fro m ư n it 4.

This Ls uscful in rainy weather.

The U.S has thc word^s most 'vvcather rh is tclls you about tomorrow’s weather

It’s cold durmg \vcathcr. rh c wừids arc vcry strong in a

[t can be diíTicuk to see in vveather.

Pollution causcs m cides, cspccially in thc suinmrr. n

hc safcst placc to be during a tornado Pcoplc say ncver strikes tvvice in the saine place.

Jic saíest place to be during a thundcrsiõrm

\ vveallicr tclls you whaL ihe weather vvas like that day.

^OII hear tliis aftcr you see a lightning ílash.

A sky thut is not clear i s

1 very cỉangerous storm ừi the U.S.

[t’s better to be indoors during vveather.

A c tiv ity 1 A Pair WOrk Look at these photos Then discuss the questions belovv. duty-frce shop mall storc outdoor markct

W hat can you buy in ủicse places?

• W here đo you usually shop? \ In a bouticịue you can ipuy desiỹner cìothee and

B Listen Q You w ill hear four conversations W hat do you tliiiik the people are buying? Check {%/) the item.

2 Q a MiníDisc recorder □ aCD o a cell phone

4 Q a vvallet |~Ị boots Q a jacket c G roup WOrk Discuss these questions.

• W hat was the last thing you bought? W hy did you buy it?

• W hat thine; do you want to buy next?

• W hat do you enjoy about shopping? W hat don’t you enjoy? ìaet thỉri0 I ỈPơught ivâẽ ^ hât, It wae ređlly coU out ^ thunderstorm (n) /^QAnỢdstD:m/ bão có sấm và mưa to pollution (n) ỉpd'íu:fn/ ô nhiễm mall store (n) /m D:ĩsto:/ cửa hiệu lớn duty-free shop (n) /•d]u:ưfrì:fDp/ cửa hàng boutique (n) /b u : rn k / cửa hàng nhỏ miễn thu(

2 ^ 2 S 5 B I ^ Paĩr WOrk W hich fashio]i style do you prefer? W hy? am e: Danieỉỉe ge: [ ib: artíst ũme: r othes: earrings, outdoor market, t12 I I thriít store, $18 ỉrsonal style: “ỉovv budget, high

Cloỉhes: blouse, department store, Ì ỉ ị Cũvvboy hat, malỉ store, $ r.H 7 r , 7 ì

\ Ị prefer Kenji'ô etylâ Hie cìothee are caeuaì a n d

B Listen Q You vvill hear iiiiervievvs vvith each person in part A.

Compỉete thcir proílles jỊc c Pair WOrk M ake your own personal proíìle Then intervievv your partner.

Personal style: C l_ {clothing item) (place of purchase)

V c^nyoư deaorihớ your pereonaì etyíe? Sure I gueeồ my e tyh ỉe **c\âeeỉc etyle.*

D C o m m u n ỉc a tĩo n ta s k ^ 1 ^ W ork vvith your sauic partiier One o f you should look at Task 5 on page 76, and the other at Task 19 on page 83 ibuVe goừig to recoinmencỉ somc cloihing. iepartment store (n) /drpa:tm antstD:/ cửa hàng bách hoá :lassic style (n) /'klaesik stũiỉ/ phong cách cổ điển purchase (n) /'P 9 :t/9 S / sự mua sắm c SELF-STUDY page 96 M oney 1 U nit 5 21

A Paĩr W O rk Look at these ways to save money W hich do you d iin k are the best?

Do things yourseư Buy things used ư se coupons. ằỉằiỉ ỉỉ

Shop at outdoor markets Buy dilngs on sale Rent things.

B Listen ĩì You vvill hear three intervievvs H ow do the people save money?

Use coupons Shop at outdoor markets.

Kathy C liff c Pair WOrk Discuss these questions.

• H ow do you save money? D o ỵou do any o f tlie things in part A?

• W hat other ways can you save money?

D Pair WOrk Imagine that a íriend from abroad is visiting you and wants to buy some souvenirs Suggest a souvenir fo r ẹach o f these people. m other grandm other older sister best friend ỉather grandỉather younger brother covvorker âỉpout eome p o tte ry fo ryo u r m other?^ ^ Tbầt'ô â qooả \ả ẽ a ? ^ outdoor market chợ ngoài ư ời coupon (n) /'ku:pDP/ phiếu mua hàng pottery (n) /'p o td rì/ đồ gốm

22 1 Unit 5

Do you think about money a lot?

Which do you preter to do?

Which do you do more ofỉen?

What is more important in a ịob?

WỊiat do you save money for?

□ stiort-tBrm ooals □ lono-term ỉoals

ỊỊow otten do you use credit cards?

Can money make you happy?

If you have a lot of money, what should yoú do?

□ spend, spení, speiid □ save for lh 0 lưture

B Pair WOrk Compare your ansvvers Then discuss diese questions.

• Do you have the same habits? W hich ones?

• Hovv much money do you spend a day?

How much m oncy do you think most people your age spend?

o f U3 thínk aípout m oney a /ot 1 dozen (n) /'ƠAzn/ tá (mười hai) salary (n) /'sselarì/ lương tììăng goal (n) /ffơ u // mục tiêu, mục đích

A Pair WOrk Look at these foods and drinks from around the w orld Then add them to the chart beIow. cheesecake grilled fish yo2;urt smcotliie nachos iced coíTee spagheti

Appetlzers Main courses Side dỉshes Beverages Desserỉs

B Joln a n o th e r p a ĩr Compare your answers Then discuss these questions.

• W hich foods and drínks are you uiiTamiliar w iíh?

• Can any foods or drinks go under more ứian one coỉumn?

• W hich o f the foods aiid drinks have you tried? D id you like them? c Paỉr WOrk H ow can you describe the foods and drinks m part A? ưse the words in the box Can ỵou th in k o f other foods or drinks for each worđ? bitter bland rich salty sour spicy sweet

\^ C h eeeecâke ìõ eweet anà ric ĩi) (^Another e^eõt ĩũoả ie ♦.

yogurt(n) /'joug9:ự sữa chua spaghetti (n) /spd‘get!/ mi ống

beverage (n) /•bev9rid5/ đồ uống

II P a ir W Ork Have you eaten in thcse places? W liich ones? fat-food restaurant food stíiỉl ỉamily resLauraní

: Listen i) ITiree couples are enjoymg a meal Complete the chart.

Vhat are they eating? What are they drinking?

Pair w crk Compare your ansvvers Then cliscuss tliese questions.

W liaL (ỉo /ou like to eat vvheri you go out? when you eat at home?

H ow oftei do you go ou l to eat? W ho do you usually go vvith?

^ / Ịike to pizzâ when Ị 00 out, ỈPUt when Ị'm â t Home 1,

Joĩn an>ther p a ir Imagine that youVe goừig to prepare a meal togcther an a m eiiu ủiat evei*yone Ì5 happy w ith Your menu should include: one appeder one m ain course onc sidc dish one beveragc one dessert rst, find ou what kừids o f food your partners don’t like. w tĩâ t kỉnie offooảe dontyou like?^ ^ / ỉỉkõ cverytbỉng ổxcept fieh fast-fooc(n) /'fa:sV fud/ đồ ăn nhanh dessert(n) /dưz9:ự món tráng miệng appertizc(n) /•eepitaiz9/ món khai vị Ịc SELF-STUIY page 97 Food and drỉnk ■ U nit 6 25

A Listen í í W ha t do you know about eating customs in Morocco? Listen and complete the inform ation.

^ 'S u There are lĩiany ừiteresdng customs when you eat a traditional Moroccan í I.

The food is on Generally, you eat m a room vvidi cushions and piUovvs and thick carpets on the I - lovv I í

Beíore you sit dovvn, you should [ person on your Next, you need to[

]w ith everyone You should start vvith the

1 and go around the room your hands You hold them over a big bovvl vvhile someone pours vvatcr over them

] anyone can eat, the host says Bừnúlỉak, vvhich means “ Praise be to God.”

Your host serves the foods in a certain order Moroccan food is famous for its stevvs o f meat or fish cooked vvith I ỉ or vegetables O f course, the most íamous food is couscous, a dish cookcd ừi a I _ J sauce People usually have drink.

A t a M oroccan table, you eat vvith your hand You should use your thumb and thc fưst I to n ímgers o f your L I A fter eating, you wash your hands again

Fmally, cveryone enjoys a cup of m int f hand. together.

B G roup WOrk W hat are your country^s cating customs? Discuss these questions.

• W here do you usually eat a tradidonal mcal? W hat is ứie room like?

• Do you do anything before you sit down? \V h o decides where people sit?

• Do you say anything beíore you begin to eat?

• W hat kinds o f foods do you eat? In what order do you eat them?

• W hat do you use to eat those foods?

How do you fỉnish the meal?

Travel and tourism

Á c t iv it y 2 A Paĩr WOrk M atch Then tum to page 88 to check your answers. a íestival 2 be V relatives

6 ta ke photographs 7 go on shopping

B J o Ìn a n o t h e r p a ỉr Discuss these questions. ô W h ic ji o f the activides in part A do you like to do on vacatớon?

• W l'iich don’t you like to do? like tú tâke photoạraphe and try ne^v fooáe Whât ổÌon*t you like to ảo? 7


A L is te n í í Some people are discussing vacadons Check {*/) í.hc diings they like to do ^

Bobby and C huck Jenny and Brent Grace and H o lly

Bobby and Chuck ^ surf IEf stay with íriends □ aưend festlvals □ danceJenny amd Brent □ play golf □ try new foods □ meet new peopỉe □ travel by trainGrace and Holly □ be alone □ take photographs □ visit hlstorical pỉaces □ shop

B G ro u p WOrk Discuss these questions

• D o y o u like to travel? W hat places do you like to go?

• O f the people m pá rt A, whose interests are sim ilar to yours? safari (n) /S 3 'fa :r i/ cuộc đi săn vacation (n) /v 3 'k e ifn / lò^ngỈTỈ, ngày nghỉ surf (n) /S3: f / lướt sóng íestival (n) /restivaự lễ hội ị t SEư-STUDY íeepage 9S ÌPra^él and tọurisỊnci: 29

A Listen Q Can you guess the names o f these countries? Listen to four clues about each one Then w rite your ansvver belovv each picture.

B Listen Q You vviU hear dues about ứiree more countries After each clue, try to guess the countrỵ O n line 4, w rite your ílnal guess You wiU then hear the answer.

4 4 4. c C o m m u n ĩca tio n ta sk W ork in groups o f four Two o f you should to describe some other places.

D G roup WOrk WTiat fcu r clues can you give about your own country?

My country ie located in Câtĩtrđỉ Amerỉca,

We're famou6 fo r our ỈPcĩăchee our hỉôtory.

To be located in nằm ở khu vực.

A c tiv ity 2 A Listen Q Two people are discussing travel Complete the inform ation.

More and more ơduỉts ơre buying airline tickets on the • supporting “ c

• ta kiiig dme OÍT from school or I to take a short trip

• b iin g in g theừ along ínstead o f leaving them at home.

gơing on adventure I

W lio do you ask fo r tra v e l advice?

a a íriend b a fam ỉly membep c a coworker đ no one z Which sp o rt sounds the m ost e xcitin g ? a canoeỉng b sKling c bungee jumpỉng d termis

W ỉiỉch place sounds the most rom antic?

a a luxury hotel in the City b a small, quiet beach resort c a cruỉse ship

d a sM lodge m the mountaỉns

4, W hich of these "green” touT8 are you m ost ỉnterested in?

a bird-watching in the rain íorest

b h ik in g on a volcano c kayaking d photographing anlm als Ậ

P a ĩr W O rk Compaxe your ansvvers Then discuss these qiiestions

Do ycu vvant to travel together? W hy or w hy not?

W hat three places in ứie vvorld do you vvant to visit?

\VTiat do you plan to do on your next vacaúon? iex'e tãke a vacatỉon toQether VVổ ^ Õ th lĩk ớ 7 ~ ^ ứend{n) /tre n d / khuynh hướng cruise ship (n) /k n j:z fip / duứiuyền

8 A Lct s S 6 G E ĨĨIOVIế!

A Pair WOrk Look at ứiese movie posters Then discuss die questions belovv.

Hovv does each movie look? Describe each One using these vvords or your own word

dcvcr fri^tening heartwarming sad thiiỉling exdtíng ỉiinny romandc siUy violcnt

^ “ẽcream’’ looks ừlghtening I don’t want t a s e e lt ^

poster (n) /'pousta/ áp phích quảng cáo violent (adj) /'vaialanự bạo lực

I Listen Q Four people are discussing their íavorite movics Check (✓ ) ửic ords they use to describe them.

1 Gơne w ith the Wind [~1 boring 1 1 exciting n heartwarming n romantic

2 Scream n tunny n violent ũ clever O írightening

3 Vertigo 1 1 exclting o n clever ũ th rillin g

4 2001: A Space Odyssey 1 1 violent n exciting ĩ n thrilling 1 ỉ romantlc

Pair W Ork Look at these types o f movies For each One, fiu in the chart vvith a movie title. ệ

J o Ìn d n o t h e r p a ir Ask about movies your dassmatcs have sccn reccndy len find out about theữ favorite movies.

' W hatconiẹdyhaveyou seen rgcentlyỉ’^ ^ tVg//, IJ u s ts a w

G ro u p vvork W h a t movies are currently playing? Look m a local vspaper if possible Decide on One you all vvant to sce.

“Dream ọ $ té " is playing tonìght

What movie have you seen What's your tavorite movie?

SELP-STUĐY see page 99 E ntertainm ent U nit 8 33

A c tiv ity 1 A Pair WOrk Look at ứiese magazme covers W hat do you ứ iink the magazine; aire about'

B Pair WOrk W here vvould you fmd these artídes? M atch the ardcle titles to ứie magazines in part A. ilic io u s C heesecake E very T lm o ẩ )fh e H o iie s l N eu; P o in te rs

- - - ỉriendly museums 1)0 YO liR (QWN

Saẳllng arounđ th e ^ w ri^ ríalon^

) ^lying mitli your ị;ittg c Joĩn a n o th e r p a ir Tum to page 88 to check your ansvvers Then discuss these questions.

• W hat magazmes do you like to read? W hat kinds o f artides do you enjoy?

Are there any popular magazines in your country written in English?

/ lỉke tơ reaả fãồhỉon ma^axmce Ị enjoy ârtỉciữô a b ou t,

D C om m un ica tio n task ÉTầl W ork w ith a partnen One o f you should look at Task 7 on page 77, and the other at Task 21 on page 84 You’re going to talk about ỉavorite types o f magazines.

A c tiv ity 2 f\ Pair W Ork Look at this map o f a bookstore Then read the títles o f the Dooks In vv^liich section woulcỉ you find each one?

Buìld Your Dream House The Big Book of Voỉcanoes ^ o u r te e n tfj- C e n tu n í ^ n 3 fanb A n A t u \ s o f t h e VV o r l d T h e P u tu r e o f S o c c e r Gef Self-Confidence Now l

The Complete Book of Vitamins yhe Midnight Murders ĩimmy and the Priendly Monster ị Pair WOrk T u m to page 89 to check your answers Then discuss these questions.

I W hich sectioii o f the bookstore do you usually go to first? í W hat kinds o f books do you like to read?


Unscramble die letters to make words from Lesson 6A

Unscramble ứie letters to m ake words from Lesson 6B

Now use ứie letters in the drcles above to complete the sentence

“I don’t lik c food.” opposite (adj) /'0P9ZIỰ trái nghĩa cheapest (adj) /ự l:p lự rẻ nhất designerclođies(n) /di'zalnsklouđz/ quần áo may sẩn

36 Units 5-8 1 Revievv puzzles ;\ zzle c the dues to com plete the puzzle w iủ i words Ễrom U n it 7. ỮSS

This is theaper than staying at a hotel.

If you want to relax, stay at a q u ie t

I f you W e , you’U cnjoy bird-watching.

They went on a in the Caribbean Sea.

We v/ere able to manỵ interesting places.

Go to ])laces to leam about the past.

I like to go on vacation vvith ỉriends o r

This boat is siniilar to a canoe. vvn

C lim biiig ừi the is fun.

It’s iiiteresring to attend a in another countrv

“ ” tours don’t damage the envừonment

Havc you ever stayed m a five-star ? I alvvays lots o f photos on vacatìori. ijỊI-Ị^l|Ị3rằjp ere are 20 words fro m U n it 8 this w ord search puzzle H ow m y can you fìnd? They a ll ve som ething to do w ith OVIES. xpensive (ađj) /iks^pensìv/ đắttíền vacation(n) /v 3 *keifn/ kỳ nghỉ

3 relax (v) /rì^ỉaeks/ nghỉ ngơi

A c tiv ity 1 A Pair W Ork Look at ứiese photos W hich habits are ừnportant fo r a healthy lffe? W hy? exercise regularly work regular hours eat properly reducc stress Ịt‘e importânt to eat properỉy ỉfyou ổÌon't have a healthy áỉơt, you J

B Pair WOrk H ow can you make your life healthier? Complete these sentences

Exercise for minutes a day. to exercise. less so there is more time

Don't vvork more than week. h(ursằ a

Eat ỉess Drink less and more

Don't worry about to reduce stress.

I really ehouỉả exercỉee for 3 0 minutee a àay How aÌPOUt you? í ehouUn^t work more than 35 houre a week. regularly (adv) /•re g ju ld ri/ đều đặn toreduce(v) / r i’d ju :s / làm giảm properly (adv) /'p n p a íi/ hỢp lý


p I am male

□ I take a bus/train to schoolAvork.

Pair Vựork Compare yo u r answers W ho do you th in k vviU live longer? W hy?

^ WeiịJ sxercise ^ Yes, butỵou aìso c a t

JoÌn a n o th e r p a ir T u m to page 89 to score the quừ W ho has the best score? losewu think youVe m orc o f an “ early bừd” or a “ night o w r?

• H cm do you féel when you ovcrsleep?

• Dc) y)u dream in black and w hite or in color?

'^orG of a **nÌ0h t owl.** Ị hate 0ớỉn0 tơ bcd Cârly ^ ch il(hood (n ) / ’tfa ild h u d / thời thơ ấu animal (n) / ’aenỉmal/ động vật ío chàse (v) /t/e ỉs / rượt đuổi

A C o m m u n ic a tio n ta s k l ^ i Do you have a good memory? T u m to Tí^sk 8 on page 77, and follo w ứie dừecdons exactly.

B Listen Q M arie, George, and Kylie are discussmg what they do to remeniber things Check {%/) the techniques they use.

□ I im m ediately w rite ứie numbers dovm.

□ I break the numbers down into parts.

□ I say the numbers out loud several times.

□ I thin k o f ứie buttons on a phone and make a patteni.

□ I think o f something special about them.

□ I try to remembcr the fưst letter o f theừ names.

□ I think o f the place vvhere we ũ is t met.

D I say ứieừ names out loud when I íìrst meet them.

□ I w rite the words over and over.

□ I read the example sentence in a dictionary.

□ I vvrite a sentence usiiig the new words.

□ I say the words out loud several times. c Pair W O rk Discuss these questions.

• Hovv do you remember numbers, names, and new v/ords?

• W hat are you good at remembering?

• Havc you ever had an embarrassing m om cnt when vou íorgot someone’s name, a phone number, or a word? Tell your partner about it.

/ meet peopỉe, I đlivãyõ eây th e ir nđmôe ỡut ịoiiả, ^

A Pair WOrk H ow many objects íirora Task 8 on page 77 caii you still remember? M akc a B J o ÌIÌ s n o t h e r p a ir Compare your lists Then ỉook at the picture írom Task 8 again

• W ho remembered die most objects? W hich objects did you forget?

• D id you vvrite down any objects this tim e ứiat were not in the picture? remembered m ost o f the objecte I forgot to write ảown th e , immediately (adv) /i'm i:dj3tu/ ngay lập tức first letter (n) /f3 :st 'íeta/ chữ cái đầu several tímes (adv) /'sevr3l'taim z/ vài lần

A Listạn ^ Some people are recalling theừ childhood memories Check (✓ ) the sense thíy use to recaU the memory.

□ sight □ sound □ siĩiell □ touch □ sight □ sound □ smell □ touch

When Ị youri0, Ị often had to take medìcme I rớmemỈPớr / ^

□ sight p sound □ smeil □ touch □ sight □ sound □ smell D touch 1 Pair W Ork Compare ỵour ansvvers D o you have any sim ilar memories?

\ l JoÌn aHOthGr p a ir Look at these childhood memories Choose two and liscuss what you remeinber about that time. le tíme you Icamed to ride a bicỵclc a tiine you got a special present LÌme you had fun w ith your best ỉricnd a tiiĩie you cried really hard time you vvcjit to the inounLains or ocean your íìrst day o f school

\ ỉ t h i n k Ị eix '/^hen ỉ ịearned t o rìảô a tpỉcycỉớ ^ ^ ĩhât'e youn^Ịy^ m ell(n) /s rn e // klii?u giác sight(n) /s a ỉự thị giác DUch (n) /t.A tj7 xúc giác sound (n) /sa u n d / thính giác

A c tiv itỵ 1 A Pair WOrk 1/Dok at thcse people Have you ever been in sim ilar situations? W hat (lid you d

^ / Wữnt t o Faríe, lfut I d o n t sp ea k Frvnch f ^

B Palr W Ork Read the ađvicc beIow W hat advice can you givc to the peoplc ữ) part A?

'Accept the situatíon D on’t be ã&aid Tèll someone how you fecl.

Ask for help Relax and cnjoy your lifc Tell the truth.

Be patíent Set a goal fo r yourseư Watch othcrs and learo.

/ think Ying ehouid \>e p a tie n t atìd a c c e p t th e eltu ailon l d o r ít tvally agtve

I thìnk õha õho ul d c JoÌn a n o th e r p a ir Compare your answers D id you give ứie same advice?

to be afraid o f st /a'freid/ lo sỢ điều gì

D Pair vvork Look at ửiese problems W hat advice can you give? Use the advice in part B, o r th in k o f your own.

'My grades aren’t very good, but / want to go to a good college

1'm w orried l'm going to fail m y exam "

^ ^ y ^ n n ts make me 50 angrỵ sometỉmes Ỵ l d o n 't th in k my English is im p ro v in g ,''

E JoÌn a n o th e r p a ir Compare your answers D id you give ủie same advice?

A c tiv lty 2 tK Pair w o r k W hat advice can you give someone who vvants to be a better ?

;on or dỉiughter íriend employee

Tỳ be ^ b c tte r fr\enảằ you ebouỡd try to liừten more. i Listen 0 You w ill now hear some advice on how to be a better son or ỉaughcer, íriend, and employee Check (✓ ) the advice the speaker menrions.

□ Compliment your parents □ Cook your parents a nice meal.

□ Remember your parents’ birthdays □ Be a good listener.

Priend □ Tell your friends your problems.

□ Buy little gifts for your triends.

Emplợyoe □ Smile and be polite.

□ Ask for help when you need it.

□ Arrive at work as early as possible.

) G rO U p WOrk W hat is the best advice youVe ever received from ứiese people?

/rite the aclvice in the chart Then share your answcrs w ith your group.

My m othớr once to ìd me, **Pon't wony about lỉtt/ữ thỉnge.* to fa il (v) /f^ //ỵ trượt ( ứ i i ) com plim ent(n) /)b/77p///n^/7^ lờikhe nn gợi người lao động c SELF-STUDY page 101 Self-improvement U n i t 10 45

A Pair W Ork Look at these places to \is it ừi New York C ity Have you evcr visited sim ilar places?

B Pãìr W O rk W hich o f these places are ứie people in part c going to? W rite your guess under each picture belovv.

M etropolitan Opera Museum o f M odern A rt Yankee Stadium Concĩy Island c Listelì Q Which o f these quesrions does each person use to ask directions?

W rite the quesdon you hear D id you guess the places correctly?

W here is ? Gan you tell me where is?

D o you know where Ì5? Can you tell me how to get to ?

Questíon Question museum(n) /m ju :'zỉa m / nhà bảo tàng stadium (n) /' s t e /ổ ì a m /sẫn \ậ n động federal bank (n) /r e d d r a l bdeqk/ ngân hàng liên bang drug store (n) / ‘drAgstDự cửa hàng dưỢc

46 U n i t l l ■ In t h e C ity c tiv ity 2 Pair w o rk Look at ửus map Put -he directions belovv in the correct order.

■ 1aíion (n) /•sA b^ersteifn/ ga xe điện ngầm infom ation (n) /,in f9 'm e Ịfn / thông tin historic adị) /hỉs*tD rík/ nổi tiếng (có tính chất lịch sử )

A Pair WOrk H ow do you celebrate in your country? Check (✓) the statementí that are true for you Then compare w ith a partner.

□ We celebrate the birthday o f my countiy □ We do things to protect oưr world.

□ We give thanks for a good Harvest □ We celebrate education and leamng., o We visit our ancestors’ graves, □ There is a special day to celebrate vvc^rk.

□ We celebrate a religious ĩigure □ We honor the leader o f our country.

B L is te n Q Four people are describing theừ íavorite spedal days or holidays

W rite the day or holiday under ứie correct picture. c Group WOrk Discuss these questions.

• Does your country have ạny sim ilar holidays? W hat are they?

• W hat is your íavorite nationa] holiday? W hy? thỉnk /5 õimiỉar to ThãnkegMng Ịt*e a\eo in the fa ỉj and - ■ ^ to celebraíe (v)- / ‘selibreiự làm lễ kỷ niệm toprotect(v) /pr9'tekự bảo vệ

PoreigriCcUstpms ĩỊC SELF-STUDY se^epage 10.

Listeiì Q You w ill hear about three holidays around ứie worId Check (✓ ) the tatemenĩ3 diat are true.

End o f Ramadan, M uslim countries What happens Day of the Dead Independence Day End of Ramadan Therỡ is a big parade.

Therei is singing and dancing.

3 Paĩr W Ork Complete tliis chart about holidays or fesdvals in your country riien tell a visito r about them.

Holiday o r testival When is it? W hat happens?

V IVổ cõìcbrate on July 16 Thcre \e a b\ạ Ỹaraảõ ar)á , , c Joĩn a n o th a r paír Discuss these quesdons,

• W hai vvas vour fa w ríte holiday as a child?

W hat do you ìike to do on holidays?

• W hai holiday or íestival in your cou ntĩv is most iiiterestiiiỉỊ? independence day {x\)/indrpenddnsdeự ngày độc iập firew ork (n) /râỉdw a:ks/ pháo hoa g ift(n ) / g ị f ự quà lặng

A Pair WOrk Look at these photos Is it O K to do dnese ứiings in you r country’:

Have you done any o f them?

I thìnk it‘s OK to eat on the S tre e t^ ^ Yes, but it rcally ảspenắỗ on the food 7 ^

B Pair WOrk W ould you ever do these things m your countiy? Check (✓ ) Yes, Maybe, or No Then discuss w ith a partner.

In y o u r country, w o u ld you ever ? Yes M aybe No visit someone’s home vvithout an invitation □ □ □ use a handkerchieí to d ry o r clcan your hands □ □ □ call your boss by his o r her íĩrst narae □ □ □ ask fo r a “ doggie bag” to take food home from a restaurant □ □ □ c u tm lin e ‘ □ □ □ arrive late fo r a party □ □ □ usc a cell phonc in a restaurant □ □ □

/ wouìd nevôr arrìvõ íâte for a Ịỉârty ìt*e not politổ ^ c Joĩn a n o th e r p a ir Compare your answers W hich o f you r answers are the same? diíTerent? invitation (n) haìlđkerchieí (n)

/,ìn v ỉ'te ỉfn / lờ i mời

boss (n) /b D s/ ông chi 52 Unit 12 ■ Poreign customs

A Listen Q Two people are comparmg French and American customs Check (✓ ) the points they mention. lf you visit som eone’s hcm e, do you ? France United

Your country 1 take tỉovvers as a g ift

1 arrive a ỉittle early arrive exactlỵ on tim e arrive nc) more than fifteen m inutes late rernove your shoes at the d oo r kisr y{}ur hostess on one cheek kisi youí hostess on both cheeks kiss your host on one cheek kiss your host on b oth cheeks shake hands vvith all the guests look o ther peopỉe in the eye d uring a conversation L ^ use tirst names vvith alỉ the guests i ỉ i

B P a ir W O rk Compare your aiiswers Then check (✓) tlie poiiits in ứic thừđ coluiun ihat arc true for your country. c G roup W Ork Discuss these questions.

• W l^i( h customs from the chart in part A do you follow in your countiy?

• Have you ever had a íoreign guest in your home? II'so, did the guest break any rules?

• W lia i other things do you do vvhen you visit so m eon e’s hom e? take fỈ0ịverõ âẽ ^ ^/^7 ì ^ That'6 true, õut we don^t,

A c tiv ity 3 n Paĩr WOrk Imagừie a visitor ửom the U nited States is Corning to your country, ĩiv e advicc* on thcse topics. ỉriving a ciư giv in g gifts ĩating in a restaurant respecting older people :ating o n the Street standing in line traveling by bus or subway usừig busmess cards using the telephone

^ Kemcmi^ổr to drive on the ỉõft And drỉve carcfu\\y “ there'e a lơt ơ f tra ffìc l

\ ĩ C o m m u n ic a tio n tâ s k W ork ừi groups o f three One o f you should 3ok at Task 10 on page 78, one at Task 23 on page 85, and One at Task 29 on page 87 i)u ’re going to.give One another a quừ about customs and behaviors. exactly(adv) /ig'zdektn/ chính xác cheek (n) / t f i: k / má to shake (v) /fe lk / bắt tay

Unscxamble the letters to m ake words fro m Lesson 9A.

2 Here are 6 m ore scram bled word5

Unscram ble the letters to make w ortls fro m Lesson 9B. loryprep p JL ^ -ê-JL J - X - armed d r e a m eericsxe : o‘ peelsover o _ cansk crockllama a c orvvry w ^ nodus s -e© thevvig lylragũre w r ^ ^ waỉlkeepers mainison i s _ -n-

6. 3 N ow use the letters in the drd e s above to complete the sentence.

“ _ sưess is good for ỵour Health.”

Use ứie dues to com plete the puzzle w ith words fro m U n it 10.

3 Someonc who vvorks vviứi you is a

4 Do you have a good ? Relax and life.

A is a kind o f aim or target.

8 Someone you don’t know well is a

9 M y socks are two diíTerent colors How ! 10 somediing nice you say to someone

13 for help vvhen you need it.

14 Tm going to a meal fo r you.

16 the sense you experience with your eyes

D ow n 17 Don’t w orry if you get things \vrong Leam ,

16 ỉ ! same as (adv) /seịm dez/ đồng nghĩa diíTerent (ađj) / ’dìfrĩĩnự khác nhau target (n) /'taigiự mục tiêu

54 Units9-12 ■ Revievv pu 2 zles lere ax*e 20 w ords fro m U n it 11 in ứiis

►rd seíurch pixzzle H ow m any can you d? They ã ll have som ething to do w ith TIES aiìd T O W N S

zzle l>

Unit 13 ■ Famous people

A c t iv it y 2 tK P a ĩr W O rk W h ic h o f thcsc events happened first? W h ich happened last? T iy :o p u t diem in order fro m 1 to 3.

War The Prench Revolution The Russian Revoíutlon The American Revolution íntertaínment _The invention of the DVD _The Invention of the VValkman _The invention of the video game

Relỉgỉon The beginning of Chrlstianỉty The beginning of Islam The beginning of Buddhism

Technology The invention of the modern typevvriter The invention of the ballpoint pen The invention of paper

._The buiỉding of the Great VVall of China ỉmpresslonism The building of Machu Picchu in Peru Surrealism _ The building of the Pyramids In Egypt _ Pop art

B J o Ìlì a n o th e r p a ir C om pare y o u r ideas T h e n tu rn to page 90 to check yo u r ansvvcrs W h o got the m ost answers correct? c G ro u p W O rk Discuss these questions.

• W h :it do you th in k is the m ost ừnportant inve ntion m h isto ry?

• \V h () do you th in k is the m ost ừnportant inventor? polidcian? artist?

A P a ir W O rk Im agine you are ha ving a din ner party Choose six famous people to in v itc M ake a list. f OK b u t ìct's aÌỗo choose some famou&

B J O Ìn a n o t h e r p a ir C om pare y o u r lists T h e n decide on the eight m ost intercsting guests T ry to have a m ix o f people w ith diíTerent achievements so ứie dừm er coỉiversation wiU be live ly. c G ro u p W Ork Discuss ứiese questions.

• W h o \v ill you seat next to each oửier? W hy?

• W h a t k in d o f food and beverages wiU you serve?

• W h a t quesdons wiU you ask y o u r guests?

A C o m m u n ĩc a tio n ta s k 1 ^ 1 W o rk w itli a partner O ne o f you should lo o k at Task 12 on page 79, and the o th e r at Task 27 on page 86 You’re going to give each other a h is to ry quiz.

B P a ir W O rk M ake up y o u r ow n short quiz W rite bo th the questions and choices IT ie n give the quiz to another paữ. revolution (n) /,re v3'lu :fn / cuộc cách mạng technology (n) /te k'n o l3d3i/ công nghệ religion (n) /ri'Ud33n / tôn giáo

A c tiv ity 1 A Pair WOrk Look at these photos W hich room w ould you like to relax in?

B Pair WOrk Look at these words D o ỵou see these things in the rooms in part A?

Describe each picture. arm chair cofTee table íìreplace picture rug bookcase cushion lamp pillow sofa

T V doset desk m irro r plant 1 fn thô fỉre t room, there arc eomc lâmpe, ồomổ eofae, a n à ^ c W o rk a lo n e W here do you fm d ử ìC things from part B in your home? A dd them to ứie chart.

Living room Bedroom Kitchen Bathroom

D G rou p WOrk Compare you r ansvvers T hen discuss these questions,

• H ow are your lists diíĩerent?

• W h a t eke do you generally lln d in these ro oiĩis in your country?

• W h at oứier rooms do you have in your home?

7V /g ìn my bữdroom ^ ^ / havg mine In the IMng rvom. cushion(n) /'k u /n / cái đệm p ilio w (n) /'p iio u / cấi gối fireplace(n) /'ía ia p le is/ lò sưởi

A Listen í ) Brad and Melissa are talking about their dream homes W hich hiome vvould each prcfer? W rite theừ names under die correct pictures. l Lísten again Q \V hat is im portant for their dream homes? W rite B fo r Irad aiid M for Melissa next to the tliings they mention. ỶL svvimming pool _ íireplace _ vegetable garden dose to downtown close to subway outdoor deck

m vvarm climate _ privaie balcony J ^ b le T V

^ satellite T V ocean view _ park view _ city view _ yard _ Ăower garden quiet _ p rh íicy

Pair work W hich o f the homes in part A do you prcfcr? W hy?

I Pairvvork W hat is im portant to you in a home? Use the ideas in p a it B or )ur ovvn ideas to dcsign your drearn home Dravv a picture.

JoÌf1 dnother pair Describe your dream home Tèll wherc it is located, hat it loc)ks like, and vvhat it contains.

My Jream horrìớ ie ìocated cỉoec to a park bõcauôc ^ r\\ce v\ôw Íổ Im port^nt tơ mc.

Group WOrk Discuss these questions.

Is having a nice home im portant to you? W hat is more ừnpoĩtant?

W hat is your current bedroom like? H ow can you improve it?

Hovv can yoư improve your classroom? r / think â nicớ homổ ỉõ th a t im portant. ỉ ‘ ổì râther havõ an intereetin^ jo k ị dìeâQree, I epenổỈ a io t o f tỉme a t home , climate (n) /'kiaim iự khí hậu yard (n) /ja :d / sân có rào xung quanh private(n) y p ra iv iự riêng tư

A c tiv ity 1 A Paỉr WOrk Look at these homes Then discuss the questions below.

• W hich home is most sim ilar to yours?

• W hich home vvould you like to live íii? W hy?

B Listen ^ Charles, Joan, Tony, and Rosa are describing their visits to the places in part A W rite theừ names under the correct pictures. c Listeiì aga in Q W rite one thing they liked and disliked about each placc 'ĩỊ?

What did they lỉke? What dld they dUIUe^

Charles Joan Tony Rosa sim ilar (adj) / ’simỉl9/ tương tự to describe (v) /dis^kraỉb/ m iêu tả

•HỏrtteíSlt/ộeềt home 5'^ SELF-STJD'Y Mpage

A G roup w o rk Interview several classmates about theừ housing preCerences

W rite the number o f people who prefer each item Include your own ansvvers. l What do you preíer to livc in? ahouse an aparíment a studerit dormitory 2 Who do you preíer to live with? nobody a roommate my íamlly

3 Whera do you want to live? ỉn a big City in the suburbs in a smaỉl town 4 What Idnd of vỉew do you likB? an ocean view a mountaỉn view a City vievv 5 wtỉat is most important to you about a homa? cost location ,SÌZ8

B P3Ỉr W O rk Join a student from a diíĩerent group Discuss your survey results. ĩhere were eỉx peopỉô in my group All o f Uổ prữfer to ìỉvơ ỉn a houec. ế' c W ork alone Complete ứiese sentences.

1 In my country, most people live in _

2 N ot many people live m 3 M ost people live w ith theừ parents u ritil theỵ are 4 It's tf)o expensive for most people to live m

5 Almost everyone I knovv lives in 6 I knovv only one person who lives in 7 I don’t know anyone who lives in

8 w h c n Vm older, I hope to live ừ i

D P 3 Ír WOrk Compare ỵour sentences I f you are from diíĩerent countries, what aie the similarides and diíTercnces? I f you are from the samc country, do you agree?

1 - Stome swset Home Ị-J;\

P a ir v u o rk VV^nat can a dravving o f a house say about your personality? Follow these instructions Then turn to page 90 to check your m teipretation.

5 Draw a ii arrow vvhere you’d like yoưr bedroom to be.

7 Draw a picaưc of yourseií next to the house. view (n ) /ự ju :/ phong cảnh location(n) /toưkeự n/ địa điểm important (adj) /im ’po:t3n ự quanư-ọng

A Paĩr W Ork Look at diese photos W hat are ứie children doing? D o they rem iìd you o f your childhood?

B Pair W O rk Discuss these questions.

• W hat did you enjoy about your childhood? W hat is your best memory?

• W hen you were a young child, what did you like to do w ith your friends?

• W here did you like to play? W hat kinds o f games did you play?

• D o you ever want to bc a child again?

^^W hen I ìvâồ a chiiổi, Ị Ịikớd to plây baeketbạịì wìth my brothcr ^ c W o r k alone Prepare to tell a sto iy from your childhood Choose one o f th* sto iy types below. a funny story a happy stoiy an embarrassing story a heartvvarming sto iy a írightening story a sad story

D Group WOrk Take tums telling your stories Ask one another questions to ret more detailed inỉorm ation about what happened.

Thĩe Ĩ5 a funny ồtory Whôii I wae 5 )jeare OÌỔÌ, I haà a bìrthảa'^ pârty.

I ịvântổổ^ to plây a 6 0l memory (n) /•memdrí/ kỷ niệm basketball (n) /•b o is k itb D iì/ bóng rổ írightening (adj) /ĩr a itn in / kinh kiủng

A Pair w o rk Look at these old photos Then discuss the questions belovv.

• W hat ií happening in each photo?

• w h a t co you thin k is going to happen next?

B L is te r Q You w ill hear interviews w ith some o f the people on ửie beach, Check (✓) Tme or False.

Photo 1 1 T he vvomen are going to have a race.

2 T hey a*e going to have lunch soon.

3 T h ey f:el it is a little dangerous.

Photo ĩ 1 T ỉie vvcman has lost some puzzle pieces.

2 Sbe is li the beach vvith some ủicnds.

3 Sbe fees the puzzle is gctting easier

Photo 3 l l l i e mm fell asleep after lunchtim c.

2 T lic úàt is gomg out.

3 H is \vif: is retum ing from shopping.

; C o m rru n ica tĩo n ta sk ^ 1 ^ W ork w ith a paitner One o f you should 3ok at Tãsì 13 on pagc 80, and thc other at Task 28 on page 87 YouVe goíng

□ fmd out vhat this old photo shows. angerous (aij) /•deind^rds/ nguy hiểm uzzle (n) /*pAzự trò chơi ô chữ asleep(adj) /d 's ii:p / ngủ

A Pair WOrk Look at these fads that were once popular in the U nited States

W hich ones are you fam iliar vvith? W hich arc uníam iliar?

R ubik’s cubes hula hoops í ' í ' - ! / , í smile buttonis

Prisbees skateboards Cabbage Patch dcls

B Listen Q You w ill hear a radio program about fads Check ( |/) when each fad íirst became popular in the U nited States.

1950S 1960S 1970S 19180 yo-yos ✓ disco music mood rlngs Rubik’s cubes hula hoops smile buttons Prlsbees skateboards Cabbage Patch dolls c G roup W O rk Discuss these questìons.

• W hich o f ứie fads werc also popular in your countiy? When?

• W hat are some other form er fads in your country?

• W hat are some current fads? Do you foUow them?

\Ọ ý Ì00ổỊ rín^e werô popuĩar in thớ 197ổẽr^

66 frisbee (n) /r r íz b i:/ ưò chơi ném đ ĩ

Unit 15 I Then and now

popular (adj) / ’popjul3/ phtổ iến ớỊC SELF-STUDYớớfôigir7ỡổ

D C o iììrn u n ica tio n task feTá W ork in groups of three One of you should ook aL Task 22 on page 84, one at Task 25 on page 85, and one at Task 30 on page 87 fou’re going to talk about some other fad5 that were once popular in the United States.

\ Paĩr WOrk W hich o f these are popular where you live? W hich do you like?

3ÌSCUSS w ith a partner. blue jeans disco dancing dyed haír earrings in-line skating Japanese food

Mexican food rap music short hair skateboards suríing Thai food fooá Ì6 veiy popuìar I lovổ ỉtl

3 Listen ỉ ) Brian, Carmen, and H a rry are discussing trends W rite one thing hat is trcndỵ now and one thing that is no longer trendy.

What is no ionger trendy?

Brian Carmen Harry z Paír WOrk M ake a list o f some trendy things vvhere you live.

Entertainment Fashion Food and diink other ỉ J o ín a n o t h e r p a ir Compare your lists Then discuss ứiese questìons.

• Do you foIlow any o f the trends you listed? W hy?

• W hat do you th in k w ill be trendy next year?

• W hat aie some things that are no longer trendy?

• Are you a trendsetter o r a trend follower?

Just changed my hairõtyle becaưse my ừiends . entertainnient (n) /,e n t3‘teinmdnự giải trí fashion(n) /'fẹ s fn / ứiời trang

trendy (adj) /'tre n d ự khuynh hướng

ưnscramble ứie letters to make vvords from Lesson 13A

ưnscram ble the letters to make vvorđs from Lesson 13B

Now use the letters in the đrdes above to complete ứie sentence

“ Edison is for inventmg the lightbulb.”


what you can see from your w indow

13 a place to keep your dothes 14 You look at yourselí in a

15 a place to keep your car 16 Sit here in warm weather to enjoy thc íiresh air.


17 Some university students live at home, but others live in a

floor (n) /fìo :/ sàn nhà 72 Units 13-16 ■ Revievv pu 2 zles

Task 1

Here’s a word puzzle to tell your parttier Read these dues line bỵ line.

The fourth letter comes after J on the Computer keỵboard.

The second letter comcs bcfore J m the alphabet.

The flfth letter comes aftcr D in the alphabet.

The third letter is between X and V on die Computer keyboard.

The last letter is betwecn R and Y on the Computer keyboard.

The Tirst letter is the samc letter as the last letter o f the word.

Now your paitner is gomg to tell you how to vvrite a word letter by lettcr W iite th( letters after each clue.

Task 2

You and your partner have the same photos but in a diíĩerent order De:cribc your photos and ask questions to fmd out more about your partner’s photos T h tn vvrite the missing first name or last name under each photo.

My fỉre t photo ỉe Kĩck He \ooke aÌPOUt 35 anổÌ hâõ hỉuc cyce and fa ir ekin.

Use thls irifonnation to Lnterpret your own drawing and your partner’s drawmg

Your p.artner has some additional inform ation. facing; y ju , you facing; lcft, you facing,- rght, you

I f the ciof has fo u r Leg> shovving, you fewer Icịs shovving, you The le:ng'Ji o f the tail shovvs how friendly you are The longer the better.

Look 'òií ihe map \wiửì tom orrow ’s weather forecast Tell your partner what the íorecas.t is for Casablanca, Rio de Janeiro, Seoul, Stockholm, and M ia iĩii.

Your psuữier vvill now tell you about tomorTow’s v/eather in Osaka, New D elhi, Athens, Lừna, and Vầrcouver D raw the weather symbols.

W hen y ju ĩưiish, discuss these questíons.

• V T h iik city ha.s the best vveather? the worst weather?

• Choosc one o f the cities to \ãsit Look at tlie ỉorecast W hat things do you neted tơ takc?

/’ m ^ữin^ to vỉeỉt hAìamì I rìõớà to take a raincoat, an umbreỉìa, and

Task 5

Ix>ok at ứie dothing Choose thrce items that you think yo u r partner w ould like

Now show your paitner the pictures Does your paitner agree w ith your recommencatiions?

Task 6

Look at these photos w ith your paitner Give the other pa ir clues about each country u n til they guess coirectly D on’t make the clues too easyl

In thiõ countryyou can fĩnd ổÌelĩcioue fooà ^

Task 7

W hich of these magazmes do you think your partner would buy? Num ber the maga2 Ìnes from 1 (vvould buy first) to 9 (vvould buy last) Then do the same for yourselí.

E n te rta in m e n tvn é e kly

Tèll your partncr you r guesses E xplain your reasons H ow accurate werc you?

I ĩhlnkyou'd bựy “In S tyle” fire t because you like faehlon.

Task 8

K rst tum the picture the right way up Look at it fo r exaứly 20 seconds, T iy to remember all thc objccts that you see.

Now look at Task 26 on page 86

Task 9 Ask your partner for directions to the foUowing places M a rk the placxs on the map

M ax’s Departm ent Store the cofĩee shop the police station M ax’s Depa mổ Couìdyou pịcaec teỉì me how to tơ

Now your partner w ill ask you fo r dừections Give dừections.

FolỊow thiồ etre ôt u n tll .

Task 10

Are these statements about customs and behaviors true o r false? Take tums reading them to your classmates Have them guess.

1 In Korea, you should remove your shoes before entering a home True 2 In Brazil, people rarely exchange business cards False 3 In Australia, it's the custom to wait in lines True 4 In Italy, you should begin eating before your hostess does False W hat odier customs and behaviors do you know?

Task 11

^ead rhis iníorm ation about the Sừnpsons Ask quesdons to get the missing n ỉo riĩia tio n Your partner vvill also ask you questions.

How oìd ỉe Homer Sĩmpeon?

V What doee Homer eaỵ when hc makce a mịồtakc?

H om er Simpson is _ ycars old H c is a safcty inspcctor at a nudear povver plant m SpringẼcld H c loves to eat donuts He says _whcn hc makcs a mistakc.

— - is 34 years old Shc tries to solvc thc ỉam ily problcim and holds the fam ily togethcr Shc cooks, cleans, and shops fo r thcm.

Bart is 10 He is very clever and oftcn misbchaves H c docs po orly at school H c likes to play ^ _on pcoplc, so his íavoritc day is A p ril 1 Lisa is 8 Shc is thc most intclligent membcr o f the fam ily She loves t o _and play thc saxophone Maggic is L She docsn’t _ , and shc falls a lot.

T he Simpsons havc two pcts T hcừ dog is Santa’s L ittlc Hclpcr He was a radng dog long ago T h c ừ _ is Snovvball II.

Task 12

Ask your parm er the questions m the quiz belovv, and check { ị / ) the rcsponses

Then look at the answers, aiid tell your partner the results.

1 Where was ancỉent Mesopotamia? □ Egypt □ Israel n Iraq ị

2 Whỉch City had the ĩirst suimay system? □ NewYork □ London □ Moscow 3 Who painỉed the Mona Usấ? n Uonardo da Vinci □ Rembranđt □ Michelangeio

4 Where did Columbus land in tha New World? □ Rorida □ the Bahamas □ Brad 5 What was tỉie íirst animal in space? □ a monkey □ a mouse □ adog

8 Whằn was the firsỉ World Cup soccer match? □ 191D □ 1930 □ 1950

1 Iraq, in thc South 2 Ixandon, in 1863 3 1/Conardo da Vmd, in Italy

4 the Bahamas, in 1492 5 a dog, named ỉ aỉka 6 1930

Novv your partner wiU ask you questions.

Task 13

You have the left h a lf o f the photo Ask your partner questions to £ìnd out what’s ữi the right half. i s doing?

Task 14

Your partner wiU ^sk you for directions to some places Give directions.

Now ask your partner fo r directìons to the foUowing places M a rk the places on the raap the posc oíEce the flow er shop Classico M ovie Theater

Excuồô me Couìd you plôâõổ tõìì me how to 0ô t t o ? ^

Yo-ur partner is going to tell you how to vvTÌtc a word letter by letter W rite ứie letters aítcr each clue.

Novv hcre’s a w ord puzzle to tell your partner Read these clues line by line.

The second letter is betvveen Y and I on the Computer keyboard.

The fo u rth letter Ì5 the second letter in the alphabet.

The ílrst letter is b etw een B and M o n the Computer keyboard.

"^lie fìfth letter is the flfth letter in the alphabet.

"iTie third letter is to the right o f N on the Computer keyboard.

ITie last letter comes before s m the alphabet.

Yo’U mc yo u r partner have the same photos but in a diHerent order Describe your photos m d 'ảsk questions to íln d out more about your partner’s photos Then w rite tbe missmg íirs t name or last name under each photo.

My Ịre t photo iồ Grace She ỉookô about 35 ariổỈ nae ổÌark hâir ânổỈ â nice 3mị\e.

Task 17

Use ửiis inform adon to interpret your own drawing and your partner’s dravving

Your partncr has some additional iníorm atíon.

I f ứie dog is at the bottom o f ứie paper, you are usually nervous. you are sometimes nervous and sometimes calm you are usually calm. in the m iddle o f the paper, at the top o f ủie paper,

I f the dog has many details, few details, you are usually careíủl you are sometimes careless.

The size o f the ears shows how well you listen to other people The bigger the betLtr.

Task 18

Look at the map w ith t0 m 0 iT 0w ’s vveather ỉorecast Your partner vviU tell you about tom orrow ’s weather in Casablanca, Rio de Janeiro, Seoul, Stockholm, and M iam i D raw the vveather symbols.

Now tell your partner what tlie forecast is fo r Osaka, New D elhi, Athcns, Lim a, aid Vancouver.

W hen you fưiish, discuss these quesdons f

• W hich city has ứie best vveather? the worst vveaứier?

• Choose one o f the citíes to visit Look at the íorecast W hat things do you need to take?

'm (^òmạ to vỉôit Miâmỉ Ị neeá to take a raĩncoat, an umbreìỉa, a n d

Task 19

Look at 'iie clothing Choose three items that you think your partner vvould like

Novv shcw your parUier the pictures Does vour partner agree w ith your recommendations?

Look ;it iiese photos vvith your partner Give the other paừ clues about each co u n try intil they guess correctly D on’t make the dues too easy!

In thip country you can fỉná ôxotlc anỉmâh.

Task 21

W hich o f these magazines do you d iink your partner w ould buy? N um ber the magazmes from 1 (vvould buy fưst) to 9 (would buy last) Then do the saine for yourselT.

In Style lè ll )^our p a rin e ryo u r guesses E xplaiii your reasoiis H ow ỉ.ccurate \vere you? ỉ thinkyou^d ipuy ‘"In 5tylớ**fỉr3t bccaueôyou lỉkổ fâehỉon. Ĩ ^ Ỉ U 2 2 J,

Take lurns Describe the fad belovv in your own words.

Pac-Man was a video game Ihat became very popular in 1981 The game was modeled after Paku, a Japanese íolk hero who was alvvays hungry In 1980, an Amerỉcan company bought the rìghts from Japan and turned it into 3 video game a yèár later Soon, Pac-Man was ev5rywhere - on clocksT cards, toys, and clothes In 1982, peõple were not so interested in Pac-Man ónymore Even the ỉntroduction of Ms Pac-Man did not help.

9 \Vhich of ihc ihree fads was ứie sữ-angest?

• Weve any o f ủic fads ever popular where you live?

• Do you thũik they wiU become popular agaũi somcday?

\ The strữinqest- fađ Wãỗ defínitely .

Task 23

irc these statements about customs and behaviors true or false? Take tums cading thein to your classmates Have them guess.

1 In Japan, it's common to vvrite on business cards False2 In Saudi Arabia, you must only eat with your right hand True3 In Argentina, you should avoid talking about soccer False4 In Scotland, eating on the Street is generally OK TrueATiat oủier customs and behaviors do you know?

Task 24

lead this inỉorm ation about ứie Simpsons Ask questions to get the missing nforniation Your partner vvill also ask you questíons.

^ Whât doee Homer \ove to eât?

' : - r; - doớe Kiarạe do fo r her fâm ỉ!y?)

H ơm er Simpson is 36 ycars old He is a safety inspector at a nuclear power plant in Sprirỉgíleld He loves to e a t _ He says “ D ’oh!” when hc makes a mistake Marge is 34 years old She tries to solve the fam ily problems and holds the ỉam ily together She cooLs, cleans, a n d _ fo r them.

Bart ìs 10 He is very clever and often misbehaves He docs po orly at school He likes to play (ricks on people, so his ỉavorite day is _ Lisa Ì5 8 She is the most mtelligent member o f the fam ily She loves to study and play th e _ Maggie is She d o esn ’t talk, and she íalls a lot.

T lie Simpsons have pets T lie ừ dog is Santa’s Litde Helper He was a racing dog long ;igo Theừ cat is Snowball II.

Take Describe ihe fad below in your ovvn words. mmm

T fE lA V A lA M P was vcry popular in the 1960s

W hen it was heatcđ, the wax insidc thc g^ass slowIy moved People loved looking at the soft light and thc moving, ũoating lava

Everybody seemed to love the lava làmp Amcricans bought morc ứian two m illio n lamps beỉore sales fell in the mid-1970s.

• W ỉiich ()f the three fads vvas the strangest?

• Were any o f the fads ever popular where you live?

• D o you think they vvill become popular again someday?

Tạsk 26

1 W ork alone.^ W rite down all the objects you remember D o not look back at ihe picture.

2 Compare your list w itli a partner.

3 Look at the picture again Then ansvver thesc questions.

• H ow many objects did you remember? W liic h objects did you íorget?

• D id you vvrite dovm any objects ứiat were not in the picture?

4 A dd up thc num ber o f items you vvrote dovvn correctly Subtract any items you \vrote down that were not m the picture Then check your score.

17-20 coxrect You have an cxccUent mcmory You didn’t chcat, did you?

13-16 corrcct Good A rc you surc you iookcd fo r only 20 scconds?

9-12 corrcct N o t bad Some special techniques may help you remember more ứiings

5 -8 coiTcct You forgot a lo t o f things D id you havc som cthing clsc on yo u r m iiid?

1-4 conrcct Is yo u r m cm ory that bad? Maybe you ju st d id n ’t concentrate enough.

Fừst ansvver your partner’s questions.

Novv ask your partner the questions in the quiz below, and check ( ị/ ) the responses

T lie n loo k at ihe answcrs, and tell your partner the resulU).

1 Which compsny invented the videotape cassette?

□ the American South □ West Aírica □ Cuba

3 In whicii century did Vincent van Gogh live?

' 4 Who B8ve ths statue of Liberty to the United States?

5 When was the first moon walk?

A nsw ers 1 Sony, in 1969 2 the American South, in thc early 1900s 3 ninctecnth, from 1853 to 1890

6 Scodand, as early as the 1400s 1

Task 28

Yoư have the right half o f the photo Ask ỵour partner questions to íỉnd out what’s in the left half.

A rc tliese statements about customs and behaviors true or false? Take tums readiiìg them to your classmates Havc them guess.

1, In Taivvan, aỉvvays present gifts with both hands True 2, ỉn the United States, it's common to see men holding hands Palse 3 In Peru, good eye contact is important True 4 In Egypt, it's polite to eat everything on ỵour plate Palse W hat other customs and behaviors đo you know?

Take turas Describe the fad below ỉn your own vvords.

|CrhaDS thc silliest fad o f all, the pct rock bccamc popular in 1975 Peoplc thought that thc rocks wcrc thc pcrỉcct pet Thcy nccdcd vcry littlc carc, thcy bchavcd, aiid thcy lĩiađc no noise They also madc unusual giíts, oítcn in boxcs vvith a b irđ i cerdScate A t firs t they wcrc ju st piain rodcs, but latcr thc>' had a varicty o f ìoóks, oftcn vvith smaJJ faces painted on them Bclievc it o r not, Aniericans bought morc than íive miUion pet rocks.

• W h icli o f the three fads was the stxangcst?

• Were any of the fads f.ver Dopuiar where you live?

• Do you ứ iiiik they w ill become popular again someday? ẽtran^õôt faà Y/ae ổỈữfìnit^Ịỵ ^

The answers to the quiz are:

Here are ứie average prices o f these items in the U nited States Individua l pric wiU vary. a subvvay rid e a C D a movie ticke t a cup o f coíĩee a ha ircu t

$16.00 a new spaper $.50 $8.00 an ice-cream cone $1.50 $1.00 Internet access $20.00

Here are the ansvvers to the questions.

2 by bus 2 w id i ửiends or relativcs 3 by train 3 in their 0\VT\ camper

1 tiy new foods 2 bc alone 3 go shopping

1 shopping 2 outdoor actr/ides 3 visiting historical places

7 go on a safa:'i 8 do n o th iiig 9 visit relatives

The book tides can probably be found in these secdons:

Health Science and Technology Sports

M ysteiy H isto iy Self-Improvemcnt Children^s Books

A n A tla s o f t h e V V o r ld The Compỉete Book of Vitamins The Big Book of Volcanoes The P u tu re a f S o c c e r

^ourtecntộ -Centun/ (Bng Canb G et Self-Confídence Novểl ĩimmy and the Priendly Monster

Here’s how to scorc the quừ The higher the score, the longer you can cxpect page 39 to live.

Question 1 Add 2 points if you arc ícmalc

Add 1 point if you arc male.

Qucstion 2 Add 2 pomts i f you arc m arricd

Add 1 pomt if you arc smgle.

^ e s tio n 3 Add 2 pomts if you cxercisc three times a week

Add 1 point if you cxcrcisc oncc a vveck

Subư^ct 1 pom t if you don*t exercise at all. l^e stio n 4 Subtraa 1 point fo r each food item checked.

^ e s tio n 5 Add 3 points if you w alk to school/vvork.

Add 2 points if you take a bus/train to school/vvork

Add 1 poừit if you drive to school/vvork.

Here’s how to score the quiz. page 4 i ^ even-numbered qưestiori (2j 4, 6, etc.), score 0 points for “ very often,”

1 pom t for “ sometimcs,” and 2 poừits for “ hardly ever.”

For each odd-numbered question (1, 3, 5, etc.), score 2 points for “very often,”

1 pomt for “ so in e d n ie sa n d 0 poừits for “ hardlỵ ever.”

2 Rcad thc interpretation o f ỵour score.

)vcr 24 You must have added up your scores vvrong!

19-24 YouVc a vcry healthy slceper You don’t havc much strcss úì your lifc.

13-18 You’re a pretty healthy sleeper, but there are vvays to improve your slcep.

7-12 You aren’t a ve iy healthy sleeper You shoulđ organke your sleep rimc bctter.

0-6 You aren’t a healthy slceper at all T ry to do something to hclp you slcep bctter.

The signs for each city are: page48 I b 3 e 5 a

The symbols are

Here is the correct iníorm adon about the people.

3 Russell Crovve 4 R icky M a rtin 5 M ichael Jordan 6 Salma Hayek 7 Chow Yun-Pat 8 Tbny Blaừ The correct orders o f the events are:

1 The Am erican Revoludon 1 The beginning o f Buddhism

2 The French Revoluáon 2 The beginning o f C hristia nity

3 The Russian Revolutíon 3 The beginning o f Islam

1 The invenrion o f the video game 1 The invcntìon o f paper 2 The invention o f the W alkm an 2 The invendon o f the m odem typevvriter 3 The inventìon o f the D V D 3 The invention o f the ballpoint pen

1 The build in g o f the Pyramids in Egypt 1 Impressionism 2 The bu ild ing o f ứie Great W all o f China 2 Surrealism 3 T he build in g o f M achu Picchu in Peru 3 Pop art

The interpretation o f your drawing is:

1 I f you r house has straight lines, you are a strong leader.

I f you r house has some curved lines, you are indecisive.

2 I f you r door is dctailed, you are prcdictable.

I f you r door has no details, you are unpredictable.

3 I f you r house has one window, you are shy.

If your housc ha5 more than one window, you are talkadvc


B Listen to the mtervievsrs again M a rk the statements True (T) or Fake (F),


3 She got her skừt at a th riỉt store.

4 H er style is budget, high style ”


1 K cnji is a h i ^ school studcnt 2 His T s h irt cost $9.

3 He got his pants at a department store.

4 He doesn’t havc a pcrsonal stylc.


3 She thinks her hat is mexpensive.

4 H er style is “ country wcstem.”

U n it 6 A Listen to conversarion 1 Check (•/) the adịedìves you hear,

B Listen to conversarion 2 RU ừi the missừig words. iVaiưess: O K , here you go.

1 M an: O h, thank you You know somcthmg, this cheesecake looks really good, Wbman: It sure does H ey now, don’t forget we’re sharing it!

M an: I know. iVbman: M m m Wow, that is Ooh, it’s really sweet, too.

M an: D o you thừik that we should get some m ore ?

At>man: O h, no thanks, I th in k rm O K Listcn, is it O K w ith you if we ask for th e now? I knovv that we’rc still eating, but rm in a b it o f a

M an: No, sure, it ’s fme Excuse me, can uh w e havc thc đieck, please?

Listcn to convcrsation 3 Correct the ũve inistakes.

Vomaji: You know, rm not sure I thừik it’s chicken.

M a ii: Hm m Nah, I th in k it ’s beef.

Vomãii: Ugh, the vegetables ametl very strange, don*t they?

Maưi: O h, w cll, rm not really very hungry.

M an: r u ju s t txy i t You’ll never guess!

M an: It*s Gsh And the soup is actually pretty good I thought it w ould be bland, but it ’s not at all Here, try it It’s not bad.

^oman: O h, all right u ^ ! I t ’s aw fiil It’s too sweet M an: WcU, I like it.

^oraan: O h, novv I need some more juice I wish they’d come back w ith the d rin k cart again.

M an: Hcre, have yourseir some o f mine Then wc’ll ask đie ũight attendant fo r tw o more cans.

A Listen to ứie three interviews Check {%/) the expressions you hear.

1 n Tm older than you are.

2 □ E veiy ycar we go somevvhere beautiíul.

□ E veiy year we go somevvhere new.

□ O h, it w ould be so good.

B Listen to the interviews again Check [ ị/ ) the correct answers.

1 W here do Bobby and Chuck say they like to go on vacation? the ocean

2 W hat do they do at night?

D study n hang out vvith fríends n practice

3 W here do Jenny and Brcnt go every year?

□ sọmevvhere new 4 W hat do they like about ưaveling?

□ food and people 5 W hat do Grace and HoUy both do?

□ overpack 6 W hat do they want to buy bcfore theừ next trip?

U n ít 8 i Listen to the four descriptions o f movies W rite ứie number o f the movie next ) the correct description.

I t ’s about a crazy m urderer who kiUs teenagers.

.L It’s about the American C iv il War.

I t ’s a classic science*fiction film I t ’s ubout a detecdve w ho’s afraid o f heights.

! Listcn to the description o f movie 1 again Correct the three mistakes.

1939 his fì]jn vvas made in 1938 and starred C lark Gable and Vìvien Leigh I t ’s a very rious movie because it covers all o f the American C iv il War You never get )red beciuse it ’s so exciting IV e seen it about five từnes, and I still enjoy it It

ay be tOí) romantic for somc people, but that’s one of the reasons I like it

T his m ovie cam e out m 1958

A dctective couldn’t save a man from falling to his death.

James Stevvart was thc dircctor.

The speaker did n ’t like the movie.

Listeii to the description o f movie 4 again M ark the statements True (T) or se (ĩ).

Stanley K ubrick wa5 the dừector.

Read the mtervievv Fứl m the blanks w iứ i the best vvords from the box Then listen and check your answers. slcqpwalker soim d naps lig h t bcd asỉccp slcqp drcam

Interview er: Dr C ynứiia Lee is the d ire a o r o f ứie N a d oixil Sleep Institutc G ot a few questíons fo r you about this Sleep IQ^quiz.

Dr Lee: O K Intervievver: Ah, first o f all, is it ưue ứiat babies less than adults do?

D r Lee: W ell, no, they dream the same amount ■“ they ju s t can’t tell us about theừ dreams You knovv, cveryone dreams, bu t some people can’t rcmember any o f theừ dreams.

Intervievver: A nd do w o m e n more dian men?

Dr Lee: Oh, no, that’s not true B ut as we get older, we need Icss sleep.

Interview er: Is it true that it ’s dangerous to wake up a : ? Dr Lee: No, it ’s the same as vvaking someone up w ho’s ,w h o ’s havừig a dream In in fact, sleepwalkers could gct h u rt i f you don’t vvake them up I mean, especially if they try to go dovmstairs or something.

Intervicvver: A nd is it truc that someone who is a slceper doesn’t move during the night?

D r Lee: O h, no WeVe videotaped people while they sleqp A nd you can see on the videotape that they move around all the tíme A nd iVs txue for sleepcrs and heavy sleepẹrs.

Intervicw er: O K H ow about ừisomnia? I f you suíĩer íirom it, w hat’s the best cure?

D r Lee: W ell, peoplc once said that if you ta k e du ring the day, you’d feel better But, you know, that’s not true The best cure fo r insomnia is to reduce the stress in your life an d u m ke cp to a routine You knovv, try to go t o at the same tíme evcry night Some people fĩnd ứiat quiet music helps ứiem, too O h, um one last thing: W hen you’r c , you can’t hear anything N o m atter what peoplc say, it*s not possible to play audiotapes and leam a foreign language, fo r cxample.

Intcrview cr: O h, I see So all the statements in this Sleep IQ ^quiz are false I got them all wrong.

Unit 10

tK Listen to the radio show, and answer the questions,

1 W lia t is the phone number o f the radio station? , , 5 5 5 : 1 2 ^

2 W lia i is the íìrst caller’s namc?

4 W lia t does he want to bc?

5 W hat is the second caller’s nam e? 6 W hai does she want to be?

7 W hai is thc third caller’s name?

8 W hat does he want to be?

B Llsten to Karen’s advice to the first caller Correct the three mistakes.

Oh, well, let’s see, BiUy, the - I th in k there are plenty o f things you can do. com pìỉm ente

Everybody appreciates p réaema, even your m odier and faứier U h C om plim ent them on things that they have eaten A nd take time to talk to ứ ic iĩi and to listcn

I t ’s iniportant to bc a good talker A nd I think if you do all that, they’U think that youVc a good son. c Listen to Karen's advice to the second caller Correct ứie three mistakes.

O K , quesdon Priendship is very ừnportant, and you have to w ork at it all the tiine ư h F ư st, you may want to buy your íriends big gifts from time to time

Oh, cloii’t buy expensive gifts Just get little things to shovv you care: um a postGird, a plant, maybe a paperback book It makes your friend feel impoitant

U m A lso, remcmber to ask your íriends questions It shovvs that youVc ừitcrestcd in them if you do.

U n it 11A Listen to the ứiree descriptions M a rk the statements True (T) o r False (F).

R io de Janeừo

r Pcople in Rio deJaneừo stay outside a lot.

The people are ve iy íriendly.

M any visitors go to R io for the mountams.


People in Sydney don’t like sưangers.

Sydney H arbor is v e iy large.

You can see many animals at H arbor Zoo.

A t the zoo, you can see koala bears.


Visitors love Singapore fo r the nighdiỉe.

There are many diíĩerent kinds o f people liv in g in Singapore.

The food ìs vcry expensive.

O utdoor food markets are the best places to eat.

B Listen to the descripdons again F ill in the missmg words.

Rio de Janeừo

r Pcople in Rio deJaneừo stay outside a lot.

The people are ve iy íriendly.

M any visitors go to R io for the mountams.

People in Sydney don’t like sưangers.

Sydney H arbor is v e iy large.

You can see many animals at H arbor Zoo.

A t the zoo, you can see koala bears.

Visitors love Singapore fo r the nighdiỉe.

There are many diíĩerent kinds o f people liv in g in Singapore.

The food ìs vcry expensive.

O utdoor food markets are the best places to eat.

B Listen to the descripdons again F ill in the missmg words.

Everyone íalls in love w ith R io de Janeừo People in Rio spend so much tim e outdoors Oh, and they are s o Somerimes, it scems that eveiyone is on one o f those beaches, especially Copacabana Many, many visitors come ju s t fo r thc music Samba rem ains , and you w on’t be disappointed by R io’s nighdife.


Unit 13

A lis tc n to ừitcrvicvv 1 Check { l/ ) the sentcnces you hear. ũ It ’s a ncw inventìon.

I t ’s a new word. n T h e rc are two parts to it.

□ There arc fo u r parts to it.

□ AU rig h t - if youVe sure it ’s safe n A ll rig h t - i f youVe sure it ’s O K B Listen to interview 2 Check ( l/ ) the sentcnces you hear.

Q T h a t’s so brig ht! n T h a t’s so nice!

D Soon cvery home wiU w ant them, CD Soon eveiy home VVÔU have them. c Read intervievv 3 FiU in the blanks w ith thc bcst words from the box T hen listen and check you r answers. au tom ob ik riđc vvheel push d ừ ection speed gasolỉne v eh id e

Intervievver: M r Benz, how does th is Yỉ?hÌfẨ?, vvork?

M r Bcnz: Oh, yeah, r u show you I t ’s callcd a m tơ r caroT a n

Now, this m otor ừi the back pushes the wheels around T h e m otor uses

Intcrview er: A nd how do you control th e ?

M r Benz: A h! T h is handle here tum s the fr o n t I f you w ant to go to thc righ t, y o u it to the le ft

6 In tcrview cr: H ow fast docs it go?

M r Benz: The to p is about 18 miles per hour.

Intervievvcr: O h, that’s fast! Can I have a ? M r Bcnz: Ycs, yes, ycs, absolutcly T h crc’s room fo r tw o pcople m ju s t ask m y assistant to start the m otor Gustav.

Intcrvievver; O h ! M r Benz: V cry nicc, huh?

A Listen to fo u r dcsc tions o f places Chcck (t/) the things each pcrson liked.

Charics Tony tỉie outside o f the b u ilding O thc livin g loom o thc o c í^ b o rh o o d D th cvie w

□ th c ỉiin iitu re o th e w a lk

D the Stores ncarby D thc yard

□ the m any peoplc aroim d □ the swim m ing poolD die fix3h country aừ o the insỉde o f the house0 the cold weather □ the neỉ^bbors’ kids

B Listcn to the descríptỉons agaỉn Mark the statemcnts I h ie (I) or False (F)



B appreciates p yeaenta thc things that they have eaten o be a good tolk^f appreciates compliments on the tliings that they have done to be a good listener

Self-study answer key 109 buy your friends feig gifts a postcard, a plant your friend feel tm portont U n it 11 buy your friends little gifts a postcard, a flower your friend feel special

R ỉo de Janeừt) Sydney Singapore

Rio de Janeiro Sydney Singapore

I like Earth Day a Ịkder our only bope that’s so b eaudítỀl

B a day when pítretito havc rom antic tttnebeo is pgobably m y íavorite holiday

There are two paits to it.

A ll right ~ if youVc surc it ’s safe.

I like Earth Day a lot our only home that’s so wonderful a day when couples 1 fourth have romantic dinners 2 pie is deĩưiitcly my íavoritc holiday 3 w ork

Soon every home wiU havc thcm.


Charles Tony Joan thc outside o f the b u ild in g the livm g room the fresh country aữ thc neighborhood the view the íum iture


thc yard the inside o f thc hous

1 thc Philippines 2 ^ 1980 3 T Ìie y change color

1 R ubik’s cubes 5 hula lioops 5 Have a nice day.

Wa5hington, D c Gcorge Washington monuments

M elboum c 1988 about 600 miles W ashiiigton, D c Brasữici thc oeooĩid American president to he a ệem ponuy Capital vvidc avcỉiues and gtreeto ửìousũìỊYéì o f milcs away a large in the center fe5cift£Hting underground buildm g the mOỉst beauètíìil n ew Capital from thie M ỉ, you can see the fưst American president to be a pcrmanent Capital vvddc avenues and squares hundreds o f miles away a large lake in the center mteresting underground building the most famous ncvv Capital from the air, you can see


ỊVh- questùms am I are you he Where ỉs she it íirom? arc we they Ạffirmatìve statements

I You ’rc He Shc ’s fromJapan.

A rc you hc ỉs shc it ửom Tokyo?

How many children are m your íamily?

What’s = \Vhỉit is rm not You aren’t / You’rc not Hc isn’t / He*s not She isn’t / She’s not Irom It isn’t / It’s not Canada.

We aren’t / We’re not They arcn’t / They’rc not

YouVe = You are = is He’s = H e is

Shc’s = She is ĩt^s = It is We’re = We arc TheyVe = They arc

Yes, I am / No, Tm not Yes, you arc / No, you arcn’t.

Yes, hc is / No, hc isn*t.

Yes, shc is / No, shc ũn’t Ycs, it is / No, it isn’t.

Ycs, wc arc / No, wc arcn’t.

Yes, thcỵ arc / No, thcy aren*t.


In d e fin ite article: a/an ưsc an bcíore vowel sounds (a, e, i, 0, u) ưsc a before all othcr sounds. a secuỊÌty guard.

1 m an clcctridan Hc’s a good an honest accountant.

Deỳìnửe a rtìcle : the ưsc ơ/an to talk about a singular noun for ủie first timc ưsc the when youVc aừeady talked about it.

She’s a cashier at a rcstaurant The rcstaurant is on Central Avenuc.

>LURAL NOUNS legular Ttoun pluraỉs

-ies coat coats vvatch vvatchcs city citics earring carrings box -> boxcs country countrìcs glove gloves glass -> gỉasses hobby hobbics blousc blouscs dish dishes íamily ĩamilics

'rreguỉar nơưn pìuraỉs person pcople vvoman -> womcn foot fcct man men child chỉldren tooth tccth

-ves scarí scarvcs kniíe knives shelf -> shelvcs life livcs


W hat’s his h cr address? our their

Xi n phone number is this?

'ts is the posscssive adjective of ử.

What a cute dog Wliat is its name? mỉnc.


\Vliosc car is that? childrcn cars arc these? those?

This l l i a t child car is mine.

These Those children cars are

Jsc tkis/these a person or thing near you ưse thãt/those for people or things far from you.

Pleasc give ứiesc books to those pcople over ứiere.


’s an airport nrn _ ỉsn’t a train statỉon in my city. ỉn e re are luxuiy Hotels arcn*t historical placcs

Is there a zoo in your city?

Ycs, thcrc ìs, Ị No, therc isn’t Yes, ứierc arc / No, therc aren ’t.

A count noun can be singular or plural.

I eat a sandwỉch two cookỉes fo r lu n c h c v e ry day.

A noncount noun doesn’t take cưcữi, and it docsn’t have a plural form

I I cat soup fo r lu n c h e v c ry dãỹT one, Sữme, cmy

Would you like a sandwich? Yes, I’d iove

Would you like soxne cookies? Yes, rd love somc.

Would you like some soup? Ycs, rd love somc.

Hơw many , , 7 / Hơw much ? sandvviches

How m anỵ cookies arc there?

There arc sỉx a ỉot a few. arcn’t many. any.

H ow m uch ] soup is there?

’s a ỉot a ỉỉtđ e isn’t much. any.


/VhcTc they work? he docs shc Vhat ] docs it 1 say? ĩìrmatrve sUUements

How do you like it?

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

What kind of music docs he like?

What does she look like?

How much does it cost?

I You We They doii’t w ork in a hotcl.

Hc She docsn’t It doesn’t say “go.”

Yes, you do / No, you đon’t.

Yes, wc do / No, wc don’t.

Yes, thcy do / No, ứầcỵ don*t.

Yes, he đoes / No, he doesn’t.

Yes, she does / No, shc doesn^t Yes, it đocs / No, it docsn’t. go, and h,we ha ve úregular he/she/ừ forms. do le does a good job You _

She goes to work by bus.

Contractions don’t docsn’t do not does not


do you w ant cioes he likc liat cloe5 shc hate to aor

I w ant to go to the movics.

He llkcs to rcad comic books.

She hates ío d c a n the housc.

They need to get a haircut. verbs likc ajid ỉiate caii also be foUowed by a gcrunđ (verb 4- ừig. like hate ejcerdsing. m s m 115


Do you cver work at night?

I always usually oíitcn somctìmes seldom h ard ly cvcr ncver work at n i^ t.

How oítcn do you exercise?

I exercise cvcrỵ day once a weck twicc a wcck three tỉm es a wcck.

Excusc mc Do you know vvhcre Sophie’s Restaurant is? in Arcadia. on Main Street. at 423 Main Street, next to the art museum.

It’s across from the post oíBce. in front of Charlie’s Bookstore. in back oí/behỉnd thc public library. near/dosc to the opera house. bctwccn Thứd and Fourth Avenues. on thc com cr of Pourth and Main.

W hen do you like to excrcise? in the moming, ửic aftcmoon the cvening.

I like to exerdse at noon. night. on wcekdays, weekends.

Are you a carefuỉ driver? Do you drivc carcíiilly?

He’s a quỉdc leamer He leams quickly.

This book is casy We do the cxerdscs casỉỉỵ. llicyV e good tennis players They play tennis well.

Some vvords are both adjectives and adverbs.

Shc’s a fast runner She runs fast.

YouVc a haxxỉ worker You work hard.

The train is always early/latc The ưain alvvays comes early/latc.

Some verbs are usually fbllowed by an adjectivc, not an adverb.

Verhs usualỉy not/olloxved hy an adverb: be smell feel sound look taste I am sad.

The coíĩee smells wondcrfiil,This problem seems diílìcult seem


mc you him Vhy is he calling h cr so late? us thcm

Jsc my cell phone D on’t usc a public phone.

^gestiơns xvith Lct’s gọliiomcby train I Lct*s not go homc by bus I


V^at COUI ses is he she takỉng? are we thiey ĩrmatioe statements

’m DU ’rc e le ’s studying English. hey re

/No quesHoỉis m I re you hc she w orking a little late? re we they it raining;?

W hat are you looking for?

W hy are you working so hard?

W ho are you talking to?

Yes, I am / No, r m n o t Yes, you arc / No, you aren’t

Yes, he is / No, he isn’t.

Yc5, she ìs / No, she isn’t.

Ycs, we are / No, we aren’t.

Yes, theỵ arc / No, thcỵ arcn't.

Yes, it is / No, ĩt isn’t.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS vs SIMPLE PRESENT ư sc thc prescnt contmuous to talk about things that are happcning now ư sc the simplc prcseit 'to talk about things that happcn in general, somedmes, or all thc timc.

W hat are you doing? Pm readỉng I usually rcad before I go to bed.

W hy arc you w earỉng gloves? It’s cold I always w ear gloves when it’s cold. ỉs it raỉnỉng agaỉn? Ycs, it is It raỉns hcrc almost cvcry day during thc summc'.

Some vcrbs are not usually in the present continuous.

We nccd some bread and milk.

Do you understand the homework? continuous.

Verbs not usualịy ừi thepresent contù feel look smell íorget love sound hate necd taste know remcmber understand likc seem vvant


Arc wc they Is 1 it goỉng to ra in tonight?

Yes, you arc / No, you’rc n o t Yes, hc ĩs / No, hc’s n o t Yes, shc is / No, shc isn’t Yes, wc arc / No, wc a rcn ’t.

Yes, thcy arc / No, thcy aren ’t Yes, it is / Noằ it isn’t

Tès/Aío questions wm I you he she we ứiey win an awarđ next year? wm it snow in December?

Yes, you will / No, you w on’t

Ycs, he wiU / No hc won’t.

Ycs, shc wiU / No, shc w on’t

Ycs, wc wiU / No, wc w on’t.

Yes, they will / No, they w on’t Yes, it will, / No, it w oa’t


I you d he shc Mt)rk late last night? wc thcy d it rain this moming?

Yes, I did / No, I đ idn’t Yes, you did / No, you dỉdn't.

Yes, shc did / No, shc didn’t Yes, wc did / No, wc dỉdn’t.

Yes, thcy did / No thcy didn’t.

Yes, it dĩđ / No, it didn’t


IS he slie LS it snowed in April?

Yes, you have / No, ỵou haven’t Yes, wc havc / No, wc havcn’t.

Ycs, thcy havc / No thcy havcn’t.

Yes, he has / No, hc hasn’t.

Yes, shc has / No, she hasn^t.

Yes, it has / No, it hasn’t

Contractions haven’t = have not hasn’t = has not

V verbs havf the same simple past and pa5t participle fcrms. ĩ talked on 'iie phone yesterday We havc taỉked twicc this week.

“ workcd h?jrd last week She has worked hard all month. e verb.s ai c breguiar Here are some examplcs:

Simple past Past pariiciple Verb Simple past Past partkiple

'vas/v/cre becn knovv kncw knovvn k broke broken lose lost lost lought boiighl inakc madc madc íse chose chosen meet met met c\ rjnie come reađ rcađ read cỉd đonc ridc rode ridđen i’rank dmnk say said said rrovc driven see savv seen cte eaten sleep slept slept ÍXlIíđ íbund speak spoke spoken f.ew ílown spend spení spent pve given take tơok taken vent gone thừỉk thought thought lad had wear wore wom heard heard wríte wrote written

Text Credits

9, 75 D og personality test adapted from pig test from ĩẲmnư.thepersonaỉừyừst.cơm/pig.htnú Adapted by permission.

28, 88 Travel preỉerence inỉorm adon from mww,tia.org/press^actfacts3,stm, Reprinted w ith the permission o f ứie Travcl Industry Ássociation o f America.

40 D r James Maas, “ Sleep l ơ ’ quiz from Ihĩưer Sleep: The Revolutiơnary Program That Prepares Tour M m ĩfơ r Peak ỉhfơmance> C opyright © 1998 by James B Maas, Ph.D Reprinted w ith thc pcrmission o f V illa rd Books, a division o f Random House, Inc.

niustratìon Credits

Adam H u rw itz A ndy M yer Carlos Castellanos Patxick M errell W iUiam W aitzman

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74 Stephcn Ogilvy

pureseat toativer

carddirect popstars

3 “English is a very _ L i ỉl^ j2 J l- L - ẩ J L _ L language.*

Age elderly middle-aged young

Height medium height shorl tall

Appearance good-looking + handsome + M pretty + w page 7 i Listen Cỉ nsvvers

1 Helen is on the far left.

2 Sylvia is the sixth person from the left. ip e s c rĩp t 1 minute 35 seconds

TRICIa: Do you want somc morc juicc, Carl?

\RL: No, thanks But um please tell mc who somc ()f thcsc pcoplc arc bcfõrc I go talk to thcm.

\RL: OK- Um Fưst of all, which onc is your boss? iTRlCĩA* OK, Hclen Shc’s the One ơvcr ứicrc ửìiit group You SCC SCC thc tall One rhere the short blond haừ? (ưh-huh.) You

^RL: o h , ycali, yeah, the womaii who’s smiling? lTRICIa: Righi And and that*s Sylvia, my bcsc íricnd at ứic oíĩicc.

^RL: Oh, ycah, Sylvia, thc onc you*rc alvvays talking about (Mm-hmm.) Which onc is shc?

ITRICIA: Oh, shc's thc one vvith thc curly black haứ, vảth thc round facc, (Mm-hmm.) mid-Uvcndcs Oh, shc’s shc’s rcally íiinny - wc always nxakc eadi oứicr laugh so hard.

Com m unỉcatỉon task BEi nsvvers

Rick Morton Henry Parnoll Peter White Grace King Lucỵ Brosvn Ana Lee

3 Danny is the second person from the left.

4 Ben is the fourth person from the left.

C arl : ĩ know And who’s that guy ovcr thcrc with thc uh thc dark cycbrows and dark haứ?

Patricia: Oh^ ủic guy who’s a bit ovcnvci^t?

(Mm-hmm.) Ycah, that’s Danny, the security guard Oh, he’s hc’s rcally hẽlpíiil.

Carl; Mm-hmm And how about thai muscular guy thcrc, who*s hc? Hc looks ỉamiliar.

P att ŨCI a : Oh, you mcan thc good-Iooking man with thc short brown haừ? (VVcll, OK.) Hc’s not very tali, ri^t? That*s Hclen’s assistant.

Carl: I think Tvc sccn him at ứic gym.

PATRICU: Well, comc on, Carl Don’t bc shy Lct mc introducc you around, and then we can

(from ieft to right in Acíivity 2B) Peter VVhite

Henry ParnellRick MortonGrace KingLucy BrownAna Lee

A n sw e rs calm - nen/ous íriendly - uníriendly hardvvorking - ỉazy

1 funny 2 stubbom 3 adventurous honest - dishonest neat ~ messy talkative “ quiet

Ilke to work long hours: Virgo/Capricorn make other people laugh: Gemini/Leo/Scorpio like to try new thlngs: Aries/Sagittarius

don’t talk very much: Scorpio can’t keep a secret: Libra have a lot of triends: Libra, Aquarií

1 This number is hovv many true triends you think you have.

2 This number is hovv many true loves you’ll have before gettlng marrled.

3 This Is your personal vvork ethic, or the way you do your work.

4 This represents your ideal mate.

5 Thls is the person you’ll never get over for the rest of your life.

6 This is how much of yourseỉt you give in a reỉatlonship.

Puzzle B on page 18 of the Student’s Book rcvicws some vocabulaiy from U nit 2

Listen 0

4 b ip e s c rip t 2 mỉnutes 20 seconds he four conversarions are recorded tvvice on the tape.

T E R V II -V v i:r : Lucia, what’s your hobby?

JCIA: I ímm Well, I guess my main hobby is photogra])hy Mosdy I take pictures of uh of scener/ Vou knovv, like mountains, the ocean, uh fc>reớằts, um flovvers, you knovv, Lhings like that ĩ like photography because I can be outdoors, and I lovc die outdoors Novv, my íavorite ti me of thc year is spring That’s when tlie liglit i.s best.

'ITỈRXTI-V\a:R: Hovv about you, Andy What’s your bobỉ^y?

\'DY: o h , Í I lovc to fish, especially íishing for uh river fish not ocean fish No, luckily, I I live near a goođ ríver, so I take my bike ajiort to comc out of Nevv Zealand - the counưy that gave you bungee jumping.

Man: WcU, ốrst of ali, let mc tell you, zôrb can bc very exdtiiig There are two large clcar balls.

One ball íĩts inside of thc oứicr ball Do you think you vvant to tr/ it?

Ncxt, if you đecide to try Zorb, you climb insidc thc smalier ball Now, lct’s make sure you’rc comíortable!

Then, youVc almost ready to go, but not quite.

Beíorc you go, somconc pours somc cold \vater inside of the ball Now get ready!

Danny: not too good/a little sick/awful

Hee-Young: wonderfu!/like she’s just been in a washing machine Tapescrỉpt 1 m in u te 5 seconds

Next, someonc pushes you down a hiU As you roU down ứie hill, the ball gocs faster and ỉaster

You go so fast ứiat you are pushed up against the walis of thc balí But don’t wony Nobody can gct hurt doing ZorbI

Whcn you stop at the bottom of the hiU, you climb out, and you’U bc complctely soaking wet!

Fmally, it’s timc for someone else to try Zorb

Or, do you want to go again?

:ntervie\ver: Danny has just tricd Zorb Danny, how do yoư fcel?

Danny: Not too good I fecl a litUe sick It was

OK at íirst, but it got vvorsc and worsc I thought I was going to dicl I I fecl avvíiiL And, you know, I just I just want to lic down and uy to íorgct all about itỉ ntervievver: Hec-Young, how do you fccl?

Hee-Yoưng: WondcrfulI That wa5 amazing I fecl like Tve just bccn in a washỉng machmc I can’t rcally stand up But it was grcat I lovcd it!

I nterviewer : D o you both want to go again?

A c tiv ity 2 page 13 c P aỉrvvork Possible ansvvers

Youcando You hava to lfsôxpensivô You nôed a lot ttaioiM tM onateam to d a of equipiiMnt baseball ✓

You can do it alone.

You have to bo on a team.

It’s expensive You neeđ a lot Ị to do, Ị of csquipment 1 bicycling ✓ Ị Ị golf ✓ ✓ ✓ hiking ✓ ice-skating ✓ ✓ pool ✓ skiing ✓ ✓ - ✓ tennis ✓

Puzzle c on page 19 o f ủie Student’s Book revievvs some vocabulary from U n it 3

- * i S S t ĩ ô l -\'íằ i -* 1 ỷ

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2024, 21:39