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listen in 1 luyện kỹ năng nghe nói và phát âm tiếng anh nxb tổng hợp 2004 david nunan 213 trang

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Cấu trúc

  • WELCOME (38)
    • nits 11-15 nits 11-15 (77)
    • đnits 16-20 đnits 16-20 (97)
    • Unit 8 Unit 8 (99)
    • Unit 3 Unit 3 (99)
    • Unit 10 Unit 10 (101)
    • Unit 12 Unit 12 Ordering food | (101)
    • Unit 17 Unit 17 Making suggestions (102)
    • Unit 18 Unit 18 Describing personality (103)
    • Unit 19 Unit 19 Describing and confirming (103)
      • 5. Ml: We're leaving tonight?! (127)
    • Task 6 Task 6 (127)
    • Unit 1 Unit 1 (128)
    • Task 4 Task 4 (128)
      • 3. WI: Are you studying English? (129)
    • Unit 2 Unit 2 (129)
    • Task 2 Task 2 (129)
      • 4. Wi: Do you have a daughter? (131)
      • 6. Wl: Do your grandparents live with you? (131)
    • Unit 4 Unit 4 (132)
    • Task 3 Task 3 (133)
      • 3. W1: Do you like pop music? (133)
    • Task 5 Task 5 (135)
    • Task 1 Task 1 (135)
    • Unit 6 Unit 6 (136)
    • Unit 9 Unit 9 (141)
      • 3. wi: Are there any nightclubs near here? (146)
    • Unit 11 Unit 11 (146)
    • Unit 12 Unit 12 (148)
      • 3. W2: What kind of dressing would you like? (148)
      • 5. M1: Will that be all? (149)
      • 5. Ml: Did you say cola? (149)
    • Unit 13 Unit 13 (150)
    • Unit 14 Unit 14 (151)
    • Unit 15 Unit 15 (153)
    • Unit 16 Unit 16 (156)
    • Unit 18 Unit 18 (160)
    • Unit 19 Unit 19 (162)
    • Unit 20 Unit 20 (164)
  • UƠOL@ 2® 3 (168)
    • Unit 3 Unit 3 2A (170)
    • BA 1. BA 1. Question) 3 (171)
      • 18. Jenny Hemandes> oe (171)
      • A. Y The winners of the Big Audio Awards (171)
    • Unit 5 Unit 5 (172)
      • 48. Vancouver (173)
    • Unit 6 Unit 6 1A (173)
      • 3. Apartment) | | (173)
  • 34;LCŒ 2®D 3® +@D 3® (177)
    • lLẾ 2 lLẾ 2 (181)
      • 6. Open answers (181)
    • Unit 16 Unit 16 2A (182)
      • 2. Reed 3, Coase (183)
      • 1. Gamo (183)
      • 1. Open answers (184)
      • M: So this is your family, Allie? pretty happy with just one child but who w: Yeah, my daughter Maggie made that knows? (189)
        • 3. M: Which one is your sister? (190)
        • 3. W: Do you like jazz? w: Oh, I don't like her at all (191)
        • 3. W: Can you use PictureShop? (195)
      • M: You wanted to see me about my grades, I watch TV from about nine o'clock and (198)

Nội dung

pháp dạy và học kỹ năng nghe hiểu kết hợp nhuần nhuyễn với kỹ năng nói qua các hoạt động thích hợp trong mỗi bài.. Được thiết kế theo phương pháp dựa trên các hoạt động luyện tập trong l


Listen Is the final sound of each word /s/ or /z/? Write each word next to the correct sound ĐA isten to Naomi Then read the statements and circle 7rue or False |

2 She is talking about her own family e

3 One daughter's name is Setsuko True False

2 3 be ® @ hen - = E - © oo ® _, S - - © = @ N ° 3a Oo 2 Me = 2 9S #6 q2 bD - © B Ss #8 cd SE = m 6D ® a 4 E © © om oO 3 & g ao 3 c BH Z ® ° ˆ® 2 er Wh _i oO z Trị # 2] Wr One

Listen and circle the answers that are right for you

Try this = Makea rough sketch of your family tree Show a partner your sketch and answer questions about your family Now,

Kennedy's parents’ names were Joseph and Rose

His wife's name was Jacqueline and his children were Caroline,

Britains Prince William and his younger brother Prince Henry, whose nickname is Harry, are the sons of Charles, Prince of

Wales, and the late Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales

RRS Se ANS ANS SES RRR s eS : x e Identifying people through physical description

He's the one in the blue shirt torm! Think of some other ways to describe people Work with a partner and write at least three sentences to describe someone that you know

Look at the picture and use the words in the box to describe each person

Listen You will hear a conversation about the five people listed below Look at the picture and draw lines from the names to the correct people

Listen to short descriptions of each of the people in Task 2 and number the names

Cindy Carlyle Tony Tan ˆ Charles Markham -

Listen again and check your answers

Listen In — Book 1 — 21 a b © sister ® cousin - e mother | ® mother e daughter © daughter e uncle ® father | ° nephew e brother

‘What is the relationship of each person to the speaker? Listen again and circle the correct answers — | |

A Is it a question or a statement? Listen to the examples

Example 1: He's the managing director? (J) Example 2: He's the managing director (\

Now listen and circle the correct answer

1 Question § Statement 3 Question Statement 5 Question Statemen 2 Question § Statement 4 Question Statement 6 Question Statemen

@ Listen and circle the answers that are right for you

1 Yes, Iam No, I'm not 3 Yes, itis No, it isn't 5 Yes, Ido No, I don't 2 Yes, I do No, I don't 4 Ycs lam No, I'm not 6 Yes,I am No, I'm no

Write a brief description of a classmate in the space

Then, describe and answer questions about the person Have your partner decide which classmate you're talking about |

To me, Chinese actress Gong Li is perfect because she's beautiful and smart

Brad Pitt so sexy are his blue eyes and great

Some people think supermodels are perfect but I think they're too

Listen In — Book 1 — 23 e Identifying likes and dislikes e Identifying different genres of music ơ Look at the photos Who are the people? What type of music does each person sing

What do you think about these kinds of music? Check (/) your answers, then share them with a partner = : |

| Brainstorm! Work with a partner How many kinds of music can you name? Make Lo -¥ a list Think of a singer or musician for each

24 — Listen In — Book 1 ree Bs Š oot

| & |\ Listen to each conversation and check (/) the CD

Mick and Marsha talk about 72x22 c5 Pa OR 072 sei

Listen again Does Marsha like or dislike each CD? Circle i

Listen to the example Then listen and circle the word that is stressed in each sentence

Example I like | 3 No, but my girlfriend does

1 No, it's jazz that I like 7 4 Classical music? I can't stand it

2 I like it | 5 It's OK, but I prefer rock

Listen to the conversation about the Big Audio Awards Which singers are nominated for Best New Artist? Check (/) the names

LJ Kelly King L] Jenny Hernandez L] Li'l Stevie LJ Tommy Devlin L] Aki Matsumura

Listen again Which singers does Randy like? Circle them

Listen to the radio broadcast What does the DJ talk about?

L] The winners of the Big Audio Awards | LJ The nominations for the Big Audio Awards

L] His choices for the Big Audio Awards

Listen again Fill in the blanks with information from the box

Listen and circle the answers that are right for you

2 I like it | I don't mind it

4 A lot of different kinds Just a few kinds

5 I like her songs I don't really like her songs

6 I listen to it a lot I sometimes listen to it

I don't know much about it

Just one or two kinds

J don't know many of her son;

J never listen to it. aes sane N NS

Engage in a conversing activity by compiling a list of your esteemed musical preferences Solicit your partner's insights and assess their alignment with your choices Delve into the musical preferences of your partner, specifically inquiring about their cherished melodies or alternative performers they find captivating Document these responses to foster a comprehensive understanding of your partner's musical tastes and preferences.

Cho Yong-pil, the "Korean Beatles," is the biggest musical star in South Korea, similar to the dominance of The Beatles in Brazil His influence and popularity have endured, as musicians continue to perform his compositions to this day.

Match each word from the task above with one with the opposite meaning ế¿ small _ traditional ugly _ boring noisy dangerous stressful expensive ~

Brainstorm! Can you think of any other words to describe cities? Work with a partner and make a list What words would you use to describe the place where you live?

_ @ A Listen to the conversations and number the pictures (1-3)

B Where does each person work now? Listen again and match the names to the cities

Listen Which of the underlined sounds are the same? Join the words with a line

Listen and check (/) the places you hear

JS Chicago New York Singapore Bangkok

Listen again How does Dave describe each city? Match each adjective with the correct city

\uà SS | interesting _ exciting big clean safe modern convenient ˆ | inexpensive ———

Listen and circle the answers that are right for you

1 Yes, I am No, I'm not 4, Yes, I am No, I'm not

2 Yes, I did No, I didn't — — 5, Yes, I do No, I don't

3 Yes, it 1s No, it isn't © 6 Yes, I am No, I'm not

Think of three cities you would like to visit

Tell your partner Ask questions about the cities your partner exciting city Sometimes it's a bit noisy, though

I think Bangkok is a mma My hometown world-class city but it's ane is quite small but it's also very crowded | a beautiful place

: SANS NS ni Listen In — Book 1 — 31 sten again and number the pictures (1-4) One picture is extra

Anne is identifying some people at a party Match the names to the relationship words

‹ÒA Listen and circle the names you hear

S208 28c cha vẻ SH eat complete the chart h Listen again and check your answers

| | Listen and circle the b | | est answer

1 Jiro visited Canada 2 He went to the top of the 3 His favorite city is a for a business meeting a Calgary Tower b to study English b Cabot Tower c to visit his family ec CN Tower a Toronto b Vancouver e Banff h ‘Listen again Circle the words Jiro uses to describe each city

Vancouver expensive boring modern quiet traditional beautiful exciting _saf big relaxing _ stressful small

Listen and circle the answers that are right for you

1 Great! 2 None 3 Tall 4IHkei 5, Exciting

SO-SO One Average height I don't listen to it Average

Not too good More than one Short I don't like it Boring

Goals |: ecesersee ses a Look at the photos of rooms in a house Use the words in the box to complete th real estate advertisement emer ye

1 The kitchen has a ca › „ and overlooking the lake

There's a in the living room

The dining room has a ) five —_ , and a large Large and French-style make every room warm and bright

Brainstorm! Work with a partner Think of some other common household na Ff QW furnishings Where would you put them in the rooms above? -

Read the statements Then listen and circle True or False

— 1 Haruko is talking to a real estate agent | True False

2 She is showing the other person some photographs True False

3 She has rented a house | True False

4 Her new place is in Tokyo : True False

— 5 Her favorite room is the bedroom | True False le | n Listen again and check (/) Haruko's favorite room b - _#

Listen to the real estate ads Are they for houses or apartments?

Are the places for sale or for rent? Circle the correct answers

1 House/Apartment - Sale/Rent 2 House/Apartment - Sale/Rent 3 House/Apartment Sale/Rent

Listen again and check your answers

&® |\ Listen to the dialog and check (/) the correct answer

C] Kelly is talking to a real estate agency on Bonham Road

C1] Kelly is looking for an apartment on Bonham Road | [] Kelly is looking for an apartment similar to one on Bonham Road

B Listen again and check {/) the correct apartment

&) A Listen and underline the words with the same sound as th in there

| Circle the words with the same sound as th in three

There are three apartments in the paper for rent -

Nm They said we can find our way with this map

Gr Are these the things we need for the apartment? vợ + h Add at least two other words to each list and practice

Listen and circle the answers that are right for you

1 A house An apartment , 4 Rent | Own

2 Yes, it does No, it doesn't 5 Yes, there is No, there isn't

3 Yes, I do No, I don't 6 Yes, I do No, I don't

Try th someone to rent your home Make a list of the ` rooms and furnishings

Tell your partner and answer any questions


nits 11-15

om ” + GS ử 3 = 8 eo = E w BS Sa 9° rr = 5 0 5 @ cs = đ 8 tre E° ấ Ă 5 5S 9 59 WF 6 0 A A AAW UWA đ — đ + c đ & ~ & i = o 2 Đ + 2? < 2 Liờu > a < đ E> = S @đ = ° ° Ớ Se â mo c= os đ ơ- @ đ hen q2) sẽ A = = _ s : 2   3 c T E ọ 3 o > s n S$ F tr 3 = 0 so epee S eT â Su eves c ~ Œ = > = — a — a Ê3 % 2 = $8 6 BG ° S Ox 3Q aa ROR RS Ằ ==ẽ= _.- == Se A SF tư ơ | @ =~ | | | â | â in the Year of the Rat but I’m lazy, not hard-working

N \ y AS LOS SS Neu, ` RGR ng

'Role-play the conversation in Task 5 and complete the Survey with your partners information

_Give reasons for your answers Switch roles but I'm not very serious at all I'm more of a

2.Cboring) 3 Gnjoyable) WA 1 Ces 555-1136>

+ CỐG bạ I can set Kon

5, John can use PictureShop, can’t he?

IA 1 Conrad ong Kong 4 Eaton Hotel Hong Koug

2 Wandarnin Oriental 5 GUCA Garden View International House 3 Park Lane aA a 5 b 6 c 2 d 7 e ¢ f 3

2B a Aberdeen Harbour c CHong Kong Cultural Center d ¢ Kowloon Park e CTin Hau Temple f © Bank of America Tower § Open answers

IA © User’s Manual for IGN A520 Series® Gompater_ e Getting to Know Your Tunemaster® 7D Player ¢ How to Use the Vidtronic™ DVD Plager e FotoMate® 21⁄2/a( Camera _: Operating Instructions

5 term đực 6 move 3 plug tn 4 click open 7 put tn 8 adjust

44 De press ‘Record’ on the MD Player De _ put a disc in the MD Player

De — keep recording until the CD stops playing Zoee’¢ adjust the volume

Deut plug the cable into the ‘Phones’ slot 2s close the cover on the MD Player.

34;LCŒ 2®D 3® +@D 3®

lLẾ 2

Group Exhibition Social Climbers Quarantine!

- | Manila _#7ˆ a8 1 Shanghat, WMantla 2 Seoul, Pusan 3 Shanghat, Manila ô4, Hang Kang, Seoul, Pusan 5 Wauila 6 Beeping, Pusan, Tokyo

Unit 16 2A

JA gets up: gets to stadium: has breakfast: _ has team meeting: watches game tapes: eats lunch: does warm-up exercises: 4:45 plays soccer:

JA [7] What he likes Height Name [6] Where he works đŨ 1 ae

(Â 1.cẹot Reduced 2.CNot Reduced 3 CReduced

Eye color What he does Hair color

4 (Reduced 5 CNot Reduced 6.C Not Reduced

Ellen —: dohn Shelley Henry et - Aida

| Sh a Ellen ob Henry c.Aida d Pad ec Shelley { Dohu f Open answers

SACI don’t like action movies

1A a disorganized b 2#z//azz C creative | d talkative e chy f hard-working Q tmpationt | h faw-louing

2A Jeffrey - talkative | Rae - fun-loving Gloria — stubborn Keith — disorganized Irene - lazy "Phi —- quiet dA 1972/1984 Rat Phand-working 1966/1978 Horse Outgeiug

JB Ben: Forse Taro: Sheeg _ Wendy: Swake

4A 1 ¥ leave 2 wv brought 3 guest 4 VW six 5 Vv light A 1,

IB October 17 lÀ /eU day, Way, station, eight, weighbor, mack lel deck, frucend, letter, met, center, kept

L2 7 ats Ne "ái Hài * § Open answers ee

1A 1 tabeng wates 2 attending a lecture 3 dotng an experiment 4 using a computer 5 Cestentug to a tape 6 reading a textbook 7 aching questions 8 taking part tn a diseursion 9 studying tn a Ubnarg

2A Auditory learners learn best by Cstesecag Visual learners learn best by reading, drawing, looking at pictures Tactile/Kinesthetic learners learn best by touchéng, dang thinge

_ 1 They learned to read by reading

2 I like to learn by touching

3 I used to learn Chinese eof, 2 5

Stephen: 2z, reading Mel: chiing, wwimming, tennis Craig: concerts, volunteering talkative shy

3 buy a car (V} sell the car (W)

4 play tennis (Wf) teach tennis (v)

4B 7:30 having breakpast 11:00 02 shopping 12:15 hauing an aerobics clare 1:00 hauing lunch together having hen hat done 2:15

4 She studied Japanese in school

5 I read the book in English

6 I prefer to work on my own

Is your last name Wilson?

Tom! Hi How are you?

Fine I'm just calling to see if you can still help me organize the party at my house next month

Oh, sure, as long as you're planning to invite me, too

You're number one on the guest list, Judy Actually, I'm writing the invita- tions right now Is there anyone you'd like me to invite?

Well, my boyfriend Jon, of course

His last name is Greene, right? G-R-E-E- N-E?

That's right And there's no ‘h' in Jon

Oh, and why don't you invite Tim Goh and his wife? They're a lot of fun

Tim Goh? I thought it was Jim?

No T-I-M And the last name is Goh

G-O-H, right And his wife's name is ?

Oh, it's Vicki V-I-C-K-I And don't forget Karl Baker That's Karl with a K K-A-R-L

No, but you could invite his girlfriend

Her name's Anne Reid That's A-N-N-E for Anne, and Reid is R-E-I-D Hold on and I'll give you all the addresses

Task 1 M: Oh, I see, your name is right here in the

1 W: Do you have any brothers? middle Hey, I didn't know you had a

2 M: Is that your husband? w: Yeah, Kate's my older sister You can see w: Yes, it is Doug's name there, too That's her, hus- band

3 W: That's my daughter M: And they have two kids?

M: How old is she? w: Right Danny and Teresa My father's

4 M: How many kids do you have? name is Danny, too : w: Two M: That's right I met him once And your

Sa 5 mother's name is Michelle ¡

5 W: Who are these people: w: You got it Yeah, my dad was so happy ''

M: My aunt and uncle when Danny was born He really wanted

W: Do you really? l M: Are you and Bob planning to have an- other baby?

Tak2 nh Si w: We've talked about it Right now we're

M: So this is your family, Allie? pretty happy with just one child but who w: Yeah, my daughter Maggie made that knows? family tree for a class at school

1 M Is that tall, blond-haired man your brother?

2 W: Do you see the woman over there with glasses?

3 M: Which one is your sister?

W: She's the one in the green shirt

4 W: Who's the girl in the brown jacket?

: He's the one over there with the mustache

6 W: Do you know Tony Blackwell?

M: Does he have red hair?

Task 2 Ml: Hello, Sid? It's Leon Listen, I'm direct- ing a new movie and I need three more actors — fast Can you help me out?

M2: Leon, you know I'm the best agent in Hollywood If the actors you need are here in town, I'll get them for you

Mi: Well, I'm not looking for big stars, just three regular actors who each fit a par- ticular description And I don't want to spend a million dollars on them

Three regular actors, huh? OK, just tell me what you need

Well; first we need two men The first one should be young and the second one should be middle-aged

Actor Number One has to be young and Actor Number Two, middle-aged Got it

Can you give me a few more details?

OK Well, for Number One we're looking for someone who's average height and build with brown hair

Short and heavyset with brown hair

Okay Now what about Number Three -— the woman? ơ

Well,-the woman has to be blonde

Okay Is she young, old ?

: Young She also has to be tall and thin

A young, blonde woman who's tall and thin Shouldn't be a problem

Great, Sid I know you won't let me down

Task 1 M: It was OK but can you believe B3 won

1 W: Do you like classical music? Song of the Year for Run’ On? I can't

M: Yes, I do © stand that group

* m wee you think of rock: M: Well, what do you think of Candy Warner?

She got the award for Best New Artist

3 W: Do you like jazz? w: Oh, I don't like her at all

M: I don't mind it M: I don't either What else? Oh, Best Rock

4 M: What kind of music do you like? Band went to Horn of Plenty _ w: Classical w: That's great I really like that group

' - M: Do you? I guess I don't mind them

5 W: Why d ont you like pop music? w: I'll bet Best Dance Album went to Tessa M: I don't know I just don't Traynor for Bend It Back

6 M: I really like Jenny Hernandez M: You guessed it Tessa Traynor's a great w: Me, too She's great singer, isn't she? w: Yeah, she is

Task 2 M: Let me see Oh, yeah, Best Pop Album

Ww: How's it going, Del? went to The Castaways

M: Hi, Marcia Hey, did you watch the music - w,; You're kidding! I don't mind them but awards last night? they don't deserve an award

W: No, I was too busy How was the show? M:

You've got that right

Best New Artist: 3 Best Dance Album: 2

You're from Taipei, aren't you?

Do you live in’ San Francisco?

Are you from Mexico? - Yes, I am

Seoul's an interesting place, isn't it?

Hong Kong's a really exciting place

Yeah, but it's quite expensive

So Min-hee, you're thinking about study- ing English in the United States?

Yes, I just have to decide which city to choose My school has exchange pro- grams with schools in San Francisco, Salt Lake City, and Boston

Really? Well, I'm from Boston and I've visited the other two I think I can help

Thanks, Evan I've never been to any of them

OK First of all, do you know mụch - about the schools?

Yes, there's a lot of information on the schools They seem about the same The problem is I don't know much about the cities

: Well, let me describe them for you Let's see San Francisco is really beautiful

It's also a very exciting place to live

There's definitely a lot to see and do there But | ,

Unfortunately, it's also pretty expensive

How about Salt Lake City?

Salt Lake City is quiet It's a very modern city and very clean But it's not really very exciting

Boston's a very interesting place There's a lot of history connected with it but it's also pretty modern It's an exciting place to live, too

Mm Sounds like it's going to be a tough decision interesting modern quiet

: Yes, and the view is great

How much is the rent?

Why is it so expensive? | : It's close to the beach

How many bedrooms does it have?

Task 2 : Thank you for calling Cornerstone Prop- erties Here's a look at this week's new property listings Our best buy this week is a stunning, beachfront apartment on Lakeshore Avenue This top-floor apart- ment has three large bedrooms, one with its own bathroom There is also a sepa- rate bathroom and a large balcony off the living room Although the kitchen is small, it includes all the latest appli- ances This apartment is a must-see

Hurry! It's sure to sell very quickly To speak to an operator about this property, press one and mention listing number seven-four-one

Task 1 1 M: Where's the sporting goods department?

Sporting goods? On the second floor

Is the men's wear department on this floor?

No, it's on the fourth floor

What's on the sixth floor?

Do you know where the restrooms are?

Yes, they're next to the travel goods department

Women's wear is on the second floor

Do you have a toy department?

No, but there's a toy store across the street

I hope so I'm looking for the shoe department

Uh, children's actually I'm here with my son

OK, the children's shoe department is on the third floor ,

And Tight now we're'on the ?-

Fourth floor Oh, and you'll also find children's shoes in the sporting ‘goods department

Right over there, See the tennis rackets on the wall?

Oh, OK, I see Now, where's my son?

Is the toy department over there, too?

No, it's on the fifth floor, next to the restaurant

Hmm Maybe he's in the restroom

Oh, that's on the fifth floor, too, just by the men's wear department

Task 1 1 W: What do you do?

2 M: Where do you work? w: Hudson Accounting

4, M: How long did you work there?

Ww: For about.three years

5 W: Do you speak any other languages?

Task 2 Wi: Excuse me, is this the interview room for

That's right What's your name, please?

Lucy Turner was expected to meet Paula at 2:30 pm While waiting for Paula, Lucy was assisted by Barbara, who collected basic information from her.

First, which job are you applying for?

We're hiring editors, designers, and writers

Okay Now, do you know PictureShop?

Sure I can also use Design Wiz

Un I don't know that program

What about your language skills? ve Well, besides English, I also speak

OK, the last question is about your

I can work days and weekends, but not nights I take evening classes at the college

OK, great Well, Paula should be back soon, so why don't you take a seat

1 M: Excuse me, where's the Bayside Shopping Center?

W: It's next to the ferry terminal

2 W: Is there a drugstore near the hotel?

M: Yes, there's one on Ridge Rd

3 M: Can you tell me how to get to the park?

Ww: Go to Third Avenue and turn right

4 W: When does the museum open?

5 M: Is the hotel far from here?

Ww: No, it's right across the street

6.' W: Are there any restaurants around here?

M: There are some on Watt Street:

M: Welcome to the Metropolis Airport shut- tle bus We're currently on our way to downtown Metropolis, the city's shopping

1.a 2b 3a and entertainment hub Tourists looking for accommodations can choose from a wide variety of hotels in the downtown area Among the city's top luxury hotels is Merrimack Place, located behind For- tress Park just minutes from the Kandor Shopping Center Also nearby is the popular Admiral Hotel, which is right next to the Metropolis Museum on Siegel Street Close to the downtown bus station is another luxury hotel, the Sheridan Inn Guests of the Sheridan should be sure to visit Schuster Market right next door For those who prefer a mid-range hotel, The Altmont is located across from the Metropolis Arts Center, home of the Julius Schwartz art collec- tion And for tourists on a budget, the Biltmore Arms Hotel can be found ˆ between City Center Subway Station and the Swan Theater on Siegel Street

SR BS SE 5S SEB BE How does it work?

: First, you plug it in

: What does this button do?

Where do I put the cassette?

Do you plug it in here?

Hello, IT department, Pete speaking

Pete, it's Mike Pierce over in accounting

Listen, where can I get some stock photos for our office newsletter?

Have you tried PictureDisc? The com- pany has a membership

: PictureDisc? What is that, some kind of CD-ROM?

: No, it's a web site where you pay to download photos

PPh his] bs Click on the photo

Insert the disk in your computer

Type a file name | Use the Search Engine to look for photos

Type your name and employee number

Press ‘Save’ to store it on your computer

: Really? Let me take a look OK I found the web site on the company Internet directory

OK Use your last name and employee number to get in

: Got it So what do I have to do next?

Open the catalog page Have you found it?

: Yeah, it's open And then?

Use the Search Engine to look for pho- tos You have to type in a description of what you want

: That was easy I already found one I like How do I save it?

OK Click on the photo

: Alright, it gave me a list of choices:

‘Show Picture’, ‘Save Picture As ’

: Now, there's a window that says ‘Save Picture’ Do I press ‘Save’?

Not yet First you have to label the picture Type a file name

Press ‘Save’ to store it on your computer

That's it You're done.

Task 1 1 M: What time do you usually get home? | Well, Paul, you probably just have to w: Around four-thirty manage your time better Tell me about 2 W: What time do your classes start? M: At nine o'clock : Well rau — Well, I get up at about eight and start ‘cht and | classes at nine o'clock

3 M: What do you usually do on Saturday? W: I clean the house : When do you volunteer at the student center?

4 W: How long do you take for lunch? : From noon to one I hardly even ‘have M: About forty-five minutes _time to eat my lunch w: And you have soccer practice after

5 M: When do you play soccer? school?

W: On Wednesday night M: Every day I have soccer practice from 6 W: Do you ever wake up before five? three to four and then work part-time at

_M: Never the supermarket from five to eight

W: So you do your homework after that?

Task 2 M: Usually I'm too tired to start right away

M: You wanted to see me about my grades, I watch TV from about nine o'clock and :

Ms Lange? then do my homework from about eleven

Ww: Yes Sit down, Paul Now, some of your to one teachers have told me you're not doing W: One o'clock in the morning! Paul, you'd too well with your studies Is the work too difficult?

M: The work isn't hard; it's just that I don't have much time’to study these days

Besides playing on the school soccer team, I'm also working a part-time job -and volunteering at the student center

Task 2 better stop playing soccer or stop work- ing at the supermarket Your schoolwork is more important

: But I love playing soccer, Ms Lange

: I guess I have to quit my job zsz

1 W: Do you want to see the menu?

I'd like a small Hawaiian pizza, please

=Do you want French fries with that?

What will you have to drink?

I'd like to make a reservation for tomorrow night

M: Did you order the hamburger? w: No, the cheeseburger

Task 2 M: Ready to order? w: Uh-huh I'd like two eggs and bacon, please

Im afraid breakfast ended at 11:00

We're only taking orders from the lunch menu now

Oh, well, let me see I guess I'll have a hamburger

No plain - um, make it a double

Fries, onion rings, or baked potato?

Okay Anything to start? Soup ?

Garden — no, sorry, make it a Caesar

One Caesar salad And what would you like to drink with that?

Got it Anything for dessert?

Mnin I might order something later

OK Your meal will be ready shortly

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2024, 11:54



