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tactics for listening luyện nghe tiếng anh nxb văn hóa thông tin 2011 jack c richards 153 trang

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Nội dung

S c o p c a n d S e q u e n c eSpellingTitles Listening for names Listening for detailsListening for tormal and informal torms of address Physical appearance Llstening for topícs Listeni

Trang 1



Trang 2



Second Edition

Jack c R ichards


Trang 4


Trang 5

S c o p c a n d S e q u e n c e


Listening for names Listening for detailsListening for tormal and informal torms of address

Physical appearance

Llstening for topícs Listening for gist Listening for details

Listening for details


Listening for times Listening for number?Listening for letters and numbers

Listening for dates and times Listening for detaiis Listening for gisĩ

Listening for details

Listenlng for attitudes


Listening for gist Listening and making predictlons Listening for frequency

Listening for details

Household objects

Listening for gistListening for detailsListening and making predictions

Listening for details Listening for simllarities


Listenlng for gístListening for detailsListening for acceptances and refusals


Listening for details Listening for gist



Listening for details Listening for gistListening for attitudes

Scope and Sequena

Trang 6

u n i tT h e m e sS k ills

13 Greetings Listening for greetings and conversatlon endings

Listening for reactions

Listening for attitudes Listening for details


Listening for details

Listening for attitudes Lỉstening for opinions

Listening for detaiỉs

Listening and making predictions

Listening and making predictions Listening for details

1 » Using the telephone Listenỉng for gist

Listening for details Listening for attitudes

PrlendsListening for similarities and dlfferences

Listening for details Listening for opinions Listening for attitudes

Listening for details Listening for preferences

Listening for advỉce

Sc.ope and Sequence

Trang 7

UNIT 1 Names and T itle s

1 Getting Ready

Are these first names or last names? VVrite them in the chart Then add two more names to each list

.Od y i d

2 Let's ListenOk

What is the correct name of the hotel guest? Cirde the correct ansvver

1 a Mary CarterMaria Carter2 a Suzanna Smith

b Susan Smith

3 a Harry VVilson

b Harvey VVilson4 a Joseph Abrams

b ]oseph Abramson

5 a Louisjacksonb Louise ]ackson6 a Marlene Cruise

b MarleyCruise

unit 1

Trang 8

Name: _Telqiione:Hene’s the message:□ Pleasecall.□ He/Shewillcallyou.



Narre:Teleptx)ne;f-fere's ửie message:□ Please call.□ He/She will call you


Aríal agaia ơrde ttie correct ansvver

1 BobknơAsCinđyíhxn -

a 'vorkb schoolc Tonie



Name:TelqDhone:Herc’s the message:□ Please call.□ I^ S h e will call you

3 ơndy can’t take ửe call because she is

a busyb asleqsc nothome— is the person who ans\\ers the phone 4 The caller is Cindy’s

b Cinđyc Maix^

b teacherc ÍTÌend

L h it

Trang 9

A. L e f s Usten Task1

We usiially use atitle (Ms, Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr Professor) \vitli a last name, Biit not v\ith a ílrst naiTie, in íonnal íireetings


b Johnson

3 a Rob b.Bob

A a Michelle

b Marcia

5, a Smithb Schmidt6 a Jaines

b John

7 a Abranis b Abraham8 a Stcinway

b Steinberg


Trang 10

O v er t o y o u : W hat your name?

T ask 1 :

Talk to four classmates Find out their naities and telephone numbers Ask thesc questions and vvrite the answers in the chart.

Excuse me W hat’s you tlrst name?



Uniít 1

Trang 11

UNIT 2 D escribing People

1 Getting Ready

Are these vvords and phrases about age, height or hair? Write them in the correct lists

short about 22 a bo u t1 7 0 cm in h e rte e n s dark almost25

in his tvvènties ỉight brovvn in her thirties not so tall shoulder-length

Trang 12

Listen to these descriptions of people Check (/) the correct picture.

Unit 2

Trang 14

O ver to You: Who is it?


W'ork in piirs Take turns describing people in the pictures and guessing who they are

Excample: A: This man is about 30.

B: D oes he have dark hair?A: N o, he doesn't.

B; Is h e tall?A: Yes, he is.B: Is it Jay?A: Yes, it is.

Excample: A; She has short hair.

B: Is it Keiko?A: No, il isn't She's tall.B: I s it ?

Uinit 2

Trang 15

UNIT 3 Clothes

1 Getting Ready

Match each word with a picture VVrite the correct leưer

1 jeans Ả 2 tie 3 sandals 4 jacket

5 dress 6 scarí 7 windbreaker 8 skirt

9 h a t _10 s u i t _11 shorts 12 T-shirt

13 glasses14 pants _

17 bkuse _18 shoulder )ag15 shirt

Trang 16

I He needs to fmd a a longer

3\ She needs to find a

a tighterb bigger

c smaUer

6 She needs to fmd aa smaller

b biggerc more comiortable




Trang 17

Listen again what was each person vvearing? Circle the correct ansvver.

1 Sonia was vvearing a

a. yellovv

b. black

c. darkblue2 Brian was \vearuig a

4 Mrs Graham was wearing a

a longb blackc beaưtiíul


Trang 18

Work in pairs Take turns describing peopỉe at a party and guessing who ữiey are Say what each person is vvearing

Example; A: This vvoman is wearing a skirt.

B: Is she vvearing a T-shirt?A: No, she isn't.

B: Is she wearing glasses?A: No, she isn't.

B: Is she vvearing a scarf?A: Yes, she is.

B: Is it Monica?A: Yes, it is.

Over to You: What is she vvearing?

C S J 3VVork in pairs Look at your partner for 30 seconds Then sit back-to-back Try to describe what your partner is vvearing How many things can you remember?

Trang 19

UNIT 4 Tim e

1 Getting ReadyC S 3 Q

Match each time with a picture VVrite the number

1 twenty to two2 three fifteen3 ten after ten4 two twenty5 three fifty-five

6 six forty-five7 two o'clock

Trang 20

[ T a s k ĩ ^ m

Listen again and circle the correct radio station

b 90.9b X98.5b BBCb 1001c 99.9c H98.5c BBDc 99.30

2 a, 10,034 a WXYZ6, a VVOXR 8 a KCHBb 109.1b WWYZb W2XRb KABCc 105.1c UXYZc VV26Rc QABC

Trang 21

Listen again VVrite the tỉmes.

1 The box office opens a t _2 The coffee bar is open from _3 The sneak previevv begins at4 The box office closcs a t


Trang 22

f ĩ h w ì

Look at the time in each City

Over to You: What time is it in ?

r T F

_ ^

New York / 8 a.m / Priday Paris / 2 p.m / Priday Tokyo /10 p.m / Priday

W hat ỉs th e tỉm e differencG betvveen th e cỉties? W rite th e correct number.

1 Ve^v York and P a ris? hoiirs2 Paris ar.d ĩo k y o ? hours3 \'e w York and Tokyo? _ hours

Work in pairs Take turns asking about times in New York, Paris, and Tokyo Write the answers in the charts

Example: A: lt's 8 a.m on Priday m New York VVhat time is it ữì París?


lO p.M ĩndauỊ

Ị l p.M Tutsdaiị

Trang 23

UNIT 5 Dates1 Getting Ready

1 2 34 5 6 ? 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 n

18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 15 1? 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 ĩ ì 2S 2S 30 31


s M ' f l

1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 ỈS 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28

A U C Ư 5 To M | J m

2 3 4

15 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1515 17 18 9 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 11 28 2?

30 31

1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 !0 11 12 13 1415 16 1/ 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 21 28

29 30 3i

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 2/ 28 29 30


M A Yat i1 1

1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13u IS IS 1/ 18 19 20

0O C T O B E RSoĨ 1

1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 ]ị 15 16 17

18 Ỉ9 20 21 22 23o:

4.525 21 28 2S 3C 3!

1 2 3 4 5 8 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 25 27 2S29 50

1 ? 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 !8 19

20 21 u n 24 25 25

21 28 23 33 3;


M atch th e dates on th e le ft w ith th e dates on th e rig h t.

2 ó / 11/99 b Mav tvventieth, ninetcen ninety-íive

3 11/1/92 c March second, tvN^o IhoLisand one

4 5/20/95 d Pebruary tvv^enty-eighth, thousand three

5 2/28/03 e June eleventh, nineteen nừiety-nine

Trang 24

3 aunt's arrival

4 tennis garme5 meeting w lth Prancis

Listen again Are these statements true or íalse? Check (/) the corr§ct ansvver

1 'rhe caller is coníirming Don's appointment.2 Sue will call Don later.

3 Don's aunt vviU call him from the hotei.4 Ted and Don are going to play tennis on Saturday.5 Prancis wants to meet Don in the office.

t> ^ĩhe flight leaves from the airport in Nevv Orleans.

Trang 25

4 Let's Listen^GH2B

Listen to people talking about their birthdays Have they had their birthdays yet this year? Check (/) the correct answer

1 Ted




a go to her parents' houseb go on a trip by herselíc go to New York vvith her parents

3 Suea have a barbecueb go out to dừiner with íriendsc stay home alone

4 Briana meetừiendsb haveabusydayc have a quiet íamily partv'

Trang 26

Over to You: When's your birthday?

T a s k i

Move aroind the cỉass and find out your classmates' birthdays Circle each person’s birthday cn the calendar

Exaniple: A: When's your birthday?

B: It's on Augiist 16th When's yours?A: It's o n _ JANƯAWr

s M

8 9

15 '6 22 23 29 30

Ti w

3 4 u 11 1: 18




25 262021 27 28


-ĩ h 4

6 6 71; 13 141' 20212 27 28

F Sa 12 8 915 16 22 23 29 30

Q H Q Ị p a iM

s M Tu w Th F

1 2 35 6 7 8 9 1012 13 14 15 16 1?19 20 21 22 2326 27 28


s M Tu wSa


18 25

6 /

13 14 2021

ĩ h ?


3 915 16 1722 23 2426 27 28 29 30


15 16 17 18

22 23 24 25 29 30 31

Th F Sa 5 6 712 13 14 19 20 2126 27 28


s M Tu

5 6 712 13 14 19 2C 21 26 27 28



91622 23 29 30

F Sa

3 4

1011 17 18 24 25 31

s M Tu w Th F

1419 20 21





23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31

s M Tu w Th F Sa

1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30

Th F Sa 3 4 51C 11 ì2

s M Tu w

126 7 8 913 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31

17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Work in pirs Ansvver the questions How miny people ?

have tb ir birthdays in the same month

have a )irthday this month have a )irthday next month have tb same birthday have xh same birthday as you


Trang 27

UNIT 6 Jobs

1 Cetting Ready

Task 1

Match each job with a picture VVrite the number

1 businessperson 3 taxi driver 5 vvaitress2 nurse 4 chef 6 ílight attendant

7 construction worker8 teacher

b actor

3 a teacherb ílight attendant4 a chef

b nurse

5 a nurseb businessperson6 a receptionist

b construction vvorker

Trang 28

3 Let's Listen(ỉk

BS2BListen to people talking about their work Check (/) the correct information about each person

Has the same job Has a new job lsn't vvorklng now

□3 Bob ."“11_1





ĩedSonia P o b M arie


Martha ĩ r e d S u e

a is a tcacher.

b j u s t g r a d u a t e d f r o m c o l l e g e

c is trying to find a new job.

d vvorks in a bookstore.e w o rk s m a bank.

f w o rk s in a re stau ran t.

g is a receptionist.

h is a lawyer.

Trang 29

2.□□3.□□4.□□5. n

o n sListen again What do the people like or dislike about theỉr jobs? Check (/) the correct answer

Lỉkes Dislikes

1 a doing the same thing □ □

2 a vvorking w jth kids □ □b the distancG to school

Trang 30

Work in groups of four Choose one of the jobs belovv or use one of your own ideas The other people in the group ask you Yes/No questions and try to guess the job.

Examples: Do you work inside?

Is it a dangerous job?Do you vvear a uni/orm?Are you a ?

Over to You: What do you do?

rcck muskian

' ì'" ' ' '‘ Ị* : \

Trang 31

UNiT 7 Sports and Exercise

Trang 32

3 Let's Listen 0:^

T a s k l

Which sports or actlvities is the person talking about? Listen and circle the correct ansvver

1 a swimmingb going to the gymc iogging

2 a playmg vollc7balỉ

b playữìggoỊí

c playing soccer

3 a playing baseballb playing footballc playing termis4 a playing tennis

b vvatchứìg TV

c reading

5 a svvimmingb ịoggingc vvmdsuríing6 a diving

b riding a biq^clec vvâlking

Listen again VVhat do you think each person says next? Cirrle the correct ansvver.

1 a Yes, about three times a week.

b Yeah, Tm getting Iazy.c Yeah, Tm tired.

z, a Yeah, Tm very busy.b Yeah, rd love to.c Yeah, you^re right.

X a Volleyball is tiring.

b. Volìeyball It's mv íavorite.c Tennis is expensive.

4 a I know, but Tm lazy.

b No, thanks Tm tired.

Trang 33

4 Lefs Listen ^EBD

Listen to people talking about how they spend thelr free time Check {/) the correct iníornrìdtion about each person

Exercỉses a lot Exercỉses a lỉttleNever exerdses

3 Victor 4 M aria

5 D avid

a golísb bicyclesc plays baseballd takes vvalkse plays video games

Trang 34

O ver to You: What do you want to do?

lằsđUR«ad the questions in the chart and check (/) your ansvvers Then ask a classmate the questions and circle the activities that both of you want to do


Trang 35

UNIT 8 Locations

1 Getting Ready

c s a Q

Find each item in the picture VVrite the number in the correct box

1 a plant 2 theskis 3 ửiebed 4 ử iegolídubs 5 a book 6 thenevspap>r

Write the number of each item next to the phrase

on top of the bookshelí _next to the vvindovv

between the bedsid* tableỉ under the table

Trang 36

3 Let^s Listen

E h b iPat is helping Tom decorate his new apartment Listen and write the number in the location she suggests

1 the magazine rack2 the coffee table

4 the bookshelí 6 the end table 8 the dmner table


ỈS 2 ĐListen again What do you think each person says next? Circle the correct answer

3 a Okav Try that.

b Of course not.c No, Idon't.

4 a Ycs, it will.b No, the other one

c Ycs, it vvill look good there.

b Yes, itdocs.

c ít looks fine.8 a Yes That's right.

b Of course it can.c No, it doesn't

Trang 37

^ on the bookshelí next to the dictionary c in the dictionary

2 the remote conừol

a beside ữie TV on ử\e TV program guide

b o n to p o f th e TV n e x t to tììe TV p r o g ra mc b e s id e ữ ie TV p ro g ra m g u id e ừ i ừ o n t o f th e

3 Ihekeys

a in a box on top of the deskb ùì a box inside one of the desk dravversc inside a drawer next to a box

4 Ihe baseball cap

a on the hook behmd the door

b o n tììe d o o rk n o bc o n th e flo o r b e h in d th e d o o r

5 the glasses

a inside the case on the coffee table

b on the coffee table next to ừ\e papers

c on top of the papers on ử\e coffee table

6 thebelta on the sofa in front of the vvindovvb on the chair next to the wmdow

c on the floor next to the wmdow

Ũ S 3 B

Listen again Are these statements true or false? Check (/) the correct ansvver

i -'-i

True False1 Tony hasn't read the magazines

2 The remote control has a new battery.3 Thekeysarefortheoffice

4 The baseball cap belongs to Cindy's brother.5 Cindy needs gỉasses for reading

6 Cindy's brother is always very neat

Trang 38

Over to Yoii: Where are the shoes? t2S2B

One of you is Student A The other is Student B

Student A: Look at your list of items Draw each item in a different place on Picture A Student B: Look at vour list of items Draw each item in a different place on Picture B.

à hat glasses a waỉlet

Picture A

Student B's lista pair of shoes a book a candle

Piđure B

c s sWork in pairs Where did your partner draw the items on his or her picture? Ask questions and draw them on the other picture

Example: A: VVhere are the shoes?

B: The shoes are VVhere is the hat?

/V: The h a t is

T a s k ỉ

Work in pairs Compare your pictures Are they the same?

Trang 39

UNIT 9 The Pamily

1 Getting Ready

Write the correct word next to each íamily member

1 My mother's sister is my2 Mv father's brother is m y _3 My parents' parents are my _

4 My uncle's son or daughter is mv5 My brother or sister's son is my _

6 Mv brother or sister's daughter is my

7 My husband or wife's mother is my _

8 Mv grandmother or grandfather's íather is m y

2 Let's Listen

Peopie are talkỉng about their families Lỉsten and number the pictures

■! t S I S

Trang 40

3 Let's ListenC^

ĩ ^ s k 1

Pe*ople are talking about their tamilies How many brothers and sisters do they have? Listen and vvrite the numbers


a an onlyb a lonclvc one

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2024, 23:15


