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tuyển tập các bài luyện thi tiếng anh trình độ c nxb từ điển bách khoa 2011 nguyễn thu huyền 347 trang

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Nội dung

The Windy NGUYẾN THU HUYẺN chủ biên TUYẾIN TẬP CÁC BÀI LUYỆN THI TRÌNH Đ ộ CA Hiệu đỉnh: MỸ HƯƠNG & NGUYỄN XOAN NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỪ ĐIỂN BÁCH KHOA... i • Để có thêm tài liệu thiết thực phục

Trang 1


Trang 3

The Windy




Hiệu đỉnh:



Trang 5


Ban đoc thãn mến! i •

Để có thêm tài liệu thiết thực phục vụ nhu cầu học tập theo ỊÌáo trình Lifelines, New Headway, Headway và luyện thỉ chứng :hỉ A, B, C, của đông đảo các bạn học viên, sinh viên Chúng tôi cin giói thiệu bộ sách:

Tuyển tập các bài luyện thi tiếng Anh trình độ ATuyển tập các bài luyện thi tiếng Anh trình độ BTuyển tập các bài luyện thi tiếng Anh trình độ c

Mỗi cuốn gồm 30 đề luyện thi, mỗi đề luyện thi được biên;oạn dựa theo nội dung của các đề thi tìĩực tế tại các trung tâm Igoại ngữ hiện nay Thêm vào đó có một số bài cung cấp nhiều ỉạng bài tập như: bài tập ngữ pháp, bài tập từ vựng, bài tập trắc Ighiệm, bài tập viết lại câu Tất cả các bài luyện thi đều được rình bày theo logic chặt chẽ, đồng thòd cũng mang tính đa dạng, )hong phú để tạo hứng thú cho sinh viên trong việc làm bài Sau nỗi bài kiểm tra đều có đáp án kèm theo để học viên có thể đối :hiếu, so sánh và tự kiểm tra, đánh giá khả năng của mình

Chúng tôi mong rằng bộ sách này là một tài liệu hữu ích có thể ;iúp các bạn tự học và tự ôn luyện tiếng Anh

Chúc các bạn đạt được nhiều kết quả!


Trang 7

12 You asked me t o you to post that letter.

Trang 8

'Z<<y^irv {Ay cA<^ {i\C {¿¿*>J^

15 The children threw snowballs a t on their way to school

16 It happened we were asleep last Friday night

19 Her watch had stopped so she had no way of knowing theright

Trang 9

iAy} cA c i A i liu y e ^ € ¿ ¿ 4 ^

must be nominated in writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind The awards are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with the king of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death Each prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award about one million dollars

1 What does this passage mainly discuss?a Alfred Bernhard Nobel

D The Nobel prizes Great contributions to mankind

1. Swedish philanthropy

2. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?a Five times a year

b Twice a year : Once a year

i Once every two year

3 A Nobel prize would not be given to

1 an author who wrote a novel

0. a doctor who discovered a vaccine; a writer who plagiarized most of his works from the other writers

Why were the prizes named after Alfred Bernhard Nobel?

1. He left money in his will to establish a fund for prizes.3 He won the first Nobel prize for the prizes for his work in


Trang 10

III Read the article below and put a cross on the letter next to the word that best fits each space.

(5) traffic lights are an American invention Redgreen (6) were installed in Cleveland in 1914 Threecolor signals, operated (7) hand from a tower in the (8 of the street, were installed in New York in 1918The ( 9 ) lights of this type to (1 0 ) in Britaiiwere in London, on the junction between St Jame's Street anc Piccalilli, in 1925 Automatic signals were installed (11 year later

In the past, traffic lights were (12) In New Yorksome lights had a statue on top In Los Angeles, the lights did no just (13) silently, but would ring bells to (14

Trang 11

iA y i cA c i a i ilvC

the sleeping motorists of the 1930s These are goneand have been (15) by standard models which areuniversally adopted

1 a outside b out c out of d outdoors2 a resembled b looked c showed d seemed3 However b Therefore c Although d Despite4 a forbade b disappointed c avoided d discouraged

6 a methods b ways c systems d in

8 a middle b heart c focus d halfway9 a original b primary c first d early

10 a show b appear c happen d become

12 a various b particular c rare d special13 a change b alter c vary d move14 a rise b raise c wake d get up15 a reproduced b replaced c removed d remained

IV Fill in each gap in the passage below with one suitable word.

Taking it easy

Society has changed in many ways (1) theintroduction of computers, and people's lives at home and at the office have been affected Most people are working for fewer hoursper week than they (2) to, and manufactures andadvertising agencies are becoming much ( 3 ) interestedin how people spend this extra leisure time One recent report stated that, (4) the mmiber of hobbies had not

Trang 12

In (1 1 ) of these changes, some people are workingharder than ever before The standard of exams is getting higher,and increased competition is (1 2 ) it harder to get intouniversity than it was 20 years (13) Schoolchildrenand students are now having to work (1 4 ) hard that inmany cases they work longer hours (15) their parents.

V Use the words to make sentences.

Dear Mr Hung,1 Thank you / letter / 1 / receive this morning

2 Thank you also / invite me / come / interview / Tuesday nextweek

3 Unfortunately 1/ not be able / attend / time / suggest

4 Be possible / rearrange / interview / Wednesday morning?

5 1 can be / office / 8.30 / morning

Trang 13

“C ittyd n , iA yi cA c 6A c ii\X i £ £ n ^ y \ t \ i \

6 1 / be most grateful / you can contact / to confirm / time

7 1 look forward / hear / from you and / meet / you / week

VI Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

1 'Don't forget to phone the office,' she told him.She reminded 2 I’m afraid I haven’t got time to listen to you

I w ish 3 The police have just released John

John 4 1 couldn’t hear them because they were speaking too softly

They were speaking 5 We spent five hours getting to London

It to o k


Topic 1

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of

being a member of a large family?

Trang 14

2 The teachers at the school with flu one after the other.

3 To promote him so quickly^ you must have a very high of his ability

Trang 17

Did you know, too, that domestic cats regard their owners as fellow members o f the cat family and make many more sounds to us than they do to other cats when living in groups? They have worked out that we communicate by sound and so leam a vocabulary we will understand to get their message over.

The way cats have learned to live with, and be looked after by man, without losing their hunting and killing abilities or their mental independence, is a good reason for studying them, some scientists say

A study of the suburban cats in Barking in Essex showed that outside the home they adopted the same hunting and exploring habits as wild cats, the female cats covered a territory limited to house and garden, while male cats traveled over an area ten times as large

Though many people think the opposite, a cat is very practical about defending its territory Its attitude depends on its confidence about the cat it faces following the experience of its previous meetings Females and young males often hide when fierce adult males turn up on their territory

Female cats seem to feel no tension between their affectionate relationship with humans and their life "in the wild" It is the male cats which occasionally show signs o f anxiety indicating that they are suffering from strain

Trang 18

Ctic ¿¿ii t u c y i ^ i/vi

1 Why do cats make a wider range of sounds when comimaniicatingwith people?

a They are used to doing this with other cats.b They are taught to do so by their owners.c They are copying human behavior

d They wish to be considered human beings

2 Why are domestic cats of special interest to scientistsfa They are fierce and clever hunters

b They are been domesticated for a very long time.c They are lost all traces of wild behavior

d They lead both wild and domesticated lives.3 In what ways are wild cats and domestic cats alike?a They cover a wide territory

b They tend to fight.c They hunt and explore

They like to be alone.4 When on their own territory cats?a hide from all strange cats

b allow only familiar cats to crossc chase larger cats

d allow fierce cats to cross

5 Compared with female cats, male cats tend to

a be mostly black and whiteb show less affection to humansc hunt more successfully

d suffer more frequently fi'om nervous strain

Trang 19

iA y} cAc- ¿ A i i l \ i ¿¿¿txip.

III Read the article below and put a cross on the letter nextto the word that best fits each space

The advertisers are coming to get you

Prepare yourself for a big surprise I imagine the shock, while(1) through your favorite imagine, of suddenly findingan advertisement with your (2 ) name in the headline

It could suggest that it's (3 ) you changed your car fora more up-to-date (4 ) and it might ( 5 ) mentionthe make of the old wreck you drive now It could say what youwould look ( 6 ) if you should try a new shampoo Even(7) it might suggest that you switch deodorants

Some people may not like their names being used in aadvertisement without their ( 8 ) even if they are the(9) ones to see it There does not, though, (10) to be any law to protect the readers Advertisingagencies claim that response rates increase by at (1 1 ) fifiy percent when people see their names printed on a catalogue or direct mail communication

So, given the possibility of greater (1 2 ) , will thetelevision companies get in on the act next, with personalized commercials perhaps?

(13) seeing a TV advertisement, for say, a(14) agency, sympathetically suggesting that you lookin need of a holiday How (1 5 ) you resist? The admanis coming And, this time, he's got your name

1 a seeing b watching c staring d looking2 a own b self c personal d belonging

Trang 20

“C<U^£4X i& y cA c 6fU

4 a mark b fashion c although d model5 a even b too c pattern d extremely

8 a permit b allowance c permission d admission9 a single b unique c only d alone

10 a sound b look c occur d seem11 a less b least c minimum d lowest12 a profits b benefits c prices d fees13 a Think b Imagine c Suppose d Guess14 a journey b fravel c tour d trip

IV Fill in each gap in the passage below with one suitable word.

Dear Hai,How are you? Thanks very much for your letter and all yourlevv’s I apologize (1) not replying sooner, but I’ve (2) busy looking for a new job The old one was reallygetting me down I’m afraid, and I was ready for (3) .change I just didn’t get (4) well with my old boss-wedidn’t see eye to eye on anj^hing! In desperation I got in touch (5) this employment bureau, WPA (that stands for ‘WorkPlacement Agency’, (6) the way!) Well, (7) .my surprise, they contacted me almost immediately and asked if I(8 ) like to go for an interview for a job that I was really

interested in Pve just heard this morning (9) I got the

job! To celebrate I’m inviting a (10) friends to a smallparty next Saturday night Do come, and, (11) you like,bring your new girlfriend I’d like to meet her I’m not sure how (12) people will be coming yet, but it should be fun! Let me

Trang 21

t A p c A c ¿A c tiv c tcdtx^y

know whether you can make it or not, just (13) case I endup inviting too many people! The flat’s not big (14) for ahuge crowd! Looking forward to seeing you It seems ages (15) we saw each other last!


V Use the words to make sentences.

Dear Hanh,1.1 / be sorry / it take / so long / reply / your letter

2 You / be pleased / know / 1 come / London next weekend

3 It seem / long time / we / meet

4 1 wonder / you / like / go / see / a film / a play

5 There / be / new Harrison Ford film / at / Odeon

6 Perhaps / can go / meal / drink afterwards

7 Give / ring later / week / arrange / something

VI Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

1 She doesn't usually stay u^ so late.She's not u se d 2 If I were you I'd look for another job

I suggest

Trang 22

iA y) cA c iAC

3 He lost his money simply because he wasn't careful.I f 4 They last visited me five years ago

They haven't 5 His suits were all made in Paris

and customs How do we prepare for the holiday? How do we

enjoy it and realize its meaning?





Trang 23

4 Catchng the earlier train will give us th e to do someshopping.

Trang 24

tuye4\ iU i í¿¿t^^y/^-V/vA

6 to an accident in the High Street, traffic is movingvery slowly on the London Road

Trang 25

iA y} c& c ¿ A t ilu - iid tx ty

13 The air in the house felt cold a n d after weeks of badweather

19 .from anything else, she is always late for work

Trang 26

The realistic approach to photography has been perfected im the past by such masters as Henry Cartier-Bresson and Bill Brandt But while you can leam a great deal from looking at the work o f otlhers, any success you can hope to achieve in this field has to come from developing an individual approach.

The main requirement for any photographer has little to (to with technical matters You must develop an awareness of the w/orld around you and the people who inhabit it, and you should leaim to notice when a situation may develop to a point where you willl be able to take a good picture Those who have searched his happy state will be prepared when that moment arises, and will sinnply raise their camera quickly and shoot Others who are not so aware will be struggling with camera cases and lens caps

Film manufactures must be dehghted at the thought o f the inexperienced photographer setting out in search o f the right situation and the right moment Many miles of costly material lhave passed through thousands of cameras as this endless se;arch continues But although a lot of this waste must be put dow/n to inexperience, you'll find that even the professionals have to luse a lot of film when they are out of shooting

Not every shot is going to be a winner If you look at the work of even the best photographers you'll notice dozens o f pictmres have had to be taken only because they lead up to the successful shot of a situation that the photographer has obviously toeen

Trang 27

iAy> c A c ¿A c itty A tv iixC

observing through the lens You may find that you have taken one or two pictures after the right moment has passed as well There is seldom more than one shot which stands out There is just one point where it all comes together, and you often have to waste film to catch that precious moment

1 How can you become a better real-life photographer?a By watching other photographers at work

b By learning about famous photographersc By just taking a great many photographsd By developing skills and ideas for yourself

2 The best real-life photography depends on .a going out and searching for unusual situations

b becoming highly skilled in camera techniquesc being able to tell when a good situation might arised having a camera which is easy and quick to use

3 The waste of film in real-life photography isa expensive and urmecessary

b essential to the production of good picturesc limited to amateur photographers

d the result of poor choices o f subject

4 What is likely to be most successful?a Taking pictures without too much preparationb Taking a whole series of similar pictures

c Taking great came to set up the situationd Taking one picture at the right moment


Trang 28

“TLiuydtx iA y) cA c ¿ A t iA C 0 0 4X4^.

5 This text is taken from - •a a camera instruction bookletb an advertisement for filmc a history of photographyd an introduction to photography

m Read the article below and put a cross on the letter next to the word that best fits each space

Breakfast, cereal and the Brain

The ideal breakfast, say scientists, is a glass o f orange juice, acup of coffee and a ( 1 ) of cereal People who start theday ( 2 ) a drink o f vitamin C, a dose o f caffeine and a

(3) of their favorite cereal are happier and performbetter ( 4 ) the morning, Andy Smith, o f the Universityof Bristol, said

A ( 5 ) of 600 people who were asked to record theirbreakfast (6) foimd that those who regularly ate cereal first(7) in the morning had a more positive mood comparedwith those who ate other foods or had (8) breakfast Earlierresearch had shown that people whose (9) performance wasmeasured (10) after eating breakfast o f any kind performed10 percent better on (11) of remembering, speed ofresponse and (12) to concentrate, compared with thosegiven only a cup of decaffeinated coffee

who drank four cups of coffee a day performed more (14) all day than those who drank less He suggested thatsensible employers should (1 5 ) out free coffee or tea


Trang 29

iAy> cAc- iA C tl\£

3 a amount b helping c quantity d piece4 a- throughout b while c along d when5 a search b study c research d check6 a habits b ways c traditions d uses7 a hour b time c point d thing

9 a mental b sensible c intelligent d psychological10 a later b following c suddenly d immediately11 a examinations b trials c tests d investigations12 a skill b ability c power d strength

13 a farther b fijTther c another d longer14 a well b better c profitably d efficiently

rV, Fill in each gap in the passage below with one suitable word.

Improve Your Memory

Teachers have often used memory tests to assess the intelligence of their students But having a good memory often haslittle to ( 1 ) with intelligence Studies have shown notonly that some people (2) below average intelligencehave exceptional memories, but (3) that some highlyintelligent people have poor memories A good memory is moreoften the result of using techniques that can ( 4 ) learned,and many of the books that have (5) written on thesubject encourage people to use similar methods One of (6)

Trang 30

i&y> a ic i

uy£f%- is you make up short sentences or rhymes which can helpyou remember (7) you need to know by heart (8) example, the first letters of the words in the sentence'Rechard of York gained battles in vain' are ROYGBIV; these (9) the colours o f the rainbow-red, orange, yellow, and (10) on Another technique involves, linking the sounds (11) words with images, which can be particularly effectivewhen learning new words The learner needs (12) createan image to help to remember the word By using techniques (13) this, many learners find it a lot easier (1 4 ) they had expected to keep (15) learning new vocabulary

V Use the words to make sentences.

1 1 / hear / death / profoimd / regret.2 twins / so / alike / no one / distinguish / one / other.3 you / drive / distraction / silly / question

4 It / first time / painting / display / public.5 He / force / dispose / art / treasures

6 Failure / crops / often / result / famine.7 gap / two / runners / begin / close.8 Her / claim / disallow / on ground / not pay / premium.9 How / clever / boys / see / solution / problem / quickly

10 Some villagers / never / further a field / neighboring town

VI Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

1 * I'll only help you if you promise to try harder.U nless

Trang 31

iA yJ cA o ti\c

2 "You were cheating", said Carol to June.Carol accused .3 She bought that house in 1973

She h a s 4 They believe he is mad

He 5 Our house's going to be painted by a local firm.We're


Topic 3

What are the effects of smoking?

Trang 32

1 Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) which best completeseach sentence.

1 1 shall do the job to the best o f m y

Trang 33

^ < li j £4X iA yy tlx t

I. She is interested in working in university

b organization d administration8 When he was a boy, he feh great for his uncle

Trang 34

iAy; oac Liu

15 Can you recite the alphabet ?

today's parents were themselves introduced to philately as

youngsters a generation ago In stamp collection there is a very strong adherence to tradition

It is, however, possible to pick out some significant changes which have taken place over the last ten to fifteen years For mint

Trang 35

c A c ¿Ac €iy.c y ^ \4 x l\

stamps, particularly, collectors have tended to discard hinges, which can leave a slight mark on the back o f the stamp, and go instead for stamp mount

There are plastic pockets, designed to take either individual stamps or rows of stamps, which are stuck onto the album page They come with either white or black backgrounds Some albums have the mounts already in position, they are known in the catalogues as hinges albums

A second alternative to the hinge is the stockbook which usually has pages of stiff cardboard and retaining strips into which stamps can be tucked This has traditionally been sold as an accessory, to be used for temporary storage o f stamp pending their transfer to an album

Some collectors, however, have come to look upon stockbook not as a half way house but as a substitute for the album Stockbooks do away with the fiddle of fixing hinges and ensure there is no danger of marking the back of the stamp and it is a simple matter to move the stamps if a new page layout is required

All this being said for the purist there is nothing to match the flexibility of hinging to allow him to plan the page the way he wants it and shape its distinctive appearance The begirmer will probably want to follow the majority, traditional line

1 Stamp collectinga is a tradition passed from parents to children.b has not changed for several generations

c has seen changes in the methods o f mounting stamps.d is'a hobby which always involves aamage to stamp

2 Plastic pockets are sometimes useda to avoid black and white contrast

Trang 36

cA c iAC ilvC

b because they can be stuck on in rows.c since they provide the only way to see the stamps,b because they don't mark the back of the stamp.3 What are hinges albums?

a Albums using black or white background.b Albums in which the collectors can mount the stamps with hinges.c Albums in which the collectors can mount plastic pockets

d Albums in which pockets are already mounted.4 The stockbook has in some cases replaced the album becausea it seems the most convenient way of storing stamps

b it has always been sold as an accessory.c it permits one to fix hinges more easily.d it permits one to add new pages

5 What is the main disadvantage of the stockbook?a The beginner is afraid to use it

b It is not a traditional method of collecting.c One cannot arrange stamps on the page.d One can not plan what stamps to keep in it

III Read the article below and put a cross on the letter next to the word that best fits each space.

Crime prevention

You can make life more difficult for thieves by (1) yovir wallet in an inside pocket instead of a backpocket But make sure that you still have it if someone bumps into you in a ( 2 ) Most pickpockets are very skillful Never

Trang 37

iA yi cA c iA l

let your handbag out of your (3) On public transport,(4) hold of it You are also (5) to taketraveler’s cheques rather than cash when you go abroad, and to use cashdispensers which are on (6) streets, or are well lit at night

A quarter o f all crimes are car thefts or thefts of things fi’omcars, like radios and cassette players If your car is (7) you may not get it back One in four are never found, and even if itis, it may be badly ( 8 ) Always lock all doors and thinkabout fitting a car alarm too If you are buying a new radio cassetteplayer, it is ( 9 ) choosing one that is security-coded orremovable by the driver These precautions will help to (10) thieves

1 a taking b holding c carrying d bringing2 a ma.ss b band c crowd d group3 a view b sight c visibility d vision

5 a suggested b told c informed d advised6 a main b important c principal d major7 a robbed b burgled c stolen d hijacked8 a hurt b damaged c spoilt d injured9 a beneficial b practical c worthwhile d sensible

10 a put off b put down c put out d put back

IV Fill in etch gap in the passage below with one suitable word.

Many tourists who visit Central American find ( 1 ) surprising to leam that the Mayas still live there ( 2 ) it istme that their ancient civilization came to an end when their country was taken ( 3 ) by the Spanish conquistadors, the

Trang 38

iA y) cAc^ ilxC ic £ t\ty y \ t d \

Mayan people carried (4) living in the area Todaythere are an estimated 1.2 million Mayas (5 ) live insouthern Mexico, and many other areas of Central America states have large Mayan populations as (6 )

Many o f their stories and art forms have remained unchanged over time, and today, women weave clothing and carpets thathave signs and symbols that are the ( 7 ) as those found inancient temples The different patterns and symbols on thesebrightly coloured clothes (8) only look attractive, (9) can also communicate important information such (10) marital status

(11) .though the majority (1 2 ) the Mayas

are now CathoHc, many of the festivals that they (1 3 ) part in are a mixture of the old rituals that their ancestors (14)

in to practice and more modem Christian elements Itwas perhaps the Mayas’ ability to adapt and change that made(15) possible for them to survive to the present day

V Use the words to make sentences.

1 bankruptcy / small / firms / prelude / general / economic / collapse.2 men / going / charge / import / cocaine

3 feel / tired / in spite / sleep / 8 hours.4 picture / hang / upside / without / notice.5 feel / eternal / gratitude / save / her / life.6 candidates / insist / previous / minutes / meeting / read / again.7 little / advantage / buy / dictionary / can’t / read

8 hard / work / make / up / lack / intelligence

9 political / scandal / shake / nation / very / foundations.10 memories / wedding / still / fresh / minds

Trang 39

She is to o 3 It isn't necessary to shout.

Y o u 4 It was such a dull play that he fell asleep

The play .5 “Where is the nearest tube?” she asked

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2024, 23:31