Given this reality, it is imperative to conduct scientific research topropose effective forest fire prevention measures tailored to the specificfire hazard characteristics of Dong Nai's
Major: Forest Resource Management Code:
Hanoi - 2024
Trang 2Supervisor: Assoc Prof Tran Quang Bao
at , date month year
The dissertation is available for review at:
- National Library of Vietnam
- Library of the Vietnamese Academy of Forestry Sciences
1 Tran Quang Bao, Vo Minh Hoan, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Duong HuyKhoi (2019), "Researching the characteristics of fire materials and
fire risk zoning in Dong Nai Cultural and Natural Reserve", Journal
of Forestry Science and Technology, 5, pp 38-48.
2 Duong Huy Khoi, Tran Quang Bao, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Vo MinhHoan, Nguyen Van Quy (2020), "Analysis of factors influencingforest fires and prioritized fire zoning in Dong Nai province",
Journal of Forestry Science, 5, pp 64-80.
3 Duong Huy Khoi, Tran Quang Bao, Vo Minh Hoan, Nguyen ThiHoa (2021), "Researching the characteristics of fire materials and
forest fire risk in Dong Nai province", Journal of Forestry Science,
6, pp 138-151
Trang 41 Urgency of the study
Forest fires can inflict substantial economic, social, forest resource,and ecological damage In recent years, the severity of forest fires hasescalated, posing a significant threat to human life and ecosystemsglobally Consequently, forest fire prevention and firefighting efforts havegained international importance, including in Vietnam, where emphasis isplaced on fire prevention rather than firefighting
Dong Nai, situated in the key fire-prone area of the Southeast region,encompasses a total forest and forestry land area of 199,981 hectares, with182,677 hectares of forest, resulting in a forest cover rate of approximately29% The forests in Dong Nai are predominantly composed of highlyflammable species, particularly planted forests located near andinterspersed with residential areas These include species such as Acaciaauriculiformis, Hybrid Acacia, Teak, Hopea odorata, Dipterocarpus,African Padauk, and Pterocarpus macrocarpus In recent years, the impacts
of climate change have exacerbated the situation, with increasingly erraticand severe weather patterns, prolonged heat, and droughts significantlyheightening the risk of forest fires in the province Despite the vigilanceand proactive measures of the authorities and forest management units,forest fires continue to occur frequently, particularly in planted andbamboo forests According to the Provincial Forest Protection Department,from 2010 to the present, Dong Nai province has experienced 33 forest fireincidents, resulting in nearly 30 hectares of forest damage, alongsidenumerous unrecorded smaller fires
Given this reality, it is imperative to conduct scientific research topropose effective forest fire prevention measures tailored to the specificfire hazard characteristics of Dong Nai's forests Such measures shouldensure efficacy in minimizing forest fire incidents and their consequentdamages Therefore, the research topic "Researching ScientificFoundations to Propose Effective Forest Fire Prevention Measures inDong Nai Province" It is both scientifically and practically significant,addressing current requirements for the protection and development offorest resources
2 Research objectives
Trang 52.1 Scientific objectives
- Provide scientific and practical foundations for proposing effective forest
fire prevention measures, thereby contributing to the reduction of forestfire risks and damages in Dong Nai province
2.2 Practical objectives
- Analyze and evaluate the current situation and characteristics of forest
resources, as well as the factors influencing forest fires in Dong Naiprovince
- Identify fire-prone areas and create a comprehensive fire-prone zone map
for Dong Nai province
- Propose effective forest fire prevention measures tailored to the specific
conditions in Dong Nai province
3 Research subjects, scope, and limitations
3.1 Research subjects
- Forest resources distributed in Dong Nai province
- Natural conditions and socio-economic factors related to forest fires,including topography, climate, and agricultural activities
- The state management and implementation of forest fire preventionmeasures in Dong Nai province, coordinated by the forest rangers andvarious agencies including the Fire Police Force, the Police Force, theMilitary Force, the People's Militia Force, and the general public
3.2 Research scope
- Content scope: Forest fire prevention and firefighting work
- Time frame: From 2010 to the present
- Geographical Scope: Forests in Dong Nai province, specifically in thedistricts of Tan Phu, Vinh Cuu, and Dinh Quan, which feature therepresentative forest types of the province
4 The scientific and practical significance of the dissertation.
- Scientific Significance: The research results have identified the
correlation of factors influencing forest fires in Dong Nai province,providing a scientific basis for proposing effective forest fire preventionmeasures in the province
- Practical Significance: The dissertation has thoroughly analyzed
and evaluated the current situation of forest resource characteristics, thefactors influencing forest fires, and fire prevention activities in Dong Nai
Trang 6province This analysis serves as a foundational basis for researching,proposing, and effectively implementing fire prevention measures in theprovince.
5 New contributions of the dissertation.
- Constructing the equation of the factors influencing forest fires inDong Nai province
- Developing a map of forest fire risk zones in Dong Nai province
- Proposing the locations for installing a forest fire monitoring andwarning system in Dong Nai province
6 Structure and layout of the dissertation.
The dissertation consists of 119 pages, 36 tables, and 35 figures Inaddition to the declaration, acknowledgments, table of contents, list ofabbreviations, list of tables, list of figures, and list of related publications,the dissertation is structured into the following main sections:
Chapter 1: Overview of the research problem 24 pagesChapter 2: Content and research methods 15 pagesChapter 3: Research results and discussion 72 pages
Forest fire prevention encompasses all activities conducted before aforest fire starts, with the aim of minimizing the likelihood of fireoutbreaks In the event of a forest fire, prevention measures also seek to
Trang 7limit the fire's spread and mitigate its damages Broadly, forest fireprevention measures include: Organization, administration, education, andpublic awareness campaigns on forest fire prevention; Adequate trainingand preparation of firefighting personnel along with provision of suitableequipment; Fire risk assessment, forecasting, and warning systems;Measures to enhance forest fire resistance; Planning and design of fireprevention infrastructure; Establishment of forest fire monitoring anddetection systems.
1.1.2 Research on the nature of forest fires.
Studies concerning the nature of forest fires consistently indicate that,similar to fire in general, forest fires require the simultaneous presence ofthree factors: combustible material, a heat source, and an oxidizing agent.The formation, development, prevention, or suppression of forest firesdepend on the quantity and characteristics of these three factors Research
on fire prevention and control measures aims to minimize and eliminate
these factors, thereby preventing and reducing the occurrence of forestfires
1.1.3 Research on the causes of forest fires and the factors influencing forest fires. Causes of forest fires.
Forest fires have multiple causes; however, most studies indicate thatthe majority of forest fires today are caused either accidentally orintentionally by humans, stemming from various economic or livelihood-related activities and and commercial activities
Regarding natural causes of forest fires, researchers worldwiderecognize phenomena such as lightning strikes, earthquakes, and volcaniceruptions as potential agents Nevertheless, these natural causes accountfor a very small proportion of forest fires in reality Currently, in Vietnam,specific cases attributed to natural causes are nearly non-existent inrecorded instances Factors influencing forest fires.
- Forest type and vegetation distribution: Forest type and vegetationdistribution are crucial factors influencing the formation, pattern, intensity,spread, and development of forest fires They directly affect characteristicssuch as fuel load, ignitability, rate of fire spread, and the scale of the fire
Trang 8- Topography and climatic factors: Topography and climate (includingtemperature, humidity, rainfall, wind, etc.) significantly impact forest fires.These factors are closely linked to the occurrence and development offorest fires, either inhibiting or facilitating their spread.
1.1.4 Study of technical measures for fire prevention
Research on technical measures for fire prevention focuses onstrategies to mitigate or eliminate the primary components of the firetriangle In forest ecosystems, where fuel is consistently available, theprimary objective of fire prevention measures is to control the presenceand accumulation of combustible materials on the forest floor and tominimize potential heat sources that could ignite fires These measuresinclude:
Reducing Fuel Load: Methods aim at decreasing the amount ofcombustible material in forested areas
Constructing Firebreaks and Green Belts: Establishing physicalbarriers and buffer zones to impede the spread of fires
Identifying Fire-Resistant Tree Species: Studying and promotingspecies that are less prone to ignition or have slower burning rates
Implementing Canal and Drainage Systems: Installing infrastructure
to manage water flow and prevent the rapid spread of fires
In addition to technical measures, research also addresses the socialaspects of forest fires, exploring community-based solutions for fireprevention Furthermore, there is ongoing development of fire predictionand warning systems to enhance early detection and response capabilities
1.2 Overview and Evaluation of Research Directions
Research on forest fires has been conducted worldwide for a longtime It is divided into five main areas of study: the nature, conditions, andcauses of forest fires; prediction of fire risk; measures and structures forfire prevention; methods and measures for forest fire suppression; andfirefighting equipment
In Vietnam, research projects on forest fires have mainly focused onstudying the factors influencing forest fires, fire prevention measures,improving methods and software for predicting forest fires in local areas,selecting fire-resistant tree species to ensure forest fire prevention in
Trang 9various locations, and using technology in forest fire prediction and earlydetection.
In Dong Nai, no author has conducted a systematic study on fire riskand fire prevention measures Recent studies have been individual efforts,primarily based on natural factors and climate, without considering thecharacteristics of forest vegetation and combustible materials, socio-economic factors, and the participation of local residents in fire preventionwork Therefore, it is necessary and appropriate to conduct scientificresearch to propose effective fire prevention measures in Dong Naiprovince This research should align with current realities, contributing tooverall forest management and specific forest fire management in DongNai, ensuring convenience and high efficiency
METHODS 2.1 Research content
Content 1: Research on the characteristics of forest resources andfactors influencing forest fires in Dong Nai province
- Distribution characteristics of forests in Dong Nai province
- Silvicultural characteristics of different types of forests in Dong Naiprovince
- Factors influencing forest fires in Dong Nai province
Content 2: Research on the current situation of forest fire prevention
in Dong Nai province
- Forest fire situation and causes in Dong Nai province
- Current situation of forest fire prevention in Dong Nai province.Content 3: Research on effective forest fire prevention measures inDong Nai province
- Zoning of forest fire risks in Dong Nai province
- Forest fire monitoring and warning systems in Dong Nai province
- Technical measures for forest fire prevention
- Propaganda and mobilization measures for forest fire prevention
- Organizational and management measures
2.2 Research methods and techniques
2.2.1 Approach method
Trang 10The research project adopts a systematic approach, amultidisciplinary approach, and a research and development approach.
2.2.2 Document inheritance method
Research and selectively inherit relevant documents related to theresearch issue, including:: Natural conditions, socio-economic conditions
of the research area; current forest resource maps and forest resource data
in the research area; selectively compile forest fire data, reports on forestfire prevention and control by the Forest Protection Department from 2015
to 2023; relevant research data and results on forest fire prediction and riskzoning worldwide and in Vietnam; Landsat 8 satellite images and digitalelevation model (DEM) of the research area; meteorological data andreports on meteorology in Dong Nai province from 2015 to 2020
2.2.3 Sociological investigation method
Conduct on-site interviews using 100 survey questionnaires to collect data
on the participation of forest fire management forces, the main causes offorest fires in the research areas, factors influencing fire severity during thefire season, and the early warning and detection measures being applied inthe area The interviews will involve: Members of the Mobile ForestRanger Team (10 people); District forest ranger officers (20 people);Forest ranger station staff (20 people); Members of the Forest FirePrevention and Control team (20 people); Forest Fire Prevention andControl experts (10 people); Residents living near forests (20 people)
2.2.4 Method of investigation, data collection, and processing Method of investigating the quantity of combustible materials, classifying combustible materials.
Using OTCs, each with an area of 500 m² arranged in a typicalrandom method, to represent the distribution of the 8 main forest types inDong Nai province Within each 500 m² OTC, 5 Overstory DownedBiomass (ODBs) plots with a size of 4 m² were established to collect data
on the tall tree layer using several basic indicators: species name of the talltree layer; diameter at breast height (D1.3); vertical height to the lowestlive branch (Hvn); height to the dominant canopy (Hdc); diameter at thetop (Dt); density; growth
Trang 11Within the 4 m² plot, it was further subdivided into 4 smaller 1 m²plots to collect data on the weight and moisture content of dry combustiblematerials. Method for determining the flammability of combustible materials
To assess the flammability of combustible materials, the studyproposes evaluating several indicators: the ignition capability coefficient
of VLC, ignition time, flame height, and flame spread rate Thisassessment involves determining the weights of dry combustible materials(m1), fresh combustible materials (m2), and the total weight ofcombustible materials (M) during the fire season
The experiment includes mixing m1 and m2 evenly and conductingtests using three models: Model 1: burning 0.3 kg evenly spread over 1 m²;Model 2: burning 0.4 kg evenly spread over 1 m²; Model 3: burning 0.5 kgevenly spread over 1 m² These tests aim to determine the ignition time (Sc
in seconds), flame spread rate (Tc in minutes), and flame height (Hc inmeters) of the VLC mass The collected data of indicators m1, m2, M, K,
Sc, Hc, and Tc will support technical solutions for burning VLC in forestfire prevention in Dong Nai province Method for calculating and determining fire risk based on the moisture content of combustible materials.
- Utilize Pham Ngoc Hung's (2004) formula to determine themoisture content of combustible materials based on sample drying results
- Compare the percentage moisture content of the combustiblematerial with the forest fire prediction table provided by the ForestProtection Department to assess forest fire risk
2.2.5 Method for constructing the fire influencing factors function
Step 1: Identify factors and indicators influencing forest fire risk,including: vegetation cover factor (fuel moisture content), terrain factors(elevation, aspect, and slope), climate factor (temperature), proximity toroads and human settlements, hydrological factor
Step 2: Construct the equation for fire influencing factors and forestfire risk The study employs the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(FAHP) by analyzing pairwise correlations among selected factors todetermine their weights and appropriate scores influencing forest fire risk
Trang 122.2.6 Method for constructing the key fire zone map
(1) Constructing the fire risk map based on the fuel moisture content:The data includes the current forest resource map and the classified firerisk data based on the fuel moisture content Using the Update table tool inthe mapinfo software to update the fire risk of different forest typesaccording to the fire risk based on the fuel moisture content
(2) Constructing a fire risk map based on surface temperature: Thedata includes administrative maps, current forest status, topography, andclimate maps of Dong Nai province; remote sensing imagery includingLandsat 8 images during the 2020 forest fire season Using the Reclassifytool in ArcGIS software to classify fire risk based on surface temperature
(3) Constructing a fire risk map based on transportation andpopulation accessibility: The data includes transportation maps, populationdistribution maps, agricultural land maps, and maps of common routesused by people to access forests Using the Buffer tool to create a bufferzone and develop a fire risk map based on accessibility
(4) Constructing a fire risk map based on terrain elevation: The dataincludes a digital elevation model (DEM) Using the Reclassify tool inArcGIS software to classify fire risk based on terrain elevation
(5) Constructing a fire risk map based on slope: The data includes adigital elevation model (DEM) Using the slope tool in ArcGIS software tocreate a slope map and using the Reclassify tool in ArcGIS software toclassify fire risk based on slope
(6) Constructing a fire risk map based on aspect: The data includes adigital elevation model (DEM) Using the Aspect tool in ArcGIS software
to create an aspect map and using the Reclassify tool in ArcGIS software
to classify fire risk based on aspect orientation
(7) Constructing a forest fire risk map based on hydrology: The dataincludes maps of rivers, streams, and reservoirs Using the Buffer tool tocreate a buffer zone and develop a fire risk map based on hydrologicalfeatures
(8) Synthesis and construction of forest fire risk zoning map:Calculating appropriate weights for main and auxiliary factors influencingforest fire risk; constructing individual map layers for each factor withrelevant database criteria; integrating these layers in ArcGIS software to
Trang 13compute total scores and establish the forest fire risk zoning map for DongNai province.
2.2.7 Data processing method
3.1 Forest Resource Characteristics and Factors Affecting Forest Fires in Dong Nai Province
3.1.1 Forest Resource Characteristics in Dong Nai Province
After more than 25 years of forest closure, Dong Nai forest has graduallyrecovered As of the end of 2022, Dong Nai province has 123,939 hectares
of natural forest and 57,437 hectares of plantation forest, with a forestcoverage rate of 29.24% It is the province with the largest natural forestarea and the highest forest coverage rate among the provinces in the South.The forest and forestry land are concentrated in the northern part of theprovince, in the districts of Tan Phu, Dinh Quan, and Vinh Cuu, borderingthe provinces of Lam Dong and Binh Phuoc The remaining area isconcentrated in the districts of Xuan Loc, Long Thanh, Nhon Trach, andother districts The forests in Dong Nai province have the followingcharacteristics:
- The natural forests are mainly broad-leaved evergreen forests,semi-deciduous broad-leaved forests, mixed coniferous-broadleavedforests, and pure bamboo forests They are primarily distributed in thenorthern districts of the province (Vinh Cuu, Dinh Quan, Tan Phu)
- The majority of planted forests are household and productionforests, with the main tree species being Acacia mangium, Acacia hybrid,Eucalyptus, Hopea odorata, Dipterocarpus alatus, and Dipterocarpusintricatus These areas are distributed near and interspersed with residentialareas, making them highly susceptible to fires during the dry season
3.1.2 Characteristics of forest ecology in different types of forests
The research results on forest ecology characteristics in different types of