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Chuyên đề thực tập tốt nghiệp: A study on social media marketing on facebook affecting the generation of potential market at aviano company

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Supervisor: Le Thi Ngoc Diep, M.A.

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I am deeply grateful for the support I have received from many individuals andorganizations throughout my thesis journey During my time at National EconomicsUniversity, I have received invaluable assistance from many teachers, friends, andother individuals I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Faculty ofForeign Languages and all the teachers who have enthusiastically taught me over thepast four years.

In particular, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my thesis advisor, M.A.Le Thi Ngoc Diep, for her exceptional support and guidance throughout my researchwriting process She was always quick to respond to my questions and provided mewith insightful feedback that helped me refine my recommendations and solutions.Her expertise and dedication were critical to the success of this project.

I would also like to thank Mr Dao Van Dat, CEO of Aviano company, for hissupport and contributions to this research His insights and feedback have been

instrumental in shaping the direction and focus of the research, and his encouragement

and support have been greatly appreciated.

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This study was undertaken to explore the potential market generated from socialmedia marketing on Facebook at Aviano, and to provide recommendations forimproving the effectiveness of their content marketing services To achieve this goal,the researcher reviewed relevant literature on social media marketing, contentmarketing, and customer engagement, in order to identify key issues and bestpractices Following this review, data was collected through a survey of 120 currentcustomers of Aviano, which provided insights into customer behavior, preferences,and expectations related to social media marketing The findings of the study werethen analyzed and discussed in detail, leading to several recommendations for Avianoto improve their content marketing services' effectiveness Overall, this studyprovides important insights into the potential market opportunities created by socialmedia marketing on Facebook at Aviano, and highlights the key factors that contributeto its success By following the recommendations presented in this study, Aviano canimprove their social media marketing strategy, better engage with their customers,and ultimately drive business growth and success.

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5 Research methodology - - 5 <1 TH HH nu Hư 4

6 Research SfFUCỀUIT - - 6 ch HH TT TT HH Hà HH nh già 5CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE AVIANO COMPANY 71.1 0)v2)000/21000:82/00ì)) 2 e 7

1.1L] History of the COIHDH SG HH HH Hy 71.1.2 Organizational Structure <5 se 81.2 Characteristics of Aviamo’s DuSÏIeSS - - sư rh 81.2.1 Business OĐ]€CHÏVÉ(S TH TT HH hinh 8I2 ÁN, 20/25:1 :adaaaiiaiai343 10

1.2.3 Advertising activities for businesses on Aviano’s “I Miss My Dad” groups LŨ1.3 6.000 6 / -<445ẦẶB,}) 10CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FERAMEWORK nhe, 11

2.1 Social media marketing on Facebook - -ó- 5 5s s1 2 xxx re 11

2.1.1 Definitions of social medida IATĂK€FÏTH << tk EESkSsreksrrekereerre 11

2.1.2 Definition of marketing on FaCe€OOĂ S- sec skteEtkirseersrersrrrrerree 12

2.1.3 The nature of social media marketing on FACEDOOK «css «<< sssx+ssx+ 13

2.1.4 Significance of social media marketing on Facebook in B2C confext 132.1.5 Purpose of Social media MArketing ccccccecccesccececeseeesceseeeseeeseeeseseseeseeeseeeseeeaeeaes 142.1.6 Ways of social media marketing on FdcebOO ec sec sseseexseresreses 14

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2.1.7 Dimensions of social media marketing on FaceBoOĂ ««+« «<< sss+ses+ 152.1.8 Social media marketing on Facebook Metrics c5 Sen kssekseesskrrse 162.1.9 The paradigms and key components of social media marketing on Facebook 172.2 Factors affecting social media marketing activities on Facebook 182.2.1 Cultural background Of CUStOMETS << 1E rkt 18

4.1.1 “I Miss My Dad” customers’ range of age and nafiondlify «<-«<-« 25

4.1.2 Customers’ relationship and with “I Miss My Dad” Facebook group: 27

4.2 Relationship between Aviano’s social media marketing content and the

generation of potential marke€f - - c1 2311331123113 11 111 1111 1 11 ng nh net 31L<ÈU 0): 9Iadaầđdadđdadaaddaa 34


5.1 Recommendations from the research’s author: - ác 655cc <+ssssersee 36

5.2 Recommendations that suggested by experts for Aviano’s leaders: 37

CONCLUSION 0 -Ÿ3 39:37 90 400) Ì 0000107 iliAPPENDIX 0 vi


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Nguyễn Phương Nhung — 11194053 — Business English 61ALIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1.1 Aviano's Company SÍTHCÍHF€ ỏ HH HH &Figure 2.1 Proposed research theoretical framewoFk So S Sex 21Figure 4.1 Customers! range Of ge HH ng nà 25Figure 4.2 Customers! IQfÍOTIQÏHÍJ 2 HH TH HH HH Hư, 26Figure 4.3 The amount of time customers had followed Aviano's "I Miss My Dad"FaCebOOK Ẵ.44.1.7,0000n0n0nẺn8n86Ẻ 27Figure 4.4 Aviano's customers' engagement level with content on "I Miss My Dad"F74, G 28Figure 4.5 Types of content that frequently seen on Aviano's Facebook group "TL/38/402 /.A00nn8 29Figure 4.6 Customer’s view on the engaging level ofAviano’s social media content

on “I Miss My Dad” Facebook group cccccccccccccsscesseesseesessececeeneeeceeeseceeeeneeeaeens 30Figure 4.7 Percentages of customers purchased Aviano’s product after seeing thecompany’s content on “I Miss My Dad” Facebook gF0HD - ò5 s5 31Figure 4.8 The likelihood of customer giving recommendations for Aviano’sproducts based on social media contents on “I Miss My Dad” -«- 32

Figure 4.9 Aviano’s social media content on “I Miss My Dad” Facebook group’sinfluence on customer’s purchasing (Ï@CÏSỈOH 2s key 33

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1 Rationale

Since its economic reform in 1986, Vietnam has placed a great deal of emphasison the industrialization and modernization processes, resulting in significant progress.The country has effectively constructed numerous physical-technological andsocioeconomic infrastructures to progressively satisfy the purpose of industrialization

and modernization, hence generating an appealing environment that attracts a huge

number of foreign social resources for its growth.

Alongside the modernization processes, e-commerce has had a phenomenalgrowth spurt It is regarded as one of the top business and national developmentstrategies.

By utilizing e-commerce technology, it is possible to assist economic growth anddevelopment and assure governments' sustainable development goals, particularly indeveloping nations such as Vietnam.

Due to the benefits of the e-commerce model, an increasing number of enterprisesin Vietnam have begun to employ e-commerce to conduct their operations in recentyears Especially high-tech products such as smartphones and tablets are gainingpopularity and becoming more inexpensive Companies are utilizing e-commerce tocontact and engage with customers more efficiently In addition, e-commerce isviewed as an innovative way, particularly for producers of consumer products andservices, to better serve clients and maybe learn more about their requirements.

Observations indicate a surge in the use of the Internet to support personalactivities such as entertainment, financial transactions, shopping, transportation, andpurchase all types of products, given the rapid trend of mobility in this decade Peoplespend the majority of their time each day on Internet-related activities Thus,businesses have a wonderful chance to supply such services (also known as e-commerce) and adapt to the new trend in client purchasing behavior.

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As a result, this is an intriguing business field that may have inspiredentrepreneurs to launch an e-commerce company Because the business climate isbecoming increasingly competitive, not all e-commerce enterprises or entrepreneurswill be successful after a few years of operation Regardless of how volatile the e-commerce market is, few business owners have discovered the proper methods to notonly survive but also guide their companies to success.

Fortunately, Aviano was one of the latter cases With the right strategy ofmarketing on social media, especially on Facebook, Aviano’s business had bloomedover the 4 years of operation Good public relations are equivalent to the survival andexpansion of a company, thus its significance is apparent.

As the target customers of Aviano is Americans and Europeans and Facebook isone of the most popular and frequently used social media there, Aviano’s strategy ofcreating Facebook communities is indeed a brilliant one But as easily moderate andbuild as a Facebook community, its fragility is just as concerning.

For all said reasons, the author has decided to choose “A study on social mediamarketing on Facebook affecting the generation of potential market at Avianocompany” as her research topic The research takes place in a span of three monthsand will present some advantages of generating potential markets from Facebook aswell as some solutions to improve the company’s dependency on this given socialplatform.

2 Research objectives

The objective of this study is to investigate the current social media marketingcontents used by Aviano company on Facebook The study will examine the currentstate of Aviano's social media presence on Facebook in terms of contents, investigatethe relationship between Aviano’s Facebook content and its potential customer andidentify areas where improvement can be made in order to generate the marketpotential at Aviano.

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3 Research questions

The following are 3 major research questions for the chosen topic:

e What are the current social media marketing contents used by Avianocompany on Facebook?

e What is the relationship between the social media marketing content onFacebook and the generation of potential market towards Aviano company?

e What recommendations can be made for optimizing social mediamarketing on Facebook to maximize the potential market for Avianocompany's products/services?

4 Research objects and scope4.1 Research objects

The research objects for the topic "A study on social media marketing onFacebook affecting the generation of potential market at Aviano company" wouldinclude the following:

e Aviano company: The company itself can be considered a researchobject as the study will analyze its current social media marketing strategies onFacebook, evaluate its engagement levels and sentiment of customers towardsits social media content, investigate the impact of social media marketing onits brand reputation, and identify potential areas for improvement.

e Customers: The study will investigate the target market for Avianocompany's products/services on Facebook and explore the relationshipbetween social media marketing on Facebook and favor towards the company.Customers can be considered research objects as their engagement levels,sentiment, and feedback towards Aviano company's social media content willbe evaluated.

e Social media platforms: As Facebook is the main social media platformutilized by Aviano for marketing purposes, it will be examined as a subject of

study The research will assess the influence of Aviano's social mediamarketing on Facebook in terms of lead generation, sales growth and will seekto identify any areas that could be enhanced or improved.

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The geographical scope of this study is people from English speaking countries,particularly America, and the timeframe is the last one year (March 2022 to March2023) The research will begin by analyzing the current social media marketingstrategies used by Aviano company on Facebook This analysis will involveidentifying the target audience of Aviano company and their behavior on social media.The study mainly focuses on examining Aviano company's social media marketingcontents on Facebook and the impact of these contents on customer engagement,brand awareness, and sales.

5 Research methodology

The research methodology for the topic "A study on social media marketing onfacebook affecting the generation of potential market at aviano company" wouldinvolve a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods The followingsteps will be taken to conduct the research:

e Theoretical framework: A comprehensive theoretical framework will beconducted to identify relevant theories, concepts, and prior research on socialmedia marketing and potential market generation The theoretical frameworkwill help establish the research gaps and identify areas that require furtherinvestigation as it will deliver the defenitions of cultural background ofcustomers, content’s characteristics, content marketing production andmanagement and post optimization which will contribute to the influence of

social media marketing and eventually affect the generation of Aviano’spotential market

e Data collection: Data will be collected through survey and media reportsfrom Aviano’s Facebook group.

e Data analysis: Quantitive data collected from survey and media reports

will be analyzed using content analysis to identify themes and patterns.

e Results and interpretation: The results of the data analysis will bepresented using graphs, and charts The findings will be interpreted anddiscussed in light of the research objectives and research questions.

e Conclusion and recommendation: Based on the research findings,conclusions will be drawn, and recommendations will be provided for Aviano

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company's social media marketing strategies in terms of content on Facebookto potential market.

e Ethical considerations: The study will follow ethical guidelines,including obtaining informed consent from _ participants, ensuringconfidentiality of their information, and protecting their anonymity Ethicalclearance will be obtained before the study begins to ensure that all ethicalconsiderations are appropriately addressed.

Overall, the research methodology will be designed to provide reliable, valid, anduseful insights into the potential market generated from social media marketing onFacebook at Aviano company.

6 Research structure

The study is composed of five primary chapters:

Chapter |: Introduction of Aviano Limited Company - This chapter provides bothgeneral and specific information about Aviano Limited Company It includes anoverview of the company's history, mission, and vision, as well as its currentoperations and organizational structure.

Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework - In this chapter, the relevant literature related

to the proposed research is reviewed The proposed research framework is alsointroduced in this chapter.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology - This chapter describes the methods utilizedfor data collection and analysis, as well as participant information It includesinformation about the research design, sampling procedures, data collection methods(such as surveys, interviews, or observations), and data analysis techniques.

Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion - The findings from the collected data arepresented in this chapter, along with an analysis of the results Additionally, thischapter includes relevant charts, graphs, or other visual aids to help illustrate the

Chapter 5: Recommendations - This chapter offers practical suggestions foraddressing the issues identified in the research Based on the findings and analysispresented in Chapter 4, this chapter proposes specific actions that Aviano Limited

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Company can take to improve its operations and products These recommendationsare grounded in the research conducted and presented in the previous chapters.

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1.1 Organization profile

1.1.1 History of the company

According to Aviano’s recorded biography, the company was founded on 12"April 2019 by Mr Dao Van Dat The company’s registered office is located atNo.C60, 153 Alley, Truong Chinh Street, Ha Noi Aviano proudly introduced itselfwith the international market with the vision “Greatest designs for greatest customers”

Prior to discussing the company's accomplishments throughout the years, a few

significant personnel will be introduced Firstly, the founder and CEO of Aviano, Mr.

Dao Van Dat Mr Dat, with his ingenious business mindset and excellent academicbackground, started his entrepreneurship right after graduating from Foreign TradeUniversity in 2018 After spending 4 years of hard work researching the marketplacein college and 1 year of trying out multiple types of start-up models, he finally foundthe destined way for Aviano to thrive in the fashion industry There is also Mrs.Nguyen Kieu Trang, the co-founder and CFO of Aviano Mrs Trang also graduatedfrom Foreign Trade University With the same dream as Mr Dat: to bring Vietnamesedesigns to the world, she has closely assisted Dat in building and sustaining Avianosince 2018.

As of 2023, Aviano celebrated its 4 year of operation During these past four

years, Aviano has thrived and rapidly grew into a big e-commerce start-up firm whichhas been able to serve the needs of more than sixteen thousand customers worldwide.

In 2019, the first year of operation, the company’s total assets were reported to beonly 10,000 USD Just one year later, the number has raised to 72,000 USD, anapproximately sevenfold increase compared to the previous year The company’sassets continued to grow to 124,000 USD in 2021 (a 58% growth) Lastly, in 2022,the number had reached 155,000 USD (a 20% growth)

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Nguyễn Phương Nhung — 11194053 — Business English 61A1.1.2 Organizational structure

Figure 1.1 Aviano's Company Structure

Head of AdminHead of Marketing and Finance

| Designers | Content Officer Admin Officer Officer || Finance Controll |

(Source: Aviano Admin Department, 2023)

The company structure is indeed a simple one since it is solely operating onlinewith no offline outlet With the CEO being the head of the company, overseeing allaspects of the firm Assisting the CEO is the head of marketing and head of adminand finance, who have a more detailed look into the marketing, admin and financeactivities of the firm.

Lastly there are the content officer, admin officer, finance control officer anddesigners Designers in Aviano are not only in charge of creating marketing relateddesigns but also creating digital designs for sale, the main product of Aviano.

1.2 Characteristics of Aviano’s business1.2.1 Business objectives

Company mission:

“To be the role model pioneer in bringing Vietnamese design style out to theworld”

Company philosophy:

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“Aviano’s major concern is to bring joy and benefits to customers by:

e Providing exceptional and efficient service in all aspects of itsoperations

e Developing innovative and unique designs for its clients

e Prioritizing the welfare of its employees by offering competitive

compensation and attractive benefits

e Establishing itself as a stable and progressive startup organization and

enhancing its position

e Generating profits and delivering a fair return on investment for itsstakeholders and the community it serves

e Encouraging positive staff morale by providing comprehensive trainingand career advancement opportunities for its employees

e Taking concrete actions to fulfill its responsibilities as a sociallyresponsible corporate citizen

e Aligning with the nation's goals and objectives to contribute to thecountry's development

The company values employee engagement and seeks to establish enduringrelationships based on trust, loyalty, and meritocracy.

Aviano is dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and participates ininitiatives aimed at environmental conservation.

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Nguyễn Phương Nhung — 11194053 — Business English 61A1.2.2 Subjects in Aviano

Aviano has the main Facebook page named “Precious Gift From Heaven” and 3Facebook groups in which each contains thousands of members, all consideredpotential customers for Aviano The Facebook groups are named: “I Miss MyHusband”, “I Miss My Child” and “I Miss My Dad” For this research, the “I MissMy Dad” will be the major subject of investigating as it is the first and the biggestgroup Aviano had ever built.

1.2.3 Advertising activities for businesses on Aviano’s “I Miss My Dad” groupsAs its main product being merchandise for grieving people, Aviano successfullymade a group — a community for grieving ones, in this particular case, are ones whohave lost their beloved fathers They had a strategy of posting commercial contentsalternately with comforting ones that made such a great impact that the communityloved and welcomed even the commercial contents.

1.3 Conclusion

To sum up, this chapter has provided an introduction to Aviano company, whichforms the basis for the study on potential market generated from social mediamarketing on Facebook at Aviano company The chapter began with an overview ofthe organization profile, which included the history of the company and theorganizational structure It was evident that Aviano company has a rich history datingback to its founding and has been able to establish a robust organizational structurethat has enabled it to achieve its business objectives.

Furthermore, the chapter explored the characteristics of Aviano's business,including its business objectives, subjects, and advertising activities for businesses onAviano's "I Miss My Dad" groups It was evident that Aviano company has a strongfocus on meeting the needs of its customers and has established various initiatives toachieve this objective.


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2.1 Social media marketing on Facebook

2.1.1 Definitions of social media marketing

Social media marketing has become an integral part of the marketing mix formany businesses As a relatively new marketing approach, social media marketing isstill evolving, and there is no universally accepted definition of the term Thisliterature review provides an overview of different definitions of social mediamarketing proposed by scholars and practitioners.

Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, and Silvestre (2011) define social mediamarketing as "a set of techniques and tools used for promoting products, services, andbrands using social media platforms." This definition emphasizes the use of socialmedia platforms as a key component of social media marketing It also highlights theimportance of techniques and tools in achieving marketing objectives through socialmedia The authors identify seven functional building blocks of social mediaplatforms: identity, conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and

Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media marketing as "the process ofcreating, sharing, and exchanging information, ideas, and content about products andservices through social networks and virtual communities to achieve specificmarketing objectives." This definition emphasizes the importance of creating andsharing content as well as engaging with communities on social media platforms Theauthors propose a social media marketing framework that consists of four steps:

listening, influencing, networking, and selling.

Mangold and Faulds (2009) define social media marketing as "a planned processfor engaging target audiences through social media with the goal of achievingmarketing objectives." This definition emphasizes the importance of a plannedapproach to social media marketing and the need to align social media activities withmarketing objectives The authors propose a social media engagement process thatconsists of three phases: planning, implementation, and evaluation.


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Smith (2011) defines social media marketing as "the practice of using socialmedia channels to build relationships, establish trust, and foster loyalty withcustomers and other stakeholders." This definition emphasizes the importance ofbuilding relationships and trust through social media The author identifies four keyelements of social media marketing: listening, engagement, collaboration, andadvocacy.

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines social media marketing as"the practice of using social media channels and platforms to promote a product,service, or brand and to engage with customers and other stakeholders." Thisdefinition emphasizes the role of social media in promoting products, services, andbrands, as well as engaging with customers and other stakeholders The AMAidentifies five key elements of social media marketing: strategy, goals, audience,content, and metrics.

In conclusion, social media marketing is a rapidly evolving field, and there is nouniversally accepted definition of the term However, the definitions proposed byscholars and practitioners emphasize the importance of social media platforms,content creation and sharing, engagement with communities, planning and evaluation,relationship building, and promotion of products, services, and brands Businessesthat want to leverage the power of social media marketing should develop a clearunderstanding of the objectives, audience, and metrics of their social media activitiesand adopt a planned approach to achieve their goals.

2.1.2 Definition of marketing on Facebook

Marketing on Facebook involves using the platform's features to promoteproducts, services, or brands to a targeted audience Facebook offers a variety of toolsfor businesses to create and share content, run advertisements, and engage with users.According to Boyd, Ellison, and Vitak (2021), social media marketing on Facebookis a form of digital marketing that leverages the social nature of the platform to buildrelationships with customers and other stakeholders It involves creating content thatresonates with the target audience, leveraging the power of user-generated content,and using Facebook's advertising tools to reach specific audiences Facebookmarketing requires a strong understanding of the platform's features and algorithms,as well as the target audience's preferences and behaviors, to create effective


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campaigns (Tuten & Solomon, 2017) Overall, marketing on Facebook is an importantaspect of the marketing mix for many businesses, providing a unique opportunity toconnect with customers and drive conversions.

2.1.3 The nature of social media marketing on Facebook

Social media marketing on Facebook involves creating and sharing content,engaging with users, and running targeted advertisements to promote a brand, product,or service Facebook's unique features, such as the News Feed algorithm and adtargeting capabilities, make it an effective platform for reaching specific audiencesand driving conversions (Boyd, Ellison, & Vitak, 2021) Additionally, Facebook'ssocial nature allows businesses to engage with their audience through comments,messages, and user-generated content However, the nature of social media marketingon Facebook is constantly evolving as the platform's algorithm and user behaviorchanges (Tuten & Solomon, 2017) Businesses must adapt their social media strategyaccordingly to stay relevant and effective on the platform Overall, the nature of socialmedia marketing on Facebook is complex, requiring businesses to have a strongunderstanding of their audience and the platform's features to create effectivecampaigns.

2.1.4 Significance of social media marketing on Facebook in B2C context

Social media marketing on Facebook has become increasingly significant forbusinesses operating in the business-to-consumer (B2C) context According to a studyby Statista (2022), as of January 2022, there were over 2.85 billion monthly activeFacebook users, making it one of the largest social media platforms globally Thispresents a massive opportunity for businesses to connect with a broad and diverseaudience, build brand awareness, and promote products or services Moreover, socialmedia marketing on Facebook allows businesses to create engaging content thatresonates with consumers, drive website traffic, and generate leads (Cruz, Hair, &Wooliscroft, 2017) Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook enablebusinesses to leverage user-generated content and encourage word-of-mouth

marketing, which can help build brand loyalty and advocacy among consumers

(Muniz & Schau, 2018) Therefore, social media marketing on Facebook is crucial forbusinesses operating in the B2C context, providing an effective means to connect withcustomers, promote products, and build brand equity.


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Nguyễn Phương Nhung — 11194053 — Business English 61A2.1.5 Purpose of social media marketing

The primary purpose of social media marketing on Facebook is to reach andengage with a targeted audience, build brand awareness, and promote products orservices As stated by Hootsuite (2022), Facebook has over 2.85 billion monthlyactive users, making it a significant platform for businesses to connect with potential

Through social media marketing, businesses can create and share content thatresonates with their target audience, encourage engagement, and drive traffic to theirwebsite or other online channels Additionally, social media marketing on Facebookcan help businesses build relationships with customers by responding to commentsand providing personalized customer service (Hanna, Rohm, & Crittenden, 2011).

By building trust and credibility through social media marketing, businesses canestablish brand loyalty and advocacy, leading to increased customer retention andword-of-mouth marketing (Mangold & Faulds, 2009) Therefore, the primary purposeof social media marketing on Facebook is to leverage the platform's reach andengagement capabilities to build brand equity, foster customer relationships, and drivebusiness growth.

2.1.6 Ways of social media marketing on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2.7 billionmonthly active users worldwide (Kemp, 2022) As such, it is an excellent platformfor businesses to engage with their audience and promote their products or services.There are several ways in which businesses can utilize Facebook for social mediamarketing, including creating a business page, running targeted advertisements, andleveraging user-generated content.

One of the most fundamental ways to use Facebook for social media marketing isto create a business page A business page is a public profile that represents acompany, brand, or organization Businesses can use their Facebook page to shareupdates, news, and promotions, as well as engage with their audience throughcomments and messages Additionally, businesses can use Facebook Insights, a toolthat provides data on page performance, to track their progress and adjust their socialmedia strategy accordingly (Tuten & Solomon, 2017).


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Another way businesses can utilize Facebook for social media marketing isthrough targeted advertisements Facebook offers a range of ad formats, includingimage ads, video ads, and carousel ads, which businesses can use to reach specificaudiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors (Tuten & Solomon, 2017).Facebook's ad targeting capabilities make it an effective platform for reaching nicheaudiences, ensuring that businesses’ advertisements are reaching the most relevantindividuals.

A third way businesses can use Facebook for social media marketing is byleveraging user-generated content User-generated content refers to any contentcreated by users that features a business's product or service Businesses can use thiscontent to increase brand awareness and engagement by sharing or reposting user-generated content on their Facebook page Additionally, businesses can incentivizeusers to create and share content by running contests or offering rewards for sharingtheir experiences with the brand (Boyd, Ellison, & Vitak, 2021).

In conclusion, Facebook offers businesses a variety of ways to utilize social mediamarketing to promote their products or services By creating a business page, runningtargeted advertisements, and leveraging user-generated content, businesses canengage with their audience and reach new customers on one of the world's mostpopular social media platforms.

2.1.7 Dimensions of social media marketing on Facebook

Social media marketing on Facebook involves multiple dimensions that worktogether to achieve marketing objectives The dimensions of social media marketingon Facebook include content, engagement, advertising, and analytics (Kaplan &Haenlein, 2010) Content refers to the messages, visuals, and other forms of mediathat businesses create and share on their Facebook pages.

Engagements refer to the interactions between businesses and their audiences,such as likes, comments, and shares Advertising refers to the sponsored posts or adsthat businesses use to reach a wider audience Analytics refer to the data and metricsthat businesses use to measure the effectiveness of their social media marketingefforts, such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates (Boyd, Westfall, &Stashevsky, 2011).


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By leveraging these dimensions, businesses can create compelling content thatresonates with their target audience, engage with customers, expand their reachthrough advertising, and measure the impact of their social media marketing efforts.

2.1.8 Social media marketing on Facebook metrics

Measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing on Facebook is crucial forbusinesses to evaluate their marketing strategies and optimize their efforts There areseveral metrics that businesses can use to track the success of their social mediamarketing campaigns on Facebook.

One of the primary metrics is reach, which measures the number of people whosee a business's posts on Facebook (Boyd, Westfall, & Stashevsky, 2011) Reach is acritical metric for businesses as it indicates the potential size of their audience andtheir brand exposure.

Engagement is another essential metric that businesses can use to measure theeffectiveness of their social media marketing on Facebook Engagement metricsinclude likes, comments, shares, and clicks on a post, and they indicate the level ofinteraction between the audience and the business (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) Highengagement rates indicate that the content is resonating with the target audience anddriving interest and interaction with the brand.

Conversion rates are also essential metrics for businesses to track as they indicatehow effectively their social media marketing efforts are converting Facebook usersinto customers (Boyd, Westfall, & Stashevsky, 2011) Conversion rates can be trackedby monitoring the number of clicks on a call-to-action button, sign-ups, purchases, orother measurable actions taken by the audience.

In addition to these metrics, businesses can also track customer sentiment, whichrefers to the emotional response of customers to a business's content or posts onFacebook (Kietzmann et al., 2011) Sentiment analysis can be used to monitor brandreputation, customer satisfaction, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Finally, businesses can track referral traffic, which measures the number ofpeople who click on a link to a business's website or other online content from theirFacebook page (Boyd, Westfall, & Stashevsky, 2011) Referral traffic is crucial for


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businesses as it indicates the effectiveness of their social media marketing efforts indriving traffic to their website and generating leads or sales.

Overall, social media marketing on Facebook offers businesses an effective wayto connect with their target audience, build relationships, and drive growth To

maximize the effectiveness of their social media marketing efforts, businesses should

track the key metrics discussed above to evaluate the performance of their campaignsand identify opportunities for optimization.

2.1.9 The paradigms and key components of social media marketing on FacebookOne of the paradigms of social media marketing on Facebook is the importanceof creating a social media plan This plan should include the goals of the social mediacampaign, target audience, content strategy, and metrics to measure the success of thecampaign (Omar & Ahmad, 2019) Without a social media plan, companies may nothave a clear direction for their social media marketing efforts, resulting in ineffectivecampaigns.

Another paradigm of social media marketing on Facebook is the importance of

creating engaging and shareable content Facebook's algorithm prioritizes content thatusers engage with and share, making it essential for companies to create content thatis visually appealing, informative, and shareable (Shaw, 2021) Examples of engagingcontent on Facebook include videos, infographics, and memes.

In addition to creating engaging content, another key component of social mediamarketing on Facebook is community management Community managementinvolves actively engaging with users by responding to comments and messages,addressing complaints and concerns, and creating a positive brand image (Omar &

Ahmad, 2019) This can help build trust with users and increase customer loyalty.

Another key component of social media marketing on Facebook is paid

advertising Facebook's advertising platform allows companies to target specificdemographics, interests, and behaviors, making it an effective way to reach a targetaudience (Shaw, 2021) Examples of Facebook ads include sponsored posts, videoads, and carousel ads.

In conclusion, social media marketing on Facebook involves creating a socialmedia plan, creating engaging and shareable content, community management, and


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paid advertising These paradigms and key components are essential for companies toeffectively engage with users, create brand awareness, and drive traffic to theirwebsite.

2.2 Factors affecting social media marketing activities on Facebook2.2.1 Cultural background of customers

The cultural background of customers has a significant impact on social mediamarketing activities on Facebook Cultural factors such as language, values, beliefs,and customs affect how customers perceive and interact with brands on social media.For example, a study by Chen and Sun (2019) found that cultural differences incommunication styles and values influence consumers' attitudes and behavior towardssocial media advertising Thus, it is essential for marketers to consider the culturalbackground of their target audience when developing social media marketingstrategies on Facebook Additionally, effective communication and culturaladaptation can enhance the effectiveness of social media marketing activities indiverse cultural contexts (Lee & Ma, 2012).

2.2.2 Post optimization

Post optimization is a crucial factor that affects the success of social mediamarketing activities on Facebook Post optimization refers to the process of

optimizing the content of posts, including the use of images, videos, and text, to

increase engagement and reach A study by Chan and Yau (2020) found that postoptimization strategies, such as using emotional appeals and call-to-actions, cansignificantly increase the effectiveness of social media marketing activities onFacebook.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider the timing of posts, as posting at peak timescan increase the visibility and reach of posts Therefore, marketers need to understandtheir audience and tailor their post optimization strategies accordingly to improve theeffectiveness of social media marketing on Facebook (Hootsuite, 2022).

2.2.3 Content marketing production and management

Content marketing production and management has a significant impact on theeffectiveness of social media marketing activities on Facebook According to a study byHubspot (2019), companies that prioritize content creation and management are 13 times


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more likely to see a positive return on investment from their social media marketing

efforts This is because content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the targetaudience is more likely to be shared and generate organic reach on Facebook.

Additionally, effective content management can help businesses maintain aconsistent brand voice and messaging across their social media channels A study by CMI(2019) found that 91% of successful content marketers have a documented contentstrategy, which includes a plan for social media distribution By creating and managinghigh-quality content, businesses can enhance their social media marketing efforts onFacebook and drive greater engagement and conversions.

2.2.4 Characteristics of content

The characteristics of content play a crucial role in the success of social mediamarketing activities on Facebook According to a study by BuzzSumo (2018), contentthat is visually appealing, emotionally engaging, and informative tends to perform betteron social media platforms This is because such content is more likely to capture theattention of the audience and generate higher engagement rates.

Additionally, content that is personalized and tailored to the interests and preferencesof the target audience can lead to higher levels of engagement and conversions A studyby Accenture Interactive (2018) found that 91% of consumers are more likely to shopwith brands that offer relevant and personalized recommendations Therefore, businesses

need to create content that resonates with their target audience and provides value to

them By understanding the characteristics of effective content, businesses can optimizetheir social media marketing efforts on Facebook and achieve greater success.

2.3 Potential market on Facebook

Facebook provides businesses with access to a vast potential market of users that can

be targeted with precision According to a report by Hootsuite (2020), there are over 2.7billion monthly active users on Facebook, making it the largest social media platform inthe world This presents businesses with enormous opportunities to reach a wide range ofaudiences and target specific demographics based on age, gender, location, interests, and

Facebook's advertising platform allows businesses to create highly targeted

campaigns, and its advanced targeting options enable businesses to reach audiences basedon specific interests, behaviors, and demographics This provides businesses with the


Ngày đăng: 22/07/2024, 22:04