This study's goal 1s to assess the current situation and the influence of employer branding on jobapplicants' intentions to apply to Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint
IN HANOI FROM 2019 TO 2022
IN HANOI FROM 2019 TO 2022
Hanoi, April, 2023
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Secondly, words cannot express my gratitude to Ass Prof Dr Pham ThiThanh Thuy, my supervisor, for her insightful advice and feedback Hertremendous support and patience contribute substantially to the success of myresearch
Thirdly, I am thankful to lecturers at the Faculty of Foreign Languages forproviding me with a solid background in both linguistics and economics Myinternship and my later professional life benefited greatly from this foundation
Finally, I would also like to thank my family and my close friends, who
have encouraged and supported me during this journey They are a great source of
inspiration and motivation which help me overcome challenges in my personal and
academic life
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Employer branding has become increasingly important in the business
sector Human capital is significant to the expansion and long-term development
of organizations, which results in rising competition in human resources in thebusiness world This has led to an increase in efforts by organizations toimprove the procedures for hiring skilled employees Almost every organizationfaces the challenges of attracting and keeping qualified human resources,regardless of the size of an organization Organizations must differentiatethemselves from competitors to find quality talents Employer branding is one
of the factors that has been associated with luring talents This study's goal 1s
to assess the current situation and the influence of employer branding on jobapplicants' intentions to apply to Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and
Training Joint Stock Company
After establishing a theoretical framework, collecting data, and conducting
a research survey by distributing a list of questions to 40 current and formeremployees of the company, the researcher identified and analyzed seven mainemployer brand components that have the most impact on attracting potentialemployees to Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint StockCompany The research results indicate that working atmosphere, developmentand recognition, and work-life comfort are the three most outstanding components.Conversely, the familiarity and reputation component receives the fewestfavorable evaluations Besides, development and recognition, compensation andbenefit, working atmosphere and work-life comfort are the four components that
have the biggest impacts on candidates’ intentions.
Based on these findings, it is advised that businesses concentrate ondeveloping the most influential factors to attract more potential candidates.Furthermore, since familiarity and reputation are the factors that most applicantscan expose to, they should also be highlighted
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .cssccsssssssssssssccssssscsssccssccsssssssssccsacsssssscsscssescsssssessese iEXECUTIVE SUMMALRYY c G0 ọ 9.9 HH TH 0000 000804 56 iTABLE OF CONTENT ccsccsssssscssscssscsssssccsccscssscsscsssscssssscsssccsesssessscsseconess iiLIST OF ABBREVIA TIONNS 0 G0 Họ Hi TY 0000096 vi
LIST OF TA BILEES 0 G5 G5 9 9 9 0 0.0 00096006 vii
LIST OF FIGURES d 0G (G5 5 9 9 9 9 0 0 c0 009650 Viii
INTRODUCTION 00 csccsscscsssscsscscccscscsccssssscssseccscssesssccssecsossscsssecssecsesssessseeooes 1
1 Background ccccscsssscsssscsssssssccsssscssccssscssssscsscscsscsssscssssccssesssscssssssssssssscsonsees 1
2 Ratiomalles ccscccscssssssssssscsscesccescssscssscsscsssccsscssssescsscssessscssscssscssessscsssesooes 1 3.Research ODjectives cccsccssscsssscsssscsssssssscsssscssssssssssssscsssscssssssssssssscsssscssesees 3
4 Research QU€SẨÏOTAS 5-55 < 5 Họ Họ ni 0001 00 3
5 Scope of the research o 5< 5 HH 00000 009600400 3
6 Research methodology << 5< 5 9 9 9.00 0.0000 064808 4
Jun 90 341 5 46.2 Data €OlÏ@C{IOT - G111 ng HH tệp 66.3 Data nh e 6
7 Structure of the F€S€AAFCHH 0G G5 9 9 9 0.0 00.00000600 7
1.1 Overview of Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training JointStock COIDAV 0G G5 <5 9 9 9 ” 9 0 lọ 0 000.0000000 094004 0000008 08 8
1.1.1 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock
Company’s Mission, Vision and Core Values ::cc:ccsscesseeseeeseesseeteeeseesneees 91.1.2 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint StockCompany 01 1asv 1 10
1.2 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock
Company’s Organizational SfTUCỀUICC os- <5 5< << 5< s5 9S 56895685569566 826 11
1.2.1 Chief Executive OÍTC€T c1 HS SH vn HH ng rey 121.2.2 Chief Business Officer G11 ng HH kg rưn 13
1.2.3 Recruitment specialists, Trainee recruiters, Ínterns - 13
ID VY )yiaadẳi 131.2.5 ACCOUTIATIE - SH TH HH HH re 14
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1.3 The reality of recruitment activity at Vietnam Human ResourcesConsulting and Training Joint Stock Company scscccssssssssssesseeseeeeee 14
1.3.1 Recruitment demand - -. - - - «+ +23 E331 3911 9 11 911 9 1v g rey 141.3.2 Recruitment SOULCES - - s6 5 1 1011191 9 9v ng ng ng 15CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK o5 5° 16
2.1 Employer branding so << 9 9 99.901 991 010 0 0009686 16
2.2 The importance of employer Dranding o<-< «<< « «<< <ssesessss 172.3 Intention to apply << Ă 9 nọ 0.00 0000600060896 192.4 The relationship between employer branding and job seekers’ applicationÏHIẨ€TIẨÏODNS o5- 55G 5 5 5 0 9.0 0000009 5096 0400000910896 000 192.5 Major components of an employer Drand o<- << s<=5< «ssss«sees 20
2.5.1 Working atmosphere eceececeseeeseeeeeeescecececeaeeesaeeeeeceeeseeeseaees 222.5.2 Compensation and ben€fTfS - «+ xxx vn ng nưy 222.5.3 Task afffaCEIV€TSS HH HH HH HH HH rh 232.5.4 Development and recOQNition - s5 Sky 232.5.5 Application OppOrtunities - Ă 1c 1323111911 11111 11k rrreree 242.5.6 (00G) 1v 242.5.7 Familiarity and r€DUfafIOII - - c5 S311 1 9 11 91 vn rey 242.6 SUIMINAFY o <5 5 5c Họ TH HT 0 0 0.00000004004009 0090 080 25CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS o-cĂ Sen ssSeessee 27
3.1 The employer branding situation at iHunferr -s«- s««<<s 27
3.1.1 The situation of each of the components of iHunter’s employer brand
3.1.2 Summary the findings of the employer branding situation at iHunter 383.2 The components of iHunter’s employer brand that have strongestinfluences on job seekers’ intentions to Apply cssscccsssscsccsssccssccsssseseeees 39
3.2.1 The influence of each of the components of iHunter’s employer brand
on job seekers’ intentions to Apply eceeceeceesceeeeeseeceeeseeeeeeseeesecseeeteeeneesees 40
3.2.2 Summary of the findings of the components that have strongest
influences on job seekers’ intentions to apply - «55 <<s sex 48 3.3 SUININATV d- G5 6 S5 %9 99.999 9994.099.0909.08004.0804.08940809089489489999889408866 49
4.1 Development and recognition o 5-5 6 55 9599 56589559899586565696 50
4.2 Compensation and benefits o 5< 5s s9 HH 0009082680 514.3 Working atmosphere d- G5 6 G5 9 9 99 09.0 0.00000688466896 524.4 Work-life €OITIẨOTFÍ 5 5 <5 5< 5 E99 9 0.00900000100918 86 53
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4.5 Application Opportunities 0 G5 Ă S9 9.06 09.06088886 896 534.6 Task attractiveness .sccsccsssscsssssssccssccsscsssscssccsesscsssscsscscesscsossssssecsseees 544.7 Familiarity and r€DUfAfÏOIN do << 5< 5 9 9.9 9.96 0.0 080068886866 54
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BOD Board of Director
CEO Chief Executive OfficerCBO Chief Business Officer
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Table 1.1 iHunter's recruitment situation from 2019 to 2022 - 14Table 3.1 Likert scale question evaluation CTIẨ€T1a - - 55-5 «<< s+++s+ss+ 39Table 3.2 Average scores for the influence degree of employer brand components
of iHunter on job seekers’ intentions to apply :cecesceeseeeeeseeeeeeeeeseeeteeeeeeeees 48
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Figure 3.12 The influence of application opportunities on applicants’ intentions 45Figure 3.13 The influence of work-life comfort on applicants' intentions 46Figure 3.14 The influence of familiarity and reputation on applicants’ intentions 47
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1 Background
Enterprises are striving to gain competitive advantages and boost economicprofitability in the era of trade liberalization They must combine a variety ofresources to accomplish these goals, and one of the most important resources thatdetermine the success of organizations is its human resource Nevertheless, in apost-pandemic world, there is tremendous competition for qualified candidates
(Ahuja, 2022) The worldwide pandemic has increased the importance placed onattracting and retaining talent Employees' goals and priorities have changed as a
result of the pandemic which is a global labor shortage and remote working Theyhave raised their standards for the businesses and occupations they apply for.Competitive pay used to be sufficient to draw top personnel However, individualshave become aware that salary is not the primary concern at work (Cave, 2017).These days, they are more concerned with opportunities for promotion, work-life
balance, or working environment A survey conducted by Glassdoor states that
before applying for a job, 77% of workers take the business culture into account;The business culture, according to 56% of respondents, is more significant to jobsatisfaction than salary According to 63% of the respondents, the corporate culture
is one of the primary factors keeping them at their current position In Vietnam,foreign companies are boosting their investment, which is intensifying competition
on the labor market (Truong, 2020) In fact, the number of skilled applicants isinsufficient to meet the demands of businesses Therefore, businesses must invest
a large amount of money in recruitment in order to attract and hire competentcandidates with the right skills and capacity for work In addition, a lot ofcompetent workers frequently change employment by joining a rival organization
or launching their own venture
Having and building an employer brand is therefore a strategic solution thatbusinesses need to concentrate on at a time when competition for human resources
is getting more intense and the priorities of applicants change
2 Rationales
Human capital is a crucial force contributing to the success of anorganization Therefore, organizations always strive to attract and retain highlyqualified people, the precious resource creating a competitive advantage forthem The term “the war for talent” coined by Chamber et al (1998) is used to
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describe the fierce competition for luring talent As a result, it is essential fororganizations to build employer brands, a key factor to attract the most skillfuland suitable employees Employer brand was described by Amber and Barrow(1996: 187) as “the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits
provided by employment, and identified with the employing company” Highly
skilled workers have many options when applying for a job; therefore, employersneed to promote their outstanding values which are different from competitors toattract quality talents Businesses need to comprehend and meet the expectations
of potential employees in order to attract the most qualified applicants Employerbranding is a long-term solution for talent shortage problem, whereas recruitmentsolves this problem in the short term A company can increase recruitingflexibility and speed, save recruitment costs, and attract qualified applicants byestablishing an efficient employer branding plan
When globalization takes place strongly today, Vietnam has the opportunity
to integrate deeply into the global economy However, this is also a great challenge
in terms of human resources Due to the rising tide of foreign investment,Vietnamese businesses must compete with foreign businesses and largemultinational corporations for talent In this competition, Vietnam HumanResources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company (iHunter), where theauthor has an internship, is also encountering problems in attracting potential staff.Firstly, according to iHunter’s internal records, during the recruitment season, thedemand for recruits is high, but there are few suitable applicants For example, acandidate may have the required degree or certificate but lack the relevantexpertise, abilities, or experience related to the vacancy Secondly, the challengefor iHunter is to stand out from competing companies In an era of intensecompetition, the number of enterprises is increasing Some applicants might behesitant to apply because iHunter has fewer years in operation than othercompanies or because its presence on social media platforms is not high Despitehaving a better working environment, iHunter missed out on prospect candidatesbecause of their subjective assessment of the company Thirdly, there werecandidates who had approved curricula vitae and iHunter scheduled interviewswith them; however, these candidates did not attend those interviews Thisincreased recruitment cost and time and seriously affects projects and operations
of iHunter The recruitment process will be easier if the employer brand is familiarand attractive to potential candidates An effective strategy for luring and retaining
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talent is strengthening employer branding because the application intentions ofpeople are heavily impacted by their thoughts and perceptions of a company.Therefore, having a thorough understanding of employer branding and discoveringstrategies to build employer brand effectively is essential for iHunter
From the above theoretical and practical problems, the author has decided
to choose the topic “A Study on Employer Branding and Its Influence on JobSeekers' Intentions to Apply to a Joint Stock Company in Hanoi from 2019 to
2022” The study is expected to discover feasible methods to strengthen iHunter’s
employer branding, which can help the company attract more talents
3.Research Objectives
The study aims at finding out the current status of iHunter’s employer
branding; discovering the components of iHunter's employer brand that have the
greatest influences on candidates' intention to apply; and providing somesuggestions to improve iHunter’s employer branding in order to attract morepotential applicants
4 Research questions
In order to achieve the research aims, the research is carried out to answerthe following questions:
Question 1: What is the current employer branding situation at iHunter?
Question 2: Which components of the iHunter's employer brand have thestrongest influences on job seekers’ intentions to apply?
Question 3: What are some recommendations for iHunter to strengthen itsemployer branding?
5 Scope of the research
(1) Employer branding of iHunter and the impacts of the components of
iHunter’s employer brand on potential employees’ application intentions
(2) Research scope: The study targets current and former employees of
(3) Content: Employer branding; the influences of the components ofiHunter’s employer brand on job seekers’ intentions to apply
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(4) Time: The research will study data regarding the employer branding ofiHunter from 2019 to 2022 The author surveyed the current and former staff ofiHunter in 2023
6 Research methodology
6.1 Research tool
6.1.1 Design survey questionnaire Research sampling of iHunter’s employees
Population: Current and former employees of 1Hunter
Sample: Because the size of the company is small, the study was made onabout 40 employees Survey questionnaire
Questionnaires are very useful for measuring preferences, attitudes,behavior, and opinions Researchers can gather both qualitative and quantitativedata by using different types of questions, which leads to more thorough findings( What Is a Questionnaire and How Is It Used in Research?, 2022)
In this study, the author conducted a survey using a questionnaire with aimsto: (1) collect people's opinions on iHunter's employer branding (1) understand theimpacts of the components of iHunter's employer brand on applicants’ intentions(11) explore the impacts of different components of iHunter’s employer brand onpeople's intention to apply Scale of measurement
To assure the accuracy of the measurement, the scale of measurement will
be assessed There are always two types of errors in measurements: systematicerrors and random errors Reliability is the ability of a measurement scale to deliverconsistent findings across various measurements By removing random mistakes,measurement reliability can produce reliable data) To measure the main
components of iHunter’s employer brand and their influences on the application
intentions, Likert -5 scales are employed in this study
Scale 5: Strongly agree/ Very important/Very highScale 4: Agree/ Important/High
Scale 3: Neutral/MediumScale 2: Disagree/ Unimportant/Low
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Scale 1: Strongly disagree / Very unimportant/Very low
For personal information: Utilizing different scales such as scale forinformation on gender, employment experience The questionnaire structure
There are two parts in the questionnaire:
Part 1 is Introduction At the beginning of the survey, the author writes an
introduction to create a friendly atmosphere to encourage respondents'cooperation
Part 2 includes Sub-questions and Specific questions The sub-questions areused to obtain more details regarding the respondents’ demographics (gender, workexperience, ) The specific questions are employed to clarify the contents of theresearch Pilot questionnaire
After the questionnaire was designed, 15 respondents from the prior exploratoryresearch were contacted in order to get their feedback and make any necessaryadjustments before sending the survey to all survey participants Collect and process data
Step 1: Create a questionnaire using Google form
Step 2: Send the link to the survey to iHunter's current and former employees andprovide clear instructions on how to respond to the questions
Step 3: Follow up: Call and text the employees who received the questionnaire toremind them of the questionnaire and be prepared to respond to any questions fromthem
Step 4: Gather the completed questionnaires; the author undertook in-personconsultations with individuals who did not complete the questionnaire
6.1.2 Interview
The author interviewed three specialists for suggestions on how iHunter
could improve its employer branding The author decided to select these peoplefor interview because they are three managers at iHunter who have a deepunderstanding of the company's employer branding situation and can therefore
provide the most useful and practical recommendations
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The researcher emailed the components of iHunter’s employer brand tothese three participants before the interviews so that they could review them Theinterview began with an introduction to create a comfortable atmosphere Theauthor then asked for each person's suggestions on how iHunter can strengthen itsemployer branding During the interview, the answers of the experts are carefullynoted and recorded by the author
6.2 Data collection
(i) Primary dataQuestionnaire
To better understand the status of the employer branding and the influences
of its components on future employees’ decision to apply, a list of questions was
created Every person could complete the survey easily because it was created on
Google Form The author employed a five-level, order-based Likert scale Therespondents simply read the content and marked the option that best reflects theirideas
Three specialists participated in the interview The primary goal of theinterview was to learn more about the recommendations to improve iHunter’semployer branding Despite being shorter, the list of questions is more personalthan the questionnaire The interview took roughly 20 minutes for each person
(ii) Secondary data
The author gathered trustworthy and selective information from prior
studies, articles and documents This method’s main purposes are to discover and
systematize the theoretical basis of employer branding
6.3 Data analysis
The researcher analyzes, compares, synthesizes information fromprimary and secondary data and interprets the information from questionnaire’sgained result
Collectively, the above method will help the author have quitecomprehensive understanding about the employer branding and find out thecomponents of iHunter’s employer branding that have the strongest influences onapplicants’ intentions
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7 Structure of the research
The study consists of four chapters in addition to the Introduction,Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Executive Summary, References, and Appendix
Chapter 1 is Introduction of Vietnam Human Resources Consulting andTraining Joint Stock Company and its employer branding situations
Chapter 2 is Theoretical Framework, which includes core definitions andtheoretical issues that will appear during the research progress such as employer
branding, the importance of employer branding, the relationship between employer
branding and applicants intentions, and components of an employer brand
Chapter 3 presents the data analysis and findings collected through theresearch methodology The two primary findings included in this chapter are theemployer branding situations at iHunter and the components of iHunter’s employerbranding that have the strongest influences on applicants’ intentions
Chapter 4 is Recommendations This chapter makes somerecommendations to the company so that it can improve its employer branding
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This chapter focuses on introducing basic information about VietnamHuman Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company where the
author works as an intern In more detail, it includes the company’s
development and services, its organizational structure and the reality ofrecruitment activity at the company
1.1 Overview of Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company
According to internal documents, Vietnam Human Resources Consultingand Training Joint Stock Company was established in 2018 with the brand name
T-Human In 2020, the company changed its brand name to iHunter It was
founded by a group of experienced executives with a wealth of experience in thefield of human resources and training and a young and enthusiastic workforce
Viet Nam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint StockCompany provides human resources services such as personnel supply,recruitment training, and setting up an internal recruitment department The
personnel supply service at iHunter has the most clients iHunter’s internal
documents state that personnel supply service has a duty and responsibility to
understand customers’ needs, position in the market and find suitable candidates.
It has to spend time and effort to thoroughly comprehend clients’ needs in order toguarantee that those candidates can create value, make a valuable and long-lastingcontribution to the success of clients Services provided by iHunter help companiesimprove the connection between the human resource plan and other business plans
to ensure that the overall business goals are best fulfilled In today's highly
competitive market for competent human resources, iHunter serves as a vital link
between organizations and qualified candidates
Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Companyhas made major advancements in personnel supply and recruitment trainingthroughout the course of its nearly five-year existence In order to meet its
objectives and customers’ needs, iHunter has grown in size and widened its scope
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throughout time According to the company’s internal documents, it opened a newbranch in June 2019 in order to fulfill customers’ continuously expanding needsfor human resources The Covid-19 outbreak, however, severely impacted iHunter
as it did other businesses The severe epidemic condition forced the company todownsize its operations iHunter closed one branch and only maintained operations
at the other, which is the company's present head office
iHunter is constantly working to offer organizations the best services in the
recruitment industry In its almost five years of operation, iHunter has helped
numerous companies in need of human resources find thousands of qualityapplicants With the slogan "Enhancing Vietnamese _ enterprises’positions", iHunter is committed to assisting Vietnamese companies in findingtalented employees, which can enhance their competitiveness, and help them have
a strong position in the fierce market
1.1.1 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock
Company’s Mission, Vision and Core Values
According to iHunter’s internal documents, its mission, vision, and corevalues are as follows:
iHunter was born with the mission to serve as a bridge between enterprisesand the labor force The company helps enterprises solve the labor shortageproblem in the competitive market by providing quality and committed candidates.Besides, iHunter provides young people in Hanoi with employment opportunitiesthat offer a good salary and a pleasant working environment
The organization's vision is to rank among Hanoi's top five manpowersupply companies The company always strives to be recognized for itsprofessionalism and quality service It can be said that iHunter will soon attain theobjectives of its vision based on its efforts and accomplishments to date
Core values
Regarding Core values, Vietnam Human Resources Consulting andTraining Joint Stock Company emphasizes Passion, Learning, Creativity,Positivity, Speed and Perseverance Regarding Passion, iHunter passionates aboutbringing to businesses highest quality candidates that meet and surpass their
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requirements The aim of Learning at iHunter is to focus on training and findingways to be productive to ensure professional and quality services In addition, todifferentiate itself from the competitors and meet customers’ expectations, iHunterinnovates, creates, and develops new approaches to problems, which is itsCreativity value Positivity means that iHunter constantly strives to make the best
of any circumstance and has an optimistic outlook on the future In an era of
increasing competition, iHunter is ready to make changes to achieve its goals and
deliver the best services In terms of Speed value, iHunter prioritizes speed in theworking process with the goal of becoming Hanoi’s number one personnel servicesupply provider Its clients will therefore receive applicants in the shortest amount
of time Finally, iHunter has the tenacity that enables it to continue to be dedicated
to customer requirements and service excellence, which is clearly illustratedthrough Perseverance value What distinguishes the company is its readiness tofoster innovation and confront challenges and risks
1.1.2 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock
Company ’s services Personnel supply
Ten companies competing for one talent is common in today’s market,
making it difficult for internal recruitment departments to keep up with the highdemand for candidates within organizations A day without enough employees
is a day when companies’ revenue and work output are both negatively
impacted Understanding the difficulty of staffing shortage, iHunter wasfounded with the goal of assisting companies in comprehensively resolvingpeople and training-related issues
With the experience of working with hundreds of businesses in Hanoi andhaving provided thousands of candidates, iHunter can help businesses fill anyvacancies According to the internal document, iHunter is currently supplyingpersonnel in the fields listed below:
* Sales: telesales staff, page operator, customer care staff, sales staff
* Marketing: advertising staff (Facebook, Google), content writer,designer, video editor
* Back office: accountant, cashier, receptionist, assistant, human resource officer
* Others: architect, logistics staff, spa staff
Trang 21Đoàn Thị Hồng Hạnh — 11191761 — Business English 61C Recruitment training
iHunter is the only company in Vietnam that supplies both personnel andrecruitment training
iHunter has a course named “Super Recruiters” The CEO of the company
who has more than ten years of expertise in recruiting and training, is the instructor.According to the company's website, the course's main topics include:
e How to communicate with candidates
e How to write recruitment content which can attract potential candidates
e How to make a job posting that is appealing and can attract the right people
e How to find and recruit potential candidates
e How to build employer brand
e Guidance on how to apply learned theory directly to the condition ofbusinesses
The course helps learners become professional recruiters who know how toattract and hire the best candidates From the techniques and skills gained from thecourse, businesses can save money on outsourced recruitment Setting up internal recruitment departments
Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Companyprovides the service of setting up internal recruitment departments This servicehelps businesses build a qualified human resources department which caneffectively perform tasks according to the specific requirements of thosebusinesses Having an efficient internal recruitment department, businesses can cuttheir headhunt hiring costs and become more proactive in recruiting
1.2 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint StockCompany’s organizational structure
The company chose an organizational structure that is appropriate for itssmall size and business field This organizational structure can ensure promptdecision-making and work efficiency
In addition, according to iHunter’s CEO, the company decided not to build
a marketing department because directly connecting, expanding relationships, andcommunicating with businesses - which are the main responsibilities of the CEOand CBO - would be more productive for the company’s sphere of activity thanbuilding a marketing department Moreover, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
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Business Officer and Recruitment Specialists build and develop the company'sbrand, introduce candidates with suitable jobs and employers with candidates onsocial networks such as Facebook and Linkedin
CBO Assistant Accountant
Recruitment specialists
Recruitment trainees
(Source: iHunter's internal documents)
Figure 1.1 Vietnam Human Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock
Company’s organizational structure
1.2.1 Chief Executive Officer
According to iHunter’s internal documents, the BOD for Viet Nam Human
Resources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company comprises two members,and one of them is in charge of the CEO role
The CEO is the person who decides all the activities of iHunter He is
in charge of strategically developing the company’s objectives and directions,creating effective business plans that are in line with long-term and short-term
objectives, monitoring the company’s entire activities, establishing vision,
mission, core values and business culture, connecting and _ building
relationships with companies
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1.2.2 Chief Business Officer
The CBO at iHunter performs a variety of duties According to the
company’s internal document, these duties can be divided into three main
categories: managing business activities, developing employees, anddeveloping business relationships
In terms of business, her duties include making and implementing the
company’s business plan; collecting, analyzing and evaluating market and
customer information and making recommendations to increase profitabilityand efficiency; managing the company's business activities to ensurecompliance with the company's regulations and laws; assessing the efficiencyand productivity of business activities
In terms of developing employees, the CBO recruits, assigns work, trainsand monitors recruiters - the team mainly contributing to the business activities atiHunter To ensure that the recruiting team achieves its goals, the Chief BusinessOffice is responsible for developing the team under her direction Therefore, shehas the role to regularly train and develop these employees and evaluate themthrough certain stages to ensure revenue goals are met
In terms of business relationships, the CBO builds and maintains
relationships with stakeholders such as customers, partners, and employees
1.2.3 Recruitment specialists, Trainee recruiters, Interns
According to the company’s regulations, under the guidance andsupervision of the Chief Business Officer, these positions are in charge of takingpart in the recruiting process, finding personnel for the business and candidates forclients They also have the responsibility of establishing personal brands andintroducing the information of potential candidates and attractive jobs on social
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Besides, the assistant is the last person to check the candidate's profile and decide
if the candidate meets the client's needs
Besides, the assistant participates in generating ideas, building andcommunicating the company's programs and plans to all employees He alsomanages the company's interns and internal personnel records
1.2.5 Accountant
According to 1Hunter”s regulations, the accountant records, calculates, and reportsinformation related to assets and capital, such as recording the circulation and using ofassets and capital She is also responsible for checking the implementation of the business
plan and checking financial plan, preventing the violations of the company's regimes and
regulations In addition, she updates and informs all employees about state policies andlaws Other tasks she performs are examining and evaluating financial and economicactivities to support planning and monitoring, providing data reports to the authoritieswhen necessary, checking man-hours and calculating paychecks, and reporting businessresults to the Board of Directors of the company
1.3 The reality of recruitment activity at Vietnam Human Resources
Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company
demand at the company is about 10-12 people per year
Number of candidates accepting the job offer mm 1
Number of new employees
(Source: iHunter’s internal documents)
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The figure shows that the number of new employees and candidates whoaccept the job offer is always lower than the recruitment demand This proves thatiHunter’s recruitment has not really achieved the company’'s goals
1.3.2 Recruitment sources Internal recruitment
In this type of recruitment, the company hires a current employee for a new
or open role The iHunter’s CEO shared that the company only used internalrecruitment when only a few employees needed to be hired (usually 1-2 people).This type of recruitment is frequently used by the company to fill out for recruitingspecialists roles These employees will rapidly adjust to the new role and have themost productive working style because they are familiar with the surroundings, thecorporate culture, and the company goals The benefits of hiring internally includelower training expenses, higher employee morale, cheaper job posting andscreening, and lower employee turnover
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applicants’ intentions Therefore, to attract qualified talent and match the needs
of the business
Due to the significance of the issue, this chapter, which is based onprevious findings, publications, and studies, will first discover the definition of
employer branding and its importance Next, it will provide information about
intention to apply and then discuss the relationship between employer brandingand applicants’intentions Finally, it will focus on some components of anemployer brand
2.1 Employer branding
Businesses formerly employed branding strategy to promote their productsand services However, branding is no longer limited to just products In the area
of human capital management, the concept “employer branding” is relatively new.
The theory of employer branding emerged from branding strategy, whichassociates with behavioral intents of candidates during the job search process(Gomes and Neves, 2010) In their opinion, employer branding is a strategy built
on branding theory that employs specific branding principles to improve theeffectiveness of human resource management
Employer branding was first used by Ambler and Barrow (1996:187) It
was defined as “the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company” In the
view of Farid and Taha (2022:147), Ambler and Barrow applied the principle of
brand to human resource management by “viewing the employer as the brand and employees as customers” The appraisal of the brand image, the perceived advantages, and the impressions of the firm’s features which derive from
businesses' employer branding can entice candidates It is comparable to creating
a product's brand that appeals to outsiders (Backhaus, 2004 ) Employer branding
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is the extended concept of a company's reputation, according to Chiu et al.(2020) According to Lloyd (2002:64), the employer brand is the way that presentand potential employees view the business as "a desirable place to work".Similarly, employer branding, according to Backhaus and Tikoo (2004), is theattempt made by a company to explain to internal and external audiences why it
is a desirable and unique employer In addition, employer branding is described
by Biswas and Suar (2014) as the way a business presents itself to futureemployees and the strategies it uses to retain current staff members and foster aculture of loyalty in the workplace Likewise, employer branding is the essence
of the qualitative traits of the employer that appeal to a target audience (Kucherovand Zavyalova, 2012) These features are defined by an entirely positiveperception and an appropriate collection of both material (economic) and non-material (psychological and symbolic) benefits in order to distinguish a company
in the labor market
Conclusively, employer branding is an effort to provide current andpotential employees with a set of tangible and intangible benefits and values, whichcontributes to the overall attractiveness of the company to employees, giving theorganization a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent
2.2 The importance of employer branding
The significance of employer branding has grown due to the rising needfor qualified and skilled personnel, and as a result, businesses are turning to talent
acquisition to set themselves apart from their rivals (Ruchika and Prasad, 2017)
Aggerholm, Andersen, and Thomson (2011) asserted that employer branding
management is increasingly seen as an intrinsic component of the business’sustainable strategy
Employer branding's primary goals are retaining employees and attractingtop talent As seen in the Figure 2 below, Backhaus and Tikoo (2004) noted thatbrand association and brand loyalty are employer branding’s two main assets Theframework states that by using employer branding, a company can present itself topotential employees and develop an employer image that helps it become moreattractive to potential employees Thus, employer branding aids in promoting theculture and identity of the organization, which will improve productivity andencourage greater employee loyalty to the business
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Employer Employer Employer
| | Brand Image —>| Attraction
satisfaction and employees’s loyalty to their companies Employer
branding-focused businesses often have motivated employees who are continuallydeveloping Employer branding, in the opinion of Jiang and Iles (2011), apowerful tool that attracts candidates and inspires current workers to remaindedicated to the organization
Other employer branding’s goals include improving customersatisfaction, lowering cost, and boosting return on investment and profitability(Barrow and Mosley, 2005) Miles and McCamey (2018) argued a positiveapplicant experience with a company’s employer branding will boost itsbusiness outcomes This includes referring friends to the business, improvingties with clients and investors, and taking part in the organization’s futurerecruitment efforts Ritson (2002) said that better employer brands enablebusinesses to pay lower wages than the industry norm In their study, Kucherovand Zavyalova (2012) noted that firms with employer branding achieved avariety of economic benefits The study by Heilman et al (2013) showed that
employer branding can make hiring quicker and more flexible while
simultaneously increasing the caliber of applicants and lowering hiring costs
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2.3 Intention to apply
Candidates form opinions about their future employers when deciding toapply to a company, which is similar to how consumers form opinions aboutproducts and services before using them These opinions form the cornerstone ofthe applicant’s final decision regarding whether to accept or reject the employmentoffer (Rynes and Barber, 1990) These thoughts and perceptions may be the
outcome of the company’s various marketing and branding activities According
to Highhouse et al (2003), application intention initially refers to thoughts about
the organization, which eventually drives applicants to take more actions,
including pursuing a job
Barber and Roehling (1993) concluded that early on in the recruitingattractiveness process, the intention to apply is a powerful predictor Fisher, Ilgen,and Hoyer (1979:99) conducted an evaluation of organizational attractivenessutilizing a four-item scale that contained the following statements: “I am veryinterested in pursuing my application with this company if offered one,”, “I would
be very willing to accept a job with this company if offered one,” “I would reallylike to work for this company,” and “I feel I know enough about this company to
no longer be interested in it.” This study has been crucial in examining the linkbetween applicants’ intentions and how they perceive the employer brand
According to Gomes and Neves (2011), social and organizationalpsychologists have demonstrated that a specific action can be foretold by the
intention to apply The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) demonstrated
that intention is a key component which holds all of the components that motivatepeople to take a specific action It is undeniable that a higher intention rate to applyfor a position may increase the likelihood that candidates will decide to apply forthat position The research by Gomes and Neves ( 2011) also showed that
applicants’ intentions towards a job are reliable indicators of their decisions to
apply for a position during the hiring process
2.4 The relationship between employer branding and job seekers’
application intentions
Employer branding and job seekers’ application intentions have a close
relationship Having a strong and distinctive employer brand is a valuable
advantage for firms to attract potential recruits If properly built, employerbranding is beneficial to businesses since it influences the choices job
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searchers make before applying for positions As a result, when candidatesmake decisions, how the company is perceived as an employer is crucial(Ruchika and Prasad, 2017)
The association between employer branding and prospective applicants’ andcurrent employees' retention intentions was highlighted by Arasanmi and Krishna(2019) Research by Sharma and Tanwar (2021) stated that one of the mosteffective strategies for companies to increase organizational attractiveness andhence attract job seekers is employer branding Likewise, Kashyap and Verma's(2018) research showed that employer selection and retention were both influencedfavorably by employer attractiveness as a result of effective techniques formanaging corporate reputation, such as talent management According to Bellou,Chaniotakis, Kehagias and Rigopoulou (2015), a company's qualities, such as itsattractiveness, pay package, relationships, career opportunities, recognition, andbrand image, have a significant impact on how likely it is to be chosen as anemployer by both existing and potential employees Therefore, according toGomes and Neves (2010), when comparing strong employer branding to weak orneutral one, the former results in a favorable intention to apply for a job
Organizations must stand out from the competition and be viewed asdesirable employers by both prospective employees and present ones (Highhouse
et al., 2003) Thus, employer branding is used in order to draw and retain talentedemployees In order to find a balance between organizational expectations,employees, and applicants, Backhaus and Tikoo (2004) highlighted that techniques
of luring applicants based on employer branding initiatives have expanded
2.5 Major components of an employer brand
Studies have shown that there are various components related toorganization and job that contribute to the attractiveness of an employer brand.These components influence candidates' decisions to join any business
Employer brand was initially split into economic, functional, andpsychological elements by Ambler and Barrow (1996) The economic elementincludes remuneration packages offered by the organization, functional elements
involve opportunities like career progression Employees’ view of their job,
including their sense of belonging, their ability to adapt, and their sense of purpose,are considered psychological factors Meanwhile, a study by Annapoorna (2015)discovered that work-life balance, career advancement, a friendly work
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environment, good earnings, and corporate popularity all contribute to a desirableemployer brand A scale was created by Berthon et al (2005) to measure the mainelements that influence talent attraction, and they identified five elements: (1)interest value to determine the extent to which a candidate is drawn to an enterprise;(2) social value for the working atmosphere, such as great teamwork; (3) economicvalue for compensation package and job security; (4) development value for careeradvancement; and (5) and application value to determine the extent to which theemployee's knowledge can be put to use when working for the company Melinconducted research in 2005 and discovered five main elements of an employerbrand, which are brand strength of the firm or its products, benefits and pay, workingenvironment, work-life balance, and company culture Two authors Hillebrandt andIvens (2011) have conducted research that has concluded that there are 12 elements
of an employer brand, including culture and communication; teamwork spirit;assigned tasks; work environment and international career opportunities; work-lifebalance; autonomy; remuneration policy; customers, business reputation; trainingand development; task diversity; and corporate social responsibility
There have also been other researchers in Vietnam who have conductedresearch on this subject Research by Nguyen (2016) showed that there are fiveelements affecting employer brand including: task attractiveness; relationshipswith colleagues; remuneration policy; career development opportunities;opportunity to apply knowledge In a study on the influence of employer brand onemployees’ intention to choose a workplace, Nguyen (2016) also discovered five
factors affecting candidates’ decisions, which are reputation, attractive salary,social responsibility, working environment and development and training Le
(2016), researched on the topic of improving employer brand and found out threefactors that have the most important role in successfully building employer brand,including salary, travel, and reputation Nguyen and Huynh (2022) identified fivemain components of an employer brand, namely task attractiveness, workingatmosphere, payment attractiveness, work-life comfort, and career opportunities
Based on previous studies and the situation at Vietnam HumanResources Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company, the author selectedseven most important components for analyzing in this research, including
working atmosphere, compensation and benefit, task attractiveness,
development and recognition, application opportunities, familiarity andreputation and work-life comfort
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2.5.1 Working atmosphere
Tsai et al (2015) defined working atmosphere as the totality of “knowledge
sharing among team members, motivation, and procedural justice that encourage
employees to produce more creative ideas”.
Baum & Kabst (2013) asserted that the working atmosphere is one of thekey elements influencing one's decision to apply for a job The intention to apply
is influenced by an individual's relationships with the company because socialconnections can help people build their personal reputations (Lievens andHighhouse, 2003) As a result, job seekers will choose companies that offer asupportive environment where they can interact positively with co-workers,
supervisors, and subordinates (Berthon et al, 2005) In addition, a cooperative
and supportive work atmosphere will encourage employees to stay with thecompany and make greater contributions (Saini, Rai, and Choudhary, 2013) Ifcandidates are aware that the task is being completed through excellentteamwork, they will be more drawn to that positive working environment (Rauand Hyland ,2003) Businesses that foster fair and respectful workingrelationships are more likely to attract potential applicants
2.5.2 Compensation and benefits
An attractive pay package includes benefits such as insurance andretirement plans in addition to the above-average salary offered to employees fortheir contributions (Sheffield, 2016)
Many studies demonstrate that the economic value (mostly income andother monetary perks) offered by a company has a considerable and favorableinfluence on a potential applicant's decisions Cheng et al (2015) argued thatremuneration policy of a business is always a factor that is of top concern to
candidates Besides, a study by Reis and Braga (2016) revealed that the
compensation plan is regarded as the best reward for young employees, along withother factors Applicants expect that the organization will provide an alluringfuture income or a salary that is highly competitive with other businesses in thesame industry (Berthon et al, 2005)
Every dedicated, intelligent employee would be aware of their value andwant to increase it in order to receive the best pay and benefits Employees aremore inclined to apply to other companies if a rival is offering a higher salary orthe same salary but better benefits
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2.5.3 Task attractiveness
In their 2005 study, Berthon et al used the terms "task attractiveness" and
"interest value" to describe how attracted a person is to an organization whichoffers a stimulating work environment, creative work methods, and utilizes thecreativity of its staff to generate quality goods and services In the view of Baum
& Kabst (2013), task attractiveness is evaluated based on a variety of factors,including intriguing and challenging tasks, opportunities for independent andcreative work, and opportunities to use one's skills Tran and Phan (2012) pointedout that task attractiveness includes interesting working environments,opportunities to access new technology, the appreciation of creativity, and
professional staff
Task attractiveness motivates employees and gives them the chance toadapt and develop through challenges Research by Turban et al.(1998) showed
that the more challenging positions that allow for self-development seem to be
appealing to the candidates, and the attractiveness of a position was strongly
connected with job acceptance Companies with positions requiring characteristicslike innovation and creativity are able to easily attract potential recruits
2.5.4 Development and recognition
Berthon et al (2005) assserted that an individual is drawn to a company
that offers prospects for future career advancement, appreciation forachievements, and recognition
Applicants always want to see prospects for development andadvancement in the workplace when working for a company; thus, companiesmust provide development and recognition Opportunities for career growth,according to Schlager et al (2011), are one of the primary motives for applicants
to an open position Sharing the similar opinion, Saini et al (2013) asserted thatcareer development prospects are evaluated to have the biggest influence on acandidate's intention to apply In Lievens and Highhouse's (2003) study,respondents were asked to rate a company’s attractiveness based on a number ofcomponents The results showed that the respondents were drawn to thecompanies that offered the best career opportunities
The candidates will have the motivation and a greater sense of confidence
if they see recognition and development when joining the organization becausethey will have opportunities to get promotion and advance in their career Because
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the company's development and promotion roadmap 1s tailored to the candidate'sorientation, they will be likely to be attracted
2.5.5 Application opportunities
Berthon et al., 2005 claimed that application opportunities refer to the needs
of candidates to have the chance to put what they have learnt into practice at workand impart their expertise to others
According to the studies by Alniacik and Alniacik (2012), Saini et al.(2013), the application opportunities is one of the basic factors influencingpositively related to the candidate's intention to apply The research results ofCheng et al (2015) lend credence to the idea that candidates always seek to applywhat they have learnt in the training process to real-world work situations Hence,
if a company recognizes and appreciate the knowledge and experience itsemployees apply while working, candidates will find it more attractive Applicantswill also be satisfied when they have the oppportunities to share, discuss, and havetheir abilities widely acknowledged
2.5.6 Work-life comfort
Work-life comfort is the perception that work and non-work activities are
harmonious and encourage development in line with a person's present lifepriorities (Poelmans, Kalliath, and Brough, 2015) Carless and Wintle (2007)claimed that companies that prioritize their employees’ work-life balance
demonstrate that they genuinely care about their staff’s well-being.
It is undeniable that employee satisfaction increases when working in acomfortable and suitable environment A study carried out by Bodin-Danielssonand Bodin (2008) indicated that employees who worked in flexible offices,shared-room offices expressed the greatest levels of job satisfaction On theother hand, combi-offices and medium-sized open-plan offices had the lowest
levels of job satisfaction
While Baby Boomers are very devoted to their employers, and being the
most stable members of the workforce, the millennial generation frequentlyswitches jobs until they discover one that suits them and prioritizes work-lifebalance ( Myers and Sadaghiani, 2010)
2.5.7 Familiarity and reputation
According to Collins (2007), the intention and decision to apply for a jobare both positively influenced by familiarity with the company Companies with
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strong media presence, according to Turban and Greening (1997), are moredesirable to potential employees By simply being exposed to positive messagesfrom news and images and having positive experience with the recruitmentpractices, prospective candidates may become familiar with the business andhave a positive opinion of its reputation (MacInnis and Jaworski, 1989) Inaddition, in the opinions of Gatewood, Gowan, and Lautenschlager (1993), a
prospective candidate’s behavior is influenced by their familiarity with an
employer because signals supplied by familiar businesses are viewed as morecredible than signals sent by unfamiliar ones
Another crucial component that affects the intention of applicants is acompany's reputation as an employer Reputation are organizational featuresthat are socially formed and based on prior activities of the organization(Weigelt and Camerer,1988) According to Gotsi and Wilson (2001), anorganization's reputation is determined by how its stakeholders see it in light ofthe collection of organizational characteristics that have been attained over
time Similarly, Roberts and Dowling (2002) defined a company's reputation as
a variety of organizational characteristics that have been cultivated over time
and have an impact on how stakeholders view the company's corporatebehavior According to Sullivan's research findings in 2004, prospects are morelikely to apply to a company that has a good reputation because they believe itwill be a good environment and worth applying to Candidates' perceptions of
an organization's reputation or image are formed based on the information that
is readily available about it and these perceptions will determine whether theyapply to that organization or not
2.6 Summary
Chapter II provides some concepts and information related to the researchtopic Firstly, it introduces the definition of employer branding and its importance,the definition of intention to apply and the relationship between employer brandingand job seekers’ application intentions Secondly, the chapter systemized somemajor components of an employer brand which have the most effects on jobseekers’ intentions to apply, including working atmosphere, compensation andbenefit, task attractiveness, development and _ recognition, applicationopportunities, familiarity and reputation and work-life comfort
Employer branding is anything a business does, whether intentionally orunintentionally, to market its distinct identity as an employer to both present and
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future employees During the first stage of recruiting, intent to apply is atrustworthy indicator of behavior Many researchers have concluded that employerbranding (with its main components) and intention to apply have a closerelationship
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In this chapter, the survey's findings are presented and analyzed Becausethis study primarily used an interpretive methodology, its only statistical analysis
was to offer descriptive data which help to discover the situation of iHunter’s
employer branding and the components of its employer brand that have greatest
impacts on application intention 40 current and former employees were invited toparticipate in a google form survey and all of them completed the survey
3.1 The employer branding situation at iHunter
The author researched and analyzed the employer branding situation atiHunter based on seven main factors, which are working atmosphere,compensation and benefit, task attractiveness, development and recognition,application opportunities, familiarity and reputation and work-life comfort
3.1.1 The situation of each of the components of iHunter’s employer brand
Working atmosphere
The author first examined iHunter’s working atmosphere Positive andencouraging energy permeates the workplace at iHunter Each person receives alot of assistance from their coworkers and managers in their task The company'sstaff members are competent and sociable, have a spirit of solidarity, and supportone another In addition, the company's executives encourage and foster anenvironment that allows every employee to work efficiently and productively
In order to better understand the company’s working atmosphere situation,
the author collected current and former employee’s opinions The findings are as
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be good supportive and employees support employees stimulating
colleagues here would be good workplace
(Source: Results from the author’s research)
Figure 3.1 The situation of the working atmosphere at iHunter
Good co-worker relationships and friendly and supportive colleagues at thecompany are both appreciated with approximately 45% of the respondents stronglyagreeing The majority of voters (80%) strongly agree and agree that there is ahealthy working relationship between managers and staff In addition, leaders atiHunter support and encourage their employees, which is indicated by half of therespondents agreeing Besides, iHunter also offers a stimulating workplace, which
is clearly shown through 45% agreement of the total
It can be concluded that iHunter has a positive working atmosphere Each
individual is greatly supported in their work by their coworkers and supervisors
Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits, an indispensable component in employerbranding, are also studied by the author in this research
e Compensation
According to internal data of iHunter, the salary for the post of recruitmentspecialist is 5.500.000 VND per month The monthly salary for the assistantposition is 8.000.000 VND Official employees of the company also receive anadditional meal allowance of 500.000 VND In addition, recruitment specialists
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receive commission from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 for each candidate who worksfor seven days The salary for recruitment trainees, however, is merely 500.000VND per month, with smaller commissions ranging from 300.000 VND to1.000.000 VND In addition, the company offers monthly and quarterly bonuses.iHunter also pays bonuses when employees successfully recruit difficult positionssuch as department heads for clients The bonus level will be adjusted depending
on the business situation of the company and the employee's performance
e Benefits
All employees participate in social insurance in accordance with the law onsocial insurance Regarding leave days, according to the company's policies,employees have 12 leave days a year in addition to public holidays On March 8every year, the company organizes a party to celebrate International Women's Dayand has a gift for all female employees Also, iHunter throws a birthday celebrationeach month for staff members born in that particular month
The author conducted a survey to have a better understanding of howemployees felt about the compensation and benefits situation at the company, andthe results are as follows:
Compensation and benefit
j =Strongly disgree [J Disgree [) Neutral Aøgree Strongly agree
above-average contribution to the have a good package
salaries to its company income
(Source: Results from the author’s research) Figure 3.2 Compensation and benefits situation at iHunter
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Overall, voters assess that the company's compensation package levels arenot too high It is noticeable that about 18% of the total participants disagree thatthe company offers salaries that are above the average level Also, the overallcompensation package does not receive highly favorable responses One employeedisagrees that it is not good enough and 27 people have neutral opinions However,nearly 70% of the respondents agree that they would receive bonuses for theircontribution Besides, the proportions of respondents receiving regular pay risesand believing to have a good income after being promoted are the same, with
roughly 40% having neutral opinions and 53% agreeing
The figure has proved that the salary offered by the company is not higherthan that of other companies, so it is not easy for employees to have a desirableincome Despite the company's regular wage raises and bonuses, not everyemployee has the aptitude or motivation to consistently receive those benefits To
avoid employee turnover and dissatisfaction, a competitive salary is essential
(McLean et al., 1996) Therefore this salary level may make iHunter’'s business
performance sometimes not as expected
Task attractiveness
Task attractiveness is a crucial component of employer branding,especially in the personnel supply industry The author therefore continued
studying this factor
As soon as they start working for the company, employees whose
responsibilities are recruiting are exposed to a wide range of open positions
Following that, management will assign appropriate tasks to each employee based
on their performance According to internal records, on average, employees at thecompany recruit 35-45 jobs in different industries for clients each month
The company's three core values are learning, creativity, and positivity As
a result, at iHunter, innovation and creativity are always valued and promoted Thebusiness also embraces change, holds weekly meetings to analyze the week'sresults, and swiftly modifies its working practices to be the most reasonable andefficient
The author collected employees’ opinions on task attractiveness at thecompany The results are as follows: