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Chuyên đề thực tập tốt nghiệp: A study on the effects of IELTS Mentor The Learning App utilization for the motivation and retention of students in IELTS MENTOR CENTER towards vocabulary acquisition

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I want to express my sincere gratitude to all who have assisted me during

my investigation and research session This study not only means a great deal tome frankly, but it also promotes the sustainable long-term growth of EdutalkConsulting Assessment and Education Development Joint Stock Company(EDUTALK.,JSC)

First and foremost, I really appreciate the National Economics Universityand the Faculty of Foreign Languages for enabling me to conduct my research and

for their support Additionally, my beloved instructor, Dr Nguyen Thi Thanh

Huyen devoted a great deal of valuable time and assistance when I was conductingmy study I am really respectful of her tremendous support and constructiveguidance during this study It is a privilege for me to carry out the research withher instruction.

Secondly, I would like to express the deepest appreciation to every staff

and managers of EDUTALK.,JSC who offered support and gave me sound adviceto enhance the fulfillment of my study.

In addition, I desire to convey my gratitude to my loved ones for theirwarmth and assistance throughout my time at the institution Given the challengesIhave faced in my daily life and academic career, their tolerance and empathy havegreatly contributed to me.

Last but not least, I really would like to show my thankfulness to all of mycompanions for encouraging me to complete the study and for mentioning thedeadlines Besides that, I want to thank everyone who took the time to providefeedback on my survey They assisted me in data collection and researchcompletion.

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With the advancement of technology, there is increasing demand for usingmobile-assisted language learning apps in learning a second language, especiallyEnglish EDUTALK.,JSC can benefit from the utilization of IELTS Mentor The

Learning App for their students Both advantages for company and customer,

which enhance learners’ motivation and learning outcomes, thereby better

customers’ engagement with EDUTALK.,JSC in general and IELTS Mentor

Center in particular, as illustrated by this study In addition, app developers seems

still far from to live up full expectation of users, as shown by findings collected.

Therefore, the aims of this research to figure out the effects of IELTS Mentor TheLearning App utilization for the motivation and retention of students in IELTSMENTOR CENTER towards vocabulary acquisition.

The study conducted through a quantitative research approach to measurethe the perceptions of participants towards mobile-assisted language learning appsas well as the utilization of IELTS Mentor The Learning App The study alsoinvestigate the impacts of using this app on students’ motivation and vocabularyknowledge thanks to using the app With 80 respondents getting involved in theonline survey, data analysis conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics

to determine the impact of the app on the participants' motivation and retention.

The results of this study would make a contribution to the understanding of theeffectiveness of technology-based vocabulary learning in language centers, andprovide insights for language instructors to design better teaching methods and

materials for their students.

The findings revealed that mobile-assisted language learning apps,specifically IELTS Mentor The Learning App, in terms of emotional feelings, have

a positive impact on users’ attitude towards utilizing this kind of app to build uptheir English vocabulary This also shown that there is a paucity of innermotivation to engage users with the app In addition, some of students struggledwith understanding word usage, and the interface of the app also need to improveto bring better experience for users.

Based on these findings, there are some recommendations for the companyas well as app developers and instructors at IELTS Mentor Center to promote

students’ motivation and retention in learning English vocabulary Firstly,

providing more practice activities to help students revise and learn how to use

newly learned words This can be combined with features that allow users to learn

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61C vocabulary incidentally Secondly, it is crucial to motivate students by offering avariety of latest and interesting materials in various themes and contexts.Additionally, the addition of interactive and gamification aspects that will

encourage student engagement and enjoyment in vocabulary acquisition It isrequired for app developers to add a feature allowing students to accumulate pointsfor successfully performing chores or answering exam questions, then exchangethose points for incentives to buy in-game things or equipment Finally, they also

should take a consideration to redesign the app that can adapt to the individuallearning needs of each student.

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61C LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSCALL: Computer-assisted language learning

CEO: Chief Executive OfficerCLT: Cognitive Load Theory

EDUTALK.,JSC: Edutalk Consulting Assessment and Education DevelopmentJoint Stock Company

EFL: English as a Foreign Language

HR: Human Resources

IELTS: International English Language Testing System

IMLA: IELTS Mentor The Learning App

IT: Information Technology

ITU: International Telecommunication Union

L2: Second Language

MALL: Mobile-assisted language learning

S-tech: Start-up technology

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Table 1: Participants’ perceptions of the utilization of IELTS Mentor The LearningApp for English vocabulary aCQU1SIfIOT 55555 + ++*vsseereeeeeesees 31Table 2:The effects of using IELTS Mentor The Learning App on students’

motivation toward English vocabulary acqu1SItION - «<5 «<+<< s52 33

Table 3: The effects of using IELTS Mentor The Learning App on students’retention toward English vocabulary acquisition :.ccccceeseeesseeeteeeeeeeeees 37


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Figure 1.1 1: Organizational structure of EDUTALK., JSC - - 8Figure 3.1 1: Time duration students spend learning English and their vocabulary

I8 2001ì:1505)i134i1) 0 2000777ẼẺ7 25Figure 3.1 3: Students’ time allocation of learning English vocabulary on a daily

56 26Figure 3.1 4: The locations of students learning English vocabulary 27

Figure 3.1 5: Students’ English vocabulary learning routines - 28Figure 3.1 6: The frequency of using mobile-assisted language learning apps to

learn English vocabulary of students - cv ree 29

Figure 3.1 7: The frequency of using IELTS Mentor The Learning App to learn

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INTRODUCTION 0.0 ccccccccecceeceeceteeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeenaeeeeseeaeeeeeseenneeeeeeneeeeetee 1

1 Background ccc SH HE kg 1

2 Ratlonal€s Ăn Họ ri 2

3 Significance of the StUY - -Ă KTS ng Erh 2

4 Research ODJ€CfIV€S - Hee 35 Research Que€StIOnS -. -Q Sư 3N3 4

7 Research methodology cc «cọ nh 48 Research stTUC{UTG c nọ Ho gi 5


1.1 Overview of EDUTALK.,JSC ccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesaaaeeeeeeeseaeneeeeseesaaes 6

1.1.1 History and d€V€ÏODHL€HH SG Si 6

1.1.2 Mission, Vision, and Core Values ằẶĂSSSĂSẰ Sex 71.1.3 Organizational Structure SG SG ST ki 81.2 IELTS Mentor Centre nh nh 9

1.3 IELTS Mentor The Learning Ápp nh v v 10


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61C 2.3 Mobile-assisted language learning (MA UL) -<<<<<<<<<+ 172.3.1 Theoretical Frameworks QQQ SG Q TT ki ki ki ki ki v về 192.3.2 The effects of MALL utilization ON HS€FS BS ke 20


3.1 Demographic data analysÏs - - Q S212 11H He 243.1.1 Students’ time duration of learning English and their vocabulary level 24

3.1.2 Students’ attitude toward the magnitude of vocabulary acquisition in

3.1.6 The frequency of using mobile-assisted language learning apps to learn

English vocabulary of students Ăn nh ve 28

3.1.7 The frequency of using IELTS Mentor The Learning App to learn

VOCADULATY 000 TrứURPỆỤNỤNỤaAỤ}Ụ)ỘỤ 303.2 Students’ perspectives on using IELTS Mentor The Learning App to learn

English vocabulary PP a4 30

3.3 The effect of using IELTS Mentor The Learning App on students’

motivation toward English vocabulary acquisition 32

3.3.1 Interaction and Engagement cccccccccccececeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaneneaaaaaaees 33

4.1.1 Improve the app's user interface and user experience (UI/UX) 39

4.1.2 Expanding the range of materials and keep them up-fo-date 40

4.L.3 GAMIPICAION rể r rraaaaaaaia 40

4.1.4 Offering a clear guidance and learning path scsssss> 41


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61C 4.2 For improving users’ vocabulary retention - 424.2.1 The clarity and comprehensibility of word usage explanations 424.2.2 Practice ACtiVILIES OF €X€TCH€§ S- SG cece e cette teen ene e cece ee eeaeeeeanananaes42

CONCLUSION ee cece eee e eee eeeenaneeeeeeeee eee eeecnaaaeaeeeeeeeeeesneesecnaaaeeeeeeeeeeeenes 43.331990).40) 1000010577 45


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61C INTRODUCTION1 Background

Over the past decades, the cutting-edge development of technology haschanged how students acquire knowledge, specifically in learning foreign

languages According to Redd (2011), students currently have mobile technology

"in the palm of their hands," enabling them to "start using tools that can increasetheir topic understanding" (p 1) Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)technology can provide English learners with helpful new possibilities to facilitatevocabulary development in an engaging and useful manner has shown to be apotent instrument for enhancing English language teaching and learning inrecently, according to academics (Panagiotis & Krystalli, 2020) Nowadays, therehas been a significant number of studies and review papers on mobile-assisted

language learning (MALL) Elaish et al (2017) indicated around 80% of MALLresearch demonstrates that employing mobile devices for language acquisition issuccessful (e.g., Agca & Ozdemir, 2013; Amer, 2010) Vocabulary developmentwhich was the most favorable subject in MALL with a number of review studieson MALL for vocabulary acquisition having been published, including those byLin & Lin (2019) and Mahdi (2018).

IELTS Mentor as a leading IELTS training institution has adopted modern

learning and teaching models in order to support learners more effectively Besideconventional teaching methods, EDUTALK.,JSC continously research anddevelop new techniques and methods, applying them into member centers in order

to enhance students’ outcome With the launch of a mobile-assisted language

learning app called IELTS Mentor The Learning App (IMLA), EDUTALK.,JSCin general and IELTS Mentor Center in particular makes a concerted effort to offerto learners a more effective learning method within the changes in the digital era.The app is designed to assist students in mastering essential vocabulary for the

IELTS test by providing interactive exercises, quizzes, and interesting videos.

Despite extensive research on the effects of mobile-based technologies onEnglish vocabulary acquisition (Stockwell, 2010; Lin and Lin, 2019), there are stillfew extensive studies that have been conducted to date to examine the potentialeffects of MALL on vocabulary learning perceptions in ESL learners In addition,the initial utilization of the IELTS Mentor The Learning App is still limited,meaning that there are some stills errors in operation Therefore, the researcherdecided to carry out the study “A study on the effects of IELTS Mentor The

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61C Learning App utilization for the motivation and retention of students in IELTS

MENTOR CENTER towards vocabulary acquisition”2 Rationales

There are a number of reasons why a study on the impacts of IELTS MentorThe Learning App (IMLA) usage for student motivation and retention in IELTSMentor Center toward vocabulary acquisition is necessary IELTS Mentor TheLearning App (IMLA) is one of several language learning applications that havebeen created as a result of the rising need for English language ability in today'sglobalized society The impact of these applications on language learners'motivation and retention for vocabulary learning has to be further examined,though Second, despite the widespread use of digital technologies in language

instruction, little empirical data exists about how well they work to teach

vocabulary Accordingly, this study intends to investigate how IELTS Mentor TheLearning App (IMLA) affects students' motivation and retention for vocabularylearning.

In addition, the researcher looks into the strategic measures to improveproductivity and efficiency of building up lexical resources for those utilizingIMLA to learn Accordingly, once it is accomplished, the research is projected tohave a significant positive impact on both instructors and learners Moreover, it isbelieved that the study's outcomes and recommendations aid in the developmentof the app to live up to the demand of users from a pedagogical approach Thefindings of this study may be beneficial to both the trainees and those with aninterest in this area The research's conclusions also offer advice for those whocreate IMLA's content in order to upgrade the app, followed by serving customerswho are engaging in courses at the center better.

3 Significance of the study

The research on the effects of IELTS Mentor The Learning App utilizationfor the motivation and retention of students in IELTS Mentor Center towardsvocabulary acquisition is of great significance Firstly, this study aims to contributeto the field of language learning by providing empirical evidence on theeffectiveness of digital tools for vocabulary acquisition Secondly, it is important

to investigate the impact of IELTS Mentor The Learning App on students’

motivation and retention towards language learning This is particularly relevantgiven the increasing demand for English language proficiency in today's globalizedworld Thirdly, the study will provide valuable insights into how language learning


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61C institutions like IELTS Mentor Center can incorporate modern digital tools into

their teaching methodologies to enhance their students' learning experience.Finally, the results of this study will be of practical significance for languageteachers, as they can utilize the findings to better design their teaching practices,optimize the use of digital tools, and ultimately improve the effectiveness of theirinstruction The study will shed light on the potential of language learning apps toenhance language learning outcomes and also inform the development of moreeffective language learning apps that meet the needs and expectations of language

4 Research objectives

While there is some literature on the effectiveness of language learning apps

in general, little research has been conducted on the effects of the IELTS MentorThe Learning App specifically Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impactof the app on students’ motivation and retention in acquiring vocabulary in IELTS

courses at IELTS Mentor Center.

Additionally, motivation and retention are key factors in language learningas they affect the learner's engagement and progress in the language acquisitionprocess The study will examine whether the use of the IELTS Mentor TheLearning App enhances students’ motivation to learn vocabulary and whether they

can retain and apply the newly acquired vocabulary effectively.

The findings of this research could provide insights into the potential

benefits and limitations of language learning apps, particularly the IELTS MentorThe Learning App, and help educators and learners make informed decisions aboutincorporating them into their language learning practices.

5 Research questions

The researcher sought more effective approaches to teaching and acquiringvocabulary due to students' paucity of vocabulary development, and theirconcentration on other abilities such as grammar, pronunciation, listening, and

reading comprehension The researcher works on the subsequent research

questions in order to accomplish the study's objectives:

1 What are the students' perceptions of the IELTS Mentor The Learning

App in terms of its usefulness, ease of use, and overall satisfaction withthe app?

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61C 2 What are the effects of the utilization of the IELTS Mentor TheLearning App on students’ motivation to learn vocabulary in IELTS

courses at IELTS Mentor Center?

3 How effective is the IELTS Mentor The Learning App in helpingstudents acquire and retain new vocabulary in IELTS courses at IELTSMentor Center?

6 Research scope

This research will focus on the effects of using the IELTS Mentor The

Learning App on students’ motivation and retention towards vocabularyacquisition in IELTS courses at IELTS Mentor Center The study will involve asample of students enrolled in IELTS courses at the center who use the app as part

of their language learning practices In particular, the study will examine users’perceived usefulness, ease of use, and overall satisfaction with the app The study

will not include students who do not use the app or students enrolled in otherlanguage courses at the center.

enhance students’ vocabulary learning There were 46 female students (57.5%) and

34 male students (42.5%) among the individuals questioned The participants were16 and 22 year olds, and most were fresh and sophomores, accounting for 41% and

33% respectively.

7.2 Secondary data

The secondary data utilized in the study derived from the most useful and

reliable information and articles in many fields such as vocabulary, vocabulary

teaching, and learning, motivation, and mobile-assisted language learning

(MALL) The information was gathered from a number of reliable academic


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61C sources, including Research Gate, EFL Journals, etc., with the use of the onlinetool Google Scholar As a result, the reference used in this essay is wise and

Chapter 2: Literature review - Presenting the theoretical framework of vocabulary

in foreign language teaching and learning, mobile-assisted language learning(MALL), and discussing previous theoretical models, previous studies, andresearch models.

Chapter 3: Analysis and Findings - Analyzing the collected data, major findingsChapter 4: Recommendations- Offering some feasible methods to improve IELTSMentor The Learning App’s efficiency

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This chapter gives an overview of particular details, such as roles, organizationaldesign, company history, core values, and product categories.

1.1 Overview of EDUTALK.,JSC

Edutalk Consulting Assessment and Education Development Joint StockCompany (EDƯTALK.,JSC) was established on February 5, 2018, formerly astart-up project in the field of education technology (S-tech) The head office ofthe company was located at 70 Bo Song Set Street, Hoang Mai District, Ha Noi,

Viet Nam Over the past seven years in education assistant services, Edutalk has

gradually completed and developed to create an Education Ecosystem for studentsand all ages in all parts of the country.

The company is also a leading enterprise following the model of a platformconnecting students and lecturers who are working in prestigious, quality centers,thereby ensuring meet to the needs of the learners By 2020, Edutalk has nowexpanded to the whole country with nearly 40 consulting offices and connectingmore than 65,000 students with hundreds of reliable lecturers and centers (OdinAcademy, Uni center, Amate, Pareto, Worldlink, Ha Phong IELTS, The BookGarden, ).

1.1.1 History and development

Edutalk Project was established in October 2016 with the aim of providinghigh-quality education services to students in Vietnam In March 2017,Edutalk.edu.vn was launched, offering a platform for students to accesseducational resources and services online By the end of 2017, four representativeoffices were set up across Vietnam to expand Edutalk's services In February 2018,

the company underwent a significant transformation, becoming EdutalkConsulting Assessment and Education Development Joint Stock Company

(EDUTALK.,JSC), providing comprehensive educational solutions to clients.EDUTALK.,JSC has grown into a leading provider of educational services inVietnam, recognized for its innovation, excellence, and commitment to student

The company was awarded the prestigious "PRESTIGE BRANDS FOR

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC Integrate 2022" in recognition of its efforts to

become a prominent educational connection platform, treating its partners fairly

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61C and providing high st61C andards of service while integrating technology into teaching

and business management.

1.1.2 Mission, Vision, and Core Valuese Mission:

Edutalk is a leading educational technology company in Vietnam,committed to contributing to the development of the country's education ecosystem

and worldwide Its mission is to develop Vietnam's education to the level of

advanced education in the world Edutalk serves as a reliable advisor, helpingVietnamese students choose the right instructors, classes, and learning settings thatmeet their requirements and skill levels The company values the voice of its

students and makes adjustments to ensure their success in the course Edutalk alsobrings value to its affiliates by supporting student enrollment, strategy consulting,branding, teaching management, and customer care.

e Vision:

The next five-year goal of the company is to assist 15 million Vietnamesestudents to find and connect with the best teachers, as well as create the greatest

learning environment Additionally, the enterprise always makes customers’

contentment and satisfaction a priority by providing a wide range of courses.

Furthermore, EDUTALK.,JSC makes a great contribution to the community by

creating job opportunities for local residents and high-qualified workforce Thecompany, besides, build our high-performing workers, thereby creating aneducational ecosystem for all ages across the country Not only does provideeducational solutions for local learners, but we also serve those living or workingabroad to use Edutalk's quality products and services.

e Core Value

Edutalk, a platform for finding and scheduling classes, acts as amultidirectional link between users and English language schools, instructors, andtutors Edutalk gives its customers a variety of options for courses, classes, andlecturers while still ensuring that they are legally entitled through the commitmentcontract and protected by Edutalk This is done by providing a wide connectionplatform with many partners and strict requirements in the set of linking standards.

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61C Student Accounting &

Administration FinanceOffice Department

Language Product, etc.

e Executive Office: Responsible for setting overall company strategy,

managing financial resources, and ensuring legal compliance.

e Human Resources: Responsible for managing employee recruitment,benefits, training and development, and ensuring compliance with labor

e Marketing: Responsible for promoting the company's brand, managing

advertising and public relations campaigns, and conducting marketresearch.

e Sales: Responsible for managing the company's sales operations anddeveloping sales strategies to achieve revenue targets.

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61C e Product D61C ev61C elopm61C ent: R61C esponsibl61C e for r61C es61C earching and d61C ev61C eloping n61C ewproducts and services, managing product lifecycles, and ensuring product

e Technology: Responsible for managing the company's technology

infrastructure, developing and maintaining software and hardware systems,and ensuring data security.

e Customer Support: Responsible for managing customer inquiries,

complaints, and support requests, and ensuring customer satisfaction.1.2 IELTS Mentor Centre

The IELTS Mentor Center, with more than 10 establishments spread outover Vietnam and thousands of learners, is a reputable institution that specializes

in offering high-quality test preparation services and language courses to studentspreparing for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) The

center's comprehensive range of services includes IELTS preparation courses,speaking practice sessions, and writing correction services, all aimed at helping

students to achieve their desired IELTS scores.

One of the unique features of the IELTS Mentor Center is its team ofexperienced and qualified instructors who provide personalized and engaginginstruction to students These instructors are not only native speakers of Englishbut also have extensive experience in teaching IELTS courses and have a deep

understanding of the test format, strategies, and techniques.

Another standout feature of the IELTS Mentor Center is its state-of-the-artfacilities and resources, which are designed to provide a conducive and immersive

learning environment for students The center boasts modern classrooms,

advanced technology, and a vast library of educational materials and resources,including books, sample tests, and multimedia resources.

Furthermore, the IELTS Mentor Center is committed to providing studentswith comprehensive support and guidance throughout their learning journey Thisincludes offering regular assessments, individualized feedback, and personalizedstudy plans that are tailored to each student's unique learning needs and goals Thecenter also provides ongoing support for students after they complete their courses,

including counseling and advice on study abroad programs and job opportunities.

Besides, it provides excellent and personalized IELTS training programsfor students due to its high teaching performance, leading service standards with acustomer-driven strategy, and state-of-the-art learning environment The center


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61C aims at providing outstanding courses to customers who have an expectation to

improve their English communication skills as well as take international standardexams, including IELTS.

1.3 IELTS Mentor The Learning App

IELTS Mentor The Learning App is a comprehensive mobile application

designed to help students prepare for the International English Language TestingSystem (IELTS) exam, which has launched recently on November, 2022 The appprovides a variety of resources, including practice tests, tips, and tutorials to helpstudents improve their English language proficiency and achieve their desiredIELTS score There are six characters, including Ninja, Healer, Ali, Princess,

Warrior, Ohara, in order to users taking role-play in the app When users completetheir mission in the app, they can get rewards like gold or stuff to use in threepracticing rooms in the app.

In addition, students can access to their study plan that includes abreakdown of each section of the exam, a suggested study schedule, andrecommended practice exercises This feature helps students organize their studytime effectively and ensures that they cover all of the necessary material beforetheir test date Furthermore, there are a variety of practice exercises to help studentsimprove their comprehensive four skills These exercises include multiple-choicequestions, matching exercises, and sentence completion tasks The app alsoprovides sample reading passages and questions similar to those found on the

actual IELTS exam.

The IELTS Mentor The Learning App offers three distinct practicing rooms

designed to help students prepare for the IELTS exam The first room is the SpeedRoom, which is focused on improving reading and listening skills through timedexercises The Vocabulary Builder Room is the second practicing room, which isdesigned to help students improve their vocabulary through flashcards andexercises The third and final room is the Practicing Real Test Room, whichprovides students with access to actual IELTS test questions and materials,

allowing them to simulate the test experience and gain confidence These threedistinct practicing rooms help students build a strong foundation in all areas tested

on the IELTS exam and provide them with the necessary resources to achieve their

desired scores Especially, the vocabulary builder room provides students with avariety of words and phrases commonly used on the IELTS exam This featureallows students to learn a new word three times via three videos The app also


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61C provides the pronunciation and the meaning of the word An interesting point isthat users can practice by listening and taking gap-filling as well as practicing

shadowing methods based on the content of the video In conclusion, IELTS

Mentor The Learning App is a comprehensive and user-friendly resource foranyone preparing for the IELTS exam With its variety of practice exercises, studyplans, and personalized feedback, the app is an invaluable tool for improvingEnglish language proficiency and achieving a desired IELTS score.


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In the subsequent parts, the application of mobile-assisted language learning apps(MALL) as well as the importance of lexical resources will be discussed andexamined Following that, the utilization of this kind of app will be linked to bothmotivations toward users' vocabulary acquisition as well as an illustration oflearners’ attitudes toward MALL app usage.

2.1 Vocabulary

Based on characteristics, purposes, and contexts, the term "vocabulary" has

a wide range of meanings According to Soltani (2011), lexical resources are a

contributing factor to developing all four skills for EFL learners, followed byunderstanding what is spoken and written in another language, especially English.Schmitt (2020) concurs that no communications are unquestionably formed orconveyed without grammar or linguistics since lexical elements play such asignificant part in how learners interact Academic vocabulary, according toMagalie, consists of "groups of lexical elements that are not core terms but arereasonably prevalent in academic literature." (2010; Magalia, p 9).

Moreover, there are two forms of vocabulary: active and passive The term"active vocabulary" refers to the words that are taught to pupils and that they may

use to express themselves either in writing or verbally The words that pupils are

able to identify and comprehend in a context are referred to as passive vocabulary.According to Harmmer (2007), such passive vocabulary might be found in readingor listening materials Furthermore, Webb (2009) urges learners to comprehendreceptive lexical resources in context, i.e when it is encountered in a reading textand cannot be generated by learners by written or oral forms Besides, vocabularyis described as the words of a language, both single and plural In order to form asentence, it is essential to use a lexical unit which is a set of words together, sostudents should actively build up their own lexical foundation to achieve successin language utilization and can produce a second language more fluently andeffectively.

2.1.1 Definition of vocabulary acquisition

The acquisition of new vocabulary is a requirement for languagedevelopment It is required for students to be capable of understanding the meaningof words and making use of them in both written and spoken forms However,there are still obstacles for learners to comprehend and interact in other languages


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61C apart from the mother tongue due to a paucity of the grasp of its lexicon Accordingto Khachai (2016), pupils with larger vocabulary sets grasp complex ideas more

quickly than those with smaller vocabulary sets Understanding lexicon is a

multifaceted concept that, in the words of Nation (2013), comprises form, usage,and meaning (including vocabulary facts) Students’ awareness of a word isbroadened and increased when they acquire extra vocabulary facts that give more

information about an object (Schmitt, 2014).

Vocabulary acquisition occurs either intentionally or incidentally Learning

vocabulary incidentally is doing it without paying close attention to anything in

particular Instead of intentionally learning, it is the process through which

students concentrate on deciphering the meaning of a piece of writing or listeningto surrounding things (Hong, 2010) According to Loewen & Reinders (2011),Webb & Nation (2017), and Uchihara et al 2019, incidental language learning isthe acquisition of anything without being aware of it, such as learning newvocabulary from watching movies or reading books in a foreign language When

learning material is engaging, students are more likely to pay attention because

they are personally interested in the subject, rather than because they are trying to

learn (Krashen, 2009) According to Ellis et al., 2009, purposeful and goal-directedlanguage acquisition takes place when students are aware that they are learning a

particular concept While it is easier to learn through context than only activelytaught, incidental learning also plays an essential part in language learning

(Nguyen & Boers, 2019; Peker et al., 2018; Webb & Nation, 2017).

Moreover, intentional vocabulary instruction entails drawing students’attention to the structure and meaning of words through dictionary utilization,word lists, or even direct instructor explanations While preferred and quick,

intentional learning has disadvantages Many kids learn a language in isolation and

struggle to use it appropriately in a situation Joseph (2011) referred to studenterrors It is easy for pupils to ignore collocation and word relationships, therebyopting for wrong word choices This demonstrates how pupils disregard semanticsin favor of memorization Therefore, the combination of intentional and incidentalvocabulary acquisition activities offers considerable benefits for vocabularylearning, Marulis and Neuman (2010) claimed.

2.1.2 Vocabulary teaching

There is little doubt that vocabulary plays a crucial role in teaching a second

language, especially English Reading and the capacity to grasp the gist make a


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61C significant contribution to education and knowledge acquisition Vocabularyknowledge is a great contributing factor to improving someone's reading

comprehension since it is highly connected with it (Blachowicz & Fisher, 2015;

Graves, 2016; Vacca & Mraz, 2014) Another reason why vocabulary is crucial isthat it gives one's thinking more depth and enables one to connect oral and writtenlanguages, Blachowicz & Fisher, (2015) claim According to Grave (2016),

vocabulary proficiency frequently is an essential part of a student's academicsuccess or failure.

There is a wide range of efficient techniques to encourage pupils to acquirenew vocabulary during lessons To completely understand the new term and learn

how it is conceptually connected to previous words, the students need severalopportunities to utilize the vocabulary orally and in writing (Vacca, Vacca, &Mraz, 2014) Furthermore, Robert Marzano (2003) reported that both indirect anddirect vocabulary education methods are equally successful at fosteringcrystallized intellect and modularly structured permanent memory The purpose ofvocabulary training is to commit words to long-term memory, although researchershave different ideas regarding the most efficient methods The application ofMarzano's six-step vocabulary education (Marzano, 2009) has resulted in

significant improvements in students' lexical academic outcomes Marzano has

combined several tactics into one methodical process This consists of thedescription of new vocabulary in detail, then such words would be written by thestudents in their own words In the third step, each student creates an image tosymbolize the term, and to further comprehend the new term, students dointeractive notebook exercises Finally, teachers provide pupils the chance todiscuss the new word with their peers, before they get involved in word-related

games in order to reinforce these vocabularies.

On the other hand, according to research of Richek (2006), learning occursmost effectively when pupils are actively participating, so games are a usefulvocabulary expression In addition, with language visualization, games assiststudents to stay engaged (Shields, Findlan, & Portman, 2005) Thanks totechnological advancements, nowadays, games can be turned into educational

games, which helps a lot with students’ vocabulary acquisition in particular.

Pictionary, charades, jeopardy, bingo, concentration, and fake-out are a few gamesthat have been successfully employed for vocabulary training (Shields, Findlan, &

Portman, 2005; Stahl & Nagy, 2007).


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something," writes Fachraini in Harmer (2007), (p 28) In 2010, Guay et al.,

publised that motivation is the fundamental causes of conduct ( 2010).

Success in second language growth depends on motivation (Dörnyei, 2005).Studies have shown that motivation plays important roles in picking up secondlanguage language With English language learners who speak Chinese as theirfirst language (L1), Tseng and Schmidt (2008) created a structural model ofvocabulary learning They then showed how a motivational construct made up ofvocabulary learning self-efficacy, vocabulary learning anxiety, and vocabulary

learning attitudes positively influenced self-regulation in vocabulary learning. Kinds of motivation

Gardner's Theory of Motivation

One of the most important theories of second language acquisition is theGardner Motivation Theory According to Gardner (2001), there are threecomponents in motivation including effort, desire, and a favorable impact onlanguage acquisition The two types of motivational orientations proposed byGardner and Lambert (1972 as cited in Pourhosein Gilakjani, Leong, & Saburi,2012) are integrative and instrumental motivational orientations The term"instrumental orientation" refers to a learner's motivation to pick up a foreign

language in order to get something tangible, such a job, a pay raise, or a career

advancement Integrative orientation describes the aim of language learners tolearn a second language by integration with speakers of the target language,

especially to gain knowledge of the target-language culture.

Self-determination theory

One of the key tenets of second language learning motivation is the Deciand Ryan (1995) theory, which outlines the fundamental elements of motivatedbehavior in an effort to assist learners’ external and internal impulses toward

learning a foreign language The purpose of this theory is to identify the two


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61C primary categories of intentional conduct as well as motivating and purposefulactions (self-determined and controlled) While controlled actions are constantlyimpacted by outside influences, self-determined behaviors are the consequence of

own wants and preferences Furthermore, according to this idea, motivation shouldbe seen from a variety of angles As a result, the concepts of intrinsic, extrinsic,

and amotivation were developed.

e Intrinsic motivation

When someone is motivated to accomplish something because they find it

delightful, this is referred to as having intrinsic motivation If an L2 learner isinterested in integrating into the L2 culture, intrinsic motivation might become

integrative motivation It may additionally evolve into instrumental motivation ifthe learner desires to accomplish goals using L2 Similar integrative motivation in

individuals can reveal significant variances between internal and extrinsicmotivation Integrative and practical motivation connected to L2 language

acquisition involves both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Brown, 2000).

e Extrinsic motivation

As opposed to intrinsic drive, extrinsic motivation is concentrated on an

individual's pursuit of benefits and considerably diminished autonomy as a resultof outside influence Extrinsic motivation describes behaviors taken in order toachieve certain practical goals, such as receiving a reward or avoiding punishment.

Extrinsic motivation may manifest as integrative motivation if a third party wantsthe L2 learner's integration of the L2 into their own culture Alternatively, extrinsicmotivation may manifest as instrumental motivation if a third party desires the L2learner's acquisition of the L2 language Also, someone who is extrinsicallymotivated will exhibit high levels of creativity; engage in a number of trials and

risky experiences (Shin & Zhou, 2003).

e Amotivation

According to self-determination theory, "amotivation" is the dearth of arelationship between someone's behavior and the outcomes With this sort ofmotivation, neither intrinsically nor external rewards can drive doing anything.

2.2.2 Motivation in learning English vocabulary

There have been scholarly investigations into the many facets of motivationin several academic fields, but no one theory has yet been able to fully account forits complexity As is well known, motivation plays a significant part in how well


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61C children learn There are some of the roles of motivation as indicated in certain

experts’ books.

Firstly, Djamarah (2011) categorized the function into three categories:

e Asa spark for action, motivation

Motivation that serves as a stimulant will affect pupils' attitudes during learning.Students initially seem disinterested in studying, but they motivate themselves todo so since there is something to be identified.

e The motivation behind an action

Strong forces that give rise to attitudes in people's minds eventually manifest asthe psychophysical movement They have extremely powerful cognitive processesthat work with their bodies, actions, and minds to completely comprehend the

lessons taught.

e The role of motivation in leading an action

The function of motivation, which can determine what should be done and what isnot done by pupils when it comes to learning The purpose of learning itself serves

as a compass for learning.

In addition, Suhana (2014) declared the presence of four functions of motivationbelow:

e A motivating factor in students’ learning behavior is motivation.

e A tool for influencing how well kids learn is motivation.

e Motivation is a tool that may be used to help students reach their learninggoals.

e Motivation is a tool for creating a system of education that is morepurposeful.

Finally, Sardiman (2014) also included three motivational purposes as follows:

e Motivation is the force behind all future actions because it persuades people

to take action.

e The direction of the action that will be taken is determined by motivation.

e By excluding acts that would be helpful for the objective, motivationchooses the actions and then determines what suitable actions must be takento accomplish the goal.

2.3 Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)

There is still no complete definition for mobile-assisted language learning(MALL), according to YYkselir, 2017 The term "mobility" has several diverse


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61C meanings MALL is sometimes viewed as a specific field of m-learning, which isthe mechanism of language acquisition using mobile devices There are stillarguments among academics about the difference between mobile-assisted

language learning (MALL) and computer-assisted language learning (CALL);

nevertheless, MALL differs from CALL in that it makes use of individual andportable devices that give rise to novel learning techniques, spontaneous access,

and interactions across various platforms Therefore, it allows MALL to be

learner-centered rather than teacher-led as in CALL (Chen et al., 2020) In the

perspectives of Traxler (2007), m - learning as a variety of instructional serviceswhere gadgets are eclipsing other forms of technology is deficient since it has norelation to distance learning Burston (2014) explores the distinctive features ofMALL and suggests a definition of MALL as tailored activities that satisfylearners’ requirements due to its portability and flexibility Thus, MALL can bedefined as the private and public method of acquiring knowledge through inquiryand discourse across multiple platforms and contexts, made possible by people'susage of interactive technology (Seraj et al., 2021) This definition will be used as

the main definition of MALL for the purposes of this study because it is the most

comprehensive and current.

With several devices and apps, mobile learning is a fast-paced field Despite

numerous attempts to integrate these tools in virtual learning, MALL has quicklybeen adopted for tremendous benefits when utilized as an outstanding languagelearning resource With nearly 4.6 billion users globally, a recent InternationalTelecommunication Union (ITU) (2009) research analysis revealed thatsmartphones have gained in popularity, followed by the growing utilization ofmobile learning equipment Technological advancements and the explosive rise of

the mobile industry are the main reasons for such tremendous development In

recent decades, the prevalence of cell phones has sparked innovation among

The cellphone is a better vehicle for lexical acquisition than traditionaltechniques, Lu (2008) mentioned However, he asserts the need for participationin the educational process A similar study discovered that students who frequentlyget exposed to vocabulary messages outperformed those who viewed them seldomon post-tests Chinnery (2006) leveraged mobile phones to take advantage of theInternet for academic purposes in recent research They discovered that studentshad positive opinions about using those high-tech tools for MALL and were

motivated and prompted to learn on WAP sites.


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61C The aforementioned studies show that cell phones are utilized for educationdue to their accessibility, affordability, practicality, and ease.

2.3.1 Theoretical Frameworks2.3.1.1 Cognitive Load Theory

Digital learning environments are frequently complicated, which requires

users’ cognitive function processing, as Norman (2011) confirmed Vocabulary

acquisition could take place when any requirements and the related cognitive

recollection resources meet the educational learning objectives Learning mightbe hindered or even blocked if the demands do not assist the desired studentlearning outcome One of the areas of focus of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) isthe utilization of working memory resources The foundation of CLT consists offour elements: a working memory with given constraints, an unbounded long-termmemory, long-term memory schemas, and automation of schemas Workingmemory is a key component of learning, and CLT stresses the issue of helpful andunneeded cognitive activities using up working memory, or cognitive loads (deJong, T.(2010); Sweller, 2010; Martin, 2014) It is believed that the efficiency of

learning depends on the cognitive operations carried out in working memory Only

when information processing is uninterrupted can students create a sufficient

schema that will be successfully preserved in long-term memory. Cognitive Load Theory and Motivation

While it is implicitly believed among academics that individuals must have

some intention in order to pay attention to pertinent information and build aframework, the CLT does not directly address contributing factors (Moreno andMayer, 2007; Schnotz et al., 2009) The relationship between such forces and CLT

has recently been studied by researchers (e.g., Schnotz et al., 2009; Ismail et al.,

2013) It is obvious that, within certain bounds, motivation might temporarilyboost working memory capacity (Schnotz et al., 2009) It is thought that motivationis an essential part in controlling the amount of mental effort and recollectionresources given to get a task done (Vollmeyer and Rheinberg, 2006; Schnotz et al.,

Nonetheless, it is vague how factors influence the distribution of memoryresources, and this is a subject that requires more research (de Jong, 2010; Ismailet al., 2013) Motivation could be an additional causative agent in the perseverance

of understanding under high cognitive load and perhaps even saturation caused by


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61C the intangible and tangential load Encouragement has been proposed to be

accountable for allocating working memory resources to the contextual pile, suchas in the renovation and digitalization of schemas (Moreno and Mayer, 2007) Themain discussion of motivation is in connection to relevant cognitive burdens

(Ismail et al., 2013) Motivational elements, such as difficulty, anxiety, curiosity,and the likelihood of success, can either motivate or dissuade students fromengaging in important learning processes, according to Ismail et al (2013) (p.329) Among these ideas, it has been demonstrated that student interests and beliefs(such as self-efficacy) influence the distribution of the required cognitive effort

(Renninger and Hidi, 2011).

Higher levels of internal motivation may encourage students to devote moretime and effort to studying, as well as to think about knowledge in more depth(Lazarevic and Trebjeanin, 2013; Lee, 2013; Yurdugiil and Menzi, 2015) Deepand surface learning techniques, which are distinguished by reasons and tactics,are discussed in research on self-regulated learning and learning strategies (Lee,2013) These methods refer to the patterns of learning techniques that studentsemploy when carrying out a particular learning assignment (Lee, 2013).

Accordingly, it is more likely for students who engage in active learning to bemotivated by external motivation and aspire for quick course completion, while

the students who engage in reinforcement learning are more able to be driven by

internal goals and pursue knowledge and understanding (Baeten et al., 2013; Lee,

2013; Laird et al., 2014).

2.3.2 The effects of MALL utilization on users The effects of MALL on user learning’s motivation

Theoretically, based on Banduras Social Learning Theory, which

supported the idea that students’ actions are greatly impacted by the results of those

decisions (Bandura, 2006), smartphone utilization for education can be compatiblewith them Therefore, learners could understand and predict the outcomes of theiractions in this way There are four key elements, including motivation, attention,memory, and reproduction, that can prompt learning throughout this process

( Kirsch, 2010; Yearta, 2012).

Mobile phone-assisted vocabulary training apps might also be perfectchoices with this approach Accessibility, in order to acquire the tasks, payingattention to the task, and following the procedures, play crucial roles in achievingsuccess in the learning activities The predicted benefits of getting additional credit


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61C as well 61C as changing the learners’ intentions towards the t61C asks they are 61C assigned canalso help them have a deeper commitment to the models and other important

elements thought required to accomplish the reward (Bandura, 2006).

Furthermore, the text, pictures, music, and video that may be transferred to mobiledevices may help the stuff you experience stick in your memory longer The thingsthat need to be attended to and experienced are mentally organized and coded usingmemory Finally, learners' actions are adjusted based on feedback received from

the teacher via applications, allowing them to replicate the right answers to theassignment As monitoring and concentrating on the feedback given enableslearners to take actions that will seek to optimize the benefits received, this

feedback may also be viewed as imitative learning (Bandura, 2006).

In addition, according to trial-and-error learning (Simpson & Stansberry,2008), learners’ experiences and outcomes have great effects on their behavior.The reason is that they have a tendency to choose the route that offers the least

amount of difficulty to reach the objective, thereby giving them a sense ofhappiness and fulfillment Mobile educational applications can offer learners

several alternatives to join in with a task The user and mobile device's interactionallows the student to engage in multiple activities and receive rewards as well aspenalties depending on those selections The participants can keep acquiringknowledge under various circumstances after they have identified the cognitiveand behavioral principles behind it, which can happen through a blending ofpositive and negative rewards (Blachowicz & Fisher, 2008; Skinner, 2006). The effects of MALL on users’ vocabulary acquisition

Vocabulary building is regarded as a key component of learning English(Nation, 2020; Zou et al., 2021) According to Sung et al (2016), L2 learners might

devote their leisure time to acquiring new vocabulary thanks to the

user-friendliness of mobile-based alternatives The use of mobile-assisted software alsoallows students to study at their own pace (Norris et al., 2011; Hung et al., 2012).To illustrate, several mobile educational learning applications enable L2 studentsto access various materials kinds for study offline, while others provide context-relevant terms by turning on Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate students(Godwin-Jones, 2011) With an experimental study approach, Wu (2015) alsoexamined the influence of smartphone applications on vocabulary learning for EFLlearners The results showed that when it came to acquiring English vocabulary,the students being supported by mobile-assisted language learning apps got betteroutcomes Similarly, according to Li and Hafner (2022), both the mobile-assisted


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61C and conventional classes have positive impacts on the student's vocabularyknowledge, but the mobile-assisted class outperformed the traditional one.

It is also observed that mobile-assisted learning has beneficial impacts on

knowledge acquisition and content understanding (Connolly et al., 2012) Inaddition, a handful of other research (Vogel et al., 2006; Divjak and Tomic, 2011;Young et al., 2012) have examined the efficiency of mobile-assisted learningapplications and found interactive simulations have greater cognitiveimprovements in those who utilized them than those receiving conventionalinstruction Klimova (2017) asserts that MALL is a very successful instrument forenhancing the language skills of students of all ages and that the majority ofstudents find its use to be helpful for learning English Furthermore, most studentsnotice that MALL usage generally allows students to boost their Englishproficiency (Burston, 2014) According to Metruk (2021), MALL amelioratesvocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in addition to the four essentialcomprehensive abilities, including listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

Traditional vocabulary instruction approaches have been shown to beoutdated and have a poor impact on students’ attitudes toward learning (Chen, C.M., & Chung, C J (2008)) because it is often tedious and deprives motivation of

students for lexical acquisition (Chen & Chung, 2008; Solak & Cakir, 2015).

Nevertheless, according to Dornyei (2020), motivation is a vibrant feature thatchanges based on the work According to De Naeghel et al (2012), one of thequality requirements for education is encouraging pupils to build up their ownvocabulary sets Students may find it advantageous to utilize mobile learning appsto practice in addition to the class In addition, according to Duman, G., Orhon, G.,& Gedik, N (2014) and Liu, P L (2016), with the cutting-edge development of

technology and the increasing popularity of smart devices, there are new chances

to improve vocabulary knowledge either actively through vocabulary learningtasks or more incidental vocabulary acquisition The utilization of mobile-assistedlanguage learning apps can boost their motivation, improve their learningefficiency, and reach a higher level of learning fulfillment Sandberg, J., Maris, M.& De Geus, K (2011) and Wu, T T & Huang, Y M (2017) wrote. Challenges of mobile-assisted language learning app utilization

In spite of its numerous advantages, MALL could be detrimental forteachers and learners too Research done thus far has shown both positive andnegative findings, suggesting that MALL is not as successful as first supposed.


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61C According to Chinnery (2006), with one-finger data entry and tiny displays,

Smartphones are not suited for the development of writing skills due to thesefactors Moreover, they claim that while mobile phones may be utilized forreviewing and practicing information, they are inappropriate learning tools One-finger data entry could be accountable for this failure to complete the storyassignments on time, and it may also show that MALL does not always enhance

all language learning skills It also might be the culprit of the failure of spoken

contact caused by the increased recognition of user outcomes through visualproducts rather than verbal communication.

It has been argued for the effectiveness of MALL apps in helping studentslearn languages, despite the fact that most students admire it for its simplicity(Nguyen, 2021) In order for the MALL software to function properly, it isbelieved that they need Internet access, which students in rural regions, especially

those in developing nations like Vietnam, sometimes cannot afford (Seraj et al.,

2021) This is the same problem that desktop CALL users have, therefore it is nota serious MALL concern (Nguyen, 2021).

In addition, it is thought that several MALL apps operate in an overly

sophisticated and time-consuming approach, squandering the time of students to

run the system (Taj et al., 2016) Nevertheless, Seraj et al (2021) assert that most

MALL apps currently are developed with user interaction in mind, leading to anew breed of exceptionally user-friendly applications This follows that it isgenerally believed that MALL is straightforward to utilize and that the bulk of its

usage-related challenges is not insurmountable (Seraj et al., 2021) According toLu’s research about the effectiveness of vocabulary learning using mobile deviceswith Taiwanese EFL students (2008), the level of English of participants wasimproved moderately.


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This chapter provides illustrations of the findings'im-depth analysis and the viewsof students on utilizing IELTS Mentor The Learning App to expand their lexicalresources as well as the impact of this app on learners' motivation and retention tolearn English vocabulary

3.1 Demographic data analysis

3.1.1 Students’ time duration of learning English and their vocabulary level

@ Elementary

@ Pre-intermediate@ Intermediate

@ Upper-Intermediate@ Advanced

@ Less than 5 years

intermediate levels In particular, the number of students who allocated from 5 toless than 10 years to study English accounts for 43,4%, and the figures for studentswho have learned English from 10 to 15 years were slightly lower, at 39,6%.Conversely, 9,4% of the participants answered that it has taken less than 5 yearsfor them to improve their English abilities, while only 7,5 of them said that theyspent over 15 years doing so.

However, the percentage of participants who are intermediate and intermediate learners makes up 41,5% and 37,7% respectively In contrast, 9,4%

pre-of respondents said that their vocabulary level was elementary and similarly, there

are extremely small proportions of them reached upper-intermediate and advancedstandards, at 3,9% and 7,5% in that order This might be the fact that a significant


Ngày đăng: 22/07/2024, 22:06