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Bài tập nhóm - Hệ thống & chiến lược kênh phân phối của Heineken

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Bài tập nhóm - Nghiên cứu thiết kế & chiến lược kênh phân phối của Heineken 507 / 5,000 A. Giới thiệu B. Phân tích kênh tiếp thị • Quản lý dòng chảy trên phân phối chanel D. Thiết kế cấu trúc kênh và Chiến lược cho Heineken B. Phân tích kênh tiếp thị • Tiêu chí phân khúc người dùng cuối: Dịch vụ đầu ra B. Phân tích kênh tiếp thị • Định vị thương hiệu • Tỷ lệ chiết khấu áp dụng cho người bán • Tỷ lệ hoa hồng áp dụng cho người bán B. Phân tích kênh tiếp thị • Mẫu hiệu quả • Dịch vụ được yêu cầu • Phân tích khoảng cách dịch vụ B. Phân tích kênh tiếp thị • Thực hiện hoặc mua C. Vấn đề và giải pháp

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Lecturer: Tran Duc TuanClass:211.MKT1127E.B06EGroup: 01

Ho Chi Minh City, January 2022JOB ALTERNATIVE TABLENo

Name ofmembers

% ofcontributio

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1 Dương Thái

A Introduction

B Marketing Channel Analysis

Flow management on the distributionchanel

D Design Channel Structure And Strategies For Heineken

2 Mai Văn Ti nế

B Marketing Channel Analysis

End-user segmentation criteria: Service

3 Tô Minh Tân 195041159

B Marketing Channel Analysis

Brand positioning

Discount rate apply to seller

Commission rate apply to seller

B Marketing Channel Analysis

The efficiency template

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I.Flow management on the distribution channel 21

1 Product line distribution channel: 21

2 Negotiation line in distribution: 22

3 Ownership line: 22

4 Information line: 22

5 Promotion line 23

6 Payment line 23

II End-user segmentation criteria: Service outputs 24

III Brand Positioning 26

1 Heineken’s market segment 26

2 Target market 27

3 Heineken positioning in the market 28

4 Positioning chart 29

IV Discount rate apply to seller : 29

V.Commission rate apply to seller: 30

VI Channel Functions 30

1 The efficiency template: 30

2 Service demanded: 32

3 Service gap analysis: 33

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List of Figure

Figure 1: Key Milestones in Vietnam (from 1991 to 2017) 3

Figure 2: Heineken Pilsener 7

Figure 3: Heineken Premium Light 7

Figure 4: Heineken Silver 7

Figure 5: Heineken 0.0 8

Figure 6: Heineken's logo 9

Figure 7: Heneken's slogan 10

Figure 8: Distribution diagram of heineken vietnam brewery 15

Figure 9: Product line distribution channel 21

Figure 10: Positioning chart of Vietnamese beer 29

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List of Table

Table 1: Average beer price survey in Vietnam 12

Table 2: Price list of Heineken 13

Table 3: Revenue bonus according to the number of sales 19

Table 4: Special promotion table for dealers 20

Table 5: Business-to-business channel segments for a watch product 25

Table 6: Differences between customer groups in each segment 26

Table 7:Personal income & Requirements for benefits – price for beer market segments 29Table 8: Discount to seller 29

Table 9: Commission to seller 30

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A INTRODUCTIONII.Company Introduction

1 History

1.1 In the world

The history of Heineken beer began on December 16, 1863, when Gerard AdrianHeineken bought the De Hooiberg brewery in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.In 1869, hetraveled around Europe in search of the best ingredients to make beer and realized theimportance of “brewing yeast below” instead of the traditional “brewing yeast above”.In1873, the Heineken brand was officially born.

At first, the factory only produced beer for the domestic market.In the earlytwentieth century (1912), Heineken sought to bring beer beyond borders, exporting toBelgium, Great Britain, West Africa, India and the surrounding areas.In 1933, Heinekenbecame the first foreign beer imported into the US after the ban on alcohol productionwas lifted and quickly built a premium beer image in this market.Continuing that success,Heineken aggressively entered the Asian market in 1936.

1942, Alfred Henry HeinekenGrandson Heineken’s grandson joined the company,“excavating” the potential of the advertising field, expanding the beer brand HeinekenAfter more than a century of birth with great successes achieved Yes, Heineken hasaffirmed its leading position as a famous beer worldwide, present in 170 countries aroundthe world with 120 factories in more than 60 countries, beer production volume up to 109million hectoliters annual.According to Interbrand/Business Week’s annual ranking andevaluation of the 100 strongest brands in the world, the Heineken brand is worth $2.4billion, classified as “Beer Category Launch of the year” by ADSA, and won 3 awards.inPR, packaging and radio promotion of Grocer magazine’s annual awards for advertisingand marketing.

1.2.In Viet Nam

In 1992, the world-famous Heineken beer was imported directly from theNetherlands into Vietnam The innovation policy has opened many investmentopportunities and helped the world’s leading brands reach consumers more widely In thattrend, in 1991, Heineken beer was first produced in Vietnam by Vietnam Brewery Limited(VBL ) in the form of a joint venture with a Vietnamese beer company Heineken a jointventure partner with Saigon Trade Corporation (SATRA), with proud imprints andachievements Starting from its first factory in Ho Chi Minh City in 1991, HeinekenVietnam now operates 6 factories with 3,500 employees across Vietnam Up to now,Heineken has successfully built a high-class beer image in the minds of Vietnamesepeople and has a strong foothold in the Vietnamese beer market.

The year 2021 marks 30 years of establishment and development of HEINEKENVietnam “People are at the heart of our development journey in Vietnam” HeinekenVietnam has created 183,000 jobs throughout the value chain, contributing 0.9% to thenational GDP.

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“As a company that is constantly innovating, we combine international experiencewith know-how and deep understanding of the Vietnamese market to bring to Vietnameseconsumers a diverse and relevant product portfolio with different needs, interests andenjoyment times”

In Vietnam, Heineken manufactures and distributes the brands Heineken®, Tiger,Larue, Bivina, Bia Viet and Strongbow; including products created by Vietnamesebrewers themselves, exclusively for beer lovers across Vietnam such as Bia Viet – thenewest brand in Heineken’s product portfolio.

Sustainable and responsible business is the guideline for all activities of HeinekenVietnam This is reflected in the commitment “For a better Vietnam” from the verybeginning of its establishment Heineken Vietnam has been honored by the VietnamChamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in the TOP 3 Most SustainableManufacturing Enterprises in Vietnam for 5 consecutive years (2016 - 2020) Heinekencurrently use 56% renewable energy in our factories; and reuse or recycle up to 99% ofwaste and by-products Heineken are also a pioneer in responsible drinkingcommunication and solving the problem of driving after drinking in Vietnam

In 2020, Heineken Vietnam launched Heineken® 0.0 to accompany thegovernment’s efforts in these activities.

a Vision & value in Vietnam

Heineken Vietnam’s vision is to become the leading, proud & responsible brewer inVietnam, guided by core values: Respect for People & Planet, Enjoy Life, Quality, Desirefor success.

Target by 2025: Despite the serious impact of COVID-19 in 2020, HEINEKEN

Vietnam believes that climate change remains the greatest threat facing Vietnam in theforeseeable future Responding to climate change requires a clear and long-term roadmapthat is demanding yet realistic Accordingly, HEINEKEN Vietnam has set out ambitious2025 targets from an environmental perspective:

100% Renewable Energy: Using 100% renewable thermal and electrical energy atall six HEINEKEN breweries across Vietnam (currently five out of six source all thermalenergy from renewable sources).

100% Water Balanced: HEINEKEN Vietnam will replenish every single drop ofwater that goes into its products with water for the environment.

ZERO Waste to Landfill: HEINEKEN Vietnam aims to reuse or recycle 100% of itswaste or by-products (currently at 99% already), sending zero waste to landfill.

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b Key Milestones in Vietnam

Figure 1: Key Milestones in Vietnam (from 1991 to 2017)

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2 SWOT Analysis

S1: With a long history andstrong development in morethan 170 countries, there are130 manufacturing plants in70 countries Reliable andhigh-quality products all overthe world.

S2: Modern productionprocess, high quality.

S3: The firm has strongfinancial potential and anationwide distributionsystem.

S4: Focusing on PR andmarketing, delivering uniqueand eye-catching ads tocustomers.

S5: Vietnamese people arestrongly impressed by thedesign of the green glassbottle with the luxurioustraditional red flag logo withyellow star.

W1: The scale of the factorysystem is not synchronized,many branches lead to manydifficulties in management,requiring leaders to have along-term vision anddetermination to lead thecompany.

W2: Product prices are highcompared to people’sincomes.

W3: Using images andbillboards of foreignersshould not create familiarityand closeness withVietnamese consumers.

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Opportunities (O)SO StrategiesWO Strategies

O1: Currently, the beermarket is growingstrongly, people tend todrink foreign beer andpremium beer.

O2: There are more andmore potential customersthanks to the growing

O3: The growingeconomy leads to anincreasing demand forpeople’s living standards.O4: Beer consumption inVietnam ranks 3rd inAsia.

O5: has joined TPP.O6: Focus only on thehigh-end market.

S (1,2,3) – O (2,4)Focus on promoting PRwork In addition toadvertising, organizing manyactivities and events to helpproducts reach more

W (2,4) – O (1)Pay attention to the image ofVietnam instead of spendingtoo much on foreignadvertising With luxuriousdesign along with the rustic ofVietnam will raise the imagevalue higher, attracting othersa lot In addition, it isnecessary to synchronize theretail chain, the best way foragents to make it easier forpeople to access.

T1: Regulations andpolicies to limit alcohol.T2: Many competitors onproduct price.

T3: Raw materials forproduction are almostimported from abroad.The production cost isrelatively high.

T4: Heineken is spendingtoo much budget on

advertising activities.T5: The youngpopulation is growingfast but the prices don’tsuit them.

T6: Beer is a product thatis not recommended to

S (3,4) – T (1,3,4)Reach more consumers bypromoting close images suchas putting glass bottles inparallel with cans, familiarslogans and always havingmarketing staff in places thatare easily accessible tocustomers.

Although the current price ofHeineken is still increasingyear by year, Heinekenalways has a way to affirm itsbrand, always be at theforefront of innovation trendsand capture consumer taste,always listen to customers’opinions and organizeactivities at the supermarket

W (1,3) – T (1,4)With the growing youngpopulation, the high price ofHeineken will lead to the riskof losing opportunities topenetrate the youngVietnamese market It isnecessary to optimize theproduct, not only payingattention to the high-endmarket but also the mid-market, larger population,hitting the young market byrunning more on the media,organizing events outdoorevents with many promotionson prices or products.

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drink too much to listen to customers’opinions Create your ownflavor Let customers feel theunique things that are onlyavailable at Heineken, createspecial promotions forcustomers.

III.Marketing Mix1 Product Strategy

- ABV concentration 5%, using pure water.

- Barley is carefully selected (harvested in the summer, the time when barley isstrongest, tastiest, and has the best nutritional content).

- Brewed by Houblon flowers (planted in a natural style, without chemicalfertilizers).

- The unique A-yeast (discovered by Dr Elion, a student of the scientist LouisPasteur), gives Heineken beer a unique flavor that is now stored in Switzerland andsupplied to 110 brewing establishments monthly).

- The CO2 used in beer brewing is always pure to ensure that the beer always has thepurest taste.

To maintain the quality of beer to this day, Heineken has to go through a very strictquality control process From input materials to finished products, they have to gothrough more than 120 inspection stages Therefore, the Heineken brand has always woninternational awards for beer quality and is the most consumed brand in the world.

Heineken includes the following categories: Heineken short neck bottles, long neckbottles, large cans, medium cans, 5-liter barrels And newly launched embossed cans andbottles, etc.

Classification of Heineken beer products in Vietnam market, including the following4 main types:

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Figure 2: Heineken Pilsener

* Heineken Pilsener: is one of Heineken’s popular beers, still retaining the same

taste as the early days of production Heineken Pilsener beer has a slightly bitter, cooltaste, fruit aroma, bright color; still has the distinctive character of Heineken beer, whichis obtained from the use of the purest water, hops and barley The alcohol content is 5%.

Figure 3: Heineken Premium Light

* Heineken Premium Light: is a beer produced by Heineken for the US market It

was introduced to the market in 2005, but before that it took Heineken 10 years toresearch the market and select from 20 different ideas The alcohol content is 3.3%.

Figure 4: Heineken Silver

* Heineken Silver: Light, smooth, easy to drink while preserving the full flavor of

Heineken’s world-famous brand With a perfectly balanced taste, Heineken Silver will bethe ideal companion to accompany all fun, especially during meals, which is a popularbeer-drinking habit in Vietnam Alcohol content is 4%.

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Figure 5: Heineken 0.0

* Heineken 0.0: is a non-alcoholic beer product (0.0% alcohol beer) brewed from

natural ingredients, with a unique formula to create a unique balanced taste and containsonly 69 calories in each 330ml bottle or can.

1.2.External identification

When it comes to Heineken, everyone immediately thinks of the characteristicnatural green color and luxurious design of the bottle From its inception in 1873 untilnow, Heineken blue has remained the same and has become a traditional blue of this 130-year-old international beer brand.

Heineken introduced to the Vietnamese market a new look of bottled beer withunique and breakthrough innovations such as the entire bottle label being printed onspecial metallic paper with luxurious metallic lines The bottle cap has a metal borderaround the words “Heineken Quality”.

Besides, green symbolizes nature, life, freshness and purity Heineken beer is“sourced from nature”, evoking the natural, fresh and pure taste that is so characteristic ofHeineken This blue color makes consumers can feel the coolness when feeling beforeuse, especially on hot days.

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a Logo

Figure 6: Heineken's logo

The Heineken logo represents its uniqueness The five-pointed red star representsthe basic elements: earth, water, wind, fire, and the magic that makes up Heineken; Thered star is also a symbol of the quality of the traditional brewing method that originatedmore than 500 years ago The letters “e” in the words Heineken are intentionally “tilted”to look like “smiling faces” - a feeling of comfort when enjoying Heineken Also below isa picture of Houblon flowers - one of the ingredients that make up the pure flavor ofHeineken.

b Slogan

“It could only be Heineken” has always been Heineken’s main tagline Thistagline is in line with the company’s product advertising strategy based on productcharacteristics: Everything seems to be difficult but for Heineken due to its attractionfrom beer quality to luxurious design and With a specific color outside, everythingbecomes easier And only Heineken can show the luxury style with world-class qualitythat not all beer brands have, helping customers to express their “ego” When drinkingbeer, people choose not only based on quality but also brand Drinking bottled beer,connoisseurs choose Heineken for the simple “It could only be Heineken” No need totalk about quality, only talking about communication, Heineken is still the only beer thatreaches consumers by making an impression.

Some slogans over the years have accompanied Heineken:

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- 1985 La bière qui fait aimer la bière - 1988 Heineken refreches the parts other

beers cannot reach

- 1995 Every bottle has its bottle

- 1998 How refreshing! How Heineken! - 1999 The world’s favourite import - 2000 It’s all about the beer.

Figure 7: Heneken's slogan

Heineken aims to become one of the leading companies in global brewing; gethigher profits compared to other international brewers, and build the Heineken brand tobecome a leading international brand To achieve these goals, Heineken sets a high pricefor its products, targeting consumers with good incomes and above, using the price toaffirm the product’s quality and brand value.

Business production costs:

Investment in technology and production lines

Heineken invests a lot in infrastructure to ensure that their systems work efficiently.For example, Heineken has four breweries in Russia, all of which use automatedtechnology This line can handle both 50 liters and 30-liter container packing, with acapacity of 140 barrels/hour Along with that, there are 6 washing and disinfectingstations in a 2-lane conveyor belt to ensure the best beer quality.

Cost of input materials

The bottle supplier for Heineken is Heye Glas Nederland, which supplies a fullrange of green bottles for Heineken’s worldwide distribution of beer Previously,Heineken only held a 33% stake in Glas Heye to ensure a low-cost supply of high-qualityexport bottles to meet demand, but since 2002 Heineken has kept 100% of the company’sshares.

Beer is produced by water, wheat, hops and yeast These ingredients are suppliedmainly by farmers Therefore, the threat of supplier power is quite high In addition, thecompetition of agricultural products from the biotech industry also affects their costs.

However, that does not mean that they reduce the cost of input materials while stillensuring good quality in the market.

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Advertising and selling expenses

To build a strong brand as it is today, according to many analysts, in addition to thefact that the beer must be delicious and high-quality to be admired by connoisseurs, thecompany also spends more than 10% of its total revenue on the company marketing andadvertising activities (specifically, in 2002, the company spent nearly 14% of revenue, 4to 5% higher than competitors’ spending) Moreover, Heineken also receives sponsorshipand advertising rights for many major sports events in the world such as World Cup,Champions League, professional tennis tournaments can enter so that the famous name iseven more famous.

Reputation and product quality:

This factor significantly affects the selling price of the product Heineken beer is ofhigh quality, guaranteed, reputable, creating trust for consumers, so it allows the companyto set a high selling price without causing negative reactions from consumers.

b External factors

Characteristics of the market and demand:

With consumption of billions of liters, plus a growth rate of 15% per year, Vietnam’sbeer market ranks third in Asia in terms of consumption volume Vietnam is expected tobecome Heineken’s largest beer market in the world in the list of 170 markets in the worldwith this beer line available This huge consumption made the Vietnamese beer market“wake up” with the appearance of a series of new beer brands Despite being at a highlevel, beer consumption is still increasing strongly despite the difficulties of the economy.According to a survey by Kantar Worldpanel Vietnam in 4 big cities (Hanoi, Ho Chi MinhCity, Can Tho, Da Nang), from the beginning of the year until now, about 120 millionliters of beer (equivalent to 2,900 billion VND) have been consumed.

=> The demand for beer of Vietnamese people has increased, Heineken beer is almostpresent in markets from urban to rural areas People’s price acceptance and productselling price and product demand are seen is an inverse relationship.

- Consumer psychological needs:

The psychology of consumers always wants the product they buy to be suitable fortheir pocket not only beautiful in design but also guaranteed in quality.

Heineken always puts quality assurance standards on top, besides always changingdesigns to match the trends of the times and show the unique level of famous beer brandsin the world.


When entering the Vietnamese beer market, Heineken faced many difficulties…from competing with beer brands such as Habeco and Sabeco to cultural barriers and theaverage income of Vietnamese people.

Recently, there has been a boom in the brewing industry with the mass entry ofsmall breweries increasing the competition in the industry Heineken is one of the largestbreweries in the world and they have to share the market with these brewers Barriers to

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entry into the beer market are very low, so the threat of new competitors to Heineken ishigh This causes Heineken to look to create innovation or originality in their products tomaintain a competitive edge in the beer market.

Heineken has created a strong brand name in the world beer market and createdstrong trust among consumers However, Heineken is also subject to strong competitionfrom local brewers.

1.4.The process of determining the selling price

a Define pricing goals and directions

Valuation by business

Since entering the Vietnamese market as well as other markets in the world,Heineken has always aimed at people with good income or more and maintained the goalof becoming the world’s top-quality beer product Heineken always ensures the bestquality, the most characteristic flavor to consumers.

Therefore, Heineken has always been trusted by consumers and has a strong positionin the market It shows that not only do these beer drinkers know about it, but everyoneknows it when they hear the name Heineken have the bottle with unmistakable blue can.=> Heineken is beneficial in pricing its products.

To see this clearly, a small survey on the price of canned beer was carried out:

Table 1: Average beer price survey in Vietnam

The survey shows that Heineken’s price is almost higher than all competingproducts after Budweiser.

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That shows that Heineken’s pricing strategy has been calculated very carefully andis completely consistent with the development of the current Vietnamese beer market aswell as the economic development of Vietnam in recent years, The growth of GDP percapita will boost the consumption of goods such as mid-range and premium beer.

=> That helps Heineken to price higher than other beer products, helping to increaserevenue and profit, and few competitors enter the market.

1.5.Pricing strategy

a Price Skimming Strategy

Heineken is always aiming for the urban market, where they are willing to pay toenjoy the delicious taste of this special beer Besides, drinking beer no longer onlyappears in parties and festivals but gradually becomes a fairly regular need, Drinking anytype of beer becomes an expression of the drinker’s taste, social status and style.

This is a potential market with little volatility, customers do not price-sensitive, sothe price increase does not affect the company’s sales too much, Heineken’s high pricingpartly creates barriers to the entry of new competitors, especially contributing to theimage of a high-quality product.

=> Thus, it can be seen that Heineken has used the “skimming” pricing strategy whenlaunching new products.

b Pricing for product categories

The company’s target in the Vietnamese market is high-income consumers, so thecompany has offered prices that are suitable for target customers Here is the price list ofHeineken beer:

Short neck bottle 250ml 23,000 vnd/bottle

5-liter beer barrel 550,000 - 600,000 vnd/barrel

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Heineken offers a wide range of products at different prices and is suitable fordifferent locations The producer will increase revenue and be able to segment whichmarkets to use and which type of beer is appropriate Consumers can reduce part of thecost when buying a complete set of products Besides, there are some limitations thatwhen demand and market prices often change, it will lead to high prices, confusingpeople.

3 Place Strategy

3.1.Types of distribution channels

Heineken’s distribution network is a competitive advantage that is stronger thanother competitors in the market Product distribution system spread all over the world.They have built very successful distribution networks, making their products availableeverywhere.

a The beer industry divides distribution channels into two categories:

 On-premises channels, also known as on-site consumption channels, include pubs,restaurants and bars, clubs

 Off-premise distribution channel in supermarkets and stores, agents.

Normally, Heineken beer always tends to promote on-site consumption distributionchannels, because most consumers often have the habit of drinking beer in groups and atbars Combined distribution in bars and clubs and in supermarkets and shops.

However, at the time of the current Covid-19 epidemic, Heineken tends to promotethe off-premise distribution channel because the State’s legal policy requires the shutdownof on-site activities.

Particularly for holidays and Lunar New Year, regardless of the Covid-19 epidemicsituation, Heineken will switch from the trend of distribution channels for localconsumption to distribution channels for home purchase.

In addition, it can also be seen that in the traditional channel (ordinary channel - GT)with the distribution structure of personal consumption products, Heineken divided into 3types of distribution channels:

 Direct channel (zero-level channel): Producer  Consumer.

b Including sales offices:

- Hai Phong sales office- Vinh sales office- Da Nang sales office- Quy Nhon sales office- Khanh Hoa sales office- Can Tho sales office- Tien Giang Sales Office

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 Single level channel: Producer  Retailer  Consumer.

 Two-level channel: Manufacturer  Dealer  Retailer  Consumer.

Distribution network is an extremely important link in Heineken’s business strategy,they are the ones who have bridged the gap between manufacturers and customers,bringing products to consumers around the world.

Aware of the importance of the distribution system, from the very beginning,Heineken has always given reasonable incentives to distributors through clear andpractical support policies.

Figure 8: Distribution diagram of heineken vietnam brewery

3.2.For distributors

To leave the factory, each Heineken product must ensure the absolute same safetyand quality Bringing these products safely into the hands of consumers is Heineken's toppriority Therefore, the commitment to ensuring strict standards of preservation is the firstand mandatory criterion to be followed in order to become a distributor selected byHeineken Distributors are individually selected by Heineken and carefully trained onrequirements, standards for warehouse management, and product quality Here, theproducts are carefully cared for and preserved according to Heineken standards beforebeing transported to the store for sale.

As of 2020, Heineken has trained 522 distributors, effectively managing sellingprices at about 250 distributors and retailers, of which distributors enjoy a profit margin of3-4%.

The company always has a strategy of commercial discount or seasonal discount tosupport distribution channels For distribution agents, Heineken discount is about 2,000VND/box However, depending on the agent level, Heineken usually supports agents from2,000,000 VND to 20,000,000 VND/month Including discount and agent support, thediscount price for distribution channels is about 10% However, large distributionchannels, high consumption always enjoy much more preferential discount strategies,usually at 12% In addition, there are special incentives for agents (buying a certainamount, will be rewarded with money or goods).

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In addition, at times of the year when beer consumption is poor such as February toApril every year, the discount rate is also adjusted to match the market and maintain thedistribution channel The promotional strategy is also a strategy used at certain times ofthe year, especially the beer consumption season in June to September and the New Yearand the Lunar New Year.

Currently, Heineken is a high-class beer, so Heineken is quite popular in big citiessuch as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang but has not really had a foothold in themarket in other provinces.

3.3.For Heineken Retail Points

At retail points, Heineken products are displayed eye-catching, diverse and full ofproduct categories A team of professional sales staff is ready to support, helpingconsumers quickly choose their favorite Heineken products.

4 Promotion Strategy

For the promotion strategy, in order to quickly leave a beautiful and unforgettableimpression in the minds of Vietnamese customers, Heineken has constantly made effortsin promoting and building images from the feat of designing logos, Short slogan thatimplies, implementing unique advertisements, building brands through practical andmeaningful activities to paying attention to environmental management and energysaving These campaigns are always referred to by other big brands as a “guideline” ofmarketing art.

In the promotion strategy, advertising is one of the effective means to conveyinformation about the quality and advantages of a product to dispersed consumers at a lowcost It is also considered a strategic means to maintain a competitive advantage in themarket Understanding the importance of this method, Heineken has constantly takenadvantage and fully exploited it through many advertising media such as television,Internet, outdoor advertising (poters, signs ), newspapers.

In pubs and bars, Heineken has the second highest sales among Lagers after only 9months on the market Bottled and canned Heineken beers were also very successful andHeineken was classified as “Beer Category Launch of the year” by ADSA1 and won 3 PRawards In addition, marketing and promotion of packaging through radio Grocermagazine's annual awards for advertising and marketing.

Advertising plays a very important role in spreading the Heineken brand From thevery beginning, Heineken has appeared on television with short commercials andpromotions that are very witty, attractive, unique, using words that are easy to understandand suitable for Vietnamese people.

-Television (TV)

Each promotional clip of Heineken products has a unique style, every time Heinekenappears, Heineken always makes a deep impression on customers with the main slogan

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“IT COULD ONLY BE HEINEKEN” This slogan is consistent with the productadvertising strategy that the company offers Each advertisement also often carries its ownmessage, creating a unique impression in the hearts of consumers Heineken advertisesmost of the ads Vietnamese TV channels, especially HTV7, HTV9, VTV1, VTV3 areHeineken channels that advertise in large numbers.

With the development of science and technology, the number of Internet users isincreasing, on that criterion Heineken has fully exploited Internet advertising to introduceproducts to consumers everywhere.

Heineken's marketing campaign is deployed on mobile websites of VnExpress,Ngoisao.net, Bongdaplus, appstore.vn Heineken only transmits information to peoplewho are using Blackberry, Nokia Lumina phones, iPhone, iPad…

As a result, Heineken Tennis's ad click-through rate is approximately 0.3% of totalnewspaper visitors, according to the company's announcement (while the current digitalad average is 0 15%).

Heineken advertises its products in newspapers with high distribution density andquite popular such as: Tuoi Tre, Thanh Nien, Tiep Thi Gia Dinh, Lao Dong, The Thao,The Thao & Van Hoa, These are also newspapers, newspapers that men usually read.Especially, Tuoi Tre and Thanh Nien newspapers have a nationwide distribution, soconsumers can quickly and easily know about them.

Heineken stirs up the modern music world by hosting competitions such as DJTalent Search, Thirst Studio; sponsoring music events such as Heineken Open'er Festival(Contemporary music festival held in Poland), Oxegen (Music Festival in Ireland).Heniken stirs up the modern music world In 2003, Heineken began sponsoring the annual

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2024, 23:50

