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unit 2 marketing essentials tam viet group

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Therefore, in order to increase the advantage in competition with other competitors, Tam Viet needs to build a marketing department to reach more customers and develop in the future.. Th

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I Introduction

1 Information of company :


Company type Limited Liability Company

Product Products Training soft skills such as communication skills, presentation skills, creative thinking skills, teamwork skills, sales skills, negotiation skills, leadership skills

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Consulting on building corporate culture and knowledge management and starting a business

Structure of ownerships

Private enterprise

Currently, there are many businesses doing business in the B2B market in Vietnam in the field of service provision (consulting, skills training ) This increases competition in the industry Through analysis over the past years, Tam Viet's main customers are domestic and international businesses and organizations As such, the company is

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more inclined to provide services to corporate customers than to consumer customers It is a favorable condition for us to deepen our research so that we can have a better understanding of corporate customers Therefore, in order to increase the advantage in competition with other competitors, Tam Viet needs to build a marketing department to reach more customers and develop in the future

II Body

1 Marketing definitio n

Marketing is the activity, collection of institutions, and procedures for developing,

conveying, delivering, and exchanging value-added solutions for consumers, clients, partners, and society at large There are the following types of marketing: Influencer Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Viral Marketing, Green Marketing, Keyword Marketing, Guerilla Marketing, Outbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing These forms of marketing all include 4 basic

elements, these 4 elements are also known as Marketing mix The level of success in applying the 4Ps in Marketing will strongly affect the revenue of our company:

Product: a product is defined as a bundle of attributes (features, functions, benefits,

and uses) capable of exchange or use, usually a mix of tangible and intangible forms

Price: Price is the formal ratio that indicates the quantity of money, goods, or services

needed to acquire a given quantity of goods or services It is the amount a customer must pay to acquire a product

Place: Distribution refers to the act of marketing and carrying products to consumers It

is also used to describe the extent of market coverage for a given product

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Promotion: Promotion in marketing is a form of promoting products to many users This

is an important factor in the 4P Marketing model that determines the revenue of a business In order for customers to buy from you, they need to know about it, have a positive impression, and be convinced that they need or want the product

1.1 Functions of marketing

Product design and development: Product design plays an important role in product

sales It can be said that owning a distinctive design gives the company a competitive

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advantage It is important to remember not only to prepare a design for the product, but to develop it continuously

Branding: Every manufacturer wants its product to have a special identity in the

market, so it is necessary to name the product differently from other competitors Giving the product its own name is called a brand Therefore, the goal of branding is to show that a certain company's products are different from those of its competitors

Customer Support Service: One of the main functions of marketing is to provide every

possible help to customers, namely: After-sales Service, Customer Complaint Handling, Technical Service, Billing support service, Maintenance service Supporting customers in this way brings satisfaction, and in today's competitive era, customer satisfaction is a top priority This encourages customers to stick with a particular product and start buying it again and again

Product Pricing: This is the most important function of marketing to fix the price of a

product The price of the product is affected by cost, profit margin, competitive product price, government policy, etc

Promotion: Promotion is meant to inform consumers about the company's products

and encourage them to buy these products 1.2 The roles of marketing

Today, the country is developing more and more, leading to the 4.0 era technology is also constantly changing Besides, Marketing is also constantly changing in a positive direction to ensure effective business operations as well as better quality of life of

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people Therefore, we can see that the role of Marketing is essential not only in the present but also in the future Almost every business outlines a marketing strategy for its own unit in order to affirm its position compared to competitors and develop strongly in the market If a business does not use Marketing, it means more than 50% failure Marketing is like a bridge that helps businesses and customers come closer together Want to bring the brand image closer to customers and improve profits better understand the role of Marketing for businesses, consumers or society such as:

Meeting the needs and desires of consumers

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Ensuring the survival, growth and brand of the business: A business exists

because of retaining customers and increasing market share Marketing helps companies achieve their goals because it is customer centric Marketing helps satisfy customers, thereby creating exchange activities, bringing sales to ensure the existence, growth and development of the business's brand

Expanding market share

Adjust prices accordingly: Price is an important element of a manufacturer's

marketing mix because it generates revenue The marketing strategy helps to set the right price, incorporate the changes and prepare a suitable method The exchange process goes smoothly when the price is fixed

Offer a Better Product: Most companies sell multiple products: Tangible products are

goods that must be packaged and labeled, and services are characterized by intangibility So marketing plays an important role by designing and managing product offerings so that they can improve and deliver better products to customers

Demand management: Marketing plays a major role in influencing the level, timing and

composition of demand, be it a negative demand, no need, latent need, demand decreased, infrequent demand, full demand, or excessive demand Marketing helps to manage, deal with different levels of demand

Competition: A competitive orientation is important in today's global marketplace

Marketing helps maintain a balance between consumer expectations and competitors' offerings by closely monitoring the market

Economic growth: Marketing creates demand Increased demand encourages

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g g gproduction and distribution activities As a result, economic growth is promoted and income levels improved due to increased employment opportunities This improves the standard of living by providing superior and innovative products

Listening to customer needs: To establish a marketing strategy, it’s necessary to get

closer to the clients and listen in order to find out what their needs are It’s a marketing department task, to plan the necessary means for receiving customer feedback:

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Company internal channels: Create surveys or capture information of the sales team

and customer support (departments closest to the customer) that may be relevant to enhancing or redirecting the marketing strategies in the future

Channels outside the company: Perform searches and create actions in social

networks that help to better understand the needs of users, in order to convert them into customers

Track trends and monitor competition: Similar to the previous point, it’s important to

know the position of the company regarding the market and the competition That's why from marketing, you must watch the competition to learn what they do best or to identify their mistakes in order to avoid falling into them

Work and brand values: Conceptually, a brand is a representation of the feelings that

the products, services of company The marketing department is responsible for creating and disseminating images, messages and ideas that best communicate the brand values

Coordinate efforts with those of the marketing partners of the company: Around

the business’s marketing there are lots of contributors: publishers, designers, journalists, consultants The work of these contributors must be aligned with the objectives of the company, and is the department itself who should control it to do so

Communicate with the rest of the company: Marketing is the bridge between

departments of the company, if the marketing department fails, the entire company will fail and the efforts of other departments will be in vain That is why the marketing department must ensure that their actions are aligned with the overall objectives of the

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company and that they report the work they are doing (saleslayer, 2021)

of marketing within both a B2C and B2B context

2.1 The role of marketing and how this department help our company

With Tam Viet marketing as an important factor: To reach and then meet the needs

and desires of customers: in the marketplace, businesses have a great need to attract and develop human resources who can high professional skills and talents This need is always increasing and changing with time and the development or decline of the

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business, so we need a marketing department to understand the needs of customers, approach and show customers the potential of services that we provide them Marketing department will help us to survey the general price and quality in the market to make very attractive offers, most beneficial for customers to attract them to use our services, from there we can expand our market share and increase more by advertising Tam Viet brand in the media Having a good marketing department, understanding customer

psychology will help us create better, more effective and stable services for customers For customers who are businesses and organizations, the efficiency and

stability of the service is very important Therefore, the marketing department will help us understand that problem and take care of and listen to customers before, during or after they have used Tam Viet's services to expand and develop the services that bring

efficiency and in accordance with the needs of each customer Marketing plays a very important role in helping the company when facing difficulties and achieving its goal of

attracting a large number of potential customers By understanding customers and meeting their needs, it helps us to build trust and long-term loyalty from customers, which is very important because it will contribute to increased revenue and more is that we will achieve the effect of word of mouth marketing when the service we provide satisfies customers This is a key factor in helping Tam Viet thrive in the future 2.2 The different roles of marketing within both a B2C and B2B context

B2B is an acronym for the term Business - To - Business: An e-commerce business model in which transactions occur directly between businesses Transactions between companies are usually initiated from electronic communications, including

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communication through electronic exchanges

B2C, which stands for Business - To - Customer: Includes commercial transactions on the Internet between businesses and customers, in which the target audience of this type is individual purchasing This category applies to any business or organization that sells their products or services to customers over the Internet for personal use

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• Leading relationship • Maximize the value of the

transaction • Large target market

• Step-by-step purchasing process, shorter sales cycle

• Brand identity is created through repetition and image

• Sales and directed to purchasing activities

• Emotional purchasing decisions based on wants, circumstances, or price

The ultimate goal of B2B is quite similar to B2C which is to convert leads into customers, but the process will be longer and more complicated

Use more sophisticated marketing activities (email, phone, website, salesperson,

The ultimate goal of B2C marketing campaigns is to convert store or website visitors into actual buyers

Use promotional activities: coupons, product displays, etc

It should be used to build relationships and promote with different marketing activities

Involves short trades on time Therefore, it is necessary to capture the attention of customers quickly

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organizations for schools, students are often trained in skills through subjects, the school often organizes training sessions on soft skills for students through this service provider, for enterprises, state agencies, international organizations, although there are more but not significant because these organizations, when selecting human input factors, have considered soft skills, this organization only uses the service when absolutely necessary

• Consumer customers: consumer customers are often more than industrial customers Due to the increasing requirements of society, human resources must have more and more quality Therefore, the need to learn and improve soft skills is

increasing, the number of registrations for Tam Viet's skill courses is increasing

Volume of service use

• Industrial customers: usually have a larger volume of service use than consumer customers Organizations often combine with Tam Viet to organize courses for all staff and parks of the organization, so the number of participants is large and the duration of the course is longer Not only that, organizations can also participate in implementing many courses at the same time

• consumer customers: consumer customers often have less service usage volume Most students studying Tam Viet register for a skill course and with a short duration

Characteristics of the service use process

• Industrial customers: The process of providing Tam Viet courses to organizations

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is often more complicated than to individuals To conduct a skill course for the organization, it is necessary to ensure factors such as time, place, other procedures • Consumer customers: much easier than industrial customers Individuals registering to study at Tam Viet is very simple, just go to the center, or register through the website, choose a course and a reasonable time for each individual, the location is done at Tam Viet's facilities

Relationship with suppliers: Tam Viet's industrial customers often have stronger

relationships than individual customers

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IV Reference

crmviet, 2021 crmviet [online]

Available at: https://crmviet.vn/b2b-va-b2c/[viewed 29 July 2021]

saleslayer, 2021 blog.saleslayer [online] Available at: https://blog.saleslayer.com/10-

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responsibilities-marketing-departments [viewed 29 July 2021 ].

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 15:00


