Watch the video TWICE and add DETAILS to the main ideas…………3 1.3.. Part 1: Demonstration of listening practice.. Watch the video ONCE and not down the main idea The raging pandemic has
Full name: LY BICH PHUONG SID: 2152010042
DOB: 1707/2003 Class: ETE 41.2 Lecturer: PHAM THU GIANG
HANOI 2022
I TASK 1: Listening practice and self-reflection………3
1 Part 1: Demonstration of listening practice………3
1.1 Watch the video ONCE and not down the main idea………3
1.2 Watch the video TWICE and add DETAILS to the main ideas…………3
1.3 Transcribe……… 4
2 Part 2: Identification of areas for improvement……… …………5
2.1 New vocabulary words ………11
2.2 Familiar words you mispronounce……… 12
2.3 Collocations……… 12
2.4 Linking sounds ……….14
Part 3: Identification of areas for improvement………14
3.1 Focus on what I couldn’t hear from the video……….14
3.2 A number of factors associated with my poor listening with concrete examples from my earlier practice……….14
II TASK 2: Three-month self study plan………15
1 Measurable goals……… ………15
2 Learning schedule……….…15
3 Ways to measure your progress………17
4 Listening technique you use……… 17
5 Tips for maintaining motivation………17
Trang 3I TASK 1: Listening Practice and Self-reflection
1 Part 1: Demonstration of listening practice
1.1 Watch the video ONCE and not down the main idea
Americans decide their future by electing president amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic
One of two people (Joe Biden and Donald Trump) admitting to racism in their own country
The raging pandemic has caused many people to lose their jobs, be away from their families, and even lose their lives
Some people do not have money when they have to social distance, so they are ready to take health risks to earn money to support their families because they have no other choice
The number of deaths in major cities in the US is many and continuously increasing during that time
The economy suffered a severe recession during the pandemic
1.2 Watch the video TWICE and add DETAILS to the main ideas
Main ideas after listening for the second time and adding:
The pandemic broke out during the US presidential re-election period, and people were devastated because the city was closed the economy fell sharply There are people who lose their jobs just because the theater or the company they are working
Trang 4for has to stop working There are people who have to risk their lives to go to work because they need money During the outbreak of the pandemic, parents were not allowed to see their children because of social distancing Manual workers are often the ones most miserable, while those who make money online through social networks seem easier when they can stay at home and still make money During the pandemic, racism was condemned when a police officer killed innocent people of color, national security was also affected by riots in major cities After months of fighting the epidemic, the situation became less stressful, people returned to work and started a new normal life
1.3 TRANSCRIBE: From 0:00 to 3:28
Time length: 3m28s
American is voting on it future, and the wealthest Newyorkers too To me, we have to fix the pandemic so that we can fix the economy The gap between rich and poor in this country is wide and it getting wider Newyork was hit hardest by the pandemic, and the poorest worst affected If Trump get…nothing really gonna change from how is it right now, it gonna get worst The corona virus put the focus on social…right in the middle of an election years Only one person of the two candidate even acknowledge the systemic racism in this country We need someone who can bring together the country, who canunify the country Eight month, one city, three words The city upper, middle and lower classes This film show an…city…or taking look behind…… and lays bare one of the American biggest……
Spring 2020, and actor, Kevin Smith… was take a walk on the roadway Theaters are closed, he and his colleagues are out of work “ It really intense , it’s very intense and it scary not knowing when there’s…inside There are pretty dark day, because you know Because that fear set in
Trang 5Our business is already filled with insecurities and times of insecurity But to have
no idea of anything on the…? New York confirmed its first coronavirus case on March first Two weeks later, the city started going into lockdown By the end of the month, the US city became an … of the pandemic Sirens break the… in a city usually… with life New York's world-famous theater district Broadway closed quickly In a normal year, it would attract millions of visitors It's where Kevin had fulfilled his lifelong ambition to become an actor and singer An ambition he achieved despite the odds The little black gay kid from the ……… Who saw his dream come true I spent six years in this building Winning the Tony Award Performing at the Tonys Winning the Grammy Award His breakthrough came with the award-winning musical …’', which saw Kevin also dress up as a woman
He was finally on the… of his own directorial debut at a small theater outside New York
II PART 2: Identification of areas for improvement
2.1 Vocabulary:
Number New words Pronounce Meaning Example
1 Re-elected /ˌriː ɪˈlekt/ to elect somebody again
Russian President Putin
is still being re-elected after many terms
2 Lockdown /ˈlTkda n/ʊ an official order to control
the movement of people or
Vietnam returns
to the new normal after
Trang 6vehicles because of a dangerous situation
months of
3 Inhabitants /ɪnˈhæbɪ ət nt/ a person or an animal that
lives in a particular place
inhabitants have
to live with heavy air pollution
4 Boroughs ˈbʌrə/
a town or part of a city that has its own local government
I live in Cau Giay borough
5 Correlation /ˌkT əˈr le n/ɪʃ
a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does
Students' opinions about the curriculum show a
correlation in their thinking about education
6 Immigrant /ˈ ɪɡɪm rənt/
a person who has come to live permanently in a different country from the one they were born in
My cousin live
in an immigrant
7 Coincide /ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/ To be the same or similar
Me and my sister have a
food taste
Trang 78 Suffocating /ˈsʌfəke t ŋ/ɪ ɪ making it difficult to
breathe normally
I suffocated
when I inhaled the smoke
9 Protest /ˈprəʊtest/
a strong complaint express ing disagreement, disappro val, or opposition
The dog
fiercely when the owner locked it up
10 Overshadow /ˌəʊvəˈʃædəʊ/
to make somebody/something seem less important, or successful
I feel like I'm
when I'm with people who are
so outstanding
11 Inflamed /ɪnˈfleɪmd/
red, painful and hot because of infection or injury
I got an ear
infalme after listening to the sound too loud
12 Brutality /bruːˈtæləti/
violent and cruel behaviour; the fact of being violent and cruel
He showed
brutality when
he beat his own son
13 Combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ to come together to form a
single thing or group
Two companies
combine to come up with solutions in the epidemic situation
Trang 814 Explosion /ɪkˈspləʊʒn/
the act of deliberately causing something to explode
The explosion
killed a lot of people
15 Targeted /ˈtSːɡɪtɪd/ aimed at a particular place
or group of people
The target of the program is to promote the product
16 Insurance /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/
an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs, for example,
if you die or are ill, or if you lose or damage something
After his death
he was paid a huge amount of
17 Tenants /ˈtenənt/
a person who pays rent for the use of a room, building, land, etc to the person who owns it
Tenants in my house always pay at the time
18 Entail /ɪnˈteɪl/ to involve something that
cannot be avoided
The outbreak of the pandemic
entail an economic decline
19 Inundated /ˈɪnʌnde t/ɪ Full On the streets of
major cities are
Trang 9inundated with sidewalk shops
20 Privileged /ˈprɪvəl dʒd/ɪ
having special rights or advantages that most people do not have
In the nineteenth century, only
a privileged fe
w had the vote
21 Intermission /ˌɪ əˈnt m n/ɪʃ
a period of time during which something stops before continuing again
The match was
intermiss by bad weather
22 Candidly /ˈkændɪdli/
in a way that is open and honest; saying what you really think
Candidly, I really consider that evil
23 Pastor /ˈpSːstə(r)/
a minister in charge of a Christian church or group, especially in some Nonconformist churc
He has been a
pastor here for many years
24 Anchor /ˈæŋkə(r)/
a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the side
of a ship or boat to keep it
in one place
titanic ship with two anchors
25 Flexibility /ˌfleksəˈ ɪb ləti/ the ability to dance, dance
The dance moves of the dancers look very flexible
Trang 1026 Fiscal /ˈfɪskl/
connected with government or public money, especially taxes
Some people take advantage
of their positions
to corrupt the state fiscal
27 Infection /ɪnˈfekʃn/
the act or process of causing or getting a disease
Covid is
through respiratory droplets
28 Sermon /ˈsɜːmən/
a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service
The sermon on saturday make
we felt bored
29 Circumstanc
e /ˈs ːkɜ əmstəns/
the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action
I've never been
in this
30 Plug /plʌɡ/
to fill a hole with a substance or piece of material that fits tightly into it
He plug stakes around the garden and used
it as a fence
31 Monologues /ˈmTnəlTɡ/
a long speech by one person during a conversation that stops other people from
He monologues
with himself if
he go out or doing homework?
Trang 11speaking or expressing an opinion
32 Fraud /frɔːd/
the crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally
He fraud in his test
33 Equivalent / kw v l nt/ɪˈ ɪ ə ə
a thing, amount, word, etc
that is equal in value, meaning or purpose to something else
1000 milliliters
is equivalent to
1 liter
34 Legislation /ˌledʒɪsˈle n/ɪʃ a law or a set of laws
passed by a parliament
legislation will
be renewed next year
35 Welfare /ˈwelfeə(r)/
practical or financial help that is provided, often by the government, for people
or animals that need it
The state is the main provider of
36 Sanitize /ˈsænɪ ɪta z/
to remove the parts of something that could be considered unpleasant
The sanitizer will get sick if they inhale the toxic gas for a long time
2.1 Familiar words I miss pronounce:
Trang 12Debut
2.2 Collocations:
Collocations Meaning Example
The gap between rich and
Khoảng cách giàu nghèo In big cities, the gap
between rich and poor is widening
Put the focus on Tập trung vào I often put the focus on my
goals instead of doing meaningless things
Social injustice Sự b t công xã h i ấ ộ There is so much social
injustice in this life that you have to face
Systemic racism Phân bi t ch ng t c có h ệ ủ ộ ệ
Systematic racism in the US
is evident in the discrimination against people of color
Unify the country Thống nhất đất nước Vietnam will reunify the
country on April 30
Epicenter of the pandemic tâm ch n cấ ủa đạ ịi d ch America is
considered the epicenter of
Trang 13the pandemic after a few months of outbreak
Out of work Mất vi c ệ Because of the pandemic, a
lot of people are out of work
Had a foot in the industry Có m t chân trong ngành ộ
(bắt đầu nổi tiếng, có sức ảnh hưởng)
Just had a foot in the industry when the work was delayed by the epidemic
Fashion ìnluencer Người có ảnh hưởng đến
thời trang
Fashion influencers can easily work even during the epidemic situation
Content creater Người sáng tạo nội dung My sister is a content
Matter of life and death Vấn đề lớn, cực kỳ nghiêm
trọng có thể liên quan đến tình hu ng th m kh c, gây ố ả ố chết người
Life long ambition Tham v ng c ọ ả đời
2.3 Linking sounds:
Note: I mark linking sounds words with a "-"
- Dress- up (3:21) - Check-it (4:06)
- Rich-and poor (0:11) - Examine-it (4:06)
- Worst- affected (0:20) - Wrap-it up (4:07)
- Put the focus-on (0:33) - Package-it (4:07)
Trang 14- Show-an idea (0:59) - Ended-up ( 4:35)
- Take-a wak (1:31) - The chance-of (11:08)
- Theaters-are close (1:34) - Work-a little (13:24)
- Are-out of work (1:36) - Post-on (14:50)
- Set-in (1:54) - Use-it (26:09)
- Confirmed-it first…(2:15) - Posible-again (31:38)
- Milions-of visitor (2:43) - Open-up (35:14)
- Blocks-away (3:44) - Line-up (37:20)
3 Part 3 (self-reflection): Identification of areas for improvement
3.1 Focus on what you couldn’t hear from the video
After watching and listening to the video, I know where I'm weak:
Meager vocabulary
Can't hear a long sentence
Can't keep up with the speed of speech
Can’t hear some linking words
3.2 Factors related to my hearing:
Objective reasons:
- There are too many new words in a sentence, that makes me unable to understand the meaning of the sentence and unable to concentrate on the following sentence
- Some parts in the video speak quite fast and are not clear
- Sometimes there's so much background noise that I can't concentrate on my listening
- The listening lesson has too many idioms and strange collocations
- The video is at a pretty high level
Trang 15Subjective reason
- My vocabulary is not enough to understand it all
- I don't spend a lot of time on listening skills
Learning schedule:
1, 2 -Start with
listening to what I
enjoy to make it a
habit to listen
every day
-The first week
only listened for
30 minutes
-Watch movies
Vietnamese-English bilingual
subtitles and
impressive words
-Increase listening time more, about 1 hour a day
-Listen to different sources
-Learn how to listen to topics
to remember more words
-Learn to guess words when you can't understand and then check
if I'm doing it right I think it will help me
-Listen two hours in a day
-Use chat apps with foreigners to communicate with more voices
-Make listening lessons with games so that the listening process is not boring
-Listen whenever I'm free- but still get in the habit of listening to what I like so
I don't get bored
-After listening I will read and repeat many times to be able to memorize as much as possible