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2M ÁÍZ>3fâBaBB| NHẬT NGỮ sơ CẤP 25 BÀI ĐỌC HIU s CP - TP WBS? ã ã điiớm ffl'Wfa • Tkĩĩvụ? [3aỊS7)Ằ^4^5*^-ằ ằ ô ằil4 Zi < I H i UM ■to z Y i S^LT** r«U'j &L í zo^li, r^t'j z ố X, T > t - - Ỉ^A^ i L >-» ưiíCAA z/; b z E li''J i-t L2 i ’> i Foreword By means of reading letter • md sentences, wc acquire Moreover, when learning new ;'!ccss ot studying not pronunciation and meaning of th ■ < • - ■ hut can also involve tiding r,.understanding of the words, impro ■ -.;r memory, and even helping th- For all these reasons, reading IS an c - ’remely important activity ■ of information confirming the greater ■■ ■ icr.tly Because Japanese writing is made up of three types of letters — kanp hiragana and katakana — reading Japanese can seem difficult, and many people want to give up -.eh-.-; - have even begun However, if you Stan practicing reading from the very beginning ■ Japanese studies, you will gradually become used to it It will also help you to smoothly to the intermediate level, at which stage much more emphasis is placed on reading comprer.- - This book has been made w ith the aim of allowing people not only to become -sec ■ reading Japanese but also to enjoy It With this in mind, a great number of topics as ■:-t as i variety of reading materials, ranging from stories, explanations, e-mail and interviews to -questionnaires, recipes and haiku, have been included in the book The book closely follows the material in the individual lessons of Minna no : Any words not found in Minna no Nihongo 11 can be located in the Vocabulary List at the -ac.« the book This book can also be used by students using other textbooks Simply refer to the items list to find the most appropriate reading material We hope that by using this book reading Japanese will become an interesting and enjoyable experience for everyone The authors April 2001 With the publication of Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 11 Second Edition Main Text, the vocabulary and grammar in this book have been revised and the book now published as a Second Edition 3A Corporation V How to use this book This book is made up of two main parts: Main Text and Plus Alpha • Main Text Corresponding to Chapters 26 to 50 of Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 11 Second Edition, the Main Text covers all the items to be learned in those lessons Use this part of the book in the following manner: First of all, read the title and think about what the passage concerns Read the main body of the text If there are any words you not understand, look them up in the attached Vocabulary List Even if there are pans you not understand, try to read to the end of the text Do Exercise I and check your answers in the attached Answer Book If you find you have made a mistake, try to the exercise in question again Following the instructions, the activIties outlined in Exercise II Some data accompany the reading passages to help you completely understand the contents Be sure to refer to this material * Plus Alpha In Chapters 26, 30 31, 32, 33, 35 38, 39 40 42 44 45, 46, 47, 49 and 50, there is also a Plus Alpha page Here you will find various types of reading material such as memos, data, quizzes, questionnaires, recipes, haiku, greeting cards, etc If you have the time, please try these vi Kata Pengantar Kita selalu mendapa'k :• ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ntormasi denj'.m "incml ■■■ petunjuk dan lainlain Kemudian ketika mcmpee: lengan niengkonfirm.1 I • ■ V:dipelajan tidak hanya dengan suara tetapi jug J 'II huruP-hurtif mcmperdali.-.' :r.cmbantu ingatan, dan akhirnya bisa mempeia • -?J stfcara efektif Dengan demikiar • :-.-.-.a udalah kcgiatan yang sangat penting Untuk menulis bahasa Jepang dipakai tiga jenis huruf yaitu Kanji Hưapana Katakana Oleh karena itu tidak sedikit orang yang merasa bahwa "membaca" adalah -.is ■ 23' menjadi pasif Tetapi jika sejak pertama kali belajar memulai latihan "membaca" max a -ii•_ demi sedikit akan menjadi terbiasa Kemudian pelajar juga dapat melanjutkan dengar a.- 3- • ■tingkat menengah dan lanjutan, dimana membaca adalah sebagai pusat pelajaran Buku ini disusun agar pelajar terbiasa dengan "membaca” dan menikmati ser.-L-gr, "membaca” Terdapat jenis baeaan mulai dari cerita, ulasan e-mail, interviu kuis angket reser Haiku dan lain-lain yang disajikan dalam bacaan, topiknya juga dikumpulkan secara luas Buku ini berhubungan dengan setiap pelajaran "Minna no Nihongo Tingkat Dasar i berdasarkan atas poin-poin pelajarannya Kosa kata yang tidak dipelajari pada "Minna ne _ Tingkat Dasar II” dimuat di dalam buku terjemahan Bagi orang-orang yang mempelajan ee-gi.btiku lain tentu saja dapat menggunakan maka pilihlah bacaan yang tepat sambil mere fere-s «.3."Lampiran Poin Pelajaran” Silakan menggunakan buku ini agar menikmati pengalaman "membaca" yang menyenangkan Penulis April 2001 Buku ini sesuai dengan terbitnya "Buku Induk Minna no Nihongo Tingkat Dasar II Verst 2”, mengevaluasi kosa kata dan pola kalimat kemudian menerbitkan sebagai versi 3A Corporation vii Cara Penggunaan Buku Ini Buku ini terdiri dari " Teks” dan “Latihan Tambahan" • Teks Isinya disesuaikan dengan Pelajaran 26 sampai Pelajaran 50 dari “Minna no Nihongo Tingkat Dasar II Versi 2", yang berdasarkan atas isi dari poin-poin pelajaran tersebut Pertama-tama membaca judul, kemudian memikirkan apa yang ditulis Membaca keseluruhan Jika terdapai hal yang kurang mengerti, silakan lihat terjeniahan kata (Lampiran) Tidak peril! dipikirkan jika ada hal yang sedikit kurang mengerti, tetapi bacalah sampai akhir Mengerjakan Latihan I, kemudian mengecek jauaban pada kunci jawaban (Lampiran) Jika salah bacalah sekali lagi Selanjutnya mengikuti petunjuk Latihan IL dan lakukanlah berbagai aktifitas Silakan gunakan data yang terdapat untuk memahami isi bacaan lebih dalam ■ Latihan Tambahan Selain Teks, pada Pelajaran 26 30 31 32 33 35 38 39, 40 42 44 45 46 47, 49 dan 50disajikan halaman untuk Latihan Tambahan Isinya adalah berbagai catatan, data, kuis angkel, resep Haiku, kartu ucapan salam dan tain-lain Silakan cobajika sanggup viii 74 76 ?g461$ I I ) R I I ) X (T) 78 ^47a I 80 84 88 lb I ) @ 91 47c 3c e 2) (S) 47r& 1)0 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Ngày đăng: 23/10/2023, 15:14

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