Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.Rèn luyện kĩ năng tổ chức hoạt động tạo hình cho sinh viên Cao đẳng Sư phạm ngành Giáo dục mầm non.MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION CHU ANH SON TRAINING VISUALIZATION ACTIVITIES ORGANIZING SKILLS FOR PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS MAJORING IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATI.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION CHU ANH SON TRAINING VISUALIZATION ACTIVITIES ORGANIZING SKILLS FOR PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS MAJORING IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Specialization: Theory and history of education Code: THESIS SUMMARY OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION SCIENCE Hanoi - 2023 The work was completed at: Hanoi National University of Education Advisor(s): Assoc.Prof.Dr Tu Duc Van Hanoi National University of Education Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Nghia Phuong Vietnam University of Fine Arts Respondent 1: Assoc.Prof.Dr Pho Duc Hoa Hanoi National University of Education Respondent: Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Thi Huong Vinh University Respondent 3: Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen Thai Nguyen University of Education The thesis will be defended before the School-level Thesis Judging Committee meeting at …………………………………………… on hour….day…month…year… The thesis can be found at: National Library, Hanoi or the Library of Hanoi National University of Education PREFACE Reasons for choosing the topic Pre-school education (PSED) is the first level in the Vietnamese national education system, which assumes the task of nurturing, caring for, and educating children from months to 72 months of age to form a consistent and ongoing educational process, continuity not only for preschool children (PSC), but also in the upper grades and throughout a person's life According to Resolution No 29/NQTW on a fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training, specific educational goals have been defined for PSED, which are to help children develop physically, emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically, to form the first elements of personality, and to prepare children to enter the first school year, etc Thus, it can be affirmed that aesthetic education is both a goal and an important educational task, indispensable in the process of forming and developing a child's comprehensive personality in preschool Aesthetic education for children in the PSED program is carried out in different ways, which is through most educational activities However, the most basic and effective way of aesthetic education for children is through artistic activities such as: music, visualizing, story-telling and acting In particular, for PSC, visualization activities (VA) are considered as a very attractive and effective means of aesthetic education in preschool When participating in VA, children have the opportunity to directly express and share their feelings and aesthetic understanding through the representation of objects, phenomena, contents, and themes that are familiar with daily life like nature and people, etc The practice of training students majoring in PSED at pedagogical colleges shows that the VA organizing for PSC does not give outstanding result In the process of conducting internships at preschools, students organizing for children to participate in the VA is still imposed, mechanical, not flexible, and lacks creativity right from the preparation stage to the implementation and evaluation Many students are still confused and not proficient in selecting content, planning, and implementing VA The limitations in the organization of VA for PSC by students mainly come from the lack of proper attention in training this skill for students at pedagogical colleges, the process has not been really effective and lack of appropriate training measures Therefore, studying the theoretical and practical basis and proposing measures to train and form skills of organizing VA for students of PSED at pedagogical Colleges to overcome the above situation and meet the requirements of professional standards for preschool teacher (PST) in the current period is an urgent and meaningful issue in both theory and practice In recent years, there have been a number of scientific research works on training skills in organizing educational activities in general and skills in organizing VA in particular for students majoring in PSED However, there has not been any thorough research on training skills of organizing VA for PSED students of pedagogical colleges This is one of the very important vocational skills to help students have skills in organizing educational activities in general, and skills in organizing VA in particular after graduation, contributing to improve the quality of VA organizing for children at preschool For the above reasons, we chose the research topic: "Training visualization activities organizing skills for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education" Objectives of study: Proposing measures to train the skills of organizing VA with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of students' skills in organizing VA, contributing to improve the quality of training for students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED Subject and object of study 3.1 Object of study: The process of training career skills for students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED 3.2 Subject of study: The process of training skills in organizing VA for students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED Scientific hypothesis If the measures to practice skills in organizing VA for students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED are scientifically and logically developed and deployed, learning in parallel with practice and practical experience (The process of training students' skills in organizing VA is carried out from theoretical learning to practical practice in class at pedagogical colleges and in practice-intern at preschools to assessment of training results); Promoting self-discipline, positivity, active learning and creativity of students in the training process will improve the effectiveness of organizing VA for PSED students of pedagogical colleges.) Research tasks - Theoretical research on training skills in visualization activities organizing for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education - Research on the reality of training skills in visualization activities organizing for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education and factors affecting the process of training this skill for students - Develop measures to practice skills in visualization activities organizing for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education - Experimenting with measures to practice skills in visualization activities organizing for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education Scope of study 6.1 Scope of content: The topic focuses on researching measures to practice experience in organizing VA for students majoring in PSED in studying at pedagogical colleges and in practice-intern activities at preschools 6.2 Scope of area: The study was carried out at schools including Hanoi Central College of Pedagogy; Nha Trang National College of Pedagogy; National College of Pedagogy of HCM City; Pedagogical colleges providing PSED major in Hanoi, Hai Duong, Thai Nguyen, etc and a number of preschools practice in Hanoi 6.3 Scope of survey objects: 60 lecturers from Hanoi Central College of Pedagogy, Nha Trang National College of Pedagogy, National College of Pedagogy of HCM City, Pedagogical colleges providing training in PSED; 150 PST in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang; 400 students majoring PSED from schools inlcuding Hanoi Central College of Pedagogy, Nha Trang National College of Pedagogy, National College of Pedagogy of HCM City, Pedagogical colleges providing training in PSED Methodology and research methods 7.1 Methodology: Practical approach; System approach; Activity approach; Development approach; Integrated approach; Capability approach 7.2 Research methods 7.2.1 Theoretical research methods: Analyze, synthesize, systematize and generalize relevant theoretical and practical sources for the purpose of developing a theoretical basis for the research topic 7.2.2 Practical research methods: Method of pedagogical observation; Investigation methods; Interview method; Methods of researching research work; Experimental pedagogical method; Method of summarizing experience 7.2.3 Supportive methods: Software SPSS 20.0 Defensive arguments - Skills in organizing VA include the following groups of basic skills: Skills to prepare for VA; skills in planning VA; skills to implement VA; skills to evaluate the effectiveness of VA - The quality of VA organizing skills and the reality of practicing this skill for students of pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED also has certain limitations and is influenced by many factors The identification of these dominant factors is the basis for proposing measures to train students' VA organizing skills - Deploying training in organizing VA for PSED students in aligning learning with practice, experience through scientific and reasonable proposed measures; At the same time, stimulating students' self-discipline and initiative in the training process will have a positive effect on the development of this skill for students New findings 9.1 Theoretically: Analyze, systematize, generalize, form a theoretical framework on skills in VA organizing and training this skill On that basis, determine the system of VA organizing skill, and at the same time develop criteria for assessment and need for training for students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED 9.2 Practically: - Detecting limitations and inadequacies in training skills in organizing VA for students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED; propose measures to training students' skills in organizing VA - Organize experiments to confirm the effectiveness and feasibility of measures to train students' skills in organizing VA The results of this study have practical significance in the application of training students of the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED 10 Structure of study Original thesis 150 pages; 30 tables, charts, drawings; 68 references, of which 14 are in English; 56 pages of appendices; In addition to the Introduction, Conclusions, Recommendations, Published works of the author, References and Appendices; The basic content of the thesis is structured into chapters: Chapter Theoretical basis of training the visualization activities organizing skills for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education; Chapter Reality of training the visualization activities organizing skills for pedagogical college students majoring in preschool education; Chapter Measures to train the visualization organizing skills for pedagogical college students majoring in pre-school education; Chapter Pedagogical experiment CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BASIS OF TRAINING THE VISUALIZATION ACTIVITIES ORGANIZING SKILLS FOR PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS MAJORING IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 1.1 Study overview 1.1.1 Studies on visualization organizing skills Organizational skills From the beginning of the twentieth century, typical Western psychologists and sociologists such as W Benis, Mc Call & Lombardo, R Balke, G.A Yulk, G Courtois, A Makenzic, etc deeply studied organizational and leadership skills The issue of organizational skills also attracted the attention of Soviet psychologists from the 70s of the last century with the research works of N.V Cuzemina, P.M Kecgientxev, L.I Umansky, L.T Tiuptia, etc In Vietnam, the skills to organize activities are also an area that attracts the attention of researchers Author Tran Quoc Thanh has applied theoretical issues on skills and organizational skills to study skills to organizea specific activity in his work titled “The games organizing skills of Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization;s team leader” In the thesis “Research on the skills to organize playing activities for 5-year-old children of pedagogical college students majoring in preschool educcation”, author Hoang Thi Oanh has analyzed the said organizing skills including a system of 28 skills which are divided into groups Besides, the activities organizing skills has also been studied by other authors given Mai Bich Thu, Nguyen Thi Hao, Bui Thi Mui, etc Visualization activities for preschool children For young children, the creative arts are their first language that they use to express their understanding, ideas, and feelings about the people and the world around them Art is the most basic and effective means for children to explore and interpret the large world The arts and creative arts movements are environments that nurture creativity and actively support all aspects of children's development and learning In the book "Education of beauty for children", Nguyen Anh Tuyet affirmed that through VA, children will perceive the world, satisfy their hyperactivity, express their feelings and thoughts towards the world around and also create what they want Probably the most effective art form to stimulate children's creativity Researcher Le Thanh Thuy also affirmed that the VA of PSC are not a real artistic creation activity The child's process and product of VA represent the characteristics of a personality being formed The effectiveness of using shaping aids in children's products depends a lot on the ability to perceive images, the choice of viewing angles and the ability to perceive the diverse and vivid beauty of the world around them In addition to the above studies, there are studies on VA for PSC associated with famous authors such as Phan Viet Hoa, Ung Thi Chau, Le Duc Hien, etc Teaching materials and textbooks on "Art" and "Shaping and methods of organizing VA for children" have been composed by authors like Nguyen Lang Binh, Le Dinh Binh, Ung Thi Chau, Le Thi Thanh Thuy and Le Hong Van, etc It can be affirmed that in PSED, VA are given special attention, which plays an important role in the comprehensive development of PSC 1.1.2 Researches on training the visualization organizing skills for students Training pedagogical skills Soviet psychologists and educators have done many researches on training the system of pedagogical skills for teachers Tsebseva emphasized the active role of learners in the process of skill formation and asserted that the more active the learner's cognitive process, the more quickly and effectively skills and techniques were formed In some Western countries with advanced education such as Canada, USA, UK, Australia, etc., scientists often rely on the achievements of Behavioral Psychology and Functional Psychology to organize practice professional skills training for students Theoretical studies on training pedagogical skills by J Watson (1926), F Skinner (1963), etc has become a solid system of theory and experience in the field of teacher training; This is an important basis with positive effects in the process of organize training of pedagogical skills for students The practice of vocational skills in general and pedagogical skills in particular in Vietnam has been officially and specifically mentioned in the legal documents of the industry.The studies of Nguyen Nhu An, Tran Anh Tuan, Nguyen Huu Dung, Nguyen Thi Tam Ha, Phan Thanh Long, etc deeplt analyzed and clarified the system of pedagogical skills and their close relationship In the training of PST, there have been a number of research works on training vocational skills for students These studies have pointed out the inadequacies in the training program for PST and the reality of students' professional skills training at pedagogical colleges Studies have shown that there are still limitations in training career skills for students Training the visualization activities organizing skills for students Studies by Hatfeld (2007), Kindler, (1997) and Wright (1991) show that, in preschool teacher training programs, students' study and research time in the field of shape arts is much less compared to the characteristics of the field of art According to Eisner (1988), Eisner & Day (2004), early childhood educators are often not properly trained in art education, but are encouraged to "integrate" the arts into the core educational fields As Kindler (1997) asserted, "teacher training is not sufficiently prepared to take initiative in the development of early childhood arts programs…" These studies show that the lack of interest in teaching visual arts of PST has created a big gap between theory and practice which directly affects the learning process and artistic creation of PSC In Vietnam, most research works on art education for PSC emphasize the role of teachers in the process of organizing VA for children and identify the need to practice this skill for PST since they study in pedagogical school However, the studies focus mainly on measures to enhance the effectiveness of organizing VA for children; thereby providing measures and requirements for students and PST in the process of organizing this activity for children, with authors like Phan Thi Ngoc Anh, Le Thanh Thuy, Nguyen Thi Yen Phuong, etc In addition to the above studies, the formation of skills in organizing VA for PSED students at pedagogical schools are also concretized by the textbooks and teaching materials of the subject "Methods of organizing VA for PSC" written by many researchers, such as Le Thanh Thuy, Nguyen Lang Binh, Le Duc Hien, Nguyen Quoc Toan, Le Hong Van, etc 1.1.3 General evaluation Issues researched and publicized In general, the development, proposal and implementation of methods of organizing VA PSC are diverse and relatively active Researches mainly focus on organizing VA for PSC in each specific field The works highlight the importance of PST in organizing VA for children and the role of training skills in organizing VA but not focus on specific measures in order to train and enhance the effectiveness of this skill for pedagogical college students majoring in PSED (future preschool teachers) Issues to be researched further There are not many works that really go into deep research and propose optimization measures to train the organizing VA skills for students in PSED Researching and giving measures to train these skills for PSED students of pedagogical colleges, meeting the requirements of art education for PSC is necessary and urgent, contributing to enhance the effectiveness of training skills in organizing VA for students in the process of studying at pedagogical colleges as well as in future professional practice On the basis of research achievements of domestic and foreign authors, our thesis develops in the direction of building measures to train the skills of organizing VA for PSED students, contributing to improving the effectiveness of training college-level PST 1.2 Characteristics of children's Visualization activities in preschool 1.2.1 The concept of Visualization activities According to our view: VA is the process of creating products in the fields of visual arts The result of the activity is the beauty from works or shaping products that reflect the personal values of the creative subject The products of the activities ensure the novelty, actively contribute to the improvement and improvement of social life, both spiritually and materially 1.2.2 Role of Visualization activities in preschool Besides the important role of VA for the comprehensive development of children Experts and researchers describe a number of benefits of including visual arts in preschool curricula including: Ideals of interdisciplinary learning; motivation, enjoyment, critical thinking, problem solving and self-discipline; Foster a positive attitude, creativity and imagination; Aesthetic assessment and aesthetic learning experience; Develop the tools to communicate, create meaning and support skills in a globalized world 1.2.3 Objectives of Visualization activities in preschool As an educational medium, VA in preschool include the following basic educational goals: - Feeling and expressing emotional states before the beauty of nature, life and visual art works - Love, excitedly participating in visual arts activities (like to draw, mold, tear-cutCollage, arrange, create shapes from materials - natural materials, etc) - Expressing creativity in visual arts (Creating visual products; naming products; voicing ideas,etc) 1.2.4 Content, methods, and forms of organization of Visualization activities for children in preschool Content of Visualization activities for Pre-school children The implementation of content of VA for PSC is implemented through two basic ways of feeling, enjoying, and using visual language to reflect the surrounding world (including objects, phenomena in nature; events, social relationships, etc.) On the basis of each specific content of VA for PSC, VA are carried out through categories (types) of activities such as by model, by topic and by hobbies (freestyle) In addition, in order to form children with specialized shaping skills, the content of VA is also divided according to the nature and materials of VA such as Draw, paint; Tear, collage; Shape; jigsaw, assemble; Synthetic shaping (combining mixed skills) Methods of guiding Visualization activities for Pre-school children In the PE program promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, the method of guiding VA for PSC includes: Group of practice - experience method; Group of visual - illustration method; Group of method of using words; Group of educational methods by affection - encouragement; Group of methods to set example - evaluation Forms of organizing Visualization activities for Pre-school children - Form of organizing activities in class - VA anywhere, anytime: playing corner activities; walking activities; afternoon activities, etc 1.3 Skills in organizing Visualization activities of students from pedagogical colleges majoring in Pre-school education 1.3.1 The concept of skills in organizing Visualization activities In our view, the skill of organizing VA is: a form of professional action of teachers that is based on applying their knowledge and experience in organizing their known VA into practice to design and implement VA for PSC in order to achieve educational requirements and tasks in appropriate conditions PSED students from pedagogical colleges’ organizing VA skills are reflected in the following characteristics: (1) Recognizing the general purpose and requirements of organizing VA for children at preschool; (2) Identifying suitable VA that can be organized for PSC; (3) Having the ability to design and collect utensils, means and materials used in the process of organizing VA for children and building an environment suitable for VA; (4) Making a plan to visualization organizing for PSC in accordance with the program, actual conditions and needs and abilities of children according to each age; (5) Proficiently applying manipulations, combining skillfully and flexibly with methods and measures of impact when implementing VA for children; (6) Identifing the criteria for evaluating the results of organizing VA for PSC 1.3.2 Structure of skills in organizing Visualization activities of students form pedagogical colleges majoring in Pre-school education Preparing for Visualization activities Preparation for visualizing acts as a guide for the entire process of VA organizing, including designing, implementing and evaluating VA The group of skills to prepare for VA includes component skills: Skill to study objects of VA; Skill to define goals for VA; Skill to determine content for VA; Skill to identify tools, means, materials and environments for VA; Skill in determining the form of organization of VA Planning for Visualization activities In order for the VA to be implemented effectively, it is necessary to first make a plan Depending on the type of plan, the level of generalization or specificity will have different plans respectively However, the plan must show the basic elements such as: time, purpose, content, object, technique, means, tools and environment for implementing VA On that basis, in our opinion, the group of skills to plan the VA includes the following five-component skills: Skill to present and express the goals of VA; Skill to present and express the content of VA; Skill to design tools, means, materials and the environment; Skill to design children's learning activities; Skill to design criteria and rating scales for VA Implementing Visualization activities As a group of skills that determine the effectiveness of VA, the group of skills for implementing VA includes direct actions to organize children to participate in activities Based on the content of guiding children to participate in VA; This group includes the following skills: Skill to lead children to participate in activities; Skill to use visual aids in VA; Skill to visually manipulate give instructions; Skill to lead, elicit needs and creative ideas for children; Skill to embrace and control VA; Skill to handle pedagogical situations in VA; Skill to organize activities to comment, share and guide children to self-assess products Evaluating the effectiveness of organizing Visualization activities The group of skills to evaluate the effectiveness of VA includes the following component skills: Skill to evaluate the effectiveness VA towards the objective; Skill to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of tools, means, materials and the environment; Skill to assess children's participation in VA; Skill to summarize, and drawi experience from VA 1.3.3 Criteria for assessing the skills of organizing Visualization activities of students from pedagogical colleges majoring in Pre-school education The following criteria by Dang Thanh Hung in the design of the criteria for assessing the skills of organizing VA are used which include completeness, flexibility, proficiency, logic and effectiveness of skill Based on the above criteria, we develop criteria for assessing PSED students' skills in organizing VA from pedagogical colleges, including the following levels: Very low; Low; Medium; High; Very high 1.4 Theory on training visualization organizing skills for pedagogical college students majoring in Pre-school education 1.4.1 The concept of training visualization organizing skills From our view: "Training skills in organizing VA is the process of organizing and guiding teachers to promote self-discipline, positivity, initiative and creativity for students in the process of training to form and develop visualization organizing skills to meet the goals of vocational education and the requirements of society" 1.4.2 The scientific basis of training skills in organizing Visualization activities for pedagogical college students majoring in Pre-school education Characteristics of learning activities of students from pedagogical colleges majoring in Pre-school education The learning activities of college-level students majoring in PSED have all the characteristics of learning activities in general In addition, this subject's learning activities also have specific characteristics of the training industry, such as (1) Focusing on the purpose of acquiring specialized knowledge and skills and techniques for organizing activities child care and education; (2) Learning and skills training activities for preschool students have a connection with social activities; (3) Due to the specific nature of the profession, which is often in contact with young children, each student must personally love the profession and love children; because it is the engine that directly affects the process of training vocational skills as well as the results of learning activities; (4) Students' learning activities require them to have good adaptation because it requires students to absorb a large amount of knowledge, skills and techniques in a certain period of time Training program for pedagogical college students majoring in Pre-school education * Objectives of the training program General objectives: The training program for PST at college level is built to train highquality human resources to meet the innovation requirements of PST in the period of of organizing VA are given the last priority, just above the skills of organizing musicdance activities The quality of students' skills in organizing Visualization activities According to statistics, we found that among the four groups of skills in organizing VA, the group of skills in preparing for VA was rated the highest by all three groups of subjects with the average total score of m= 3.24 The skill group to evaluate the effectiveness of VA was the least effective with the average total score of m= 3.02, followed by the group of skills to plan VA with the average score of m= 3.06 The group of skills to implement VA ranked 2nd with the average total score of all three groups of subjects, m= 3.20 The results of assessing the effectiveness of students' performance in organizing VA showed that all skill groups reached an average level (from 3.02 to 3.24) Therefore, it is necessary to have specific and practical training measures to improve the effectiveness of this skill training for PSED students 2.2.2 The reality of training Visualization activities organizing skills for pedagogical college students majoring in Pre-school education Awareness of the role of skills in organizing Visualization activities for students All three target groups highly appreciated the role of this skill training for preschool students in the current period There were no choices at two levels of unimportant and unimportant in all three groups of subjects On the side of pedagogical lecturers, the importance of training in organizing skills in VA in the current context was shown: very important level: 40%; Important: 53.33%; normal: 6.67% For the target group of PST, the results obtained were shown as follows: very important: 39.33%; important: 56%; normal: 4.67% Based on the results, it can be seen that there are similarities between the two groups of pedagogical teachers and PST in terms of the importance and urgency of training the skills of organizing VA for preschool students On the students' side, the assessment of the importance of training organizing VA skills according to survey targeting pedagogical students was shown as follows: very important: 18%; important: 67.75%; normal: 14.25% Actual situation when participating in training organizing Visualization activities skill of students From the above assessments, we found that there was a big difference between students' attitudes when participating in training skills in organizing VA at the pedagogical colleges and preschools The overall assessment of all three groups of students about the student's attitude was at positive level and very positive level, that was equivalent to 10% 38% The rest focused on achieving the average level The reality of training students' skills in organizing Visualization activities in their studies at the pedagogy colleges * Evaluation of PST on training organizing Visualization activities skills for students in theory teaching Table 2.3 Evaluation of teachers on training students' organizing Visualization activities skills in theory teaching Level Effectiveness No Training content m Sd Th m Sd Th Instructing students on psycho-physiological and 2.72 0.76 2.67 0.73 pedagogical characteristics of preschool age 12 Instructing students in the knowledge of VA in 3.12 1.12 3.3 0.62 preschool 2.85 0.73 2.57 0.67 Studying the model plan of VA Instructing students to determine objectives for VA 3.00 0.76 2.62 0.49 3.18 0.81 2.95 0.57 Instructing students to determine content for VA Guiding students to determine the form of organizing activities, select methods of instruction 3.20 0.73 2.82 0.54 Guiding students to determine the preparation of tools, equipment, materials, and environment for the 3.10 0.90 2.77 0.53 shaping activities 2.62 0.72 2.52 0.68 8 Guide students to summarize, evaluate and adjust Total score average 2.97 2.78 Result evaluation Medium Medium Cronbach's Alpha Reliability 0.960 0.962 According to the statistics from Table 2.3, the general assessment on the activities of training the skills of organizing VA for students majoring in PSED in the theoretical learning of the pedagogical lecturers is at an medium level (the average total score of the performance level m= 2.97) and the level of effectiveness of the contents of the instructions reached the total average score of m= 2.78 On that basis, it can be affirmed that this skill training activity for students in theoretical learning at the pedagogical colleges is not really effective It is necessary to supplement and strengthen specific measures to foster students' theoretical knowledge about visualization organizing skills in theoretical learning at the pedagogical colleges * Evaluation of lecturers on training Visualization activities organizing skills for students in practice at pedagogical colleges Table 2.4 Evaluation of lecturers on training students' Visualization activities organizing skills in practice at pedagogical colleges Level Effectiveness No Training content m Sd Th m Sd Th Instructing students to practice planning for VA 3.02 0.7 2.63 0.78 Instructing students to practice designing tools, 3.38 0.56 2.87 0.47 equipment, materials, and the environment Instructing students to observe and evaluate VA 2.7 0.79 2.47 0.72 through video tapes Instructing students to practice implementing VA in 3.07 0.71 3.12 0.6 class Instructing students to evaluate and summarize VA 2.7 0.72 2.52 0.79 Total score average 3.00 2.72 Result evaluation Medium Medium Cronbach's Alpha Reliability 0.947 0.950 According to the statistics from Table 2.4, the lecturers’ activities of training the organizing VA skills for PSED students in the practice at the pedagogical colleges of the are at an average level and the level of effectiveness is average The results show the lack of effectiveness in training the organizing VA skills for students through organizing practice The results show the need to supplement and strengthen specific measures to 13 strengthen students' practical skills in organizing VA at pedagogical colleges The reality of on training skills in organizing Visualization activities for students in practice-intern at preschools * Evaluation of PST on training skills in organizing Visualization activities for students during practice - intern The survey results show that the assessment of PST on training visualization organizing skills for students in practice - internship sessions was at the medium level (the average total score of the performance level m = 2.75) and the effectiveness of the instructional contents reaches the total average score of m = 3.07 Specific results show that there are still some training contents that are performed at an occasional level such as guiding students to determine the goals of VA; guiding students to learn psychophysiological characteristics of children and guiding students to understand the facilities and, conditions, equipment, and environment for VA In addition, PST also evaluated the effectiveness of training students' skills in organizing VA to achieve a high level in a number of contents such as guiding students to learn psycho-physiological characteristics of children; guiding students to identify tools, equipment, materials, and environment for VA; Instructing students to design tools, equipment, materials and environment for VA Through analyzing the results of reality, we found that the process of training PST's skills in organizing VA for students in practice sessions was not regular and effective in implementing these activities and the performance effectiveness of raining content was not high Therefore, it is necessary to add measures to enhance the effectiveness of this skill training for students in the process of teaching and learning at PSED institutions * Evaluation of PST on training skills in organizing Visualization activities for students at preschools Table 2.5 Evaluation of PST on training skills in organizing Visualization activities for students at preschool Level Effectiveness No Training content m Sd Th m Sd Th Orientating the practical contents related to 2.05 1.28 2.38 0.96 VA in preschool Supporting students to plan VA during the 2.22 1.34 2.27 0.92 internship Working with PST to observe, evaluate, and 2.27 1.41 2.3 0.98 guide students to adjust VA Total score average 2.18 2.32 Result evaluation Occasional Low effectiveness Cronbach's Alpha Reliability 0.984 0.982 According to statistics from Table 2.5, the training activities of the VA organizing skills for students in the process of practice - internship at preschool educational institutions of pedagogical lecturers are at a low level (performance level with average total score = 2.18 and efficiency level with total average score = 2.32) The results show the limitation in training this skill through the practice of pedagogical trainers (from the orientation to assisting students in planning and the lack of cooperate with PST in observing, assessing and guiding students to adjust activities) Through evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical teachers in training students' skills in organizing VA at practice - internship sessions, we realize that it is necessary to develop specific measures 14 to increase strengthen the orientation and support of students as well as the cooperation with PST of pedagogical teachers in training this skill for students at practice – internship sessions Evaluation of students on training students' organizing Visualization activities skills * Self-assessment of students on training organizing Visualization activities skills at pedagogical colleges Through the results of the self-assessment survey of students in the process of practicing the skills of organizing VA at pedagogical colleges, we draw the following observations: The implementation of the content of training the visualization organizing skills of students majoring in PSED in studying at pedagogical colleges was at the medium level (the average total score of the performance level was m= 3.14) and the skill training effectiveness reached the average total score m= 3.06 The results of self-assessment of the level of performance as well as the effectiveness of training students' skills in organizing VA in studying at a pedagogical college are not high Most of the training contents are rated at medium and low level by students Students self-assess the effectiveness of contents of training skills in organizing VA at pedagogical, specifically: defining content; defining the form; defining the preparation of tools, equipment, and materials = 3.43 and the design of tools, equipment, materials and environment for VA = 3.41 However, in the contents, students self-assessed their performance at a high level with a relatively wide distribution of scores with a standard deviation Sd from 0.73 to 0.79 * Self-assessment of students on training organizing Visualization activities skills in practice - internship at preschools Results of students' self-assessment on the level and effectiveness of implementing content training organizing VA skills in practice - internship at preschools with the average total score of performance = 3.38 (medium) and performance = 3.31 (medium) In each specific content, a number of training contents are self-assessed by students at the regular level of performance such as learning psycho-physiological characteristics of children = 3.55; designing tools, equipment, materials, and environment = 3.51 and observing the VA performed by PST = 3.46 Students also self-assessed the effectiveness of some high-level training content such as learning psycho-physiological characteristics of children = 3.55; designing of tools, equipment, materials, and environment = 3.47; observing the VA organized by PST = 3.43 2.3 General evaluation of the survey Through surveys, interviews, observations and analysis of the current situation of skills in organizing VA and the reality of training this skill for students of pedagogical colleges in PSED, we have the following general assessments: - Most of the College lecturers, PST and students are aware of the importance of the organizing VA skill for the professional activities of PST The target groups also highly appreciated the necessity of training this skill for students - The organizing VA skill of pedagogical college students majoring in PSED are selfassessed by groups of College lecturers, PST and students is at an average level of performance, although there are unevenness in the assessment of the level, the effectiveness of the component skills from the target groups but not significant - Training skills in organizing VA for students of pedagogical college majoring in PSED is implemented through two basic ways: learning at the pedagogical colleges and 15 through practice-intern at preschools Attitudes in training students' skills in organizing VA were assessed by all three groups of subjects, mainly at an average level Combined interviews of three groups of subjects through the question "Evaluate the advantages and limitations in training skills of organizing VA for students?" We found that besides a number of advantages (children love VA because of the inherent attractiveness of the activity; experienced and enthusiastic lecturers and preschool teachers; rich resources and learning materials; knowledge base about Psycho-physiology at the preschool age of students is quite good, etc.), there are still some limitations in training this skill for students: training program, time for practice-intern, ability of students, experience of lecturers and PST, etc Conclusion for chapter The majority of pedagogical lecturers, PST, and students were aware of the important role of the skill of organizing VA as well as the necessity of training this skill for students in the current context However, there were still some pedagogical lecturers, PST, and students who were not fully aware of this issue Therefore, the process of training this skill for students was not regular, still formal, and not very effective In general, the visualization organizing skills of students in the pedagogical colleges majoring in PSED after the assessment was concentrated at the medium level, some skills were still at a low level and were not uneven The process of training students' visualization organizing skills has not really achieved a positive effect and has been paid attention to and implemented regularly through learning activities at the pedagogical colleges, in practice - internship in preschool as well as self-practice activities of students The survey results have shown that: the study and identification of measures to train the organizing VA skills in order to overcome the limitations and is an important basis for proposing specific training measures to create learning environment anytime, anywhere, stimulating self-discipline, active initiative of students when participating in training organizing VA skills CHAPTER 3: MEASURES TO TRAIN THE VISUALIZATION ORGANIZING SKILLS FOR PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS MAJORING IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 3.1 Basic principles in training students' visualization organizing skills: - Ensuring the suitability for the objectives, content of training PST at the college level - Ensuring the suitability for the objectives and content of the program of VA for PSC - Ensuring the suitability for specific objects and conditions - Ensuring the stimulation of interest in learning for students, creating a favorable and effective environment for training and self-training skills in organizing VA 3.2 Measures to practice organizing Visualization activities skills for pedagogical college students majoring in Pre-school education On the basis of theoretical research on skills in organizing VA and the results of the current situation survey in combination with the above principles, we develop measures to practice skills in organizing VA for students as follows: 16 MEASURES TO PRACTICE VA ORGANIZING SKILL FOR PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS MAJORING IN PSED Measure 1: Instructing students to make a plan to practice VA organizing skills Measure 2: Measure 3: Implementing Conducting training training in VA in VA organizing organizing skills for skills for students in students in practice-intern at pedagogical college preschools Measure 4: Evaluating, adjusting and developing the results of training students' VA organizing skills Measure 5: Encouraging students' needs, motivations and interests in training VA organizing skills Picture 3.1 Measures to practice Visualization activities organizing skills 3.2.1 Instructing students to make a plan to practice Visualization activities organizing skills In a learning environment with the same conditions, the study results of students are different and uneven, the above results are due to the learning and training ability of each student Therefore, it is necessary to guide students to plan training VA organizing skills to, which contribute to innovate the teaching methods and improve the quality of training PST at college level 3.2.2 Implementing training in Visualization activities organizing skills for students in pedagogical college - Instructing students to study the theory of VA organizing for preschool children: Systematize the theoretical basis of skills in organizing VA for preschool children; Guide students to learn the theory of VA organizing for preschool children - Instructing students to practice implementing VA organizing in learning at the college: Organize for students to analyze sample plans, study videotapes of VA through group activities, independent activities and discussions; : Instruct and advise students to plan VA for preschool children; Organize for students to practice VA in a hypothetical environment at the college 3.2.3 Conducting training in Visualization activities organizing skills for students in practice-intern at preschools Training skills of organizing VA for students through the application of knowledge and skills about studying at a pedagogical college into the practice of preschool in the teaching and learning sessions, thereby evaluating the effectiveness of the process of organizing VA of students Training skills of organizing VA for students through: practice in preschool, regular practice and graduation internship Students actively practice through applying knowledge to organizing VA with higher requirements Consolidate and train skills to organizing VA, evaluate and adjust organizational activities in accordance with the development characteristics, needs and emotions of children 3.2.4 Evaluating, adjusting and developing the results of training students' Visualization activities organizing skills Evaluating the effectiveness of training skills in organizing VA for students is conducted in the practical hours at the pedagogical college and integrated in the teaching and learning sessions at the preschool Assessment helps students see their strengths and limitations in 17 knowledge and skills, from which students determine the next training direction Besides, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of students, is a basic condition for teachers to base on adjusting the content, methods and means in the process of training skills to organizing VA for students Assessment is an important step in the process of training students' visualization organizing skills if the assessment is implemented in a timely, objective, and effective manner, it will create positive motivation for students in training visualization organizing skills Assessment of the results of skills training in organizing VA for students is to assess knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, values, and results of applying learned knowledge into practice that is based on previously defined and developed criteria The assessment of students' skill results should be compared with the method of training students' VA organizing skills and the actual conditions of the facilities From there, the pedagogical lecturer gives the assessment results and identifies measures to adjust and supplement the process of training this skill for students 3.2.5 Encouraging students' needs, motivations and interests in training Visualization activities organizing skills Demand is the source of activeness, if students not have the need to practice the skills of organizing VA, teachers will face a lot of difficulties in training students In addition to the needs, the interests of students in the form of skills training, organizing VA is also very important to the process of practicing this skill 3.3 The relationship between measures The measures are built on the basis of theory and survey of the actual situation that are closely related to each other, interact with each other and complement each other in the unity of the whole process of training the organizing VA skills for students Depending on each specific condition, the lecturers choose to apply and coordinate flexibly the measures, in order to optimize the strengths of the measures in training the organizing VA skills for students All the above measures are aimed at training the skills for students in a positive and effective way These measures should be used synchronously in the process of training the organizing VA skills for PSED students of pedagogical colleges Conclusion for chapter On the basis of theoretical and practical research on visualization organizing skills and training in shaping skills for pedagogical college students majoring in PSED, the thesis proposes measures including enhancing the effectiveness of this skill training for students Measures to practice visualization organizing skills for students are mainly deployed through dominant modules, "Art", and "Method to visualization organizing for PSC" (the focus is the methodology module) and are integrated into other specialized modules in the training program for students with a college degree The process of training VA organizing skills for students must be carried out that starts from theoretical awareness to skill practice - to be carried out, deployed repeatedly from studying at the pedagogical colleges to the practice-internship sessions and continuing until graduation from the student's vocational activities Measures to practice VA organizing skills for PSED students of the pedagogical colleges emphasize the individual students' efforts in training and self-training The proposed measures are aimed at influencing students to form their needs, positive attitude, and initiative in learning and training their own skills 18