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Mở rộng việc cung cấp các dịch vụ thanh toán quốc tế tại ngân hàng ngoại thương việt nam trong tiến trình hội nhập kinh tế quốc tế

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TRUING DAI HOC KINH TE QUOC DAN VU QUY Md RONG VIEC CUNG CAP CAC DICH VU THANH TOAN • • • • QUOC TE TAI NGAN HANG NGOAI THtfONG VIET NAM TRONG TIEN TRINH HOI NHAP KINH TE QUOC TE CHUYEN NGANH: KINH TE DOI NGOAI Ma s6: 60.31.07 LUAN VAN THAC SHe • ■ tiT A Irisri _ KTQD NGL'OI HUONG DAN KHOA HQC: PGS TS ITO&I^W^I^yO^NG Ha Noi - 2007 MUC LUC • • Muc luc Danh muc cac chu viet tat Danh muc cac bang •> X Danh muc cac bieu Danh muc cac hop Danh muc cac so Danh muc cac phu luc Tom tat luan van thac si ■x Leri mb dau Chirong 1: Dich vu toan quoc te ciia cac ngan hang thuong mai va cac nguyen tac quoc te toan quoc te / r / r 1.1 Dich vu toan quoc te, cac phirong thuc toan quoc te va tac dong cua nha nude 1.1.1 Khai quat ve dich vu toan quoc te r r 1.1.2 Cac phuong thuc toan quoc te 1.1.3 Tac dong cua nha nude den dich vu toan quoc te cua ngan hang thuong mai Vi$t Nam 10 1.2 Dich vu toan quoc te cua cac ngan hang thuong mui 13 1.2.1 Lich sir phat trien dich vu toan quoc te cua cac ngan hang thuong mai quoc doanh Viet Nam 20 •> r t 1.2.2 Cac dich vu bo trq cho hout dQng toan quoc te cua ngan hang thuong mai .24 1.3 Nhung phuong thuc cung cap dich vu quoc te va nhung nguyen tac, quy dinh ve dich vu toan quoc te 25 1.3.1 Nhung phuong thuc cung cap dich vu quoc te 25 1.3.2 Nhung nguyen tac, quy dinh quoc te ve dich vu toan quoc te 26 1.4 Kinh nghiem mo rong viec cung cap cac dich vu toan quoc te o mot so ngan hang thuong mai va bai hoc cho Vietcombank 27 1.4.1 Kinh nghiem cua mot so ngan hang ve toan quoc te 27 1.4.2 Bai hpc doi voi Vietcombank 32 Chuong 2: Thye trang vi|c ma rpng dich vu toan quoc te tai Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Vi^t Nam tu nam 2002 den 34 2.1 Dich vu TTQT cua Ngan hang Ngoui thuong Viet Nam 34 2.1.1 Khai quat ve Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Vi?t Nam 34 2.1.2 Vi tri cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam tren thi trubng cung ung cac dich vu toan quoc te 37 2.2 Qua trinh mo rong cac dich vu toan quoc te o Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam 38 2.2.1 Quy trinh hoat dong toan quoc te tai Vietcombank 39 2.2.2 Tinh hinh toan quoc te tai Vietcombank 43 2.2.3 Cac bien phap da dupe Vietcombank ap dung de mo rpng dich vu toan quoc te 52 2.3 Danh gia thuc trang viec mo rQng dich vu toan quoc te o Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Vi?t Nam 56 2.3.1 Nhung ket qua dat dupe dich vu toan quoc te cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam 56 2.3.2 Nhung han che vi?c ma rQng dich vu toan quoc te cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam va nguyen nhan 58 x Chirong 3: Dinh huong va nhuug giai phap chu yeu nhain ma rQng dich r vu toan quoc te cua Vietcombank tien trinh hoi nhap kinh te quoc te 62 3.1 Cam k6t ma cua thi truong tai chinh cua Viet Nam hoi nhap va chnh hudng phat trien cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam 62 3.1.1 Nhung cam ket ma cua thi truong tai chinh cua Viet Nam dieu kien hoi nhap 62 3.1.2 Chien Iuqc phat trien cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam 64 3.1.3 Chi6n Iuqc mo rQng dich vu cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Vi?t Nam 65 3.2 Cac giai phap va kien nghi mo rong dich vu toan quoc te cua Ngan hang Ngoqi thuong Vi?t Nam 67 3.2.1 Cac giai phap vi mo 68 3.2.2 Cac kien nghi vi mo 79 Ket Iuan 87 Danh muc tai lieu tham khao 89 Phu• luc • 93 Danh muc cac chu* viet tat STT Chir viet tat ASEAN BIDV BTA Bilateral Trade Agreement Hiep dinh thucmg mai song phucmg FCI Factors Chain International Lien minh cac To chuc Bao toan Quoc te GATS General Agreement of Trade in Services Hiep dinh chung ve Thucmg mai Dich vu ICB The Industrial and Commercial Bank of Vietnam (Incombank) Ngan hang Cong thucmg Viet Nam ICC International Chamber of Commerce Phong Thucmg mai Quoc te IFG International Factors Group Nhom cac To chuc Bao toan Quoc te IMF International Monetary Fund Quy Tien te Quoc te 10 ISP International Standby Practices Thue tien tin dun^ du phong quoc te 11 L/C Documentary letter of credit Thu tin dung hay Tin dqng chung tu 12 NHNN The State Bank of Vietnam 13 STP Straight through processing SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 14 Nghla tieng Anh Nghia tieng Vi?t Association of South-East Asian Nations The Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam Hiep hpi cac quoc gia Dong Nam A Ngan hang Dau tu va Phat trien Vi?t Nam Ngan hang Nha nude Viet Nam Chi so Xu ly hoan toan tu dQng (la chi so dung de danh gia chat lupng di?n Swift) Hiep hQi Vien thong Tai chinh Lien ngan hang Toan cau Strength - Weekness Oppotumities - Threat Mo hinh Diem manh - diem yeu - co hoi - thach thuc 15 SWOT 16 TPHCM Thanh Ho Chi Minh 17 TTQT Thanh toan quoc te Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits Uniform Rules for Collection Dieu lp va thuc hanh thong nhat ve Tin dung Chung tir 18 UCP 19 URC 20 URDG Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees Quy dinh thong nhat ve bao lanh theo yeu cau 21 URR Uniform Rules for Bank-toBank Reimbursement under Documentary Credits Quy dinh thong nhat ve hoan tra giua cac ngan hang theo phuong thuc tin dung chung tir 22 USD United States Dollars Do-la My hay My kim (dan vi tien Hoa Ky) Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) The Bank for Foreign trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) Quy dinh thong nhat ve Nha thu Ngan hang Nong nghiep va Phat trien nong thon Viet Nam 23 VBARD 24 VCB 25 VNBA Vietnam Banking Association Hipp hQi ngan hang Vipt Nam 26 WB World Bank / Ngan hang The gioi 27 WTO World Trade Organisation To chuc Thuong mai The gidi 28 XNK Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viet Nam Xuat nhap khau Danh muc cac bang Bang 1.1 U’u nhuoc diem cua cac dich vu toan quoc te 19 Bang 2.1 Kim ngach toan XNK va thi phan cua Vietcombank 38 Bang 2.2 Tang truong kim ngach o cac dich vu 43 Bang 2.3 Kim ngach xuat khau mat hang chinh qua Vietcombank nam 2006 44 Bang 2.4 Nhung thi truong xuat khau chinh 47 Bang 2.5 Nhung mat hang nhap khau chinh qua Vietcombank nam 2006 48 Bang 2.6 Kim ngach chiet khau o chi nhanh co ty le chiet khau cao 51 Bang 2.7 Muoi chi nhanh co ty le ky quy cao nam 2006 53 Danh muc cac bieu Bieu 1.1 Thi phSn cua ngan hang thucmg mai quoc doanh 21 Bieu 2.1 Ty trQng cac dich vu xuat khau 41 Bieu 2.2 Ty cac dich vq nhap khau 42 Danh muc c^c hop Hop 2.1 Bieu phi dich vy thu tin dung 39 Hop 2.2 Bieu phi dich vu chuyen tien 40 Hop 3.1 Mo hinh SWOT cua Vietcombank 67 HqP 3.2 Nhan luc ngan hang Viyt Nam tradethem hoi nhap 74 Hop 3.3 Ngan hang Vipt Nam gia nhap WTO 79 Hop 3.4 Cai each phap ly de hoi nhap 80 Hop 3.5 Giai phap de ngan hang hoi nhap 84 104 chung C Chung khoan (1) Chua cam ket, trir cac dich vu C(k) va C(l) (1) Chua cam ket (f) Giao dich cho tai khoan cua minh hoac tai khoan cua khach hang tai so giao dich chung khoan, thi truong giao dich true Imp (OTC) hay cac thi truong khac nhung san pham sau: (2) Khong han che (2) Khong han che (3) Ngay gia nhap, cac nha cung cap dich vu chung khoan nudc ngoai dupe lap van phong dai dien va cong ty lien doanh vdi doi tac Viet Nam ty le vdn gop cua phia nudc ngoai khong vupt qua 49% (3) Khong han che - Cac cong cu phai sinh, bao gdm ca hop ddng tuong lai va hop ddng quyen lua chon; - Cac chung khoan cd the chuyen nhupng; - Cac cong cu co the chuyen nhuong khac va cac tai san tai chinh, tru vang khoi (g) Tham gia vao cac dpt phat hanh moi loai chung khoan, bao gdm bao lanh phat hanh, va lam dai ly ban (chao ban cong chung hoac chao ban rieng), cung cap cac dich vu lien quan den cac dpt phat hanh (i) Quan ly tai san nhu quan ly danh muc dau tu, moi hinh thuc quan ly dAu tu tap the, quan ly quy huu tri, cac dich vu luu ky va tin thac (j) Cac dich vu toan va toan bu tru chung khoan, cac cong cu phai sinh va cac san phAm lien quan den chung khoan khac (k) Cung cap va chuyen thong tin tai chinh, cac phAn mem lien quan cua cac nha cung cap dich vu chung khoan (1) Tu van, trung gian va cac dich vu phu trp hen Sau nam ke tu gia nhap, cho phep lap doanh nghiep chung khoan 100% vdn dAu tu nudc ngoai Doi vdi cac dich vu tu C(i) tdi C(l), sau nam ke tu gia nhap, cho phep cac nha cung cap dich vu chung khoan nudc ngoai lap chi nhanh (4) Chua cam ket, tru cac cam ket chung (4) Chua cam kdt, trir cac cam kdt chung 105 quan den chung khoan, ngoai trir cac hoat dong tai tieu muc (f), bao gom tu van va nghien cuu dau tu, danh muc dAu tu, tu van ve mua lai cong ty, lap chien luac va ccr cau lai cong ty (Doi vdi cac djch vu khac tai tieu muc (1), tham chieu tiSu muc (1) phan cam ket ve dich vu ngan hang) Nguon: http://www.mot.gov.vn Phu luc 2: Mot s6 didu khoan cua Quy tdc va Thirc hanh Thdng nhdt vd Tin dung chung td (UCP600) Didu 4: Tin dung vd hgp ddng a \J'e ban chdt, tin dung la mot giao dich rieng biet vdi hop ddng mua ban hoac cac hop ddng khdc ma co thd la co sd cua tin dung Cac ngan hang khong lien quan ddn hoac rang buoc bdi cdc hop ddng nhu thd, ca tin dung co din chidu ddn cac hop ddng nhu thd Do do, so cam kdt cua mot ngan hang vd viec todn, thuong loong toan hoSc thgc hidn bdt cd nghia vu nao khac tin dung khong phu thuoc vao cac khidu nai hoac kien cao cua ngudi yeu cdu phat hanh tin dung phat sinh td cac quan he cua ho voi ngan hang phat hdng hoac ngudi thu hudng Trong bdt cd trudng hop nao, ngudi thu hudng khong duoc loi dung cac quan he hop ddng gida cac ngSn hang vdi hoSc gida ngudi yeu cdu va ngan hanh phat hanh b Ngan hang phat hanh khong khuydn khich cac cd gdng cua ngudi yeu cdu nhdm dua cac ban cua hop ddng co sd, hoa don chidu le va cac chdng td tuong tu bo phdn khong tach rdi cua tin dung D/du 5; Cdc chdng td vd hdng hda/dich vu hodc thpc hien Cac ngan hang giao dich tren co sd cac chdng tu chd khong phai bdng hang hoa, dich vu hoac cac thuc hien khac ma cac chdng td co lien quan £>/du 6: Thanh todn, ngdy hdt han vd noi xudt trinh a Tin dung phai quy dinh nd cd gia tri todn vdi ngan hang nao hoac vdi bdt ky ngan hang nao Mot tin dung co gia tri toan vdi ngan hang chi dinh thi cung co gia tri toan vdi ngdn hdng phat hanh b Mot tin dung phai quy dinh hoac la nd cd gid tri tra tidn ngay, tra tidn sau, chdp nhdn hoac la cd gia tri thuong luong toan c Mot tin dung khong duoc phat hanh cd gia tri toan bdng mot hdi phidu ky phat doi tien ngudi yeu cdu d i Tin dung phai quy dinh hdt han xudt trinh Ngdy hdt han todn hoac thuong luong toan se duoc coi Id nhu hdt han xudt trinh ii Dia didm cua ngdn hang ma vdi ngdn hdng tin dung cd gia tri toan cung la dia diem xudt trinh Dia didm xudt trinh cua mot tin dung cd gia tri toan vdi bdt cu ngan hang nao la dia diem xudt trinh cua ngan hang bdt ky Dia didm xudt trinh khac voi dia didm cua ngan hang phat hanh la dia didm bd sung vao dia diem ngan hang phat hanh e Tru trudng hop quy dinh tai muc a, didu 29, viec xudt trinh bdi ngudi thu hudng hoac bdi ngudi thay mdt ngudi thu hudng phai dugc thgc hien vao hodc trude hdt han xudt trinh D/'du 7: Cam kdt cua ngdn hdng phdt hdnh a Vdi didu kien la cac chdng td quy dinh dugc xudt trinh tdi ngan hang chi dinh hoac tdi ngan hang phat hanh va vdi didu kien viec xudt trinh la phu hgp, 107 ngan hang phat hanh phai toan ndu tin dung co gia tri toan bang each: i tra tidn ngay, tra tidn vd sau hoac chap nhan voi ngan hang phat hanh; ii tra tidn voi mot ngan hang chi dinh va ngan hang chi dinh khong tra tidn iii tra tidn sau vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh va ngan hang chi dinh khong cam kdt tra tidn sau hoac da cam kdt tra tidn sau nhung khong tra tien dao han; iv chap nhan vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh va ngan hang chi dinh khong chap nhan mot hdi phidu ky phat doi tidn no hoac da chdp nhan hdi phidu doi tidn nhung khong tra tidn dao han; hoac v thuong luong vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh va ngan hang chi dinh khong thuong luong toan b Ngan hang phat hdnh bi rang buoc khong thd huy bo ddi vdi viec toan kd tu ngdn hang phat hdnh tin dung c Ng3n hang phat hdnh cam ket hoan tra tian cho mot ngan hang chi dinh ma ngan hang da toan hoac da thuong luong toan cho mot xuat trinh phu hop va da chuyen giao cac chung tu cho ngan hang phat hanh Viec hoan tra sd tian cua mot bo chung tu xuat trinh phu hop thuoc mot tin dung co gia tri toan bang chap nhan hoac tra tian sau la vao luc dao han, du cho ngan hang chi dinh da tra tian trudc hoac da mua trudc dan han Cam ket cua ngan hang phat hanh vd viec hoan tra tian cho mot ngan hang chi dinh la doc lap vdi cam ket cua ngan hang phat hanh ddi vdi ngudi thu hudng DiSu 8: Cam k&t cua ngSn h&ng x£c nhSn a Vdi didu kien Id cac chung tu quy dinh duoc xuat trinh dan ngan hang xac nhan hoac dan bat cu mot ngan hang chi dinh nao knac va vdi diau kien viec xuat trinh ia phu hop, ngan hang xac nhan phai: i toan, neu tin dung co gia tri toan, bang each: - tra tian ngay, tra tidn sau hoac chap nhan toan vdi ngan hang xac nhan - tra tien vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh khac vd ngan hang chi dinh khong tra tian - tra tien sau vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh khac va ngdn hang chi dinh khong cam kdt tra tidn sau hodc co cam ket tra tidn sau, nhung khong tra tien dao han - chap nhan vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh khac va ngan hang chi dinh khong chap nhan hdi phidu doi tian nd hoac cd chap nhan, nhung khong tra tian dao han - thuong luong toan vdi mot ngan hang chi dinh khac vd ngan hang chi dinh khong thuong luong toan ii Thuong luong toan, midn truy ddi, neu tin dung cd gia tri thuong luong toan tai ngan hang xac nhan b Ngan hang xac nhan bi rang buoc khong thd huy bo ddi vdi viec toan hoac thuong luong toan ke tu ngan hang thuc hien xac nhan tin dung c Ngan hang xac nhan cam kdt hoan tra tien cho mot ngan hang chi dinh khac ma ngan hang hang ndy da toan hoac da thuong luong toan cho mot 108 bo chirng tir xudt trinh phu hop va da chuyen giao cac chirng tir cho ngan hang xac nhan Viec hoan tra sd tidn cua mot mot bo chung tir xuPt trinh phu hop thuoc mpt tin dung co gia tri toan bPng chPp nhan hope tra tidn sau la vao luc dao han, du ngan hang chi dinh da tra tidn truoc hoac da mua truoc ddn han Cam kdt cua ngan hang xac nhan hoan tra tien cho mpt ngan hang chi dinh la doc lap vdi cam kdt cua ngan hdng xac nhan doi vdi ngudi thu hudng d Ndu mpt ngan hdng duoc ngdn hang phat hanh uy quydn hoac yeu cdu xac nhpn mpt tin dung nhirng ngan hdng ndy khong sdn sdng lam viec do, thi no phai thong bao cho ngan hang phat hanh va co thd thong bao tin dung ma khong co xac nhan Di&u 9: Thdng bdo tin dung vd cdc sCra ddi a Tin dung vd bat cir sira ddi ndo cd thd duoc thong bao cho ngudi thu hudng thong qua ngan hang thong bao Ngan hang thong bao, nhirng khong phai la ngan hang xac nhan, thong bao tin dung va cac sira ddi ma khong cam kdt vd todn hoac thirong luong toan b Bdng viec thong bao tin dung hope sira ddi, ngan hang thong bao cho biet rdng tir no da thoa man vd tinh chan that bd ngodi cua tin dung hoac cua sira ddi va rang thong bao phan dnh chinh xac cac didu kien va didu khoan cua tin dung hoac sira dpi da nhan c Ngan hdng thong bao cd thd sir dung dich vu cua mpt ngan hang khac (“ngan hang thong bao thu* hai”) dd thong bao tin dung va cac sira ddi cho ngudi thu hudng Bdng viec thong bao tin dung hoac sira doi, ngan hang thong bao thur hai cho bidt rdng tu nd dd thoa mdn vd tinh chan that bd ngoai cua thong bao ma no da nhan duoc vd rang thong bao phan anh chinh xac cac dieu kien va didu khoan cua tin dung vd sira doi da nhan d Ngdn hang sir dung dich vu cua ngdn hdng thong bao hoac ngan hang thong bao thir hai dd thong bao tin dung thi cung phai sir dung cac ngan hang dd thong bao cac sira doi cua tin dung e Ndu mpt ngan hdng duoc yeu cPu thong bdo tin dung hoac sira dpi nhirng quyet dinh khong Idm viec do, thi nd phai thong bao khong cham trd cho ngan hang ma tir dd da nhan duoc tin dung, sira ddi hope thong bao f Ndu mpt ngan hang diro’c yeu cPu thong bao tin dung hope sira doi, nhirng tir no khong cd thd thoa mdn vd tinh chan that bd ngoai cua tin dung, cua sira ddi hope cua thong bao, thi nd phai thong bao khong chpm trd cho ngan hang ma tir dd da nhan ducrc chi thi Tuy vdy, ndu ngan hang thong bao hope ngdn hang thong bao thir hai quydt dinh thong bao tin dung hope sira ddi, thi no phai thong bao cho ngudi thu hudng hope ngdn hdng thong bdo thir hai bidt rdng tir nd da khong thd thoa mdn duoc tinh chdn that bd ngoai cua tin dung, cua sira doi hope cua thong bao Didu 10: Sisa ddi tin dung a Trir cd quy dinh khac tai didu 38, mpt tin dung khong thd sira ddi cung nhu khong thd huy bd ma khong cd sy thoa thuan cua ngan hang phat hanh, ngan hang xac nhan, ndu cd, va cua ngudi thu hudng b Ngan hang phat hanh bi rang buoc khong thd huy bd boi cac sira ddi kd tir ngan hang phat hanh sira doi, Ngan hang xac nhpn cd the xac nhan them 109 ca Sira ddi va se bi rang buoc khong thd huy bo kd tu thong bao sua ddi Tuy vay, ngan hang xac nhan cd thd lua chon thong bao sera ddi ma khong xac nhan them va ndu vay, nd phai thong bao khong cham trd cho ngan hang phat hanh va thong bao cho ngudi thu hudng thong bao sua ddi cua minh c Cac didu kien va didu khoan cua tin dung gdc (hoac mot tin dung da dua vao cac sua doi duoc chdp nhan trudc do) se vdn nguyen hieu l(/c ddi vdi ngudi thu hudng cho ddn ngudi thu hudng truydn dat chdp nhan sua doi cua minh den ngan hang dd thong bao sua ddi Ngudi thu hudng phai thong bao chdp nhan hay tu chdi sua doi Ndu ngudi thu hudng khong thong bao nhu thd thi mot xudt trinh phu hop vdi tin dung va vdi bat cu sua ddi nao chua duoc chdp nhan, se duoc coi nhu la thong bao chdp nhan sua ddi cua ngudi hudng thu Tin dung se duoc sua doi tu thdi didm d Ngan hdng thong bdo sua ddi phai bao cho ngan hang ma tu no nhan duoc sua ddi vd viec chdp nhan hay tu choi sua ddi e Chdp nhan mot phdn sua doi Id khong duoc phep va se duoc coi la thong bao tu chdi sua doi f Mot didu khoan sua ddi quy dinh rdng sua ddi se cd hieu luc tru ngudi thu hudng tu chdi mot thdi gian nhdt dinh se khong duoc xem xet ddn 110 Phu luc 3: Mot sd didu khoan cua Cong u’d’c Qudc td vd Chuydn nhu’O’ng cac khoan phai thu Thu’O’ng mai Qudc td 2004 - dung cho Factoring vd Forfeiting (United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade 2004) CHAPTER IV RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS AND DEFENCES Section I Assignor and assignee Article 11 Rights and obligations of the assignor and the assignee The mutual rights and obligations of the assignor and the assignee arising from their agreement are determined by the terms and conditions set forth in that agreement, including any rules or general conditions referred to therein The assignor and the assignee are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and, unless otherwise agreed, by any practices they have established between themselves In an international assignment, the assignor and the assignee are considered, unless otherwise agreed, implicitly to have made applicable to the assignment a usage that in international trade is widely known to, and regularly observed by, parties to the particular type of assignment or to the assignment of the particular category of receivables Article 12 Representations of the assignor Unless otherwise agreed between the assignor and the assignee, the assignor represents at the time of conclusion of the contract of assignment that: (a) The assignor has the right to assign the receivable; (b) The assignor has not previously assigned the receivable to another assignee; and (c) The debtor does not and will not have any defences or rights of set-off Unless otherwise agreed between the assignor and the assignee, the assignor does not represent that the debtor has, or will have, the ability to pay Article 13 Right to notify the debtor Unless otherwise agreed between the assignor and the assignee, the assignor or the assignee or both may send the debtor notification of the assignment and a payment instruction, but after notification has been sent only the assignee may send such an instruction Notification of the assignment or a payment instruction sent in breach of any agreement referred to in paragraph of this article is not ineffective for the purposes of article 17 by reason of such breach However, nothing in this article affects any obligation or liability of the party in breach of such an agreement for any damages arising as a result of the breach Article 14 Right to payment As between the assignor and the assignee, unless otherwise agreed and whether or not notification of the assignment has been sent: Ill (a) If payment in respect of the assigned receivable is made to the assignee, the assignee is entitled to retain the proceeds and goods returned in respect of the assigned receivable; (b) If payment in respect of the assigned receivable is made to the assignor, the assignee is entitled to payment of the proceeds and also to goods returned to the assignor in respect of the assigned receivable; and (c) If payment in respect of the assigned receivable is made to another person over whom the assignee has priority, the assignee is entitled to pay- ment of the proceeds and also to goods returned to such person in respect of the assigned receivable The assignee may not retain more than the value of its right in the receivable Section II Debtor Article 15 Principle of debtor protection Except as otherwise provided in this Convention, an assignment does not, without the consent of the debtor, affect the rights and obligations of the debtor, including the payment terms contained in the original contract A payment instruction may change the person, address or account to which the debtor is required to make payment, but may not change: (a) The currency of payment specified in the original contract; or (b) The State specified in the original contract in which payment is to be made to a State other than that in which the debtor is located Article 16 Notification of the debtor Notification of the assignment or a payment instruction is effective when received by the debtor if it is in a language that is reasonably expected to inform the debtor about its contents It is sufficient if notification of the assignment or a payment instruction is in the language of the original contract Notification of the assignment or a payment instruction may relate to receivables arising after notification Notification of a subsequent assignment constitutes notification of all prior assignments Article 17 Debtor’s discharge by payment Until the debtor receives notification of the assignment, the debtor is entitled to be discharged by paying in accordance with the original contract After the debtor receives notification of the assignment, subject to paragraphs to of this article, the debtor is discharged only by paying the assignee or, if otherwise instructed in the notification of the assignment or subsequently by the assignee in a writing received by the debtor, in accord­ ance with such payment instruction If the debtor receives more than one payment instruction relating to a single assignment of the same receivable by the same assignor, the debtor is discharged by paying in accordance with the last payment instruction received from the assignee before payment 112 If the debtor receives notification of more than one assignment of the same receivable made by the same assignor, the debtor is discharged by paying in accordance with the first notification received If the debtor receives notification of one or more subsequent assignments, the debtor is discharged by paying in accordance with the notification of the last of such subsequent assignments If the debtor receives notification of the assignment of a part of or an undivided interest in one or more receivables, the debtor is discharged by paying in accordance with the notification or in accordance with this article as if the debtor had not received the notification If the debtor pays in accordance with the notification, the debtor is discharged only to the extent of the part or undivided interest paid If the debtor receives notification of the assignment from the assignee, the debtor is entitled to request the assignee to provide within a reasonable period of time adequate proof that the assignment from the initial assignor to the initial assignee and any intermediate assignment have been made and, unless the assignee does so, the debtor is discharged by paying in accordance with this article as if the notification from the assignee had not been received Adequate proof of an assignment includes but is not limited to any writing emanating from the assignor and indicating that the assignment has taken place This article does not affect any other ground on which payment by the debtor to the person entitled to payment, to a competent judicial or other authority, or to a public deposit fund discharges the debtor Article 18 Defences and rights of set-off of the debtor In a claim by the assignee against the debtor for payment of the assigned receivable, the debtor may raise against the assignee all defences and rights of set-off arising from the original contract, or any other contract that was part of the same transaction, of which the debtor could avail itself as if the assignment had not been made and such claim were made by the assignor The debtor may raise against the assignee any other right of set-off, provided that it was available to the debtor at the time notification of the assignment was received by the debtor Notwithstanding paragraphs and of this article, defences and rights of set­ off that the debtor may raise pursuant to article or 10 against the assignor for breach of an agreement limiting in any way the assignor's right to make the assignment are not available to the debtor against the assignee Article 19 Agreement not to raise defences or rights of set-off The debtor may agree with the assignor in a writing signed by the debtor not to raise against the assignee the defences and rights of set-off that it could raise pursuant to article 18 Such an agreement precludes the debtor from raising against the assignee those defences and rights of set-off The debtor may not waive defences: (a) Arising from fraudulent acts on the part of the assignee; or (b) Based on the debtor’s incapacity 113 Such an agreement may be modified only by an agreement in a writing signed by the debtor The effect of such a modification as against the assignee is determined by article 20, paragraph Article 20 Modification of the original contract An agreement concluded before notification of the assignment between the assignor and the debtor that affects the assignee’s rights is effec- tive as against the assignee, and the assignee acquires corresponding rights An agreement concluded after notification of the assignment between the assignor and the debtor that affects the assignee's rights is ineffective as against the assignee unless: (a) The assignee consents to it; or (b) The receivable is not fully earned by performance and either the modification is provided for in the original contract or, in the context of the original contract, a reasonable assignee would consent to the modification Paragraphs and of this article not affect any right of the assignor or the assignee arising from breach of an agreement between them Article 21 Recovery of payments Failure of the assignor to perform the original contract does not entitle the debtor to recover from the assignee a sum paid by the debtor to the assignor or the assignee Section III Third parties Article 22 Law applicable to competing rights With the exception of matters that are settled elsewhere in this Convention and subject to articles 23 and 24, the law of the State in which the assignor is located governs the priority of the right of an assignee in the assigned receivable over the right of a competing claimant Article 23 Public policy and mandatory rules The application of a provision of the law of the State in which the assignor is located may be refused only if the application of that provision is manifestly contrary to the public policy of the forum State The rules of the law of either the forum State or any other State that are mandatory irrespective of the law otherwise applicable may not prevent the application of a provision of the law of the State in which the assignor is located Notwithstanding paragraph of this article, in an insolvency proceeding commenced in a State other than the State in which the assignor is located, any preferential right that arises, by operation of law, under the law of the forum State and is given priority over the rights of an assignee in insolvency proceedings under the law of that State may be given priority notwithstanding article 22 A State may deposit at any time a declaration identifying any such preferential right 114 Article 24 Special rules on proceeds If proceeds are received by the assignee, the assignee is entitled to retain those proceeds to the extent that the assignee’s right in the assigned receivable had priority over the right of a competing claimant in the assigned receivable If proceeds are received by the assignor, the right of the assignee in those proceeds has priority over the right of a competing claimant in those proceeds to the same extent as the assignee’s right had priority over the right in the assigned receivable of that claimant if: (a) The assignor has received the proceeds under instructions from the assignee to hold the proceeds for the benefit of the assignee; and (b) The proceeds are held by the assignor for the benefit of the assignee separately and are reasonably identifiable from the assets of the assignor, such as in the case of a separate deposit or securities account containing only proceeds consisting of cash or securities Nothing in paragraph of this article affects the priority of a person having against the proceeds a right of set-off or a right created by agreement and not derived from a right in the receivable Article 25 Subordination An assignee entitled to priority may at any time subordinate its priority unilaterally or by agreement in favour of any existing or future assignees 115 Phu luc 4: Bao cao tidn cai thien mdi tru’d’ng phap ly cho hoat dong cua cac ngan hang thu’O’ng mai Viet Nam cua Nhom Cong tac ngan hang - WTO Beto cdo Tidn dd Nh6m Ngdn hdng Didn ddn Doanh nqhidp Vidt Nam giu-a ky, M>U06‘ - -BAO CAO TIEN DO CUA NHOM CONG TAC NGAN HANG Ngw&i trinh bay:Lawrence Wolfe Nhom Cong tac Ngan hang Nhom Cong tac Ngan hang xin cam on Ngan hang Nha nudc Viet Nam ve sip hop tac chat che sau nam rudi qua nhdm cai thien mdi trudng phap ly cho cac ngan hang dang hoat dong tai Viet Nam Chung tdi mudn diem lai cac van dd chinh dd thao luan vdi Ngan hang Nha nirdc Viet Nam cuoc hop tuan qua: 1- Ngay 10-4, chung ta da thao ludn tinh trang cua Nghi Dinh Sd 22 cua Chinh phu vd Td chuc va Hoat dong cua Chi nhanh Ngan hang Node ngoai, Ngan hang Lien doanh, Ngan hang 100% vdn nu’dc ngoai, Van phong Dai dien TO ch de Tin dung Nu’dc ngoai tai Viet Nam Ngan hang Nha nu’dc khuydn cao chung tdi rdng viec thi/c hien Thong tip van can thao ludn nhidu vd se duoc ban hanh theo cam ket cua Viet Nam cho viec gia nhap WTO Vi mot so ngan hang nu’dc ngoai rdt quan tam lap ngan hang 100% von nu’dc ngoai d Viet Nam va nhip duoc phep theo Nghi Djnh mdi, chung tdi khuydn khich Ngan hang Nha nu’dc co sdm thuc hien Nghi Dinh ndy Chung tdi cung hy vong rdng viec thuc hien Nghi Dinh se lam sang to cac vdn dd duoc ngan hdng nu’dc ngodi ndu len nhu: ngdn hang nudc ngoai co thd hoat dong dudi hon mot hinh thuc d Viet Nam hay khong, ngdn ngu giao dich (doi vdi cac giao dich thong qua cac phuong tidn khac khong bdng giay td/chung tu), chd kidm soat dac biet, chia se thong tin, cdc didm giao dich Su chap thudn cua Ngdn hdng Nhd nudc vd mot Gidm ddc Qudc gia vd Gidm doc Chi nhanh cua mot ngdn hang nudc ngodi, phong toa tdi san v v 2- Ngay 11-4, chung ta thao luan Do thao Nghi Dinh Chinh phu vd vide cac Td chdc Tin dung Nu’dc ngoai Mua co phdn Ngan hang Viet Nam Du thao Nghi Dinh kidn nghi han che cd phdn md mot ngdn hdng nudc ngodi cd thd giu cac ngdn hdng Vidt Nam tdi 20% tdng so 30% co phdn nudc ngodi Nhom Cong tac Ngan hdng khuydn khich Ngdn hdng Nhd Nudc vd Chinh phu cho phep cdc ngdn hdng nudc ngodi duoc giu nhidu cd phan hon ngan hdng nudc, ke ca co phdn chinh, nhdm dong gop mot edeh cd y nghia nhidu hon nua cho sir phat tridn cua cac ngdn hdng nudc 116 3- Ngay 1-6, chung toi da gap Ngan nang Nha nude dd thao luan nhii’ng vdn de phap ly va thu tuc lien quan ddn mua ban ngoai hdi giua cac ngan hang mdi sinh gdn day va cdn Ngan hang Nha nudc lam ro thdm Mdc du Ngan hang da lam ro kha nhidu vdn de chung tdi neu cuoc hop, Nhom Ngdn hang thay rdng dudng nhu vdn co mot khoang each gida thdng le thi trudng qudc td va cac yeu cdu cua thi trudng Viet Nam nhu Ngan hang Nha nude da giai thich cuoc hop Ndu thuc td Viet Nam se gia nhap WTO nam thi Nhom chung tdi tran mong mudn Ngan hdng Nha nudc nd luc hon nua dd dua cac thdng le ve mua ban ngoai hdi cua Viet Nam gdn hon vdi thdng le thi trudng qudc td Ngoai ra, mot so van dd ton tai ma chung tdi cdn Ngdn hang Nha nudc lam rd thdi gian tdi, gdm co: 1- The chap nha cho Ngan hang Nu’&c ngoai: Hien tai, cac cong ty co vdn dau tu nudc ngoai khong duoc phep thd chap quydn su dung dat cho cac khoan vay cua ngan hang nudc ngoai Sua doi cua Qudc Hdi nam 2003 vd Luat Ddt dai khong dd cap tdi vdn dd 2- Han che Dao nor Mac du dao no duoc phhp, nhung khong co cac quy dinh thuc hidn didu Ndu ngan hdng quy dinh dao no ngdn han (thdi han dudi 12 thdng), thi viec dao no se khong duoc qua thdi gian 12 thdng Ndu Idu hon, mdn vay se duoc coi Id khoan vay trung hodc dai han va se, vay, phai tuan theo cac quan ly nghiem ngat hon cua Ngdn hang Nha nudc (nghia la dang ky, ndu dd la mot khoan vay nudc ngoai) Ngdai ra, chua rd, lieu dao no cd thuoc dien didu chinh cua Quydt Dinh 493 vd phan loai khoan vay va trich lap du phdng Chung tdi mudn thao luan vdi Ngdn hdng Nha nudc soan thao hudng ddn 3- Xay du>ng cac Quy dinh cua Viet Nam phu hop ho>n v&i Tieu chudn The gi&i va WTO: Trong nhidu van ban phap luat, Ngan hang Nha nudc va Chinh phu da khuydn khich cac thyc the tuan theo thong le qudc td Tuy nhien, vdn chua ro lieu cac doanh nghidp cd theo thdng le qudc td cac giao dich cua minh hay khong, va lieu cd su tranh edi ve mot giao dich cu the hay khdng, lidu he thdng tu phap cua Viet Nam cd can nhde thdng Id qudc td viec phdn xu tranh edi hay khong Chung tdi kien nghi rdng Chinh phu hodc Ngdn hang Nha nudc cd mot thdng bao cong nhan vd tuan theo cac thdng Id qudc td nhu Quy tdc chung cua Phong Thuong Mai Qudc td (ICC) vd Thyc hdnh Tin dung Chung tu, Tidu chudn Qudc td Thuc hanh ngan hang vd Kidm tra tai lieu theo Tin dung chung tu, Thdng le qudc td Dy phong, Quy dinh chung ve Bao lanh Ngdn han, Hudng ddn chung tu Hoi Phai sinh va Hodn ddi Qudc td ban hdnh Ndu, vi du, cd tranh cai vd L/C, thi khong ro lidu toa an Viet Nam se giai quydt theo cac dieu khoan cua UCP 500 khong 117 4- Xay dung va Ap dung cac San ph$m Phai sinh Phong chong Rui ro: Hien nay, Ngan hang Nha nudc chi cho phep cac ngan hang thirc hien hoan ddi ty le lai suat va giao dich ngoai hdi co ky han Ngan hang Nha nude c^n cho phep nhidu san phdm hon nhu hoan ddi tien te va giao dich cd ky han tuong lai Gdn day, QuydtDinh 1133/2003/ND-CP cua Ngan hang Nhd nudc (Didu 10) yeu cau cac ben giao dich hoan ddi dat mot thoa thuan tuan theo thong Id qudc td (nhu chung tu ISDA) Tuy nhien, nhidu van dd can duoc giai quydt nhdm cho cac thong Id qudc te duoc ap dung d Vidt Nam nhu: - Lieu cac chi nhanh ngan hang nude ngoai hoat dong d Viet Nam cd duoc coi la mot thuc thd nudc ngoai hoac nudc hay khong (xet thi/c td Id Nghi Dinh 22/2006/MD-CP quy dinh rdng cac chi nhanh ngan hang nudc ngodi khong cd tu each phap nhan Viet Nam, nhung lieu quy dinh ndy cd dap ung yeu cdu “yeu td nudc ngoai" de lua chon luat chi phoi theo Luat Ddn su va Luat Thuong mai hay khong) - Thidu quy dinh vd bu tru vd chuydn ddi - Quy dinh Khoi su Luat Dan su mau thudn vdi cac quy dinh cua Luat Pha san Doanh nghiep 5- Danh thue Hoan ddi Ty le Lai suat va Cac Giao dich Phai sinh: Ndm ngoai, T$ng cue Thud phan tich rd vd thud gia tri gia tang ap dung cho cdc giao dich hoan ddi ty le lai xuat Tuy nhien, vi thi trudng Viet Nam dang thay doi vd co nhu c&u mang vao nhieu san pham phai sinh mdi cho thi trudng, chung tdi vdn can Tdng cue Thud lam rd viec giu lai thue (vi du, thud cua nhd thdu nudc ngoai) va cac thue khac cd ap dung cho cac giao dich phdi sinh duoc khong 6- Luat Chong Rcra tien: Nghi Dinh 74 cua Chinh phu vd Chdng Rua tidn duoc ban hanh 7-6-2005, edeh ddy gdn nam, nhung cac hudng ddn thuc hien van chua duoc ban hdnh Do vay, kho cho cac chi nhdnh ngan hang nudc ngoai tht/c hien, ddc biet chd nao cd sy khac giua cdc quy dinhcua Viet Nam vd quy dinh cua nudc minh 7- Ty le tran cho Giao dich Ngoai hoi US$/ VND: Trong Ngan hdng Nhd nudc noi bd han che vd each tinh ty gia hoi doai, Ngan hdng Nhd nudc vdn ap dat ty le trdn cho giao dich ngoai hoi US$/ VND Muc trdn giao dich khong phai luc nao cung khdp vdi ty gia giao dich trdn thi trudng vd vay gay nhidu khd khdn cho cac ngdn hdng vd cong ty d Viet Nam vide tim von vd bao ve dong Dola cua ho Chung tdi de nghi Ngdn hdng Nhd nudc tim each thao go vdn de 113 8- Cac han che ve nhan tien gui bao gom: a) Cho phep cac cong ty nu’dc (khong vay tien cua cac NH nu’dc ngoai) dime gui tien bang ngoai te vao cdc chi nhdnh ngan hang nu’dc ngoai, b) cho phep ca nhan Viet Nam tri tien gui ngoai te tai cac chi nhanh ngan hang nude ngoai, va c) bo han che muc tien gui b£ng dong Viet Nam cua cd nhan vd td chuc Viet Nam tai cdc chi nhanh ngan hang nudc ngodi: Do Viet Nam sdp gia nhap WTO nam nay, chung tdi de xudt bai bo cac han chd cang sdm cang tot Trong Ngan hang Nha nu’dc Viet Nam co tien bo virgt bac nhidu nam qua vd cai thien mdi tru’d’ng phap ly cho cac ngan hang, hien vdn nhidu viec phai lam Chung toi rnudn dam bao vdi cac ban rdng Nhdm Cong tac Ngan hang mong dirge tidp tuc lam viec vdi Ngan hang Nha nu’dc Viet Nam cac ndm tdi nhdm giai quyet cdc van de quan cung nhir cac vdn dd cd the sinh tu’O’ng lai Xin cam an cac ban rat nhidu

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2023, 20:44


