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Date of preparing UNIT 3 LESSON 3 B1 2 Period 14 A OCJECTIVES 1 Knowledge At the end of the lesson Ss can count from one to one hundred How to pronuciate flural N (s,z,iz) Vocab classroom things Struc[.]

Date of preparing: UNIT LESSON B1-2 Period 14 A OCJECTIVES Knowledge -At the end of the lesson Ss can count from one to one hundred -How to pronuciate flural N (s,z,iz) Vocab: classroom things Structures: There is…./there are… Skills Using all skills Education; - Ps Ss have great passion for studying B PREPARATION Teacher: lesson plan, English 6-book, pictures, tape, extra board, projector, laptop Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary C METHODS: T/ WhC, pair, group, individual work D CONTENTS: I Organization: II Warm-up (4’) Board drill: T asks: What’s number 9? 10? 7?, 24?, 5?, 1?, 15? III New lesson: Teacher’s activities Step 1: Presentation.(12’) + Thirty:30 / Forty: 40 /Fifty: 50/ Sixty:60 Seventy:70/ Eight:80/ Ninety: 90 One hundred:100 + twenty-one/ twenty-two… Whole class work I Students’ activities Listen and repeat in chorus and individially Copy down 20 15 50 18 + Thirty-one/ thirty-two… * check: what and where How to pronuciate flural noun How you say"có bút chì Có bút chì" in English ? -Ss make sentences -Write on the board -Let Ss compare the noun "pencil" in both sentences -Ss.a pencil - single N pencils - flural N -How to change from single N into flural N? -Let them to change some words: a pen = pens a couch = couches a box = boxes a house = houses an ink-pot = ink-pots a city = cities -What you remark on the ending of flural N? 16 35 40 65 100 80 18 60 97 47 Eg1.There is a pencil Eg2.There are pencils Ss: omit a/an and add "s,es" after noun it becomes flural N -Ask Ss to read single N and flural N - Gives the rules of ending sounds:/s/;/z/;/iz/ + /s/ :nouns ending in: Ks,ps,ts + /iz/:nouns ending in: ches,shes,ses,ges,xes,zes + /z/: the rest nouns S1.add "s,es" or "y"change into "i" and add "es" *Notes:-Ns end:o,ch,ss,sh,x +es -Ns end: y before "y" is a vowel +s before"y"is a consonant "y" change into "i"+es -N (left) +s -Spelling: +Ns end:es pronuciated(iz) +Ns end:k,e,f,t +s pronuciated(s) +The left pronuciated(z) Step 2: Practice (15’) +Snakes and ladder: B1 P.35 -Gives instructions Help Ss play a game in groups of +Realia drill: B2 P.36 - Asks Ss to practise speaking(use real things around the classroom) Eg: -S1: There is one door S2: And there are 22 desks Step Further practice:(8ms): -T runs through the pics in B2 Ss count things in the pictures and fill in to boxes below the picture.Then check Ss’ answer +Dictation lists: T reads: Desk, rulers, benches, students, tables, books, clocks, couches, door, windows, houses, lamps -Read the list of words: desks,rulers… - T asks Ss put the words in 3groups according to the pronunciation: -T gets feedback IV Summary: (2’) How to use plural nouns V Homework (2’) Learn by heart all the knowledge of the lesson -Do ex B1,2(workbook/21) E EVALUATION: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… Work in groups of Work in pairs - Play agame in table S1: There one door S2: And there are 22 desks -Work in pairs Work in individially Students write: /s/ /iz/ desks Benches Students Couches Books Houses Clocks lamps /z/ Rulers Tables Doors Windows ... ending of flural N? 16 35 40 65 100 80 18 60 97 47 Eg1.There is a pencil Eg2.There are pencils Ss: omit a /an and add "s,es" after noun it becomes flural N -Ask Ss to read single N and flural N - Gives... rest nouns S1.add "s,es" or "y"change into "i" and add "es" *Notes:-Ns end:o,ch,ss,sh,x +es -Ns end: y before "y" is a vowel +s before"y"is a consonant "y" change into "i"+es -N (left) +s -Spelling:... left pronuciated(z) Step 2: Practice (15’) +Snakes and ladder: B1 P .35 -Gives instructions Help Ss play a game in groups of +Realia drill: B2 P. 36 - Asks Ss to practise speaking(use real things

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2023, 07:49

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