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UNIT 5 LESSON 5 C1 Period 29 A OCJECTIVES By the end of this lesson ss will be able to talk about school timetable with have and don|t have fluently, to practise school subjects vocab with “what do we[.]

UNIT 5: LESSON 5.C1 Period 29 A OCJECTIVES By the end of this lesson ss will be able to talk about school timetable with have and don|t have fluently, to practise school subjects vocab with “what we have to day? – We have …” -Ss practise skills fluently B TEACHING AIDS 1.Teacher:Teaching plan, English book visual aids, projector, laptop, speaker Students: Books, notebooks, vocab, structure C METHODS: T/ WhC, pair, group, individual work D CONTENTS: I Organization: II Warm-up:(5’) Tell the time -T writes on the board some times 7.00 , 7.50, 8.25, 8.50, 9.35 10.25, 10.30, 11.20, 10.15 - Ask Ss to ask and answer about the time Examples S1: What time is it? S2: It is seven o’clock S1: What time you go to school? S2: I go to school at … III New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Step 1: Presentation.(13’) + Pre teach: Vocab a) timetable (realia): thời khóa biểu - English (Translation): Tiếng Anh -Math (Realia): Mơn Tốn - Literature (realia): Môn ngữ văn - History (Realia): Môn lịch sử - Geography (Realia): Mơn địa lí - Monday (Realia)Thứ hai Work in pairs Checking: ordering vocab Play the tape: first we have literature Then we have Goegraphy At 40 we have English and then we have math At 10.15 we have history this is our timetable on Monday Presentation dialogue, C1 - T sets the scene: - Draw the pictures of Ba and Hoa - (?) Who are they? (Ba and Hoa) - (/) What are they doing? (talking) (?) What are they talking about? (time table)  Yes Ba doesn’t have his time table He wants to ask Hoa what they have today In order to know more about this dialogue Let’s read C1/P.58 - Ss listen to the dialogue twice (open pairs- closed pairs) - Elicit from the students to give out the model sentences - Concept checking +Meaning, form, use, pro Step Practice (15’) Word cue drill - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering using some word cues - Run through all word cues - T and a good student model - Ss work in pairs - (open pairs – closed pairs) Step 3.Further practice: (10’) +Mapped dialogue: - Listening to the words - Repeating the words in chorus & in individual Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation - Copying the words Listen and work in individially -Marking the vocabularies in order - Giving their ordering English Math Literature History Geography Monday Look at the picture and answer the qs Model sentences S1 : What we have today/ S2: We have English S 1: What time does it start? S2: It starts at 7.15 Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation - Draw the pictures and the cues on the * Example exchange: board S1: What we have today ? S2: We have English - Elicit the exchanges from students S1: What time does it start ? S2: [ 7.00 ] What .today? What time start? English/ 7.00 Do we Literature 8.40? Math/ 8.00 What time .finish? Literature/ 8.40 History/ 9.35 What .at 9.35? Geography/ 10.15 Do we Math today? Yes, .we at 10.15 Get students to practice each exchange before going on to another exchange - After finish the dialogue, ask some good pairs to demonstrate the whole dialogue (open pairs) - Get the whole class to work in pairs History (close pairs) 7.50 - Monitor and correct No, We English 9.25 .Geography IV Summary (1’) V.Homework (1’) Learn by hear the Vocab Complete the dialogue above Do C1,2 (p.50- 51) in exercise book Example Exchange S1: What we have today? 2: We have History S1: What time does it start:? S2: It starts at 7.50 S1: Do we have literature at 8.40? S2: No, we don’t We have English S1: What time does it finish? S2: It finishes at 9.25 S1: What we have at 9.35? S2: We have Geography S1: Do we have Math today? S2: Yes, we We have it at 10.30 ... Literature/ 8.40 History/ 9. 35 What .at 9. 35? Geography/ 10. 15 Do we Math today? Yes, .we at 10. 15 Get students to practice each exchange before going on to another exchange - After finish the... 7 .50 - Monitor and correct No, We English 9. 25 .Geography IV Summary (1’) V.Homework (1’) Learn by hear the Vocab Complete the dialogue above Do C1,2 (p .50 - 51 ) in exercise book Example Exchange... Concept checking +Meaning, form, use, pro Step Practice ( 15? ??) Word cue drill - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering using some word cues - Run through all word cues - T and a good student model

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2023, 07:39


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