Tài liệu tham khảo |
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1. Adjaoud,F . , Z e g h a l , D . , a n d A n d a l e e b , S . , 2007. T h e e ff ec t o f B oa rd ’s Qu a l i t y onPerformance:AStudyofCanadianFirms.CorporateGovernance:AnInternationalReview,Vol.15No.4,pp.623-635 |
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Tiêu đề: |
CorporateGovernance:AnInternationalReview,Vol |
2. Bhagat,S.,&Black,B.,2002.TheNon-CorrelationB e t w e e n B o a r d Independenceand Long-Term Firm Performance.JournalofC o r p o r a t i o n L a w ,27,231-273 |
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Tiêu đề: |
JournalofC o r p o r a t i o n L a w,27 |
3. Boyd,B . K . , 1 9 9 5 . C E O d u a l i t y a n d f i r m p e r f o r m a n c e : a c o n t i n g e n c y m o d e l .StrategicManagementJournal,16,301-312 |
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Tiêu đề: |
StrategicManagementJournal,16 |
4. Brown,L.D.,Caylor,M.L.,2004.CorporateGovernanceandFirmPerformance. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=586423 |
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5. CharlesWaweruandDr.KaranjaNgugi,2014.InfluenceofF i n a n c i a l Managemen t Practices on the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises inKenya,EuropeanJournalofBusinessandManagement,Vol.1,Issue11 |
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Tiêu đề: |
EuropeanJournalofBusinessandManagement |
7. Child, J., 1975. Managerial and Organization Factors Associated with CompanyPerformance:AcontingencyAnalysis.JounalofManagementStudies,12,pp.12-27 |
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Tiêu đề: |
JounalofManagementStudies |
8. CollinsGNtimandcofiOsei.A.,2011.TheImpacto f C o r p o r a t e B o a r d Meetin gsonCorporatePerformanceinSouthAfrica.AfricanReviewo f EconomicsandFinan ce,Vol.2,No.2,pp.83-103 |
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Tiêu đề: |
CollinsGNtimandcofiOsei.A.,2011.TheImpacto f C o r p o r a t e B o a r d MeetingsonCorporatePerformanceinSouthAfrica."AfricanReviewo f EconomicsandFinance |
10. DanielOnwongaAukaandJacklineChepngenoLangat,2016.E f f e c t s o f Strategic PlanningonPerformanceofMediumSizedEnterprisesi n N a k u r u Town,Internati onalReviewofManagementandBusinessR e s e a r c h ,V o l . 5 , Issue1 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
InternationalReviewofManagementandBusinessR e s e a r c h |
6. Chavalit Nimlaor, Jirasek Trimetsoontorn and Wanno Fongsuwan, 2013.FactorsAffectingBusinessPerformance:AnEmpiricalStudyinThailand,ResearchJournalofBusinessManagement |
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9. CosteaValentin,2012.Determinantsofcorporatefinancialperformance.www.dafi.ase.ro/revista/6/Costea%20Valentin.pdf |
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11. Dasa Dragnic, 2014.Impact of Internal andExternal Factorso n t h e P e r f o r m a n c e ofF a s t - |
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