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Bài tập liên từ và thán từ trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 1

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Cuốn sách Bài tập liên từ và thán từ trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cung cấp những lý thuyết cơ bản về liên từ, thán từ và cách sử dụng, kèm theo đó là rất nhiều các bài tập khác nhau, được nâng dần trình độ để giúp người học nâng cao kiến thức, cuối sách bổ sung các dạng bài tổng hợp và đáp án để người tự học có thể kiểm tra lại, tự đối chiếu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 1 cuốn sách.

.0 0 * * (!■ ?)BÀITẬPNGỮPHÁPTIẼNGANH NGỌCHÀ- MINHĐỨC Liên từ & Thán từ COINMUNCTION INTERJECTION ểỂL NGỌC HÀ - MINH ĐỨC BÀI T Ậ P NGỮ P H Á P TIẾNG ANH LIỀN T - THÁN T ENGLSSK GnAMMAR EXERCISES CQNƯUNCTIONS - 1NTẼRJECTI0NS NHÀ XUẤT BẢN DÂN TRÍ CONJUNCTION - LIÊN TỪ E x e r c ise R e w r ite th e s e s e n te n c e s w ith su ita b le c o n ju n c tio n s (Viết lại câu sau dùng liên từ thích hợp) We know him We know his íriends The coat was soft The coat was warm It is stupid to that It is quite unnecessary I wanted to go He wanted to stay Your arguments are strong They don’t convince me You can go there by bus You can go there by train I was íeeling tired I went to bed when I got home E x e r c ise F ill in e a c h gap w ith a su ỉta b le c o n ju n c tio n s (Điền vào chỗ trống liên tù thích hợp) 1*11 come and see you I leave for Moscow He will tell you you get home I can’t express my opinion I know the fact We started very early we should miss the train He will stay here you come he tried hard, he wasn’t successíul He worked late last night he might be free to go away tomorrow The room i s small .we can’t all get in you had left earlier, you would have caught the train 10 The road seems longer .I thought 11 it rained hard, we played the match 12 you may go, he won’t forget you E x e r c is e R e w r ite t h e s e s e n t e n c e s w ith g iv e n c o n n e c tiv e w o r d s (Viết lại câu sau sử dụng từ nối cho sẵn) They got married They had to learn to manage th eir own home (after) He went crazy His wife burnt his breakfast (when) You can hear what I’m saying You keep quiet (if) I won’t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until) He arrived home I had already cleaned the house (by the tiroe) The first quiz was easy This one is extremelly difíĩcult (whereas) She’s snobbish People like her (yet) We’re broke We can’t buy anything (since) He failed He won’t give up his ideals (even though) 10 He fell asleep He was watching the íilm (while) E x e r c is e F ill in th e b ỉa n k s w ith t h e s e w o r d s (Điền vào chỗ trống từ) a lth o u g h , a n d , b e c a u s e , b u t, o r, s in c e , so , u n le s s , n n til, w h e n Things were d iíĩe re n t I was young I i t I like it Let us wait h e re the rain stops You cannot be a law y er you have a law degree That was y ears years ago She has not called she left last week I saw him leaving an hour two ago This is an expensive very useful book We were getting tire d we stopped for a rest 10 He was an g ry he heard when happened 11 Walk quickly you will be late 12 He had to re tire of ill health 13 We will go swimming next Sunday it’s raining 14 I heard a noise I turned the light on 15 Would you like a coíĩee tea? 16 Do you know she will arrive? _ the car is old it still runs well 18 Do you want a p e n a bit of paper? 19 I would like to g o I am too busy 20 She will die _ the doctors operate immediately E x e r c ise P o in t o u t th e co n ju n ctio n s in th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s a n d State w h e th e r th e y are c o o r d in a tin g or su b o r d in a tin g (Chỉ liên từ câu sau xét xem chúng loại liên từ kết hợp (coordinating) hay liên từ phụ thuộc (subordinating)) You will succeed if you work harder We arrived after they left I waited till he returned from oữice Bread and milk is wholesome food You will not get the prize unless you deserve it Do not go before I return from the m arket I can’t lend you any money, for I have none Since you have apologized we will not take any further actions against you The thief íled lest he should be caught 10 I will be upset if you don’t accept my invitation 11 She didn’t come because you didn’t invite her 12 He is sm arter than his boss 13 My grandfather died when I was a child 14 Please stay here till I return 15 He asked whether he could go 16 Give me something to drink, else I shall die of th irst 17 He deserved the prize, for he worked really hard 18 We can travel by land or air 19 E ither you are wrong or I am 20 I hear th a t you are working for a m ulti-national company E x e r c is e In th e s e n t e n c e s b e lo w , p ic k o u t th e C o o r d in a tin g C o n ju n c tio n s (th e fir s t One is d o n e fo r y o u ) (Trong câu đây, chọn liền từ kết nối (câu thứ làm)) I liked the fried rice as well as the steamed rice (as well as) We were fully rested so we walked ( ) My íriend is strong but he cannot swim ( ) I did not sleep last night but I am ready to hike down into the Grand Canyon ( ) She better get the job done, otherwise her boss will íìre her ( ) Go to sleep while you have the chance ( .) I must go to work or I will not get paid ( ) The bananas as well as the mangoes not taste good here in Thailand ( ) The dog wagged his tail yet he bit me on my leg ( ) 10 I usually sleep while my wife is at work ( ) 11 You can take a bus or a bus to Bangkok ( ) 12 Eat more fat, othenvise you will lose weight ( ) 13 He is slow thereíore he will not win the race ( ) 14 The kids were very loud during the class yet the teacher did not tell them to be quiet ( ) 15 He had a full plate of chicken but he still wanted more ( ) E x e r c ise In e a c h o f th e fo llo w in g se n te n c e s, id e n t iiy th e c o o r d in a tin g co n ju n ctio n (Trong câu sau đây, xác định liên từ kết hợp) The litter of puppies was calm yet noisy when I peered into the crate You or I should make sure the smoke alarm batteries are changed We took the local roads to the City for we knew the expressway would have trĩìc The dancer moved with great fl ui di ty yet without passion Ken and Rona arrived early so they could get good seats for the symphony Rhonda wanted to go back to íínish her degree in nursing, so she freed up three evenings a week for her classes Last week’s w eather was rainy, but the íorecast is calling for sunny skies this week He shivered, for the pool w ater was cold For lunch you need a sandwich or salad, not just junk food 10 The hikers were tired but eager to move on E x e r c is e In sert a c c e p ta b le c o r r e la t iv e c o n ju n c tỉo n s in to th e fo llo w in g s e n t e n c e s (Điền liên từ kết hợp phù hợp vào câu sau đây) She h a s _ s ix seven years of Service with us _S tan ley _ Josh play drums _ you decide on the red choose the blue makes no diíTerence to me Caroline forgot where M att lives, _ lost his cell phone number ' _ Holly will have to try harder she will have to move down to a diíĩerent level This lemon chiffon pie i s _ creamy low-calorie you call the hall to make the arrangem ents you risk losing your $100 deposit It is u n c le a r the cable bill will come on time I will have to go to the oíĩice to pay it The fee in clu d es d rin k s _ gratuity at th is establishment 10 At the birthday party, Kim serv ed barbecued r i b s steak E x ercise C reate a n e w sen te n c e w ith th e clau ses an d a su b ord in atin g conju nction (Tạo câu với mệnh đề ưà liên từ phụ thuộc) Soccer is becoming popular Baseball is all the rage The sailboat was stranded There was not enough wind Louise will sleep soundly Her alarm clock has gone off The horse won’t get out of its stall You lock the door Dr Kroger has high expectations of his students They work hard E x e r c ise 10 P u t co n ju n c tio n : and, bu t, or, so Điền liên từ: and, but, or, so I’m going to go shopping on Sun d a y buy some new clothes I’ve just eaten d in n e r Fm not hungry Why don’t you ring Sue íind out what time she’s Corning over tonight? Don’t tell John about his birthday party you’ll spoil the surprise I have been saving my money this y e a r next year I plan to take a long holiday in Europe : Do you want anything else can I go home now? I love to travel I hate travelling by bus I like living in the City my brother prefers living in the country Betty’s just got a promotion at w o rk she’s very happy 10 Father to Son: You’re thirty now Don’t you think it’s time th at you settled dow n got married? 11 Tom got a great Christmas bonus from work this year he and his family can have a good vacation this year 12 It’s late You should go to bed now you’ll be tired tomorrow 13 The taxi stopped at the train s ta tio n two men got out of it 14 I was in the area I thought I’d drop in and say hello 15 I really hate to have to sell my c a r I need the money 16 My friend fell down the s ta ir s sprained his ankle 17 The departm ent store closed at six o’c lo c k everyone went home 18 I won’t be home for Christmas I will be there for New Year’s 19 Julia was very angry with T o m she w ent for a long walk to cool down 20 Can you stop at the shop get some milk on your way home from work? 21 Are you busy this w eekend you have some free time? I need some help moving to my new house 22 You’ve been working hard in the garden all day Why don’t you sit d o w n r il bring you a nice cold drink 23 Nobody was home when I rang Jenny .I left a message for her 24 I’ve been d ietin g I’m not losing any weight 25 Will you eat th at last chocolate b isc u it will you leave it for me? 10 when but so are feđ into a tape recorder, they magnetize the particles on the tape in varying patterns When electric waves Electric waves that Because of electric waves Electric waves E x e r c ise 54 C h o o se th e b e s t o p tỉon (Chọn đáp án đúng) Take an umbrella with you _ it should rain unless in case even if in time Matt was absent from school yesterday _ because his fever because of he had a fever because with a fever because he had a fever They seem to eat well; they always look hungry nevertheless unless except until 79 Kitty studied all afternoon She w a s studying that she couldn’t go to the restaurant with us so busy much busy too busy very busy As you trea t m e , _ will I trea t you as like so and Mr Chung came to work to d ay he sprained his ankle last night although unless because despite grammar is concerned, there is nothing to be desired in this composition According as So th at As well as So far as Duncan will accept the p o s t the salary is satisfactory on conditional th at for fear th at 80 though unless Most writers speak of their fam e _ it were quite a worthless matter according as as if although so far as 10 He is said to have won the íirst prize, but I doubt it is true what when which whether E x ercise 55 R ew rite th e sen te n c es u sin g th e paỉred conjunctions g iv e n in brackets M ake any n ecessary ch an ges Do not u se any pu n ctu ation marks! (Viết lại câu sau sử dụng cặp từ nối cho ngoặc Có thể thay đổi từ cần thiết Không sử dụng dấu câu) Fred likes helping his ữiends So does Linda (both and) Harry used to date Ann Or was it Helen? (either or) We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths (not only but also) 81 He never listens to or advises his íriends when they have a problem (neither nor) I’ve betrayed your trust I’ve betrayed your love for me (not only but also) He felt disappointed He felt misunderstood (both and) Brian isn’t very considerate Neither is Tom (neither nor) A tre friend is someone who is caring and loving (both and) Rachel should apologise or leave (either or) 10 Richard and John didn’t keep her secret (neither nor) E x e r c ise 56 R e w r ite e a c h s e n te n c e u s in g th e g iv e n c o n d ỉtỉo n a ỉ c o n ju n c tio n M ake a n y n e c e s s a r y c h a n g e s to sa y th e sa m e th in g P a y a tt e n tio n to p u n c tu a tỉo n ! (Viết lại câu sau đây, sử dụng liên từ điều kiện Có thể thay đổi từ cần thiết Chú ý dấu câu) If you don’t eat well, you will get sick (so long as) 82 I will give you a raise if you work two extra hours a day (on the condition that) She said she would not go to the party if you don’t apologize (provided) The economy will go down if people don’t pay their loans on time (unless) We agreed to play in the concert if the proíĩts go to charity (only if) E x e r c ỉse 57 C om bine th e fo llo w in g p a ỉrs o f s e n te n c e s m a k ỉn g a n y n e c e s s a r y ch a n g es U se one o f th e fo llo w in g c o n n e c to r s (Nối cặp câu sau thay đổi từ cần thiết Sử dụng từ nối sau đây: Because / Before / But / Neither nor Ị That / When / Whom / Whose) I play a kind of music Nobody likes that kind of music You saw a man yesterday That man wasn’ta famous actor I remember a day On that day I took my íĩrst airplane trip I have a neighbour The parents of that neighbour live in Australia 83 I read a book It taught me a lot about the history of Algeria I didn’t like your work I didn’t appreciate it too My grandpa is slow He is a strong person The girls ran over the path They ran over the hill too He didn’t make enough ĩorts He didn’t succeed 10 First I íìnished all my work Then I went to bed E x e r c is e 58 R e w r ite th e s e n t e n c e s u s in g th e c o n n e c to r in b r a c k e ts (Viết lại câu sau sử dụng từ nối cho ngoặc) Knowledge is becoming the new source of power, but lifelong leam ing is the only way to remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing job m arket (However) Automation aíĩects the number of workers in factories It also affects the type of work th a t is done (not only but also) 84 Engineering is still a male area of study However, things are changing (Although) British students are far away from their family and friends However, they like the idea of taking a year off (In spite of) I had the necessary qualifications However, I didn’t get the job (Despite) E x e r c ise 59 In th is p a rt o f th e e x e r c ise , y o u h ave to jo in th e tw o sh o r t s e n te n c e s to m ake a sỉn g le o n e b y s e le c tin g a n a p p rop riate ju n ction You m a y h a v e to u se som e co n ju n ctio n s m ore th a n once T o lin k th e s e n te n c e s sm ooth ly, y o u m ay h a v e to m a k e o th e r ch an ges; for ex am p le, u sin g a p ronou n to r e íe r b ack to a noun T h ere is m ore th a n one c o r r e c t a n sw e r fo r som e s e n te n c e s (Trong tập bạn phải nối hai câu ngắn thành câu cách chọn liên từ nối thích hợp Bạn phải sử dụng số liên từ nhiều lần phải thay đổi từ chẳng hạn sử dụng đại từ thay đằhg sau danh từ Mỗi câu có nhiều cách viết) He failed to repay his debts on time He was reíused íurther credit by his bank She was exhausted She continued to study The driver of the bank robbers’car kept the ehgine running He could make a quick get-away 85 He is actually quite fít He is a little overweight The book was diíĩlcult to understand Few students beneíited from reading the book We left the oíĩice early We could get to the cinema in time for the start of the film He’s a fat man He íĩnds it hard to climb the stairs The West underwent industrialization many years ago Much of Asia is still in the process of developing E x e r c is e 60 S u p p ly e it h e r because o r because o f a s a p p r o p r ia te (Điền because because o f vào chỗ trổng cho thích hợp) We postponed our h o lid a y the bad weather We can’t go to the cin em a it isn’t open today He had to give up w o rk his daughter’s illness We have to leave this accomodation it costs too much the hight cost, we have to leave th is accommodation We stopped playing te n n is the rain It was a l l her th a t we got into trouble We had to hurry in d o o rs it was raining I am l a t e the traíĩĩc 10 We didn’t arrive until sev en o’clock the trĩìc was terrible 11 She found the exam e a s y she had worked hard during the course 12 He can’t d riv e his illness 13 The restaurant closed d o w n the recession 86 14 He found working in Japan very diíĩĩcult the language problem 15 He’s very diíĩìcult to understand his accent 16 They moved to Liverpool her job 17 There have been a lot of problem in Britain mad cow disease 18 They came to London he got a job there 19 He crashed his c a r he was driving too fast 20 He lost his driving licence he was convicted of drinking and driving E x e r c ise 61 F ill in th e b la n k s w ith th e correct c o o r d ỉn a te co rỹ u n c tio n s c h o s e n from th e paỉrs g iv e n in b r a c k e ts (Điền vào chỗ trống liên từ kết hợp đúng, chọn từ cặp từ cho ngoặc) Example: I would like to come, _ I not have time (but, nor) I would like to come, but I not have time I opened the door looked out (and, yet) She was not in the back yard, _ was she upstairs (or, not) The sun had s e t, _ it was still light outside (or, yet) Do you know his address _ telephone number? (but, or) He has not arrived y e t, _ have they (and, nor) I read the book, _ did not understand it (but, or) We searched diligently, found nothing (or, yet) I invited h im _ his íriends (and, but) 87 E x e r c is e 62 F ill in th e b la n k s w ith th e c o r r e c t s u b o r d in a te c o n ju n c tio n s or s im ila r e x p r e s s io n s c h o s e n fr o m th e p a ir s g iv e n in b r a c k e ts (Điền vào chỗ trống liên từ phụ thuộc từ ngữ chọn từ cặp từ cho ngoặc) Example: I went for a w alk _ the sun was shining (because, otherwise) I went for a walk because the sun was shining We recognized her a t once, _ we had not seen her for years (although, in case) He kept re a d in g he fell asleep (for, until) The moon will r is e the sun sets (as soon as, than) It looks the train will be late (while, as though) she got her degree, she became a teacher (Aíter, Than) We will not go s k iin g _ the w eather is good (as if, unless) he left, he made sure he had his keys with him (Before, For) I told the truth, you would not believe me (Even if, So that) They have known h e r _ she was a child (until, since) 10 I must leave n o w , I have a great deal of work to (as, than) 11 W hat shall we d o it rains? (or else, supposing) - you read thís book, you would be sure to enjoy it (If, ntil) 13 The door was open, _ we could hear everything (in case, so) 88 14 I studieđ m ore _ he did (than, whereas) 15 We packed a lunch, _ we knew we would soon be hungry (lest, for) 16 I will join you, _ the weather is fine (providing, than) 17 he is very busy, he is seldom at home (Or else, Because) 18 We must h u rry , _ we will be late (so that, or else) E x e r c is e 63 F ill in th e b la n k w ith e ith e r th e c o n ju n c tio n or th e p r e p o sitio n g iv e n in b rack ets (Điền vào chỗ trống liên từ cụm giới từ cho ngoặc) Example: my warning, they went ahead with their plan (Although, Despite) Despite my warning, they went ahead with their plan We stayed up la te , we were tired (although, despite) They went swimming, _ the coldness of the water (although, despite) I enjoy the course, _the professor is a good teacher (because, because of) She looks your sister (as if, like) Please w a it I make a phone call (during, while) Did you hear any noises the night? (during, while) It looked _ we would not be able to leave until the next day (as if, like) We all felt t i r e d the hot weather (because, because of) 89 I read a book I was waiting (during, while) 10 Her eyes shone stars (as if, like) 11 They managed to work to g eth er, their differences of opinion (although, despite) 12 I left home early, I had to several errands (because, because of) 13 He speaks about the subject _ he were an expert (as if, like) 14 We re ste d the hottest part of the day (during, while) 15 _ she lost her way twice, she arrived safely (Although, Despite) their interest in comets, they decided to study astronomy (Because, Because of) E x e r c is e 64 F ill in th e b la n k s w ith th e c o r ỳ u n c tio n s o r c o n n e c tin g a d v e r b s g iv e n in b r a c k e ts (Điền liên từ trạng từ nối cho ngoặc vào chỗ trống) Example: It was very hot _ , we decided to go swimming (Consequently, So) It was very hot Consequently, we decided to go swimming I have invited him _ , I have invited his sister (Also, And) He walked up to the door _knocked (and, likewise) The bus fare is expensive; I prefer to walk (so, therefore) She is well-educated , she has very good manners (And, Besides) 90 I would rather travel by train, _ the bus leaves earlier (but, however) We were born in this village; _, we know everyone here (hence, so that) Put less wood on the íire, _ it will be too smoky (or, otherwise) They got off the tra in _ they began to search for a hotel (And, Then) She studied fro many m onths; , she knew the material thoroughly (consequently, so that) 10 The weather was h o t; , the air was humid (and, moreover) 11 Please come with u s , I can introduce you to my friends (thus, so that) 12 The sun was w arm , _ a cool breeze blew in from the sea (but, however) 13 I have read this book before; _, I not remember the plot (but, however) 14 They were h o t tired (also, and) 15 The door was locked; , we would have waited inside (or, otherwise) 16 I have known her for many y ears; _ , I understand her character well (so that, thus) 17 We opened the window íresh air would blow into the room (consequently, so that) 18 He is ignorant; _ , he is lazy (and, íurthermore) 19 They visited many Stores; _ , they could not íĩnd what they were looking for (but, however) 20 You should go to sleep n o w , _ you will be tired tomorrow (or, otherwise) 91 E x e r c is e T h e fo llo w in g s e n t e n c e s a r e in c o r r e c t, b e c a u s e t h e y c o n ta in c o r r e la tiv e c o iý u n c tio n s , b u t d o n o t u s e p a r a lle l c o n s tr u c tio n R e w r ite th e s e n t e n c e s c o r r e c tly , u s in g p a r a lle l c o n s tr u c tio n (Các câu sau viết sai chúng chứa liên từ tương quan không sử dụng cấu trúc tương đương Hãy viết lại câu cho đúng, sử dụng cấu trúc tương đương) Example:He owns both a typewriter and he has a word processor -> He owns both a typew riter and a word processor The tra in proceed neither quickly nor was it smooth They will leave either today or they will go tomorroAV The child hates both getting up in the morning and to go to bed at night She is neith er kind nor has patience He is not only talented, but also he has charm The Street is lined with both oak trees and there are elm trees The lecture was not only very long but also it was very dull You should either eat less, or should exercise more I ma not only pround to be here, but also feel happy to meet you 10 The town is both historical and it is picturesque E x e r c ise 66 T he fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s a re in c o r r e c t, b e c a u se th e y p r e s e n t lis ts o f ỉd e a s , b u t d o n o t u se p a llel co n str u c tio n R ew rite th e s e n te n c e s c o rr e ctly , u sỉn g p a r a lle l co n str u c tio n (Các câu sau khơng xác chúng liệt kê ý không sử dụng cấu trúc tương đương Hãy viết lại chúng cho xác sử dụng cấu trúc tương đương để viết) 92 Example: The air was cool, dry, and was clear -> The air was cool, dry and elear We walked out of the door, down the steps and went across the Street She loves singing, dancing and to play the piano The wind moaned, shrieked and was howling The music was fast, brilliant and sounded exciting He proposes to borrow money, open a store and going into business The town boasts four libraries, two theaters and there are many schools The clouds were thick, black and looked threatening He likes running, jumping and to ride a bicycle They worked carefully, quickly and were quiet 10 The vegetables were fresh, tender and tasted delicious 93 ...NGỌC HÀ - MINH ĐỨC BÀI T Ậ P NGỮ P H Á P TIẾNG ANH LIỀN T - THÁN T ENGLSSK GnAMMAR EXERCISES CQNƯUNCTIONS - 1NTẼRJECTI0NS NHÀ XUẤT BẢN DÂN TRÍ CONJUNCTION - LIÊN TỪ E x e r c ise R e w r... stopped for a rest 10 He was an g ry he heard when happened 11 Walk quickly you will be late 12 He had to re tire of ill health 13 We will go swimming next Sunday it’s raining 14 I heard a... y are c o o r d in a tin g or su b o r d in a tin g (Chỉ liên từ câu sau xét xem chúng loại liên từ kết hợp (coordinating) hay liên từ phụ thuộc (subordinating)) You will succeed if you work

Ngày đăng: 08/12/2022, 12:25


