Tran Thu Huong va DTG Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 79(03) 123 127 SOME PROPOSED OF MASTER CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Tran Thu Huong, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Tran Thanh Van, Chu Hoang[.]
Tran Thu Huong va DTG Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 79(03): 123-127 SOME P R O P O S E D OF M A S T E R C U R R I C U L U M D E V E L O P M E N T IN THAI N G U Y E N UNIVERSITY Tran Thu Huong, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Tran Thanh Van, Chu Hoang Mau Thai Nguyen University ABSTRACT Study on finding solutions to improve the quality of current master training are problems that many educators and societies care about In which making the master training program under new approach plays a very important role in organizing master training program Based on the assessment of current state of undergraduate and master training in Thai Nguyen University and the change in training regulation of the Ministry of Education and Training and the requirement of society, this paper presents the orientation of principle and method for designing and building a master program including curriculum, standard output and detailed subject outline This contributes to improving the quality of graduate training institutions Key words: Standard of output, details outline, curriculum, program development, masters INTRODUCTION In recent years, the process of renewing he economy of Vietnam has achieved many significant achievements, the life of the people has been continuously improved In 2007, Vietnam officially became one of the member oflhe World Trade Organization [I] The development of economic and social demands higher requirements for the national education system, particularly for undergraduate education Government of Vietnam issued Resolution No 14/2005/NQCP on comprehensive reform of undergraduate education to Vietnam for the period of 2006-2020 to promote the reform of higher education so that in 2020 Vietnam has an advanced system of higher education [2] Directive No 296/CT-TTg on 27/02/2010 of the Prime Minister on the reform of higher education management during the period 2010-2012 and building strategies period of 2011-2015 lo towards to 2020 which indicated the development of model of higher education must be ensured as well as improving the quality of training Resolutely put an end lo uncontrolled quality training Need lo create mechanisms and dynamics of state management and Academic management institutions to ensure implementation of goals ' Teh 0912215929 and improving the quality of training [2] In the report of Education and Training of Ministry on the development of solutions and higher education systems lo ensure and improve the quality of training has been confirmed: "In general the quality of higher education, especially the Academic of masters and doctors arc still limited It has been affecting for the economy in a relatively long lime "and one of the solutions lo ensure and improve the quality of Academic in the period of 2009 -2012 is "standardizing and improving the quality of academic programs" [3] Reforms academic program and built the standard output of the academic program is one of the problems of quality undergraduate academic should be discussed and clarified SITUATION OE MASTER PROGRAM OE THAI UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC NGUYEN Thai Nguyen University is interdisciplinary university in education system of Viet Nam which is assigned to educate 20 specialities in Doctoral of philosophy program and 40 specialities in master program by ministry of edrcalion Before 2006 master program training was composed 100 units but the structure of program has been reformed times for suitable with education sy^rtem after The first lime in 2005 - 2008 periods, the master academic program was followed as 123 Tran Thi Huona va DTG Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 79(03): 123- 127 school year education system with 70 units and delivered in blocks of knowledge as: general knowledge block (English and Philosophv' subjects), basic knowledge block and specialized knowledge block and master thesis included 15 units From 2008-2009 school years, credit education system has been applied to replace school year education system including master academic program Master academic program include 50 credits and to be able to graduate within years with blocks of knowledge, thesis and to be delived follow as: process, some subjects which are available proof and material facilities have been taught and not mention lo the logical and demands of program structures It is common in graduate academic program design that the subjects belong lo proof who set up the program is more frequency in list of program or they not want to combine with other subjects to become a new one They did not caixy out surveys oflhe quality of graduation students and not yet analyze and assess the real needs of the knowledge that society needs also The general knowledge block (5 credits) include philosophy and English subject English is not compulsory subject; depend on the condition of school and the demand of students to decide, but graduate students have to submit English international certificate before defend their thesis In currently, our master quality is not satisfy the requirements of social because of each training institution have one type of training only and lo be affected others social problems relative professors and students, material facilities, reference books Hences it is necessary to reform the structure of program of each specialized for suitable and meet the demands of socialities The purpose of development academic programs are able to set up training programs to support each other subjects and detail plan for integrating between personal skills and communication skills; product creation skills, processes, systems lo make sure the quality of graduation students [1] Beside that English is one of indispensable requirement to be able to graduate of students Thus, development of master academic program is the best method to improve the quality of masters The basis knowledge includes 21 credits The specialized knowledge includes 12 credits, and the master thesis includes 12 credits The differences of academic programs are considered the different of contents, compulsory subjects, elective subjects and master thesis Regulation master's degree training issued under Circular No Io/2011/TT-BGDDT dated Feb 28 2011 by the Minister of Education and Training has decided about 30 - 35 credits in master academic program and to be derived in theory- module(80%) and master thesis (20%) The theory module includes as: (i) the general knowledge block with credits of philosophy subject (social science humanities specialized) or credits (others specialized); (ii) the basis and specialized knowledge blocks including compulsory and elective subjects (30% in elective subjects) [5] And the graduate school must to finish the proposal of master academic program at the last of 2011 Thus, improved master academic programs of each institution are required and are conducted regularly All of the schools base on the form of minislrv of education and training to set up their academic program But durins the 124 PROPOSE A NEW CURRICULUM MASTER APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENT The changing of curriculum will be affected to all of lectures, staffs, and potential of Vietnam National University have overcome the difficulties during the process base on 12 factors as considered culture changing and steps in organization: Starting right - Motivate key activities - Institutionalizing change [I] Base on the status of master academic program of Thaii Nguyen University, we recommend somej strategies approach to improve the quality o| master Tran Thu Huone va DTG Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE Curriculum development and satisfy of master graduation requirement Base on the master academic program regulation of ministry of education and training and status of College of Thai Nguyen University to complete the master curriculum However, when developing training programs should be rebuilt from scratch, pay attention to continuity and can perforin the procedure as follows: (1) Curriculum framework of each specialized will be followed the rules and orientation of Thai Nguyen University And it is able to design with types of framework: (1) Curriculum framework have only course work and without thesis, but master students have lo finish a term paper before graduation and not allow to take PhD with the same specialized (2) curriculum framework include course work with general knowledge block, basis knowledge block, and specialized knowledge block and thesis with 20% of course work among The ones who graduate lo be able to lake PhD (2) Graduate school has responsibility to inform to faculties for review the objectives and the existing framework Establish project team lo develop training programs as the core members of the Department of eel management training program (3) Base on the objectives and curriculum framework, the members of project team put forward a proposed draft program and new standard output (first version) (4) Members of project team present to the Scientific Council of Faculty Training professionals lo gather opinions and discuss preliminary approval of the standard output to deploy the survey process (5) Surveyed groups of stakeholders: Teachers, graduate students, alumnus and recruiters (6) Collection, processing and analyzing information to propose the standard output and curriculum framework (second version) (7) Divisions have being made discussions for introducing the third version lo the Scientific Council of Faculty Training professionals 79(03): 123-127 (8) Council for Science and Training lo discuss and make final decisions on curriculum frameworks and standards of professional output oflhe master that subject (9) Complete the curriculum framework and standard output of specialized training master degree (final version) The new curriculum framework should not follow the old one to design Do not base on the potential available lecturers must be based on the objectives and the standards output of training programs Base on survey the stakeholders on the objectives and outputs standard to design programs which include training modules with appropriate subjects In the curriculum framework may have the new courses, combine or subjects lo form a new course and it can be absent some subjects which present in the old program The new curriculum framework is the brainchild and will be tested, evaluated and improved during the training process Standard output is the basis for set up an integrated training program lo ensure achieving speciHc objectives Integrated curriculum includes many courses in close contact with each other lo provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes for each different level It can be uone by methods: Trom up to down' assume the hypothesis, estimate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of standard output to decide the contents of courses Hence, we have from the standard output oflhe whole program lo determine the structure of academic programs and then will build a detailed outline for each subject; or other method : from the current slate of the old academic program, with the outline oflhe old subjects, but the link between the subject has not been clearly defined, the standard output of each subject is also unclear, we have to redefine the standard output of each subject in a match with the standard output of the whole program, identified the integrated sequence of subjects to edit the old course outline proposals lo new one It is not only base on the objectives of training but also base on the survey 125 Tran Thi Huona va DTG Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE stakeholders to set up the standard output The results of standard output survey may show some problems: (i) which output is not any stakeholders interested in? (ii) Which output not support by any subject? (iii) The relative importance of each standard output compared to the standard output Left [7] The objective of master academic program is the product lo be achieved after the training process Standard output is the product-specific knowledge, skills, attitudes can be measured to assess training objectives The construction of the training program should have a consensus and concerns of the leaders, lecturers, and academic program have to meet the demands of stakeholder Survey the stakeholder The results of survey stakeholder play an important to assess practicability, logical of standard output [8] Objects are selected to be surveyed are faculty, alumni and the recruiters Before conducting the survey, the questionnaire design, methodologies of survey must be done, and after conducting the survey, all of information will be analyzed and assessed Questionnaire design, process and methodologies have been suited with each respondent Set up the detail outline The detail outline and standard output are the main component of master academic program A training program integrates many subjects are related closely together to provide knowledge, skills and attitudes for each different level and in a sequence determined [9] Each course will be determined by standard output specific subjects to be able to achieve the standard output of the training program Detailed course outline can be built under the order include the following: (1) Determine the objectives of subjects; (2) Determine the correlation between the subjects under consideration w ith other subjects in the series subjects oflhe overall prograin;(3) Determine the standard output follow criterion: scientific knowledge, skills and attitude; (4) Determine the correlation between the standard output 126 79(03): 123-127 and standard output subject of training programs, base on criteria: Utilize- TeachIntroduction; (5) Finally, selection appropriate teaching methods for each of the course content the assessment methods to ensure the attainment of the standard output oflhe subjects mentioned It is complexity to develop the academic program, identify the standard output, and design the detail outline of subjects, so it is necessary the corporation and effort of managers and teachers for successful The managers have to innovate the method of management and design the outline of subjects The teachers must boldly change, have strong faith, always update their knowledge and dare to innovate on the best experiences of themselves They must be willing to listen and accept the opinions of colleagues and others, enthusiasm, humility learning from mistakes and perseverance, patience Thus, the development of master academic programs is archived efficiency and goals REFERENCES [I].Vietnam National University (2010), "Proceeding an example CDIO model at the Vietnam National University", Proceedings of seminar on standard output and curriculum development follow the model CDIO, pp AI-A9 [ (2005) Resolution No 14/2005/NQ-CP on comprehensive reform of Vietnam education period of 2006-2020 [3].Ministry of Education and Training (20101 Innovation in management system of higher education period 2009 to 2012, Education Publishing House, pp 28-44 [4].Thai Nguyen University (2008-2010), Master Academic program of Thai Nguyen University [5].Ministry of Education and Training (2011), Regulations of Master Academic issued under Circular No 10/2011/TT-BGDDT on February 28, 201 I by the Minister of Education & Training [6].Ho Tan Nhut Doan Thi Minh Trinh (2009) Reform and building training programs in technical hy method of approaching CDIO, Publishing house of Vietnam National University [7].Dinh Ba Tien Le Hoai Bac Tran Dan Nhu Duong Anh Due (2010), "Building Process of Building standard output and training programs of the Department of Information Technology, Ha TrSn Thu Huong va DTG Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE Noi university of Science and Technology in CDIO", Proceedings of Seminar on standard output and curriculum development follow the model CDIO, pp B\ 1-12 [8].Lam Quang Vu, Van Chi Nam, Tran Minh Triet (2010) "Survey of access on standard output of Department of Information Technology, Ha Noi university of Science and Technology", 79(03) 127 Proceedings of Seminar on standard output and curriculum development follow the model CDIO pp B2 :I-I2 [9].Ho Bao Quoc Le Hoai Bac (2010) "Some experiences in developing syllabus of subjects follow CDIO", Proceedings of Seminar on standard output and curriculum development follow the model CDIO p B3 :l-9 TOM TAT MOT SO D E X U A T P H A T T R I E N CHlTOTVG TRINH D A O T A O T H A C SI CUA DAI H O C T H A I N G U Y E N Tran Thu Huong , Nguyen Xuan Trudng, Tran Thanh Van, Chu Hoang Mau Dal hoc Thdi nguyen Chat lugng dao tao va nghien cuu tim giai phap nang cao chat lugng dao tao thac sT hien dang la van de dugc nhieu nha giao due hgc va ca xa hdi quan tam Trong cac giai phap dd viec thiet ke chuong trinh dao tao thac sT theo hudng tiep can mdi cd vi tri het sue quan trgng td chirc dao tao thac sT hien Tren co sd danh gia hien trang ve chuong trinh dao tao dai hgc va thac sT hien cua Dai hgc Thai Nguyen, nhung thay ddi quy che dao tao cua Bd Giao due &Dao tao va yeu cau cua xa hdi, bai bao trinh bay dinh hudng ve nguyen tac cung nhu each thuc thiet ke va xay dung chuong trinh dao tao thac sT bao gdm ca khung chuong trinh chuan dau va de cuong chi tiet mdn hgc, gdp phan nang cao chat lugng dao tao thac sT ciia cac co sd dao tao sau dai hgc Tir khoa: Chudn ddu ra, de cuang chi tiet, khung chuong trinh phdt trien chuong trinh ihgc s7 Tet: 0912215929 127