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4 Preparation day Week Teaching day Period Subject English 7 UNIT 8 FILMS Lesson 2 A CLOSER LOOK 1 Timing 1 period (45 minutes) I Objectives 1 Knowledge By the end of the lesson, students will be able[.]

Preparation day: Teaching day: Week: Period: Subject: English UNIT 8: FILMS Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK Timing: period (45 minutes) I Objectives Knowledge By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use adjectives to describe films - Pronounce the sounds /ɪə/ and /eə/ correctly Competence - Linguistic competence, self- study, cooperative learning and communicative competence - Students will actively join in class activities - Students will develop their listening and speaking skills Attitude - Develop the love /passion of watching films II Teaching aids Teacher: - Text books, pictures, teaching plan, teacher’s book, … - Smart TV, laptop - sachmem.vn Students: Text books, notebooks, posters, … III Procedures Activity 1: Warm-up (5’) Goal - To help students review adjectives describing films (which are from the previous lesson: GETTING STARTED) - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson - To lead into the new lesson Input Students work in teams to play the game: Brainstorming Topic : Adjectives describing films funny Adjectives describing films Outcome Keys frightening, moving, boring, funny, interesting Procedures - Teacher gives instructions - Teacher divides the class into two teams and controls/ monitors the game - Students work in teams and go to the board and write - Teacher gives feedbacks and declares the winner team - Teacher leads in new lesson Activity 2: Pre-teach vocabulary (13’), task Goal Input Outcome To prepare students with the vocabulary related to the lesson Students work individually to study new words - dull - violent - confusing - shocking - enjoyable * Vocabulary: - dull (adj) chán ngắt - violent (adj) bạo lực - confusing (adj) bối rối - shocking (adj) gây sửng sốt - enjoyable(adj) thúvị =>Checking: Matching (turn to Task 1) Match the following adjectives with their meanings Answer key: b d a e c Procedures - T elicits the new words - Use different techniques to teach vocab (pictures, situation, realia, definition ) - Ss listen, repeat in chorolly, individually and copy in their notebooks Teacher asks students to work in pairs and quickly the task Teacher allows students to peer check first Teacher conforms the answers and gives feedback Activity 3: Task 2: (7’) Goal To practice the targeted language (the adjectives) and activate the background knowledge Input Outcome Answer key: shocking dull enjoyable violent confusing Procedures - Teacher asks students to pay attention to the KEYWORDS in Ex - Teacher asks students to Ex students the task individually - Teacher asks students to share/ swap their answers in pairs before checking the answers as a class - Teacher encourages students to explain their answers - corrects if necessary Activity 4: Task 3(8’) Goal Input Outcome To help students practice using the adjectives to describe films as well as develop their speaking skill WORK IN PAIRS ASK AND ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT A FILM YOU SAW RENCENTLY Ss’ answers Procedures - Teacher sets the scene then checks their understanding of their roles and the situations - Then T lets some pairs role-play the conversations in front of the class - Teacher allows students to peer check first - Teacher then checks pronunciation, if necessary Activity 5: Task (5’) Goal Input To help Ss identify sounds /ɪə/ AND /eə/, and practice them in words LISTEN AND REPEAT, PRACTICE PRONOUNCING PAY ATTENTION TO THE SOUNDS /ɪə/ AND /eə/ Example: Listen and distinguish the two sounds in these words: 1/hear 2/ bear Outcome Procedures - T has SS listen to words which contain sounds /ɪə/ and /eə/ and asks SS if they can distinguish the two sounds - Teacher shows a list of the words on the screen and asks students to listen to the recording and repeat after that paying attention to the sounds: /ɪə/ and /eə/ - Teacher explains the differences between the sounds: /ɪə/ and /eə/ Then asks students to practice pronouncing words in Ex - Teacher plays the recording several times, if necessary, for students to listen and repeat the words - Teacher allows students to cross check first - Teacher then checks pronunciation and gives feedback, if necessary Activity 6: Task 5(5’) Goal To let students practice pronouncing the targeted sounds in sentences Input Outcome Distinguishing the sounds: /ɪə/ and /eə/ Procedures - T has Ss listen to part and pay attention to sounds /ɪə/ and /eə/ - Teacher asks students to practice saying the sentences in pairs or groups - Students practice saying the sentences in pairs or groups - Teacher goes around to monitor or correct the pronunciation, if necessary - Teacher calls some students to say the sentences in front of the class - Check their pronunciation, if necessary WRAP-UP: (2’) - T asks students to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson - T asks students to revise the old lesson and to the exercises in the workbook - T asks students to prepare the next lesson: Unit – Lesson A closer look EXPERIENCE: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ... winner team - Teacher leads in new lesson Activity 2: Pre-teach vocabulary (13 ’), task Goal Input Outcome To prepare students with the vocabulary related to the lesson Students work individually... gives feedback Activity 3: Task 2: (7’) Goal To practice the targeted language (the adjectives) and activate the background knowledge Input Outcome Answer key: shocking dull enjoyable violent... checking the answers as a class - Teacher encourages students to explain their answers - corrects if necessary Activity 4: Task 3 (8? ??) Goal Input Outcome To help students practice using the adjectives

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 20:02
