ITfKHIMtmHIiNClll Quan di^m cua ngviiii svt dung nhdn hic y t^' yi thtfc trang nang Itfc bac sy da khoa mdi to't nghigp Vu Thi H o a n g Lan', Biii Thj T h u Ha', Kim Bao Giang=, N g u y i n Thi B?ch Yen* Bdc sy da khoa (BSDK) dong vai Ird quan trong viic tri vd ddm bdo chdt luang cda hoai ddng mang ludi y le Nghiin cdu lien hanh nhdm md id thuc trgng ve ndng luc BSDK mdi tot nghiep lgi tuyin linh vd tuyen huyin, xdc dinh nhiing nhom ndng liXc quan trgng iheo quan diem cda ngudi sd dung nhdn lUc y ti Ap dung phucmg phdp kil hap dinh luang vd djnh tinh, nghien ciiu tiin hdnh tqi 10 linh dgi diin cho vitng sinh thai cua Viit Nam Cd mdu dinh luong Id 210 cdn bo lanh dgo tuyin llnh vd 240 cdn bg lanh dgo tuyen huyin vd dinh linh la 10 phong vdn sdu (PVS) d cdn b^ ldnh dao tuyin linh, 20 cu^c thdo ludn nhdm d luyin iinh vd 20 TLN d luyen huyin Thong tin ihu thdp bao gSm thuc trang liin hdnh cdc nhdm ndng lUc tat ca sd cdng tdc hiin tgi cua cdc BSDK ciing nhU quan diem vi cdc nhdm ndng li^c quan irgng nhdt Kit qud cho thdy c6 nhdm ndng lyCc vdi 22/38 ndng llic du^c cho Id thyCc hiin tdt; nhom ndng luc quan irgng nhdt bao gom ky ndng Idm sdng ca bdn, giao liip hiiu qud, thdi d^ va dgo diic trdch nhiem vd hgc tgp lien liic khdng ngOng Cdc chuang Irinh ddo tgo hiin tgi nin nhdn mgnh Uu tiin vdo cdc nhdm ndng luc cdn thii'l ndy cUng nhucd cdc biin phdp ddm bdo chdi lU0ig de sinh vien cd du diiu kiin thUc hdnh, ddm bdo ndng luc cdn ihiet sau to't nghiip TU khda: Bdc sy da khoa, ndng lUc chinh, nhdn luc y li Viewpoints of health personal's users on the capacity of newly graduated medical doctors Vu T h i H o a n g Lan', Bui T h i T h u Ha', Kim Bao Giang", N g u y e n Thi Bach Y e n ' General doctors play an important role in maintaining quality of services provided by the health core system in Vietnam This study aims to analyze the performance of core competencies of newly graduated doctors assessed by their current employers Employing mixed method design; the study was carried out in 10 provinces, representing ecological regions of Vietnam The quantitative sample consisted of 210 managers at provincial level and 240 managers at district level while the quaUtative sample vfas constituted of JO in-deplh interviews at provincial level arui 20 focus group discussions al district level Collected information covered assessment of doctors' performance of core competencies at their current working position, and ranking of most important competencies Tap chf Y t^ Cdng c^ng, 4.2014, S6 31 • Ngiy DhgD bii: 2S.2.20U • Ngiy phin biôn 11 3.2014 ã Ngiy chinh sOa 19.3.2014 ã Ngiy du'