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Tóm tắt Luận án: Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay

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Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Sự ảnh hưởng của văn hóa chính trị đối với tiến trình dân chủ ở Việt Nam hiện nay.

HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS NGUYEN THI HONG MINH THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL CULTURE ON THE DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM TODAY SUMMARY OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS MAJOR: POLITICAL SCIENCE Code: 31 02 01 HA NOI - 2022 The thesis is completed at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Supervisor: Assoc Prof., Dr Trinh Thi Xuyen Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended in front of the Thesis Committee at Academy level, at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics At…… hour…… date …… month …… year…… The thesis can be found at the National Library and the Library of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics INTRODUCTION The rationale of the study The third wave of democracy has raised high expectations for democracy activists and political scholars about the universal trend of Western values and models of liberal democracy However, after the recession period of this democratic wave, world politics has been witnessing democracies developing into very different scenarios This fact led the hypothesis of compatibility of democracies with different socio-cultural contexts, which had been proposed by cultural relativism scholars, to be taken into consideration This theory argues that, if democracy is considered be an invention of Western civilization, it would also be alien to non-western cultural contexts, so it inevitably creates the need to adjust democratic values that are inherently recognized by the West, while creating models of democracy suitable for each culture of different countries This approach was then confronted with the criticism that, so whether there are cultures where people feel more satisfied with dictatorship than with democracy? Obviously, the public uprisings during the Arab Spring and the expansion of civil liberties in Asian countries disproved this hypothesis Moreover, it also reduces the reliability of statements about the localization of cultural characteristics in influencing democratic values and models Thus, the above arguments have revealed the limitations of both approaches: the universalization and the localization of cultural factors This has led to changes in approaches to the influence of culture on democracy Instead of accepting or not accepting democratic values in different cultural contexts; there is a more balanced and practical approach that putting the question: Which model of democracy will work better in a particular cultural context? This approach leads to a research hypothesis, which suggest the existence of correlation between characteristics of a democratic model and specific values of a society This helps explain the fact that a particular country is willing to embrace this model of democracy but at the same time has doubts about the others Therefore, the application and practice of a model of democracy have influenced on by political culture From the above hypothesis, many theoretical and practical issues about Vietnam's democratic progress have also been raised Vietnam is a country located in East Asia, neighboring China and being one of the few countries to follow a single ruling party model that is led by the communist party Those three factors have put Vietnam in the face of the great value conflicts of the times: Between the East and the West; between the eft-wing and the right-wing; between big countries (dominant cultures) and small countries (influenced culture) This feature along with endogenous factors have contributed to shaping the political culture with the priority values of the Vietnamese people Those values inevitably have had important influences on the people's participation in political life and at the same time shaped the country's democratic progress The process of integration and development requires countries to study theories and find the right democratic model for themselves and Vietnam is no exception Therefore, every country faces the need to better understand itself, including understanding the values that are prioritized and widely shared by their own national community In Vietnam today, there have been many works discussing political culture and democracy, but there is still a knowledge gap that has not been studied commensurately with its importance, related to the research question: What are the priority values of Vietnamese political culture? How those values influence on the Vietnam’s democratic progress? If we want to change political cultural values in a way that is conducive to democratic progress, it is important to answer this research question In that case, we will known what to change and how to change, For the above reasons, the author has selected the topic "The influence of political culture on the democratic progress in Vietnam today" Research purpose and tasks 2.1 Research purpose Based on the theoretical framework of political culture, democracy and the influence of political culture on democracy, the thesis identifies the typical values of Vietnamese political culture and its effects on the democratic progress of Vietnam today, and evaluate that influence 2.2 Research tasks - Giving an overall assessment of research related to the topic of the thesis and pointing out issues that need further research Clarifying the concepts of political culture, democracy and the influence of political culture on democracy - Giving an overview of the democratic progress of Vietnam from 1986 to Present - Identifing the typical values of Vietnam's political culture - Analyzing the current state of influence of the typical values of Vietnam's political culture on the democratic progress of Vietnam today - Evaluating the influence of the typical values of Vietnam's political culture on the democratic progress of Vietnam today Object and scope of the research 3.1 Object of the research The research object of the thesis is the influence of political culture on the democratic progress in Vietnam 3.2 Scope of the research - Regarding the space The Vietnamese political culture studied in the thesis is the general political culture of Vietnam, regardless of region - Regarding the time Vietnam's democratic progress is studied in the current period, from Doi Moi (1986) to the present This period has winessed strong economic, social and political changes and the transformation in the people's awareness and political participation behavior Research methodology The thesis uses the Marxist - Leninist methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism Based on the above methodology, the thesis uses specific research methods such as the analysis and synthesis method; statistical method; comparative method; logical method; historical - specific method; and case study method New contributions of the thesis Firstly, the thesis develops an analytical framework on the influence of political culture on the democratic progress in general In which, the thesis introduces a concept of political culture and the dimensions of political culture and democracy as the basis for analyzing the above influence Secondly, on the basis of selecting typical political and cultural values of Vietnam, the thesis analyzes the reality of the influence of political culture on the democratic progress in Vietnam Third, the thesis assesses the compatibility and incompatibility of typical cultural and political values to the democratic progreess of Vietnam, and proposes solutions in the coming period Academic and practical significance of the thesis 6.1 Academic significance The research results of the thesis contributes to completing the framework of political culture and its influence on the democratic progress of Vietnam 6.2 Practical significance The results of the thesis are references for the Party and the State in the process of improving the democracy of Vietnam under influence of political culture The thesis is also a valuable reference in studying and teaching relevant issues Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion, list of references, and appendices, the thesis consists of 04 chapters, with 12 headings Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION RELATING TO THE THESIS 1.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ON POLITICAL CULTURE AND VIETNAM’S POLITICAL CULTURE 1.1.1 Research related to political culture The study of research works on political culture shows that political culture is interested in researching around theoretical issues such as the concept of political culture, the influence of political culture to political progresses and its relationships with other institutions 1.1.2 Research related to Vietnam’political culture The works have analyzed the characteristics of Vietnamese political culture and its changes in the context of international integration 1.2 LITERATURE REVIEW ON DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRACY IN VIETNAM 1.2.1 Research related to democracy The works have studied universal democratic values and democratic models, mainly in Western countries In particular, many works confirm the specificity of democratic values and models associated with different cultural contexts 1.2.2 Research related to democratic progress in Vietnam The works focus on studying the characteristics of socialist democracy in Vietnam and the democratic progress from Doi Moi to the present 1.3 LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL CULTURE ON THE DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS 1.3.1 Research related to the influence of political culture on the democratic progress Works have focused on the relationship between the quality of a democratic system and the existence of essential values in a society 1.3.2 Research related to the influence of political culture of Asian on the democratic progress The works have discussed the democratic values typical of Asia under the influence of Eastern cultural and social values 1.3.3 Research related to the influence of political culture on the democratic progress in Vietnam The works focus on analyzing the relationship between culture and other institutions and clarifying the role of Vietnam’s political culture in the operation of democratic institutions 1.4 GENERAL ASSESMENT AND ISSUES FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 1.4.1 General assessment - The basic works agree on the concept of political culture which 11 Chapter ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK ON THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL CULTURE TO DEMOCRACY PROGRESS 2.1 THE CONCEPT AND THE DIMENSIONS OF POLITICAL CULTURE 2.1.1 The concept of political culture First, political culture is the values that orient people’s political behavior Values orient citizens' political behavior, but not all values are equally important to all communities There has been an order of preference between values in different communities and even between different periods within the same community (both in space and time) Second, political culture is the result of the accumulated reason and subjective perception Rationality is the widespread recognition of a community and the subjective perception resulting from that community's experience In this thesis, the concept of "culture" does not contain scientific objectivity as in natural science which reflects the only necessity, but it is subjective when people live in a community and it has reason for the community itself 12 Third, political culture is widely shared in the community and is sustainable Political culture is the values shared by the community This emphasizes the community's sharing in the image of "a social order", the legitimacy of procedures (including unwritten ones) to resolve disagreements and strengthen legal cooperation That is, it implies a sharing in the legitimacy of puplic power From the above approach, the thesis uses the concept of political culture as follows: Political culture is the values that orient political behavior of individuals, which are sustainable and widely shared in the community The order of priority for values determines the specific political culture of each community 2.1.2 The dimensions of political culture Criteria for the selection of the dimensions of politics culture Due to the richness of aspects of political culture, it is necessary to have criteria for selecting aspects suitable to research objectives and tasks The aspects of political culture selected by the thesis will be: First, the universality of the political cultural aspects in modern studies Second, the explanatory capacity of aspects to the democratic progress in countries Third, the number of selected aspects is suitable with the objectives, tasks and research methods of the thesis 13 Content of the dimensions of political culture The first dimension: Community emphasizing - Individual emphasizing With emphasized community societies, members have stronger cohensions, while emphasized individual societies are more protecting the rights and interests of individuals as well as self-expression The second dimension: Hierachical emphasizing - Equal emphasizing Hierarchical societies tend to emphasize the role of the leader and the hierarchical relationship that the basis for an orderly and stable society Equality societies uphold the values of equality, justice, rationality, and individual self-determination The Third dimension: Harmonious emphasizing - Competitive emphasizing Harmonious societies value cooperation and agreement between individuals and groups in the process of participating in management Competitive societies emphasize the orientation of control, mastery, and competition in the progress of participating in political life 2.2 THE CONCEPT OF DEMOCRACY 2.2.1 Democracy is the right of the people Democracy is the guarantee of people's rights, including human rights and citizenship The concept of democracy is therefore a universal value system 14 2.2.2 Democracy is public administration Democracy is how to establish and operate a state that best serves the interests of each citizen Moreover, democracy is also the establishment and operation of consensus-oriented institutions that any regime needs 2.2.3 Democracy is an educational process The development of knowledge and personality of each individual will contribute to each step of democracy 2.3 THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL CULTURE ON THE DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS 2.3.1 The influence of political culture on people's rights Political culture has influenced the priority order of people's rights The different political cultures will determine different priorities for rights as well as the concept of rights and obligations in practice 2.3.2 The influence of political culture on public governance Political culture builds the moral foundation and standards for the operation of democratic institutions towards consensus and finding the optimal solution for the common good 2.3.3 The influence of political culture on the educational progress Democracy is an educational progress, but each different political culture will have different educational orientations 15 Sub-conclusion of chapter The diversity in democratic conceptions illustrates the richness of vital democratic The basic content of this chapter is that people are both the target and the driving force of all that happens within the community As a result, any community's preferred values will strongly influence on their political attitudes and behaviors, although the degree of influence varies among members Accordingly, a true democracy can only be one that is compatible with the people’s values of political culture 16 Chapter THE CURRENT SITUATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL CULTURE ON DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM 3.1 OVERVIEW OF THE CONTEXT AND DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM FROM 1986 TO NOW 3.1.1 Overview of the context in Vietnam from 1986 to the present After 35 years of implementing Doi Moi, Vietnam's economy has grown strongly On the social front, Vietnam has seen an impressive increase in the human development index along with the formation of new classes, especially the business class Accordingly, the political system also continuously innovates to adapt to rapid economic and social changes 3.1.2 The democratic progress in Vietnam from 1986 to the present The progress of developing the Party's awareness of democratic goals The Communist Party of Vietnam has always affirmed that democracy is the essence of the socialist regime in Vietnam The Party's awareness of democracy has developed through many congresses, especially from the Doi Moi period to the present 17 The progress of practicing democracy from 1986 to the present Firstly, the progress of expanding and promoting people's rights The process of expanding and promoting people's ownership rights is closely linked with the recognition of economic rights and the existence of a multi-sector economy In addition, direct democracy is regulated by law Despite this, the practice of democracy still shows a state of loss of democracy or asynchronous democracy, especially at the grassroots level of government Second, the progress of public administration The Communist Party of Vietnam has had a change in thinking in public administration and decentralization At the grassroots level, the key changes are the return of village self-government and the role of village conventions Third, the educational process Promoting the active participation of the people in political activities is the core issue of the current civic education progress 3.2 CHARACTERISTIC VALUES OF VIETNAM'S POLITICAL CULTURE 3.2.1 Community emphasizing The basic content of the community emphasizing value is respecting the community's interests over individual interests, respecting common power, and priority to those of the same family 18 line and hometown There has been a greater balance of priorities between community emphasizing and individual emphasizing since Doi Moi 3.2.2 Hierachical emphasizing The basic content of this value is to emphasize the role of the leader and the great power distance In the new context, the overemphasis on the role of the leader has decreased, the individuality is more respected, and the power gap between the state and the people has also been narrowed 3.2.3 Harmonious emphasizing The basic content of the value of harmony is to uphold consensus and cooperation towards stability and to uphold reasonable thinking over truth After Doi Moi, the level of competition is higher and the trend towards truth is more in leadership, public administration and people's participation 3.3 THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL CULTURE ON DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM 3.3.1 The influence of community emphasizing value - On the people’s right: Prioritizing the rights and interests of the community over individuals The progress of enforcement public power is affected by civil relations, especially family relations and compatriots - On Public administration institutions: Community emphasizing 19 values have built the basis of rationality for the organization and enforcement of public power in Vietnam, specifically the model of a single ruling party (the Communist Party of Vietnam) and centralized State’s power - On the educational progress: Community emphasizing values have influenced the content, methods and even the goals of education 3.3.2 The influence of Hierachical emphasizing value - On people's rights: The hierarchical emphasizing value has greatly influenced people's perception and behavior of political equality rights in contents: Large power distance; Gender inequality in political participation - On Public administration institutions: The hierarchical order emphasizing value affects decentralization and selection of civil servants - On the educational progress: Under the influence of hierarchical emphasizing value, the educational process is more about educating political leaders than educating citizens and emphasizing morality over talent 3.3.3 The influence of Harmonious emphasizing value - On people's rights: Public opinion is generally underdeveloped In addition, the value of harmony emphasizing affects the authorization mechanism that prioritizing stability over partisan competition and swapping power 20 - On Public administration institutions: Harmonious Value contributes to shaping the Public administration institutions that is both tight and flexible; both independent and strongly connected - On the educational progress: The value of harmony has influenced on the educational progress in two areas: (1) Limiting academic debates and (2) emphasize theory over practice Sub-conclusion of chapter Three priority values, including community, hierarchy and harmony, have had a significant influence on the democratic progress in Vietnam The influence of each value is different and analyzed individually by the thesis, but in fact it is the overall impact of all values on the democratic progress 21 Chapter THE INFLUENCE ASSESSMENT OF POLITICAL CULTURE ON THE DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM TODAY 4.1 COMPATIBILITY AND INCOMPATIBILITY OF POLITICAL CULTURE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM 4.1.1 The compatibility and incompatibility of community emphasizing value for democratic progress in Vietnam - The compatibility: Emphasizing community responsibility in the political decision and Upholding public authority for the legitimate interests of the community - The Incompatibility: Individual voices and disruptive ideas are limited In addition, there are political inequalities in resource allocation and cadre selection 4.1.2 The compatibility and incompatibility of Hierachical emphasizing value for the democratic progress in Vietnam - The state must take care of people's lives: Besides, party members and civil servants uphold exemplary and standards - The Incompatibility: The role and creativity of the collective has not been properly appreciated; individualism and gender inequality 4.1.3 The compatibility and incompatibility of Harmonious emphasizing value for the democratic progress in Vietnam - The compatibility: Harmonious combination of formal (legal) 22 and informal (traditional) institutions Promote consensus, avoid factional competition - The Incompatibility: Underdeveloped public opinion and reduced democratic education for the people 4.2 THE PREDICTION OF VIETNAM’S CONTEXT IN THE COMING TIME AND THE SUGGESTIONS TO INFLUENCE ON POLITICAL CULTURE CHARACTERISTICS SUITABLE FOR DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN VIETNAM 4.2.1 The prediction on the context of Vietnam in the coming time * The digital revolution changes our concept of community and identity * Migration undermines the meaning of citizenship; increase conflicts of values within a community and transform the structure of the workforce * Regional and international integration reduces cultural and legal differences between countries 4.2.2 Suggestions to influence on political culture characteristics suitable for democratic progress in Vietnam Regarding community emphasizing value Raise people's awareness of respecting official institutions, especially the law Promote institutionalization of practices to promote transparency and accountability 23 Regarding Hierachical emphasizing The effectiveness of public administration and leadership capacity should be enhanced, especially the capacity and quality of political leaders Regarding Harmonious emphasizing value Ensure creative direction and expand political education for citizens Sub-conclusion of chapter Obviously, political culture is a product of the community It has a certain independence It has a certain independence Although the transformation of political culture is slow, it has its own transformation path Political culture always has rational and irrational factors for the democratic progress Therefore, political culture should be influenced to both ensure universal democratic values and adapt to the cognitive and personality maturity of people in each nation 24 CONCLUSION Clearly, political culture has had an important influence on the democratic process in each country and Vietnam is no exception Therefore, the identification of political culture characteristics as well as their influence on the democratic progress of Vietnam is an urgent requirement both in theory and practice The thesis has clarified the content of two concepts of political culture and democracy In which, political culture is the values widely recognized and shared by the community The characteristics of political culture show a higher priority among the values of each community in the process of political participation Democracy is the right of the people; public governance institutions and the educational progress All of these must be considered in the specific context of each community The characteristics of Vietnamese political culture include: Community emphasizing; Hierachical order emphasizing; Harmonious emphasizing Along with the changes of socio-political life, the priority for values have changed, but the above three values are still typical values and have a strong influence on the democratic progress in Vietnam It is an overall influence and includes both compatible and incompatible factors for the development of Vietnam's democratic progress Digital revolution, migration and regional and international integration are important factors contributing to shaping the Vietnamese context in the coming time These factors will inevitably bring about changes in the degree of advancement of cultural and political values Therefore, it is necessary to have effects on political culture in favor of democracy and avoid causing social turmoil and crisis LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS BY AUTHOR RELATING TO THE THESIS Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2018), " The influence of culture on Japanese political life and relations with Vietnam", Journal of Political Theory and Communication, (8), tr.51-55 Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2020), " Vietnam's political culture in response to the Covid-19 pandemic", Journal of Political theory, (12) Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2021), "Vietnam's political culture in response to the Covid-19 pandemic", Political theory, Vol.28, tr.73-81 Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2021), "The influence of political culture on the Nordic model of social democracy", Journal of European studies (3) ... Academy level, at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics At…… hour…… date …… month …… year…… The thesis can be found at the National Library and the Library of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of... Thi Hong Minh (2018), " The influence of culture on Japanese political life and relations with Vietnam", Journal of Political Theory and Communication, (8), tr.51-55 Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2020),... theory, (12) Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2021), "Vietnam's political culture in response to the Covid-19 pandemic", Political theory, Vol.28, tr.73-81 Nguyen Thi Hong Minh (2021), "The influence of

Ngày đăng: 03/10/2022, 12:18

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