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HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT ON TRANSLATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE Full name: Date of birth: Group: Date of exam: Examiner 1: Examiner 2: HANOI - 2022 Index number HANOI - 2022 TABLE OF CONTENT PART A: INTRODUCTION According to JC Catford, translation is the replacement of textual in one language so-called source language by equivalent textual material in another language so-called target language With some experts, including Ian Tudor and Dao Duy Anh, translation is not only a mere linguistic substitution, but also an attempt to convey the original meaning of the original text intact, overcoming cultural barriers Translators are required to have general as well as cultural knowledge and specific translative skills Firstly, translation involve an enormous amount of knowledge in a variety of areas Before we can translate or interpret a message, we must understand the total meaning of the message within its own cultural context Therefore, the course of translation will need additional studies of subject areas such as international economics, political science and international studies Translator will also need to study how words communicate, which words that bring positive or negative meaning The understanding of the style of the words (formal/informal, personal/impersonal, academic/ general, etc.) During the translating process, the translators face with the problems of equivalence, untranslatability, difficulties in translation of metaphors and similes, proper name and institutional and cultural terms Equivalence might be divided into four types: (i) Linguistic equivalence, where there is homogeneity on the linguistic level of both source language and target language; (ii) Paradigmatic equivalence, where there is equivalence of “the elements of a paradigmatic expressive axis; (iii) Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is “functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning; and (iv) Textual (syntagmatic) equivalence, where there is equivalence of form and shape Equivalence in translation, then, should not be approached as a search for sameness The untranslatability occurs when there is no lexical or syntactic alternative in the target language for a source language item; or there is the absence in the target culture of a relevant situational feature for the source language text Translation of metaphors and similes, proper name and institutional and cultural terms demands the strictly follow of specific rules, such as proper name should not be translated if it represent national qualities PART B: DEVELOPMENT English Article: “A history of the tensions between Ukraine and Russia”1 1.1 The original text Two former republics of the Soviet Union — Russia and Ukraine — are once again in conflict Here are some pivotal moments in the years leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb 24, as well as a brief look at their relationship in the 20th century February 2014 — Protesters in Ukraine overthrow President Viktor Yanukovych, who was friendly to Russia’s interests During the revolution, more than 100 people are killed in protests that centered on the main square in the capital, Kyiv, often called the Maidan The interim government that follows this pro-Western revolution eventually signs a trade agreement with the European Union that is seen as a first step toward membership in the bloc April 2014 — Russia invades and then annexes the Crimean Peninsula Secessionists in eastern Ukraine, backed by Russia, declare themselves independent, as the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic, and go to war against Ukraine The secessionist war continues in the eastern region known as Donbas It then spreads west Roughly 13,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians eventually die in the conflict The front lines have barely shifted for years 2014 and 2015 — Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany sign a series of ceasefire agreements known as the Minsk Accords Many view these accords as ambiguous https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/26/world/europe/ukraine-russia-tensions-timeline.html April 2019 — A former comedian, Volodymyr Zelensky, is elected by a large majority as president of Ukraine on a promise to make peace with Russia and restore Donbas to the country 2021-2022 — President Vladimir V Putin of Russia seeks to prevent Ukraine’s drift toward the United States and its allies Mr Putin demands “security guarantees,” including an assurance by NATO that Ukraine will never join the group and that the alliance pulls back troops stationed in countries that joined after 1997 Many Russians view the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, as the birthplace of their nation and cite the numerous cultural ties between the two countries Here is a brief recap of their relations in the 20th century: 1918 — Ukraine declares independence from Russia during a conflict fought by multiple countries and armies over several years Its independence and sovereignty receive international recognition at the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Soviet forces later overthrow independent Ukraine The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic is founded in 1921, and Ukraine is subsumed into the Soviet Union the following year 1932 and 1933 — A famine caused by Stalin’s policy of collectivization kills millions of people, mainly ethnic Ukrainians in a republic that is known as the bread basket of the Soviet Union The disaster is known as the Holodomor, from the Ukrainian word for famine 1939-1944 — The Soviet Union annexes what is now western Ukraine from Poland and Romania Later, Nazi Germany and the Axis powers invade the Soviet Union and occupy Ukraine, which suffers enormous devastation 1991 — Ukraine declares independence, a move endorsed in a referendum by 92 percent of voters Russia, Ukraine and Belarus sign an accord recognizing that the Soviet Union has dissolved Ukraine begins a transition to a market economy, and comes into possession of a significant stockpile of nuclear weapons that had belonged to the Soviet Union 1994 — Under the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine gives up its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a commitment from Moscow “to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.” 1.2 Analyze the Article based on Dell Hymes’ model - Assessor and addressee: persons who want to understand the root of the conflicts between Ukraine and Russia - Audience: General audience - Topic: summary of the most significant events that show the relationship between Ukraine and Russia - Setting: the flow of events in the period 1918-2022 - Channel: Written text - Code: Informative code - Massage-form: - Event: list of tensions between Ukraine and Russia - Key: The Author used short sentences with general language in a neutral tone - Purpose: Give the audience a short brief on the historical tensions between Ukraine and Russia that led to the armed conflict in 2022 1.3 Translated text Hai n ước c ộng hịa c ũ thu ộc Liên Xơ - Nga Ukraine - l ại m ột l ần n ữa x ảy xung độ t D ưới m ột s ố s ự ki ện quan tr ọng n ăm d ẫn đế n cu ộc xâm l ược c Nga vào Ukraine vào ngày 24 tháng 2, c ũng nh m ột nhìn ng ắn g ọn v ề m ối quan h ệ c hai n ước th ế k ỷ 20 Tháng n ăm 2014 - Ng ười bi ểu tình Ukraine l ật đổ T th ống Viktor Yanukovych, ng ười thân thi ện v ới l ợi ích c Nga Trong cu ộc cách m ạng, h ơn 100 ng ười thi ệt m ạng cu ộc bi ểu tình t ập trung vào qu ảng tr ường th ủ Kyiv, th ường g ọi Maidan Chính ph ủ lâm th ời theo sau cu ộc cách m ạng thân ph ương Tây cu ối ký m ột hi ệp đị nh th ương m ại v ới Liên minh châu Âu, đượ c coi b ước đầ u tiên để tr thành thành viên c kh ối Tháng n ăm 2014 - Nga xâm l ược sau sáp nh ập Bán đả o Crimea Nh ững ng ười ly khai mi ền đông Ukraine, đượ c Nga h ậu thu ẫn, tuyên b ố độ c l ập v ới tên g ọi C ộng hòa Nhân dân Donetsk C ộng hòa Nhân dân Luhansk, ti ến hành cu ộc chi ến ch ống l ại Ukraine Cu ộc chi ến ly khai v ẫn ti ếp t ục khu v ực phía đơng đượ c g ọi Donbas Sau lan r ộng v ề phía tây Cu ối kho ảng 13.000 binh s ĩ dân th ường Ukraine ch ết cu ộc xung độ t Các ti ền ến h ầu nh không thay đổ i nhi ều n ăm 2014 2015 - Nga, Ukraine, Pháp Đứ c ký m ột lo ạt th ỏa thu ận ng ừng b ắn g ọi Hi ệp định Minsk Nhi ều ng ười cho r ằng nh ững th ỏa thu ận m h Tháng n ăm 2019 - M ột c ựu di ễn viên hài, Volodymyr Zelensky, đượ c đa s ố b ầu làm t th ống Ukraine v ới l ời h ứa s ẽ làm hịa v ới Nga khơi ph ục Donbas cho đất n ước 2021-2022 - T th ống Nga Vladimir V Putin tìm cách ng ăn ch ặn khuynh h ướng c Ukraine nghiêng v ề phía Hoa K ỳ đồng minh c h ọ Ông Putin yêu c ầu “ đảm b ảo an ninh”, bao g ồm c ả s ự đả m b ảo c NATO r ằng Ukraine s ẽ không bao gi gia nh ập kh ối liên minh s ẽ rút quân đóng t ại qu ốc gia gia nh ập sau n ăm 1997 Nhi ều ng ười Nga coi th ủ đô Kyiv c Ukraine n khai sinh qu ốc gia c h ọ cho r ằng có nhi ều m ối quan h ệ v ăn hóa gi ữa hai n ước D ưới m ột b ản tóm t ng ắn g ọn v ề m ối quan h ệ c hai n ước th ế k ỷ 20: 1918 - Ukraine tuyên b ố độ c l ập kh ỏi Nga m ột cu ộc xung độ t gi ữa nhi ều qu ốc gia quân độ i nhi ều n ăm Độ c l ập ch ủ quy ền c Ukraine đượ c qu ốc t ế công nh ận t ại Hi ệp ướ c Brest-Litovsk L ực l ượng Liên Xơ sau l ật đổ Ukraine độc l ập C ộng hòa xã h ội ch ủ ngh ĩa Xô vi ết Ukraina đượ c thành l ập vào n ăm 1921 Ukraina đượ c sáp nh ập vào Liên bang Xô vi ết vào n ăm sau N ăm 1932 n ăm 1933 - N ạn đói sách t ập th ể hóa c Stalin gi ết ch ết hàng tri ệu ng ười, ch ủ y ếu ng ười Ukraine dân t ộc thi ểu s ố m ột n ước c ộng hòa g ọi gi ỏ bánh mì c Liên Xơ Th ảm h ọa g ọi Holodomor, t ti ếng Ukraina có ngh ĩa n ạn đói 1939-1944 - Liên Xơ sáp nh ập khu v ực mà ngày phía tây Ukraine kh ỏi Ba Lan Romania Sau đó, Đứ c Qu ốc xã n ước phe Tr ục xâm l ược Liên Xơ chi ếm đóng Ukraine d ẫn t ới tàn phá to l ớn 1991 - Ukraine tuyên b ố độ c l ập, m ột độ ng thái đượ c 92% c tri tán thành cu ộc tr ưng c ầu dân ý Nga, Ukraine Belarus ký m ột hi ệp đị nh th ừa nh ận r ằng Liên Xô gi ải th ể Ukraine b đầ u chuy ển đổ i sang n ền kinh t ế th ị tr ường s h ữu m ột kho d ự tr ữ v ũ khí h ạt nhân đáng k ể t ừng thu ộc v ề Liên Xô 1994 - Theo B ản ghi nh Budapest, Ukraine t b ỏ kho v ũ khí h ạt nhân để đổ i l cam k ết t Moscow “tôn tr ọng độ c l ập, ch ủ quy ền biên gi ới hi ện có c Ukraine” 2 Vietnamese Article: “Coi b ệnh COVID-19 'b ệnh đặ c h ữu' ho ặc 'b ệnh l ưu hành' vào th ời ểm thích h ợp” 2.1 Original text Trình bày t ại phiên h ọp sáng 5/3 c Ban Ch ỉ đạ o qu ốc gia phòng ch ống d ịch COVID-19, lãnh đạ o B ộ Y t ế cho bi ết: b ệnh l ưu hành, ti ếng Anh "endemic diseases", hay m ột s ố chuyên gia g ọi "b ệnh đặ c h ữu" s ự xu ất hi ện m ột cách ổn định c b ệnh d ịch ho ặc tác nhân gây b ệnh m ột khu v ực địa lý ho ặc nhóm qu ần th ể dân s ố nh ất đị nh; ho ặc h ướng đế n m ột t ỷ l ệ m ắc b ệnh th ường g ặp c m ột b ệnh d ịch m ột khu v ực ho ặc qu ần th ể dân s ố nh ất đị nh B ệnh l ưu hành có m ột s ố tiêu chí c ụ th ể nh sau: - Có s ự t ồn t ại th ường xuyên tác nhân gây b ệnh - T ồn t ại qu ần th ể c ảm nhi ễm ổ ch ứa tác nhân gây b ệnh - B ệnh d ịch x ảy m ột nhóm đố i t ượng c ụ th ể ho ặc qu ần th ể dân s ố đị a bàn nh ất đị nh - T ỷ l ệ m ắc b ệnh có tính ổn đị nh có th ể d ự báo đượ c Đến nay, T ổ ch ức Y t ế th ế gi ới (WHO) v ẫn coi COVID-19 tình tr ạng đại d ịch quan ng ại ti ếp t ục xu ất hi ện bi ến th ể không l ường tr ước đượ c c virus SARS-CoV-2 D ịch b ệnh t ại nhi ều n ước th ế gi ới di ễn bi ến ph ức t ạp, c ần ti ếp t ục trì ho ạt độ ng đáp ứng v ới đạ i d ịch m ức cao Trong n ước, t ỷ l ệ b ệnh n ặng, t vong gi ảm nhi ều so v ới giai đo ạn tr ước nh ưng s ố t vong ghi nh ận hàng ngày v ẫn m ức cao Hi ện nay, chuyên gia nhi ều qu ốc gia th ảo lu ận đề xu ất coi b ệnh COVID-19 b ệnh l ưu hành (endemic) V ề v ấn đề này, C ục Y t ế d ự phòng (B ộ Y t ế) trao đổi v ới chuyên gia n ước, chuyên gia c T ổ ch ức Y t ế th ế gi ới https://baochinhphu.vn/coi-benh-covid-19-la-benh-dac-huu-hoac-benh-luu-hanh-vao-thoi-diem-thich-hop102220305183917642.htm (WHO), Trung tâm D ự phòng ki ểm soát b ệnh t ật Hoa K ỳ (USCDC) nh ận đị nh đối v ới b ệnh COVID-19 t ại Vi ệt Nam, c ụ th ể: - Trong n ước, virus SARS-CoV-2 ghi nh ận t ất c ả t ỉnh, thành ph ố c ả n ước s ố tr ường h ợp nhi ễm virus SARS-CoV-2 c ũng đượ c báo cáo ghi nh ận t ại t ất c ả t ỉnh, thành ph ố, v ậy d ịch b ệnh COVID-19 t ại Vi ệt Nam v ẫn giai đo ạn chuy ển ti ếp gi ữa giai đo ạn đạ i d ịch sang giai đo ạn "b ệnh l ưu hành" - T ỷ l ệ m ắc b ệnh COVID-19 ch ưa ổn đị nh có s ự khác bi ệt r ất l ớn gi ữa địa ph ương, đặc bi ệt gi ữa t ỉnh, thành ph ố t ừng có t ỷ l ệ m ắc cao tr ước đo nh ững t ỉnh, thành ph ố m ới có s ự gia t ăng m ạnh th ời gian g ần - S ố tr ường h ợp t vong theo ngày v ẫn r ất cao so v ới nh ững b ệnh truy ền nhi ễm có t ỷ l ệ t vong hàng đầ u tr ước - Virus SARS-CoV-2 liên t ục bi ến đổ i ghi nh ận bi ến th ể m ới nh Alpha, Delta, Omicron; k ể c ả bi ến th ể c ũng liên t ục xu ất hi ện bi ến th ể ph ụ, ví d ụ bi ến th ể Omicron ghi nh ận bi ến th ể ph ụ BA.1, BA.2, BA.3 bi ến th ể có th ể né đượ c mi ễn d ịch, gây tái nhi ễm; t ỷ l ệ m ắc t ại qu ần th ể c ảm nhi ễm r ất khó xác đị nh ch ưa có tính ổn đị nh Nh v ậy, th ời gian này, Vi ệt Nam ch ưa nên coi d ịch b ệnh COVID-19 "b ệnh l ưu hành" ti ếp t ục ph ối h ợp ch ặt ch ẽ v ới T ổ ch ức Y t ế th ế gi ới c ũng nh t ổ ch ức qu ốc t ế, qu ốc gia khác theo dõi tình hình d ịch COVID-19, c ập nh ật s ự bi ến đổ i c virus SARS-CoV-2 để có th ể coi b ệnh COVID-19 "b ệnh l ưu hành" vào th ời ểm thích h ợp 2.2 Analysis based on Haliday’s model - Field of discourse: discussion within competent authorities on the classification of Covid-19; reason why Covid-19 is still considered as pandemic in Vietnam - Tenor of discourse: The Writer – the Reader (who wants to know and understand the discussion about the classification of Covid-19 within Vietnamese Government), equal relationship - Model of discourse: The Author used written informative language The used language is friendly with general audience 2.3 Translated text Presenting at a meeting on the morning of March of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the leader of the Ministry of Health said that the disease is endemic, "endemic disease" in English, or so-called "disease-specific" by some experts means the steady occurrence of an epidemic or disease-causing agent in a given geographical area or group of population; or towards to a normal rate of a disease in an area or a specific population A disease is endemic when there are a number of specific criteria as follows: - Presence of pathogens - Existence of sensor populations and reservoirs of pathogens - Disease occurs in a group of specific persons or population in specific areas; - The rate of infected people is stable and predictable To date, the World Health Organization (WHO) still considers COVID-19 in a pandemic state and is concerned about the continued emergence of unpredictable variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus The disease complicatedly spreads in many countries in the world that requires to continue the responding activities for high level pandemic In Vietnam, although the rate of severe cases and death has decreased significantly compared to the previous period, the daily death toll is still high Currently, the experts in various countries are discussing and suggesting that the COVID-19 is a endemic disease In this regard, the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) had discussions with domestic experts, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Center for Disease Prevention and Control in the United States The United States (USCDC) commented on the COVID-19 in Vietnam, specifically: - Domestically, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been recorded in all provinces and cities across the country and the number of cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection has also been reported in all provinces and cities However, the COVID-19 epidemic in Vietnam is still in the transition period between the pandemic and the "endemic disease" phase - The rate of COVID-19 disease is unstable and there is a great difference between localities, especially between provinces and cities that used to have high prevalence before measurement and new provinces and cities with an increase strongly in recent times - The number of deaths per day is still very high with the top mortality value transmitters here - The SARS-CoV-2 virus constantly mutates and records new variants such as Alpha, Delta, Omicron; just all in the variable are also continuously appearing subvariant, for example variant Omicron has recorded dependent variants BA.1, BA.2, BA.3 and these variants can be immune to immunity , reinfection; Therefore, error in sensor populations is difficult to determine and is not stable Thus, during this time, Vietnam should not consider COVID-19 as an "endemic disease" and continue to closely coordinate with the World Health Organization as well as other international organizations and countries according to the guidelines, monitor the COVID-19 epidemic situation, update the changes of the SARS-CoV-2 virus so that COVID-19 can be considered an "endemic disease" at an appropriate time PART C: CONCLUSION It can be seen that translation requires translators to have a lot of background knowledge as well as certain skills and practices As a result, the study of translation helps language learners not only have more understanding of the language but also have more understanding of the culture, history, politics, society of the language they learn Learning to translate also helps learners develop a sensitivity to word and word usage, which helps to learn the language more effectively Through studying this subject, I personally realized the importance of analyzing of the text before starting a translation work The analysis of the passage will help to better understand the context, style, and anticipate difficulties that may be encountered when translating Choosing words suitable for the context is also important and translation cannot done word-by-word For words that are specialized and not have suitable replacement words, it is necessary to study the meaning of words in order to properly translate the content The style also needs attention to ensure that it conveys the massage of the sources text Therefore, I think, in the future, I need to learn more about the semantics of words, how to choose and use words in specific contexts, etc Besides, I think that regular translation practice will be helpful in learning the English language REFERENCES Matthew Mpoke Bigg (2022), “A history of the tensions between Ukraine and Russia”, New York Times, dated March 26, 2022 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/26/world/europe/ukraine-russia-tensionstimeline.html “Coi bệnh COVID-19 'bệnh đặc hữu' 'bệnh lưu hành' vào thời điểm thích hợp” in Báo điện tử Chính phủ, dated March 6, 2022 https://baochinhphu.vn/coi-benh-covid-19-la-benh-dac-huu-hoac-benh-luuhanh-vao-thoi-diem-thich-hop-102220305183917642.htm Susan Bassnett, Translation Studies, London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 Peter Newmark, A textbook of translation, New York : Prentice-Hall International, 1988 ... https://baochinhphu.vn/coi-benh-covid-19-la-benh-dac-huu-hoac-benh-luu-hanh-vao-thoi-diem-thich-hop102220305183917642.htm (WHO), Trung tâm D ự phòng ki ểm soát b ệnh t ật Hoa K ỳ (USCDC) nh ận đị nh đối v ới b ệnh COVID-19 t... Chính phủ, dated March 6, 2022 https://baochinhphu.vn/coi-benh-covid-19-la-benh-dac-huu-hoac-benh-luuhanh-vao-thoi-diem-thich-hop-102220305183917642.htm Susan Bassnett, Translation Studies, London... and Russia - Setting: the flow of events in the period 191 8-2 022 - Channel: Written text - Code: Informative code - Massage-form: - Event: list of tensions between Ukraine and Russia - Key: The

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2022, 19:04

Mục lục

    1. English Article: “A history of the tensions between Ukraine and Russia”1

    2. Vietnamese Article: “Coi bệnh COVID-19 là 'bệnh đặc hữu' hoặc 'bệnh lưu hành' vào thời điểm thích hợp”2

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