Biomimetic Based Applications Part 1 docx

New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applications Part 1 docx

New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applications Part 1 docx

... LONESTAR; Right: Nexsense C New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applications 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 -8 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 air gap thickness/mm capacitance ... Intensity 94 95 50 10 0 15 0 200 m/z 0 10 0 Relative Intensity 93 47 12 1 (c) Aniline (d) Alcohol 50 10 0 15 0 200 m/z -0 10 0 Relat...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

30 352 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 1 docx

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 1 docx

... catalysts.[73-76] BIOMIMETIC BASED APPLICATIONS Edited by Anne George Biomimetic Based Applications 10 012 345 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 Conversion of cyclohexene (%) Time/h 10 000ppm 10 0ppm 10 ppm 1ppm ... 0.4u10 -6 M; O 2 bubbling; room temperature. Entry [Mn(TPP)Cl], M [Mn(TPP)Cl] 0.5 u10 2 , M 0.5 Ru10 3 , mol L -1 min -1 1 0.8u10 -4 0.89 1. 98 2...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 301 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 2 doc

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 2 doc

... =1#G2.( 61%6(0:0?# 125 %&#& ;2( : *2? .(*&0 ;2% =2. (G 12& amp;(6 12( %<# @2( ;2% 06*#&(G%=(0%;; *2. (#"6(*&(%*;(BCWQE(%6( 2? 2@% 62. ( 62& gt;A2;%6" ;2( BCCREF( Z# ;2# @2; +( %?U:( ;%.*0%?=( 0#"?.( 2= 0%A2( ># ;2( 2% =*?:( $;#>( 6 12( =#? @2& amp;6(0%&apos ;2( %6(6 12( 1*' 12; ( 62& gt;A2;%6" ;2( 6#(A%;6*0*A% 62( *&(6 12( ;%.*0%?70...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 262 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 3 ppt

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 3 ppt

... C(\7,:$="<(&+#%=+%#,&(89(@8#@7*# $3& amp;( ,3= "@&%<"+,2( $3( &$<$="(?,<(&78; $3? (>$8:$:,+$=( "=+$B$+*( $3( @78+88E*? ,3& quot;+$ 83( 89(: 838 +,#@ ,3, &C( J:ONZf J 4 WXO N NH N NH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 N N NH NH CH 3 CH 3 O O OHOH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 OH OH CH 3 Homogeneous ... #,&,&q...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 244 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 4 ppt

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 4 ppt

... 6&-',2N) bQ&,-):():%1 )4: 18&>)81?" 64& amp;(,)(<):%1)A8&2-1%1'2):%1)>(,<(8918)Q&:%)',)'?&>'6)ǔ)2(,(8)':):%1) 6 144 )%&,21812 )4& amp;21)%&apos ;4) :%1)6(Q 14: )1,18-7N)/%& ;4) 4?1>& 14) ' 64( )%&apos ;4) :%1 )49 '66 14: )'>:&=':&(,)1,18-7) <(8)8(:':&(,)(<):%1)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 283 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 5 doc

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 5 doc

... 3=#( .#F .55 N K/L( KRL( Biomimetic Based Applications 154 '/1 #5& apos;8'7 -5& apos;"#3?).21 )5- ;$ 15% /17"4)31-;72) 35; -51 $4);1:;131 #53 )-) 35; -'$ 258 ";B-;/)-#/)1881 75& apos;A1) B-4) ... "=A'"(394) 1#2-#71) 52 1) / 151 75& apos;"#) -='9&apos ;54 ) "8) 32" ;5$ (#) 35; -51 $4?) E" 35) '6:" ;5- #...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 303 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 6 ppt

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 6 ppt

... %'4# 08%." ;68 .#(B#@/8#. @68 '1@/#(B#(6E,@%A#,'@ 86% 2@,('.M# \68 P,(".AC*#Q8#,'P8.@,1%@84#@/8#'%@" ;68 #(B#@/8# 2/80,2%A#E('4.#(B# (61 %',2#.C.@80.*#./(Q,'1#@/%@#,'@ 860 (A82"A %6# 6%4,2%A#2/ %6% 2@ 86# (B# (61 %',2# 6% 4,2%A.*#?/8'%A8'CA #6% 4,2%A#4,0 86, 2#?% ,6* #Q 868 #68 ?68 .8'@84#%.#WMT[#(B#@/8#I...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 306 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 7 ppt

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 7 ppt

... Pharm Antimicrobial Biomimetics 253 Lactobacillus Lactococcus Leuconostoc Pediococcus Streptococcus E.coli ǂ Biomimetic Based Applications 250 in vivo Biomimetic Based Applications ... cholerae 3.2 Polymeric, lipid -based and hybrid particles S. aureus dž Leishmania donovani C. albicans in vitro in vivo S. aureus Mycobacterium avium Biomimetic...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 225 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 8 pdf

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 8 pdf

... 8$ 79*+( <-00*<:'.0(:"#:(:"*(67$9*<<( $8( K&44\?(#3<$76:'$.('<(#(6"C<'9#D(#3<$76:'$.G( ( ( _'0G(dG(J#.0=-'7(#3<$76:'$.('<$:"*7=< (8$ 7(!4(#.3(o%h!4($.:$(K&44\?G(>/"#.0(*:(#DG+( UVWVEA( Biomimetic Based Applications 286 9"D$7$E*.Y*.*( #.3(o%9"D$7$.':7$E*...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 309 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 9 pptx

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 9 pptx

... /(\*7(#4D$*4)$*4*,"\.)$7'.$#&1(,,*7(40$K.'*>(#/$A=6\6C($.7$ *,<D$ 899 HD$ 899 FS$=6\6C($V$%#&'()*D$ 899 H*D$ 899 HKD$89E9S$B*4(061'($.7$*,<D$89E9S$=*C*($V$%#&'()*D$ 899 iI<$ _(06/.$ FAKI$ &'#5&$ ... )(1*,$P33,(1*7(#4&$ #2$L")/#0.,&$L*4)K##CD$=3/(40./D$b.5$%#/C<$ =*C*(D$B<$*4)$%#&'()*D$!<$A 899 i...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 257 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 10 pdf

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 10 pdf

... % N,$A%1GA%QL?%'>>;,4'+,?#%"9'@>;"7%?#%ma!!DaMK`,a 9 %7'@>;"7A%a#%+0"%;"J+)%?9<$"#% >"=@"'8,;,+<%?J%ma!!DaM%J,;@%L,+0%?#;<%(WF%#@%+0,4C%`,a 9 %4?.;2%$"+%1W%+,@"7%2"4="'7"%+0'#% +0'+%?J%>=,7+,#"%ma!!A%a#%+0"%=,$0+)%J;.?="74"#4"%@,4=?74?>...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 175 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 11 doc

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 11 doc

... H-*/")*% /4$''% ')I4/M5'53'$'+% H4'("/'% $)*I1=% Biomimetic Based Applications 400 /4#1%I'*'$"/)*I%"%5-$'%6('O)3('%/2)1/'+%-$%N$-N'(('$M()Q'%()I"*+%H-*6-$5"/)-*%"*+%(-H"(%C f % 1J55'/$JC% S4'%XaB7/)5 j E f _%()I"*+%1J1/'51%78)I%@>"...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 169 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 12 pot

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 12 pot

... *4%(/%8*(&"#( $+C4*(%&$'(38(*4%(;&$"(35/F(G4%(<4+>($%<%+9%#(+*'(+">.*'(8$3,(*53('%>&$&*%('+C"&/(C%"%$&*3$'( Biomimetic Based Applications 468 0%/;$.<1( GF( QRRQF( N.,>( <+$<.+*'( 83$( <3,>.*+"C( ... (d3.$"&/(38(]UO]YU7]]YF( _%3$C+3.(d:(G3.,&X3.(...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 262 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 13 potx

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 13 potx

... Biomimetic Based Applications 482 '#-"3"#-"#<(75(<0"(%338'/%<'7#(75(>'7&'&"<'/(/'8'%(+<42/<24"+(%#-('+(&74"(<0%#(+2'<%>8"(574( 347*'-'#9(%(+"<(75(92'-"8'#"+(574(<0"(-"+'9#(75(&%9#"<&apo...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 341 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 14 potx

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 14 potx

... Biomimetic Based Applications 528 7'2"1%23'##,#$%3.#<.3'7%+,31.23.:"%Df",3'>%X?@%@!G>%["1+'#8L%N,94%"C3,9'9,.#%'9%]GT%#+%DR1% 7'2"1L%<.1%:"187"#"%'#(%GJQ%#+%D-!@@%7'2"1L%<.1%-,^? QT M%% Batch ... 94,2% +.("7%,2%94'9%94"%91,$$"1,#$%+"34'#,2+...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 322 0
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