Một số đề nghị mang tính gợi ý để giúp sinh viên hình thành đoạn văn

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) tìm hiểu tính mạch lạc của đoạn văn (trên cứ liệu tiếng anh và tiếng việt) (Trang 89 - 102)

I hate being the oldest child and the only girl in my family get

34 Các giải pháp khắc phục lỗi làm cho đoạn văn tiếng Anh thiếu tính mạch lạc. Một số đề nghị mang tính gợi ý để giúp sinh viên hình thành đoạn văn

tiếng Anh mạch lạc.

Chúng tôi xin phép được đề xuất một số cách thức giúp các em tổ chức được một đoạn văn có tính mạch lạc cao và gợi ý một số dạng bài tập để các em có thể rèn luyện thêm dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên:

1.Những điều cần biết khi tổ chức đoạn văn -Phân bổ thời gian một cách hợp lý:

Nếu như các em có 30 phút để viết một đoạn văn thì lượng thời gian có thể được phân bố như sau:

*Đọc và suy nghĩ chủ đề : : 2phút *Lập dàn bài ,phác thảo mơ hình kết cấu, cách tổ chức đoạn: 5 phút *Viết : 20 phút *Đọc và kiểm tra bài viết : 3 phút -Xem xét,suy nghĩ hướng phát triển chủ đề cẩn thận

Các em phải động não, suy nghĩ cẩn thận chủ đề và cách tiếp cận chủ đề một cách có hiệu quả nhất.

*Tổ chức bài viết rõ ràng và có lơgic.

*Dùng các từ ngữ chuyển tiếp một cách phù hợp.

2. Giới thiệu một số các dạng bài tập nhằm phát triển kỹ năng viết của các em

Bài 1: (Giúp các em làm quen với mơ hình kết cấu của đoạn văn). Đọc những đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi ở dưới:

- Chỉ ra câu chủ đề, tìm chủ đề và nội dung hạn định. - Câu chủ đề đứng ở đâu?

a. Đầu b. Giữa c. Đầu - cuối d. Cuối.

1. We can see different types of vines (climbing plants) as we look around us. Look for these classes: Root climbing plants are those that grow roots to hold to flat surfaces and to get into small openings. Poison ivy is a root climber we see everywhere. Twining plants are climbers whose tips grow in circles. They wrap their stems around trees, other plants, or anything else that gets in the way. Look at some clematis. Tendril plants are plants that climb because their stems grow when they touch something hard. They wrap themselves around this hard surface. Look at the way kudzu climbs.

2. Government’s job is to do those things that must be done to make our lives easier and safer. The following things are examples of what we mean. Government arranges for the education we need to learn how to do our jobs and to carry out the other parts of our lives. Government arranges lot fire departments, police, and other services to keep us safe and sound. Government arranges for electricity, water, gas, garbage collection, and other services we need to run our lives. Government gets the money to pay for the things we need by collecting taxes from us, the people who are served.

3. Lightning is a dangerous problem-so dangerous that we need to understand it better. Therefore, let’s define lightning. Lightning is the movement of electricity from one part of a cloud to another. This movement of electricity occurs when three things take place: Negative charges build up in one area; positive charges build up in another; an electrical current moves between the positive and negative charges. With this movement of electricity, we see a large. In some places, lightning happens most often in the spring and summer when there are large clouds-rarely in the winter when there are no large clouds. However, there are exceptions like California where lightning happens very often in the winter.

Bài 2: (Giúp sinh viên tập viết câu chủ đề)

1. _________ a. Recently my sister was divorced.

_________ b The divorce rate is increasing for a number of reasons 2. _________ a. I started college after being away from

school for seven years.

_________ b Several of my fears about returning to school have proven to be groundless.

3. _________ a. Some car drivers have dangerous habits

_________ b The car driver in front of me suddenly turned right without singalling

4. _________ a. Minh works nine hours a day and then goes to school three hours a night.

_________ b Minh is hard-working boy.

5. _________ a. Lan arrived at her school at seven-five.

_________ b Lan was late for her school because a series of bad lucks.

6. _________ a. “De men phieu luu ky” is a bookthat I read recently. _________ b “De men phieu luu ky” is a story about Demen”s

moral growth.

7. _________ a. My brother was depressed yesterday for several reasons.

_________ b Yesterday, my brother had to pay 200,000 dong for his motorbike repair.

8. _________ a. I spent half an hour waiting in line at the filling station.

_________ b Time spent in waiting lines can be put to good use if you know how.

_________ b.Watching the TV on Sundays has a lot of advantages. 10. _________ a. Quan has several ways to economize

when his money gets tight.

_________ b.Quan always has money in his pocket. 11._________ a.Animals act just like people sometimes.

_________ b. My dog has personality traits that make him seem almost human.

12._________ a. Aspirin can have several harmful side effects. _________ b Drugs are dangerous

13._________ a My friend does very poorly in school

_________ b My friend failed at math exam last semester for several reasons.

14._________ a. Married life is the best way of living

_________ b Teenage marriages often end in divorce for several reasons.

15. _________ a I learned some startling facts about my English teacher at the party

_________ b Parties can be good experiences. 16._________ a. Many things on television irritate me

_________ b Television.

17._________ a I had an exciting life last week _________ b I’ve been very busy lately

18._________ a. Owning a car can be expensive

_________ b My uncle always spent a lot of money on cars 19._________ a The world of books

20._________ a. Travelling can broaden your outlook on life.

_________ b Travelling has helped me to appreciate different kinds of foods.

Bài tập 3: Khai triển nội dung đoạn văn theo trình tự hợp lý

Khai triển nội dung còn lại của đoạn văn với câu chủ đề cho sẵn.

1. Some very funny things happened to me during my first few days in the United States, but the most comical was our night in a Bos-ton restaurant. _________________________________________________

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

2. There are advantages and disadvantages to being a foreign or immigrant student. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

3. Moving to another culture is often difficult because you usually do not have family and friends around for emotional support.

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

4. Although American informality is well known, many people inter-pret it as a lack of respect.

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

5. One benefit foreign travel is learning that you have a great deal in common with people of other cultures.

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Bài 4: Nhận xét những đoạn văn sau, các thành phần của đoạn văn có thể

hiện sự thống nhất chủ để của đoạn khơng? có bị lạc ý, mâu thuẫn với ý chủ đề không?

1. ______ Many fairy tales can be terrifying, especially to children. At the counclusion of Cinderella, for example, Cinderella’s two wicked stepsisters attempt to try on a pair of shoes brought by the prince. Since both sisters’ feet are too big, they cut off their toes and heels to fit into the shoe. This terrifying bloody image is enough to give any child night mares. Another fairy tale, The Wild Swans, a beautiful princess is put into a bath with three ghosts appearing to frighten her. A story like this could make a child afraid of a simple event like bathtime. In the same tale, the princess must visit graveyards filled with horrible ghosts in order to save her brothers. The princes must make coats from clothes of the dead, found in graveyards. Then she is almost burned as a witch by the townspeople. A child would surely be frightened

after listening to the tortures many others, are violent and scary: parents should not read them to their children.

2. ______ Attitudes about food that we form as children are not easily changed. In some families, food is love. Not all families are like this, but some children grow up with this attitude. Some families think of food as something precious, and not to be wasted. The attitudes children pick up about food are hard to change in adults. Some familiescelebrate with food. If a child learns an attitude, it is hard to break this later. Children are very impressionable, and they can’t really think for themselves when they are small. Children learn from the parent figures in their life, and later from their peers. Some families have healthy attitudes about food. It is inportant for adults to teach their children these healthy attitudes. Otherwise, the children may have weight problems when they are adults.

3. _______ There are several qualities I look for in a friend. A friend should give support and security. A friend should also be fun to be around. Friends have faults, like anyone else, and sometimes it’s hard to overlook them. But a friend can’t be dropped because he or she has faults. A friend should stick by you, even in bad times. There is a saying that “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. I believe this means that there are good friends and fair weather friends. The second type is not a true friend, since it is the kind of person who runs when there’s trouble. Friend don’t always last a lifetime. Someone you believe to be your best friends may lose contact with you if you move to a different area or go around with a different group of people. A friend should be generous and understanding. A friend does not have to be exactly like you. Sometimes friends are opposites, but

they still like each other and get along. Since I am a very quiet person, I can’t say that I have many friends. But these are the qualities I believe a friend should have.

4. _______ The kitchen is the most inconvenient room in my house. For one thing the sink is so low that I always have to hunch over when I wash dishes. Washing dishes is bad enough without getting back pains form doing it. Another thing that annoys me is the gas stove. The burners must be lit with a match, and I sometimes burn my fingers when I light one. When the back door is open, it presses against the refrigerator door doth doors can’t be opened at the same time. Furthermore, because the floor is white, tile, it is impossible to keep it clean. There is not place in the kitchen to store brooms. The shelves over the refrigerator are so high and hard to reach that I rarely store anything one them: they are practically useless. The kitchen counters are made of plastic. Working in a kitchen as poorly built as this one is a frustrating experience.

Bài 5: Đọc những đoạn văn sau và nhận xét xem tác giả triển khai nội

dung đoạn văn theo trật tự nào:

1.There are a number of reasons why I stopped smoking. For one thing, I realised that my cigarette smoke bothered others, particularly my wife and children, irritating their eyes and causing them to cough and sneeze. Also, cigarettes are a messy habit. Our house was littered with ashtrays piled high with butts, matchsticks and ashes. Cigarettes are expensive and I estimated that if I go on smokng at this rate, it will cost me 1,500,000 dongs a year. Another reason I stopped was that the message about cigarettes being harmful to your health finally got through to me. A heavy smoker I know from work is

inconvenient. When I would smoke I’d have to drink something to wet down my dry throat. I sometimes seemed to spend whole weekends doing nothing but smoking, drinking, and going to the bathroom. So smoking is not a good habit and that’s why many people have decided to give it up. Most of all, I decided to stop smoking because I felt exploited. I hated the thought of wealthy corporations making money off my sweat and blood. The rich may keep getting richer, but-at least as regards cigarettes-with no thanks to me.

2.One type of motorbike driver is the slow-poke driver. This person will drive 20-25 kilometres and hour. He will slow down and start signalling for a left-hand turn three or four hundred metres before making it. A second type is the high-speed driver. This type of driver will limit his speed only when he suspects that the police or police cameras are nearby. The police must develop a system to insure that they being to catch this type of driver. He typically speeds pas cars on the left and on the righ sides, weaving in and around them sharply. He races to get through yellow or just-red lights at highway and city intersections, and he speeds down city streets paying no attention to children who may run across them. The final type is the sensible- speed driver who maintains the posted speed limits and drives at a consistent and moderate rate. If he does change his rate, it is because he is driving defensively. He is speeding up to pass the driver in front of him who is creeping along the road. Or he is slowing down to allow those drivers who he knows are trying to pass him.

Bài tập 6: Gạch dưới các dấu hiệu chuyển tiếp và chỉ ra xem chúng

thuộc kiểu dấu hiệu nào?

Because market vegetables have become so expensive, many people are now planting their own vegetable gardens. A bumper crop of vegetables can be obtained from a small plot of land by following a few sample hints. First, a gardener should practice succession sowing. This means that, after

early crops such as lettuce and carrots are harvested, other crops should be planted in the same space. Another space-saving technique is companion cropping. Vegetables can be planted very close together with high yield. For example, tomatoes and pumpkins can be planted between rows of corn. Cucumbers and beans can be grown with low-growing plants. Last of all, bumper crop in a small garden can be ensured through regular harvesting. If beans, peas, and spinach are picked often, the plants will continue to produce mor vegetables. By using these gardening methods, even a small vegetable garden can feed a family.

An ancient Roman who cared about his appearance would visit his personal barber frequently. The grooming routine could be quite elaborate.

The barber often began by trimming his customer’s hair with scissors. Unfortunately, these iron scissors lacked the pivot and finger rings of today’s modern scissors and were not very efficient. Next, the barber curled the hair with a curling iron which had been heated in the coal –fire. The hair might then be dyed or sprayes with perfume by the barber’s assistance. During this time, the barber shaved his customer with an iron razor. These razors didn’t have much of an edge and the barber used no lubricant, so cuts were common. Finally, the barber’s assistance would apply a make-up cream on the customer’s cheeks. And, if neede, the assistant would glue little patches of cloth to the skin to hide a bad complexion.

Tiểu kết

Chương 3 tập trung mô tả lỗi và nguyên nhân sinh viên thường mắc phải khi tổ chức đoạn văn tiếng Anh. Lỗi sinh viên thường mắc phải là do khơng có sự thống nhất về chủ đề, đoạn văn sinh viên tạo ra thường lạc nội dung, thiếu nội dung, thừa nội dung và mâu thuẫn nội dung, sinh viên thường khai triển đoạn văn theo trật tự thời gian không hợp lý và không sử dụng các phương thức liên kết tạo mạch lạc cho đoạn văn. Các nguyên nhân gây lỗi trên được chúng tơi xem xét từ nhiều góc độ khác nhau.

Theo chúng tôi, lỗi gây ra do các nguyên nhân chính như: lỗi do khơng nắm kỹ lý thuyết về mơ hình kết cấu, cách tổ chức đoạn văn, lỗi do chưa nhận thức được sự khác nhau giữa văn viết và văn nói, áp đặt thói quen tư duy tiếng mẹ đẻ cho tiếng nước ngoài và một số nguyên nhân tạo lỗi khác: từ phương thức dạy và học ngoại ngữ, từ phía chương trình

Tiếp đến, chúng tôi lần lượt đưa ra các giải pháp nhằm hạn chế phần nào nguy cơ mắc lỗi của sinh viên. Các giải pháp khắc phục mang tính chủ quan gồm: thái độ của người dạy và học đối với lỗi, sinh viên cần phát huy cao ý thức đối với việc rèn luyện kỹ năng viết.

Các giải pháp mang tính khách quan, giáo viên phải có vốn trí thức chắc chắn về phương pháp tạo lập văn bản, ngoài việc truyền đạt lý thuyết giáo viên kiên nhẫn, nhiệt tình giúp các em thực hành, động viên, nâng cao lòng yêu thích ở các em. Ngồi ra, giáo viên cần tạo môi trường học thật thuận lợi, tạo sự đam mê và có cơ hội khắc phục lỗi khi tổ chức đoạn văn chúng tôi đưa ra một số dạng bài tập có tính gợi ý để giáo viên giúp sinh viên thực hành, khắc phục các lỗi trên.

Kết luận

Qua tìm hiểu và nghiên cứu tính mạch lạc trong đoạn văn,bước đầu chúng tôi nhận thấy:

Mạch lạc ở đây được hiểu là cách thức trình bày văn bản, mạch lạc trong đoạn văn là sự thể hiện rõ ràng về mặt kết cấu của đoạn văn.

Sự thống nhất chủ đề là nhân tố quan trọng tạo tính mạch lạc trong đoạn văn, sự thống nhất chủ đề được thể hiện cụ thể ở câu chủ đề. Câu chủ đề

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) tìm hiểu tính mạch lạc của đoạn văn (trên cứ liệu tiếng anh và tiếng việt) (Trang 89 - 102)