Một phần của tài liệu Quan hệ việt nam hàn quốc giai đoạn 1992 2002 đặc điểm và khuynh hướng (Trang 109 - 136)


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Tru6'c het t6i xin ch~n th~mh cam on Ngai T6ng bf thu D6 MuO'i va Chu tich Le Dtl'c Anh da mO'i chung toi tham hUu nghi chfnh thuc Vi~t Nam va mm chung toi dt! bu6i chieu dai tn;ng th6 hom nay.

Toi rat vui milng vl duqc g~p l~i Ngai ti:r sau dip chung ta da cling nhau chia xe tinh bang hfru d~c bi~t a Seoul thang 4 nam ngoai. Toi Ia nguyen thu qu6c gia cua D~i mm D~n Qu6c Ian dau tien tham Vi~t Nam.

Ngay t':li Ha N<)i nay, chung t6i da tfl!c tiep nhln thay dat nuoc Vi~t Nam tuoi dyp,

nh~n d~n Vi~t Nam tran day long tt;r tin va m¢t CUQC song het sue soi d<)ng. Du6i sv lanh

d~o het sue sang su6t cua Ngai, Vi~t Nam tien hanh m<)t each qua cam chinh sach "d6i m6'i"' da trb thanh m<)t trong cac nuoc phat tri6n nhanh nhat the gioi. sv phat tri6n cao d¢

cua Vi~t N am tren CO' sa 6n diflh chfnh trt va xa h<)i, giO' d~y dang thu hut Slf chu y cua

to~m the gioi.

Trong thO'i gian 10 nam qua, quy qu6c da tien hanh thanh cong chinh sach d6i moi kinh te va chfnh sach rna Clra, va hi~n nay dang d~t ke hO':lCh to 16'n va dai h~ d6 thl;fc

hi~n cong nghi~p hoa, hi~n d~ hoa den 2020. Toi hoan toan tin tuang rang, tren CO' sa tai

nguyen thien nhien phong phil, tinh can cu thong minh cua nh~n d~n Vi~t N am, trong ttrO'ng lai khong xa, Vi~t Nam se tra thanh m¢t nuoc cong nghi~p hung m':lnh a ch~u A .

Vi~t Nam va Han Quoc d~u la nhfrng nuoc a ch~u A, c6 nhi~u di6m tuO'ng dong v~

van hoa -}ich su:

-Truoc het, ca hai nuoc d~u gifr gln va ke thi:ra trQn Vyn nen van hoa dan t<)c truy~n

thong trong qua khu lich su l~u dai 5.000 nam.

-Truyen thong Nho giao kinh tn;mg bo m~, thay giao va coi trQng 1~ phep da c6 anh hUOng nhieu t{ri giao dl;IC Va sinh ho(;lt gia dmh.

-Nhtm dan hai mr6'c chung ta deu c6 lich sir dang tl;l' hao, da vtrqt: qua m9i gian kh6 thir thach lien tuc.

-Hi¢n nay 6 Han Quoc c6 khoang 200 gia dlnh la h~u du¢ cua hoang tu Ly Long Tuang, doi nha Ly cua Vi¢t Nam da sang dinh cu 6 Han Quae tir han 700 nam tru6'c day.

-C6 co sa cua moi quan h¢ gan b6 lau doi va nhfrng kinh nghi¢m tirng trai giang nhau nhu v~y, nen m~c du quan h¢ ngo(;li giao con ngan ngui, nhan dan hai nu6'c da gan giii nhau nhanh chong.

Nam 1992, khi hai nu6'c m6'i thiet l~p quan h¢ ngo(;li giao, kim ngc;tch m~u dich m6'i chi dc;tt 500 tri~u USD, nhltng chi 3 nam sau da vuqt qua 1,5 ty USD. Khoang 400 cong ty cac loc;ti cua Han Quae dang tham gia vao linh VlfC kinh te cua Vi¢t N am va H~m

Quae chung toi da tr6 thanh nu6'c xep thu 3 ve dau tu vao Vi¢t N am.

Toi hy VQng rang nhan dip CUQC g~p go gifra hai nguyen thu quae gia chung ta, st;r hqp tac thl!c chat gifra hai nu6c se duqc tang cuang hon nfra va sv giao luu phi chfnh phu gifra cac nganh Va rmh VlJ'C nhU van hoa, ngh¢ thu~t Se dUQ'C dfty m(;lnh hon.

Khu vvc chau A-Thai Blnh Duong dang n6i len tren clJc di¢n the gi6'i nhu la m¢t trung tam phat tri~n nang d¢ng nhat trong lang toan cau. Vi¢t N am nmn a vi trf tr9ng yeu c6 tiem nang phat tri~n vl giap v6'i Thai Blnh Duong va nai gifra khu VlfC Dong Bile A va Dong NamA. Vi¢t Nam cung nama trung tam luu vvc song Me Cong duqc g9i la "song M~" dang chuy~n mlnh tru6'c Ian gi6 n6ng phat tri~n.

Chung t6i se cling chia xe v6'i Vi¢t Nam kinh nghi¢m phat tri~n t~o nen "ky tfch song Han" d~ tc;to nen "ky tfch song Me Kong". Chung toi biet Vi¢t Nam da tro thanh thanh vien chinh thuc cua ASEAN nam ngoai va hi¢n dang tfch ct;rc xuc tien vi~c gia

nh~p t6 chuc APEC va WTO.

Chung toi ung h¢ n6 Ivc d6 cua chfnh phu Vi¢t Nam. Toi mong rtmg hai nu6c chung ta tr6 thanh nhfrng nguoi b~ hqp tac ch~t che v6'i nhau tren tat ca cac di~n d~m quae te, cling nhu cua A SEAN.

Toi biet tve ngfr Vi¢t Nam e6 eau ''Thu~n be thu~n b~n tat e~n bien Dong''. Toi tin tuang ehae chan n1ng neu Vi¢t Nam-nu6'e trung tam eua Dong Duong va Han Quoe-eua ng6 eua Dong Bae A, cung nhau hqp tae ch~t che v6'i nhau nhu nhfrng nguO'i b~ thAn thl se e6 the bien the ky XXI th~mh the ky eua chung ta. GiO' day, hai nu6'e chung ta cung nam tay nhau tien len m~nh me, huang t6'i tUO'ng lai d~y hy VQng.

Toi xin de nghi eung nang eoe chile sue khoe Ngai T6ng bf thu Do MuO'i, chue s\(

phat trien mai mai cua Vi¢t N am.

Chuc tinh hfru nghi v'inh vien gifra nhan dan Vi¢t Nam va H~m Quoc.

Xin cam on.

A ? A ' ' A"


... , ' 2 ' ,


(Bai phat bilu cua T dng bi thu: D6 Mu:O'i tc;zi cut}c chieu dai mimg T 6ng thong Him Quae ro'i20-II-I996)

Hom nay, t(;li cuqe chieu dai trqng the nay, toi xin thay m~t Dang, Nha nu6'e va nhan dan Vi¢t Nam nhi¢t li¢t chao mi:rng Ngai Kim Yong Sam, T6ng thong DC;li Han Dan Quoe, Chu tieh Dang e~m quyen, Dang Tan Han Quoe, va phu nhan va cac vi khach quy Han Quoc den tham hGu nghi ehinh thuc Vi¢t Nam. Ngai la vi t6ng thong d~u tien eua Han Qu6c den tham nu6'e CHXHCN Vi¢t Nam. Ngai va cac vi den d~t nu6'c chung toi gifra mua d~p trai, mang den eho nhan dan chung toi tlnh cam hfru nghi cua nhan dan Han Quoc. Chuyen tham cua Ngai la mqt S\t ki¢n lieh su trong quan h¢ Vi¢t Nam-Han Qu6e, rna ra mqt giai do~n phat trien m6'i eua quan h¢ hGu nghi, hqp tac gifra hai nu6'e duqe nang len tam eao m6'i, v6'i quy mo 16'n hem va ph~m vi rqng 16'n han. Rieng ea nhan toi rat vui mi:rng duqe dip g~p 1~ Ngai va dap l~i long men khach cua Ngai danh cho toi nhan dip t6i sang tham huu nghi ehinh thuc Han Qu6e nam ngoai. Toi xin ehuy~n t6'i


Ngai va phu nhan lai chao va lai tham hoi cua Chu tich Le Due Anh do tlnh hlnh sue . ' khoe khong c6 di~u ki~n d6n tiep Ngai va phu nhan.

Nhan dan Vi~t Nam danh gia cao nhung th~mh ttJU day an tuqng cua nhan dan Han Qu6c trong sv nghi~p phat tri~n dat nu6'c. Tit m<?t nu6'c thu nh~p blnh quan dau ngueti chi khoang tren 80USD, tai nguyen it 6i, l~i bi chien tranh tan pha n~ng n~, chi trong vai ba

th~p ky Han Qu6c da vuon len thanh nu6'c cong nghi~p m6'i va nay dang vao hang ngu cac nu6'c cong nghi~p phat tri~n tren the gi6'i. St! thanh cong d6 cua nuac Ngai btlt nguon tir m¢t chinh sach phat tri~n kinh te thong minh, tu tinh than chtu dl!fig gian kh6, lao d(>ng can cu, y thuc tiet ki~m tri~t d~, y chi chien thtlng ngheo nan, l~c h~u cua nhan dan Han Qu6c. Toi con nha mai khi den tham Nha may luy~n kim POSCO t~i Han Qu6c, t6i thay m<?t kh~u hi~u Ian a c6ng vao Nha may ghi: "Tai nguyen c6 h~n nhung sue sang t~o cua con ngueti la vo h~n". Bang quyet tam d6, nhan dan H~m Qu6c da lam nen nhi~u di~u

ky di~u v~ phat tri~n kinh te duqc the giai kham phl;lc.

Ngay nay, theo sang kien cua Ngai, Han Qu6c dang tri~n khai chinh sach "Toan cau hoa" nham lam cho dat nuac ngay cang phon vinh.

Chung toi chan thanh chuc nhan dan Han Qu6c thanh cong trong cong cu¢c h~mh

trinh mai huang t6'i the ky XXI.

La m<?t dan t¢c da titng chtu canh dat nuac bi chia ctlt, chung toi thong cam sau

sac vai nhung nguy~n V9ng chinh dang cua nhan dan Tri~u Tien, thanh tam mong mu6n ban dao Tri~u Tien c6 hoa binh, 6n dinh b~n vfrng va ling h<? S\t nghi~p hoa blnh thong nhat cua nhan dan Tri~u Tien.

Chung toi rat coi tr9ng vi~c quan h~ nhi~u m~t vai Han Qu6c. Vi~t Nam va Han Qu6c la hai nuac a chau A, cling a bb tay Thai Blnh Duong, c6 nhi~u net tuong dong v~

van hoa, Itch sir, c6 nhfrng ti~m nang kinh te c6 th~ b6 sung cho nhau. Han Qu6c c6 nhi~u th~p ky tich luy kinh nghi~m phat tri~n, c6 nguon v6n dang k~ va trinh d¢ cong ngh~ kha cao. Vi~t Nam c6 vi tri dta ly thu~n lqi, tai nguyen thien nhien da d~ng va nguon nhan llf"C doi dao, dang tien hanh thu~n lqi c6ng CUQC d6i mai Va da la thanh vien chinh thuc cua A SEAN.

Chung toi rat hai long nh~ thay trohg 4 nam qua, k~ tit khi hai nu6'c thiet lcflp quan

h~ ngo~i giao, sv hqp tic v~ nhi~u m~t da phat tri~n nhanh chong va dem I~i hi~u qua cao. Cac cu¢c tiep xuc gifra lanh d~o cap cao nhat da tang cuemg sv hi~u biet va tin ccfty lAn nhau, t~o ra d¢ng Ivc m~nh me cho m6i quan h~ Vi~t Nam-Han Qu6c. SV giao luu v~

kinh te-thuang m~i phat tri~n nang d¢ng. Han Qu6c da tn1 thanh b~n hang Ian thll' ba cua

Vi~t Nam v~ dfiu tu va thub'ng m~i. sv trao d6i van boa ngay cang phong phu. Ket qua t6t dyp CUa CUQC h(>i dam CUa chung ta chi~U nay da kh£ng dinh quyet tam CUa ca hai ben

ma r¢ng han nfi"a quan h~, tang cuO'ng sv hqp tac blnh d~ng va ci'lng c6 lqi. Di~u d6 dap frng lqi ich CUa nhan dan hai nUOC Va phl:lC Vl;l lqi feb CUa SlJ nghi~p boa blnh 6n dinb, hQ'p tac, ph at tri~n 0 chau A -11uii Blnh Duong va tren the gi6'i.

Ngai sang tham Vi~t Nam vao luc toan dtm Vi~t Nam dang ra sue thlJc hi~n Nghi quyet D~i h¢i VIII Dang C¢ng san Vi~t Nam, da hoan thanh nhi~u chi tieu chu yeu cua ke ho~ch nam 1996, dang d~y m:;mh cong nghi~p hoa, hi~n d~i hoa dat nu6'c, phat tri~n kinh te xa h¢i, phan dau nam 2020 dtra Vi~t Nam co b~m tr0 th~mh m¢t nu6'c c6ng

nghi~p. thvc hi~n ml;lc tieu "dan gi~m nu6'c m~nh, xa h¢i c6ng b?mg, van minh".

sv nghi~p 16'n lao d6 doi hoi chung t6i buy d¢ng mQi ngu6n lvc trong nu6'c di d6i v6i tranh thu nhfrng nguon Ivc tit ben ngoai, ma r¢ng quan h~ hqp tac v6'i cac nu6'c, trong d6 c6 Han Qu6c. Thvc hi~n chinh sach d6i ngo~i d¢c lcflp tt;r chu, r¢ng m0, da d1;mg hoa, da phuong boa, chung t6i dang tfch eve h(>i nhcflp khu vl;l'c va h¢i nhcftp qu6c te. Nban dip

nay chung t6i danh gia cao vi~c Han Qu6c ling h¢ chung tai xin gia nhcflp t6 chac quan tr9ng nhu T6 chll'c Hqp tac kinh te chau A-Thai Blnh Duong (APEC) va T6 chll'c thuong

m~i the gi6'i (WTO). Chung t6i tran d~y hy vQng tin tubng nhln v~ tuong lai, huang t6'i the ky XXI. Chung t6i cfin c6 boa binh va nhi~u b~ d~ xay dl!flg cu¢c s6ng m6'i. T6i tin rang trong nhfi"ng ngay a Vi~t Nam, Ngai T6ng th6ng va phu nhan ci'lng cac vi khach quy Han Qu6c se nhln thay r5 nguy~n VQng hoa blnh va hqp tac trong anh mtlt cua titng nguO'i Vi~t Nam.

Cac vi cling se t~n mat nhln thay nhfi"ng thanh tl!U va nhfi"ng kh6 khan cua chung toi tren bu6'c duO'ng di t6'i va dffy quan trQng la cam nhcftn duqc nhfrng tinh dim hfi"u nghi chan thanh rna _nhan dan chung t6i danh cho cac vi va nhan dan Han Qu6c.


Xin mai quy v! cling toi nang c6c:

-Chile quan h~ hgp tac Vi~t Nam-Han Qu6c ngay cang phat tri~n!

-Chile H~m Qu6c ph6n vinh, nhan dan Han Qu6c h<;mh philc!

-Chile Ngai T6ng thong Kim Yong Sam va phu nhan m<;tnh khoe!

-Chile sue khoe t~t ca cac quy vi!

(Ngu6n (trfch h;ti): Bao Nhan Dan (20-11-1996)-Mac m6i quan trqng tang cuimg quan h¢ hiiu nghj va hQP tac Vi¢t Nam-Han Quae-trl)



Date: December 16th, 1998

Your Excellency President and Mrs. Luong and distinguished guests, I thank Your Excellency andã the people of Vietnam for inviting me, my wife and the members of my delegation to visit Vietnam and for giving us a sumptuous dinner as well as your words of friendship. Through my visit, I have been able to confirm that Vietnam has a bright future. Because of the Doi Moi reform policy which Vietnam has been pushing steadily since 1986, Vietnam is now leading the efforts for prosperity and development of the Indochinese Peninsula. In particular, it was deeply moving to witness the dynamic ways of life of the Vietnamese people who, trusting the integrity and dedication of their leaders, begin their day in the early morning driving motorcycles to work in wave after wave. I have great respect for Your Excellency and other leaders as well as the Vietnamese people. Your Excellency, in this connection, I propose that the APEC seriously consider adopting financial cooperation as another priority project and present a variety of practical financial programs. At this moment, the need to stabilize Asian financial markets is more urgent than anything else. This is because financial stability is the basis of sustained economic growth. This is an area where the major economic

powers should support the developing economies that are their emerging and promising markets. Developed countries need to extend more financial assistance to the developing nations. More financial management know-how should be transferred to them. I urge the APEC economic powers to consult the European Union and jointly help Asia stabilize its financial market. The people of our two countries have experienced cruel pain and trials in the past. We have gone through harsh colonial rule; our countries were divided amid the vortex of the Cold War; and we have experienced the tragedy of fratricidal wars. In the course of such a history, there was an unfortunate period between our two countries.

Ultimately though, our success in overcoming the present crisis will hinge on our determination to reform and open up to the world with the aim of achieving a truly free market system. Only by reforming those elements that run counter to the principles of a market economy, will the cooperative efforts among member nations be increased and the results maximized. Right now, we Koreans are going all out to reform and open our markets. We are doing this under the guiding principle of the parallel development of democracy and a market economy. The new Korean Administration has made more reforms and opened up our market wider in the last 10 months than its predecessors did in the past 10 years. The pain of reforms has been acute. But just recently, we have overcome the foreign exchange crisis with the extraordinary joint efforts of the people and the Government. The dollars market and interest rates are being stabilized. However, since the 1990s when the obstacle of the Cold War was dismantled, our two countries went through a period of healing the painful wound and established diplomatic relations.

Thus we were able to pursue new and progressive relations. Since the establishment of ties in 1992, exchanges and cooperation between our countries picked up speed and now the Republic of Korea is the fourth largest trade partner of Vietnam and the fifth largest investor. Now I propose that our two countries prepare for the opening of the 21st century together as follows so that we can boost friendly cooperation and common profits not only now but in the future. First, let us take the advantage of the mutually complementary economic structures of our two countries to the maximum. Vietnam is a nation of possibilities and opportunities with excellent human and natural resources.




Date September 16th, 2003 Speaker Roh Moo-hyun

Your Excellency Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and distinguished guests from home and abroad, I wholeheartedly welcome Your Excellency to Korea. This is my first opportunity to meet you, but I have long been informed of the deep respect that the people have for you as a result of your efforts to spearhead the reform and open-door policies of Vietnam. Our meeting just a little while ago helped me see the reasons for myself. Though it was brief, I was deeply impressed by your clear insight and unwavenng VISion.

Your Excellency Mr. Prime Minister, Over the past 17 years, Vietnam has made brilliant progress politically, economically and socially through its Policy of Renovation known as Doi Moi. In particular, Vietnam has been making a profound impression on many countries by achieving a high average economic growth of 8 percent since the 1990s. I have great respect for the diligent and outstanding people of Vietnam and for the leaders who have transformed this public energy into the driving force for prosperity.

I am confident that Vietnam will continue to prosper and that it will not be long before it

achieves its goals of becoming a strong, wealthy nation and a fair, democratic, cultured society as set out by the Vietnamese Government. Korea will not spare any effort to cooperate with and support the Vietnamese Government to succeed in these endeavors.

Mr. Prime Minister, I understand that the Vietnamese have an old saying that friendship can fill a vast sea. I think that aptly describes the relations between our two countries and the remarkable progress that we have made. Last year alone, over 110,000 of our citizens traveled between the two countries, nurturing a "solid friendship to fill the sea". Trade between the two countries, which fell short of US$500 million in 1992 when diplomatic relations were first established, reached US$2.7 billion last year. Korea's total

investments in Vietnam surpassed US$3.9 billion. Korea is now the sixth largest trading partner for Vietnam and the fourth largest investor. Still there is much room for cooperative efforts. On the basis of our trade, investments, exchanges and collaboration, the two countries should further develop a comprehensive partnership during the 21st century. I am confident that by combining Vietnam's abundant resources and excellent labor force with Korea's technology and capital, we can create great economic gain and prosperity for both countries.

Your Excellency Mr. Prime Minister, The Korean Government is pursuing the Policy of Peace and Prosperity intended to consolidate peace on the Korean Peninsula. In addition, we are making efforts along with the international community to resolve the North Korean nuclear problem peacefully. I thank you and the Vietnamese Government for your cooperation thus far and look forward to your unchanging support and encouragement in the future. I also hope that our two countries will continue to strengthen cooperation in international forums, including the A SEAN 3, involving Korea, China and Japan, and ASEM slated to be held in Vietnam next year.

Distinguished guests, Please join me in a toast to the good health of His Excellency Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, the prosperity of Vietnam, and everlasting friendship between the peoples of our two countries.

Chuc Sue Khoe (Geonbae)! Thank you.



Một phần của tài liệu Quan hệ việt nam hàn quốc giai đoạn 1992 2002 đặc điểm và khuynh hướng (Trang 109 - 136)

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