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Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê nhà bằng tiếng anh (House lease contract)

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Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê nhà bằng tiếng anh - House lease contract Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê nhà bằng tiếng anh - House lease contract Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê nhà bằng tiếng - House lease contract Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê nhà bằng tiếng anh - House lease contract Mẫu hợp đồng cho thuê nhà bằng tiếng anh - House lease contract

HOUSE LEASE  No. /XNN/2006 This House lease is signed on the of 2006 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam BETWEEN THE LESSOR Mr/Ms - Birthdate : - ID Card : - Telephone : - Address : AND THE LESSEE , which has been granted a Permit No issued by on , Head Office's address : Represented by: Mr./ Ms : Date of birth : Position : Passport : Issued on : At : Procuration No : Date : E-mail : Telephone : Fax : Account No : At : Tax code No : BOTH SIDES HAVE AGREED TO ENTER INTO A HOUSE LEASE CONTRACT under the following terms and conditions: I-HOUSE FOR RENT - TERM - RENTAL The rented house: The house No St., Ward , District , Ho Chi Minh City 1- Purpose for using: The rented house will be used as an office / as a residence for persons - The rented area consisting of: - Main area: - Sub area: - Garden/Yard area: m2 m2 m2 - Facilities and equipment provided by the LESSOR and used by the LESSEE will be listed in the Minutes of handing over the house 2- The house, electricity and water supply systems will be handed over to the LESSEE in their existing conditions 3- Duration of the lease commences on , and expires on , 4- (a) The rent is: USD per month (US Dollars only) The above said rent is the payable price of the house leasing service including all taxes concerning house leasing but not covering charges for using electricity, water supply, telephone, rubbish collection These charges shall be paid by the LESSEE according to the consumption The LESSEE will sign separate contracts for using telephone and utilities (b) The unit price for the rented area is: - For the main area: - For the sub area: - For the garden/yard area: USD/ m2 USD/ m2 USD/ m2 5- The rent stated in Article I.4 is fixed until , II- PAYMENT MODE 1- months' rent will be paid by the LESSEE regularly once every months within the first 10 days of the said payment terms 2- The LESSEE makes a deposit of USD (US Dollars only) to the LESSOR before the commencing of the House Lease (a) In case the House Lease is terminated before by the LESSEE, the LESSOR will not refund to the LESSEE the above-mentioned deposit and the LESSEE has paid off all the charges for using electricity, water supply and telephone or payment for repairing damages to the house caused by the LESSEE (if any) right after the House Lease is terminated (b) In case the House Lease is terminated on or after , the LESSOR will refund the above-mentioned deposit to the LESSEE right after the LESSEE has paid off all the charges for using electricity, water supply and telephone or payment for repairing damages to the house caused by the LESSEE (if any) III- RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LESSOR 1- To hand the house and facilities over to the LESSEE on date of validity of the House Lease 2- To ensure the LESSEE 's right to occupy the house fully and separately 3- To repair in time all the damages related to the construction structure of the house (such as leakage, floor, foundation, walls) after being informed in writing by the LESSEE 4- To buy fire insurance for the house IV- RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LESSEE 1- To pay the rent when due If it is done after the date as agreed and provided in Article II.2, an additional 0,2% charge will be incurred by the LESSEE for each day of delay counting on the rents payable in that payment period If payment is delayed until 15 days after the last agreed payment date stated in Article II.2, the LESSOR reserves the right to terminate the House Lease contract and the LESSEE does not have the right to ask for any compensation 2- (a) To use the covenanted house in compliance with the above said purposes Whenever the LESSEE wishes to repair or renovate the house for his purposes, he must receive the LESSOR's consent and let the work be done in accordance with the regulations on construction (b) When the contract expires or the house is returned, the LESSEE has the responsibility to hand over to the LESSOR the house with its existing constructions and installation, including additional repairs, renovations and fixtures, additionally installed or changed by the LESSEE (such as lavabo, lavatory, bath-tub ), without asking for any compensation spent on these works Except for normal wear and tear, the house and equipment must be in normal state of use and intactness Mobile equipment additionally installed by the LESSEE (such as airconditioners, water-heaters, and the likes) will belong to the LESSEE's ownership and be at its disposal 3- To bear all costs for repairing damages to the house (excepting damages mentioned in Article III.3) and to the electricity, water supply and sewerage systems and the equipment installed in the house by the LESSEE during the tenure of the Lease 4- To take all responsibilities for loss of facilities, furnitures, personal property and be responsible for damages caused to Third-parties during the time of his occupation 5- To buy insurance policy for the LESSEE 's property (if it’s nescessary) 6- To abide by all regulations and rules on environmental hygiene, public order and security and to implement internal regulations on fire prevention and fire fighting 7- To be responsible for observing all regulations and rules defined by Vietnamese laws on registration of office / of provisional stay or temporary absence with the concerned agencies 8- To be responsible for signing separate contracts for using electricity, water, telephone and utilities with the relevant companies and settling up all charges for using telephone and utilities during the renting period at the prices in Ho Chi Minh city 9- (a) Not to sublet the house (b) In case the LESSEE wishes to terminate the House Lease before the due time, the LESSEE must inform the LESSOR in writing at least 01 month in advance and shall not ask for refund of the unused portion of the advance rents If the LESSEE informs the LESSOR less than 01 month in advance, the LESSEE has to pay 01 month 's rent counting from the date the LESSOR receives the LESSEE 's written notice of this termination V- PROVISION ON HOUSE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR If there is a need to the maintenance or repair work, the LESSOR must inform the LESSEE in writing in advance and the latter must create favorable conditions to enable the LESSOR to carry out the work mentioned above If the LESSEE hinders the repair thus endangering the safety of the house on rent, then the LESSEE must bear the cost arising from the consequences VI- GENERAL PROVISIONS 1- Two parties undertake to implement fully and correctly the signed contract All changes and additions to this lease must be agreed upon in writing by both parties 2- On the issuance of any legislations by a competent authority concerning house leasing, rental price etc., this House Lease will be adjusted in accordance with the Vietnamese laws and regulations and relating legal documents issued by competent authorities 3- The contract is terminated in the following cases: (a) On expiration of the contract (b) The rented house is burned out (not caused by negligence of the LESSEE), has to be demolished or it has to be transferred to another ownership according to the decision of the competent authorities In this case, the LESSOR will refund the deposit and the unused portion of the advance rents to the LESSEE (c) The LESSEE fails to pay rent when due as provided in articles II.2 and IV.1 (d) The LESSEE sublets the house (e) The LESSEE is expelled or its permit for operation in Ho Chi Minh City is revoked (f) The LESSEE breaches Article IV.2 (a) (g) Upon the proposal made by either party and agreed with by the other one (h) In accordance with Article IV.9(b) 4- In case there is any dispute or in case of breach of the contract by either party, the matter will be settled through reconciliation and negotiation If solution is not found, the matter will be referred to Ho Chi Minh City’s People’s Court and its settlement will be final 5- This House Lease is made in 06 copies, 03 in Vietnamese and 03 in English having equal validity 02 copies in each language will be retained by the LESSEE and the other 04 copies by the LESSOR 6- Upon the expiration of the contract, in case one of the parties wishes to extend it or sign a new one, he must inform the other party in writing at least 01 month in advance 7- This House Lease comes into force from the signing date THE LESSOR (Signature and seal) THE LESSEE (Signature and seal) ... (US Dollars only) to the LESSOR before the commencing of the House Lease (a) In case the House Lease is terminated before by the LESSEE, the LESSOR will not refund... repairing damages to the house caused by the LESSEE (if any) right after the House Lease is terminated (b) In case the House Lease is terminated on or after , the LESSOR will refund the... additions to this lease must be agreed upon in writing by both parties 2- On the issuance of any legislations by a competent authority concerning house leasing, rental price etc., this House Lease will

Ngày đăng: 25/12/2021, 17:59

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