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Giáo dục phổ thông ở tỉnh hòa bình từ năm 1991 đến năm 2010 TT TIENG ANH

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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NGUYEN SY HA GENERAL EDUCATION IN HOA BINH PROVINCE FROM 1991 TO 2010 Major: Vietnam History Code: 9229013 SUMMARY OF HISTORY DISSERTATION HA NOI - 2018 The work has been completed at: GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Supervisor: Assoc Prof.Dr Dinh Quang Hai Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Dinh Xuan Ly Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Hong Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof Dr Ha Manh Khoa The dissertation is defended at the dissertation assessment committee at the academy level, taking place at the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 477 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi At… Date… Month… Year 2018 The dissertation can be found at: - National Library of Vietnam; - Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences INTRODUCTION Rationale of the dissertation Hoa Binh is a mountainous province, located in the northwestern gateway of the Fatherland After re-establishing the province (in 1991), recognizing the enormous role of general education in the national education system, Hoa Binh ethnic people have always taken care of and created conditions for general education to be gradually renewed and developed Up to now, Hoa Binh province has reached the national standard for universal primary education - anti-illiteracy and junior secondary education Teachers at all levels are not only large in number but also strong in specialty The facilities, teaching and learning equipment are increasingly modern However, besides the achievements, general education in Hoa Binh province in recent years has many weaknesses and shortcomings such as the quality of education at all levels and levels is low and uneven; Teaching and learning in economically and socially disadvantaged areas are limited; Facilities in some areas are still lacking, backward In addition, there are also many other restrictions that need to be addressed Therefore, the study of general education in Hoa Binh province is critically necessary and there is not a comprehensive, systematic study of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 With that in mind, I chose to study the dissertation: "General education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010" as a doctoral dissertation, specialized in Vietnamese history Objectives and missions 2.1 Study objectives To interpret and clarify of the current situation of the development of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 Based on the results of the study, from which experience has contributed to serve for the planning and development of general education in Hoa Binh province in the future 2.2 Study missions - Review all documents related to dissertation topic - Analyze and clarify the advantages and disadvantages; Policies and ways to specific measures for the development of general education of Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010 - Reinstate the development of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 on the basis of objective and scientific assessment of the achievements, constraints and causes - Drawing on the characteristics and lessons learned to contribute to the practical basis and arguments for the reform of general education in Hoa Binh province in the current period Subjects and scope of the dissertation 3.1 Study subjects The dissertation focuses on the development of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 3.2 Scope of the study Spatial scope: The study carried out in the administrative boundaries of Hoa Binh province in the period of 1991-2010 including: Hoa Binh city and districts of Hoa Binh province Study period: The dissertation on general education carried out in Hoa Binh Province for a period of 20 years (from 1991 to 2010) Scope of content: The dissertation studied the policies and ways of the Party, the State and the application of the Party Committee of Hoa Binh province on the development of general education; study the status and development process of the general education Based on that, it made objective comments and assessments on general education in Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010 and drew some experiences for the next stages of development Theoretical basis, research methods and sources of data 4.1 Theoretical basis The author used the methodology of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Ideology, the policy lines of the Party and the State on education reform, including general education 4.2 Research methods The author used two major methods, primarily the historical method and the logical method It also incorporates the use of other interdisciplinary research methods such as analysis, syndissertation, statistics, comparison, collation and field surveys to validate, supplement the materials in conductingdissertation 4.3 Research resources - Documents and documents of the Party, the State, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET); The Provincial People's Committee, the People's Committee, Hoa Binh Statistical Office and other departments and branches of the province related to education in general, general education in particular from 1991 to 2010 - Annual reports of the Department of Education and Training of Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 Research works, publications and dissertations on general education in general and related to general education of Hoa Binh province in particular have been published New contributions to the science of the dissertation - The dissertation clarifies the ways and policies of the Party and State on general education and the application of Hoa Binh province to local practice - The dissertation analyzes the affecting factors and reconstructing the picture relatively comprehensive and systematic about the status of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 - The dissertation draws the main characteristics, some experiences and raises some issues for the development of general education in Hoa Binh province in the next periods Theoretical and practical significances of the dissertation 6.1 Theoretical and practical significances The dissertation contributes to providing theoretical and scientific arguments for the development of education in general and general education in particular, as well as contributing to the study and supplementation of theories on the history of educational development in Vietnam 6.2 Practical significance - The dissertation contributes additional materials to study the history of general education in Hoa Binh province in particular and the history of Vietnam education in general - The results of the dissertation help to plan guidelines for general education development in Hoa Binh province and the next period - The dissertation contributes to the practical work of studying and teaching local history to students at all levels in the province Structure of the dissertation Apart from the introduction, conclusion, appendix, references, the main contents of the dissertation are presented in four chapters: Chapter Overview of studies relevant to dissertation Chapter Overview of Hoa Binh province and the development of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2001 Chapter 3.The development of general education in Hoa Binh province for the 2001-2010 period Chapter Comments and experiences Chapter OVERVIEW OF STUDIES RELATED TO THE DISSERTATION 1.1 Studies on education and general education This is a group of research that gives the author a general overview of education in general education and general education in Vietnam in particular, as well as seizes the experience of improving the quality of human resources in developed educational countries, related to the content of the dissertation 1.2 Studies related to education in Hoa Binh province The previous studies in Hoa Binh province gives the author a specific view, the data and comments necessary for reference in the process of implementing dissertation, typically such as: Hoa Binh Geography, Party History of Hoa Binh province (1929 - 2010), history of education and training in Hoa Binh province (1945 2008), etc In addition, articles and dissertations related to dissertation were also reviewed by the author 1.3 The results of previous studies and issues that current study to addressed 1.3.1 The results of published works The previous studies have solved the following problems: Firstly: Studies on education and general education - Many theoretical studies on education are the basis for the policy guidelines on education in our country - A number of projects have reviewed Vietnam's education through historical periods and drawn lessons learnt for the development orientation of education and training in Vietnam in the coming years - Some authors have mentioned strengthening international cooperation and applying experiences in some countries with developed education to improve the quality of education; indicates the impact of resources and policies on education and training in Vietnam - Several works, articles and dissertations on general education have provided an overview of the status and solutions to improve the quality of general education in the current period Second: Studies related to education in Hoa Binh province - Some of the works have reproduced the entire picture of Hoa Binh through written sources, fieldwork Educational development of Hoa Binh province is also mentioned in the most general way in these works - A number of works have been comprehensively summarized about the congresses of Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee; through which the policies, guidelines for educational development are also mentioned in the works - Some works have been directly studied on education and training in Hoa Binh province but have not studied in detail the general education 1.3.2 Issues that current study need to address First, the analysis clarifies the factors affecting GDP in Hoa Binh province; as well as the policy of the Party and the Party of Hoa Binh province on the development of general education Second, clarify the status of general education in Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010 Thirdly, based on the objective assessment of development of general education in Hoa Binh province, it draws the main characteristics and some experiences for the next stages of development Chapter DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION OF HOA BINH PROVINCE IN THE PERIOD 1991-2001 2.1 Overview of Hoa Binh province and general education in Hoa Binh before the re-establishment (1991) 2.1.1 Overview of Hoa Binh province and factors affecting the development of general education in Hoa Binh province - Geographical location, natural conditions: Hoa Binh is a mountainous province located in the North West gate of the country The area of the province is 4,596.4 km2, mainly agricultural - forestry land, the rest is mostly limestone mountains and bare hills National Highway passes through 125 km of Hoa Binh, connecting Hanoi, the North Delta with North West and Upper Laos As of 2009, Hoa Binh has 10 districts and city, 210 communes, wards and towns with a population of 832,543 people and is the residence of many ethnic groups, of which the Muong ethnic group accounts for majority 62.98% With geographical location, the above natural conditions have greatly affected the development of general education in Hoa Binh - Economy: After 20 years of re-establishing the province (19912010), the GDP continued to grow at an average rate of 7.6%/year in the 1991-1995 period 7.5% per annum for the period 1996-2000; 8%/year in the 2001-2005 period, especially in the 2006-2010 period, the average growth rate is 12.14% The economic restructuring of Hoa Binh province has been gradually reducing the proportion of agriculture, forestry and fishery, increasing the proportion of industry, construction and services, contributing significantly the total provincial budget revenue, so that education investment is also increasing at an annual rate, which is an important driving force for general education to be developed - Historical, cultural and social traditions: In the history of developing and defending the country, in the area of important positions and difficult terrains, the people of Hoa Binh ethnic groups have tradition of patriotism, long struggle The ethnic groups in the province have the pride of being a famous culture that is Hoa Binh culture, as well as the cultural nuances of the ethnic minorities, which created the abundance and diversity of Vietnamese culture It is a solid foundation for general education in Hoa Binh province to be developed, as well as contributing to the preservation and promotion of cultural values of the nation 2.1.2 General education in Hoa Binh province before reestablishment (1991) From 1954 to 1975, the education sector of Hoa Binh province undertook its new task of focusing on developing education, eradicating illiteracy, and actively increasing production for resistance The province's GDP is constantly being developed The outstanding result is that in 1958, Hoa Binh Socialist Youth Workers School was established This is the first "part-time" school in Vietnam and becoming a national education model In the beginning of 1961, Hoa Binh was the first mountainous province to complete the illiteracy eradication It contributed significantly to the training of human resources and liberation of the unified South of the country From 1976 to 1991, implementing the Resolution of the second session of the National Assembly (V session), two provinces Ha Tay and Hoa Binh were merged into Ha Son Binh province For Hoa Binh area, the education sector has focused on the direction and there are new developments The typical advanced agencies such as Hoang Van Thu, Lac Thuy, Lac Son A, Kim Boi Bhigh schools; and Phuong Lam Secondary School and Huu Nghi Secondary School B have become the pioneers of the education movement in Hoa Binh national excellent student competition, in the 1994-1995 school year, Hoa Binh was recognized as the first mountainous provinces and ranked second in 53 provinces and cities and ranked first in the number of excellent students in group B In the 2001-2002 school year, Hoa Binh continued to lead the group B in terms of the number of excellent students 2.3.4 Investment in facilities, equipment for education Implementing the determination to tile and proceeding to solidify the school, Hoa Binh province has make use of the maximum human resources, in order to speed up the construction of facilities and equipment for schools By the 2000-2001 school year, the whole province had 30% of schools of high building, 40% of semi-permanent schools, 100% of secondary schools and high schools were built high building Every year, the province has deducted - 10% of the total expenditure of the sector for the procurement of textbooks, teaching aids and equipment, and has step by step met the requirements of teaching and learning of schools 2.3.5 Education management, developing Party organizations, unions in schools Education management has implemented in the direction of standardization, publicity, fairness and decentralized management Inspection activities focus on professional inspection, timely resolve the letter, complaint The work of ideological political education and the development of Party organization, unions in the schools are considered and promoted effectively, contributing significantly to the overall achievement of the schools Summary of chapter Implementing the Party's policy on education and training reform, a mountainous province re-established (in 1991), Hoa Binh province has quickly caught up with the reform of education, 11 especially general education As a result, general education has been constantly innovated and developed However, besides the results obtained, general education in Hoa Binh province still has limitations that need to be overcome It can be said that the development of general education in Hoa Binh province (1991-2001) with remarkable achievements These are the premise for general education in Hoa Binh province to have new developments, better meet the requirements of training human resources for the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country Chapter DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION IN HOA BINH PROVINCE IN THE PERIOD OF 2001 - 2010 3.1 Historical context and policy of development of general education of Hoa Binh province in the new period 3.1.1 Historical context and requirements for human resource training in the new period Mankind has entered the 21st century, the century of civilization of knowledge; the development of science and technology; Globalization and international integration have influenced every country In Vietnam, the socialist-oriented market economy has been operating, creating many opportunities, but also facing many difficulties and challenges In that context; the demand for human resources has been raised, serving the breakthrough of economic development in Hoa Binh province in the new period 3.1.2 Party policy and the application of the Party of Hoa Binh province on the reform of general education In the new period, the Party and the State have set many policies and guidelines for the development of education and training, of which the focus is on the sixth plenum (IX plenum) of the Party; 12 Decision No.201/2001/QD-TTg, attached with "Education Development Strategy 2001-2010"; The Law on Education (revised) in 2005 This is the basis for orientations and important legal bases for localities to apply Adhering to the guidelines and policies of the Party and State, Hoa Binh province has set out guidelines and measures to develop general education and focus on the strategic orientation of education and training development in Hoa Binh in the early years of the 21st century The XIII and XIV Congresses of the Party Committee, in order to gradually meet the requirements of human resources training of the new era 3.2 Development of general education in Hoa Binh, contributing to the socio-economic breakthrough (2001-2010) 3.2.1 Improve the quality and standardize the contingent of teachers and educational management administrators Adopting Directive No 40 CT/TW dated June 15, 2004 of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, Hoa Binh province has reviewed the evaluation and supplemented the contingent of teachers Therefore, the quality of teachers has been constantly improved By 2009-2010, the percentage of standardized school teachers at all levels will be 100%; of which the primary level is 40.2%; the secondary standard is 23.3%; the high school upper standard is 3.3% 3.2.2 Class, school system and size of students The class, school systems continues to be interested and expanded In the 2009-2010 school year, Hoa Binh province has 219 primary schools, 19 secondary schools (grade I-II), 209 secondary schools, 38 high schools and 10 boarding schools for ethnic minorities In addition, the number of pupils in primary and secondary schools are slightly decreased, high schools is relatively stable This is due to the declining birth rate and the expansion of 13 Hanoi's administrative boundaries (2008), the number of primary and secondary pupils has decreased accordingly 3.2.3 Innovate content, methods, improve the quality of teaching and learning The education sector of Hoa Binh province has concentrated on directing the renovation of the general education program, replacing textbooks according to Resolution 40/2000QH, National Assembly X In addition, teaching and learning methods were also renovated in the direction of positive teaching and advanced teaching equipment approach Therefore, the quality of general education has changed; the rate of pupils completed primary school and graduated high over the years In the school year of 2004 - 2005, Hoa Binh province continued to lead in the table B on the results of national excellent students of high schools 3.2.4 Facilities, equipment and socialization of education Hoa Binh province has directed the mobilization of resources, especially financial resources, the contributions of organizations and individuals to build new schools and equipment for teaching and learning in the direction of standardization, modernization Therefore, in the school year 2009-2010, the total number of permanent classrooms is 61.6%, the semi-permanent classrooms is 27.5%, the temporary classroom is 10.9% In addition, the cost of procurement of teaching and learning equipment is also implemented synchronously 3.2.5 State management and Party organizations, unions in the schools The Department of Education and Training of Hoa Binh province has directed the review of current documents to have plans to amend and supplement to ensure uniformity and uniform Instructed educational agencies to perform well in public; To carry out self-assessment and quality assurance activities; To develop the 14 specialized inspectors'force and direct them to concentrate on specialized inspection The Party organizations and unions in the school have also brought into full play their functions and tasks, contributing positively to improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training in schools Summary of Chapter Under the demands and requirements of the new situation, in the period of 2001 - 2010, GDP (General education) growth in Hoa Binh province has achieved great results in all aspects, fields of activities, making the face of the sector more and better development and meet the requirements of training human resources, serve the breakthrough of socio-economic development of Hoa Binh However, the GDP of Hoa Binh province still has some shortcomings which need to be gradually overcome in the next years so that the GDP of Hoa Binh province can be sustainably developed Chapter COMMENTS AND EXPERIENCES 4.1 Comments 4.1.1 Achievements, limitations and causes Achievements - Quality and effectiveness of education: Hoa Binh education and Training has focused on all solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of education Thus, the quality of comprehensive education, mass education, and pointed education has been improved over the years For many years, the education sector of Hoa Binh province always leads the mountainous provinces, the Central Highlands and the Mekong Delta in terms of quantity and quality of excellent national pupils - The work of developing the contingent of staff and teachers: Hoa Binh province has directed the review, evaluation and standardization of staffs, developing the contingent of teachers, in 15 terms of quantity and synchronicity Therefore, by 2010, the proportion of teachers at primary, secondary and high school levels will be 100% This is an important factor to ensure the quality of education and training in Hoa Binh province - Regarding the construction of school and class system, investment in facilities and equipment for education: Despite many difficulties, the system of schools and classes in Hoa Binh province has been widely developed in all levels By 2010, 100% of communes, wards and towns will have primary and secondary schools, every district has from to high schools In addition, the educational facilities are also interested in investment, has met the requirements of teaching and learning in the school - Educational management, ideological and political education, developing Party organization, Unions: Education sector of Hoa Binh has done well propaganda; reviewed the system of current documents to ensure consistency Inspection activities have been indepth The work of developing Party organizations, unions in schools has been well organized and promoted well roles according to their functions and tasks, contributing to the good performance of professional tasks General education in Hoa Binh province has achieved the achievements mentioned above due to some main reasons: Firstly, the renovation of the Party has created conditions for education and training, including the development of general education Secondly, fully grasp the views of the Party, Hoa Binh province has applied creativity in the practice of the locality Thirdly, the contingent of staff, teachers and pupils have strong ideological positions, believe in the leadership of the Party and the management of the State, promote the tradition of the homeland 16 Constraints Some teachers and managers have not kept pace with the requirements of education reform School systems, classrooms and facilities for education have not kept pace with the rapid increase in student enrollment The quality of mass education, comprehensive education at all levels is uneven Some educational agencies need to be reorganized; some educational management is loose, arbitrary Causes of constraints and weaknesses: Firstly, Hoa Binh is a poor mountainous province; the conditions for socio-economic development and transportation are still difficult Secondly, the rapid development of scale, quantity, excess of economic ability Thirdly, the education and training sector in general, the education and training of Hoa Binh in particular have also remained a number of the disadvantages 4.1.2 Compare the development of general education in Hoa Binh between the period of 1991 - 2001 and 2001 - 2010 General education in Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010 has been experienced two phases from 1991 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2010, but it is a process of continuous development in a positive and quantitative manner, gradually increasing in quality, the later stage develops over the previous stage; The constraints and weaknesses have been gradually overcome, reflected in the results presented in Chapter and Chapter 4.1.3 Compare the general education of Hoa Binh with some provinces with similar conditions In the Northwestern mountainous provinces, Son La, Dien Bien and Yen Bai provinces, there are many similarities with Hoa Binh province Thus, the author selected the general education comparison 17 on the main results of Hoa Binh province with the three provinces mentioned above In general, the results of general education development between provinces for the 2009-2010 school year are relatively uniform In some specific areas, Hoa Binh province has more prominent features such as: The ratio of universal teachers at all three levels primary, secondary and high schools reached standard and upper standard is 100%; the number of permanent classrooms and the number of schools meeting national standards are higher; General education is also earlier The spearhead education of Hoa Binh province is most prominent For many years, Hoa Binh always leads the mountainous provinces, the Central Highlands and the Mekong Delta in terms of the number of students winning the prize and the quality of awards 4.1.4 Some unique characteristics of general education of Hoa Binh province Firstly, Hoa Binh is a mountainous province, with large areas, transportation is divided by rivers, lakes, streams in some areas and caused many difficulties, influenced the educational development Secondly, Hoa Binh is a gathering place for many ethnic minority groups Therefore, the system of ethnic boarding schools has been paid special attention by Hoa Binh province Thirdly, with a long tradition of culture, hard-working and creative people and beautiful landscapes, is a solid foundation and an important driving force for general education in Hoa Binh province to be developed 4.2 Experience and issues 4.2.1 Main experiences Firstly, to maintain the socialist objective in education, to respect the importance to the human factor to accelerate the improvement of education quality 18 Secondly, to scale up with the improvement of quality and effectiveness of education and from the reality, needs of socioeconomic development of Hoa Binh Thirdly, to strengthen the developing of facilities and implement socialization of education Increasing investment in universal schools; emphasis on areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions Fourthly, renovate the contents, programs and methods of general education, meeting the requirements of socio-economic development of Hoa Binh Fifth, to strengthen the State management, promote the role of the Party committees and unions in the school 4.2.2 Current problems Firstly, the process of applying the Party's and State's guidelines and policies to the reality of Hoa Binh province needs to consider specific factors in order to adopt flexible policies, specifically to bring the highest educational efficiency Secondly, to expand the scale along with enhancing the quality and efficiency of education, such as opening proper schools to each settlement area, focusing on building the system of ethnic minority schools; To continue improving the quality of staff, mass education, overcoming the disequilibrium of training disciplines; At the same time, promoting the strength of the spearhead education Thirdly, contents, programs and methods of general education should be renovated in the following directions: Content and textbook programs must be standardized according to national standards; Ensure the basic and system but needs to streamline, increase the career direction and practice Active teaching methods are carried out and applied to each learner, but not destabilizing the school, the sector and the society 19 Fourthly, the investment in the construction of facilities and equipment should focus on a number of key tasks such as: Prioritizing investment for program development, targets of key education at macro level Building school facilities in difficult socioeconomic areas, remote areas, Song Da reservoirs and ethnic minorities Building laboratories, libraries and teachers' houses; Equipment for school computerization, foreign language learning, serving innovation teaching methods, textbooks, etc to serve the teaching and learning Investment of facilities, teaching aids to ensure the efficient use, avoiding the wastefulness and loss in investment Every year, Hoa Binh province needs to balance its budgets and prioritize investment in the development of education according to the economic growth rate Fifthly, the implementation of social justice in education and education socialization should focus on some contents such as: Antiilliteracy back, overcome the dropout for the students from poor families, policy families, areas of difficult socio-economic conditions To deal well with irrationalities in investment policies and mechanisms leading to inequality in education among regions and regions To well implement the scholarship policy, exemption and reduction of tuition fees for students Promote a policy of attracting and supporting teachers to work and teach in the sector To continue mobilizing the participation of Party committees, authorities and unions; businesses, organizations and individuals; Participation of people in the care of education Sixthly, the State management of general education in Hoa Binh should focus on the following directions: State management of education must be implemented in the direction of standardization 20 To complete the system of educational inspection, focusing on specialized inspection, specialized inspection and definitive handling after the inspection conclusions To perfect the system of management organizations in the entire sector along the direction of decentralization of management; Develop appropriate management models for each type of school or training agencies Seventhly, continue strengthening the work of ideological and political education, strengthening the Party organization, unions and Party members' development in the schools, contributing to the improvement of the quality, educational effectiveness Summary of Chapter Commenting and assessing on the development of general education in Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010, in order to confirm the results obtained are great and very encouraging and point out the shortcomings and limitations need to be overcome as well as seeing the causes of the results and the shortcomings Over the two phases of general education development in Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2001 and 2001 to 2010, the quality and effectiveness of education have gradually been confirmed in a positive way, the latter is more developed than previous one At the same time, general education in Hoa Binh province is more prominent than some mountainous provinces in the North with similar conditions with Hoa Binh From the research and development ofgeneral education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010, drawing some experience as a basis for the development ofgeneral education in Hoa Binh in the next stages 21 CONCLUSION Hoa Binh is a mountainous province, bordering Hanoi capital, located at the gateway to the Northwest of the country This is an ancient land with the famous Hoa Binh culture thousands of years ago People of Hoa Binh ethnic groups have a tradition of solidarity, patriotism, love of their homeland, industriousness, bravery, tenacity in struggle and protection of national independence Promoting those precious traditions, implementing the Party's policy on education reform in order to raise the people's intellectual level, train human resources, foster talents and serve the cause of socio-economic development of the country, shortly after the reestablishment of the province (in 1991), in the face of difficulties, the Party and people of all ethnic groups in Hoa Binh applied innovatively the Party's ideas and guidelines, quickly embarked on home building Determining the development of general education is one of the important motivations for promoting human resources in order to create a breakthrough in the socio-economic development of the locality, from 1991 to 2010, general education in Hoa Binh province has been directed and achieved many remarkable achievements: the scale of education has been strengthened and expanded; the quality of education at all levels has been firmly stabilized and developed; the teachers and management team increased in both quantity and quality; The teaching and learning facilities have been strengthened in the direction of consolidation and modernization These results have made a great contribution to the development of the province in the next stage The cause of the achievements is due to the timely, creative leadership of the Party committees and authorities; caring for the "people" of ethnic people in the province and especially the continuous efforts of teachers, administrators and pupils 22 In addition to the achievements, general education in Hoa Binh still has shortcomings and limitations: the educational scale has not overcome the uneven development situation among regions and the imbalance in training Human Resources; the quality of education is limited; Teachers increase in size but still inadequate; The construction of facilities in some areas is still slow, lacking backwardness and slow to overcome The cause of the above limitations is due to the attention of some levels of party committees and authorities are not timely and "let it be" for the sector; Solutions for implementing the reform of general education have not been implemented in a synchronous manner; Economic development is uneven among regions in the province; Awareness of the role of education in the part of the people is limited From the achievements and limitations of general education development mentioned above, it can be seen that general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 has experienced a continuous development process in the positive direction, ensuring the quantity, gradually increasing in quality, the post-development period is higher than the previous period; limitations and weaknesses have been gradually overcome; At the same time, it also shows the unique characteristics of Hoa Binh province in education development However, compared to the general level of the country, general education in Hoa Binh is still at a low level and far lower than the provinces in the delta and cities with developed socioeconomic conditions From the practical development of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010, Hoa Binh province has gained valuable experiences in the new period: Maintaining the socialist objective in education; the expansion of the scale must go together with raising the quality and effectiveness of education and stemming from the local socio-economic development 23 demands strengthen the building of facilities and implementing social justice in education; Renovation of contents, programs and methods of general education, meeting the requirements of socioeconomic development of the province; To enhance the responsibility of the Party, the State and the entire people for the development of the cause of education and training development; Strengthening the State management over general education; Strengthening the role of Party committees and unions in schools In order to develop general education to effectively serve the cause of socio-economic development of the country in general and in Hoa Binh in particular, general education in Hoa Binh province should continue to solve problems well that are: It is necessary to thoroughly and flexibly apply the Party's and State's guidelines and policies into local practicality, based on the consideration of specific factors for every learner, area, region in the province to bring the highest educational efficiency; To broaden the scope of works in parallel with raising the quality and efficiency of education, paying special attention to building the system of ethnic boarding schools, enhancing the quality of the contingent of teachers and pupils; Renovation of the contents, programs and methods of general education while ensuring the prescribed norms, but also compatible with the requirements of localities and learners; To increase investment in building facilities and equipment, contributing to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning; Implementing social justice in education and the socialization of education; strengthening the work of political ideology, consolidating the Party organization, unions and party activity in schools in order to better meet the requirements of human resource training in the integration period and development of the country 24 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS RELEVANT TO DISSERTATION Nguyen Sy Ha (2017), Achievements in the development of general education in Hoa Binh (1991-2001), Journal of Party History, Volume (p 80-83) Nguyen Sy Ha (2017), Development of general education resources in Hoa Binh province in the first decade of the 21st century, Journal of Social SciencesHuman Resources, Volume (p 96-102) ... Binh between the period of 1991 - 2001 and 2001 - 2010 General education in Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010 has been experienced two phases from 1991 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2010, but it is a process... development of general education of Hoa Binh from 1991 to 2010 - Reinstate the development of general education in Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 on the basis of objective and scientific assessment... Hoa Binh province from 1991 to 2010 3.2 Scope of the study Spatial scope: The study carried out in the administrative boundaries of Hoa Binh province in the period of 1991- 2010 including: Hoa Binh

Ngày đăng: 09/12/2021, 06:51


