The press has been active in disseminating the policies andguidelines of the Party and State on education, policies and directions of the education sector;information on issues related t
Trang 11 Reason of the selected title
In the accelerated stage of industrialization and modernization of the countr y and theinternational integration source for the people of the Vietnam as more as the meaning of theimportant, from the publication of country development Education plays an increasinglyimportant role in the building of a new generation of Vietnamese, meeting the needs of socio-economic development However, besides the achievements and results, contributing to thesuccess of the national construction and defense, education has shown weaknesses andinadequacies, including problems caused It has not met the demand of industrialization,modernization and international integration Policies on education and training in the pasttime are not uniform, still patchwork; Many mechanisms and solutions on education havebeen effective, now become no longer suitable to the new development stage of the country,need to be adjusted and added
Resolution No 29-Resolution / Central Committee issued on November 4, 2013 "Onbasic and comprehensive renovation of education and training to meet the requirements ofindustrialization and modernization in economic conditions socialist-oriented market andinternational integration "adopted by the 8th plenum (XI) The resolution highlightedimportant achievements of the Resolution of the 2nd plenum of the Party Central Committeecourse VIII and the guidelines of the Party and State on strategic orientations fordevelopment of education and training in the period of industrialization and modernization,Our country's education and training has contributed greatly to the cause of nationalconstruction and defense Specifically: It has built a relatively complete education andtraining system from preschool to university The country has achieved the goal of illiteracyeradication and the universalisation of primary education in 2000; Secondary educationuniversalization by 2010 However, the quality and effectiveness of education and trainingare still lower than required, especially in higher education and vocational education.Education and training management is weak Teachers and education managers inadequatequality, quantity and structure Therefore, the Resolution has issued the guiding view:
"Education and training is the top national policy, is the The Party, the State and the entirepeople Investment in education is a development investment, prioritized in socio-economicdevelopment programs and plans The fundamental and comprehensive reform of educationand training is the renovation of major, essential and urgent issues, from the point of view,the guiding ideology to the objectives, contents, methods, mechanisms, conditions forimplementation; renovation from the leadership of the Party, the management of the State tothe administration of educational and training establishments and the participation of the
Trang 2family, the community, the society and the learners themselves; Innovative in all levels ofstudy.
Therefore, the period before 2010 is the year "ahead of the threshold" of fundamentalreform, comprehensive education of the country, so there should be comprehensive researchand survey information work, propaganda in the press that, Advisory base for new managersand policymakers
In this sense, the education and training sector is also well-informed by the press athome and abroad The media has played an important role in the development and innovation
of education over the years The press has been active in disseminating the policies andguidelines of the Party and State on education, policies and directions of the education sector;information on issues related to education; It is also an important forum for teachers,scientists and managers to discuss education and training; is the information channel ofmillions of students, teachers, and people all over the country; Contribute to the development
of education in the country
It can be said that in the past years, the press has had a strong impact on the educationand training sector, on the policies and implementation of positive changes in the educationsector, with a series of issues Such as: "Say No to Negativity in Examination and AcademicAchievement in Education," the renewal of high school graduation examinations anduniversity admission, innovation teaching methods of teachers at all levels
The issue of education has always been concerned by the press, close attention andtimely information, most of the major newspapers have spent considerable time reflecting oneducation in every issue, newspaper, column In it, the content is reflected in various aspects
of education from preschool to college and graduate education management issues The roleand impact of information on education and training in the press in general and newspapers inparticular in the past years has been confirmed, a field of great importance that the Party andState have identified as the top national Therefore, the demand for information on educationand training in the media has to be more and more effectively implemented, contributing tothe development of the education sector, meeting the requirements of the country's reform Basic innovation, comprehensive education is a very important work Therefore,information on education and training is one of the topics that attract a lot of public interestand has also caused controversy throughout recent years Therefore, many newspapers haveexploited, learned and published information thoroughly about this content, providing readerswith all information on each step of development, implementation of education reform Thenewspapers have contributed to disseminate and thoroughly understand the Party's and State'sundertakings and policies as well as the major orientations and tasks of the education sector;
Trang 3contributing to widening public visibility, providing information to help the publicunderstand the progress of education reform in our country; to unify awareness, to createconsensus and to mobilize participation in the evaluation, supervision and criticism of thewhole society for the development of education In addition, the newspapers still have certainlimitations in information on education and training, such as less attractive forms ofinformation, superficial information and poor quality.
Therefore, I selected the topic: "Information on education and training in print inVietnam" (survey of Nhan Dan, Thanh Nien, Tuoi Tre, Education and Era since 2005 to2010), and at the same time as the author's completed thesis in 2017, the author expanded thestudy on education and training from 2010 to 2017 to study It can be said that this is anurgent and necessary requirement, in order to bring into play the effectiveness of information
in the field of education and training in the press, especially the fundamental renewal andcomprehensive education is being done
2 Purposes and research tasks
2.1 Research purposes
On the basis of the systematization of basic theoretical information on education andtraining in the newspaper, the survey of the situation, the limited assessment of the contentand form of information on education and training print out, propose solutions andrecommendations to improve the quality of information on education and training, andpropose information model on education and training to be able to apply on newspapers inVietnam now
- Surveying and evaluating the actual situation of information on education and training
on printed newspapers, frequency, contents, form and mode of information
- Analysis of factors affecting the quality of information on education and training onprint newspapers The dissertation indicates the quality of information on education andtraining in print in Vietnam today
Trang 4- Identify the issues and solutions, recommend and propose a model of information oneducation and training to be applied in the printed press in Vietnam today.
3 Subjects and scope of research
The authors selected the papers on the survey because:
- Nhan Dan (People's Daily): the central office of the Communist Party of Vietnam, thevoice of the Party, the State and people of Vietnam, representing the newspaper,disseminating information and information on the Party's policies and policies , laws of theState in general, including guidelines, policies and laws on education
- Education and Era Newspaper: is the voice of the education sector, functioning toserve the management and management of the Ministry of Education and Training
- Thanh Nien is a newspaper of the Vietnam Youth Union, which has specialized ineducation and has a strong influence in society with the number of newspapers publishedmore than 300,000 copies / day, up to 400,000 copies / day
- Tuoi Tre is the newspaper of the City Union of Ho Chi Minh Newspaper has itsown specialized education page and also one of the influential newspapers with the public,especially the public in the south with the number of issues 400,000 copies / day
Compiled news stories reflected in the above four newspapers, the basic educationsector can find answers to the issues of information education and training are need moreopinion of social opinion Of course, before the issue of innovation, the sensitive issue ofeducation, educational management agencies at all levels not only rely on the fournewspapers to get information, but also listen to comments from the public, from many othertypes of newspapers
The scope of the research topic is a stage, a link in the communication model: research
on the message, information on education and training on the type of print
Time of survey: from January 2005 to December 2010
4 Theoretical bases and research methods
4.1 Theoretical bases
The thesis based on the epistemology of theoretical issues of Marxism-Leninism and HoChi Minh Thought; Laws and policies of the Party and the State of Vietnam in the media,education and training as well as related scientific disciplines
Trang 5The dissertation is based on theories such as:
- Communication theory
Some communication theories: social penetration theory; theory of social judgment;learning theory; theory of diffusion of new; persuasive theory; theory of messagetransmission for the object; use theory; Use theory and satisfaction
In the information environment, the "use and satisfaction" theory of whether meetingthe needs of the public is a fundamental criterion for evaluating the effectiveness ofcommunication, which is of great significance weight
It can help us better understand the modern public, thereby enabling the press to changethe way we work, to give the media products that are relevant to the times
The social nature of social communication processes, social process and socialintervention In other words, it is dialectical Humans, after being socialized, can becomemore civilized, and as human and social development grows, the higher the demand, capacityand responsiveness of the media [37; tr.120]
Communication is the transmission of messages (thoughts, information, ideas, ideas,ideas, knowledge, etc.) from one person or group to another person or group of people.words, pictures, text or other signals Consequently, communication involves how to linkelements such as the receiver, sender, encoding and decoding, channels and media to ensureaccuracy and the effect of the communication process
The history of communication research from the beginning of the twentieth century,regardless of any model, is related to the message being conveyed, the message is a key,important link in the communication cycle This is the foundation for creating acommunication cycle
- Mass media sociology
From a sociological point of view, the mass media is seen as a social process It is theprocess of conveying information widely to the public in the mass media through mass mediasuch as print, radio, television, electronic newspapers
The sociologist Max Weber has identified the impact of mass media Mass media is asocial process, he says, because it is linked by many factors, such as the source, the message,and the recipient, and they are closely related [59]
Some authors argue that mass media is a social process, which is the process oftransmitting information to the public through the media, which is closely linked by thesources, the message and the recipient Without one of these three elements, the social effectwill not occur when the mass media transmits the message without the recipient [71]; [72]
Trang 6According to the authors, the mass media is a unique social process consisting of thefollowing three components: (1) Communication activities (information hunting,cinematography, photography, writing, editing and final publishing, or broadcasting), 2)communicators (including media organizations such as newspapers, radio stations, televisionstations, etc.) and media workers such as journalists, reporters editors, broadcasters, etc.), 3)and the masses (wide classes of the public).
- Theory of journalism
According to Siebert in his book The Four Theories of the Press, the press has the formand color of the social and political structures in which it operates Newspapers and othermedia, in their view, will reflect "the basic beliefs and assumptions that society holds" To seethe difference in the press system across countries in the most comprehensive way, look atthe social system in which they operate To examine the social system in relation to the press,
it is necessary to consider the basic beliefs and perceptions of that society: the character of theperson, the society, the country, the relationship between people and that country, ofknowledge and truth
The press plays a role in social life in many fields such as politics, economics, cultureand society
Functions of the press: information, thought, enlightenment, entertainment management,supervision and social, economic and service feedback
- Theory of setting the agenda
The "Agenda Setting" was introduced by two media specialists, Maxwell McCombs and
D Shaw This theory describes the ability of the media to influence the public through themedia In society, if news gets mentioned frequently, consistently and prominently, the publicwill remember and consider it more important than others Thus, the "agenda setting"function is an important assumption in media theories The highlight of this theory is thatmass media has an agenda-setting function for the public, media reports and news reportingactivities that influence the judgment of the media the public to the "great stories" of theworld around them and their importance by making the various "programs" strikinglydifferent from that which can impact and create future navigation The theory is that MassMedia (including the press) has the function of setting the "agenda" for the public Theoryalso indicates that the media coverage of the outside world of the media is a deliberate choice Establishing an educational information and training agenda on print is twofold: Firstly,print journalism is the subject of education and training information Secondly, print media is
an intermediary that organizes the collection and publication of information on education and
Trang 7training Printed media is always presided over by the media, "choosing" the issue or contentthat they consider important to provide to the public.
4.2 Research Methods
- Method of document study: The method of authorizing the use of survey documents,
directives, resolutions and scientific works, books and newspapers in order to find the basisfor the construction of theoretical framework information on education and training in print;characteristics, role of educational information and training in print; the education andtraining information on the printed press and the requirements for educational informationand training on the printed press At the same time, the author studies the results of a number
of scientific studies that may be useful for comparing and referencing within the framework
of this work, which may serve as the basis for the study Price survey results, find out thescientific solution to the problem
- Sociological Investigation Methodology: The objective of this method is to collect
comments and assessments from public groups when receiving education and traininginformation in the surveyed newspapers Find out how much information about education andtraining in print has met the public We set up an anket for Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi MinhCity with a total of 500 votes, including 180 in Hanoi, 140 in Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh 180votes The number of post-investigation questionnaires was 483
Specific Objectives: In each city we select the object to issue the ballots as follows:students (choose 1 high school, 1 junior high school, 1 class each), students (choose 3universities in 3 cities of 3 blocks A, B, C, each school with 1 class), teachers (select someteachers of primary, high school and university), educational administrators universities, highschools, the Department of Education and Training, the director of the specialized department
of the Ministry of Education and Training), people (parents of primary, lower secondary, highschool, university) , which contains the data and basis to help the author implement the thesis.With questionnaires (anket), we use quantitative data processing software SPSS 16.0
- In-depth interviews (Interviews with experts): In the form of question-based interviews,
20 to 30 respondents were: leaders of newspaper management agencies (chief editor of anewspaper, chief , deputy head of education of the press): 04 samples; reporters monitoreducation (reporters are currently tracking education were the newspapers introduced to theMinistry of Education and Training): 10 samples; The public (Choose among the sociologists,each city has 2-3 people, regularly read information about education and training or related toeducation and training such as teachers , education management, students, students ): 08samples From there, gather the actual data to serve the research topic With the in-depthinterview method, we used Nvivo 8.0 qualitative data processing software
Trang 8- Observation method: conducted when conducting in-depth interviews, sociologicalsurveys and conducting research The purpose is to review the activities of the printing press,public education and training activities of the public; expressions of perception, attitudes,behavior of the public and those who create journalistic products related to the researchproblem Observations will be the basis for the research.
- Methods of analyzing contents of documents: Content analysis is the method of
analyzing the written material (either in print or audiovisual form) in order to quantify thecontents in a systematic way, which can be replicated based on the defined criteria.regulations The next step in quantitative analysis is to decide what to look for Encryption isthe most central and special step of content analysis There are two main elements in thisstep: setting up a codepage and designing a coded manual
- Sample of the study includes information about selected newspapers for analysis,form of publication, postings, sources and time of posting This information gives theresearcher an overview of the research sample
- Sampling: All related articles, including education and training during the studyperiod, were collected With the method of random sampling system from 26875 news,articles on education and training in 5 years, the author selected 720 articles, articles foranalysis (each press 180 articles, articles) In the case of duplicate articles published on manynewspapers, random selection of any article, not all articles are identical in the researchsample In the case of the same content or title, there are differences in the way of analysis orexpression in the article are selected in the sample
The information collected from the chapters on education and training on the fourpapers was coded, entered and processed by SPSS program 16.0 Once the data has beencleaned up, data will be processed to quantify groups of issues related to education andtraining and to assess the literature on education and training
- Discourse Analysis Method: Discourse is the way of speaking, the way of expression
of people, the world of things in life Therefore, discourse research is language study Butdiscourse is not form but thought-thought in practical form, on the mass media
Through discourse analysis, the thesis clarifies issues of the times through education andtraining information, clarifies the perspective of media power through the subject matterdiscussed; Clarify the subject matter that represents the message of education and training,which is the information expected by policy-makers, or peer-to-peer feedback on policyimplementation
- In addition, the thesis also uses some other methods such as: comparison method;Integrated approach
Trang 95 Research questions and research hypotheses
5.1 Research question
The thesis poses research questions including:
- What is information on education and training and what is the role of information oneducation and training in print?
- What is the information and education model for education and training in printednewspapers and what role does it play?
- What are the specific requirements for information on education and training?
- What do print newspapers need to do and how can information about education andtraining be effective?
5.2 Research hypothesis
- The first hypothesis: Along with the renovation of the country, education and traininghas always been considered by the Party and State as the top national policy and has beendrastically renewed for many years The innovation of a field involves everyone, every familyand does not only the education sector but the whole system as well Therefore, the rightorientation of education reform policies, suggestions and criticism of managementrestrictions, teaching methods, learning methods are of great importance to the pressagencies, including newspapers print Therefore, improving the quality of information oneducation and training in print is essential
- Second hypothesis: Information on education and training in Vietnam today, there arelimitations: to put the number of negative news, sensational; number of positive feedback,good example of collective, good individual in the industry Surveys and analyzes in ascientific way to identify the positive and the limitations, opportunities and challenges for thenewspaper to make good information on education and training
- The third hypothesis: Information on education and training of the printed press plays
an important role in improving the quality of education, creating a consensus in effectivelyimplementing the guidelines and policies of the Party and the House the country ineducation, especially the fundamental reform of education and training in the current period
- Fourth hypothesis: The way information on education and training is limited in terms
of interaction, the perception of each newspaper is not matched with the position of educationand training directed by the master policies, resolutions of the Party, the State, educationknowledge of reporters are assigned to monitor is limited, communication work of theeducation sector is weak
6 New contributions to the science of the thesis
Trang 10- The dissertation systemizes a number of theoretical issues on information on educationand training, the press in general, the printed press in particular and the role of information oneducation and training in the printed press; The requirements for information on educationand training in print Theoretical framework plus practical basis as the basis for the researchand assessment of issues related to the work done in the array Topics on education andtraining in print.
- The dissertation shows the status of information on education and training on thecurrent printed press, on strengths, positive and limited points so as to have an overview ofthe current state of information in this field The dissertation confirms the role of information
on education and training in print
- The thesis addresses issues of education and training on print in the context of thedevelopment of education and training, and recommends solutions to improve the quality ofinformation education and training on print today
7 Meaning of the theory and practical value of the thesis
The dissertation is the first study of the system in general, in depth, updated on therequirements for improving the quality and role of information on education and training inthe printed press in Vietnam today
Former print agencies often produce works in a traditional way, lacking in lively,interactive, and now attention is paid to competition for new media The public will choosewhat information to receive and by what means
The dissertation is an extremely necessary topic to supplement the missing data sources
of previous research topics; is a useful reference source for teaching journalism in schools;make references to journalism students; Suggested research direction to continue to developand improve the quality of the press in general and the press in particular
7.2 Practical value
The dissertation will provide the press agencies in general and the printing press inparticular in our country with reliable scientific basis for proper evaluation of currenteducation and training information, In order to improve the quality of the press works, thuscreating a new direction for the printing press to develop strongly
Trang 11The thesis contributes to clarify the relationship between the press agencies and theirown journalistic works In order to have good development in line with the modern press, theprinting press agencies should study and apply new scientific and technological achievements
as well as the way of writing new press works Applying scientific achievements in the pressagency effectively is not only a matter of our own press but also of the national press and theworld press
Get information on education and training such as analysis to clarify the situation,identify characteristics, strengths and limitations of information on education and training,and propose, recommend and resolve The dissertation will help the press agencies have thebasis to produce attractive, practical press products; the basis for enhancing the press worksand improving the quality of the staff of the press Step by step to help print newspapersdevelop strongly in the present context
8 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the Introduction, Study Overview, Conclusions, Reference Materials andAnnexes, the dissertation consists of three chapters of 11 periods
Chapter 1: Theoretical bases and practical information on education and training inprinted newspapers
Chapter 2: Current status of information on education and training in print in Vietnam.Chapter 3: Problems, Solutions and Recommendations for Education and Training inthe Vietnamese Newspaper
In this section, the researcher has studied a number of studies on education and training,
on journalistic theory, the role of journalism and information on education and training athome and abroad Thereby showing that the role of information on education and training inthe press in general, the printing press in particular was mentioned very early through thestudy of fields such as philosophy, politics, journalism, education, social studies, etc Theseresearches are mainly studied in terms of basic theories, specific research in the work of thepress, or skills Accordingly, education or, more specifically, information about educationand training in the press is placed in relation to the rule of law, democratic society and themedia Information on education and training in the media is considered as the basic andessential principle in political life and social management activities for nations
Studies have also shown that education and training prove to be an important area of each country, information on education and training in the press is a function and asignificant position of the press However, there is no study that fully and specificallyidentifies information on education and training in the media and in Vietnam, nor does it
Trang 12show the nature, content and mode of communication education and training in the press ingeneral and each kind of press in particular The research shows that many issues of conceptand nature, contents and forms, methods, means, roles and effectiveness of information oneducation and training in the printed press in our country Not yet clarified These contentswill be studied by the students: Information on education and training in Vietnamesenewspapers (Survey on Nhan Dan Newspapers, Education and Era, Tuoi Tre and ThanhNien)
Thus, in this dissertation, PhD students will study to clarify the real status ofinformation on education and training in the press, the meaning and impact of the press oneducation and training With the attention of the Party and State in the field of education andtraining, has been identified as the top national policy, the press has always paid attention andreflect many aspects of education In this sense, the information in the press also shows thestrengths and weaknesses, such as in many articles need more or learn more about theknowledge of education (kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high schooland university); Need to look more at the angle of education in the language used in the post
or put the top
- In Chapter 1, the dissertation has systematized a number of basic theoretical issues oneducation and training, in which concepts related to scope and fields of study are presented,The concept of "Information", "Education", "Training", "Education and Training",
"Newspaper" and "Information on education and training in print", these are the basis for Theresearcher surveyed the following contents of the press information in general andinformation on education and training in the newspaper in particular
+ Press information is also understood in two sense:
Firstly, it is the knowledge and thought that journalists create and create from the reality
of life All issues, events, phenomena in nature and society are reflected in newspapers toserve the needs of human discovery
Secondly, it is the means and means to convey press works to the public
Within the scope of this research, Information is understood in the first sense
In the practice of the press, the term "information" comes in many forms: sometimesshort news, short news, commentary, reportage, interview; Maybe a radio show Even thetitle, the position of the work on the columns, the voice of the announcer, the font size or thelayout of the newspaper all contain information