[ Team LiB ]
Recipe 10.10 Compacting anAccessDatabase
You need to compact or repair anAccess database.
Use COM interop to the compact the Accessdatabase using JRO, or the Process.Start( )
method to compact the database using a command line switch.
You'll need a reference to the Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library from the
COM tab in Visual Studio .NET's Add Reference Dialog.
The sample code contains one event handler and a single method:
Compact Button.Click
Allows the user to specify the Accessdatabase to compact and the filename for the
compacted Access database. It then calls the CompactAccessDatabase( ) method
in the sample to compact the database.
CompactAccessDatabase( )
This method uses ADOX through COM interop to compact the specified Access
database to the specified location.
The C# code is shown in Example 10-10
Example 10-10. File: CompactAccessForm.cs
// Namespaces, variables, and constants
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// . . .
private void compactButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Create the open file dialog object to get
// the Accessdatabase to compact.
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog( );
ofd.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath( );
// Set the filter for Access databases.
ofd.Filter = "Microsoft Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb";
// Open the dialog.
if (ofd.ShowDialog( ) != DialogResult.OK)
// Return, if not user is not OK.
String sourceFileName = ofd.FileName;
// Create the save file dialog object to get
// the filename for the compacted database.
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog( );
sfd.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath( );
// Set the filter for Access databases.
sfd.Filter = "Microsoft Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb";
// Open the dialog.
if (sfd.ShowDialog( ) == DialogResult.OK)
// If OK selected, compact the Access database.
resultTextBox.Text = "Beginning compact." +
resultTextBox.Refresh( );
String destFileName = sfd.FileName;
// Compact the database.
CompactAccessDatabase(sourceFileName, destFileName);
resultTextBox.Text += "Finished compact.";
catch (System.Exception ex)
resultTextBox.Text += "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
private void CompactAccessDatabase(String sourceFileName,
String destFileName)
// Define connection string for original and compacted database.
String sourceConnection =
@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" +
sourceFileName + ";";
String destConnection =
@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" +
destFileName + ";";
// Create new Jet and Replication Objects (JRO) JetEngine object.
JRO.JetEngine je = new JRO.JetEngine( );
// Compact the database.
je.CompactDatabase(sourceConnection, destConnection);
je = null;
either ADO.NET nor ADO provides a way to compact or repair anAccess database. To
isolate functionality specific to JET from the more generic ADO library, the Jet OLE DB
Provider and Replication Objects (JRO) library was created. JRO can be used from .NET
through COM interop to compact, repair, or create a replica from anAccess database.
The CompactDatabase( ) method of the JRO JetEngine object compacts anAccess
database. It takes two arguments: the connection strings to both the source and
destination databases. In both cases, the connection string needs the path and filename of
the Accessdatabase as well as any additional connection properties for security or
encryption information.
An alternative to JRO is available. The .NET framework provides a Process class in the
System.Diagnostics namespace to allow access to local and remote processes and to
allow you to start and stop local processes. The Start( ) method starts a process and has
three overloads. The one that you need to compact anAccessdatabase takes two
arguments: the filename of the application to run and the command-line arguments to
pass when starting the process. So, to compact anAccessdatabase located in c:\ named
MyDB.mdb into the database MyDBCompact.mdb in the same directory, the following
statement could be used:
@"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\msaccess.exe",
@"C:\MyDB.mdb /compact C:\MyDBCompact.mdb");
With either technique, the JET Engine requires exclusive access to the database file to
compact it. Otherwise, an exception will be raised .
[ Team LiB ]
. 10.10 Compacting an Access Database
You need to compact or repair an Access database.
Use COM interop to the compact the Access database. event handler and a single method:
Compact Button.Click
Allows the user to specify the Access database to compact and the filename for the
compacted Access