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tuan 12 giao an tieng Anh lop 4 chuong trinh 4 tiet moi 20152016

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- Play the tape three times - Play the tape again to check their predicts with their answers Ask the Sts to swap their book before checking as a class Keys: a2, b4, c1, d3 - Give feedbac[r]

(1)Period: 45 Overview Objective Language focus Resources Procedure Steps Warm-up (5’) Listen & number (10’) Look and write (10’) Let’s play Week 12 class Teaching date: 9/11/2015 Unit 7: What you like doing? Lesson 2: – – By the end of this lesson the sts will be able to listen and number the correct pictures and write about one´s hobby well Listening and writing skills Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette active board Learning activities Language focus Modes Game: I do, you say my hobby Pair - Ask Ss to look at part on page 49 and answer the question: what is she He hobby? - Ask Ss to predict the order of the pictures - Write their prediction on the board - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and number the right - Play the tape three times - Play the tape again to check their predicts with their answers Ask the Sts to swap their book before checking as a class Keys: a2, b4, c1, d3 - Give feedback and comments Ask the Ss to look at name of the activities then complete the sentences - Get Ss to work individually - Give Ss mins to the task and go around and offer help if necessary - Get Ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Ask the sts to read the sentences in pairs Keys: riding a bike, flying a kite, taking photos, playing badminton Tell the sts that they are going to Whole class Individual Pairs Individual Whole class Structure: what you like doing?/ what is your hobby? I like… Whole class Individually Pair Whole class (2) (10’) play the game call: what is your hobby? Give the sts instruction and check Group Divide the sts into group of ask one sts to the action and other say the name of their hobby Praise the winner Home-link - Ask Ss to prepare for the next Whole class lesson Period: 46 Teaching date: 10/11/2015 Unit 7: What you like doing? Lesson 3: – – OVERVIEW Objective By the end of this lesson the Ss will be able to practice sounds /fl/, /pl/ in the words: flying, playing well Language Phonics:/ pl/, /fl/ focus Resources textbook, pictures, cassette player, active board PROCEDURE Steps Learning activities Language Modes focus Warm-up Spend a few minutes to revise the old Whole (5’) lesson by playing the game: I do, you class say Notice on flying kite, playing football Listen & Tell the sts that they are going to Phonics: repeat (10’) practice saying the sound: /pl/, fl/ in /pl/, /fl/ Whole the words playing, flying class Play the recording ask the sts to listen and repeat Play the recording ask the sts to repeat Individual the sounds, word and sentences a few times Ask the sts to choral and individual Ask the sts to find out the words that have the same sound: skating, stream, Listen & Have Ss look at the sentences on page circle 50 Ask Ss to listen the tape carefully Then write then circle and write the words in the Individual and say blanks Have the sts to swap the books aloud (7’) Check and correct mistakes Pair Keys: b, a, b, a, Ask the sts to say aloud in choral and (3) individual Let’s Ask Ss to read the chant : fluying a chant little kite Play the tape a few times (13’) Ask Ss to chant aloud each line in the chant and clap their hands Play the tape times to whole class chant again Whole Guide the class to chant with the class action Have Ss practice the chant with the groups action HomeHave Ss to further practice chanting Whole link (5’) at home class Period: 47 Teaching date: 10/11/2015 Unit 7: What you like doing? Lesson 3: 4– – OVERVIEW Objective By the end and of this lesson the Ss will be able to review the way say about their hobby Write an email to tell Mai about their hobby Language Structures: what you like doing? What is your hobby? focus Reading and writing skill Resources Textbook, pictures, chart PROCEDURE Steps Learning activities Language Modes focus 1Warm-up (5’) Ask groups to go to the board and Groups chant “flying a little kite “ with the action Read & Ask the sts to read Mai´s email Reading complete (10’) Who is writing the email, what is the skill Whole email about? Give the sts a few class second to look at the email and answer the question Ask Ss to read the email again and Individual complete the information about Mai by answering the questions in the Pair text book Set time for sts to the task Go round and offer the help Whole Ask the sts to swap the book and class check before checking as a class Keys: nine, collecting stamp, taking photos playing chess, pen friend (4) Let´s write (10’) Project (10’) Homelink (5’) Period: 48 I Overview: Objective Language focus Resources II Procedure Steps Warm-up (5’) Look, listen & repeat (15’) Tell the sts that they are going to write Writing an email to reply Mais letterusing skill information from activities Ask the sts to work in pair to discuss what they are going to write Focus on their hobby, set time Go round and help Ask one sts to go to the board and write Get them to swap the writing Keys: students´s own answers Check some writing of the sts on the active board Tell the sts that they are going to collect thing that they like, show them -Vocab: to the class and tell their hobby: eg: chart taking some stamp to the class and say: I like collecting stamps Tell them to bring different things In the next lesson ask them to show and introduce their hobby Have Ss to say the chant: flying little kite Prepare the next lesson Teaching date: 12/11/2015 Unit 8: what subjects you have today? Lesson 1: – Individual pair pair Whole class Individual Pair Whole class Whole class By the end of this lesson the Ss will be able to ask and answer the question about what subject they have today Vocabulary: subjects, Maths, Science, IT, Vietnamese, Art, Music, English, Structure: what subjects you have today? I have English Active board, Ss’ books, recording, posters, puppet… Learning activities Game shark attact: SUBJECT - Introduce new lesson Ask the sts to read the unit tittle for times Ask the sts to look at the picture and describe them Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? - Ask ss to look at the picture and listen to the dialogue in their books Language focus Modes Whole class whole class Whole class Choral (5) Point and say (10’) Let’s talk (8’) - Play the recording for Ss listen - Ask them to repeat a few times - Play the recording through - Go round and check Ss can repeat and understand the dialogue Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering about what subject some one have today? Introduce the new words Game: stick the ball Have the sts to look at the picture to understand how the language is used Write the whole sentences on the board - Have Ss repeat the sentences a few times - Ask Ss work in pairs - Call some pairs practice in front of the class - Check ss’ mistakes when necessary - Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with their friends game pass the ball Call a few pairs to practice in front of the class Ask one sts to retell the content of this lesson - Tell Ss to practice the vocab at home individual Vocabulary : subjects, Maths, Science, IT, Vietnamese , Art, Music, English, Structure: what subjects you have today? I have English Speaking skill Individual Whole class Choral pair Whole class HomeWhole class link (2’) _ (6)

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2021, 03:16

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