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GIÁO ÁN MÔN TIẾNG ANH LƯỚP 2 BỘ SÁCH KẾT NỐI TRI THỨC VỚI CUỘC SỐNG Biên soạn theo mẫu mới nhất, đầy đủ cả năm. ..............................................................................................................................................

TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week: Approve d by: Unit At my birthday party Lesson – Period Date: _ I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: III PROCEDURE - correctly pronounce the name of the letter P/p (/piː/) - correctly pronounce the sound of the letter P/p (/p/) in isolation and in the words pasta, popcorn and pizza Language: - Sound /p/ - Vocabulary: pasta, popcorn, pizza Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page - Teacher’s guide, pp - - sachmem.vn - Flashcards for Unit - Flashcards/ pictures of the food items - Flashcards/ pictures of different categories for Fun Corner, e.g (1) school objects: book, pen, pencil; (2) food: cake, apple, mango; (3) toys: ball, car, top; (4) animals: monkey, tiger, goat; (5) body parts; hand, hair, head, … - Poster for Unit - Computer, projector Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Point and say – Fun corner – Wrap-up Procedure Teaching and learning activities II INPUT Classroom management Warm-up minutes Option - Write on the board Hello, I’m _! Say “Hello, I’m _!” Walk around the class, greeting pupils Encourage them to answer “Hello, I’m _!” - Introduce the topic of the new unit by playing the song “Happy Birthday!” and encouraging pupils to sing along Option - Ask some pupils to talk about the food they like - Get some pairs of pupils to practise talking about their favourite food, using I like _ Option - Show pupils some pictures/ slides of popular food items (cake, pizza, noodles, chicken, chips, …) - Ask pupils some questions about food items (in Vietnamese), e.g Have you ever eaten …? Do you like …? What food you often eat at a birthday party? Listen and repeat 10 minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the picture (say “Look at the picture.”) Ask questions to help them identify the context (Four children are sitting at a table On the table, there is a birthday cake, a plate of pasta, a bowl of popcorn and a pizza Peter is blowing out seven candles on the birthday cake Pasta, popcorn and pizza are labelled, with the letter p in red) Step 2: Have pupils point to the letter P/p (say “Point to the letter P.”) Explain that the name of the letter P/p is different to its sound (say “Listen /piː/ /p/.”) Step 3: Play the recording of the name and sound of the letter P/p and encourage pupils to repeat (say “Listen and repeat.”) Do this several times, with pupils repeating both individually and in chorus Correct their pronunciation if necessary, and praise them when their pronunciation is good Whole class Whole class Individual work Whole class Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Step 4: Have pupils look at the pasta (say “Look at the pasta.”) Then have them point to the word pasta (say “Point to the word pasta.”) Draw their attention to the colour of the letter p (say “Look at the colour of the letter p It is red.”) Step 5: Play the recording of pasta and encourage pupils to repeat (say “Listen and repeat.”) Do this several times, with pupils repeating both individually and in chorus Correct their pronunciation if necessary, and praise them when their pronunciation is good Step 6: Repeat Steps and for popcorn and pizza Whole class Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Step 7: Play the recording in full and encourage pupils to Individual work repeat the name and sound of the letter P/p, pasta, popcorn and pizza both individually and in chorus Extension: For better pupils, use the new and learnt Individual work vocabulary about food (cake, fish and chips, apple, chicken, noodles, banana, pizza, popcorn, pasta) to make simple sentences, e.g I like _.; I can see .; I’m having _ Point and say minutes Step 1: Have pupils point to the letter P/p and correctly Whole class pronounce its name and sound (say “Point to the letter P Say /piː/ Now say /p/.”) Go around the class to offer help or correct pupils’ pronunciation, if necessary Step 2: Have pupils point to and correctly pronounce the Whole class word pasta (say “Point to the pasta Say pasta.”) Individual work Do this several times, with pupils repeating both individually and in chorus Correct their pronunciation if necessary, and praise them when their pronunciation is good Step 3: Repeat Step for popcorn and pizza Whole class Individual work Step 4: Put pupils into pairs or groups for further practice Group/ of Steps to Go around the class to offer help Pair work or correct pupils’ pronunciation, if necessary Fun corner:Kim’s Game minutes Step 1: Divide the class into two teams Say “You are going to Whole play a memory game.” Step 2: Display both sets of cards face up on the board Give pupils two minutes to memorize their set Step 3: Turn the cards face down on the board Explain that when you say a word, a nominated pupil from each team must run to their set, try to remember which card shows the relevant picture and turn it over to show to their team A correct card scores one point When the pupils’ turn is over, they must put the cards back on the board and return to their seats Step 4: Play the game Remember to nominate a pupil from each team before saying the word Step 5: Count the points for each team and announce the winner The team with the most points wins The winning team must then correctly pronounce all of the words Wrap-up: minutes Revise the main teaching point of the lesson: the sound of the letter p and the words pasta, popcorn, pizza Option Using sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the things in the picture and repeat the words after the recording Option Using Poster for Unit 1, ask pupils to point to the things in the picture and say the words For better pupils, teacher may cover the words and ask them to point to the things and say the words aloud Option Using pictures and flashcards, get some pupils to match the words pasta, popcorn, pizza and the pictures Then ask the class to say the words aloud class Group work Group work Group work Group work Whole class Whole class Individual work Individual work TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week: Approve d by: Unit At my birthday party Lesson – Period Date: _ I OBJECTIVE S By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: say the letter P/p, the words pasta, popcorn, pizza, the phrases/sentences containing /p/ and pasta, pizza, popcorn, the sentence structure I like in a chant - listen and recognise the words popcorn, pasta and the sentence structure I like _ - write the letter P/p and complete the words _izza, _opcorn, _asta Language: - Sound /p/ - Vocabulary: pasta, popcorn, pizza - Phrases/sentences with the sound /p/ and the words pasta, pizza, popcorn Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page - sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide, pp 9-11 - Workbook, pp 4-5 - Flashcards to play games in Warm-up - Computer, projector Warm-up – Listen and chant – Listen and tick – Look and write – Wrap-up - II INPUT III PROCEDUR E Procedure Teaching and learning activities minutes Option - Ask pupils what letter and sound they learnt in Lesson (P/p, /p/) - Show pictures of the words that pupils learnt in Lesson (pasta, pizza, popcorn) and encourage them to say the words in chorus More advanced classes can add other words beginning with the letter P/p Option Ask the class to play Kim’s game again, using the words in Lesson 1, Unit and those in the previous units, saying Now let us play Kim’s game! Option Get pupils to play What’s Missing? Game, using the pictures and flashcards with the incompleted words _asta, _opcorn and _izza Pupils should guess the missing letters and say the words correctly Listen and chant 10 minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the picture and have them point to the pasta (say “Look at the picture Point to the pasta.”) Step 2: Say “I like pasta.” and encourage pupils to repeat To reinforce their understanding, use gestures or draw a smiley face on the board Step 3: Repeat Steps and for pizza and popcorn Step 4: Play the recording of the chant to familiarize pupils with the words and rhythm (say “Listen.”) Step 5: Have pupils point to each line of the chant (e.g say “Point to line one.”) Play the recording of each line and encourage pupils to chant (say “Listen and chant.”) Step 6: Play the recording in full and encourage pupils to chant (say “Listen and chant.”) Pupils can clap along or other actions to help them keep the Classroom management Warm-up Whole class Group work Group/ Pair work Whole class Whole class Whole class Whole class Individual work Whole class Whole class rhythm Step 7: Divide the class into two teams Teams take it in turns to chant a line The whole class can clap along or other actions Extension: For better pupils, cover or omit some letters/words in the chant and have them guess and say all the lines aloud For example: P, p, pasta P, p, pizza P, p, _ I like pasta I like _ I like popcorn Yummy, _, _ Listen and tick minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures (say “Point and say.”) When pupils answer correctly, c o n f i r m by saying “popcorn/ noodles/ pasta/ pizza” Step 2: Step 2: Play the recording and allow pupils time to complete the activity (say “Listen and tick.”) Group work Individual work Whole class Individual work Step 3: Play the recording again, if necessary (say “Listen Individual again.”) work Step 4: Check the answers by asking “a or b?” When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “1a I like popcorn.”/“2a I like pasta.” and encourage them to repeat Audio script: I like popcorn I like pasta Answers: a a Look and write minutes Step 1: Write the letter P (upper case) on the board and say “P” (/piː/) Step 2: Write the letter P (upper case) on the board again, but this time more slowly Invite a few pupils to come to the front of the class and write the letter P (upper case) on the board Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Step 3: Repeat Steps and for p (lower case) Step 4: Have pupils look at the writing grids (say “Look and write.”) Allow pupils time to complete the activity Go around the class to offer support and feedback Step 5: Have pupils look at the picture and labels (say “Look and write.”) Allow pupils time to complete the activity Go around the class to offer support and feedback Extension: - For weaker pupils, have them Activity 3, Unit in their workbooks - For better pupils, have them Activity 4, Unit in their workbooks Wrap–up minutes Option Have pupils listen to the recording, then say the chant again Option Ask pupils to look at the pictures in Listen and circle and say about them, e.g popcorn, noodles, Encourage better pupils to use learnt structures e.g I like popcorn.; I can see noodles.; Option To reinforce the vocabulary, get pupils to Activity 1, Unit in their workbooks Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Whole class Whole class Individual work TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week: Approve d by: Unit At my birthday party Lesson – Period Date: _ I OBJECTIVES II INPUT III PROCEDURE Procedure Warm-up By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - use “The is yummy.” to express this feeling about a particular food - sing a song with the structure “The _ is yummy.” Language: - The is yummy Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page - sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide, pp 11 - 13 - Workbook, page - Pictures/ Slides of animals for Warm-up - Computer, projector Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Let’s talk – Let’s sing – Wrap-up Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes Option Whole class - Have pupils listen to the recording, then sing the Individual chant on Page work - Select some better pupils to sing the chant in front of class The class listens to them and claps hands along Option - Invite one or two pupils to write the letter P/p on the board - Get pupils to say words that contain the sound of the letter P/p (from Lessons & and the learnt units) Option - Show pupils pictures/ slides of some food and drinks they have learnt - Ask them to recall and name the food and drink items (e.g apple, chips, fish, chicken, milk, ) Encourage better pupils say more words if they can Listen and repeat minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the picture (say “Look at the picture.”) Say “The boy likes popcorn The popcorn is yummy.” Step 2: Have pupils point to the sentence (say “Point to the sentence.”) Play the recording and encourage pupils to repeat (say “Listen and repeat.”) Step 3: Ask pupils to repeat the sentence both individually and in chorus several times Correct their pronunciation if necessary, and praise them when their pronunciation is good Step 4: Ask pupils to work in pairs, point to and repeat the sentence “The popcorn is yummy.” Go around and correct pronunciation to make sure pupils can repeat the sentence correctly Let’s talk 10 minutes Step 1: Write The popcorn is yummy on the board and underline the word popcorn Say “The popcorn is yummy.” Step 2: Erase popcorn and replace it with pasta Say “The pasta is yummy.” Step 3: Repeat Step for pizza Step 4: Erase pizza and leave the sentence structure The _ is yummy on the board 10 Individual work Individual work Whole class Whole class Whole class Individual work Pair work Whole class Whole class Whole class Whole class III PROCEDURE Procedure - Is he/she _ (verb + –ing)? and Yes, he/she is / No, he/she isn’t to ask and answer questions about actions in progress Let’s look at the _! to suggest doing something What can you see? and I can see a _ to describe features of a scene Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page 22 - sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide, pp 41 - 42 - Flashcards - Computer, projector Warm-up – Read and tick – Guess, read and circle Then say – Write the words – Wrap-up Teaching and learning activities minutes Option - Have pupils sing one or two songs from Units to revise the words and structures they have learnt If pupils not remember the songs, play the recording for them to sing along Option Show pupils the lyrics of a chant or a song from Units - with some missing words, e.g.: What can you see? I can see a A rainbow in the sky What ? I can see a river A near the road Then ask pupils to listen to the chant/song and fill in the blanks, then sing the complete chant/song aloud Option Have pupils play the game Missing flashcard to revise the sounds and words they learnt in previous units Read and tick minutes Step 1: Have pupils read and say the sentence structure in Classroom management Warm-up 119 Whole class Whole class Individual work Group work Whole class Question Let’s look at the river! (say “Read and say.”) Step 2: Have pupils look at the pictures underneath the sentence structure (saying “Look at the pictures in Question 1, please!") and say what they can see When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “sand/river” Step 3: Have pupils read the sentence again and tick the correct box (say “Read and tick.”) Allow pupils time to complete the activity Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Step 4: Check answers by saying “a or b.?” When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “b Let’s look at the river!” and encourage them to repeat Step 5: Repeat Steps to for the sentence structures in Question Is she flying a kite? and Question I can see a road Extension: Say aloud some sentences and have pupils slap the suitable pictures Guess, read and circle Then say minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to Picture and encourage them to guess what is in the picture (say “Look at Picture Guess what it is.”) Step 2: Have pupils read the two sentences underneath Picture (say “Look at and read the sentences.”) Step 3: Say “Circle the correct sentence.” and allow pupils time to complete the activity Step 4: Check answers by saying “a or b?” When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “a The pasta is yummy.” and encourage them to repeat Step 5: Repeat Steps to for Picture and Picture Extension: Have pupils rearrange the sentences to make meaningful sentence E.g: a sail / I / can see (I can see a sail.) flying/ He’s/ a kite (He’s flying a kite.) Write the words minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at and describe the picture using the words they have learnt Step 2: Write k_ _ _ on the board and encourage pupils to complete the word When they answer correctly, 120 Whole class Individual work Whole class Whole class Individual work Group work Whole class Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Whole class Group work Whole class Whole class Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Extension: Wrap–up 121 confirm by saying “kite” and encouraging them to repeat Repeat Step for sea (s_ _), pizza (p_ _ _ _), pasta (p_ _ _ _) and road (r_ _ _) Say “Write the words.” and allow pupils time to complete the activity Check answers by inviting pupils to come to the front and complete the words kite, sea, pizza, pasta and road on the board Show the pictures of some learnt words and ask pupils to write the words on their notebooks Ask pupils to swap their answers with other classmates Then check the answers as a class minutes Option 1: Write a letter, then pupils take turn go to the board and write the next letter, one by one, until it becomes a word Practise writing as many words as possible Option 2: Show flashcards and have pupils say the words Ask some pupils to make sentences with the words Option 3: Write incomplete sentences on the board (with pictures) Invite some pupils to go to the board and write the letters to complete the sentences E.g The picture of a plate of pasta and the text: The _ is yummy Whole class Individual work Individual work Whole class Individual work Group work Individual work Individual work Group work TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week: Approve d by: REVIEW Phil and Sue – Period Date: _ I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - repeat and understand a short story - identify and say the words they have learnt II INPUT Language: - Vocabulary: square, quiz, box, ox, juice, jelly, village, van - Structures: What’s he/ she doing? and He’s/ She’s _ (verb + – ing) to ask and answer questions about what someone is doing Is there a/an _? and Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t to ask and answer questions about whether or not something is present Pass me the _, please and Here you are to make and respond to a request Can you draw a _? and Yes, I can./ No, I can’t to ask and answer questions about ability Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page 37 - Teacher’s guide, pp 73 - 75 - sachmem.vn - Flashcards/Poster - Computer, projector 122 III PROCEDURE Procedure Warm-up Warm-up – Listen and read – Look again and circle – Wrap-up Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes Remind pupils of the names of the topics Whole class they have learnt from Unit to Unit Option - Refresh pupils’ memory of Units to topics by showing pictures of a classroom, a farm, a kitchen and a village Encourage pupils to use the words and sentence structures that they learnt - Say “Open your books at page 37 and look at Review 2, Phil and Sue.” Option Have pupils play a game (e.g Slap the board, Group work Pelmanism) with the words they have learnt in the previous units Option Group work Stick some flashcards including some pictures of the words from Unit to Unit on the board Write the words on the board Have pupils match - Listen and read 15 minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures (say “Look at the pictures.”) Ask questions to help them identify the context Step 2: Have pupils point to Picture (say “Point to Picture 1.”) Play the recording for Picture and encourage pupils to repeat (say “Listen and repeat.”) Step 3: Repeat Step for Pictures 2, and Step 4: Play the recording of the whole story several times and have pupils listen, point to the speech bubbles and repeat until they feel confident Go around and offer help, if necessary 123 Whole class Whole class Whole class Whole class Step 5: Have pupils work in groups to act out the story Group work Go around the class to offer help and correct pupils’ pronunciation, if necessary Step 6: Invite a few groups to act out the story for the Group work class Encourage them to use gestures, face expressions, … Observe and support pupils when needed Extension: For more advanced classes, have pupils close Individual work their books and try to remember what the characters are doing in each picture Look again and circle minutes Step 1: Have pupils point to and say the word quiz (say Whole class “Point to the word quiz Say quiz.”) Step 2: Have pupils look again at the story and try to find a quiz in one of the pictures (say “Look again Is there a quiz in the story?”) If there is a quiz, pupils should circle the word/picture; if not, then they not need to circle the word/picture Step 3: Ask pupils to look at the other pictures and circle the words in the chain, saying “Use your pencil to circle the words” Give pupils time to work Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Step 4: Invite some pupils to show what they have done Praise them if they have done well Have the class say all of the words they have circled Answers: juice, jelly, village, ox Wrap-up: minutes Whole class Individual work Individual work Whole class Individual work Revise the main teaching point of the lesson by Whole class asking pupils some questions about the story Option Whole class Using sachmem.vn, show the pictures of the story without showing the text Have pupils tell the story from their memory 124 Option Show flashcards of the words that appear in the Individual work story and have pupils say the words Option Have pupils play Slap the board with the words Individual work from Units 5-8 Group work 125 TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week: Approve d by: REVIEW Self check – Period Date: _ I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - recognise the sounds they have learnt; - recognise the words they have learnt; - listen for specific sounds and words II INPUT III PROCEDURE Language: - Sounds: Q/q (/k/), x (/ks/), J/j (/dʒ/), V/v (/v/) - Vocabulary: question, square, quiz, box, fox, ox, juice, jelly, jam, village, van, volleyball Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page 38 - Teacher’s guide, pp 75 - 76 - sachmem.vn - Flashcards - Computer, projector Warm-up – Listen and tick – Listen and circle – Write and say – Wrap-up Classroom management Procedure Teaching and learning activities Warm-up minutes Option Group work Using sachmem.vn, play the video of the story in Lesson Have pupils role play it 126 Option Show flashcards of the letters q, x, j and v Have Whole class pupils say the letter names and the letter sounds Group work Option Have pupils play Hot seat to revise the words they learnt in previous units Listen and tick minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and say the words (say “Point and say.”) When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “jam/ jelly/ van/ volleyball/ square/ circle” Step 2: Play the recording and ask pupils to listen and tick the correct box (say “Listen and tick”) Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Play the recording again, if necessary (say “Listen again.”) Step 3: Follow the same procedure with the pictures of questions and Go around and offer help, if necessary Step 4: Check the answers by asking “a or b?” When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “1a jam”/“2b volleyball”/“3a square” and encourage them to repeat Audio script: jam volleyball square Answers: a b a Extension: Put the flashcards of Units 1-4 at different places in the class Have pupils play in groups of four Say one word, for example, van, the pupils will try to run to the flashcard “van” as fast as he/she could to slap on the word Listen and circle minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the pairs of letters and say the letter sounds in pairs (say “Point and say.”) Invite some pupils to say the letters and the sounds in front of the class Step 2: Play the recording, ask pupils to listen and circle the letters of the sounds (say “Listen and circle.”) Allow pupils time to complete the activity Play the recording again, if necessary 127 Group work Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Whole class Group work Whole class Individual work (say “Listen again.”) Step 3: Check the answer to Question by asking “/k/ or/v/?” Invite some pupils to say the sounds they have heard When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “/k/.” and encourage them to repeat Step 4: Repeat Step for Questions 2, and Audio script: q j x v Extension: Divide pupils into groups Have them listen to one sound, for example /v/, and in one minute, pupils try to find out the words contaning the sound /v/ such as van, village, The group with the most correct words wins Write and say 10 minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to Picture 1, say “Look at Picture 1” Have pupils point and say the words (say “Point and say.”) When pupils answer correctly, confirm by saying “fox/ question/ juice/ village” Step 2: Have pupils write the letters to complete the words (say “Look and write.”) Allow pupils time to complete the activity Go around the class to offer support Step 3: Get pupils to check their answers in pairs Then ask some pairs to give their answers Give comments and confirm the correct answers Step 4: Have pupils say the words (say “Now say.”) Extension: Write incomplete words on the board and have some pupils to write letters to complete them E.g: _ an , _ am, _uice, _bo_ , … Wrap–up minutes Option Have pupils play Kim’s game Stick flashcards on the board Have pupils look at the cards for 30 seconds Then ask them to close their eyes Have them open their eyes again and say what words have been missing Option Stick some picture cards on the board Write the words on the board Have pupils match 128 Individual work Individual work Whole class Individual work Pair work Whole class Individual work Whole class Group work Individual work Option Individual work Have pupils play Pass the ball game Give flashcards for pupils to pass with the music, then when the music stops, those who get the flashcards will say the words 129 TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week: Approve d by: REVIEW Self check – Period Date: _ I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognize the target words and sentence structures; – write the learnt words II INPUT Language: - Vocabulary: question, square, quiz, box, fox, ox, juice, jelly, jam, village, van, volleyball - Structures: What’s he/she doing? and He’s/She’s _ (verb + –ing) to ask and answer questions about what someone is doing Is there a/an _? and Yes, there is./No, there isn’t to ask and answer questions about whether or not something is present Pass me the _, please and Here you are to make and respond to a request Can you draw a _? and Yes, I can./ No, I can’t to ask and answer questions about ability Resources/Material: - Student’s book, page 39 - sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide, pp 76 - 77 - Flashcards - Computer, projector III Warm-up – Read and tick – Find the words – Write the PROCEDURE words – Wrap-up 130 Procedure Teaching and learning activities minutes Option - Have pupils sing one or two songs from Units - to revise the words and structures they have learnt If pupils not remember the songs, play the recording for them to sing along Option Show pupils the lyrics of a chant or a song from Units - with some missing words, e.g.: Is there a fox? Is there a ? Yes, there is Yes, there is There’s a in the box Is there an ox? Is there an _? No, there isn’t No, there isn’t There isn’t an _on the farm Then ask pupils to listen to the chant/song and fill in the blanks, then sing the complete chant/song aloud Option Have pupils play the game Mystery bag to revise the sounds and words they learnt in previous units Read and tick minutes Step 1: Have pupils read and say the sentence structures in Question Is there a box? Yes, there is (say “Read and say.”) Step 2: Have pupils look at the pictures underneath the sentence structure (saying “Look at the pictures in Question 1, please!") and say what they can see When pupils answercorrectly, confirm by saying “box/ book” Classroom management Warm-up Whole class Whole class Individual work Group work Whole class Whole class Step 3: Have pupils read the sentence structures and tick Individual the correct box (say “Read and tick.”) Allow work pupils time to complete the activity Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Step 4: Check answers by saying “a or b.?” When pupils Whole class 131 answer correctly, confirm by saying “a.” and encourage them to repeat the question and answer Step 5: Repeat Steps to for the sentence structures in Whole class Questions and Individual work Extension: Say aloud some sentences and have pupils slap Group work the suitable pictures Find the words minutes Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the word search and the Whole class list of eight words Have them point to and say each word (say “Point and say.”) Step 2: Ask pupils to look at the word search, find and Individual circle the words in it individually Allow pupils work time to complete the activity Step 3: Check answers by showing the word search grid Whole class on the board and inviting pupils to come to the front and circle the words Extension: Ask some advanced pupils to make sentences with these words Extension: Have pupils rearrange the sentences to make meaningful sentence E.g: the sail / I / can see (I can see the sail.) flying/ He’s/ a kite (He’s flying a kite.) Write the words minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at and describe the picture using Whole class the words they have learnt Step 2: Write v _ _ _ _ _ _ on the board and encourage Whole class pupils to complete the word When they answer correctly, confirm by saying “village” and encourage them to repeat Step 3: Repeat Step for square (s _ _ _ _ _), box Whole class (b _ _), juice (j _ _ _ _), jelly (j _ _ _ _) and volleyball (v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) Step 4: Say “Write the words.” and allow pupils time to Individual complete the activity work Step 5: Check answers by inviting pupils to come to the Individual front and complete the words village, square, work box, juice, jelly and volleyball on the board 132 Extension: Show the picture of some learnt words and ask pupils to write the words on their notebooks Ask pupils to swap their answers with other classmates Then check the answers as a class Wrap–up minutes Option 1: Have pupils play Pass the ball game Give flashcards for pupils to pass with the music, then when the music stops, those who get the flashcards will say the words Option 2: Show flashcards and have pupils say the words Ask some pupils to make sentences with the words Option 3: Write incomplete sentences on the board (with pictures) Invite some pupils to go to the board and write the letters to complete the sentences E.g The picture of the jam and the text: Pass me the _, please 133 Whole class Individual work Whole class Individual work Individual work ... on Page 12 in Workbook Group work Whole class Whole class Individual work Individual work TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : I OBJECTIVES 27 School... Then ask some advanced pupils to guess the missing words and sing the complete song aloud 12 TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: Grade: Teacher : School year: Week:... guide, pp 18 – 20 - Pictures/ Flashcards for Warm-up and Extension - Workbook, page - Computer, projector III Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Let’s talk – Let’s sing – PROCEDURE Wrap-up 20 Procedure

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2021, 18:47

