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unit 13 hobbies

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Writing4 sentences/ 2 points - Help ss to remind to write and practice writing more +Write a paragraph to describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games with the cues +Write about [r]

(1)Period : Date : REVISION I AIMS: Help ss review unit 12+13 and evaluate what they have gained in unit 12+13 and change the teaching methods II OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , ss can evaluate what they have gained in unit 12+13 III TEACHING AIDS: testing papers IV PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities IFORMAT OF TEST - Introduce the format of test + Mutiple choice : 40 sentences/ points + Rewrite sentences : sentences/ points IIREVISION - Give the content of the test Pronunciation (5 sentences/ point) /str/, /skw/, /skr/ /pt/, /bd/, /ps/, /bz/ 2.Vocabulary (5 sentences/ point) -Words related to The Asian games and Hobbies Reading (10 sentences/ points) - Read the paragraph and choose the best answer - Read the paragraph and decide True or False IIIPRACTICE Exercise 1: Choose the word - a, b, c or d - that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others - Ask ss to work in groups and give answers - Listen and give comments a attract b aquatic c added d facility a athlete b appreciate c wrestling d freestyle a gather b athletics c enthusiasm d through a compete b sport c effort d introduce a attracted b added c competed d developed a admire b avid c variety d while a occupy b simply c accompany d hobby a practised b stamped c indulged d accomplished a collect b common c modest d accomplish 10 a friends b tunes c clubs d stamps Exercise 2: Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others - Ask ss to work in groups and give answers - Listen and give comments a Asian b gather c advance d decade a facilities b solidarity c performance d aquatic a appreciate b promote c participate d introduce a athletics b hockey c volleyball d rugby a volunteer b competition c enthusiastic d intercultural a hobby b guitar c modest d common Students’ activities - Listen and take notes - Listen and take notes - Listen, work in groups and give answers - Listen and take notes * Expected answers: 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.d - Listen, work in groups and give answers - Listen and take notes * Expected answers: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a (2) a discarded a ignorant a occupy 10 a category b successful b continual b admire b regular c profitably c gigantic c organize c relative d accomplished d indulge d classify d equipment IVPRODUCTION Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase - Ask ss to work in groups and give answers - Listen and give comments The Vietnamese participants always take part sports events with great enthusiasm a in b on c at d to The Asian Games have been advancing all aspects a on b at c in d for New sports and traditional sports have been added the Games a in b on c up d to In spite of all its , medical science knows little about the brain a advantages b advances c approaches d advents Football fans gathered around the TV in the comer of the club to see the final a assembled b collected c wandered d reached Recently the Asian Games has increased in a polular b popularizing c popularity d popularly I'd rather go to the football field being at home today a instead of b because of c in spite of d due to The World Cup is a football which is open to all countries a participation b involvement c occasion d competition Scuba-diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports a field b water c combat d individual 10 Their efforts were much when they won gold, medals in bodybuilding and billiards a considered b required c expended d appreciated 11 Our field _ have performed very well a artists b athletes c specialists d sportsmen 12 We live in an age of rapid scientific and technological _ a advance b advances c advancing d advancement 13 This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and _ are built and promoted a knowledge b solidarity c effort d enthusiasm 14 My father never indulges _ drinking a on b in c with d to 15 I love watching the small fish swimming _ in the tank a through b up c towards d about 16 He wasn't able to cope _ the stresses and strains of the 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.d - Listen, work in groups and give answers - Listen and take notes * Expected answers: 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.d 11.b 12.a 13.b 14.b 15.d 16.a 17.a 18.b 19.d 20.c 21.a 22.c 23.a 24.c 25.d 26.a 27.c 28.b 29.d 30.d (3) job a with b to c in d on 17 My friend Dave was really interested in my best stamp, so I _ it away to him a gave b threw c brought d put 18 These ideas have now been completely discarded a come up with b got rid of c put forward d put into practice 19 This vase is quite rare and is almost a _'s item a collect b collective c collection d collector 20 The singer was _ on the piano by her sister a played b performed c accompanied d helped 21 The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied a busy b relaxed c comfortable d free 22 I don't know the title but I recognize the _ of this song a sound b rhyme c tune d theme 23 My brother takes photograph _ a hobby a as b for c in d with 24 Any stamps that were common I gave _ to my friends a up b back c away d out 25 There are some hobbies that I _ in for a while besides reading and collecting a occupy b accomplish c fascinate d indulge 26 My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play a skillful b famous c perfect d modest 27 He is a great _ of Picasso's early paintings a admire b admiration c admirer d admiring 28 I don't have much money, so I bought the camera _ a newly b second-hand c immediately d profitably 29 Cycling and karate are among her hobbies a pursuit b entertainment c amusement d pastime 30 Some of his pictures are quite _ now a collected b collection c collective d collectable VHOMEWORK - Give assignments: + Review new words of unit 12 and 13 + Review grammatical point of the units - Listen and take notes (4) Period : Date : REVISION I AIMS: Help ss review unit 12+13 and evaluate what they have gained in unit 12+13 and change the teaching methods II OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , ss can evaluate what they have gained in unit 12+13 III TEACHING AIDS: testing papers IV PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities I- Revision Review some grammatical point and writing Grammar (20 sentences/ points) - Remind and ask ss to give examples a Relative clauses (5 sentences/ points) - Relative pronouns: who, whom, which, that, whose - Defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses - Relative pronouns with prepositions - Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives b Omission of relative pronouns (5 sentences/ points) c Cleft sentences (10 sentences / points) Writing(4 sentences/ points) - Help ss to remind to write and practice writing more +Write a paragraph to describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games with the cues +Write about a collection with the cues III- Exercises Exercise 1: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence - Ask ss to work in groups and give answers - Listen and give comments took my car A It was you B It were you C It was you that D It was you whom I bought the golden fish A It was from this shop that B I was from this shop where C It was this shop which D It was this shop that It was Tom to help us A comes B that comes C to come D who came the police had rescued from the fire A The baby B The baby that C It was the baby whom D The baby whom my parents gave me the fish tank A It was on my birthday when B It was my birthday on that C It was my birthday that D It was on my birthday that I first met my girlfriend A It was in London that B It was in London where C It was London that D It was London which on the phone A It is his mother whom is B It was his mother whom is Students’ activities - Listen and take notes - Listen and give examples - Listen and take notes - Listen, work in groups and give answers - Listen and take notes * Expected answers: 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.d 8.a 9.d 10.a 11.a 12.d 13.b 14.c 15.d 16.a 17.b 18.d 19.c (5) C It was his mother who is D It is his mother who is 20.d a high level of blood cholesterol A It is eggs that contain B Those are eggs it contains C It is eggs that contains D It is eggs contain It is the library A that I often borrow books B that I often borrow books from C where I often borrow books from D from that I often borrow books 10 England won the World Cup A It was in 1966 that B It was on 1966 that C It was in 1966 when D It was 1966 in that 11 My wife,_ is a doctor, works at Community Hospital A who B which C whom D that 12 He is the boy _ is my best friend A that B whom C who D A& C 13 I live in a pleasant room the garden A to overlook B overlooking C overlooked D which overlooking 14 Melanie was the only person a letter of thanks A wrote B written C to write D writing 15 I don’t like people _ lose their tempers easily A who B whose C that D A & C 16 Mexico City, _ has a population of over million, is probably th e fastest growing city in the world A which B whose C that D A & B 17 This is Henry, sister works for my father A who B whose C that D A & C 18 This is the boy I met in the park A what B Ø C whom D B&C 19 Do you know the wife of that man is waiting for the bus? A which B he C who D whom 20 This is the exercise I don't understand A which B that C Ø D All are correct Exercise 2: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence - Ask ss to work in groups and give answers - Listen and give comments 21 Women drive vehicles are usually more careful than men A which B theyC whom D who 22 We didn’t enjoy the play _ we went to see A what B whose C where D ф 23 She gives her children everything _ they want A that B whose C where D who 24 Tell me _ you want and I’ll have you A the things that B whose C what D A&C 25 The reason _ I phoned him was to invite him to party A why B ф C A&B D that 26 That’s my friend, _ comes from Japan A which B who C whom D where 27 Anna found the book that wanted at the bookshop - Listen, work in groups and give answers - Listen and take notes * Expected answers: 21.d 22.d 23.a 24.d 25.c 26.b 27.c 28.b 29.d 30.a 31.c 32.c (6) A ø B where C she D which 28 Please remember to take back to the library all the books _ are due this week A ø B that C when D they 29 I like the village I used to live A in that B in where C.which D in which 30 The speech _ we listened last night was information A to which B which to C to that D that 31 The boy to I lent some money is poor A that B who C whom D B and C 32 The knife we cut bread is very sharp A with that B which C with which D that 33 The authority gathered those villagers they explained the importan ce of forests A who B whom C to whom D to that 34 I’m working on a firm main office is in London A which B that C whose D A & B 35 The company employs five hundred people makes video recorders A who B that C whom D whose 36 The students for the train are good ones A waited B waiting C which is waiting D to wait 37 This is the seventh person late A coming B to come C come D all are correct 38 They have invented a television set as small as a watch A which is B is C who is D whose 39 The work increases a lot when the boss is away is always interestin g A which B whose C that D A & C 40 The book by Jack, is very famous A which written B written C was written D writing 41 He is only one boy in this game A who participating B participated C to participate D who participate 42 I was introduced to a man brother is my teacher A which B whose C.that D whom 43 Swimming is the sport you move through water in a horizontal p osition using the arms and legs A which B who C.that D A&C V-Homework - Give assignments: + Review lesson + Redo exercises at home 33.c 34.d 35.b 36.b 37.b 38.a 39.d 40.b 41.c 42.b 43.d - Listen and take notes (7) ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP KIỂM TRA TIẾT (UNIT 12, 13)- ENGLISH 11 Exercise 1: Choose the word - a, b, c or d - that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a attract b aquatic c added d facility a athlete b appreciate c wrestling d freestyle a gather b athletics c enthusiasm d through a compete b sport c effort d introduce a attracted b added c competed d developed a admire b avid c variety d while a occupy b simply c accompany d hobby a practised b stamped c indulged d accomplished a collect b common c modest d accomplish 10 a friends b tunes c clubs d stamps Exercise 2: Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others a Asian b gather c advance d decade a facilities b solidarity c performance d aquatic a appreciate b promote c participate d introduce a athletics b hockey c volleyball d rugby a volunteer b competition c enthusiastic d intercultural a hobby b guitar c modest d common a discarded b successful c profitably d accomplished a ignorant b continual c gigantic d indulge a occupy b admire c organize d classify 10 a category b regular c relative d equipment Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase The Vietnamese participants always take part sports events with great enthusiasm a in b on c at d to The Asian Games have been advancing all aspects a on b at c in d for New sports and traditional sports have been added the Games a in b on c up d to In spite of all its , medical science knows little about the brain a advantages b advances c approaches d advents Football fans gathered around the TV in the comer of the club to see the final a assembled b collected c wandered d reached Recently the Asian Games has increased in a popular b popularizing c popularity d popularly I'd rather go to the football field being at home today a instead of b because of c in spite of d due to The World Cup is a football which is open to all countries a participation b involvement c occasion d competition Scuba-diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports a field b water c combat d individual 10 Their efforts were much when they won gold, medals in bodybuilding and billiards a considered b required c expended d appreciated 11 Our field _ have performed very well a artists b athletes c specialists d sportsmen 12 We live in an age of rapid scientific and technological _ a advance b advances c advancing d advancement 13 This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and _ are built and promoted (8) a knowledge b solidarity c effort d enthusiasm 14 My father never indulges _ drinking a on b in c with d to 15 I love watching the small fish swimming _ in the tank a through b up c towards d about 16 He wasn't able to cope _ the stresses and strains of the job a with b to c in d on 17 My friend Dave was really interested in my best stamp, so I _ it away to him a gave b threw c brought d put 18 These ideas have now been completely discarded a come up with b got rid of c put forward d put into practice 19 This vase is quite rare and is almost a _'s item a collect b collective c collection d collector 20 The singer was _ on the piano by her sister a played b performed c accompanied d helped 21 The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied a busy b relaxed c comfortable d free 22 I don't know the title but I recognize the _ of this song a sound b rhyme c tune d theme 23 My brother takes photograph _ a hobby a as b for c in d with 24 Any stamps that were common I gave _ to my friends a up b back c away d out 25 There are some hobbies that I _ in for a while besides reading and collecting a occupy b accomplish c fascinate d indulge 26 My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play a skillful b famous c perfect d modest 27 He is a great _ of Picasso's early paintings a admire b admiration c admirer d admiring 28 I don't have much money, so I bought the camera _ a newly b second-hand c immediately d profitably 29 Cycling and karate are among her hobbies a pursuit b entertainment c amusement d pastime 30 Some of his pictures are quite _ now a collected b collection c collective d collectable Exercise 4: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence took my car A It was you B It were you C It was you that D It was you whom I bought the golden fish A It was from this shop that B I was from this shop where C It was this shop which D It was this shop that It was Tom to help us A comes B that comes C to come D who came the police had rescued from the fire A The baby B The baby that C It was the baby whom D The baby whom my parents gave me the fish tank A It was on my birthday when B It was my birthday on that (9) C It was my birthday that D It was on my birthday that I first met my girlfriend A It was in London that B It was in London where C It was London that D It was London which on the phone A It is his mother whom is B It was his mother whom is C It was his mother who is D It is his mother who is a high level of blood cholesterol A It is eggs that contain B Those are eggs it contains C It is eggs that contains D It is eggs contain It is the library A that I often borrow books B that I often borrow books from C where I often borrow books from D from that I often borrow books 10 England won the World Cup A It was in 1966 that B It was on 1966 that C It was in 1966 when D It was 1966 in that 11 My wife,_ is a doctor, works at Community Hospital A who B which C whom D that 12 He is the boy _ is my best friend A that B whom C who D A& C 13 I live in a pleasant room the garden A to overlook B overlooking C overlooked D which overlooking 14 Melanie was the only person a letter of thanks A wrote B written C to write D writing 15 I don’t like people _ lose their tempers easily A who B whose C that D A & C 16 Mexico City, _ has a population of over million, is probably the fastest growing city in the w orld A which B whose C that D A & B 17 This is Henry, sister works for my father A who B whose C that D A & C 18 This is the boy I met in the park A what B Ø C whom D B&C 19 Do you know the wife of that man is waiting for the bus? A which B he C who D whom 20 This is the exercise I don't understand A which B that C Ø D All are correct Exercise 5: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence 21 Women drive vehicles are usually more careful than men A which B theyC whom D who 22 We didn’t enjoy the play _ we went to see A what B whose C where D ф 23 She gives her children everything _ they want A that B whose C where D who 24 Tell me _ you want and I’ll have you A the things that B whose C what D A&C 25 The reason _ I phoned him was to invite him to party A why B ф C A&B D that 26 That’s my friend, _ comes from Japan (10) A which B who C whom D where 27 Anna found the book that wanted at the bookshop A ø B where C she D which 28 Please remember to take back to the library all the books _ are due this week A ø B that C when D they 29 I like the village I used to live A in that B in where C.which D in which 30 The speech _ we listened last night was information A to which B which to C to that D that 31 The boy to I lent some money is poor A that B who C whom D B and C 32 The knife we cut bread is very sharp A with that B which C with which D that 33 The authority gathered those villagers they explained the importance of forests A who B whom C to whom D to that 34 I’m working on a firm main office is in London A which B that C whose D A & B 35 The company employs five hundred people makes video recorders A who B that C whom D whose 36 The students for the train are good ones A waited B waiting C which is waiting D to wait 37 This is the seventh person late A coming B to come C come D all are correct 38 They have invented a television set as small as a watch A which is B is C who is D whose 39 The work increases a lot when the boss is away is always interesting A which B whose C that D A & C 40 The book by Jack, is very famous A which written B written C was written D writing 41 He is only one boy in this game A who participating B participated C to participate D who participate 42 I was introduced to a man brother is my teacher A which B whose C.that D whom 43 Swimming is the sport you move through water in a horizontal position using the arms and leg s A which B who C.that D A&C MATRIX Tên chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Cấp độ thấp READING (MCQ) Số câu:10 Số điểm WRITING Tự luận Số câu: Số điểm: LANGUAGE FOCUS The Asian Games Hobbies Số câu: Số điểm: Số câu: Số điểm: - Omission of relative pronouns - Cleft sentences Vận dụng Cấp độ cao Cộng Số câu:10 Tỉ lệ: 20% Write about hobby Số câu: Số điểm: -Word to express the Số câu:4 Tỉ lệ:20% - Omission of relative (11) Marks: Ischool Highschool TEST OF ENGLISH (1) Class: 11C Time allowed: 45 minutes Name: ……… ……… ………… I READING: (2 points) A Choose the best answers to fill in the blank Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting (1)…….fun And every year, more and more people start a stamp collection on their own and discover an interest which can last a lifetime Starting your collection is easy (2)…….stamps can be found everywhere Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (3)………you with stamps from all over the world But once you have started collecting (4)………, you will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors’ Club (5)…….exists to provide collectors with new British stamps Question 1: A or B and C but D also Question 2: A moreover B because C furthermore D although Question 3: A export B provide C consider D take Question 4: A attractive B competitive C great D seriously Question 5: A who B which C what D where B Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer for each question Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question I’m interested in sports, especially athletics, and I run seven or eight kilometers every day I particularly enjoy cross country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on While I’m running I think about all sorts of things, and at the end of a run I’m sometimes surprised to find that I’ve managed to solve a problem that was on my mind Next year, I’m going to try the London Marathon It’s hard race 26 miles, or 42 kilometers-and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to it I worry a bit about getting too old, and I’d like to prove to myself that I’m still almost as fit as I was twenty years old I’m interested in mountaineering as well as running I’ll never become an expert climber, but I know what I’m doing in the mountains I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger; and I’ve done a series of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years My wife doesn’t share my interest in mountains She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt ill as soon as she got above 1,000 meters (12) Question 6: The word “particularly” in line can be best replaced by………… A normally B suddenly C partly D especially Question 7: At the end of a run the writer sometimes finds that………… A he gets the answer to a problem B he grows bigger C he feels better D he gets a surprising problem Question 8: The writer wants to take part in the London Marathon because …………… A He wants to prove that he is still healthy B he wants to it before getting old C the reward is great D it helps him solve his problems Question 9: The writer’s wife is not interested in mountaineering because…………… A it doesn’t bring her any benefit B she feels ill at the height of above 1,000 meters C she doesn’t want to climb together with her husband D the weather in the mountains is too cold for her Question 10: According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A The writer doesn’t practice any sports B The London Marathon is not an easy race C Becoming an expert climber has always been the writer’s dream D The writer knows very little about mountaineering II PHONETICS (1 point) Choose the word - a, b, c or d - that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others Question 11: a attract b aquatic c added d facility Question 12: a athlete b appreciate c wrestling d freestyle Question 13: a gather b athletics c enthusiasm d through Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others Question 14: a Asian b gather c advance d decade Question 15: a facilities b solidarity c performance d aquatic III GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY: (5 points) Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences Question 16: Question 17: Question 18: Question 19: Question 20: Question 21: Question 22: Question 23 Question 24 Question 25: Question 26: Question 27: Question 28: Question 29: Question 30: Question 31: Question 32: Question 33: Question 34: Question 35: Question 36: Question 37: (13) Question 38: Question 39: Question 40: IV WRITING: (2 points) Write a paragraph of 100 -120 words about one of your hobbies The following questions may help you What is the name of the hobby ? When did you start it ? How you collect them ? Why you enjoy the hobby ? What are you going to for your hobby in the future? -THE END Marks: Ischool Highschool TEST OF ENGLISH (3) Class: 11C Time allowed: 45 minutes Name: ……… ……… ………… I READING: (2 points) A Choose the best answers to fill in the blank Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting and fun And every year, more and more people start a stamp collection (1)…… their own and discover an interest which can last a lifetime Starting your collection is easy (2)…….stamps can be found everywhere Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (3)………you with stamps from all over the world But once you have started collecting (4)………, you will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors’ Club which (5)…….to provide collectors with new British stamps A of B for C from D on A moreover B because C furthermore D addition A export B provide C consider D take A attractive B competitive C great D seriously A own B survive C exists D live B Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer for each question I’m very much interested in collecting books and have a book collection at home I started collecting books when I was a 12 year-old student I buy books at book shops, in second-hand book stalls, and occasionally, my parents and friends give me some Now I have a total about 100 books and I keep them all in a big bookshelf in my bedroom I classify them into different categories: books about history, books about famous people, and books about science…I love collecting books because books help me broaden my knowledge and know more about the world Also, reading books train my patience 10 II PHONETICS (1 point) Choose the word - a, b, c or d - that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others 11 a compete b sport c effort d introduce 12 a attracted b added c competed d developed (14) 13 a admire b avid c variety d while Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others 14 a appreciate b promote c participate d introduce 15 a athletics b hockey c volleyball d rugby III GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY: (5 points) Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 IV WRITING: (2 points) Write a paragraph of 100 -120 words about one of your hobbies The following questions may help you What is the name of the hobby ? When did you start it ? How you collect them ? Why you enjoy the hobby ? What are you going to for your hobby in the future? -THE END - Marks: Ischool Highschool TEST OF ENGLISH (5) Class: 11C Time allowed: 45 minutes Name: ……… ……… ………… I READING: (2 points) A Choose the best answers to fill in the blank Becoming a collector of something is very interesting The most interesting is…(06)… stamps (15) because there are so many to choose from Stamps - collecting …(07)… a hobby of millions of people all over the world for more than some hundred years Nobody…(08)… how many stamps there are in the world The …(09)… problem of all for the beginner is just which stamps to collect, as there are so many and nobody could collect them all Many people collect stamps of one country, perhaps the one they live…(10) … or small group of countries, or a theme "Thematic collection" means gather all stamps in connection with an idea 06 A collect B collection C collects D collecting 07 A have known B are knowing C knows D know 08 A is being B has been C was D is 09 A big B bigger C most big D biggest 10 A in B of C on D at B Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer for each question The Asian Games, also called the ASIAD, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for the first place, silver for second and bronze for third This tradition started in 1951 The Asian Games are dominated by the People’s Republic of China Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of citizenship National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used In general, only recognized nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign countries are allowed to take part The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it compete as Chinese Taipei due to the political status of Taiwan The 15th Asian Games were held in Doha, Qatar from December 1st to December 16, 2005 The next ASIAD will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 2nd to November 18th, 2010 Question 36.The Asian Games is _ A dominated by the People’s Republic of China B supervised by the Olympic Council of Asia C rewarded with only gold medals D regulated by International Olympic Committee Question 37.The Asian Games are _ A held every four years B also called ASIAD C a multi-sport event D All are correct Question 38.Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A In general only recognized nations are represented B Gold medals are awarded for the first place C Taiwan was not represented because of its political status D There are many sports events played in the Asian Games Question 39.Where will the 16th Asian Games be held? A In Japan B In China C In Doha D In Taiwan Question 40.The best title for the passage is _ A The Asian Games (The ASIAD) B The Olympic Council of Asia C The International Olympic Committee D The National Olympic Committee II PHONETICS (1 point) Choose the word - a, b, c or d - that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others 16 a practised b stamped c indulged d accomplished 17 a collect b common c modest d accomplish 18 a friends b tunes c clubs d stamps Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others 19 a volunteer b competition c enthusiastic d intercultural 20 a hobby b guitar c modest d common (16) III GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY: (5 points) Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences IV WRITING: (2 points) Write a paragraph of 100 -120 words about one of your hobbies The following questions may help you What is the name of the hobby ? When did you start it ? How you collect them ? Why you enjoy the hobby ? 10 What are you going to for your hobby in the future? 21 a discarded 22 a ignorant 23 a occupy 24 a category b successful b continual b admire b regular c profitably c gigantic c organize c relative d accomplished d indulge d classify d equipment (17)

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2021, 08:28

