1 0475943 0448859 0071776 sigma_u sigma_e rho 14011412 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -2.04 18.74 -4.05 0.15 0.041 0.000 0.000 0.878 -.0005195 9851704 -.0936243 0151686 -.026434 7986044 -.2695736 -.0129672 Hồi quy Return với Female, MktRf, Female* MktRf, SMB, Female* SMB xtreg RiRf Female RmRf FemaleRmRf SMB FemaleSMB , vce(cluster time) nonest Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: congty R-sq: Number of obs Number of groups = 0.2764 wit hin between = 0.0218 overall = 0.2750 corr(u_i, X) = = 14260 198 Obs per group: = avg = max = 72.0 96 Wald chi2(5) Prob > chi2 = (assumed) = = 478.68 0.0000 (Std Err adjusted for 96 clusters in time) Robust Std Err RiRf Coef z Female RmRf FemaleRmRf SMB FemaleSMB _cons -.0149968 9457872 -.2190513 4238396 -.2985629 0032983 0063489 0451945 0443177 0864698 11653 006868 sigma_u sigma_e rho 13872372 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -2.36 20.93 -4.94 4.90 -2.56 0.48 P>|z| 0.018 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.631 [95% Conf Interval] -.0274405 8572075 -.3059125 2543619 -.5269575 -.0101627 -.0025531 1.034367 -.1321901 5933174 -.0701682 0167593 Hồi quy Return với Female, MktRf, Female* MktRf, SMB, Female* SMB, HML, Female* HML xtreg RiRf Female RmRf FemaleRmRf SMB FemaleSMB HML FemaleHML , vce(cluster time) nonest Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: congty R-sq: Number of obs Number of groups wit hin = 0.2840 between = 0.0231 overall = 0.2824 corr(u_i, X) = = 14260 198 Obs per group: = avg = max = 72.0 96 Wald chi2(7) Prob > chi2 = (assumed) = = 537.31 0.0000 (Std Err adjusted for 96 clusters in time) Robust Std Err RiRf Coef z Female RmRf FemaleRmRf SMB FemaleSMB HML FemaleHML _cons -.0203539 9479696 -.2190148 5411054 -.3580747 2507698 -.1299783 0139574 0069256 0421708 0423188 0843227 1169603 0659417 0738636 0065979 sigma_u sigma_e rho 13800755 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -2.94 22.48 -5.18 6.42 -3.06 3.80 -1.76 2.12 P>|z| 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.078 0.034 [95% Conf Interval] -.0339278 8653163 -.3019582 3758359 -.5873126 1215264 -.2747483 0010258 -.0067799 1.030623 -.1360715 7063749 -.1288368 3800132 0147916 026889 Hồi quy Return với Female, MktRf, Female* MktRf, SMB, Female* SMB, HML, Female* HML, MOM, Female* MOM xtreg RiRf Female RmRf FemaleRmRf SMB FemaleSMB HML FemaleHML MOM FemaleMOM, vce(cluster time) nonest Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: congty Number of obs Number of groups = = 14260 198 R-sq: Obs per group: = avg = max = 72.0 96 wit hin = 0.2842 between = 0.0216 overall = 0.2826 corr(u_i, X) Wald chi2(9) Prob > chi2 = (assumed) = = 552.92 0.0000 (Std Err adjusted for 96 clusters in time) Robust Std Err RiRf Coef Female RmRf FemaleRmRf SMB FemaleSMB HML FemaleHML MOM FemaleMOM _cons -.0197443 948331 -.2188772 5450396 -.3489244 3122917 0492356 0643906 1902607 0142368 0073148 0419389 0414432 0839576 1117088 1961691 1845636 1763467 1878141 0065672 sigma_u sigma_e rho 13799603 (fraction of variance due to u_i) z -2.70 22.61 -5.28 6.49 -3.12 1.59 0.27 0.37 1.01 2.17 P>|z| 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.111 0.790 0.715 0.311 0.030 [95% Conf Interval] -.034081 8661323 -.3001043 3804858 -.5678696 -.0721927 -.3125024 -.2812425 -.1778481 0013652 -.0054076 1.03053 -.1376501 7095935 -.1299791 696776 4109736 4100238 5583695 0271083 ... FemaleSMB HML FemaleHML , vce(cluster time) nonest Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: congty R-sq: Number of obs Number of groups wit hin = 0.2840 between = 0.0231 overall = 0.2824 corr(u_i,... FemaleHML MOM FemaleMOM, vce(cluster time) nonest Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: congty Number of obs Number of groups = = 14260 198 R-sq: Obs per group: = avg = max = 72.0 96 wit hin