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- Work in pairs The pair with the most correct answer will be the winner -Listen and repeat in chorus and individually - Copy down - Play games - Give some examples to make sure that S[r]

(1)Period 54 Unit 9: Lesson1: Date preparing:19/03/11 Date teaching: 20/03/11 Natural Disasters Getting Started - Listen and Read I Teaching points: Reading a dialogue for details about the weather forecast By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast II Teaching aids: Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board III Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm up Guessing game Have Ss work in teams -Put three clues about Weather Forecast: + This is a TV program + It’s on right after the News every night + It tells us about what the weather is tomorrow -Give feed back Pre-teach vocabulary Present new words -(mime) -(picture) -(picture) -(picture) -(picture) -(picture) -(translation) -(translation) -(translation) Checking -Have Ss play game: R.O.R Checking Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they are both watching TV Gap filling Have Ss work in pairs Get them to look at the book, listen to the dialogue, the read in pairs and exercise 2b on page 75 -Call on Ss to give the answers -Give feed back and correct Comprehension questions Show the questions on the poster Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, then answer the questions in pairs -Go around and give help Students’ activities Content on the board Team work What program is it? Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams The Weather Forecast Whole class Listen to T's elitciting and find out the words Vocabulary -(to) turn up: ®iÒu chØnh to lªn (©m TV, radio) -snowstorm (n) b·o tuyÕt -earthquake (n) động đất -volcano (n) nói löa -typhoon (n): bảo nhiệt đới -thunderstorm (n) b¶o gi«ng -central highlands (n) cao nguyªn -(to) trust: tin tëng -just in case (n) đề phòng Whole class Keep the book closed And listen Pair work Listen and read Get ready to give the answers to the whole class Pair work Read the dialogue again and answer the questions Get ready to share the answers with the class -mates and get ready to give the answers to the whole class What are they watching? They are watching Weather Forecast program Listen and read Exercise 2b turn up / weather fore cast raining thunderstorms have temperature weather forecast / watching them Comprehension questions Why does Thuy’s grand mother ask er to turn up the TV? -Because she wants to listen to the wether forecast Which city is the hottest (2) -Call on Ss to give answers to the whole class -Give feed back Further Practice Discusion Have Ss work in groups -Get them to make the weather forecast about tomorrow for some places in Vietnam - Go around and give help - Call on Ss to give the answers - Give feedback and correct answers Homework -Sumarize the main points of the lesson -Asign home work Pair work get ready to give the answers to the whole class Whole class Write into notebook today? - HCM city is the hottest Where is Thuy going? -She is going to a park on the other side of Thang Long bridge with her old friends What does Thuy’s grandmother want her to do? - She wants her to bring along a raincoat What will the weather be tomorrow in: -Quang Binh -Ha Noi - Ho Chi Minh City *.Home work - Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: 1, (58, 59)) -Prepare new lesson: Speak + Listen (3) Period 55 Unit 9: Lesson 2: Date preparing:19/03/11 Date teaching: 22/03/11 Natural Disasters Speak and Listen I-Aims and objectives : Practice speaking bout preparations made for a typhoon Ss will be able to know what should be prepared for a typhoon and improve the discussion skills : agreeing and disagreeing Listen to the talk better , identify and catch key words for the answers II-Teaching aids : Textbook , whiteboard markers tape,… III-Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I/ Warm up Question and answer : - Answer ( Ss can use Have there been any typhoons Vietnamese to in our hometown ? express their ideas What should we when there is a typhoon ? II/ Presentation : Introduce the content and aim of the lesson to Ss Then introduce some new words : Checking technique : Noughts and Crosses - Remark and give marks if necessary III/ Practice: Choosing possible answers : - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Call on some Ss to explain their answers and give suggested answers : - Listen carefully - repeat in chorus and guess its meanings Then copy - Play games ( group work ) - Study the list and check what should be made for a typhoon - Compare their choice with another pair - Demonstrate Pair discussion - Copy in their -Have Ss continue working in notebooks pairs but with another partner - Practice in pair - Correct and copy if - Call on some pairs to practice necessary in front of class Comment and - Play in whole class give suggested answer IV / Listening : Pre- listening : Introduce the aims of the lesson to Ss and some new words : While – listening: Content on the board Have there been any typhoons in our hometown ? What should we when there is a typhoon ? Vocabulary - Bucket (n) :Thïng, x« - Canned food (n) thùc phẩm đóng hộp - Fix the leak (v) ; s÷a chæ dét Peg (n) : c¸i chèt - Door latch (n) Then cöa - Power cut (n) : sù mÊt ®iÖn *Choosing possible answers + Buying some canned food + Buying candles + Buying matches + Filling all buckets with water + Buying ladder +Fixing the leak in the roof + Tying the roof to the ground with pegs an ropes + Checking all the windows and door latches a) A : I think we should buy some candles and matches before a typhoon B : Yes I agree with you Because there may be a power cut when the is strong (4) Setting the scene : “ An expert is giving to talk on how to live with earthquakes Actually he will give us advice on what should we before and during an earthquake Listen to the talk and complete the table ” - Turn on the tape several times if necessary - Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud - Feedback and give correct answers Play the tape again and stop at each answer : V / Production : True / False repetition drill ( Say seven to ten statements about what we should to prepare for a typhoon If the statements are true ( should ) , Ss will repeat the statements If the statements are false ( should not ) , Ss will stay silent ) Examples : We should buy some candles We should invite some friends to dinner …… Summarize main point Listen Listen Listen to the text Repeat the statements If the statements are false ( should not ) *Listening Answer key + Heavy fixtures , furniture , and appliances : Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine + Flying glass : Check the mirrors Do not put your bed near a window + Earthquakes drill : Stay inside Sit under a strong table or doorway Stand in the corner of the room *Homework Prepare the next lesson Do Ex Period 56 Unit 9: Lesson 3: Date preparing:27/03/11 Date teaching: 28/03/11 Natural Disasters Read I Teaching points: Reading for main ideas and specific information about the natural disasters By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get general background information on some comon natural disasters II Teaching aids: Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board III Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm up Matching Have Ss work in teams -Stick the poster on the board -Ask them to discuss and match the word in column A with the right definition in column B -Call on Ss to give out the Students’ activities Content on the board 1.Earth a Mountain or hill with quakes openings through with ashes and gasses ejected 2.Tidal b Violent storm especially in waves East Asian sea 3.Typhoons c Violent storm over small areas 4.Vocanoes d Another word for Tsunami, waves cause by tides (5) answers to the whole class -Give feed back Pre-teach New words -(Translation) -(Translation) -(picture) -What’s another ‘destroy’ -(picture) -(translation) -(picture) -what’s another ’suddenly’ Checking -Have Ss play game: R.O.R Set the scene -Have you ever seen an Earthquake? a Typhoon? a Tidal wave? a volcano? or a Tonado? Today we are going to read a text about these True False Prediction Have Ss keep books closed -Put the statements 1-6 (p79) on the board -Get them to guess if the statements are true or false -Get Ss to write the predictions on the board While Reading Read and Check Have Ss work in pairs -Get them to read the text on page 78 and check their predictions - Go around and give help - Call on Ss to give the answers - Give feedback and correct answers Gap Filling Have Ss work in pairs -Get them to read the text again and find the words to complete the sentences on page 79 -Go around and give help -Call on Ss to give the answers to the whole class -Give feed back and correct Post reading Have Ss work in groups -Get them to discuss and report a typhoon that was in 5.Tonadoes e Sudden and violent movements of the Earth’s surface Whole class Vocabulary Listen to T's -Pacific Rim: vµnh ®ai TBD elitciting and find -Ring of Fire: vµnh ®ai löa out the words -Funnel (n): c¸i phÔu -(to) struck (destroy) ph¸ hñy -(to) erupt: phun -(to) warn: c¶nh b¸o -(to) suck up: cuèn ®i -adrupt (adj): bÊt th×nh l×nh Whole class Keep the book closed And listen True - False 1.Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire 2.The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe(nghiem trong) demage 3.A huge tidal wave traveled from California to Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 1960s 4.Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disaster 5.The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest ever volcanic eruption 6.A tonado looks like a funnel Pair work Read 3.1 Checking get ready to give the 1.T answers to the whole 2.T class 3.F from Alaska toCalifornia 4.T 5.F.In more than 50 years Pair work 6.T Get raedy to give out 3.2.Gap filling the answers to the occur around the Pacific whole class Listen Rim to T’s correction homes, office blocks and &take notes high way collapsed there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth a cyclone the word ‘typhoon’ passes overland and sucks up anything that is in its path Group work Get ready to report to the whole class (6) their home village -Call on Ss to report to the whole class Homework -Sumarize the main points of the lesson -Asign home work Whole class Write into notebook Home work - Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: 3.4 (p60) -Prepare new lesson: Write Period 57 Date preparing:27/03/11 Date teaching: 29/03/11 Unit 9: Lesson 4: Natural Disasters Write I- Aims and objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a short story by using guided information and pictures II- Teaching aids : Text book , white board markers III- Procedure : Teacher’s activities I -Warm up Question and answer Have you ever written a story What is it about ? How long did it take you to write it ? Did you write it in Vietnamese or in English ? Do you think it is a successful one ? => Leading in the lesson II - Writing : Pre-writing : Introduce the aims of the writing and help Ss with some new words : Checking technique : Sentence modeling - Listen and correct the mistakes Picture explanation : - Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the picture one to six by giving sample questions : Picture : a What you see in the first picture ? b Who is she ? What is she doing ? c What is the weather like ? Picture : a What is wrong with the dog ? b Is he behaving strangely ? c What you think is going to happen ? Picture : a Who is in the picture with Lan ? b What does she say ? Picture : a What is happening ? Students’ activities Content on the board - Listen and answer the Question and answer questions - Listen carefully and repeat in chorus and individually 1- Vocabulary - Circle (n) : perfectly round shape Make sentences with all - Shelter (n) : a place to the new words that they hide or stay away from have learned danger - Behave (v) : act in a Listen carefully and manner work in pairs (7) b Where are Lan,sfamily members ? Picture : a Is the wind strong? b What is the weather like ? Picture : a What you see in the picture ? b What are Lan and her parents doing now ? c Does the weather become good again ? - Ask Ss to turn back on page 79 and study the outline of the story with the guided words While – Writing ; 2- Writing Suggested writing: It was a beautiful day The Sun was shining , the - Have Ss write the story individually sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan and tell them to compare their story was outside playing with Skippy, her dog All of a sudden, the dog began acting strangly She kept with a friend running around the circles, and didn’t seem to be - Call on some Ss to read the story herself Lan ran home with the dog to tell her loudly mother what Skippy was doing Mrs Quyen told - Give suggested writing Lan that she heard on the radio that there was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house All of a sudden, the sky became very dark, the storm came with strong winds and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and every one was glad What clever dog Skippy is She saved Lan’s family Post - Writing : 3- Homework : Story – telling Competition : Divide - Work in group and Summarize main class into several groups From each individually point group , choose one member to be in the - Tell the story and Copy the completed judge board may tell the story they writing - Call on some Ss from group to tell the have written or a newly Do exercise in their story in front of class invented story workbook Listen and remark Then give marks Prepare the next to the best Ss - Listen and copy down lesson / Homework : Summarize main point Copy the completed writing Do exercise in their workbook Prepare the next lesson (8) Period 57 Unit 9: Lesson 5: Date preparing:27/03/11 Date teaching: 29/03/11 Natural Disasters Language focus I- Aims and objectives : Practicing with relative pronouns and relative clauses By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to further practice with pronouns : Who , That , Which , and clearly identify defining and non – defining clauses II- Teaching aids : Text book , handouts … III- Procedure : Teacher’s activities I / Warm up : Knowledge Game – short answers - Tell Ss to work with another partner to answer the following questions about general understanding Questions-Answers - Remark and give marks II / Presentation : Vocabulary pre-teach : Checking technique : spelling contest - Divide class into two teams * Revision of relative pronouns and clauses - Ask them to make examples with relative clauses Practice Exercise - Refer Ss to the warm up activity Ask them to use relative pronouns : who , which or that to answer the questions Start with the words given like the examples : The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe - Call on some Ss to read their whole sentences - Feedback and give correct Answers Exercise : - Keep Ss in pairs but with another partner - Divide class into two teams A and B to practice (the pair who found partner the most quickly will be the winner ) - Give correct answers : 1.e 2.g Students’ activities Content on the board - Work in pairs ( The pair with the most correct answer will be the winner ) -Listen and repeat in chorus and individually - Copy down - Play games - Give some examples to make sure that Ss understand the use of relative clauses Read the examples carefully and work individually Then compare their answers with a friend - Read them loudly - Match each of the sentences in Column A with a relative sentence in Column B use a relative pronoun to join the two sentences - Play games 1- Vocabulary - write down - Listen and the exercise individually EX: - Horn (n) : sõng -Snout (n) : mòi - Rhinoceros ( n) tª gi¸c - Swallow (v) : nuèt - Extensive (adj) - réng Tail (n) : ®u«i 2- Practice EX: 1.e 2.g 3.f 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.b b, Kangaroos , which come from Australia , (9) 3.f 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.b Practice : - Instruct Ss to the exercise Underline the relative clause in the sentence Then add commas to separate the non- defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence - Hang the subordinate board with all the sentences on the board Call some Ss to the task - Comment and give Answers : III/ Production - Further practice with relative clauses : * Setting the scene “ Now you write the sentences in Ex Replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written “ - Listen and correct mistakes if necessary IV / Home work : Redo all the exercises and copy Prepare the next lesson - Demonstrate in the front - Copy down - Listen and write the sentences - report in the front - Write down have long tails c, Ba, who lives in Trang Tien Street , likes playing the guitar d, ( Defining ) e, Neil Amstrong , who first walked on the moon , lived in the USA f, (Defining ) g, Miss Lien , who sings very well , is my English teacher 3- Home work : Redo all the exercises and copy Prepare the next lesson (10)

Ngày đăng: 16/06/2021, 17:09


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