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Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by calling some pupils to the class to ask and answer questions about activities happening in the classroom, using What’s she/he doi[r]


Date of preparing: 30/11/2017 Week 14 Period 53


I Objectives: 1 Knowledge:

By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to read for specific information and write about school subjects

- Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision

2 Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 5/12/2017

2 Warm up :6’

Spending a few minutes revising the previous lesson by organising a slap the board game using the words for school subjects

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (7’)

a Pre-reading:

- Ask Ps to look at each picture and answer:

- Tell Ps that they are going to read Nga and complete the timetable

- Aks Ps to look at the timetable and guess the subjects they can use to fill the gaps

- Ask Ps to read the text and find appropriate information to complete the sentences Ask Ps to work in pairs or small groups

b While-reading:

- Give them time to the task independently

4 Read and complete. Key:


- Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class If there is enough time, let some pairs ask and answer the questions

c Post- reading: - Ss read the passage * Activity 2: (10’)

5 Write about your school. a Pre- writing

- Tell Ps that they are going to complete some sentences about their school subjects

- Ask Ps to work in pairs or groups to discuss what are they going to write

- Focus ps on their name of school, the school days, the school subjects, when they have English, and their favourite subject Check comprehension

b While-writing

- Give ps time to the task independently

- Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class - If there is time, Ask one Ps to write on the board

c Post writing - Role-play

5 Write about your school.

*Activity 3:7’

- Tell Ps that they are going to interview a friend in another school about his/her timetable and tell the class about it

-Stick the large-size sheet of paper with the chant on page 57 on the board

- Tell Ss that they are going to a project

- Ask them to write the information about themselves Encourage them to decorate their cards Get them to swap their cards in pairs They should look at their parters cards and describe each other

- Call some pupils to the front of the class and tell the class about their partners To make this activity more challenging, you may ask them not to look at the cards Here is my friend’s timetable Huong is a pupil at Quang Trung Primary School She has Maths and Vietnamese on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays She has English on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays She has Science on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


She has IT and Music on Wednesdays, and Art on Tuesdays She has PE on Fridays Thank you for listening

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures 6 Comments:

……… ……… ………

Period 54

UNIT 9: WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Lesson 1: 1-2-3

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to Use the words and phrases related to the Classroom activities.Ask and answer questions about what someone is doing, using What’s she/he doing ? She’s / He’s…

- Sentence patterns: What’s she/he doing ? She’s / He’s… - Vocabulary: reading a text, writing a dictation

2 Skills:

- Develop Ss Listening-reading-speaking-writing 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 5/12/2017

2 Warm up :6’

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by asking the class the question What you like doing? Then have the class the chant Flying a little kite and clap their hands


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (8’)

- T tell ps that they are going to read a story in which Ps ask and answer questions about what someone is doing in the classroom

- Ask Ps to look at four pictures to discuss the context in which the language is used

Ask them questions such as: Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about? ( In a: Nam is holding a ball in his hand, standing with Peter and Mai the door of the classroom Peter asks Mai where Tom is In the Picture b,Nam Nam asks Mai What’s he doing ? and Mai answer He’s reading In the picture C, Nam asks Tom what he is reading In the picture D, Nam suggests to the boys that they play football and the boys agree)Remind pupils of the meaning of be + verb-ing Check comprehension.

- Play the recording more than one, for Ps to listen and repeat Do choral and individual repetition, poiting to the charactera speaking

- Play the recording again for Ps to listen and repeat * Language note:

be + verb- ing is used to express an action happening at the moment of speaking ( e.g They are making a boat )

1 Look, listen and repeat

* Activity 2: (10’) a Vocabulary:

- Teach words and phrases : reading a text, writing a dictation

+ checking: Slap the board T guides Ss how to play b Model sentences: T: What’s she doing ? P:.She’s watching a video.

- Concept check: intonation, using c Practice:

- Tell Ps they are going to practise asking and answering questions about what someone is doing - Have them look at the bubbles to understand how to name the school subjects

2 Point and say. a Vocabulary:

- Teach words and phrases : reading a text, writing a dictation + checking: Slap the board

T guides Ss how to play b Model sentences: T: What’s she doing ? P:.She’s watching a video.


- Point to the picture a and have Ps repeat the word of the subject under it Do choral and individuall repetition.The tell Ps to practise asking and answering about subject in pairs, using the prompts in the bubbles and the word under the picture Repeat the name procedure with the rest of the picutures

T: What’s she doing ? P:.She’s watching a video.

*Language note: Draw pupils’ attention to the – ing- forms of different verbs ( write- writing )

* Activity 3: 5’

- Tell Ps they are going to practise in pair using What’s she doing ? She’s watching a video( playing football, reading, listening to music)

- Ask them to work in pairs ,one asking and and the other giving the answer

- Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class Correct pronunciation, if necessary

* Work in pairs Tell your partners what subjects they have today.

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures 6 Comments:

……… ……… ………


Lesson 1: 3-4-5 I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able listen and write specific information about what someone is doing, using What’s she/he doing ? She’s / He’s… - Sentence patterns: revision

- Vocabulary: revision 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 6/12/2017

2 Warm up :5’

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson Call a few pairs to the front of the class to ask and answer the question What are you doing ? Using the actual subjects New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (11’)

a Pre-listening

- Ask Ps to look at the pictures on page 59 - Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the three dialogues about what someone is doing and tick the correct pictures

- Have them look at the pictures Ask them what these subjects are called in English Have ps point to the pictures and say aloud the names of the subjects in English Check understanding

b While-listening

- Play the recording more than once, if necessary Ask ps to listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures Tell them to focus on the subjects

- Play the recording again for them to check their answers

- Get Ps to swap their answers before you check as a class

c Post- listening:

- Play the game: Whisper

3 Listen and tick. Key: 1- b – c – a

* Activity 2: (9’) a Pre- writing:

- Ask ss to look at the pictures on page 59. - Tell Ps that they are going to fill the gaps of the sentences with what someone is

Look and write. Key:



- Have they look at the pictures to identify the what someone is doing Ask them what these activities are called in English Check understanding

- Ask ps to find approprivate words to complete the sentence under each picture b While- writing:

- Give them time to the task independently Go around offering help, if necessary

- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class If there is enough time, call some ps to read aloud the complete sentences

c Post reading:

- Ask Ps to play a game: Lucky numbers

4 She’s watching TV/ a video.

* Activity 3: (6’)

- Tell Ps that they are going to play Charade

- Divide them into groups of three Pupil mimes a classroom activity ( e.g reading a book, listening to music ) without making any sound or lip movements Pupil point to pupil and asks What’s he/she doing ? Pupils answers ( e.g He’she’ reading a book )

- Ask ps to work in pairs to discuss the possible answers

- Call on some of them to say the answer

5 Let’s play.

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures 6 Comments:

……… ……… ………



1 Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about what people are doing, using what are they doing ?They’re……

- Sentence patterns: What are they doing ? - They’re………… - Vocabulary: painting masks, making a puppet

2 Skills:

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 6/12/2017

2 Warm up :5’

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by calling some pupils to the class to ask and answer questions about activities happening in the classroom, using What’s she/he doing ?

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (10’)

- T tell ps that they are going to look a story in which ps ask and answer questions about activities happening in the classroom

- Ask Ps to open their book on page 60 and look at the pictures

- Have them look at the pictures to understand the context in which the language is used Ask them questions such as: Who are they? Where are they? What are they saying?TOm and Linda are standing near the door of the classroom and are talking In the Picture B and c, Linda talks about what pupils at the red, blue and yellow tables are doing , and Tom asks if they are having an Art lesson. Check understanding


- Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for ss to listen and repeat Do choral and individually repetition, pointing to the characters speaking

- Play the recording again for Ps to listen and repeat

* Activity 2: (9’) a Vocabulary:

- Teach the phrases: painting masks, making a puppet, playing badminton and making paper planes Check


+ Checking: Slap the board T guides Ss how to play b Model sentences: A: What are they doing ? B: They are playing badminton. - Concept check: intonation, using c Practice:

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions what people are doing

- Let them look at the bubbles to understand how to ask and answer questions about what people are doing using what are they doing ?They’re…… Ask ps to identify the names of the four - Point to the first picture and model the task with one pupil, using the sentences in the bubbles and the phrase under the picture( teacher: What are they doing ? Pupil: They’re painting masks) Repeat the procedure with the other rows in the table - Ask Ps to practise in pairs, one asking the question and the other giving the answer, using the prompt in the bubbles and pictures

- Select some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class Monitor the activity and other help, if necessary

2 Point and say a Vocabulary:

- Teach the phrases: painting masks, making a puppet, playing badminton and making paper planes

b Model sentences: A: What are they doing ? B: They are playing badminton.

* Activity 3: (6’)

- Tell Ps that they are going to revise what


they have learnt in L1 and Get them to work in pairs and ask and answer the three questions Remind them to answer with facts about themselves

- Call a few pairs to act out their conversation

- Encourage ps to observe and give comments in English

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures 6 Comments:

Ngày đăng: 29/05/2021, 10:48

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