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Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen to specific information and write about making and responding to suggestions to go somewhere.. - Sentence patterns: revi[r]


Date of preparing: 22/ 03/ 2018 Week 27 Period 103


I Objectives:

1 Knowledge:

At the end of the period, pupils will be able to: the test Sentence patterns: (review)

Vocabulary: (review)

2 Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

II TEACHING METHODS: - Work individual

IV PROCEDURE: 1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 27/3/2018

2 Warm up :5’ 3 New lesson

Part I LISTENING ( pts ) ( 20 Minutes ) Question 1: Listen and number (1pt)


Question Listen and draw the lines (1pt) There is an example.



Question 3: Listen and write T ( true ) or F ( false ) (1pt) Numbers and are the examples.

Question Listen and tick (1pt) 0.Jenny : What is that ?

Lisa: A B

C 1.Nam : What time is it?

Peter: A. B. C

2.Tom : When is Teachers’ Day? Linda: A



3.Peter :What subjects you have today?

Mai: A B C

4.Tony: What does she look like?

Tom: A B C

1 Linda is years old T

2 Her's birthday is in September F

3 She’s in class 5A She loves fish

4 She doesn’t like beef

5 She doesn’t like apple juice


Question Listen and complete (1pt) Number is an example. What time you go to school?

I go to school at ……… What does your father do, Mai? He’s a ……… What’s your favourite food? It’s ………

4 What does your sister look like, Phong? She’s ………

PART II READING AND WRITING ( 4pts ) (15 minutes)

Question Look and read Put a tick (√) or a cross (X) in the box as examples

1 They make cake at Tet

2 My favourite drink is milk I go shopping on


4 They were at the zoo

Question Look and read Write Yes or No ( 1pt) It’s Mai’s family They are eating

3 It’s on the first of June They are in the classroom His mother is short and old


Question Look at the pictures Look at the letters Write the words (1pt)

1 tguari ………

2 mafrer ………

3 mneeolad ………

4 latl ………

Question Choose a word from the box and write it next to numbers from 1-4 (1pt) firework

New Year luckey money

wearing beautiful clothes

It’s the New Year’s Eve It is nearly midnight Nam and his father are watching the (0) firework displays by Hoan Kiem Lake They are colourful and(1) _ Nam is happy because (2) _ is coming He is having a big party at home He is wearing new and beautiful (3) _ and getting (4) from his parents He likes Tet very much

PART III SPEAKING (1pt) (5 minutes)

1 Listen and repeat Point, ask and answer Listen and comment Interview

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (2’)

Review the lesson, prepare the new lesson 6 Comments:


Period 104

Correcting the test 3

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: - By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to practise ledge they have learn

- Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision Skills:

- Develop Ss Listening-reading-speaking-writing 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization:

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 27/3/2018

2 Warm up :6’ 3 New lesson

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (3’)

Do exercises in the workbook 6 Comments:

……… ……… ………


Period 105


LESSON 1(1,2)

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: At the end of the period, pupils will be able to: use the words and phrases related to the topic The neighbourhood Make and respond to suggestions to go somewhere,using Let’s go to the…and Great idea/Sorry, I’m busy

Sentence patterns: Let’s go to the… Great idea/Sorry, I’m busy

Vocabulary: sweet, chocolate, medicine, pharmacy, bakery, sweet shop… Skills:

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 28/3/2018

2 Warm up :3’

Ask pupils to say the names of some places in the neighbourhood in Vietnamese

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (10’)

- They are going to read a story in which Phong asksMai questions about making suggestions to go somewhere and responding to the suggestions

- Ask pupils to look at the four pictures to identify the characters (Mai and Phong)and the context in which the language is used

- Ask them question such as Where are they?What are they doing?(In picture a, Mai asks Phong where is he going and he answers he is going to the bookshop In picture b, Phong makes a suggestions to go to the bookshop, using Let’s go to the bookshop together In


picture c and d hong and Mai go to the bookshop together.) Check comprehension.

- Play the recording more than once, ask students listen and repeat Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking

- Play the recording again and aks pupils listen and repeat

* Activity 2: (18’)

We are going to practise Making and responding to suggestions to go somewhere

- Ask pupils to look at the bubbles to understand how to use the language Ask them to look at the five pictures to identify the places Elicit the meaning of the nouns describing places: bakery, pharmacy, supermaket, medicine, sweet shop

- Point to the first picture and ask one pupil to ask Let’s go to the bakery I want to buy some bread.and another to answer Great idea/ Sorry, I’m busy

- Ask pupils to choral and individual repetition Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures - Ask pupils to work in pairs, pointing to the characters speaking and to role-play the dialogue

* Work in pairs Suggest some places to go and say why.

- They are going to Make and respond to suggestions to go somewhere,using Let’s go to the…and Great

idea/Sorry, I’m busy

- Ask them to work in pairs

- Select some pairs to role play the dialogue in front of the class

2 Point and say

4 Consolidation: (2’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (2’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words 6 Comments:

……… ……… ………

Period 106


Lesson 1: 3-4-5

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen to specific information and write about making and responding to suggestions to go somewhere

- Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss Listening-reading-speaking-writing 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4C 28/3/2018

2 Warm up :3’

Spend a few minutes revising previous lesson Get pupils to play Bingo, using the places in the neighbourhood they have learnt( bookshop, sweet shop, supermarket, bakery, pharmacy, cinema, school)

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (10’)

a Pre-listening:

- T looks at the books and sets the scence:

How many colums are there?

- We are going to listen to two dialogues and tick the correct picture

- Ask pupils to look at the pictures to identify the shops and objects.( 1a sweet shop, 1b bookshop, 2a some books, 2b some pens 3a a supermarket, 3b a bakery 4a some vegetables, 4b some drink) Check understanding Then ask them to read the questions and guess the answers

b While-listening:

- Play the recording few times Ask pupils listen and


tick the correct the picture

- Ask pupils to swap their answers

c Post listening:

- Play the game: Whisper

* Activity 2: (10’) a Pre- writing:

- We are going to complete the sentences, using the picture cues

- Ask pupils to look at the picture and the answer in

- Ask pupils to look at the other picture and use the appropriate words to complete the answers

- Ask pupils to work in pairs b While- writing:

- Ask pupils to the tast independently - Ask pupils to swap their answers

- If there is enough time, invite some pairs to act out the dialogues

c Post- reading:

- Play the game: Whisper - Guide how to play

4 Look and write: Key:

2 To the bakery, buy some cakes/bread

3 To the sweet shop, buy some sweet

4 To the pharmacy, buy some medicine

* Activity 3: (8’)

- Tell Ps that they are going sing the song Let’s go… teach the song, following the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction

- Ask them to read the line of the lyrics aloud.Check understanding

- Play the recording all the way through Ask ss to choral and individual repetition of the song line by line until they get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the tune of the song

- Play the recording again and get Ps to sing along with the recording

- Divide the class into two groups, one sings the questions and the other sing the answers

5 Let’s sing:

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? 5 Homelink: (3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Review the lesson and prepare next lesson 6 Comments:


Ngày đăng: 28/05/2021, 22:18
