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* Activity 3: Tell your class the date today(8’) - Tell ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about the real date, using what is the date today.. It’s ……...[r]


Date of preparing: 28/ 09/ 2017 Week: 05 Period: 17 UNIT 3: WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY ?

Lesson 3: 1-2-3 I AIMS

1 Knowledge

- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to pronounce the sound of the letters ir, ur and er in the words first, Thursday and her

- Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision

2 Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE

1 Class organization

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4C 3/10/ 2017 ………

……… 2 Warm up(5’)

Call or pairs of ps to act out the story in lesson activity 3 New lesson(30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: Listen and repeat(11’)

- T tell ps that they are going to practise saying the sound of the letters ir, ur and er in the words first, Thursday and her

- Put the letters ir, ur and er on the board

Play the recording and ask ps to repeat a few times -Then write the words first, Thursday and her and the sentences on the board

- Play the recording more than once

- Do choral and individual repetition of sound, words and sentences untill ps feel confident

- Get some ps to perform in front of the class Check as



- T introduce the activity and give a few seconds for ps to read the text

b While- listening

- Play the recording once for ps to circle the words - Set a time limit for ps to complete the sentences and check the answers in pairs

- Call a few ps to read aloud the completed sentences Key: b 2b a

c Post-listenning

- Ask Ss to read the sentences aloud

Key: b 2b a

* Activity 3: Let’s chant(8’) - Ps are going to say the chant

- Ps read the chant and check comprehension

- Play the recording a few times for ps to choral and individual repetition

- Divide the class into two groups: chant the questions and other chants the answers

- Call two small groups of ps to the front of the class to say the chant

3 Let’s chant.

4 Consolidation (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson? 5 Home-link (2’)

- Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures 6 Comments


Week: 05 Period: 18 UNIT 3: WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY ?

Lesson 3: 4-5-6 I AIMS:

1 Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic Day of the week

- Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision

2 Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE

1 Class organization

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4C 3/10/ 2017 ………

……… 2 Warm up(5’)

Sing the chant 3 New lesson(30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: Read and answer(11’)

a Pre- reading

- Tell Ps that they are going to read the text about Mai’s weekly activities and answer the questions - ps to look at the picture and ask: Who is this? When does she go to school?

b While- reading

- Ps read the text and answer the questions

- Ps to swap their answers and correct them before checking as a class

- Ask A pair to ask and answer the question Key: Her name is Mai

4 Read and answer

Key: Her name is Mai 2 It’s Monday today


- Announce the answersnto the class c Post reading

- Have Ps play the game:

* Activity 2: Write about you(11) a Pre- writing:

- Tell Ps that they are going to answer some questions about themselves

b While- writing

- T set a time limit for ps to the task

- When time is up, get them to swap their answer for peer checking

- Invite one or two ps to read aloud their work Key: Ps’ own answer

c Post writting

- Have Ps play the game: Pick up the sentences

5.Write about you

Key: pupils’ own answer

* Activity 3: Project(8’)

- T tell ps that they are going to interview one of their classmates about what they at the weekend

- Write some sample questions on the board and have ps copy them down

- Then an interview with a ps as an example - Ps rehearse the interview if there is enough time Then ask them to the interviews after class or over the weekend and report the results in the next lesson - Teach them how to report the results

Ex: Goodmorning, everyone Here are the results of my interviews On Saturday, Minh plays football in the morning and listens to music in the afternoon On Sundays, he goes swimming in the morning and visits his grandmothers in the afternoon.


Key: pupils’ own answer

4 Consolidation (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson? 5 Home-link (2’)

Do excersice: D

- Making sentences using strutures greeting in each part of the day 6 Comments


Week: 05 Period: 19 UNIT 4: WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY?

Lesson 1: 1-2 I AIMS

1 Knowledge

- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about dates, using What is the dat today? It’s……

- Sentence patterns: What is the date today? It’s…… - Vocabulary: ordinal numbers ( 1st- 31st)

2 Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing

3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard III TEACHING AIDS

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE

1 Class organization

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4C 4/10/ 2017 ………

……… 2 Warm up(5’)

Revising a the previous lesson by asking the class to say the chant and clap their hands

3 New lesson(30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (8’)

- T tell ps that they are going to read a story in which ps ask and answer questions about dates, using What is the date today? It’s…

- T ask ps to look at the pictures and read the text Get them to identify the characters and the setting of the conversation by asking Who’s are they? Where are they? What are they saying?

- Check comprehension

- T play the recording more than once - Ps listen and repeat

- Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to


* Activity 2: Point and say(15’) a Vocabulary

- Look at the pictures to understand how the language is used

- Ps say the dates, they need to know the ordinal numbers 1st to 31st

- Point to picture a and have them repeat the date uder the picture

- Do choral and individual repetition b Model sentences

- T tell ps that they are going to practicse asking answering questions about dates, using What is the date today? It’s…

c Practice

- Ask Ss to practise asking and answering the question What is the date today? It’s……using the puppets as an example

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question using the word under each picture as a cue

- Select some pairs

2 Point and say a Vocabulary

ordinal numbers ( 1st- 31st)

b Model sentences

What is the date today? It’s…… ….

c Practice

* Activity 3: Tell your class the date today(8’) - Tell ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about the real date, using what is the date today? It’s ……

- Ps work in pairs, one points to the calendar and asks the question, the order looks at the calendar and answers

- T call ps to write the answer on the board - T cal some pairs to practise in front of the class

* Tell your class the date today

4 Consolidation (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson? 5 Home-link (2’)

-Do excersice in work book

- Making sentences using strutures in this Lesson Prepare the new lesson 6 Comments


Week: 05 Period: 20 UNIT4: WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY?

Lesson 1: 3-4-5 I AIMS

1 Knowledge

- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen and write informations about dates

- Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision

2 Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE

1 Class organization

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4C 4/10/ 2017 ………

……… 2 Warm up(5’)

- Call a few pairs to the front of the class to ask and answer the question What is the date today?, using the real date.

- Ask one ps to write the date on the board 3 New lesson(30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: Listen and tick (11’)

a Pre-listening

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to three dialouges about dates and tick the correct pictures

- Ps look at the pictures and identify that the month is the same but the dates are different.e ordinal numbers 1st

to 31st with them.

- Ps to say the nine dates show in the pictures

Remind them the differences between cardinal and ordinal numbers Eg fourteen and fourteenth


- Check understanding

- T play the recording more than once - Ps listen and tick the correct pictures - ps show focus on the dates

- ps to swap their answers before you check as a class c Post listening

- Have Ps play the game: Whisper

Key: b c a

* Activity 2: Look and write (11’) a Pre- writing

- Tell Ps that they are going to fill the gaps of the sentences with different dates suggested in the pictures - Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures

- Ps find appropriate words to complete the sentence under each picture

b While- writing

- Remind them to write the words for the numbers, instead of digits

- Ask them to pay attention to the spelling of 12th – the


- Get ps to word in pairs

- Give ps time to the task independently

- Get them to swap their answers before checking as aclass

- Call some ps to read aloud the complete sentences c Post writing

- Get Ps to play the game: Noughts and Crosses

4 Look and write

Key: the twelfth of October

the fourteenth of October

the thirty- first of October

* Activity 3: Let’s sing(8’)

- T tell ps that they are going to sing the song What’s the date today?

- Have them read each line of the lyrics aloud - Check comprehension

- Play the recording all the way through

- Ask ps to choral and individual repetition of the song line by line

- When ps are familiar with the tune, ask three groups of four to the front of the class The first two groups sing two lines each, anf the third sings the last three lines The class sings the song together and claps hands

4 Let’s sing

4 Consolidation (3’)? What’s the content of the lesson? 5 Home-link (2’)

- Review the content of lesson Ask Ss to exercises at home - Learn new words and structures, prepare for the next lesson

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 01:29


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