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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VIETNAM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES LE THI QUYNH NGA DEVELOPING CONSULTING COMPETENCY OF HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Major of Theories and History of Education Code: 14 01 02 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Hanoi, 2021 The thesis has been completed at: Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences Academic supervisor: Prof Ph.D Nguyen Huu Chau Ph.D Nguyen Anh Dung Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis has been defended before Assessment Council of doctoral thesis at Academy level held in Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi At o’clock date month year The thesis can be found at: - National Library of Vietnam - Library of Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences INTRODUCTION RATIONALE During the course of development, people are always faced with a variety of difficulties and challenges, especially during the period of renewal and integration, these have become more diverse and complex Therefore, the need for assistance in overcoming these challenges is becoming more and more emphasized For high school students, in addition to those difficulties and challenges, they also encounter difficulties caused by psychological and physiological change of their age group, thus it is inevitable that they will encounter difficulties in both academic and daily lives The role of teachers today is not only assisting students in acquiring subject knowledge, but also bearing the responsibility for supporting students in resolving difficulties in learning and in their lives so that they can have comprehensive development, thus contributing to the successful assumption of a teacher's educational role Indeed, teachers are those who have close contacts with students and deeper understanding of them in all aspects, especially in problems that they encounter in their learning process at school Furthermore, teachers also have access to formal information and carry out duties to educate and support students in performing their learning tasks Therefore, the consulting role of the teacher has been affirmed in many guiding documents In fact, many teachers have consulted and supported students actively when they have to deal with problems or when students inform teachers of their needs Nevertheless, most of the teachers are only working with students to solve their problems based on personal experience, while the basic knowledge and skills on consulting students are limited due to the lack of training As a result, the consulting competency of teachers should be developed regularly throughout their educational career in order to contribute to bringing scientific basis into practice in order to professionalize consulting activities in schools and improve educational quality of schools thus fulfilling the needs of society For the above reasons, the topic of "Developing the consulting competency of high school teachers" has been selected as the topic of our thesis RESEARCH PURPOSE Based on theoretical and practical research, measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers will be proposed to improve their educational competency thus following the trend of educational innovation RESEARCH POPULATION AND RESEARCH OBJECT 3.1 Research population The process of developing the educational competency of high school teachers 3.2 Research object The process of developing the consulting competency of high school teachers SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS If the consulting competency framework of high school teachers is established and the training programs of consulting competency for high school teachers is designed and implemented and their self-study competency is developed in accordance with the developed framework, their consulting competency will be improved to meet the current requirements of education RESEARCH TASKS - Studying theoretical basis for consulting competency development of high school teachers - Assessing the status of the consulting needs of high school students, the status of the consulting competency of the high school teachers and the status of the development of the consulting competency of the teachers in high schools - Proposing solutions for the development of consulting competency of high school teachers in the direction of competency approach - Testing and pedagogical experiment to verify the science and feasibility of the proposed measures SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH - Contents: + Although there are many people who has consulting needs in high schools, within the scope of this thesis, we limit the consulting subject to students only + Consulting competency is understood as an educational competency that teachers need to perform their educational roles since the thesis does not discuss the consulting competency of professional counsellors or teachers who are in charge of School consultancy team - Scale, area: + Within the scope of this thesis, the survey of the status of the consulting competency of high school teachers is limited to six high schools in Hanoi, Thanh Hoa and Ho Chi Minh City, representing the inner and suburban areas of three regions including Northern, Central and Southern Vietnam + The proposed measures are experimented at two high schools representing the inner and suburban areas in Hanoi METHODOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODS 7.1 Methodology: Value approach; Action approach; Competency approach 7.2 Research methods 7.2.1 Theoretical research methods Methods of analysis and synthesis of theory, classification and systematization of studies on consultancy and consultancy for domestic and foreign high school students in order to form the theoretical and practical basis for the thesis 7.2.2 Practical research methods: Pedagogical observation method; Questionnaire survey method; Interview method; Case study method; Pedagogical experiment method 7.2.3 Other methods: Expert method; Method of processing of data and assessing by mathematical statistics POINTS TO BE DEFENDED 8.1 The consulting competency that needs to be developed for high school teachers is the educational competency, which must be formed and developed throughout professional career in high schools This competency is constituted by the body of consulting knowledge; the set of consulting skills and attitudes during the operation, in which the set of consulting skills is considered as the core of consulting competency These elements are closely related in the process of carrying out a particular activity 8.2 Consulting competency of high school teachers can be developed through regular training activities, combined with their own self-training with a number of appropriate measures which are introduced in a flexible manner in accordance with the working conditions of teachers, taking full advantage of their knowledge and experience 8.3 Studying and applying of measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers proposed in the thesis will contribute to improving the quality of consulting activities in high schools, helping students to solve their problems, perform their learning tasks and develop themselves harmoniously, thus helping teachers fulfill their educational tasks and meeting the requirements of the education industry in the ever-changing social context NEW CONTRIBUTION OF THE THESIS - Building up a theoretical model of the consulting competency framework and developing the consulting competency as the theoretical basis for the introduction of measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers - Assessing the status of the consulting competency of teachers in some high schools, the status of the development of consulting competency of high school teachers, as well as the current need of teachers for consulting competency training so that the advantages and disadvantages in the process of developing consulting competency of high school teachers could be identified - Identifying the consulting competency framework of high school teachers including the body of basic knowledge, set of skills, and attitudes to be equipped as a basis for the development of the consulting competency of high school teachers - Adopting measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers in a flexible manner which is suitable to the professional characteristics of high school teachers thus making full use of the knowledge and practical experience of teachers and promoting their proactivity and initiative - Affirming the rationality and feasibility of the measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers through a survey of expert opinions and through pedagogical experiment 10 STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS In addition to the Introduction, References and Appendix, the thesis consists of four chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical basis of developing consulting competency of high school teachers Chapter 2: Status of the consulting competency of high school teachers Chapter 3: Measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers Chapter 4: Pedagogical experiment CHAPTER THEORICAL BASIS OF DEVELOPING CONSULTING COMPETENCY OF HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS 1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH 1.1.1 Researches on school consultancy School consultancy has been existing for a long time in the world Initially, the consulting activities were carried out within the framework of educational development programs and projects and performed by professional associations, with the contents of: psychology - physiology of students, the theory of teaching and learning in schools, etc and it was, then, developed into an independent school affiliated service model The consulting subject and content have also been expanded Issues of school consultancy that drew interest in studying among scientists are: the school consultancy model and the professional standards of consulting staff 1.1.2 Researches on consulting competency of teachers Many researchers have pointed out that to become a professional teacher, the consulting competency is one of the must-have factors However, less attention is paid to the deeper understanding of the consulting competency of teachers as well as the issue of developing this type of competency for the teacher It may lead to the hindrance to the ensurance of quality and efficiency of modern educational processes This is the starting point of this thesis 1.1.3 Researches on developing consulting competency of teachers Regarding the development of consulting competency of teachers, we can only find studies on the development of consulting competency of teachers in general, including factors that are understood as consultancy or developing consulting competency for teachers or staff that is assigned to the task of being in charge of the school couselling office or school counselor, but we can not find any research focused on the development of consulting competency as a necessary competency of any teacher General assessment Through analyzing and synthesizing domestic and foreign studies on the topic of school consultancy and consulting competency of teachers, we found that: On school consultancy Firstly, the above studies affirmed that students' need for consultancy is a real and urgent need, but the status and effectiveness of consulting for them have not produced the expected effect In addition, these researches have also introduced a set of consulting concepts, goals, and contents as well as the necessary consulting competency of consultants in schools However, concerning this issue, it can be said that in Vietnam today there are still many debates over the terms 'Counselling' or 'Consultancy' This is the problem that the thesis should focus on Second: The above studies have mentioned a lot about consulting content in schools Nonetheless, most of the research on this issue only focuses on the field of psychological consulting In fact, the consulting needs of students are various, sine there are not only psychological consulting needs but also the desire to be consulted in a variety of other important issues in school All of these problems are still encountered frequently by students and exert negative effects on their learning process On consulting competency of teacher Firstly: Scientists affirmed that high school students encounter many difficulties in their learning and living process for many reasons To solve those problems, seeking teachers' consultancy is one way that many students are choosing to Therefore, it is vital to clarify the role of the teacher in supporting students to perform their tasks, contributing to improving the quality of high school education, meeting demands of the development and challenges of society nowadays and solving the shortage of school counsellors in our country Secondly, most of the above-mentioned research affirmed that consulting competency is an important competency that every teacher needs to have to complete their task of educating students However, these researches have not mentioned what factors the consulting competency of a teacher consist of and what the process of forming and developing consulting competency of a teacher is In some other research projects, scientists are only interested in researching and proposing measures to develop educational/pedagogical competency in general or consulting competency for either teachers who are in charge of the task or fulltime staff of conselling office only Meanwhile, the thesis holds the view that the consulting competency of teacher is an important competency that any teacher should have in order to help students solve the problems that they so that they will be able to perform their learning tasks, develop themselves in a harmonious way whilst helping teachers fulfill their educational duties Therefore, the thesis needs to continue to study and clarify this difference 1.2 BASIC CONCEPTS 1.2.1 Consultancy - Counseling and Consultancy It can be said that in Vietnam today there are still many debates over the term 'Tham vấn' or 'Tư vấn' The denotation as well as the translation of international terms 'Consultancy' and 'Counseling' when they are translated into Vietnamese have been still under debate Though these two terms both refer to the assistance for people in need in order to help them solve their problems, there are relative differences in the goals, methods, relationships, professional competency requirements, etc Based on the definitions provided by domestic and international scientists, the comparison of similarities and differences of terms, it can be seen that the term 'Consultancy' in English corresponds to the term 'Tư vấn' in Vietnamese whereas the term 'Counseling' corresponds to the term 'Tham vấn' - The role of teacher Within the scope of this thesis, the role of the teacher in helping students solve their problems is defined as "Consultancy", and in our opinion: Consultancy is an activity of people having knowledge and experience of the matter that the subject is facing wih the view to helping him solve his problem 1.2.2 Competency In this thesis, we believe that “Competency is an individual attribute which is formed and developed by existing qualities through the process of learning and training, allowing people to successfully perform a certain type of activity and achieve the desired results under specific conditions" Regarding the structure of competency, in this thesis, the competency is thought to be constituted by knowledge, skills and attitudes, in which attitude consists of three basic elements including emotion, motivation and will 1.2.3 Consulting competency of teachers On the basis of the concept of competency and consultancy, as well as the concept of the role of high school teachers which has been mentioned above, we believe that: the consulting competency of high school teachers is an individual attribute which is formed and developed by existing qualities through the process of learning and training, allowing people to successfully perform a certain type of activity and achieve the desired results under specific conditions with the view to helping students solve problems that they encounter in the learning process at school 1.2.4 Developing teachers' consulting competency In this thesis, we believe that: Developing consulting competency is to make teachers improve and expand their consulting knowledge, skills and attitudes to better perform consulting activities in order to satisfy the requirements of educational practice 1.3 Needs of high school students for Consultancy 1.3.1 Characteristics of high school students - Physiological characteristics: Generally, students of this age achieve greater stability of physicality, nervous system, and gender than teenagers However, the relatively stable physiological development is not proportional to the psychological development, leading to many conflicts that need support to be resolved - Psychological characteristics - Communicational characteristics + Communication with adults: High school students have the need to build relationships with adults and want to be treated as adults In order to maintain the changing relationship between students and adults, students have various forms of resistance and disobedience as a means of replacing the old relationship with the new one + Communication with friends: Students have considerable needs for communication with their friends because, on the one hand, they are very eager to communicate, learn and work together which make them close and trustworthy friends, on the other hand, students also express their desire to be recognized and respected by their friends - Emotional characteristics The feelings of high school students are much stronger and more complicated than that of junior high school students One outstanding feature of this age group is emotional ease, irritability, quick sadness, joy and excitement This is originated from the influence of the growth and changes in some internal organs Sometimes it is due to the unbalanced nerve activity, often the excitement process is stronger than the inhibitory process that makes the students unable to control themselves - Cognitive characteristics The intellectual development of high school students has reached a high level and is being gradually improved in the learning process The higher the grade, the more students' intellectual competencies develops that creates opportunities for them to get independent thinking, generalization thinking, creative thinking, and to prepare them for further study, vocational training and life 1.3.2 Needs of high school students for Consultancy Based on the typical characteristics of high school students, it can be noted that they have needs for consultancy and should be consulted about the following contents: Study The transition from junior high school students to high school is a considerable difficulty for students The amount of the knowledge has increased and the requirements of each subject in high schools are also higher than those in junior high schools Therefore, many problems that may arise such as learning motivation, learning methods, selection of subjects and thematic clusters according to the 2018 General Education Curriculum, academic pressure, exams, etc Physiology and Psychology - Communication • Communication with adults In communication with adults, high school students in general show a sense of maturity, expressing their new stance towards adults and the world around them If adults are not aware that their needs and aspirations are justified and not change attitudes toward them, conflict will occur • Communication with friends of the same age Communication with friends of the same age help students be aware of others and themselves, thereby developing some of their communication skills, behaviors and personalities In addition, self-awareness has developed so that they quickly become aware of their sexual characteristics They begin to care for each other, like each other, and they take care of their appearance Therefore, when implementing educational and consulting activities, teacher should create favorable conditions for students to communicate with each other, offer guidance and check their relationships, avoid the state of prohibiting and restricting the communication of students of this age - Physiology and gender At the age of high school students, they have to undergo enormous changes both physiologically and psychologically These changes can even lead to a crisis if they not have psychological preparation, ask for adult guidance, or seek information and solutions from unreliable sources by themselves Therefore, they desperately need guidance on gender and relationships - Participating in social activities At high school age, students are able to participate in groups and social organizations that make them fascinated and have a positive impact on their psychological development and personality They should be and need to be oriented to participate in appropriate social activities Career orientation At this stage, students are facing their own choices of direction after graduating from high school However, since high school students have limited experience and practical knowledge, making the right decision is extremely difficult As a result, they need support to choose a direction which are most appropriate for them 1.4 Developing the consulting competency of high school teachers 1.4.1 Structure of the consulting competency of high school teachers To determine the structure of the consulting competency of the teachers, we base our approach on the characteristics and requirements of the teaching profession, the qualities and competency of the high school teachers, as well as the quality and competency requirements of school counselors 11 Conclusion of chapter In any context, at any time, the teacher still plays a pivotal role in the development of students Research on teachers and their competency has been conducted by many educational scientists Nevertheless, research on the consulting competency of teachers in general, and the consulting competency of high school teachers in particular, remain limited as there are few researches that touch upon these topics Nowadays, consulting competency is essential for high school teachers to be able to perform their educational tasks successfully Consulting competency consists of major components including: body of consulting knowledge, consulting skills and attitude Therefore, the content of developing consulting competency for high school teachers is defined as: fostering and developing a body of consulting knowledge; developing a set of consulting skills and educating consulting attitude The development of high school teachers' consulting competency is influenced by subjective and objective factors, each of which has a certain impact on the development of consulting competency of high school teachers Accordingly, it is significant to pay due attention to these factors to achieve the best effect when organizing activities to develop consulting competency of high school teachers CHAPTER STATUS OF THE CONSULTING COMPETENCY OF HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS 2.1 Survey purpose To assess the status of the consulting competency of high school teachers and to develop their consulting competency in practical activities; To find out causes of this situation to serve as the basis for introducing measures to develop consulting competency of high school teachers 2.2 Survey objective Survey is conducted with the participation of school managers, teachers, students of six high schools in the urban and suburban areas (represented by Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Thanh Hoa province) in the Northern, Southern and Central Region 2.3 Survey contents  The status of needs of high school students for consultancy;  The status of awareness of consulting competency among school managers, teachers and students, and development of consulting competency of high school teachers; 12  The status of the consulting competency and developing the consulting competency of high school teachers;  The reason for the limitation of consulting competency development of high school teachers 2.4 Survey methods - Questionnaire: Using a set of survey tools including 02 questionnaires including a set of questions related to consulting activities in schools and consulting competency of high school teachers for two groups of subjects including students, and teachers, administrators of high schools; - Interview: In-depth interview with teachers and students on research issues, such as: needs for consultancy of high school students; the support method for high school students; status of the consulting competency of high school teachers; the issue of developing the consulting competency of high school teachers; - Case study: Investigating into some typical cases that are considered to have conducted consulting for students effectively in terms of the consulting content, the interest of students, the consulting method of high school teachers, teacher's understanding of the issue that high school students need to be consulted as well as knowledge of consulting activities 2.5 Survey results 2.5.1 Status of needs of high school students for consulting Difficulties faced by students and the rate of occurence High school students may have to cope with many difficulties in their academic and daily lives They faced difficulties in all five aspects that have been mentioned above (Academic performance, Communication and behaviors, Gender-related issues and relationship with friends of opposite sex, Career orientation and Engagement in social activities), for instance, academic pressure, exam stress, career and life orientations They need to be consulted on all those five aspect and supported to come up with solutions Ways of solving problems Being faced with difficulties, students rarely seek the help of counseling experts at consulting centers as they tend to seek solutions on their own, or find information on the Internet, newspapers, radio, television, or consult their close friends Asking for consultancy from their parents, family members or teachers is not the first solution that comes up in students' mind In fact, asking for teachers' consultancy should be a popular solution for students Needs for consultancy Survey results show that most of the inquired teachers and students said that the needs of students for consultancy are overwhelming Nevertheless, teachers consider the need of high school students for consultancy lower than the students’ needs for consultancy in reality 13 Expectation for teachers’ consultancy When seeking teachers’ consultancy, the expectations of students range from the highest to the lowest are as follows: Giving reasonable advice/direction to address problems; Ensuring confidentiality; Free of judgment, prejudice; Having their voice raised and heard In addition, while students and teachers both think that teachers are capable of providing consultancy in order to help students solve the difficulties they are facing, the problem is that teachers have not really reached their full potential in consulting activities for students in high schools 2.5.2 The status of the consulting competency awareness and development of the consulting competency of high school teachers Awareness of the consulting competency of high school teachers In general, the majority of teachers have basic understanding of the concepts and manifestations of consulting competency, but some of them not have full understanding of the nature, structure and manifestations of consulting competency This may lead to ineffective consulting activities in high schools Awareness of the need to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers Both teachers and students think that it is necessary to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers Only a few of them say that this is unnecessary or rather unnecessary (0-2%) This is completely consistent with the consulting needs of students and comments on the consulting competency of high school teachers Awareness of the development of consulting competency of high school teachers Among the six methods mentioned, teachers evaluate their impact level in the following order: (1) Through regular training activities; (2) Through self-study and self-training activities; (3) Through the organization of after-school activities; (4) Through club membership; (5) Through study tour; (6) Through equipping with background knowledge Thereby, it can be seen clearly that teachers consider the participation in regular training activities and through self-study and selftraining as the best methods to develop consulting competency of high school teachers In addition, teachers also appreciate the effects of practices such as organizing after-school activities, participating in educational projects, joining clubs, participating in study tours as they exert stronger impacts on the development of teachers' consulting competency than conveying knowledge solely and than other forms of training which are commonly seen today 2.5.3 The status of consulting competency of high school teachers The level of expression of consulting competency of high school teachers a) Teachers' perception of their consulting role 14 When assessing the high school teacher's perception of their consulting role, the majority of teachers rated it as 'fair' and 'average' However, the percentage of students who rated teacher's perception of their consulting role as 'weak' and 'poor' was higher than that of the teachers who carried out the self-assessment By examining the difference in the assessment between teachers and students, it is demonstrated that students tend to rate the high school teacher's perception of their consulting role in general lower, compared with the self-assessment of teachers b) Level of manifestation of the teacher's consulting knowledge By identifying the manifestation level of teachers' consulting knowledge when they conduct consulting and support for students, we found that teachers had basic knowledge of consulting for students, and there is a difference in the level of assessment between teachers and students regarding teachers's consulting knowledge, in which teachers' self-assessment of the manifestation level of consulting knowledge higher than student's assessment It has shown that teachers are more confident in their consulting knowledge, compared to the assessment of students c) Level of manifestation of the teacher's consulting skills The thesis analyzed sets of teacher's consulting skills through self-assessment and assessment of students According to the student's assessment and the teacher's selfassessment, feedback skill has the highest average score In addition, the empathy skill has the 2nd highest average score Among the consulting skills, students ranked teacher questioning skill lowest, and the teacher self-rated their questioning skill with the lowest score compared to other skill groups The remaining skills are rated at average by teachers and students In general, the student's assessment of the group of consulting skills was lower than the teacher's self-assessment d) Level of manifestation of the teacher's consulting attitude Survey results show that, among the three surveyed factors (consulting emotion, consulting motivation and consulting will), the consulting will is higher than the other two factors while consulting emotion ranked lowest Thus, the ability of overcoming difficulties in consulting and self-studying, self-training among teachers is more appreciated than the enthusiasm and confidence in consulting This can be explained that teachers are willing to provide consulting to students anytime and anywhere, and they always have an awareness of selfstudying and self-training to meet the practical requirements of consulting Nevertheless, due to the lack of formal trainings and retrainings on consulting in schools, teachers always feel a lack of confidence in consulting Level of student satisfaction with the high school teacher's consulting Regarding student's satisfaction with the quality of consulting provided by the teacher, most students expressed moderate satisfaction; even the majority of students did not continue to reach out to teachers after trying to ask for consulting once This is clearly a warning sign of the quality of consulting activities in high schools and the need for fostering and development of teachers 'consulting competency 15 2.5.4 The status of the development of high school teachers' consulting competency The status of the development of consulting competency at high schools The majority of teachers said they were provided with materials for self-study or short-term but infrequent training and retraining, and more than one-fifth of teachers reported that they had never received any training or retraining The number of teachers who are trained regularly, continuously and methodically is very limited Most of the teachers who said that they had received short-term trainings come from urban areas in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City The status of the need to develop high school teachers' consulting competency Survey results show that teachers have the highest need to be retrained on consulting skills, followed by knowledge fostering and finally attitude and emotion This is also consistent with the fact that consulting skills are the teachers' most fundamental weakness and shortcoming It is the fact that the attitude factors such as will and motivation have a significant impact on the teachers' drive to practice and foster their consulting knowledge and skills, however, if the teacher is equipped with adequate skills and knowledge, they will feel more confident in their school consulting Hence, there is a necessity of a balanced development of all three elements of consulting competency as they have a close relationship with each other Current status of the school's interest in the development of high school teachers 'consulting competency The majority of teachers said that the school paid little attention to the development of consulting competency for teachers, even some schools were not interested in it The proportion of schools that are interested in and particularly interested in developing teachers 'consulting competency is very low This is one of the reasons that make consulting ineffective at schools The reason for the limitation of the development of teachers 'consulting competency at high schools • Objective factors Out of the eight listed factors, the two factors that the teacher rated as having the greatest influence on the teacher's consulting competency development are Practical participation in educational activities in high schools and Regular training activities, while the other factors are assessed at the normal level of influence on the development of consulting competency in high school teachers This shows that, in order to develop the current teacher's consulting competency, it is necessary to focus on the retraining process and increase the opportunity for teachers to practice consulting in reality • Subjective factors The level of influence of subjective factors is assessed from high to low as follows: (1) Motivation, ideal and career preference; (2) Self-study and self-training activities of teachers; (3) Awareness of the teaching profession's value; (4) Existing knowledge and skills in teachers and (5) Biological and physical factors 16 Conclusion of chapter From the survey results on the status of consulting competency of high school teachers, some conclusions have been drawn as follows: Nowadays, high school students often face many difficulties in their academic and daily life They have the needs to be consulted to deal with those difficulties and they have sought different sources for consultation Although teacher is one of the supports that students should look for, however, the fact is that very few students seek advice from teachers for many reasons Generally, they are not really satisfied with teacher consulting, and not appreciate teachers' consulting competency High school teachers' consulting competency is at a low level, though the teacher has a certain awareness of their role as a consultant, their knowledge of consulting remains limited In addition, teachers' consulting skills and attitude are merely at the basic level as they are unstable and limited In particular, teachers' selfassessment of their consulting competency is higher than he students' assessment This shows that teacher's consulting competency has not met the needs and expectations of students They need to be trained to improve their competency in order to be able to carry out consulting activities more effectively in high schools Activities to develop consulting competency at high schools still has many limitations, as they are unmethodical and ineffective due to many objective and subjective factors It is necessary to research and propose training activities to practically and effectively develop teachers 'consulting competency, thus making full use of the teachers' knowledge and experience and promoting their proactivity and initiative CHAPTER MEASURES TO DEVELOP THE CONSULTING COMPETENCY OF HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS 3.1 Principles for proposal In order to propose how to develop high school teachers' consulting competency, we base our approach on the following basic principles: ensuring the education goals are met; ensuring system and continuity; ensuring inheritance and development; ensuring feasibility; ensuring the promotion of teacher's proactivity, initiative, creativeness and experience 3.2 Measures to develop high school teachers' consulting competency 3.2.1 Recommended consulting competency framework for high school teachers Based on the required characteristics of the teaching profession, the teacher's qualification and competency, as well as the counselors' requirements of quality and competency, we define the structure of high school teachers's consulting competency with the specific contents to develop their consulting competency as follows: 17 CONSULTING COMPETENCY Consulting knowledge Basic knowled ge of consulti ng Consult ing subject s Consulting skills Consult ing content , environ mentan d conditi on Listeni ng skill Questio ning skill Empath y skill Feedba ck skill Consulting attitude Skill for providi ng inform ation Skill for early detecti on Consul ting emotio n Consul ting motivat ion Consul ting will 3.2.2 Designing and organizing seminars on consulting competency of high school teachers • Designing thematic seminars - Objectives: objectives are designed in the form of the competency framework that students need to achieve in the theme - Contents: Based on the knowledge that the teachers have been equipped with, the practical experience of the teachers and the conditions of the school, the seminars on consulting competency can be divided into four topics, including: General issues of consulting; Position and role of the teacher in consulting; Psycho-physiological characteristics and consulting needs of high school students; basic consulting skills • Organizing thematic seminars: with three following steps - Step 1: Preparation - Step 2: Organization of seminar - Step 3: Performance evaluation 3.2.3 Guidance for practicing and analyzing consulting of high school teachers - Select and set out consulting situations: it is necessary to select and set out appropriate situations which are associated with reality, requiring trainees to apply personal experience and knowledge acquired about basic consulting techniques to meet a specific need of students thus helping trainees link theory with practice in order to master consulting skills - Consulting practice guide: instruct trainees on how to analyze, classify consulting needs, choose the appropriate form of consulting, make a plan to handle the situation (describe the process of consulting; ensure the principles of ethics in school consulting; selection of basic consulting skills); assignment of role players (teachers and students) - Consulting case analysis: analyze the situation, analyze how to handle the situation in order to reach the optimal solution 18 3.2.4 Practicing self-study, self-training skills of consulting competency for high school teachers (1) Generate stimulus and motivation for self-study, self-training of consulting competency (2) Organize the training of self-study skills, self-training of consulting competency for teachers a) Instruct teachers on how to develop learning and training plans for improving consulting competencies by themselves b) Organize activities to report on self-study and self-training results of teachers 'consulting competency c) Promote a practice of teachers' self-examination, self-assessment and adjusting self-studying and self-training activities of consulting competency 3.3 Relationship between groups of measures In this thesis, the proposed measures to develop high school teachers 'consulting competency consists of two parts with close relationship: - Part is "Proposed framework of consulting competencies for high school teachers", which is detailed into a body of basic consulting knowledge, skills and attitudes to equip for high school teachers, serving as the basis for the development of teachers 'consulting competency - Part is “Proposed measures to develop high school teachers 'consulting competency” including three specific measures based on the consulting competency framework proposed in part These three measures include the basic elements of educational reasoning: purpose, content, implementation method, with very specific conditions for implementation as well as detailed examples to facilitate teachers' learning, fostering and developing consulting competency Furthermore, these three measures are mutually correlated, as the effective implementation of one will have a positive impact on the others Conclusion of chapter - Consulting competency is one of the competencies that any teacher needs in order to help students deal with their academic and life so that they can develop comprehensively, thus contributing to the successful performance of the educational role of a teacher Based on the research on the theoretical basis for the development of consulting competency, the status of consulting competency and the development of consulting competency of high school teachers, the thesis proposes two contents related to the development of consulting competency of high school teachers on the basis of principles relevant to the professional characteristics of teachers: 1) "Proposed framework of consulting competencies for high school teachers", and 2) “Proposed measures to develop high school teachers 'consulting competency” - These two proposals have a reciprocal relationship with each other The first proposal is the basis for the implementation of the second while the second proposal realizes the objectives of the first These proposals are designed with the 19 view to making full use of the teacher's knowledge and practical experience, creating opportunities for the teacher to experience practical situations, as well as encouraging the teacher's self-study and self-training - The application of those proposals requires a reasonable coordination in order to achieve the highest efficiency in the development of consulting competency of high school teachers CHAPTER PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENT 4.1 Survey of expert opinion To serve as the basis for the development of high school teachers 'consulting competency, based on the theoretical and practical research results, the thesis proposes a framework for high school teachers' consulting competency In order for the proposed contents to be suitable, the thesis has conducted survey of expert opinion on the reasonableness and feasibility of those contents * Results - The reasonableness of the proposed content: + Regarding consulting knowledge: more than 90% of experts rated it as 'very reasonable' and 'reasonable', of which 62.59% and 76.62% of the opinions are 'very reasonable' The number of people who rated as 'rather unreasonable' and 'unreasonable' is very low, reaching merely from 0% to 3.6% with the three proposed contents related to consulting knowledge (basic theoretical knowledge of consulting; knowledge about consulting subject; knowledge about consulting content, environment and conditions) + Regarding consulting skills: out of the six proposed skills, only the feedback skill has 03 ratings as 'unreasonable' (accounting for 1.08%) and the empathy skill has 01 rating as 'unreasonable' (accounting for 0.36%) The remaining skills (listening skill; questioning skill; skill for providing information) is highly appreciated for reasonableness + Regarding consulting attitude: content of consulting emotion is considered to be the most reasonable (76.26% of respondents rated it as 'very reasonable'), followed by consulting will and consulting motivation with 72.66% and 71.58% of respondents rated as 'very reasonable' respectively There is no content that is considered 'unreasonable' - Feasibility of the proposed content: + Regarding consulting knowledge: all the three proposed contents of consulting knowledge (basic theoretical knowledge about consulting; knowledge of the consulting subject; knowledge of consulting content, environment and 20 conditions) were rated by the majority of experts as 'very reasonable' and 'reasonable', with only 02 ratings of the basic theoretical consulting knowledge as 'unreasonable' (accounting for 0.72%) + Regarding consulting skills: all the six proposed skills are considered as highly feasible, the number of 'unfeasible' ratings are very low with 01 for the empathy skill (0.36%) and 03 for feedback skills (1.08%) + Regarding consulting attitude: the content of consulting emotion is considered the most feasible, followed by the consulting motivation, while there are only 03 ratings as 'unfeasible' for both (accounting for 1.08%) Consulting will is rated a little lower with 05 ratings as 'unfeasible', accounting for 1.8% Comments: the above results show that the contents proposed by the thesis on the consulting competency of high school teachers are highly appreciated by experts for their reasonableness and feasibility: the majority of experts inquired considered it as 'very reasonable'/ 'reasonable' and 'very feasible'/ 'feasible' The number of 'unreasonable' and 'unfeasible' ratings is very low, accounting for 0% to 1.8% 4.2 Experimental pedagogy 4.2.1 Overview of the experimental process Experimental purpose In order to verify scientific hypotheses, and the feasibility and effectiveness of some measures to develop high school teachers' consulting competency in the proposed education activities Subject and period of experiment * Experimental subject: the proposed measures are experimented on teachers of two upper secondary schools representing urban and rural areas which are Nguyen Khuyen High school in Nam Dinh City and My Tho High school, Y Yen district, Nam Dinh Province * Experimental period: 2018 - 2019 academic year Experimental contents: group of measures no.1 and no.2: 'Designing and organizing seminars on consulting competency of high school teachers' and 'Guidance for practicing and analyzing consulting of high school teachers Experimental methods and techniques - Selecting the experimental and reference subjects: at both schools, we choose teachers of grade 12, because their students have experienced the difficulties which are commonly seen among high school students The teachers' identification and assessment of students' difficulties will be more diverse and comprehensive - Experimental process: surveying and evaluating the input of experimental subjects and comparison objects; conduct experiments according to the experimental content, methods and conditions as described in chapter 3, section 3.2 21 - Assessment technique: the assessment tool is designed to measure the progress achieved regarding consulting knowledge, skills and attitude of high school teachers after being impacted, with 03 levels of assessment: inadequate, adequate, and outstanding 4.2.2 Analysis of experimental results Consulting knowledge - Comparing the input result of the experimental group and the reference group: the results show that the difference in the input result between the two groups is insignificant with the average score reaching adequate level It can be said that the difference in scores between the two groups is not significant, thus after conducting experiments, if the results are different, it is due to the intervening measures rather than other pre-existing factors from the experimental group and the reference group - Comparing the output result of the experimental group and the reference group: the difference in the results of the test scores of the two groups are obvious The result of the experimental group is higher than that of the reference group while the percentage of 'adequate' and 'outstanding' of the experimental group is also much higher than the reference group This difference shows that after the intervention, the experimental group achieved higher results than the reference group - Comparing the input and output results of the experimental group: the test score shows the difference in the input and output results of the experimental group, in which the output result of the experimental group is much higher than the input result (7.07 compared to 5.13) The output of the experimental group is much higher than the input result confirmed the effectiveness of the intervening measures Consulting skills - Comparing the input result of the experimental group and the reference group: the input results of the reference group and the experimental group are quite similar, with the average scores at the inadequate level - Comparing the output result of the experimental group and the reference group: the results of the reference group and the experimental group are clearly different, with the average score of the reference group reaching inadequate level while that of the experimental group reaching the outstanding level - Comparing the input and output result of the experimental group: the results show that the difference in the test results of input and output results of the experimental group in which the output is much higher than the input result of the experimental group This has confirmed the effectiveness of the intervening measures 22 Consulting attitude - Comparing the input results of the experimental group and the reference group: the input results of the reference group and the experimental group are quite similar, with the average score at the 'inadequate' level, and the content of specific consulting attitude does not demonstrate the significant difference - Comparing the output results of the experimental group and the reference group: the output results of the reference group and the experimental group are clearly different, with the average score of the reference group reaching 'inadequate' level while that of the experimental group reaching 'adequate' level and close to 'outstanding' level - Comparing the input and output results of the experimental group: the results show an obvious difference in the input and output results of the experimental group, in which the pre-experimental results stand at the 'inadequate' level while the postexperimental result stands at the 'adequate' level and close to 'outstanding' level 4.2.2 General comments on experiment The purpose of experimental activities is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed measures Based on the pre-experimental results of the reference group and the experimental group, the post-experimental results of the reference group and the experimental group, and the pre-experimental and post-experimental results of the experimental group, it can be assured that the intervening measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers is feasible and remarkably effective This also proves the validity of the scientific hypothesis that have been proposed Conclusion of chapter - Group of measures no.1 is a group of measures designed to serve as the basis for the development of consulting competency of high school teachers (Proposed consulting competency framework of high school teachers) which has been appreciated by experts regarding its reasonableness and feasibility - Experimental results for the group of measures no.2 which is the group of intervening measures to develop the consulting competency of high school teachers demonstrate that the experimental measures have positive impacts on the development of elements of high school teachers' consulting competency The results of the consulting practice also show that the results of these consultations are much better than before This shows that the impacted teachers have not only made progress in each element of their consulting competency but also developed markedly - Results of testing the reasonableness and feasibility and the experimental results of the measures have illustrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the measures that have been introduced to develop consulting competency of high school teachers 23 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion 1.1 Nowadays, high school students often face many difficulties in their academic and daily life They have the needs to be consulted to solve those difficulties in order to complete their learning tasks and develop themselves comprehensively That is the reason why they have looked to many different sources for consultation Teachers is one of the source students should look to 1.2 However, the actual survey results show that high school teachers 'consulting competency is at low level Therefore, teachers need to be fostered to improve their competency to be able to carry out consulting activities more effectively in high schools 1.3 The study proposes training activities to develop teachers 'consulting competency in a practical, effective manner, which are suitable to the specific professional characteristics of the teacher, making the most of their knowledge and experience while the promotion of the teacher's proactivity and initiative is essential 1.4 The thesis put forward two proposals regarding the development of the high school teachers' consulting competency based on the principles consistent with the professional characteristics of the teacher These two proposals have a reciprocal relationship, as the effective implementation of one will have a positive impact on the other The feasibility and effectiveness of these two proposals have been confirmed through a survey of expert opinion and pedagogical experiment Recommendation 2.1 For management levels It is necessary to organize training activities which are appropriate in terms of content, form and time to develop teachers' consulting competency in a practical, effective way, making the most of their knowledge and experience whilst bringing into play the proactivity and initiative of the teacher 2.2 For training facilities for high school teachers - Enhance the content of pedagogical profession and educational psychology so that future teachers have basic knowledge about psycho-physiological characteristics and characteristics of personality development of learners and skills to work with their education subjects - Enhance the educational content of professional value in teacher training, so that each future teacher is aware of his or her professional value, thereby having the will and motivation in training professional competencies, including consulting competency; - Strengthen the connection with high schools, creating favorable conditions for students who are majored in education to directly participate in educational activities in high schools, so that they have practical experience along with the knowledge acquired through the teacher training program 24 - Pay attention to the formation and development of self-study and self-training competency for pedagogical students This competency enables future teachers to be updated with new educational methods as well as education content suitable for their educational subjects in the fast-changing world nowadays 2.3 For high schools - High schools need to pay more attention to the implementation of the goal of developing teachers' educational competencies, including consulting competency; - It is necessary to organize regular trainings for teachers on the consulting content, form, and skills for teachers in a flexible manner which is suitable to the professional characteristics of the teacher so that the training can achieve the desired goals and effectiveness; - Motivate and attend to teachers, share their difficulties and pressures in the professional work; create favorable conditions for teachers to participate in activities that foster consulting competency as well as organize activities to develop teachers' consulting competency; Timely rewarding for creative teachers who have provided active and effective consulting 2.4 For high school teachers - In the current context, since there are new characteristics of high schools, the role of the teacher has changed towards taking on more functions, including the function of a consultant In order to meet these requirements, each teacher needs to make more effort on their own, and to be properly aware of the meaning, role and duty of consulting in the work of education, thus improving awareness of proactivity, active learning, self-training with the view to improving consulting competency through many different ways in an appropriate and effective manner 25 LIST OF PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS I Reference book Nguyen Hong Thuan, Le Thi Quynh Nga (2017), School counseling model in high schools, Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi II International articles Le Thi Quynh Nga, Nguyen Huu Chau (2020), Needs for Consultancy of Vietnam high school students, Archives of Business Research, Services for Science and Education, United Kingdom, Vol 8, Issue ISSN: 2054-7404 DOI: 10.14738/abr.83.2020 Nguyen Thi Toan, Le Thi Quynh Nga (2020), Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Global Citizenship Education in Vietnam today, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, United Kingdom , Vol 7, N0 3, ISSN: 2055-0286 DOI: 0.14738/assrj.73.2020 III National articles Le Thi Quynh Nga (2018), High school in the new period and the requirements for teacher, Journal of educational science, No 10, October Le Thi Quynh Nga (2017), The requirements for the consulting cpmpetency of high school teachers, Journal of educational science, No 141, Juin Nguyen Huu Chau, Le Thi Quynh Nga (2015), Consulting or counseling - What role does the high school teacher play?, Psychology Journal, No 12, December Le Thi Quynh Nga (2014), Status of high school students’ awareness for choosing occupation, Journal of educational science, No 106, July ... Consultancy It can be said that in Vietnam today there are still many debates over the term 'Tham vấn' or 'Tư vấn' The denotation as well as the translation of international terms 'Consultancy' and 'Counseling'... term 'Consultancy' in English corresponds to the term 'Tư vấn' in Vietnamese whereas the term 'Counseling' corresponds to the term 'Tham vấn' - The role of teacher Within the scope of this thesis,... experience of the matter that the subject is facing wih the view to helping him solve his problem 1.2.2 Competency In this thesis, we believe that “Competency is an individual attribute which is

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