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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tuần 25

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- T asks Ss to open their book on page 35 asks them that they are going to read the text and complete in the column. - Asks Ss to read the text and discuss how to complete it[r]


Date of preparing: 07 2021 WEEK 25 - Period 97 UNIT 15: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN THE FUTURE?

Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3 I Objectives:

1 Knowledge:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to able to ask for and giving reasons Sentence patterns: Why would you like tobe….? Because I’d like to….

Vocabulary: patient, design. 2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skill 3 Attitude:

- Help Ss to have good consciousness in order to express the season II Teaching- aids:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work

- Some techniques can be used: Board race , Lucky number , Slap the board IV Procedure:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5C Wednesday, March 10th 2021 2 Warm up (5’)

* Activity: Brainstorm Doctor

- Ask Ss to think about job they have learnt in 30 seconds - Divide the class into groups

- Ss each group take it in turns go to the board and write future job New lesson (30’)

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents *Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (8’)

- T ask Ss to look at the pictures - T: How many people are there? - Ss: There are

- T: What are their names? - Ss: Mai and Tony, Linda

- T: What are they talking about? - Ss: They are talking about future job - T asks Ss to open their books to page 32


- Ss open their books to page 32 - T opens the cassette

- Ss listen and point

- T opens the cassette again

- Ss listen and read in chorus (2 times) - T - Ss role play

- T- Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs - T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue

What would Tony like to be in the future? - Ss: He would like to be a pilot

- T: Why?

- Ss: Because I’d like to fly a plane *Activity 2: Point and say (12’) - T introduce some words by eliciting a.Vocabulary

patient (picture) design (example) - T models

- Ss listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- T writes down on the board - Ss copy

*Check Vocab* Slap the board

- T devides Ss in to teams (Blue - White) - T explains how to play this game

- T lets teams play together - T monitor and praise the winner b Model sentences.

- T introduce stucture:

Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 32

- T: When Linda want to know What would Mai like be How does Mai ask?

- Ss: What would you like to be in the future, Mai?

- T: How does Mai say?

- Ss: I’d like to be a writer - T model

- Ss repeat chorally then individually - T wirtes down on the board

- T checks: form, use, intonation *Picture cues (CNTT)

- T lets Ss run through the pictures - T models

2 Point and say a.Vocabulary. patient: bệnh nhân design: thiết kế

b Model sentences.


- Ss repeat chorally

- T- Ss, Ss- T, half - half, open pairs, close pairs

*Further practice: Lucky numbers - Divide the class into groups

- Use the comprehension questions and add more questions

1 What would you like tobe? 2 Lucky number!

3 Why would you like tobe a doctor? 4 Where would you like to do?

5 What would you like to be? 6 Lucky number!

- T lets Ss play together

- T monitors and correct their mistakes *Activity 3: Let’s talk (9’)

- Ask Ss to practice further by asking and ansering questions about future job using the questions and answers in their books

- Ask Ss work in pairs

- Give minutes to practice

- Ask some pairs to perform in front of the class

- T give feedback

3 Let’s talk

V Summary (1’)

- Ask and answer about the future job VI Homework:

- Learn new words and structure by your heart


Date of preparing: 07 2021 WEEK 25 - Period 98 UNIT 15: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN THE FUTURE?

Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6 I Objectives:

1 Knowledge:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pratice listening and reading about future job

Sentence patterns and vocabulary: Review. 2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skill 3 Attitude:


- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work

- Some techniques can be used: Board race, Lucky number, Slap the board IV Procedure:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5C Wednesday, March 10th 2021 2 Warm up and Review (5’)

*Jumble word eatcher = teacher terwir = writer

signde= design

- Ss take it in turns go to the board and write the correct words - Teacher corrects

New lesson (30’)

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents * Activity 1: Listen and circle a or b (9’)

Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 33 and tells them that they are going to listen to the future job

- T plays the CD for Ss to listen 1st time. - T plays the CD again for Ss to listen and complete the correct answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer

- T plays the CD again for Ss to check their answer

Further practice: Snatch words

- T divde class in groups and give each groups a set of picture

- Ss play in groups

- T say the name of picture

- Ss snatch the word that you hear and keep your self

*Activity 2: Read and complete (10’) - Asks Ss to open their book on page 33 and tell them they are going to read and complete

- T: How many sentences are there? - Ss answer

- T: Are they completed?

4 Listen and number Key:

1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c

5 Read and complete.


- Ss: No

- T ask Ss to read the the questions - T ask Ss to answer the questions - Ask Ss to work in invidually - T gives Ss minutes to the task - Ss compare with your partner - T corrects and give mark *Activity 3: Let’s play (9’) *Pelmanism

- Ask them to play in small groups Prepare two sets ofcards for each group, one with jobs and the other with work places

- Ss work in pairs to the task

- T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listen and give feedback

4 5 write

6 Let’s play

V Summary (1’)

- What skills have you practiced? VI Homework (1’)

- T asks Ss to find down many words about future job

Date of preparing: 09 2021 WEEK 25 - PERIOD 99 UNIT 15: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN THE FUTURE?

Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3 I Objectives:

1 Knowledge:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice falling intonation Sentences parttems and vocabulary: Review

2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing skills 3 Attitude:

- Educate Ss to love their future job II Teaching - aids:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedure:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5C Friday, March 12th 2021 2 Warm up and Review (5’)

Slap the board


- T asks Ss to play in two teams - Ss plays game

- T monitors and pride the winer 3 New lesson (30’)

Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents *Activity 1: Listen and repeat (10’)

- T ask Ss to read the title - Ss read

- T: What does it mean? - Ss: Nghe nhắc lại

- T ask Ss to listen the tape or video - Ss listen and repeat to the tape - T model

What would you like to be in the future?

I’d like to be a nurse

- Ss repeat inchrorus, invidualy (4ss) - T: Where to put the intonation? It’s falling or raising

- Ss: Falling

- T give the sentence

- Ss repeat chrorus, invidually

- T ask Ss to find the sentences that they have learned with the falling tonation

- Ss anwer

- T the same these sentences

- T ask Ss to read words and sentences - T ask Ss to read all two times

- T: How to put the intonation? - Ss: Falling

*Furthe practice: Mark the intonation

- T writes some word on the snake and ask ss to read the sentences aloud

- T ask to work in four groups - Ss; Say bingo when they finish - T minitor and give feedback

Activity 2: Listen and mark the sentence

4 Listen and repeat.


intonation Then say the sentences aloud (10’) - T ask Ss to read the title

- Ss read

- T: What does it mean?

- Ss: nghe đánh dấu ngữ điệu - T: How many sentences?

- Ss:

- T lets Ss run through - T asks Ss to tell the task

- Ask Ss to open the books on page 10 - Ask Ss to listen1st time.

- Ss listen

- Ask Ss to listen 2nd time. - Ss listen

- Ask Ss to tell the answers

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners

- Ask Ss to listen the 3rd time (Listen and check). *Further practice: Chinese whisper

- T devides Ss in to groups

- Ss make aline and one of them take one sentence

- T read aloud

- Ss stick it on board and read aloud - T minitor and give feedback

* Activity 3: Let’s chant (8’) - T ask Ss to look at the board - How many pictures are there? - Ss answer

- T: You magine you are in these job - T ask: What would you like to be? Where would you like to work? - Ss answer

- T opens the chant - Ss listen to the chant - T read the lyrics

- Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the chant again

- Ss repeat line by line

1 A: What would he like to be in thefuture?

B:He’d like to be a teacher.

2. A: Where would he like to work?

B: He’d like to work in a school.

3 A: Why would he like to be a teacher?

B: Because he’d like to teach young children.


- Ask Ss to sing along with the music - T devides Ss into groups

- Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups - Ss sing and actions together

- T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listen and give feedback

V Summary (1’)

- Ask Ss to repeat the intonation VI Homework (1’)

Make the sentences with the intonation

Date of preparing: 09 2021 WEEK 25 - PERIOD 100 UNIT 15: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN THE FUTURE?

Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6, 7 I Objectives:

1 Knowledge:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read the text and write about future job Sentences parttems and vocabulary: Review

2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing skills 3 Attitude:

- Help Ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details II Teaching - aids:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedure:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5C Friday, March 12th 2021 2 Warm up and Review (5’)

*Activity: Jumpled letter rtufue = future

lotpi = pilot ylf = fly

- T show Ss words in which all the letters have got mixed up - T ask Ss to put the letters in the correct order to make a word - T asks Ss to play in two teams

- S plays game


3 New lesson (30’)

Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents *Activity 1: Read and tick True (T) or False

(F) (8’)

Astronaut (picture ) Spaceship (picture) Planet (picture )

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 35 asks them that they are going to read the text and complete in the column

- Asks Ss to read the text and discuss how to complete it

- Ss read the text

- Ss discuss and complete by filling in the blank

- Compare with your partner - Ss read their answer to the class - T monitors and correct their mistake *Further practice: Read aloud - T ask three Ss to read aloud - Ss read aloud

- T monitors and correct their mistakes

Activity Write about what you would like to be and in the future (9’) (CNTT)

Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 35 to read and write the first draft of their answer in their note books

- T: How many sentences are there? - Ss answer

- Ss fill in the blank

- Ask Ss to work in invidually - Ss answer in front of the class *Further practice (CNTT)

- T ask Ss to write the short passage about your friend

- T gives Ss minutes to the task - Ss read your writing

- T corrects and let Ss to copy down on their

4 Read and tick True (T) or False (F)

Astronaut: phi hành gia Spaceship: tàu vũ trụ Planet: hành tinh Key:

1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T

5.Write about what you would like to be and in the future.

My name is _ I’m studying at _ I’d like to be in the future. I’d like to .



Activity 3: Project (9’)

- T asks Ss to make a poster about what they would like to be in the future and tell the class about it

- T asks Ss to in vidually - Ss work invidually

- T gives Ss minute to the task

- T asks some groups to present their job to the class and talk about them

- Ss perform in front of class

- T monitors and correct their mistakes Activity 4: Colour the stars (3’)

- T asks Ss to read the statements and check their comprehension

- T gives the time for Ss to colour the stars - Ask some Ss to read the statement

- T gives further support to pupils who find it diffilty to achieve certain objectives

6 Project

7 Colour the stars

V Summary (1’)

- Ask Ss to practice questions about future job VI Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 20/05/2021, 07:06
