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Tham khảo tài liệu ''đề ôn thi hsg – đề 1'', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

QUỲNH NHƯ ĐỀ ÔN THI HSG – ĐỀ A MAKE THE CORRECT CHOICE : Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a discuss b jump c argument d public Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a excited b excuse c exchange d example Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a approach b attract c decent d install Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a verbal b polite c common d social Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a compliment b absolute c fashionable d suppose Why did you object the scheme for building a kindergarten in our neighborhood? a to b against c at d in She received several compliments her speech a to b on c for d about They were very apologetic the trouble they'd caused a on b to c about d with Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect _ of the wind a from the effects b it the effects c it from the effects d the effected from it 10 He'll be very upset if you his offer 'of help a turn away b turn into c turn off d turn down 11 Despite being a big star, she's very a approachable b fashionable c acceptable d accessible 12 It's no more than common to hear what she has to say a polite b impolite c politeness d impoliteness 13 Gestures such as waving and handshaking are forms of communication a direct' b regular c verbal d non-verbal 14 She was a devoted nurse, always very to the needs of her elderly patients a observant b attentive c careful d delicate 15 I think access to cinemas and theaters is the main of city life a amenity b attraction c leisure d recreation 16 I make no for encouraging my children to succeed in school a apologize b apologetic c apologies d apoplectic 17 The visitors were complaining in the rain a for waiting b me about waiting c about having to wait d that they have to wait 18 By analyzing high pressure systems, fronts, and other influences, weather forecasters can determine the direction toward which to travel a a storm is expected b is expected a storm c is a storm expected d an expected storm 19 The effects of cigarette smoking to be extremely harmful so far a is proved b will be proved c are proved d have been proved 20 When I last my cousin Lucy, she hard preparing for her final exams a saw - was working b saw - worked c have seen - worked d see - is working 21 The accused denied in the vicinity of the murder scene a to have ever been b have ever been c having been ever d ever having been 22 She told me that she physiology a has studied b has been studying c had been studying d would have studied 23 The doctor has advised too much coffee a me not drink b I don't drink c me not drinking d me not to drink 24 Angie warned anyone what she had told me a that I didn't tell b that I told not c me to tell not d me not to tell 25 My mother told me my books about on the living room a don't leave - lying b didn't leave - lie c not to leave - lying d not to leave - to lie 26 She wondered now, after so many years away a how her father looked like b whose her father looks like c how her father looks like d what her father looked like QUỲNH NHƯ 27 Helen asked me the film called 'Star Wars' a if I saw b whether I have seen c if I had seen d whether had I seen 28 Many people believed that the more they produced and consumed a they were the more affluent b the more affluent they were c they were affluent more d they were affluent 29 that we had to ask a police officer for directions a So confusing the map was b So confusing was the map c So was confusing the map d Such confusing was the map 30 She regretfully told him that a she would leave the tickets at home b she left the tickets at home c she would have left the tickets at home d she had left the tickets at home B IDENTIFY THE UNDRERLINED WORD OR PHRASE THAT IS INCORRECT: 31 The author has not rarely written anything that was not a best-seller A B C D 32 Ron said that he wasn't sure, but the storm might stop already A B C D 33 For many years people have wondered that life exists elsewhere in the universe A B C D 34 The woman accused to shoplift was found not guilty and was acquitted A B C D 35 For centuries, people have wondered why have they particular dreams while they sleep A B C D C CHOOSE THE SENTENCE WHICH IS CLOSET IN MEANING TO THE ONE ABOVE: 36 "Shall I help you with the washing-up, Jane?" John said A John told Jane to help him with the washing-up B John asked if Jane should help him with the washing-up C John suggested helping Jane with the washing-up D John offered to help Jane with the washing-up 37 "What will you if you have ten days off school?" he asked A He asked me what will I if I have ten days off school B He asked what I will if I have ten days off school C He asked me what I would if I had ten days off school D He asked what would I if I had ten days off school 38 "You'd better apologize for being so rude," said my friend A My friend advised me to apologize for being so rude B My friend offered me to apologize for being so rude C My friend warned me to apologize for being so rude D My friend suggested me apologizing for being so rude 39 "Good morning, Mary! How are you?" Henry said A Henry said good morning Mary and asked how was she B Henry greeted Mary and asked how is she C Henry said good morning and asked Mary how she is D Henry greeted Mary and asked how she was 40 "Please don't leave until I come back," Sarah said A Sarah told us not leave until she comes back B Sarah asked us not leave until she came back C Sarah told us not to leave until she came back D Sarah said to us to not leave until she comes back D READ THE PASSAGE CAREFULLY AND MAKE THE CORRECT CHOICE: Years ago there were many social rules and etiquette procedures (41) _ introductions Some formal introductions between two people were (42) _ by letter by third party A person had to be very careful to weigh the importance of social class or status, age, and gender when deciding (43) _ person should be presented or introduced to the other person first (44) , times have changed, and most of the social rules about introducing older people to younger ones, women to men, and those in higher positions to those in lower positions have changed, too Many people now feel much more (45) _ about making introductions In most situations, handshaking is (46) , but these days it is more often done than not-especially in formal social or business settings It's very common for one person (or both) to (47) a hand when meeting someone If you are in this situation, and you are offered a hand to shake, you should grasp it firmly and shake it briefly People often tend to make some (48) _about someone (49) _ to their handshakes, so make sure yours is not too weak or limp, not too hard, and not too long-lasting (50) _should be firm and brief 41 a involving b including c relating d mentioning 42 a done b made c taken d served 43 a that b who c whose d which 44 a Therefore b In addition c However d Furthermore 45 a anxious b relaxed c nervous d comfortable 46 a optional b compulsory c private d formal QUỲNH NHƯ 47 48 49 50 a spread a arguments a according a That b reach b judgments b depending b Yours c extend c introductions c regardless c Which d touch d remarks d on account d It ... tickets at home B IDENTIFY THE UNDRERLINED WORD OR PHRASE THAT IS INCORRECT: 31 The author has not rarely written anything that was not a best-seller A B C D 32 Ron said that he wasn't sure, but... were many social rules and etiquette procedures ( 41) _ introductions Some formal introductions between two people were (42) _ by letter by third party A person had to be very careful to weigh... It's very common for one person (or both) to (47) a hand when meeting someone If you are in this situation, and you are offered a hand to shake, you should grasp it firmly and shake it briefly

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2021, 13:05



