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Nội dung

Ask students to work in group or individual, while students write teacher walk around the class to help them when they have difficulties about the words, the structures, the idea….. Can[r]




- Help students practice reciting the poem and reading the passage

- Help students understand the reading text, improve their reading skill through gap-filling and answering questions

II. METHODS & TEACHING AIDS: - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s)




up (5 minutes)

Pre – Reading (7 minutes)

- Ask students some questions: Do you have friends?

Do you believe your friends?

What you often if your friends got trouble?

- Lead to the lesson “Friendship? - Ask students to listen to the tape (2 times)

- Have students read the poem in their books and answer the questions 1) How many friends you have in your class?

2) What you think of the friend in the poem?

- Introduce the new lesson “Friendship”

- Students work in groups of or

- Listen to the tape - Read the poem aloud

- Answer orally

Group work Pair work While – Reading (25 minutes) Task 1:

- Ask Ss to look at their textbooks - Give the new words and explain their meaning by using synonym, antonym and pictures…

1 acquaintance (n) be acquainted with

2 + be capable of ≠ in capable of + last (v, n)

lasting (a)

4 + unselfishness ≠ selfishness (n) unselfish = generous

5 + be concerned with

6 + two-sided affair = give-and-take + constancy (n)

constant (a) + take up + enthusiasm(n) enthusiastic (a) enthusiast (n) 10 changeable (a)

11 uncertain (a) ≠ certain = sure uncertainty ≠ certainty (n) 12 loyal (a) to

loyalty 13 suspicion (n)

suspicious (a)

- Read the text quietly - Do as directed

Note in books

Individual Whole class Individual


Post-Reading (5 minutes)

21 insist on (v)

Ask students to read the text and task

- Give the correction mutual

2 incapable of unselfish

4 acquaintance ; friend give-and –take loyal to suspicious Task 2:

 Explain the positions of the mains idea in the paragraph

- Ask the students to read the text carefully and the task individually - Give the correction

B.( condition of true friendship) Task 3:

- Ask students to answer the questions and write their answers on the board - Feedback and give correct answers - Ask students to discuss the question “why you need to have a friend ?” - Ask some pairs to talk in front of class

-Give marks and correct mistakes

- Read the new words aloud

- Read the text carefully and silently task

- Read the answer aloud

- Copy down the answers in the notebooks

- Do Task

- Copy down in their notebooks

- Ask and answer the question

Pair work

IV. HOMEWORK:( minutes )




Help students be able to talk about physical characteristics and personalities II METHOD & TEACHING AIDS:

Integrated , mainly communicative Pictures, chalk, board



Pre-speaking (5’)

- Show a picture of parts of human’s body and ask students to look at the picture and name each part of the body

- Students answer the questions Ex: head, nose, forehead, eyes,…


Task 1- match the adjectives with the part of the body e g: short, oval, large, dyed, broad, long, wide, long, straight, short, tall, wrinkled, crooked, flat, snub, curly Wavy

- part of body : face, nose hair, forehead, height

- Appearance: handsome, beautiful, good-looking,…

Face: square, oval, round,… Nose: crooked, snub, flat, Hair : curly, wavy, dyed, long, short,

Forehead: wrinkled, large, wide, …

Height: tall, short,…

Pair work

While speaking (task and 3)

TASK , 10’

- to review the vocab the students has learnt, (T already gave them a handout of the words before the lesson) T asks St to close their books and asks students questions: how you say “hiếu khách” in English, or “she never tells a lie She’s very …(honest) person.” etc…

- asks them to open the book and discuss and number the following personalities in order of importance in friendship

TASK (15’)

- help St to review questions about figure, personality, habit, preference,…

- name: what’s your friend’s name what’s her / his name

- date of birth: when was he/ she born? - physical characteristics: what does he/ she look like?

- hobbies : what are his/her hobbies? -personalities: what’s he / she like? Then asks St to practice:

- name…

- time spend on Maths … - hobbies…

- asks St to task

- their tasks, and report their results

- what’ s his name?

- how much time does he spend on Maths everyday?

- What are his hobbies

- one student plays a journalist,

Group work

Pair work



- Writing about a friend

- By the end of the lessons, students will be able to :

Describe a person with his/her physical characteristics and his / her personalities Use useful words and structures in writing about a friend

II METHOD & TEACHING AIDS: Communicative approach

Textbook, whiteboard markers IIII PROCEDURES

Content Work

arrangement WARM-UP( 5’)

Noughts and Crosses

Draw a table containing words in each cell

Divide class into two groups : Noughts (O) and Crosses(X)

Ask students to choose word by word in the cells and makes sentences with each word A correct sentence gets one O or X The group

with O X vertically, horizontally or even diagonally first will be the winner

Hospitable Honest Around face

Caring sense of humour Friendly large forehead Good-natured Pleasant

Note the sentences must be grammatically correct and make sense

Group work


Instruct the task Tell them to work individually Give some new words for writing

* Hospitable (adj) Caring (adj) Honest(adj ) Around face(adj) Good-natured(adj) large forehead(adj) pleasant(adj)

- ask students to work in pair and ask them to report the result to class

Task Pre-writing(10’)

Ask students to write this table down notebooks

Work in group students :discuss and fill the necessary information into the table Some

Pair work


suggest examples

Remind students to write the sentence by using the verb in past tense

ex we first met when……… What I like most about him /her is her/his sense of humour…

One of my favourite thing about him/her: we have a lot in common It is him/her who I can share my joys and sorrows with

Task (10’) write draft

Ask students to work in group or individual, while students write teacher walk around the class to help them when they have difficulties about the words, the structures, the idea…

Can explain the idea in the writing

Ex he is generous because he lends me his textbook

Calls one or two groups to write the draft in front of the class then gives marks if the draft is good

Task (12’) Writing Asks each student to write

Walks around the class ,look at their writing and notes the most famous mistakes to correct on the blackboard

Correct the mistakes (5’)

Teacher remarks the student’s mistakes in the class

Writes the most common mistakes, encourages them find the mistakes and correct the mistakes themselves


Asks students to prepare language focus Pronunciation / ts/ and /dz/ and infinitive

Pair work


first met

2.physical characteristics

3.personalities In school

At a football match At a party

High forehead Very tall

Long black sleek hair


- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s) III PROCEDURES


Warm-up ( Guess the word )

Step : Answer the following questions

1 Have you ever had a best friend ? Who ? How did you happen to meet him ? How long have you known each other ?

4 What qualities you admire in your best friend ? How you feel when you have your best friend ? Step : Repetition ( some words refer to the passage ) / (class work ) Proper nouns : Nguyen Cong Tru ; Hai Phong ; Do Son ; Ha

residential area ; sense of humour ; introduce ; college ; guitarist ; a rough time Step : Task 1& / texbook - page 18 ( group work )

Listen and then the task

Lan’s talk 1= F ; 2= F ; = T ; = F ; = T ; = F Long’s talk 1=F ; 2=F ; =T ; =T ; 5= T

Listen again and pay attention to the details to answer the two questions in task

Lan’s talk Long’s talk

How and where they meet

What they like about their friend

How and where they meet

What they like about their friend -They used to live in

the same residential area in Hanoi

- Lan went on holiday to Doson and Ha went there to visit her

- Ha is very friendly and helpful

- Ha is sociable She has many friends in Doson and she introduced Lan around

-They met in college - Minh played the guitar and , Long was a singer -They worked together

Minh has sense of homour

Minh likes to go to plays and movies Minh is a good listener

Minh is friendly and helpful

Step : Talk about your best friend ( pair work )

Pair work

Pair work




- Get some details and the main idea through listening - Be accustomed to working together

II. METHODS &TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s) III PROCEDURES

CONTENT Pronunciation

Ss close the textbooks and look at some pictures to read their names cheese ; chair; jail ; June ; July ; jeans Task : Read these sentences

1 The chaplain chose chili with cheese and chocolate chip cheesecake The jolly gentleman was jubilant when he won a journey to Jamaica Task :

A Listen and repeat

chair , chain , choke , cheek , beach , peach , rich , butcher , match jill , jail , village , June , July , Jerry , sergeant , surgeon , region B Listen and decide if the word belonging to / t∫ / or / d /

age ; each ; junk ; coach ; purchase ; magic ; chew ; chat ; joke , job ; match , college Repetition ( textbook )



1 S + V + To V

0 -

would like


Adjective (tính từ)

Ex: It’s important to believe your friends.


Where / what / how /when … + To V


Ex: She ask me where to go



Ask (hỏi)

Decide (quyết định)

Offer (đưa ra)

Refuse (từ chối)

Arrange (sắp đặt)

Hope (hi vọng)

Wish ( ước, mong muốn)

Expect ( mong chờ)

Plan ( lập kế họach)

Determine ( tâm)

Seem (dường như)

Order (ra lệnh)

Ex: I expect to see you again.

2 S + V + O (person) + V


a) Let





Notice ( để ý)






- Develop sts’ guessing in context skill

- Help sts understand the sequence of events in a story II METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS

2 Methods: Communicative Approach Teaching aids: Blackboard, sub-board, III PROCEDURES

Stages Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Time

1 Warm-up

- Tell sts a funny story in which the teacher himself got embarrassed, and then introduce the lesson

- Listen 3ms


- Have sts look at the pictures in their books - Ask them to guess what is happening in those pictures

- Give sts some guiding questions: + What you think they are? + Where are they?

+ What are they doing?

- Call some sts to give their own ideas - Teach some new words:

1 embarrassing (a)

 embarrassment (n) embarrass (v)

2 experience (n) floppy (a) = soft wear – wore –worn extremely (adv) = very to glance at

7 sneaky (adj)

sneak (n)

8 imagine (v)

imaginary (A) imagination (n)

9 wad (n)

wad of dollar

10 steal – stole – stolen 11 fuss (n)

make a fuss

12 pay – paid –paid 13 shy (a)

14 complain about (v) 15 imitate (v)

- Work in pairs and what the teacher guides

- Present their ideas (the answers may be varied)




- Ask sts to read the story in silence in two minutes to get the general meaning of the text

- Divide sts into groups - Have sts task in groups - Correct the sts’ work 

- Answer keys: glanced making a fuss embarrassing idols

- Read silently

- Write down the answers on the sub-boards

+ Group 1+2+3+4: stick their answers on the blackboard


- Let sts compare the answers of the two groups Then give the correct answers:

1 d b f e a c TASK 3:

- Have sts work in pairs and prepare the answer for the questions in task

- Call some pairs to read aloud the questions and the answers

- Answer Key:

1 A red floppy cotton hat To buy the hat for herself

3 A wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her before

4 Because she didn’t like to make a fuss She bought the hat with it

according to the sequence of the story

- Compare their answers Then practise retelling the story without looking at the story

- Retell the story in front of the class

- Work in pairs Practise asking questions and giving answers

- Read the answers then write them on the blackboard


- Divide sts into groups again

- Ask them to write down what they think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers

- Work in groups, discuss the question - Each group present their own ideas




- Ask sts to learn the new words

- Ask them to prepare a story of their own embarrassing experience

- Tell the whole class what they prepare in Speaking period






1. Educational aim : Students can use English to talk about their experiences and how these experiences affected them

2. Knowledge: Students can use the structure MAKE + O +ADJ / INFINITIVE to express how things affect them and use some questions to ask the others about their experiences


Communicative approach Cassette player & VCD



WARM-UP: (7 minutes)

- Ask ss to talk about their last summer vacation Where did you go?

What did you then?

What did you gain from this vacation? PRE-SPEAKING: (5 minutes)

- Tell ss about the teacher’s vacation, using MAKE + O + ADJ / INFINITIVE and write this structure on the board

WHILE-SPEAKING: (20 minutes)

- Give the new words for practicing:

 appreciate (V)

 native English speaker  attitude (n)

 jumbled (a)

- Ask ss to read the tasks If they have any difficulties the teacher will help them

- Ask ss to work in pairs

- Go around the classroom to check if students work well (10 minutes)

- Ask pairs of students to practise task and in front of the class (10 minutes)

POST-SPEAKING: (10 minutes)

- Tell a funny story about a teacher who came to class with a black shoe and a brown shoe Teacher will stop telling after some details so that students can put questions to know what will happen next

HOMEWORK: (3 minutes)

- Ask ss to read the tasks in listening lesson (page 27)

The students reply to the teacher’s questions

- Students can start a talk with their teacher

- Students start practicing sample conversation

- Listen to the story and asks:

What did he then? How did he solve the problem?

Did he come to class on time?

How did he feel then? Did his students say anything to him?


- Computer, projector, … - Communicative approach



Warm up: (5mn)

Pre-listening: (7mn)

While-listening: (25mn)

Post-listening: (5m n)

- Divide ss into groups of four, ask ss to answer the question:

1.Have you ever witnessed a fire?

2 If there were a fire what would you do?

- Ask ss to describe the picture in textbook What is happening?

Who/ What you see in the picture?

What you expect to listen to in this lesson? - Ask ss to repeat the words in textbook Explain the meaning of those words if necessary:

 memorable (a)  terrified (a)  scream (a)  replace (v)  gas stove (a)  embrace (v)  protect (v)  rescue (v)

- Ask ss to read the tasks in text book, help them if they have difficulties

- Play the tape three times

- Call some ss to give the answers - Give feedback

- Ask ss :

Christina says that family is more important than things Do you agree or disagree with her? Why? Exchange you idea with a partner

- Discuss and tell the whole class the answers

- One student describe in front the class

- Read and the tasks (individual)

- Work in pair Tell the answer to the whole class IV HOMEWORK: (3mn)


Unit 2




Sts learn how to write a personal letter about a past experience

Lexical items: Words / phrases used in letters about past experiences: embarrassing/ frightening/ unhappy/ happiest/ funniest experience…

Grammar point : the simple past tense

Structures : it changed my outlook on life…/ it made me more careful whenever I …/ it gave me more confidence in…/ it taught me a lesson…


Teacher ‘s Activities Students’ Activities

Warm – up ( mns)

Teacher raises a few guiding questions :

 Do you feel sorry about something in

your life?

 Do you ever make any wrong


 Do you remember any funny things

when you were younger?

 Do you ever have a nightmare?

Pre – writing :(10 mns)

- Teacher gives the handout to sts - Ask Sts to discuss in groups to answer the handout

Work in groups

Some guided questions : _ When it happened? _ Where it happened? _ How it happened? _ Who was involved?

_ How the experience affected you? While – Writing :(15)

1 Teacher encourages sts to study some useful words or phrases used in letters about past experiences

_ embarrassing/ embarrassed (adj) _ frightening/ frightened (adj)

_ It made me more careful whenever I … _ It gave me more confidence in … _ It taught me a lesson …

2 T has sts write a letter about their past experience

Post – writing : ( 15 mns )

T asks sts to write their letters on the board and corrects sts’ mistakes Homework :

Complete another letter

Students answer the questions

2.Complete the chart bellow:( work in pairs ) Name of experience

When it happened Where it happened How it happened How the experience affected the writer?

5 Correct mistakes in the handout

Copy them into the notebooks

Copy them

Copy down

Write a letter


- Computer, projector, … - Communicative approach III PROCEDURES



Step : Look at some pictures and write their names ( group work ) / m / / n / / ŋ /

Mountain Nest King Mummy Knife String Banana

Step :

Present the pronouncing technique and read the three sounds aloud / m / ; / n / ; / ŋ / ( page 29 )

2 Practise reading aloud the sentences ( textbook )


Step : Give the forms of the present tenses ( simple present ; present continuous ; present perfect ) Practise in pair

1 Tell some daily activities Ex : I often get up early in the morning

2 Describe some activities that are in progress in the class Ex: We are learning English Tell what have just happened to you Ex : I have just met a former teacher on the way to

school Step :

a Use the simple present to tell a story in the past ( group work ) b Do the exercise ( textbook )

1 invites sets gets waves promises carries contains has baked is 10 is shining 11 are singing 12 is

Do exercise and 3:

Exercise ( textbook –page 30) ( class work ) Keys

1 broke / was playing wrote / was

3 was working / broke started / were walking told / were having

6 didn’t listen / was thinking

7 phoned / didn’t answer / were …doing wasn’t wearing / didn’t notice / was driving Exercise : ( textbook –page 31 )


1 had eaten / arrived found / had taken got / had closed got / had left got / had arrived paid / had phoned


Homework: Prepare Unit 3: A party – Part A

Unit 3



I Objectives

 Help students understand the content of the lesson  How to understand and use new words in context

 Can Tasks 1,2 (scanning for specific information and identifying , correcting false


II Methods & Teaching aids

Communicative approach Pictures, chalks, cassettes

III Teaching procedures


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


*Warm up : (2’)

A Pre- Reading


B While – Reading


- Do you like going to parties ? - What party you often go to ? - Ask students to look at the first picture in the book and ask them some questions :

 Are they having a party ?  What party is it?

-Ask students to look at the second picture

 Are they friends ?

 What are they celebrating ?

* The lesson today gives us some information about birthday and wedding anniversaries in the US - Ask students to listen to the tape - Ask students to read the passage silently

- Explain some difficult words : New words:

1 celebrate (v) → celebration (n) anniversary (n) candle (n)

4 blow-blew – blown out present = gift

6 adult joke (v,n)

joker (n)

8 get married to S.O 10 special (a)

specialist (n)

11 mark (v,n) 12 milestone (n) 13 relationship (n)

relative (n,a)

- Ask students to Task in

- Give answers

- Look at the first picture and give answers

 Yes, they are  It is a birthday party

 No, they aren’t  A golden wedding


- Listen to the tape

- Read the passage silently - Listen and take notes

- Do Task in pairs



C Post-Reading


- Ask students to task in groups

- Ask Ss to give answers - Give feedback

- Ask students to talk about their birthday party (work in groups) ( place, time, guests, foods, drinks, activities)

Or ask them to answer the questions in textbook – after you read (pair-work)

7 birthday party - Do Task in groups - Give answers : TASK

1 eighth (seventh) brings (eats) food (presents) anniversaries (age) months (years) 5th (50th )

7 silver (golden)

- Talk about their birthday party in groups

Or answer the questions in pairs


Group-work /



- Learn by heart the new words, questions and answers

- Prepare in advance Part B - Speaking (answer the questions in Task )

Unit 3



I Objectives

- Students can talk about parties and how to plan parties.

- Students can tasks 1,2,3, 4.

II Methods & Teaching aids

Communicative approach Pictures, chalks, cassettes

III Teaching procedures


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


A Pre- Speaking


B While – Speaking


- Ask Ss to Task in pairs - Ask some pairs to perform Task in front of class

 New words:

- occasion = chance - host




- Do task in pairs

- Perform their talk in front of class

- Tell the partner about the party

- Retell the party they have been



C Post-Speaking


- sort of = kind of * Task

- Ask Ss to tell their partner about the party he / she has been to, using the questions in Task - Ask representatives to perform the party they have been to in front of class

- Ask students to Task in groups

- Give some suggestions : * Where (home – cosy , not

expensive / restaurant – not spend a lot of time to prepare , not have to clean up …)

* What time

* How many guests

* What to eat / drink ( soft drinks , mineral water, , …./ chicken soup, green salad, steak, fired chicken, fish , beef, hamburger , cake,… )

* What to wear (dress, jeans, shirt, T-shirt, pullover, skirt, )

* Which activities (singing, playing games, taking photographs ,give gifts, ….)

* Decorations : balloon, birthday cake, flowers,…

- Ask some students to perform their talk before class

- Ask representative of each group to talk about the plan of the party that they have discussed

- Correct common mistakes and give remarks

to in front of class

- Do task in groups - Write down some details if necessary

- Perform the plan of the party in front of class



D Homework : (2’)

- Write down task in the notebooks

- Prepare part C : Listening – Answer the questions in Before you listen

Unit 3



I Objectives

 Help students improve their listening skill

 Help them understand the talks and Tasks 1& (deciding True or False statements and

comprehension questions)

 Students can summarize the content of the passage

II Methods & Teaching aids

Communicative approach Chalks, cassettes, pictures

III Teaching procedures


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities




B While – Listening


C Post-Listening


provided words Listen and repeat : slice (n,v) clapped tidy (v) mess serve guest soft drink

B While – Listening

- Ask students to read Task silently

- Ask students to listen to the passage (twice) and Task - Ask Ss to give answers - Give feedback

*- Ask students to read the questions in Task silently

- Ask them to listen to the passage again and Task

- Ask some students to write the answers on the board

- Give feedback

C Post – Listening

-Ask students to talk about Mai’s birthday party

(-Teacher can ask some questions, if necessary :

Where did Mai hold the birthday

party ?

How many people were invited to

- Read task silently

- Listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are true or false

- Give answers :

1.F F F T F

- Read the questions silently - Listen to the tape and Task

- Give answers:

1 She was 16 years old Because it is noisy and expensive

3 She served them soft drinks and biscuits at the beginning of the party

4 The birthday cake was brought out at about 4:30

5 It was beautifully decorated with pink and white icing (and 16 colorful candles sat in the middle of the cake)

6 They clapped their hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday”

7 (It finished) at about six in the evening

- Work in pairs /groups





the party ?

What time did the party start and

end ?

What did Mai’s mother serve the

guests at the party ?)

- Ask some students to retell Mai’s birthday party before class

- Retell Mai’s birthday party before class


- Practise listening at home

- Write down Task

- Prepare Part D - Writing

(do tasks 1, 2)

Unit 3



I Objectives

- Students can write a letter of invitation

II Methods & Teaching aids

Communicative approach Chalks, textbook, letter

III Teaching procedures


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


A Pre- Writing


B While – Writing


A Pre- Writing

- Ask students to answer the questions:

1.On what occasions are parties held?

2 What kind of clothes they often wear at a party ?

3 What kind of presents people often bring to a party ?

4 What you often to invite your friends and relatives to come to your party ?

 Let’s begin our lesson today : How

to write a letter of invitation B While – Writing

- Ask students to task in pairs - Ask them to give answers

 new words: - winner

- refreshment (n)

- invite

 invitation


- Ask students to task in groups

- Give them some guidelines

- Give answers :

*birthday, wedding anniversaries, New Year’s Eve,…

* dress/ skirt /shirt/ trousers/ suit/ …

*gift / flowers / champagne/ … * write a letter of invitation, …

- Do task in pairs - Give answers : TASK

1 at my house to come refreshments to cook winners by Monday - Work in groups




C Post-Writing


5 Which activities:

eating and drinking / singing / dancing / playing games/ watching films

5 Foods and drinks served : ( soft drinks , mineral water, , …./ chicken soup, green salad, steak, fired chicken, fish , beef,

hamburger , biscuits ,…), C Post-Writing:

- Ask some students to write their letters on the board

- Correct common mistakes and give remark

-Write their letters on the board

- Take notes



- Write down the letter in notebook, pay attention to some structures and prepositions - Prepare in advance Part E : Language Focus ( Give some verbs followed by infinitive and gerund)

Unit 3



I Objectives :

 Students can pronounce the sounds / l / , / r / and / h /  Present tense forms indicating past time

Tense revision : past simple, past progressive and past perfect


II Methods & Teaching aids

Communicative approach Chalks, pictures

III Teaching procedures


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



Pronunciation (15’)

*Warm up :

- Give students words and ask them to put the words to the right columns / l / r / and / h / : holiday, library, run, help, Lisa, realize

- *Today we are going to learn the pronunciation of the sounds / l / , / r / and / h / Now look at your book, listen and repeat

- Put the words in columns

/ l / / r / / h / library


run realize

help holiday - Listen and repeat


II GRAMMAR A-The Gerund and to infinitive

- Ask Ss to read aloud the sentences Warm up

- Ask students to put the words in correct order to make the two sentences :

- In the lesson today you’ll learn how to use the gerund and the infinitive - Ask students to exercise in pairs

- Ask Ss to give answers - Give feedback

-Give notes : A.V_ing

1 After some verbs:

Finish postpone Appreciate enjoy Avoid prevent Consider admit Delay escape Imagine keep Miss risk Mind practise

2 After Prepositions

3 After some expressions:

- to be worth / busy

- to be no use / good …

- to be used to

- can’t help / bear

- look forward to…

- wast / spend + time /money

- have a good time /trouble/ difficulty B.after


allow + V_ing permit + O + to V recommend

C.V_ing / to V ( without changing meaning)

Begin / start, continue/ go on, like, hate, love

D.V_ing / to V ( with difference in

- Read the sentences

- Put the words in correct order :

Ex1 : the book / time/ return / she / on / to / failed / library / the

(She failed to return the book to the library on time )

Ex : work / mind / the / helping / would / me / with / you / ?

(Would you mind helping me with the work ?)

- Do exercise in pairs - Give answers

Exercise having

1 getting to tell practicing to see

/individual Individual



B - Passive infinitive and gerund

- Give examples and ask Ss to put the verbs in the correct form :

Ex :

1 I expected (invite) _ to the party (to be invited)

2 No one enjoys (laugh) _ at (being laughed)

- Ask Ss to exercises 2-3 in pairs /groups

- Teacher’s correction

- Listen and put the verbs in the correct form :

Ex :

1 I expected (invite) _ to the party (to be invited) No one enjoys

(laugh) _ at (being laughed) - Do exercises 2-3 - Give answers : Exercise

1 B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A Exercise

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C D HOMEWORK

- Practise reading the sentences

- Write exercises 1,2 & in the notebook





- Introduce students social activities

- Intensive reading ( scanning & skimming )


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s)



Warm-up : Ss look at some pictures and name some activities

Lead in : Choose one of the suggested subjects to talk about and mention others not displayed in textbook ( Ex: volunteers in hospitals , orphanages … ) Answer some questions for each picture

4 Who are they ?

5 Where are they ?

6 What are they doing ?

Step : Use brainstorming technique to teach new words

Step : Read the passage and then pick out some words or phrases to show the activities

Suggested words and phrases : volunteer for s.th (v, n)

voluntary (a) voluntarily (adv)

2 take care of = look after = care for orphanage (n)

orphan (n)

4 mow (v)

mow their lawns

5 organize (v)

organization (n)

6 take part in = participate in = join disadvantaged (a) ≠ advantaged


8 handicapped (a) = disabled care (v,n)

careful (a) ≠ careless

10 overcome (v) 11 suffer from (v)

suffering (n)

12 disaster (n) 13 remote (a) = far 14 provide s.th for s.b

s.b with s.th

15 bring – brought – brought Sth to S.b 16 donate (v)

donation (n) donor (n)

Group work

Group work Class work


Pair work


Suggested answers :

1 They usually visit these places They read books and play games with them or listen to their problems

2 They give care and comfort to them and help them overcome their difficulties During summer vacations , they volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas




- Get some details and be able to talk about some activities of charities

- Be accustomed to working together


- Communicative Approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board




Write down some words that you can remember about volunteer work in not more than one minute

Step :

1 Look at the pictures in the book and then describe them Decide which of the following activities are volunteer work

Activities Yes No Taking part in an excursion

2 Helping people in remote or mountainous areas Giving care and comfort to the poor and the sick Participating in an English speaking club

5 Jogging in the park every morning

6 Providing education for disadvantaged children Joining the Green Saturday Movement

8 Applying for the job

Step 2:

A Explain the difficult words and the way to pronounce them ( step 1)

Group work


B Going through the information in the box ( step 1) and add two other things you for each case

Suggested solution

1 Helping people in mountainous areas

o Giving them used books / notebboks / pens / pencils / used clothes / food / medicine

o Going to every family to persuade parents to let their children to attend class

o Encouraging children to go to school

o Teaching children to read and write Helping old or sick people

Cleaning , gardening , doing shopping , taking care of elderly people , cooking food , listening to their problems

3 Helping handicapped or disadvantaged children

Playing games with them , taking them to places of interest , teaching them to read and write

4 Taking care of war invalids and the families of martyrs

Helping to housework , giving medical services , listening to their problems , giving them money

5 Taking part in directing the traffic

Working at crowded crossroads , directing the traffic , helping the old and young children to cross the roads , helping to lower the number of traffic jams and accidents

C Practice the dialogue ( task 2/ textbook ) , then take turns to change the actions


1 Give the situation and explain the requirement of the exercise

2 Tell some kind of volunteer work that students often during summer vacations

( Use the details given in step to the work )

Group work


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s)




Which word does not belong to the others ?


Step : ( Before you listen / Textbook- page 51 )

 Tick the best answer

1 How often you support charities ?

a regularly b from time to time c never What is the best way of raising money to support charities ?

a through donations b through taxes c through fund-raising activities What kinds of volunteer work you prefer ?

a helping the elderly b helping the poor c helping the sick

 Listen and repeat

Organization for Educational Development / Spring School / co-operate / co-ordinate Disadvantaged children / fundraising / Performing Art / set up


1 Explain new words

regularly attend classes , fundraising dinner , to be held annually , operate , co-ordinate , organization

2 Listen to the tape ( times ) Suggested answer

Informal / 30 street children /250 children with special difficulties / 1998 / volunteers/ June Step 3

1 Listen to the tape again

2 Answer the questions ( task / textbook ) Suggested answer

1 It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city Dance , theatre , singing and circus classes

3 Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes

4 At one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh city

5 Because they need help to organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June


1 Take turns to ask and answer the questions based on some main ideas about Spring School

2 Tell some information about Spring School

Pair work

Group work

Class work

Class work

Group work

Group work





- Be able to write a letter of thanks

- Think of charities


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board




Find some words beginning with “ D” Step 1: Revision ( each part of a letter )

Heading ; Greeting ; Body ; Closing ; Signature

Step : Read the latter and underline the sentences that express the following points The opening of the letter

2 The donated amount The way the money is used The way the receipt is issued The gratitude to the donor The closing of the letter Suggested answer

1 The opening of the letter Dear Sir / Madam

2 I am happy to receive a donation of #500 from your company some days ago The money will help us to repair the old school building and build a new block of

flats for the handicapped students

4 we will certainly issue a receipt as soon as possible

5 I would like to express our thanks for the donation from your company I look forwards to hearing from yousoon / Your faithfully

Step ; Use the information from task to write a letter to express you gratitide Sample :

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are very delighted to receive a donation of one thousand million dong from your company a few days ago We think it possible to build a school library based on the money and we are certain that the receipt will be issued as soon as possible

We would like to express our thanks for the donation from your company and hope to get more assistance and cooperation from your company in the future

Yours faithfully ,

Nguyen Thi Thu Ba Secretary of School Guilding Fund Step : Interchange & correct some mistakes

Group work

Pair work


- Distinguish the use of Gerund and Present participle / Perfect gerund & perfect particple


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board



A Pronunciation

Step : Look at some pictures and then read their names Find out which sounds have just happened

wood west watch yoga yoghurt yellow

Step : Listen and pick out the odd ones we ; went ; use , wet

2 west ; yellow ; young ; York wine ; whale ; wheel ; yes

4 years ; university ; yesterday ; week Suggested answers

1 use west yes week

Step :

Introduce the two sounds / repetition

/ W / / J /

we ; win ; one ; wood ; sweat ; twice ; away ; cow ; now ; how

year ; yet ; you ; europe ; yoga ; yatch ; union ; yes ; yoghurt

Step : Listen to the tape and then repeat each word ( textbook –page 53 )

B Grammar


Step : Read these following sentences then explain the use and the form of “V-ing” There are some people running towards the quay

2 My father has just bought a writing table There is a sleeping baby in the room I feel my heart thumbing

5 We enjoy swimming

Step :

1 Find some phrases that contain “Gerund” and “ Present Participle ” Find some verbs followed by “Gerund”

Step 3: ( exercise – textbook – page 54 ) Suggested answer

1 listening bending behaving meeting spending waiting starting

Additional uses

Pair work

Group work

Class work

Group work

Pair work


1 As a subject of a sentence

Ex : It is easier to read Frech than to speak it

Reading French is easier than speaking it

2 As a complement

Ex : Her hobby is painting

3 After a preposition

Ex : He is good at driving

4 In short probitions

Ex : No smoking / No parking / No fishing …

5 As an object ( V + gerund )

a love / like / enjoy / dislike / hate

b admit / advise / avoid / consider / delay / deny / discuss

c finish / keep / mention / mind / miss / postpone / practice / risk / suggest / tolerate

6 Expressions + Gerund

a be / get / become used to ( accustomed to ) b look forwards to

c object to

d can’t stand / can’t bear / can’t help e have difficulty

f it needs / wants / requires g How about / What about V + either Gerund or infinitive

a begin / start / continue + V-ing / infinitive ( unchanged meaning ) b regret / remember / forget + Ving ( referring to the earlier action ) c stop + V-ing ( meaning : give up / finish )

d try + V-ing ( meaning : experiment )

Step 4: ( Exercise – textbook – page 54-55 ) Suggested answer

1 burning / rising reading

3 lying shopping preparing trying modernizing

Additional uses

1 To form continuous tenses

Ex : He is working / They have been learing As adjectives

Ex : running water / leaking pipes / floating hat Replacing relative pronoun + verb

Ex : people who wish / wished to visit the caves

people wishing to visit the caves After verbs of sensation

See / Hear / Watch / Listen / Feel / Smell … + O + Present participle ( in progress ) Ex : I saw him passing my house every day

5 Catch / Find / Leave + O + Present participle ( in progress ) Ex : I caught them stealing my apples

6 Go / Come + Present participle ( an physical activity ) Ex : go shopping / camping / sailing / dancing / ……

6 Spend / Waste + time / money + Present participle

Ex : He doesn’t spend much time preparing his lessons Ex : We wasted a whole afternoon repairing the car

Step : ( Exercise – textbook – page 55 ) Suggested answers

1 having made having been having been having tied

Class work



- Support some new words about illiteracy

- Know about some information related to “Illiteracy Eradication”

- Intensive reading ( scanning & skimming )


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s)



Warm –up

Je vais au marche’ ; Es- tu le professeur ? C ’est le chien Can you read these sentences above ?

Illiteracy ( Meaning : you can’t read and understand them )

Lead in

Look at the pictues in texbooks and answer the questions What is this ?

2 Where is it ?

3 Who are in the class ? Are they at the same age ?

5 What you think of the teacher ?

Step 1

Matching for definition

1 Universalisation (n) Eradicate (v) campaign (n) ethnic people minority (n) honorable (a) relevant (a) expand (v) decrease (v) 10 struggle (n) Answer keys

Step : ( task – textbook – page 58 ) + repetition Phổ cập giáo dục tiểu học

2 Hội khuyến học Việt nam Xóa mù chữ

4 Kỹ thuật canh tác Kế hoạch hóa gia đình

Step : Find the main idea of the passage ( task – textbook – page 58 ) Key : D- The fight against illiteracy

Step : Answer the questions ( task / textbook – page 58 ) Keys

1 94% of the population

2 The campaign of illiteracy eradication

3 600 students in 2000 and 800 students in 2001

4 They willinly spent their vacations teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read and write

Group work

Group work

Group work


5 Illiteracy will soon be eradicated Step : More questions

1 Are there any illiteracy people in your neighborhood ?

2 What you thik we should to help them read and write ?




- Practise talking about some difficulties in the school and find some solutions to overcome


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board




Listen to a story and find the solution in this case

Lead in : Answer the following questions

1 What will you if your mother becomes angry with you ? What will you if you find a thief ?

3 What will you if you come late for school ? What will you if you lose all the money ?

Step : Matching for definition enforce (v)

2 strict (a) regulation (n) income (n) transportation (n) reduce (v)

7 set up (v) cheat (v) Keys :

Step 2 ( task – textbook –page 59 )

Suggested answers

1- b / g ; 2-a / e ; 3-d / f ; 4-c ; 5-h / I / j

Step ( task – textbook – page 59 )

Suggested ideas :

1 Some students cannot buy all the required textbooks Students cheat during the exams

3 Many students live very far from school

4 Some students left school before completing it Many students have difficulty in learning English

Offering solutions

1 School library should lend them books Select strict teacher to control them Build dormitory

4 Give talk to them

5 Make them work in pairs / groups

Step ( task – textbook – page 59 )

Useful expressions

1 Have you thought about ….? Why don’t you stop ….?

3 What can be done to solve this problem ? What will happen if the problem is not solved ?

Group work

Group work


2 not enough light too hot in the class without projector

We should…

1 build more classes

2 have more electric lights installed have more electric fans installed have a projector installed

Step Free speaking

problems solutions

1 making too much noise forget to the homework play truant

4 fighting each other

play games

pay attention to correcting and take notes talk to him and help if necessary

force them to sit in distance





- Get the details through listening

- Be used to motivating and taking part in activities in class


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s)




Make a survey about the family’s interest in their children’s schooling , then give ideas about it

Lead in : Answer the questions

1 Have you ever done a survey ? Do you know where Perth is ?

Step 1: Matching for definition survey (n)

2 carry out (v) take place (v) imply (v) goal (n) positive (a) motivate (v) failure (n) self respect (n) 10 self confident (a)


1 Listen and repeat

effective maturity weaknesses performance

self-respect academic Perth Western Australia Listen to the tape ( times ) and then the task

Suggeted answer

1 D B B B

Step Task –textbook / page 26 Suggeted answers

1 In Perth

2 80% of the students

3 They felt that they should be allowed to give some input into school decision making which had a direct effect on students

Hand-out (Group


Class work

Pair work

Pair work





- Be able to describe the data by writing a passage

- Be able to use some verbs , adjectives and adverbs related to the process of literate


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, charts , graphs




Pick out the words to make a sentence

number rise In

there males was

of and females



Suggested answer

There was a rise in the number of both males and females who were literate

Step Read the useful language


1 in contrast

2 in different parts of … between … and …… in the number of … while

Step 2: task 1-textbook / page 61-62 Suggested answers

varied rise declined different went-up dramatically

Step : task – textbook / page 62


Group work

Class work

Pair work



rise increase decrease decline drop fall

rise increase decrease decline drop fall



slight steady gradual considerable sharp



The table describes the literacy rates of ……… The rate varied considerably between

Declined steadily Fell dramatically

There was a gradual rise in the number of ……… While the number of ………

These data may help researchers or planners


The table describe the trends of literacy rate in the Shunshine country from 1998-2007

There was a gradual rise in the number of both males and females in the Lowlands with 50% in 1998 , 53% in 2002 , and 56% in 2004 Then this rate went up sharply to reach 95% in 2007

In the Midlands there was a steady rise from 70% in 1998 to 85% in 2007 for the number of literate males and females

On the contrary , the literacy rate in Highlands declined steadily In 1998 , 50% the population was literate , but this number decreased gradually over the next six years It was only 30% in 2007





- Be able to pronounce the sounds / pl / ; / bl / ; / pr / ; / br /

- Use “ V + O + infinitive “ to report


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, projector



Warm -up

Look at some pictures on the screen and then read the name of them

A Pronunciation / pl / ; / bl / ; / pr / ; / br / Step :

a Listen and write out the odd ones

1 A play B place C plate D pray A price B plight C pride D prime A brew B blue C blew D blind A brown B blown C browse D brain


1 pray plight brew blown b Practise reading these sentences

We probably see Professor White in April What is the price of thses pretty plates ? The Blanding school colors are blue and black Bring my brother’s breakfast , please ?

Step :

a Use textbook to practise the part “ pronunciation” b Additional sentences

1 Please find out what time the plane leaves We’ll probably see Professor Pride in this place My brother bought black shoes and a brown hat

4 Today the wind is blowing and the sun is shining brightly

B Grammar



agree / ask / decide / demand / expect / hesitate / hope / manage / plan / promise / want refuse / threaten


advise / allow / encourage / forbid / force / invite / permit / persuade / remind / tell / warn

Class work

Class work


Exercise (textbook –page 64 )

Suggested keys

1 They promised to come back again

2 The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore John asked Peter to close the window

4 The teacher encourage Eric to join the football team John promised to give it to him the day after

6 My Mum wanted Lan to becme a doctor

7 My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school His boss advised him to go homeand rest for a while

Exercise 2 ( textbook – page 65 )

Suggested keys

1 He advised me not to drink too much beer

2 She invited me to come and see her whenever I wanted He asked me not to smoke in his car

4 He told Sue to give him her phone number He reminded me to give it to Joe

6 He promised never to it again He agreed to wait for me

8 He asked me to lend him some money


1 S + will …  promise

2 had better / should …. advise / encourage

3 Would you like / Could ( can / will ) you / How about / what about invite

4 Don’t forget / remember + to verb  remind

5 Could / can you …/ imperative form  ask / tell

6 Imperative form ( negative ) forbid

Pair work





- Enjoy taking part in some activities in school , especially competitive movements - Intensive reading skills ( scanning & skimming )


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player and tape(s), projector LCD



Warm –up Match the name s with the right pictures on the screen

Lead in : Answer these following questions Have you ever taken part in a competition ? Do you think you should be the winner ?

3 In order to be the winner , what will you prepare to ? What is the most important for a team to win the prize ?

Step Matching dor definition

Step 2

A True / False

1 The competition was held every school year

2 The purpose of the contest is stimulating the students to win the prize The group winner will be awarded a lot of dictionaries

4 Nga advised her classmates not to enjoy the competition and not to be disappointed with the result

B Answer the questions ( task – textbook / page 68 )

Suggested answers

1 The representatives of three classes

Pair work

Group work

Group work




2 To stimulate the spirit of laerning English among students The Students’ Parents Society

4 They must complete five activities in all

5 The judges would announce the winner by choosing the group that had the highest score

6 A set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

C Task 3 ( textbook / page 69 )

1 ……… had difficulty in reciting the poem because he could not remember the last sentence

2 ……….was the winner ….60 points

4 ….the most important thing was our participation and the enjoyment we had from the competition

Pair work




- Be able to describe the feelings by speaking about some kinds of competitions in school - Give the ideas about the meaning , the effects of some different forms of competition - ability to speak some activities during the contest


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, projector LCD



Warm -up

Putting the letters in order

1 portoytipnu wedgelnok grosptohaph palmexe


Which competitions or contests you like or dislike ? Compare your answer with your partner

Type of competition / contest like dislike

General knowledge Quiz English competion

Art competition (drawing , painting …) Poetry Reading / Reciting Competition Singing Contest

Athletes Meeting ( running , jogging , jumping ) “Nu sinh duyen dang”

Practice :

A What you think of the General Knowledge Quiz ?

B Oh! It’s great It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge

Use ful language

Great Intesresting Good fun Boring Wonderful Exciting

Opportunity to test my general knowledge Good time to practise my English

Opportunity for my create activities Making me feel sleepy

Making me cheerful

Good chance for my physical training

Step ( task – textbook / page 70 )

Pair work





- Listen and understand a brief history of marathon competition of Boston city in The U.S - Get some details through listening


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, pictures, chalk and board, cassette player , tape and projector LCD



Warm – up

Read these following sentences decide whether the senetnce true or false The persons who win the competition are the champions

2 You need a normal shoes to jog Athletes wear shorts

4 Only men can take part in a marathon

5 A marathon is a long running race of about 26 miles

Which sport is the listening text related to ? Step Answer these following questions

1 What is the Boston Marathon ?

2 Who you think can take part in the Boston race ? Keys

1 It is the oldest old race in the United States It is held every year in the middle of April

2 Both men and women can take part in the Boston Marathon

Step Listen and repeat

1 race female formally athletic clock Kuscsik Mc Dermott

Step ( task – textbook / page 71 ) Keys

1 T ( it is held every year in the United States ) T ( it began in 1897 )

3 F ( 50 minutes) F ( 1967 )

5 T ( 34 countries )

6 F ( Runner have to go through 13 towns during the race The race ends in the center of Boston )

Step ( task – textbook / page 71 ) Keys

1 New York 1972

Pair work



3 Eight women 6,164 runners

Step 5

a Read the following numbers

1 4,479 6,576 9,782 10, 057 25,745 100,098 b Read the following year

1 1997 1542 1012 985 2005 1379

Pair work




- Knowing the content , words , and arrangement of a suggesting letter for information - Knowing how to write a replying letter to support the information


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, samples of letter, chalk and board




1 How many parts are there in a letter ? What are they?

3 What are they used for ?

Step 1 Look at the letter on the blackboard and then match one phrase in column A with another one in column B to make arule of writing a formal letter


1 We write our own address We end with an expression like We write our name

4 We start the letter with We write the date

6 We write the information in If we don’t know the receiver’s

name , we use

8 We writen our address We close the letter by using 10 We sign our name

a Sir or Madam

b in the top right hand corner of the letter c at the end of the letter

d I look forward to … e under our address f Dear

g the body h Your faithfully i under the signature j under the closing

Step (task – textbook / page 72 )

Read the letter and find out the information required for the English Speaking Competition


1 the number of participants entry procedures

3 venue

4 date and time

Group work






- The way of pronunciation / tr / ; /dr / ; / tw / - Knowing the way to report by using gerund


- Communicative approach

- Textbook, chalk and board , pictures




a. Look at the pictures and name them

b. Answer the following questions Have you ever seen a twin tower ? Have you ever used a drum ? Have you ever planted a tree ? Have you ever worn a nice dress ? Have you ever gone to school by train ? Have you ever made a twist dance ?

Pronunciation ( textbook ) Listen and repeat

a traffic , troops , trousers , tropical / tr / b drive , dreadful , drink , dress / dr / c twelve , twenty , twin , twinkle

2 Practise reading aloud these following sentences a John always enjoys travelling by train

b Jane’steeth are troubling her c George is driving dangerously d Her new dress is an absolute dream e She has an amused twinkle in her eyes f Think twice before doing something

Grammar Step 1

Match a phrase on the left column with a phrase on the right to make sentences

Group work


1 The children thanked their grandmother He apologized

3 Bill is thinking

4 Jim cogratulated me

a about the holidays b on the exam c for his mistake d for the money Keys :

1 The children thanked their grandmother for the money He apologized for his mistake

3 Bill is thinking about the holidays Jim congratulated me on the exam Notes

V + prepositions + noun phrase / gerund Ex : We are interested in that play

Ex : We are interested in watching that play

Step 2

Exercise ( textbook – page 74 )

1 John congratulated us on passing our exam Mary apologized for not phoning me earlier Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station

4 The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention to what he had said Bob has always dreamed of being rich

6 I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport Her mother prevented Jane from going out that night Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her

Exercise ( textbook – page 75 )

1 Tom insisted on paying for the meal

2 Mr and Mrs Smith looked forward to meeting their children The boy denied breaking the window of her house

4 The policeman stopped the customer from leaving the shop The thief admitted stealing Mrs Brown’s car

6 Ann suggested having a party on Saturday

7 John and his wife were thinking of buying the house


Some verbs and expressions can be used in reported speech


Be used to Be sorry for Look forward to Can’t stand Can’t help

Object to Insist on Keep on

There is no point It’s no use / no good

V + ving

Deny Admit Allow Advise Forgive

Suggest Accuse Consider Avoid Mind

Pair work




By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the passage clearly through reading to guess the meaning of the words, answering the questions and summarizing the content of the passage

II. Teaching aids

- text book

- picture

III. Procedures


Pre -reading

- Uses pictures and asks students to look at them to describe by answering some questions:

1 where can you find these scenes?

2 what does each of the pictures tell you?

3 Do you think that the larger in population a country is, the stronger it is? Why/ why not?

- Teacher corrects and describes more if necessary to leading the content of the passage

- Look at the pictures and answer the questions given by the teacher

- Listen to the teacher

Whole class


-reading -passage ( silently) and someHas students read the tasks

 Task 1:

- Asks Ss to read sentenses and choose a suitable word in the box

- Do as required


to fill in each blank

- Calls some students to give the answer

- Teacher can ask Ss to tell or explain meaning of the words to check the Ss’ understanding

 Task 2:

- Asks Ss to read and answer the questions on the passage

- Call students to ask and answer the questions

- Give the answer: although

2 method increases resources figures limit

7 international control

- Do as required

- Read the passage again and seek the information to answer the questions

- Ask and answer the questions:

1 the population of the world in 10,000 BC was 10 million, in 1750 it was 625 million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6 billion

2 By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be billion Some scientists say it

can, but others say it can’t

4 No, they don’t

5 Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children

Pair work

Post -reading

- Asks Ss to discuss with a partner and find out world largest countries in population Say where they are and which is the richest and which is the poorest country (teacher help Ss if they have difficulties) - Call some Ss to answer

- Do as required Pair work


Answer the questions:


Unit 7




Be able to carry out an discussion about the causes of overpopulation in the country and in other areas of the world Find the ways to solve the problems of overpopulation

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, pictures




Re-arrange the letters in oprder to make each meaningful word Suggested

population population explosion overpopulation overpopulated Listen and decide whether the statement is true or false

1 The population of the world has remained unchanged during the last ten years We must limit population growth because our resources are limited

3 The everage Third World woman has the right to decide the number of children

4 Overpopulation is not a problem in our modern time Suggested F T F F

Task ( textbook - page 83 )

1 people are not properly educated

2 People are not aware of the problem of over population Fewer children die at birth

4 Many people believe that having a large family is a form of insurance Religion doesn’t encourage people to have fewer children


Pick out the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries

low standards of living ; lack of food , hospital , school ; travelling ; entertainment ; unemployment ; transportation ; pollution ; traffic jam ; shopping ; poverty ; high education , illiteracy

Useful expressions

Overpopulation is really a problem that faces poor and overpopulated countries It brings about a lot of results that worry very of us

First of all …… Also , …… In addition to that , …… Moreover , …… Next …… Finally ………

Overpopulation is really a problem that faces poor and overpopulated countries It brings about a lot of results that worry all of us First of all people living there often

Pair work

Pair work


have bad living conditions Also there is a lack of schools and hospitals In addition to that , there aren’t enough jobs for everyone so their lives are terrible and their children are often illiterate

Task 3

Suggested solutions

Use birth control methods ; Having reward and punishment policies ; crarry out population education programmes / family planning programmes ; showing family examples ; raising the people’s awareness of overpopulation by communications



Unit 7




By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Develop listening skills such as listening for specific information to give answers for multiple choice questions, taking notes while listening to answer comprehension questions, and summarizing main ideas

- Have some information about world population through the listening text

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, cassette player and tape



Warm-up Let students listen to a short radio program (or a TV program if possible) of an interview

Before it, ask them to identify what kind of talk it is (a friendly chatting, a business talk, or an interview)

After they listen, ask them on what occasion the interview takes place

For a more active class, invite some students to role play a radio or TV talk show (interview) (1-2 sentences for each student)

Answer: “an interview”

Answer: “in a talk show on radio or TV”

Act out the interview with just 1-2 sentences for each one

Pre-listening Show a world map and ask students to discuss the questions on world population

“1 Do you think that our world is overpopulated?

2 What continent has the largest population?

3 Can you name some countries with


- population explosion

- developing countries

- improvement

- particularly

- punishment

- birth-control method

- implement

- shortage

- inexpensive

- rank

- generation

Elicit the meaning of these words from students and correct if necessary, then conduct the repetition of these words


While-listening Task 1: (Multiple choice)Ask students to read over the questions and pay attention to what kind of information they need to listen to (numbers of people, dates, names of area, reasons, etc.)

Play the tape once or twice for students to listen

Call on some students to give the

answers, and ask them to explain their choice of answer

Give correct answers

Task 2: (Comprehension questions) Give some minutes for students to read through all the questions, and require them to underline the key words which help them pay attention to the correct information

Play the tape twice for students to listen and the task

Ask students to sit in pairs to compare the answers


1 What will the population of the world be by the year 2015?

2 What did Dr Brown say about the population growth rates in some parts of the world?

3 What is the main reason for the population explosion?

4 List problems that are caused by the population explosion

5 How many solutions did Mr Brown offer?

Read over the questions

Listen and the task Give the answers


1 A D C D A C

Read through all the questions in the task

Listen and the task Sit in pairs and compare the answers


1 It would be over billion by the year 2015 The population grows

more quickly in some parts of the world than others


What are they?

(For question 5, pause the tape after each solution for students to take notes With a slow class, supply them with the phrases of solutions with some blanks for them to fill)

Conduct feedback by asking students to ask and answer orally (For long answers, ask students to write the answers on BB after they have given it orally.)

Give more explanation and replay the tape when necessary

of hospitals and schools, illiteracy, and low living standards solutions

They are

- to educate people and make them aware of the danger of having more children

- to provide safe,

inexpensive birth-control methods

- to strictly implement a family planning policy

- to exercise strict and fair reward and punishment policies

Post-listening Ask students to sit in groups to summarize the listening text, according to the questions given on BB:

Who is the interviewee? What is the interview about? What contents did they talk about: - Population of the world (today, future)

- The main cause and problems of population explosion

- The solutions to the problems.

Go around for help

Call on some students to tell class the summary

Take notes of their errors and correct after that

For an active class, conduct role-play activity in pairs, by asking students to act out the interview (basing on the summary above)

Invite some pairs to give performance

Sit in groups and the summary

Act out the interview about world population as in the listening text, basing on the summary of main ideas

Consolidation Summarize the main points


Unit 7




Practise describing information based on charts

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, pictures , charts



Warm – up

Look at some pictures and then divide the cirle into many parts correspondent to the number of people in each picutre for each part

Useful language

The chart shows the distribution of world population by region

- It can be seen that …

- Distributed unevenly…

- Account for ….percent

- More than double the population of …

- Half as much as …

- Nearly half of …

- Rank first / last …



The world population is not distributed evenly

1 The South Asia ranks first with 32% / The South Asia has the largest population Very few people live in Oceania / The Oceania has the least population

3 Less than that in South Asia is East Asia with only 26%

4 Africa and Europe have fewer people with 11% for the former and 15% for the latter

5 Compared with The Oceana which ranks last in the table Latin has approximately 8% of the world population whereas Nothern America has a lower rate with only 6%

Nowadays 15% of the world’s population is living in Europe


The chart shows the distribution of world population by region As seen from the chart , the world’s population is not distributed evenly South Asia has the largest population with 32% while the Oceana is the least populated with only 2% A bit higher than that of the Oceana are the rates of Latin America and Northern America with 8% for the former and 6% for the latter Europe accounts for 15% of the world’s population and Africa ia a bit lower with only 11% To sum up , more people are found in Asia than in other parts of the world

Group work

Unit 7




Exactly pronouncing some sounds / kl / / gl / / kr / / kw / Knowing the way to use the three kinds of conditional sentences

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, pictures



Warm – up

Look at the pictures and read their names clown ; groom ; queen ; glass ; icecream


1 Listen and repeat

a clean , class , claim , quickly / kl / b glean , glass , struggle , ugly / gl / c crowd , crankly , crash , creature / kr / d grow , green , grouping , ground / gr / e quarrel , quarter , quality , queen / kw / Practise reading aloud the dialogue A : Didn’t you go to the cricket club ? B : Yes , I did go to the cricket club A : Was it crowded ?

B : Quite crowded A : Was Greg there ?

B : Greg was there , yes And Robert Queen was there , too A : Does Robert Queen like cricket ?

B : No , he doesn’t He quarrelled with Greg He went to the pub and drank some glasses of beer

A : Oh dear !


Exercise 2

1 had been told had realized wouldn’t have been would have bought had studied


1 The man told her that he would come to see her if he had time He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet They told me that if it didn’t rain , they would go out with me

4 The man asked the woman what she would if she were a billionaire

5 The man told me that if I had asked him , he would have lent me his motorbike The man told his daughter that they would be very disappointed if she didn’t come The boy told the girl that he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them

Notes : Type & unchanged when they are reported

Group work

Unit 8




- Introduce students about Tet holiday in VN

- Help students understand the reading text and Tasks 1,2,3 in the book


- pictures, textbook


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

1 Warm up

- Do you know the tet holiday?

- When is it? Pre-reading:

Ask questions to lead the task:

- What people during Tet holiday?

3 While – reading: Task 1,2:

- Ask Sts to open their books and work in pairs

- Ask Sts to read the passage and Task 1,

Task 3: Ask sts to read the passage again and task

- ask some Sts to go on the board and write the answers

- check the correct

Close textbooks and answer the question?

- make banh chung

- eat traditional foods

- clean the house

- go to flower market

- give & receive lucky money Do task 1,2

Suggested keys: Task 2:

1F 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F

Answer the following questions: Suggested keys:


4 Post-reading

Ask Sts to tell each other about their last Tet holiday, focusing on the following main points:

a) How you & your family prepared for Tet? b) How you decorated your house?

c) Special food you eate?

d) Who visited you & your malily?

e) Activities you must enjoyed during Tet?

2 For months

3 They are decorated with coloured lights and red banners

4 They buy gifts, clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods

5 It’s made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork

IV Homework:

- ask Sts write about their last Tet , using what they have just said

- Prepare part B

Unit 8



I Aims:

- speaking about holidays and celebrations in VN and in the world

- Sts will be able to talk about holidays and celebrations

- How to ask for purpose and activities of holidays and celebrations

II Teaching aids: textbook, pictures

II Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

1 Warm -up ( 3ms)

- Has Sts listen a song and ask questions to lead the lesson:

 What is the song about?

 Can you name some popular holidays in VN and in the


2 Pre-speaking (7ms)

- T give some new words structures : + New words:

• Mask

• Parade

• Thanksgiving

• Harvest + Expressions:

• It’s time when…

• What is it?

• What you …? / when is it?

• That sounds + ADJ

Listen and guess the song Answer questions

Suggested keys:

- Tet holiday


Task 2:

- Show pictures and ask to Sts to guess what they are

- Has Sts work in groups of to discuss task and match the holidays with its mains purpose and activities

- Call some groups of to practise task in front of the class:

 The first Sts says name of the holiday, the second one says

Its main purpose, the last one says Its activities Task 3:

- Ask Sts to work in pairs Ask and answer about the holidays above, using the dialogue in Task as the model

- Give some cues to practise the task:

1) Thanksgiving Main purpose Do you know …? What it is? When is it?

Activities -> What you at that day? 2) Valentine’s Day

3) Mid- Autumn festival

4) Post- speaking ( 3ms):

- Summarize the holidays and their purpose, activities


Practise in front of the class

Work in pairs

V Homework:

- Ask Sts to learn the structures by heart


Unit 8




1 Listen to conservation to get information about Tet holiday in Japan

2 Lexical items: words that related in describing about Tet or something else

II TEACHING AIDS : pictures, textbook, cassette player


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm-up:

- Ask Sts to review the Tet holiday in VN Pre-listening

- Ask Sts to guess the activities the Japanese often on their New Year’s Days ( Before you listen)

- Give and explain some new word that they can hear on the conservation:

 shrine  kimono  lucky money  kumquat tree

3 While-listening Task 1:

- ask Sts to read the information in task to guess what the Japanese on their New Year’s Days

- Play the tape ( times) for Sts listen and

Review the Tet holiday in VN

Discuss and guess the activities

Read the text

Listen and compare their work Correct answer


- conduct the correction

4 Post –listening:

- ask Sts to work in groups to discuss and compare the differences between Tet holiday in VN and in Japanese

- Give comments

Check the answers Suggested key:

1 Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the New Year From television or the radio

3 Kimonos or special dress

4 No New Year’s Day is mostly celebrated among family only

III Homework:

- Finds some kinds of food people often eat on Tet holiday

- List the things they often on their favourite holiday

- Think of the activities on one of the popular holidays they known

Unit 8



I Aim(s)

- How to describe some of the popular holidays in VN

II Teaching aids: textbook, pictures

II Procedures

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up:

- Do you eat moon cake or admire the moon at Mid-Autumn holiday?

- What you often see on that day? Pre-Writing

- ask Sts tell what they often at Mid-Autumn holiday and write on the board

- give some main ideas on the board

- remind the knowledge that they learn in part B ( Speaking)

3 While-Writing

- ask Sts to work in group to choose one celebration they are interested and discuss the ideas using the above main points

- Ask Sts to write daft passage for their celebration

- Go around to support Sts in case they have difficulty

- Ask Sts to check their work each other

- Give some common comments and correct the common mistakes they

Answer question

Discuss ideas

Discuss and write the passage


made Post –writing

- Ask Sts co complete their writing at home


- Do homework teacher gives them

- Prepare part E – language focus




- Pronunciation: /fl/ - /fr/ - / r/

- Pronouns: one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone - Vocabulary : about holidays and celebrations

- Sts know how to pronounce /fl/-/ fr/-/ r/ correctly and to use pronouns and vocabulary about

holidays and celebrations

II / TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, textbook Cassette player…


Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm up -Write some words on the board such as: flower/ fruit/ three and ask :

“Can you pronounce these words ?”


2/ Grammar and Vocabulary:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Presentation -Write some sentences on the board

1/Someone is standing at the door now

2/ Does anyone learn the previous lesson by heart? 3/Everyone is ready to start the new lesson

4/No one talks in the class

5/Of the three pens I like the red one

6/ I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world

-Call some sts to underline pronoun in each sentence -Ask sts to explain how to use those pronouns -Check the answers and explain more clearly: -someone/no one/ anyone/ everyone+ singular verb -one is used to replace singular noun

-ones is used to replace plural noun

-Ask sts to exercise and in textbook individually - Go round the class to help sts

-Give correction

+ Vocabulary about holidays and celebrations:

-Look at the board

-Underline pronouns -Explain how to use the pronouns on the board -Listen and copy in their notebooks

- Work individually -Suggested answers: Exercise 1:

1/ anyone 2/ someone 3/ anyone 4/someone 5/ no one 6/everyone 7/ no one

Exercise 2:

1/ of the three bags I like the blue one

2/ Mai is making a fruit cake, Huong is making a fruit one, too

3/ I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world

4/ I don’t have a computer, and my father doesn’t want me to have one

5/ They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one

6/ There are several celebrations in Viet Nam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet holiday


-Explain how to exercise in textbook -Ask sts to exercise individually -Check the answers

- Correct the mistakes

ones about our lives -Listen to the teacher -Work individually

-Compare with a partner -Suggested answers: 1/ traditional 2/ grand 3/ gifts 4/ celebrating

5/ polite 6/ good luck

7/ excitement HOMEWORK:

- Ask sts to learn pronouns and vocabulary about holidays and celebrations by heart

- Prepare unit – Part A : Reading




- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to read for general and specific information

- The students know about services provided by a post office


- Communicative approach

- Computer and projector

- Board


Warm-up :(7’)

- Show students a picture of a post office and focus them on the game “Mind map”

- Divide the class into two teams, Team Girl and Team Boy


(5’) and the four services

- Have sts match the four pictures with the four services

- Give sts the answers

with services

While – reading (24’)

 Task

- Ask students to find the italicised words from the text

- Have students task and correct task

- After minutes, call on some students to speak out the answers

 Task

- Put sts into pairs

- Ask students to read the text again and answer the questions

- Have sts compare answers with their partners

- Assign some sts to write answers onto the board

- Go over the answers with the whole class

 Task

- Ask students to work in pairs with different partner

- Get students to exchange their evidence

- Correct the mistakes

- Work individually to find the words

- Circle the letter A, B, C, or D

- Suggested key: D; C; A; A - Sts work in pairs

- Read the text silently

- Talk with partner to compare the answers

- Go to the board and write the answers

- Copy the correct answers onto their notebooks

Suggested answers 1.It is equipped with advanced technology They are Mail And Parcel Service, Express Money Transfer, Phone Calls And Faxes, Press Distribution

- Find evidence from the text and compare with partner

Individual Pairs Pairs Post – reading (5)

- Ask students to work in groups of four, discussing Questions &

- Tell sts some other services, such as Flower Telegram Service, Internet Service,

- Ask one representative of each group to talk about the services in front of the class

- Correct sts’ mistakes and give good marks if

- Work in groups

- Speak in front of class


necessary HOMEWORK (4’)

- Have sts write a short passage(30-50 words) about the services of the post office in their neighborhood

- Get sts to prepare part B Speaking(page 103)

Unit 9




- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to use different services of a post office

- The students (as a clerk at a post office) know how to give instructions


- Communicative approach

- Board


Warm-up :(5’)

- Focus sts on the picture at page 103 and ask some questions such as Where are they?(At the post office) Who is the man? (The customer) What is he doing?(Maybe he’s asking for some information) Who is the girl? (The clerk)What is she doing?(Maybe she’s giving the customer some instructions)


While – speaking (25’)

 Task

- Ask students to read the instructions

- Model the conversation with a good student

- Make sure that sts know the meanings of install and telephone line

- Put sts into pairs

- Walk around the class and correct sts’ mistakes when necessary

- As sts to the role-playing

- Work individually to understand the instructions

- Look at the sample conversation

- Take notes if necessary

- Sts work in pairs

- Perform the dialogue in front of the class



Post – speaking (7)

 Task

- Ask students to work in groups of four, discussing Situations &

- Provide sts with some new words to make sure that they know how and what to speak

- Ask one pair of each group to talk about the Situation or

- Correct sts’ mistakes and give good marks if necessary

- Work in groups

- Speak in front of the class



- Have sts write an explanation (30-50 words) on how to use a cassette player

- Have sts prepare part C Listening (page 105)





 By the end of the lesson, the students are able to write a letter to express



 Communicative approach

 Textbooks (English 11), chalk, board


Warm up:(3’)

- Show students a sample letter and ask questions leading to the theme (Task 1) like “On what occasions you have to express satisfaction/dissatisfaction?”, “What sort of information you often have to provide when you express satisfaction/dissatisfaction?”




writing (7’)

 Task 1:

- Have sts work individually on the instructions from Task - Ask sts to draw a table with

two columns

- Ask sts to fill in the table with things they

satisfied/dissatisfied with the services provided by Thanh Ba Post Office

- Read the instructions silently

- Make a list of things they satisfied with the services provided by Thanh Ba Post Office

- Make a list of things they dissatisfied with the services provided by Thanh Ba Post Office


While – writing (25’)

- Have sts sit in pairs to write letters, one writes a letter of satisfaction, another writes a letter of dissatisfaction

- Ask sts to swap their paperwork - Walk around the class and make corrections when necessary

- Give sample letter on the board if necessary Remind sts of the rules of capitalization, punctuation and other rules of commonly used marks/ signs…

- Correct and give comment(s) on sts’ writing

- Work in pairs

- Write down their letter - Swap their writing and help their friends to correct mistakes

- Copy the sample letter

- Note down when necessary


Post- writing (5’)

 Task 2:

- Have sts read the instructions in the textbooks

- Ask sts to write a letter based on the information from the text about Thanh Ba office

- Read the instructions silently - Write the letter individually - Ask teacher for help when necessary



- Have sts collect some letters of satisfaction/dissatisfaction

- Have sts prepare part E Language focus (page 108)





 By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen for specific information  Help students all the tasks well and develop their listening & speaking skills


 Communicative approach

 Textbooks (English 11), tapes, pictures, chalks, board, cassette player …


Warm up:

- Show sts three pictures of mobile phones: a Nokia, a Samsung and a Motorola(Source: www.thegioididong.com)



pronunciation of the new words (commune, rural network,…) o

Listen & repeat these words

While-listening o

Task 1:

- Ask students to read the five statements in the text book and guess the answers

- Play the tape the first time and ask students to correct the answers

- Give feedback

- Play the tape the second time, make corrections and ask students to copy the answers

o Task 2:

- Ask students to read the questions in silence and think about the best answers

- Play the tape again and ask students to listen & check their own answers, then compare with their partners and give reasons if necessary

- Correct mistakes

- Go over the answers with the whole class

o Read silently

o Listen to the tape and choose the best answers

o Make corrections when necessary

o Listen again and complete the task Suggested key:

o Read the questions silently and guess the answers

o Listen to the tape

o Write answers

o Give reasons to wrong answers and correct them

Suggested key:




Post-listening - Divide students into groups and ask them to collect information by following the four statements in their textbook

- Write a summary about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system

- Discuss the main ideas in groups

- Work individually to write the summary









 Exactly pronouncing the sounds / sp / , / st / , / sk /

 Knowing how to use non-restrictive clauses and restrictive clauses


 Communicative approach

 Textbooks (English 11), tapes, pictures, chalks, board …





A : ON THIS SCHOOL SPEECH DAY … B : Stop shoutin , Standley !

A : And I speak for both my wife and myself , when I say … B : Speak up , Standley



Step : Rearrange these sentences in order

1 invented / the / who / generator / was / person / the / Faraday

2 English / discovered / Issac Newton / was / gravity / an / scientist / who / the the / invented / the / who / telephone / Alexander Bell / person / was

4 man / my father / that / sitting / to / next / is / the / you → The person who invented the generator was Faraday

→ Issac Newton , who discovered the gravity , was an English scientist → The person who invented the telephone was Alexander Bell

→ The man that is sitting next to you is my father

1;3 ;4 Non-defining relative clauses (the nouns before relative pronouns are common nouns ) Defining clause ( the noun before relative pronoun is a proper noun )

Defining clauses Non-defining clauses A proper noun

A definite noun ( my , your ….car ) Comma (s) is used

That can’t replace who which whom …

A common noun No comma

That can replace “ who , whom , which , when , where , why )

Step 2

A Exercise 1- textbook / page 109

1 A burglar is someone who breaks into a house to steal things A customer is someone who buys something from the shop A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop

4 A coward is someone who is not brave

5 A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat B Exercise – textbook / page 109

1 who whose whom whose whom C Exercise – textbook / page 109-110

1 The man answered the phone told me you were away The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt The people who was arrested have now been released

5 The bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour D Exercise – textbook / page 110

1 Peter , who has never been abroad , is studying French and German You’ve all met Micheal Wood , whi is visiting us for a couple of days We are moving to Manchester , which is in the North West

4 I’ll be staying with Andrian , whose brother is one of my closest friends

5 John Bridge , who has just gone to live in Canada , is one of my oldest friends

Group work

Pair work


Unit 10





• General knowledge: Nature in Danger

• Vocabulary: Words related to the topic

• Grammar: Revision of the Simple present Tense of verbs; Passive Voice; Using BY + NP to express method, medium or means


• Guessing meanings in context



students look at the pictures and answer the questions:

What animals you see in the pictures?

Where can we find them? (can we see them everywhere, in every part of the world or only in some places?)

 Why can’t we often see some of these

species in nature?


* Cheetahs, pandas, gorillas, tigers, … * Not everywhere, Only in some areas or in the zoos…

* They are in danger (extinct)

Task 1: Pairwork- Ask Ss to read the facts given and discuss to draw out the answers

Task 2:

Ask Ss to look at the pictures (In workbook or T can show some more pictures)

Ask: -What you see in these pictures? (What is the reason for these


Ask Ss to guess about the reading: -Guess what we’re going to read about

- Work in pairs, talking about the facts

Some species such as cheetahs, pandas, Siberian tigers… are becoming extinct

The number of these animals have become small because…

They are

poached, hunted, killed…

Their habitats are destroyed;

… - Classwork

* Flood, forest fire, typhoon, soil erosion… * Ss discuss and draw out some reasons * Ss give their guesses


Activity 1: Dealing with words: T chooses to

construct and give Ss some exercises on Vocabulary

Find the synonyms: human race, human beings, people

Find the verbs that describe human bad activities to our environment: destroy, kill, affect, …

Find the verbs that describe activities of protecting the environment: protect, save,


Using prepositions/ phrasal verbs: have influence on, result in, interfere with, …

Guessing the meanings in context: Guess the meaning by looking in the context for the clues to its general sense

Guessing the meaning :


a A substance that pollutes sth, especially air and water

–b A substance that is important to the environment

–c A person that helps protect sth


–a involvement in something without any invitation or justification

–b the act of helping so or sth –c co-existence



a having died out or ceased to exist


b being in a natural condition or place


c fossilizing

 Activity 2: Silent reading: Ask Ss to Read the

text silently and Task in pairs


Check the answer



-Ask Ss to read task 2, make sure that they know what to with the task

-Ask Ss to read the text again and the task in pairs

(Ss can read each paragraph and choose the statement that best expresses its main idea )

- Check the answers


- Set the activity in pairs or in groups of - Ask Ss to read the text and find the answer to

the question

- Check the answers Mark

- Check the passage comprehension by asking Ss to fill in tables

- Do as directed and then correct each other in pairs

- Do the task as directed

- Pairwork or groupwork

- 1:a; 2:a; 3:a;

Activity 1: Exchanging information

- Ask Ss to think about some species of animals that have become extinction

- Ss exchange information in groups - Check the answer

Activity 2: Writing report

- Now you have information on an extinct species of animals From this, write – sentences to say about that kind of animals and

- Find the information






Wildlife in danger

Wildlife in danger

Look at the picture Do you know these animals?


2 Natural catastrophes





- Help Ss practise talking about reasons why nature is in danger and measures for proctecting endangered nature


A Methods: communicative approach

B Teaching aids: blackboard, textbook, chalk, duster, picture, …


1 WARM-UP: (5m)

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

Let Ss play a small game: - Divide class into small groups

- Show some pictures of nature in danger (See Appendix)

- Ask Ss the question “What are they doing?” Or “ What are happening?”

- Set time and the winner will be the fastest - Check the answers

- Group work


Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities TASK 1:

- Ask Ss to the following activities and then give feedback

 Activity : Match the word in column A with its meaning

in column B (See Appendix)

- Ask Ss to practise reading the words in the activity

 Activity : Read the reasons in task and put them in the

order of importance



Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities TASK 4:

Activity: Make a conversation of nature in danger using the information in task and task

- Provide Ss some structures which Ss can use in their conversation (See Appendix)

- Ask Ss to work in groups and task - Call some groups to speak in front of class - Give comments

- Group work

- Give comments for their friends’ presentation





 TASK 1:

Activity 1: Match the word in column A with its meaning in column B


1 pet recreation to capture fertilizer pesticide cultivation pollutant discharge

a a meterial or a chemical compound, added to soil to enrich it b emit

c entertainment

d an animal kept for amusement e to hunt

f a chemical used to kill insects g a substance or thing that pollutes

h the act of preparing (land) for growing of crops Suggested answers: d; c; e; a; f; h; g; b

 TASK 4:


What you think about … ? Why is nature … ?

Can you list some reasons ……?



 Open students’ view about the beauty of many different national parks in the U.S as well

as in Vietnam

 Make them be aware of the preservation of the national parks that are in danger of

being destroyed and avoid polluting them


 Method : Communicative approach

 Teaching aids: cassette player , boards , pictures


Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities/ possible problems

Pre – listening

1 Warming-up (4’):

To draw students’ attention and make them interested in the topic

2 Introduction:(1’)

Leading students to the listening tasks

3 Predicting: (2’)

encouraging students’ participation so that they can learn from each other in a relaxed way

Asking students some questions related to the listening tasks

Have you ever been in a national park?

Where is it located? What‘s it like?

 Show some slides or

pictures of national parks in the U.S (Write down the title on the board)

Why you think national parks are tourists attractions?

- Listening and answering


(Cuc Phuong, Cat Ba, Phong Nha, Ba Be national parks etc.)

- (Ss pay attention to the title)



what they need to listen for True- Fasle statements by giving them some idea of what to expect

2 Exploring the theme: (15’)

- Help Ss to get the general theme of the listening

tasks Then play the tape once or twice - Check the correct answers for task - Write down the answer key on the board

1 T 2.T 3.F T T

Task 2: Divide the class in groups and play the tape again

- Assign each question for one group Answers:

1 There are 52 national parks in the U.S Millions of people visit national parks every year

3 Rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts Trees are cut down for wood Large areas of national parks experience devastating fires caused by careless people The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution from their vehicles

4 Rare animals and trees should be protected, fires caused by careless people should be limited, pollution from their visitors’ vehicles should be decreased and money should be raised for the parks’ staff and maintenance of their resources

vocabulary items - Listen for True – False statements - Answer individually

- Listen to answer thequestions in task

Work in groups, Answer orally Then write down their answers on the board


-Ss are asked to write the answers on the worksheets

Post – listening

To get Ss reproduce what they have listen and to practice speaking

- Ask some Ss to present the summary the passage in front of the class Ask the others to decide which summary is the best

- Ask Ss to discuss in groups on

- present their summaries


Free discussion

For the students to state their opinions on the topic or for teacher to give more information that may interests Ss

national parks and suggest solutions for the problems some national parks are facing

- What else you think are tourists attractions?

- Do you know any other famous tourist sites besides national parks? - Name some famous natural sceneries in the U.S?

- participate in the discussion




lessons, texts, stories… better and use them in a right way


- Learner- centered and communicative approach


- Board, chalk, textbook, Exercise book, handout… IV PROCEDURES

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes

Warm-up (5min)

New lesson (10min)


- Give some words with underlined sounds and ask Sts to pronounce them

stay, slow, small, smile, snow, snack, swim, swam…

Activity 1:

-Have Sts listen to the tape and ask them what words they can recognize (without opening the books

Activity :

- Have Sts open the books, listen to the tape and repeat (three times) Activity :

- Have Sts give some more words to practice

( swear-swore-sworn, swing-swung, slogan, slip, slight, snake, snap, snatch, smog, smoggy…)

- Have Sts make sentences using as many words with these sounds as possible

Ex : I saw Mr Smith sleeping in that small hut

Ex : Mrs Snow is walking slowly when a small boy snatched her handbag

-Work in pairs

- Some of them speak in class

-listen and take notes -give their answer for each word they can recognize

- Listen and repeat

Warm up (5 min)


-Give one/ two sentences for Sts to combine by using relative clauses Ex : Mrs Smith is very smart We are talking about her -Give answers :

Mrs Smith whom we are talking about is very smart

Mrs Smith that we are talking about is very smart

Mrs Smith about whom we are talking is very smart

- Work in pairs

New Lesson ( 20 min)

Notice :

*Preposition can be placed before a Relative pronoun

-Work in pairs



* Relative pronoun as an object of the verb can be omitted

Activity 1:

- Have Sts Exercise -Correct the exercise Activity :

- Have Sts exercise - Correct the exercise Activity :

_Have Sts exercise - Correct the exercise Activity :

- Give some examples of phrasal verbs if necessary

Ex : This is the child (whom/ that) she has to look after

*AFTER cannot be placed before whom

Activity 5:

-Give some more exercises ( handout : Multiple choice)

Ex : Which sentence is NOT correct? A The house that we lived in for years needs rebuilding

B The house in which we lived for years needs rebuilding

C The house Which I lived in for years needs rebuilding

D The house in that we lived for years needs rebuilding

with teacher’s correction

Homework (5min)


o Students will be more aware of how to use the energy more economically and safely


o Communicative approach


o Chalk and board

o Pictures

o Computer and LCD Projector



Warm-up (5 mins)

Turns off the lights and fans and asks students how they feel Asks students what they need to operate the electric devices (lights and fans)

Asks students about some sources of energy they know

Possible answers:

- It’s dark / It’s hot

- It’s uncomfortable Possible answers: - Electricity - Power - Energy Pre – reading (7 mins)

Show students some pictures of oil, coal, and natural gases Asks them why these sources of energy are not used widely anymore

Asks students to look at the pictures of the sources of energy in their textbooks and give the name for each

Explains some new words in the text

- fossil

- geothermal heat

- dam

- entire

- plentiful

- infinite

- potential

Look at the pictures Possible answers:

- Because they cause pollution

Work in pairs and answer (with T’s help if they have difficulty finding words)

Take notes

While – reading (24 mins)

Plays the tape once

 Task 1:

Asks students to highlight the words (given in the box) in the text and guess their meanings

Asks students to read the

sentences in Task and complete them

Has some students to give the answers

 Task 2:

Divides students into groups of

Listen (books open) Work in pairs to guess the meanings of the words


Asks students to read the text again to collect the information about the advantage(s) and disadvantage(s) of each of the sources of energy

Choose one student from one group to ask students in other groups about the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources

 Task 3:

Asks students to read the questions and then read the text again to find out the answers Asks some students to give the answers

Work in groups to fill in the table with suitable information

Select a representative to answer the questions

Work in pairs (practice asking and answering)

Post – reading (7 mins)

Asks students to work in groups to complete the summary of the reading passage The answers of each group are written in a sheet of paper

Informs students that the group that has the best and fastest answers will have a gift Reads aloud the answers and corrects

Gives the gift to the winners

Work in groups to the task

Homework (2mins)

Asks students to read the text again at home and try to remember the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources to prepare for the Speaking section

Some sources of energy:










1 Educational aim:

* Talking about advantages and disadvantages * Offering reasons and choices

* Reporting on discussion results Knowledge

*General knowledge:

- Students can learn about different types of energy, understand their values and how to use and protect them


- Words, sentences and expressions for talking about advantages and disadvantages, and for offering reasons and choices

3 Skills:

Fluency in expressing opinions and talking about advantages and disadvantages, and in offering reasons and choices

II METHOD integrated, mainly communicative

III TEACHING AIDS pictures, board, chalk, textbook



Warm-up (5’)



-Show pictures of different kinds of energy and ask students to defines them : Look at the five pictures and tell me what kinds of energy are used to run the plant

- Ask students some questions :

*Which energies you think are ‘clean’ energies? *Why should we try to use them instead of fossil fuel, or wood ?

- Write down the structures on the board and explain it

I think/believe…

Why you think/believe so? Because……….while…… I know…… However,……

- Ask students to look at Task in textbook (p 127), talk about what we think are advantage and disadvantages

* Task :

Energies Advantag e


*Explain some new words in Task if necessary - Give example on the board and ask students to the same for ->

- Give feedback

- Look at the five pictures and define them :

-wind power,solar

energy,water power,thermo power, nuclear power - Give answers

- Listen and take notes

- Do Task : choose and write down the answers


Speaking ( 20’)


( 7’ )

- Ask students to look at sample conversation in Task and practice it

Sample Conversation (p.128)

-Introduce some useful language (p.128) and explain meaning if necessary

- Ask students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using different sources of energy by using the given structures

- Ask some pairs to perform their talk in front of class then teacher give feedback

- Note some advantages and disadvantages of using these energies on the board:

- Ask students to discuss in group about the best alternative source: reasons, advantages,


- Have student report to the class what their group has discussed

- Give feedback

- Give answers They are polluted

Some sea plants and animals will be in danger of extinction

- Discuss

- Listen and take notes

- Perform on front of class

- Report to the class what their group / pair has discussed



2 Lexical items:

 Words phrases used in describing of charts : show, total, make up, amount of, figure, followed by



 Textbooks (English Eleven), charts, chalks, board, computer, projector…  PROCEDURES



Pre-writing (15mn)

o Raises a few guiding questions

1 If you want to compare the number of populations every year, what you use to describe? Do you think what

subjects of study often conchart or diagram?

1 Ask students a question: What you usually use charts to describe about?

2 Have Students match charts (copy) with the paragraphs about the amount of rain every year

3 Encourage S to study the useful words and phrases they may use in the above three paragraphs

Give oral answer:

We can use or draw diagrams/ charts

 Geography

- S’ answers may vary: suggested answers: amount of rain, water, population …

- Work in pairs, read the paragraphs and match the charts

Answers: p.1- c, p.2-a, p.3-b

- compared with …

While-writing (17mn)

Task 1:

Ask students to look at the chart and read the paragraph in the text book to find the information to fill in the gaps

Task 2:

Ask students to read the paragraph again and then write a paragraph about the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland

Task 3:

Ask S to use the iinformation from the task and to describe the chart

Discuss and fill in the


Answers:1 117, coal, smallest

- S use the words or phrases in the task to write the description - groups of four give comments on writing a paragraph

- S in groups read the paragraphs in task and again and then look at the chart and describe in oral





Ask S to compare energy consumption between the year 2000 and 2005

Discuss the information

in groups

Look at the chart and

retell the comparision





Textbook , cassette tape, handout


Ss may not know much about the sources of energy, so T should be equipped with some necessary knowledge


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm – up (3mn)

- Divide Ss in to two groups , A and B - Divide the board into two parts, A and B

- Tell Ss from the groups to go to the board and write down some of the things Ss use energy for in the house

Pre – Listening (2mn)

- Before eliciting / pre – teaching some new words , T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book

- T may read aloud first and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and Individually

- T elicits / teaches some of the words given in the book or those taken from the listening passage :

ecologist unlimited fossil fuels renewable resources fertilized While – Listening (2mn)

- Task :

+ Before Ss listen and the task, T has Ss read the sentences in Task in one or two minutes

+ T plays the tape once for Ss to the task

+ T asks for Ss’ answers and write them on the board + T plays the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers

+ T checks Ss’ answers + T gives the correct answers

1- D – C – D – A 5C - Task :

+ T asks Ss to read carefully the passage and guess the missing words

+ T plays the tape two times + T checks Ss’ answers + T gives the correct answers

1 unlimited may amount atmosphere gases

Post – Listening (12mn)

- T asks Ss to work individually to definite which group the sources of energy belong to

- T asks some Ss to give a talk about how to use the sources of energy carefully and their importance

- T’s comments


- T summaries the main points

- T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words and the extra

- Ss write down on the board : petroleum , gas, coal ,

electricity, solar panel

- Ss listen and repeat

- Ss listen to the recording twice (or three times) and give the answers to task

- Ss listen to the recording and give answers

- Ss put a tick in the right column


Unit 11




a Pronunciation: Help sts correctly pronounce three consonants sounds / / , / spr / and / spl / in single words and in sentences

b Grammar and Vocabulary: Help sts review Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives



*Pronunciation Pictures of / /,/spr / and /spl/ sounds *Handouts





a Warming up

Puts pictures of “shrimp” ,”spleen”and of “spring” on the board Has sts complete the sentence: I see a on the

Corrects the answers

Has sts read loudly the sentence, pay attention to “shrimp” and


Introduces the new lesson

Close books

Complete the sentence Compare with a partner Read loudly Individually Chorally, then individually b Pronunciation

Task 1: Notices the difference of three sounds

Shows pictures of three sounds/spl /, /spr / and / /, pronounces clearly Listen and repeat

Task 2:

Read aloud the sentences:

Repeat three times

Open books Pick out from the reading words having /spl/ ,/spr/and / / sounds Follow the tape or the teacher to read the sentences: Chorally, then individually c Grammar and vocabulary

Ask sts to rewrite the sentences using present participial ,past participial phrases and infinitive phrases instead of relative clauses

Go around and give supports when in need

Give handouts for sts to more exercises

Correct the mistakes

Do exercises as directed Individually

Chorally, then individually Individually HOMEWORK


- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, cassette player and tape , LCD projector



Warm up

Look at some pictures related to some sports

1 What sports you see on the creen ? Which one you like to play ? Why ?

3 In which sporing events are these sports competed ? Suggested :

1 volleyball , basketball , table tennis , rugby , hockey , tennis , football , wushu , bodybuilding , marathon , swimming , jumping

2 I like to play ……….becuase it makes me healthy In Sea Games and Asian Games

Step Answer these questions

1 How often are the Asian Games held ? → Every four year How many countries take part in the Asian Games ? → 42 What sports is Vietnam best at ? → Wushu & Body building

Step Choose the phrase that has nearly the same meaning as the phrase underlined

1 In this multi-sport event , young people from all over Asia gather to gether compete

a event with different sports b event with some sports c event with few sports

2 The Asian Games event is an occasion when friendship and solidarity are built and deepened

a unity and agreement resulting from shared interests , feelings b unity and agreement resulting from shared actions , and sympathies c a & b are correct

3 During their five decade history , the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects

a period of 100 years b period of 50 years c period of 10 years

4 The quality of athletes , official sports facilities has also been developed through time

a persons who join the football match

b person who trains to compete in physical exerises and sports c person who teach gymnastics

5 The Vietnamese participants’ efforts were much appriciated when they won gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards

a high valued b developed c increased

Pair work

Group work

Group work


Step 3

A Task 1

1 facilities aquatic enthusiasm effort advancing appriciated

B Task

1 1951 the second Asian Games in Manila , the Philippines 1958 squash , rugby , fencing and mountain biking 2002

C Task 3 Answer the questions

1 The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia

2 9,919 participants took part in the 14th Asian games.

The won the gold medals in bodybuilding , billiards and women’s karatedo at the Busan Games



Practise answering some information about Asian Games

Give some information of Vietnamese athletes in The 14th Asian Games

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, pictures



Warm up Rearrange jumbled words into complete sentences 14th , were , the , where , Asian , held , Games , when , and ?

2 countries , in , how , the , part , many , took , Games ? were , at , Games , sports , many , competed , how , the ?

→ When and where were the 14th Asian Games held ? → In Busan Korea

→ How many countries took part in the Games ? → 42 countries → How many sports were competed at the Games ? →38 sports

Step 1

A Read the ordinal numbers ( 1st → 20th )

B Use the table to practise speaking ( task – textbook ) Games


Host country Year Number of countries

Number of sports

1 India 1951 11

2 Philippines 1954 18

3 Japan 1958 20 13

4 Indonesia 1962 17 13

5 Thailand 1966 18 14

6 Thailand 1970 18 13

7 Iran 1974 25 16

8 Thailand 1978 25 19

9 India 1982 33 21

10 Korea 1986 27 25

11 China 1990 37 27

12 Japan 1994 42 34

13 Thailand 1998 41 36

14 Korea 2002 44 38

15 Qatar 2006 45 39

C. Task 2

( textbook )


( 14TH Asian Games held in 2002 in Busan , Korea )


Number of medals

Gold Silver Bronze

Pair work


Body building 1

Billiards 1



Wushu 1

Setting model

1 In which sport did Vietnamese athletes win medals ? How many medals did they win ?





By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Develop listening skills such as listening for specific information to give answers for multiple choice questions, taking notes while listening to answer comprehension questions

- Have further information about the Asian Games through the listening text

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative Approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, cassette player and tape



Warm-up Let students listen to some songs and have them guess the events related to it (may ask them if they know the year of celebration of these events related to the songs.)

Call on students to give their answers (maybe allow them to sing a short part of one of the songs which is most familiar to them)


1 The World Cup The Sea Games The Asian Games

Sing a short part of a song

Pre-listening Ask students to sit in pairs, look at the pictures in books and answer the questions:

1 What are the names of these sports? Have you ever watched sports like

these in stadium or on television? Which sports you like best? Why? After their discussion, correct the answer for question and call on some students to present their ideas for the others

Introduce the main point of the listening text

Present some difficult words:

- coming live

- freestyle

- gymnasium

- land

- bar

Discuss the questions in pairs

Answer: The names of sports in pictures:

gymnastics, swimming, long jump, and high jump

Present their ideas orally


- gymnast

- Lee Bong-ju (proper name)

- Vichai (proper name) Explain the meaning of the words quickly with different ways (pictures, translation or elicit their meaning from students), then conduct the repetition of these words



Task 1: (Multiple choice)

Ask students to read over the questions and pay attention to what kind of

information they need to listen to (mostly numbers, and names of sports.)

Play the tape once or twice for students to listen

Call on some students to give the answers, and ask them to explain their choice of answer

Give correct answers

Task 2: (Comprehension questions) Give some minutes for students to read through all the questions, and require them to underline the key words which help them pay attention to the correct information

Play the tape once or twice for students to listen and the task

Ask students to sit in pairs to ask and answer the questions


6 What time was “The Asian Games Report” programme?

7 How many gold medals have the Japanese athletes won in the first three days?

8 How many times has Lee Bong-ju competed in the long jump? What was the last sports event

mentioned in the report?

10 How was Vichai after he finished his performance?

Conduct feedback by asking students to ask and answer orally

Give more explanation and replay the tape if necessary

Read over the questions

Listen and the task Give the answers


1 C A B B D

Read through all the questions in the task

Listen and the task Sit in pairs to ask and answer the questions


6 It was at 10:15 p.m They have won gold


8 He has competed in the long jump times High jump was the last

sports event mentioned in the report

10 He was very disappointed

Post-listening Ask students to brainstorm some names of famous athletes in VN or in the world that they know (list about 4-5 names)

Let students choose one of the athletes above, then divide class into groups of the

Say aloud some names of athletes that they know


got so far? Which one is the most successful?

- How about his/ her present training process or his / her plan for future?

- etc

Go around for help

Call on some groups to demonstrate their discussion

Take notes of their errors and correct after that

Give performance

Consolidation Summarize the main points


Unit 12




Writing a passage about the preparation for the Asia Games , which will be held in Viet Nam

METHODS AND TEACHING AIDS - Communicative approach

- Textbook, maps, chalks and board, pictures


CONTENT Warm up Arrange the letters into the meaningful words

1 build upgrade widen equip advertise recruit hold Match the verbs in column A with the phrase in column


1 build a the training areas

2 upgrade b one more National Stadium widen c people to serve the Games equip d the National Sports centers advertise e hotels with modern facilities

6 recruit f a competition to choose an official song hold g sports – places – dates – time

Step 1


Suppose Viet Nam is going to hold The Asian Games What will we have to to prepare for the Games ?

To build one more National Stadium and some sports buildings and car parks To upgrade the National Sports centers s and Stadiums

To widen the training areas , the roads and the sports building

To equip all the hotels and guesthouses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors

To advertise the Games on the radio and television

To choose volunteers good at English from universities to serve the Games To hold a competition to choose an official song for the coming Asian Games

Useful language

Connectors : First , Next , Then , Finally Conjunctions : because , so , moreover






- To help Ss distinguish and correctly pronounce the three sounds /str/ , /skr/ and skw/ in single words and in sentences

- To help Ss review relative clauses and familiarize Ss with the omision of the object relative pronoun in relative clauses


Integrated, mainly communicative

Pictures of a strawberry, a screw and a squirrel (or real objects of a strawberry and a screw), cassette-player, tapes, chalk, board


Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Pronunciation (15 minutes)


- Show Ss three pictures of a strawberry, a screw and a squirrel (one by one) and ask them what they are (for “strawberry’ and “screw” T can use real objects)

- Write the three words and their transcription on the board and introduce the sounds /str/ , /skr/ and /skw/

- Show Ss how to make the sounds and play the tape

- Read aloud the words with these sounds at random

/str/ /skr/ /skw/ street

strong strange strength

scream screen screw scratch

square squeeze

squeak squeal

- Give comment

- Have Ss practise reading aloud the sentences in textbook

- Look at the pictures and give answers: It’s a strawberry

2 It’s a screw It’s a squirrel

- Listen

- Listen and decide which sound each word contains

- Read aloud the sentences (individually)

1 There was a strong man on the street at night /str/ /str/


- Correct the mistakes and give comments

Grammar (30 minutes)

 Presentation :

- Write two pairs of sentences on the boardand ask Ss to combine each pair using relative clause I’m going to phone the woman I met her at the

party last night

2 I’m going to phone the woman She sang beautifully at the party last night

- Rewrite the first sentence which Ss have just finished and ask Ss to pay attention to the new one and then give their comment

I’m going to phone the woman I met at the party last night

- Ask Ss if they can that with the second sentence

- Ask Ss to find out what makes the difference

- Give comments

 Practice:

- Have Ss exercise in the textbook (page 144)

- Correct the mistakes

- Ask Ss to make their own sentences using relative clause with omitted pronoun likes the ones they have just done in exercise

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences in front of the class

- Write another pair of sentences on the board and ask Ss to combine the sentences using relative

/str/ /str/

3 He was holding an ice-cream in one hand, and a

/skr/ rubber doll in the other hand

4 The man was eating the ice-cream, squeezing the

/skr/ /skw/ doll and it was squeaking


5 The man was screaming while walking to the square

/skr/ / skw/

6 Nobody knew why he was doing the strange things


- Combine each pair of sentences:

1 I’m going to phone the woman who(m)/ that I met at the party last night

2 I’m going to phone the woman who/ that sang beautifully at the party last night

- Look at the new sentence on the board and find out the rule:

 An object relative pronoun can be omitted

from a relative clause whereas a subject relative pronoun cannot

- Do the exercise orally in pairs and then write the sentences on the board

1 Have you found the bike you lost?

2 Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn’t come

3 the short stories John told were very funny The dictionary I bought yesterday is

expensive, but very interesting

5 I didn’t like the man we met this morning The beef we had for lunch was really delicious


- Correct the mistakes

- Ask Ss to make their own sentences

- Correct the mistakes

Have Ss exercise (page 145)

- Give comments

(If there’s enough time T sets more exercises for Ss to do)

More exercises:

 Exercise : Combine the two sentences into

one, using the relative clause I like the dress Trang is wearing it

2 The fish was really delicious We had it for dinner

3 We stayed at a hotel Peter recommended it The film was interesting I watched it on TV last


5 Where are the eggs? They were in the fridge The book is about a young girl She runs away

from home

7 Who was that boy? You were with him this morning

8 Linda works for a company It makes computers The train was full of passengers and goods We

travelled on it

10 The flat was very old My family used to live in it

 Exercise : Tick () the sentences (from the

exercise 1)in which the relative pronouns can be omitted

- Correct the mistakes

- Assign homework: Prepare Unit 13 (Reading)

Look at the new sentence on the board and give comments

- Do the exercise

1 I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with

2 The dinner party we went to wasn’t very enjoyable

3 The house we’ve living in is not in good condition

4 I wasn’t interested in the things they were talking about

5 He didn’t get the job he applied for The bed I slept in was very modern

- Do the task and some Ss read them aloud in front of the class

- Do the exercise orally and individually

 1 The girl who we are going to see is from


2 He works for a company that makes cars

 3 What was the name of the man who you

met yesterday?

4 The table that was broken has now been repaired

 5 Do you know the girl who he is talking


 6 This is the novel that I’ve been



Unit 13




-Help students understand the reading text referring to personal preference -Through the lesson, students know more about many varieties of preferences


- Communicative approach

- Text book ( English 11) , pictures , cassette player , tape , projector




1 Look at the picture on the screen , then write down their activities Suggested

fishing , camping , sailing , riding , dancing , singing , jogging , shopping , swimming , playing chess , collecting stamps , travelling , listening to music , playing the guitar , painting , reading…

2 Answer the questions

a When people these kinds of things ? b What you to spend your free time ?

c What you call things you in your spare time ?



Step Matching for definition accomplished

2 accompanying modest avid discarded indulge in occupied

a eager b throw away c busy

d have an intrest in e well-trained , skillful

f going with a singer by using a musical instrument g humble , unamusing

Step 3 ( task 2- textbook / page 148 ) Suggested answers

1 playing the guitar No , he isn’t

3 Because he is an accomplislhed guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing by his guitar

4 Keeping fish

5 By buying some from the shop and collecting some from the rice field near his house He is an avid stamp collector

7 Local stamps

8 He keeps the lass common ones inside a small album The common ones he usually gives away to others or if nobody wants them he simple throw them away

Step Find the phrase or sentence related to these statements



1 The writer is not an accomplished guitarist The writer doesn’t spend much money on his fish He is not really an avid stamp collector

Unit 13




-Help students talk about their hobby

-Be to have a hobby to prevent the bad things


- Communicative approach

- Text book ( English 11) , pictures



Give the verbs that are related to “ stamps “



Task Sample

Teacher : What is your hobby Tan ?

Student : Well , I like collecting stamps I have been collecting them for more than five years Teacher : Wow ! You must have a lot of stamps now Could you tell me how to collect stamps ? Student : I get them from old envelopes and sometimes my relatives or my friends giving me some If I have money , I can go to the post office and buy some valuable ones

Teacher : Where you keep your stamps ?

Student : In albums , of couse I have had three albums so far

Teacher : Do you put them all in one album or you put them in categories ?

Student : In categories , of course I put local stamps in one and foreign stamps in another , then I classify them into categories like plants , birds , landcapes …

Teacher : I see what you plan to next ?

Student : I will attend stamp exhibitions to learn more from experienced collectors to make my collection more valuable

Teacher : I wish you very success I’d love to see your albums someday Stusent : Sure , see you

Teacher : bye !

Unit 13




-Listen and get some details

-Have an ability to decide the statement whether true or false , and then fill in the information in each blank


- Communicative approach

- Text book ( English 11) , pictures , cassette player , tape



Warm – up

A Make as many sentences as possible from the words provided stamps - fisk - book - swimming

B Write down some benefits from reading books Suggested :

1 To widen our knowledge

2 To give us valuable experiences To give us good sources of information To help us have a target in life


Task 1 Listen and repeat magazines profitably continually available

5 otherwise bygone giagntic ignorantly

Task True / False sentences Suggested



Task Fill in the blanks

1 wonderful disease jungle certainly ignorantly

Task4 Talking about the disadvantages of over- reading sort-sighted

2 not motivating

3 not having enough time for studying impractical

Unit 13




- Practise writing about one’s collection


- Communicative approach

- Text book ( English 11) , pictures





Suggested words

stamps , dolls , toys , cars , motorcycles , money , coins , pens , pencils , plants , bottle caps

Making the detailed outline

1 Name of your collection Stamp collection

2 When did you start collecting them ? Five years ago

3 How have you collected them ?

By asking my friends , relatives for them or collecting them from letters How you classify them ?

Into categories / put stamps of animals , flowers , birds , landscapes , heroes on different pages

5 How you keep them ?

By using albums , one for local and the other for foreign ones Why you collect them ?

_ To keep beautiful pictures on the stamps _ To broaden my knowledge about the world _ To be good at geography

7 Tell your plan in the future

- Join the stamp exhibitions to learn experiences from stamp collectors

- Be able to expose collection at an exhibition in the future


My hobby is collecting stamps I have been collecting both local and foreign stamps for more than years , so I have a great collection now

I started it when I was a little boy I always wanted the beautiful pictures on the stamps so I found a way to keep them At first I only collected local stamps from my friends’ letters and relatives’ Then my relatives went abroad , so my collection of foreign stamps started to increase

Now I have two albums , one for local stamps and the other for foreign ones I put each kind of my stamps on different pages ( birds , landscapes , hereos , animals , flowers , …) , so I think it easy to look for them

I often exchange my extra stamps with my friends and buy some valuable ones to enrich my collection I am very proud of it It both helps me to widen my knowledge around the world and improves my geography


Unit 13




Be able to pronounce / pt / ; / bd / ; / ps / ; / bz /

Use the way to emphasize subject , object , adverbial phrase by using cleft sentence


- Communicative approach

- Text book ( English 11) , pictures , cassette player , tape


stopped jumped stepped trapped

robbed stabbed grabbed bribed

stops steps maps shops

robs bribes

rubs clubs Reading aloud these sentences

1 She was robbed He stopped smoking Lan dropped the teapot

4 The boy jumped into the road and bumped into an old man She has been to a number of shops and clubs

6 He rubs his hands because he wants to interrupt their talk

B Grammar Exercise 1

1 It was the boy who visited his uncle last month

2 It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party It was Nam’s father who got angry with him

5 It was the boys who played football all day long

6 It was the girl who received a letter from her friend yesterday It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the children


1 It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden It is English that the man is learning

3 It was the book that the woman gave him It was the postcard that she sent her friend It was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long

6 It was his grandfather that the boy greeted in a strange language It was the policemen that the pedestrian asked a lot of wuestions It was the stranger that the dog barked

Exercise 3

1 It was at the shop that she bought him a present It was for tea that she made the cake

3 It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle It was on his birthday that she presented him a book It was in Britain that he met his wife

6 It was from the shop that she bought the present It was at 8.00 p.m that the meeting started


Unit 14




-Help students understand the reading text and tasks 1, in the book

-Through the lesson, students get some knowledge about British culture – leisure activities



-Introduce new lesson: “Today we learn the lesson :RECREATION It helps us know what activities British people often in their spare time.”

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes


-Explain some new words, the saying using simple English, pictures,

synonyms, antonyms,…Write phonetic transcription if necessary

1 recreation entertainment

3 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

4 population to undertake

6 some sports (rugby, cricket, snooker, pool, athletics,….)

7 to engrave

-Conduct Sts’ repetition -Call some Sts to read aloud

-Copy down the new words

-Repeat the words -Read the words aloud



*Task 1: (page 156)

-Ask Sts to scan Task before reading the text silently

-Help Sts guess the new words or phrases in Task basing on the context *Task 2: Decide if the following

statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) Correct the false ones

-Show Task on the screen -Ask Sts to Task

-Do Task

-Try to guess the new words while reading as many as possible Suggested key:

1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A

-Look for the exact information for each statement

Suggested key:

1 In Britain, each person




*Task 3: (page 157)

-Ask Sts to read the text again carefully and answer the questions in pairs -Call pairs to read aloud and write on the board

has a television set (F

nearly all households)

2 Do-it-yourself improvements and gardening are among the leisure activities in Britain (T)

3 Walking and swimming are the two most popular spectator sports (F are

the two most popular sporting activities) The only entry

qualification to weekend courses is the ability to pay their high fees (T)

-Read silently again -Do Task and then practise with the neighbour Suggested key:

1 Because without them people will become dull/bored

2 Football and rugby in winter, and cricket and athletics in summer Walking and swimming Because this is a new kind of entertainment which gives them pleasure

In pairs


-Have Sts listen to the CD rom once without looking at their books * Summary (play a game): -Divide the class into teams -Write various leisure activities of different people onto small pieces of paper (lots) Ask Sts to find out the activities mentioned in the text (time allowed :2minutes)


-playing sports -playing cards -watching videos/TV -fishing

-drinking beer with friends -shopping

-chatting on the net -going to the library -collecting stamps -swimming

-Listen and try to remember the activities

-One student of each group takes turns to come to the front and chooses by lot

-Get the right one write

on the board Get the wrong one another

student chooses another lot



Vietnam? Which are not?”


-Speak in front of class

Unit 14



Students know how to express agreement or disagreement

Lexical items: words/ phrases related to expressing agreement and disagreement Structures: sentences or phrases used to express agreement and disagreement

TEACHING AIDS: pictures , computer , chalk  PROCEDURES

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


Show some pictures and ask sts some questions

1 What are they talking about? What are they doing ?

3 Do you think going camping is very interesting?

Pre – speaking

Have students pay attention to the words or phrases used to express agreement and disagreement

1 Great !

2 I don’t think that’s a good idea That’s a good idea

4 Yes, let’s While – Listening

Show sts how to task 1, 2, Task

Ask sts to answer quickly in order to help them to review some expressions of agreement and disagreement

Correct sts’ mistakes Task

Have students work in pairs Task

Ask students to work in groups ( talk about reasons for agreeing and reasons for disagreeing)

Post –Speaking

Have students work in groups and then ask some groups to report their discussion to the class


Prepare listening part

Answer the question

Repeat expressions


1- A , –D , – A , – A , 5-D 6-A , 7- A

Work in pairs

Work in groups

Report their discussion to the class

Unit 14



- Listening to pieces of conversation to get information about some’s summer holidays - Lexical items : words related to summer holidays



Give students the meanings of some new words by using definition and pictures

- camping ground (n) : camping site : a place for camping

- wilderness:

- solitude (n) : loneliness - trash (n) : rubbish - dirt bike (n) - waterfall (n) While – Listening

Ask students to listen to the tape carefully and the task


Listen and decide whether the statements are true or false


Ask students to listen again and answer the questions

Post- Listening -More exercises Homework

Prepare writing part

Listen and repeat Task : Answers

1 T T , F, T, F, T Task

1 Riding their dirt bike in the desert , taking showers and swimming

2 In sleeping bags or tent

4 he thinks nature is also important in the world

5 in cities

6 Because she can’t put up an umbrella tent in the wind or make a fire in the rain or carry a heavy backpack

More exercises

It’s hot and ……1……… in New York city in the summer and I often feel ………2…then So in July and August I often go out of the city to the west where there are some beautiful …………3… and forests I often go with my friends , and we ……4… about two weeks in a national park every year We might stay at ……5……in the park, but wilderness areas are more fun What we enjoy most is to ride our ……6… in the desert, take showers in

waterfalls and swim in lakes and rivers And at night we sleep in our ……7… or tents and cook our gas stoves It’s ………8… that we can live in nature and enjoy it

Unit 14



-Students can write a passage about their class ‘s camping summer holiday -Lexical items: words, phrases used to write a passage about summer holidays -Structures : using the simple past



Show students some pictures and the ask them to rearrange the pictures in correct order of the story

Pre- Writing

Explain the topic to students Give cues to students While- Writing


Have students work in pairs Task

Give some cues to students

Ask students to write some sentences by using suggested words

1 she / fond / going on picnics

2 You / think weather / good enough / for / picnic?

3 holiday/ enjoyable / we / not want/ go back / study

4 she/ promise/ send us / postcard/ as soon as / she arrive/ London

5 horse- racing / very popular sport / Britain

Post _ Writing

Ask students to write a paragraph about how you often spend your free time by using the questions below as cues Do you have much free time? When you often have free time?

What you enjoy doing most in your free time?

Do you it alone or with somebody else ? Homework

Write a passage about your class’s

camping holiday , Using the information in task ( 70words- 80 words)

Rearrange pictures

Take notes


1.g , 2a, 3b, 4c, 5f, d, h, 8c , 9e

1 She is fond of going on picnic Do you think the weather is good

enough for a picnic?

3 The holiday was so enjoyable that we did not want to go back to study She promised to send us a postcard as

soon as she arrived in London

5 Horse- racing is a very popular sport in Britain

Write a paragraph

Unit 14



Help students to pronounce consonants / ts/ / dz/ /dzd/ / /tSt/ Structures: Conjunctions : both and, Not only but also Either or , Neither nor , Cleft sentences


/ ts/ / dz/ /dzd/ / /tSt/ sits reads marched bridged eats friends watched raged meets kids reached managed Have students practice reading aloud these sentences

1 He usually sits at the back of the class She has lots of friends

3 When he was young , he watched television three hours a day

4 We managed to get three tickets for the match


- Review the uses of the following conjunctions Neither Nor Both And Not only But Also Either Or

- Emphasize conjunctions : Neither Nor is in negative meanings-> Ask students to use affirmative verb in this structure

Ex : Neither you nor I come here everyday - ask students to give their own examples by using the conjunctions they have learned - Have students exercise and then correct their mistakes

 Ask students to explain the main point

of grammar “ CLEFT SENTENCE” they’ve learned in Unit 13

Tell students the differences of the main point of grammar in the active and in the passive

-Cleft sentences in the active :

It + be + noun / pronoun + that + S+ V

listen and repeat

Take note

_ present examples Exercise

1 Both Jim and Carol are on holiday George neither smokes nor drinks Neither Jim nor Carol has got a car The film was both long and boring That man ‘s name is either Richard or


6 I’ve got neither time nor money to go on holiday

7 We can leave either today or tomorrow Helen lost both her passport and her

wallet at the airport

9 .they are both clean and easy to park

10 .i either go to the cinema or stay home and watch TV

Structure Cleft sentences :


- Cleft sentences in the passive : It + be + noun / pronoun + that + be + pp Ex1: It was Ann that I saw ( Active


Ex : It was the dog that was hit in the garden

( passive meaning)

Have students exercise

Homework -Do exercises

3, ( page 94 in workbook ) - Prepare unit 15 – Part A : reading

Take note Exercise 2: Answers:

1 It was Christina whowas given a lot of flowers by fans

2 It was the policeman who was asked for direction to the post office

3 It was his house that was talked a lot about

4 It was a bicycle that was bought for him as his birthday

5 It was his home town that was described in his novel

6 It was the children who were frightened

7 It was her glasses that were broken It was my younger sister who was

kissed at the party by the Prince It was this story book that was given to

me as a birthday present by my father 10 It is Tet that is celebrated as the

greatest occasion in a year by Vietnamese people




I/ Warm up:(3’)

- Class is divided in to groups, the people of group stand in a line


2 Can you name the first humans to get foot on the moon?

3 Who is the first Vietnamese to fly into space? While –

reading (27’)

Post- reading (10)

Ask Ss look at the picture and answer some general questions:

1 Where were they? Who are they? - Introduce the text:

- Have Ss read the whole passage (2 times) - Explain the following new words

- Practice their pronunciation in chorus Artificial(n) :

Astronaut (n)

3 Cosmonaut (n) : an cosmonaut from the former Soviet Union

4 Deal with : to solve a problem

Ex: the government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment

5 breakthrough (n) leap (n)

7 Lift off : to leave the ground and the rise in to the air Biography (n)


-ask Ss to task 1: - Check the answers: -Ask Ss to task 2: - Check the answers:

- Ask Ss to complete the summary of the reading passage with given words in the Exercise page 196

- Do as instruction

- Read silently - copy down new words

- Listen carefully

- Give answers: - Do task

1B 2D 3E 4C 5A

- Listen carefully

- Give answers: He was 27

years old then He was in

apace in 108 minutes They was

what should happen to a human being………




4 It was more than 17,000 miles per hour

5 Because he died…… After his


- Give answers:: cosmonaut in space lasted success

gravity view

7 impossible named after


- Prepare Part B – speaking




- Check orally While-



- Give Ss instructions

- Provide Ss with some useful new words or structures

- Ask Ss to make up questions and answers them

- Ask Ss to work in group of 3: 1st asks , Ss answer.

- Ask some groups at random to perform their talks

- Give feedback

Listen carefully Do the task



speaking(10’) -- Give instructionsAsk Ss to discuss the development of the pace conquest

- Listen carefully - Do the task


HOME WORK: (1’) Prepare Part C: writing





 write a biography

 use some correct prepositions in writing


 chalk, board, handout, feed-back  communicative approach


Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes


Talk about some one appeared on the television or newspaper the day before Ask someone to answer the questions

Who is he/she?

Where/when was he/she born? Some important time in his/her life

Answer the questions

He’s a famous singer In 1995




When we write about a life of person, it is called a

“biography” What information should we write?

I’ll introduce you some new words that is necessary for you to write a biography

To receive : (sth from sb/sth) Join: to take part in sth Resign (from sth)

Appoint sb (to/as sth): to choose sb for a job

Investigate: to carefully examine the facts of a situation

Leap (v) : to jump high or a long way

(n): a long or high jump Giant ( a): very large Shuttle (n): taøu thoi Do task

The name Date of birth Place of birth Career…

I ‘ve just received a letter from my boyfriend

My father resigned from the board of directors yesterday

1 date of birth place of birth known as`4 career 5.quote

While-writing Divide the class into groups of 4students Ask them write the biography of Neil Amstrong S1: introduce, the date/place of birth

S2: Amstrong’s career from 1949 to 1969

S3: Amstrong’s career from 1970 to 1979

S4: the career in 1986 and another well-known thing of Amstrong


5th, 1930 in Wapokoneta in

Ohio From 1949 to 1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy Armstrong received his B.S from Purdue University in 1955 In 1962, he joined the NASA astronaut programmes On July 20th,

1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon’s surface

from 1971 to 1079, he taught at the University of Cincinnati In 1086, Armstrong was appointed vice chairman of the committee that investigated the space shuttle Challenger disaster Armstrong is also well-known for what he said when he stepped on the moon’s surface: “ that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” Home-work

Write a biography of a famous Vietnamese singer



After this class students can

 improve their listening skill

 understand some other words of outer space


 Chalk, board, pictures, tape, cassette, handout, card  Communicative approach


Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes


Ask some questions about events in space exploration

When was the first artificial satellite launched?

Who is the first human in space? When did people set the first foot on the moon?

Answer the questions: In 1961 Yuri Gagarin In 1969 Whole class Pre-listening

Talk about Kennedy, Apollo, … Ask some question:

Who is Kennedy? What is Apollo? Michael Collins?

Neil Amstrong, Buzzaldring,

Read aloud the names and ask the Ss repeat

Teaching new words Congress: (n) quốc hội Challenge: (v,n) thách thức Experiment: (n) thí nghiệm Reminder: (n) nhắc nhớ Mission: (n) nhiệm vụ

Answer and repeat

Write the words in the note book

While listening

Task 1: divide the class into groups of or 5, give each group a green card and a red card

Ask Ss to read the statements on the text books, focus on the key words of each statement

In a speech to the press 11 astronauts on board

Landed on the moon’s surface at the same time

The astronauts had to carry a suitcase with oxygen in it

An American fag was placed on the moon’s surface

Check the answers Correct them Task 2: have Ss read task in the text book and try to remember them, for example:

What programme

The time the Apollo 11 launched The use of the portable fife support system

Work in group, listen to the tape then decide what is T(raise red card) or F(raise green card)

Listen to the tape again, take notes – the time, the work, etc,


Find out possibilities of life outside the Earth

In case the Earth is overpopulated Tourist purposes

Find precious minerals

Ask some students talk about their group’s idea in front of class Home work:

 Practice listening at home

Unit 15



1 Students learn how to pronounce correctly these sounds: / nt / , / nd / , / nθ/ , / ns / and / nz / Grammar: Students learn: * how to use: could / be able to

* to make Tag question


Communicative approach

Pictures, diagrams, cassette-player…


Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes

Warm-up (5’)

Ask sts to arrange the letters to make the works they have learnt

-ewnt / merind / thomn / checan / larnes

* Arrange the letters :

1 Went Month Remind

Chance Learns


Pronunciation ( 10’)

- Introduce these sounds and help sts distinguish by pronouncing

-Ask students to repeat

-Read the words in textbook slowly

- Ask sts to find out the works contain these sounds

-Play the tape

- Ask sts to listen and repeat

- Ask sts to practise reading the sentences in textbook

-listen to the sounds carefully -listen and repeat after teacher - Listen to the tape

- Practise reading separate words

- Pracise reading the sentences in textbook

Chorus Individual

Grammar ( 25’)

1 Exercise 1:

- Explaining the exercise in textbook - Ask sts to the ex

- Correct ex

2 Review the structure of Tag question * Exercise 1:

- Explain the ex - Ask sts to the ex

- Go around helping the sts if necessary - Ask sts to check in pairs

- Ask some sts to put the answers on the board

- Correct the answers * Exercise 2:

- Explain the ex - Ask sts to the ex

- Go around helping the sts if necessary - Ask some sts to put the answers on the board

- Correct the answers

1/ - the ex.1 * Suggested answer : couldn’t / wasn’t able to was able to

3 could / was able to was able to could / was able to couldn’t / wasn’t able to 2/ Do th ex.2

* suggested answer:

1 it’s very expensive, isn’t it? The film was great, wasn’t it? She has a lovely voice, doesn’t she?

4 It desn’t look very good, does it?

5 You’ve had your hair cut, haven’t you?

3/ Do the ex.3 * suggested answer:

1.doesn’t she wasn’t it 2.haven’t you 4.didn’t we won’t we can’t you mustn’t it ?

Individual Pair-works

Post-(5’) - Ask sts to find some more words

pronounced with / nt / , / nd / , / nθ/ , / ns / and / nz /


- Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing - Microsoft Office Power point

- Textbook


Stages Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Notes

Warm up (3’) 

Ask students to look at the pictures on the screen and give the suitable word to each picture

Provides the correct answer: Great Pyramid and

Taj Mahal The wonders of the world

Look at the pictures Give some words on

the pictures ( name, where…)




Tell s/t about the GREAT PYRAMID Explain the new words( if necessary)

Listen to the


Give s/t more about

the Great Pyramid

Guess the new


Write down in

their notebooks




Divide students into four groups to discuss to

find out the answer for each task

 Task 1: fill in the blanks

1 Last week we paid a visit to the…………of an unknown mandarin

2 The movie was about a of the world

3 A……….is needed at the exit and the entrance for wheelchairs users

4 The Queen’s private……… is not opened to public

5 It is not known why Beson disappeared in……circumstances

6 A snail’s shell is ……… in form

 Do the task to

master the usages of the words given in the text

* Suggested answers: tomb

2 wonder ramp chamber mysterious spiral


 Task 2: Answer the questions

1 Where is the Great Pyramid of Giza situated and when was it built?

2 How high and large was the great Pyramid of Giza?

3 What was the purpose of this huge stone pyramid?

4 How did the people of ancient Egypt build the Great Pyramid?

5 According to the passage, What is the boat believed to have been used for?

Check some words and some grammatical

structures if necessary Help students having difficulties

 Task 3: what the following words refer to:

1 Who ( line 4) it ( line 8) It (line 9) each ( line 12 )

 Invites some pairs of students to give their


 Give feedback

Work in

groups or pairs to answer each question * Suggested answers: on west bank of the River Nil/ built around the year 2560 B.C 147 metres / 230 meters square to serve as a tomb when the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu died & to protect the burial chamber from the weather and from thieves

4 used straight or spiral ramps or huge weight arms to lift and place the blocks of stone

5 to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the pyramid

Scan the text and explain the words given

* Suggested answers the thieves

2 the Great Pyramid the Great Pyramid the block of stone

group or pair work Pair work Post-reading (9’)

Divide students into some groups to discuss to

find out the answer of the question Which of the wonders of the world you prefer and why?

 Each group give

their answer before the class

 Another groups

listen to carefully and give their opinion



Cassette player & VCD



WARM-UP: (5 minutes)

Show a film about the mummy in the pyramid Ss can guess the title, the actors and actresses PRE-SPEAKING: (7 minutes)

Tell ss a story about some mysteries of the pyramids that archaeologists

have discovered, using sentences expressing facts and opinions .(about poisons in the tombs, mummies, pharaohs’ life) Ask ss some questions

- Do you think what the ancient Egyptians embalmed the corpses for? - Why did they poison their tombs?

WHILE-SPEAKING: (20 minutes)

- Ask ss to read the tasks If they have any difficulties the teacher will help them

- Ask ss to work in pairs and groups

- Go around the classroom to check if students work well (10 minutes)

- Ask pairs of students to practise task and groups to pratise task in front of the class (10 minutes)

POST-SPEAKING: (10 minutes)

- Ask ss:

If you had a chance to visit Egypt, would you visit the pyramids? Why (not)? Do you think what would attract you most?

HOMEWORK: (3 minutes)

- Collect pictures and articles about the pyramids

The students reply to the teacher’s questions

- I believe that …

- Probably they…

- It is said that …

- I think/ I’m sure …

- Do task quickly so that they have enough time for tasks and

- Start practising samples and then make their own sentences






At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 Understand the text describing about the Great Wall of China

 Listen to the tape carefully to master specific information and the task after listening


 Method: Communicative Approach

 Teaching aids: blackboard, cassette player , a picture of the Great Wall of China, Textbook


Stages Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Notes

Warm up (3’)

Ask students to look at the pictures

( wonderful sights of China) on the screen and talk each other about them

What is it? Where is it?

Provides the correct answers

Look at the pictures Give some words on

the pictures ( name, where…)


Pre-listening (5’)

 Ask students to look at the picture (p 182)

and answer the questions below it What/ When/ Where…

 Explain some new words:

Man-made wonder/ magnificence and significance /World Heritage/ …

 Read the new words some times

Look at the picture

then answer the questions

Listen to the teacher Write down in their





Introduce the situation of the text

Ask them to read the task carefully then

listen and the task


 Task 2: Answer the questions ( p183) Ask the students to read the questions

before listening

1 When did the ancient Chinese start building the Great Wall?

2 How many provinces does the Wall cover?

3 Why is it considered one of the greatest man- made wonders in the world?

4 Which part of the wall is the best choice for visit? Why

Check some words and some grammatical

structures if necessary Help students to have difficulties

 Invites some pairs of students to give their


 Give feedback

6 6.6.000 11 metres stones

Work in

groups or pairs to answer each question *

Suggested answers: in 1368

2 provinces Because it can be seen from the moon The part in the Northwest of Beijing// because its original state

pair work



Divide students into some groups or pairs

to discuss to find out the answer of the question Why the great is wall is one of the greatest wonders in the worlds and how it was built

 Each group gives their

answer before the class

 Another groups listen

to carefully and give their opinion

Group or pairs


Unit 16




Sts know more about the wonders of the world

Sts learn how to write a report on a man – made place

Lexical items : words or phrases used in reports

Structure: active and passive

TEACHING AIDS : pictures, handout, chalks and board  PROCEDURES

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

Warm – up ( 7mns) Asks sts some questions :

_ Where you often spend your summer vacation?

_ Why you often go there?

Teacher has sts look at some pictures of the wonders of the world

Makes questions _ What are they?

_ Where are they located? Pre – writing (5 mns) Gives sts the handout

Corrects students’ mistakes While – writing (15 mns) Explains some new words : _ architecture (n):

_ marble (n): _ dedicated : _ god(n):

_ built in honor of : _ Buddha’s throne :

Asks sts to open their book and answer the following questions :

1 Where are they located?

2 Are they examples of Viet Architecture? How many towers are there?

4 Where are they located? When were they built?

Answer the questions

_ I often spend my summer vacation in HCM city/ Nha Trang/ Vung Tau/ …

_ Because I like the weather there Because I want to visit my relatives Watch the pictures

Answer the questions

Do the handout (work in pairs) Match column A with B :

A.NAMES B.PLACES The One Pillar Pagoda

2 Thien Mu Pagoda Non Nuoc Pagoda Ponagar Cham Towers Prenn Waterfall

a Da Nang b Hanoi c Dalat d Hue e.NhaTrang

Answer key :

1.b 2.d a e c Copy them

Answer the questions Answer key :

1 They are in Nha Trang


the Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang (base on the given phrases on the book)

Asks one student to write their answer on the board and gives comments

Homework : (1 mn) Assigns homework


Work in pairs and write a short report

Answer key :

My visit to Nha Trang last year included a brief tour to Ponagar Cham Towers This tower complex is one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Vietnam

The Ponagar Cham Towers consist of four towers They are located on Cu

Lao Marble Hill, km north of Nha Trang They were built between the 8th and 13th centuries.

The remaining towers were dedicated to different gods The largest one was built in honor of Lady Thien Y the 22.5 m tower contains her sandstone statue sitting on Buddha’s throne The 2.6 m statue has 10 hands, each is holding a specific object illustrating the power of


The tour to Ponagar Cham Towers lasted hours It was a tiring trip but it was enjoyable and memorable

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2021, 07:39
