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Nội dung

- Help Ps to supply the verbs in the present simple tense?. Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skilla[r]














A Objectives:

1 Educational aim:

- Help Ss speak and write English exactly

- Ps should revise the usage, form and the formation of verbs in the present simple tense - Help Ps to supply the verbs in the present simple tense

2 General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss may be able to understand the present simple tense clearly

3 Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skill B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

C Teaching aids: Handouts D Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities

A Organization ( minutes) - Greeting and checking attendance B New lesson (35 minutes)


(+) S + V(inf/s/es) + O/ A

(-) S + don’t / doesn’t + Vo + O/A (?) Does/ Do + S + Vo + A/ O? Yes, S + do/ does

No, S + don’t/ doesn’t [VERB] + s/es in third person

+If a verb ends in –ch, -sh, -s, -x, or –z, we add – e before –s

+If a verb ends in a consonant + -y, we change the –y to –ie before –s


 You speak English  Do you speak English?  You do not speak English  She goes to school

USE Repeated Actions

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does


-listen and take notes

Exercise 1: Example:

The president of the USA lives (live) in the White House

1.Jet engines (make) a lot of noise

2.I (not | live) in London I (live) in Brighton

3.The sea (cover) two thirds of the world

4.Loud music (give) me a headache

5.We (not | come) from Canada We (come) from the USA

6.She (work) from Mondays to Fridays She (not | work) at weekend

7.Andrew and Les (not | go) to school by bus every day Most morning Andrew (go) by bicycle and Les (walk)


Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities not


 I play tennis

 She does not play tennis  Does he play tennis?

Does the Sun circle the Earth? USE Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact It is also used to make generalizations about people or things


 Cats like milk

 Birds do not like milk  Do pigs like milk?

 New York is a small city IT IS NOT IMPORTANTTHATTHISFACTISUNTRUE. USE Scheduled Events in the Near Future

Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled events as well


 The train leaves tonight at PM

 The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM

 When do we board the plane? USE Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

Speakers sometimes use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is happening or is not happening now This can only be done with Non-Continuous Verbs and certain Mixed Verbs Examples:

 I am here now

1 make

2 don’t live

3 covers

4 gives

5 don’t come/come

6 works/ doesn’t work don’t go/goes/walks

Exercise 2:

Example: What time you get up every morning? I normally get up at o’clock

1 to the radio every morning? I listen to it most morning

2 in Manchester? No, He lives in Newcastle

3.What time work every day? She usually finished at 5:30

4.How often .swimming? I go about once a week

5 TV every evening? They watch it most evening

6 the guitar? Yes, she plays the guitar and the piano

7.How much money a month? We earn about $800

8 much in your country? Yes, it snows a lot during the winter


Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities  She is not here now

 He needs help right now ADVERB PLACEMENT

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc


 You only speak English  Do you only speak English? ACTIVE / PASSIVE


 Once a week, Tom cleans the car


 Once a week, the car is cleaned by Tom


C Comments (3 minutes) - Give comments D Homework ( minutes)

- Give examples using the present simple tense


Period 2:

Exercises: The present simple

and the past simple

A Objectives: 1 Educational aim:

- Help Ss speak and write English exactly

- Ss should revise the usage, form and the formation of verbs in the present simple tense 2 General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- Use the present simple tense appropriately and distinguish it with the present simple tense

- Help Ps to supply the verbs in the present simple tense 3 Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skill B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

C Teaching aids: Handouts D Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Organization ( minutes) - Greeting and checking attendance B New lesson (35 minutes)

1 Using the Simple Present tense, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:

I to the radio (to listen) I listen to the radio

He to the radio (to listen) He listens to the radio

1 She the guitar (to play) We soccer (to play) They to talk (to like) He ice cream (to like)

5 You your friends often (to call) He the office every day (to call) She regularly (to practise) They once a week (to practise) We here (to shop)

10 It delicious (to taste)

Exercise2: Using the Simple past tense, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs shown in brackets

We (study) ……… a very hard lesson the day before yesterday

2 We (watch) ……… an interesting program on television last night

3 My wife and I (travel) ……… to Mexico by



1 plays play like likes call calls practices practice

9 shop

10 tastes Exercise2:

Ss exercise and go to the board and write down their answer

T gives correct answers: 1.studied


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities air last Summer

4 I (read) ……… that novel again during my last vacation

5 I (have) ……… a little trouble with my car last week

3 Paying attention to which verbs change their spelling before adding s in the third person singular, fill in the blanks with the Simple Present of the verbs shown in brackets

For example:

He always promptly (to reply) He always replies promptly.

She little (to say) She says little.

They bridge once a week (to play) They play bridge once a week.

1 He it (to deny)

2 They to be on time (to try) It to be careful (to pay) She hard (to study)

5 You good manners (to display) He always himself (to enjoy) She to Ireland once a year (to fly) We five people (to employ) He his friends (to accompany)

10 She chocolate chip cookies every week (to buy)

4 Paying attention to which verbs take s and which take –s /-es in the third person singular, fill in the blanks with the Simple Present of the verbs shown in brackets.

For example:

He everywhere on foot (to go) He goes everywhere on foot. It surprising (to seem) It seems surprising.

They skiing (to teach) They teach skiing.

1 She a great deal of work (to do)

2 He television every evening (to watch) She a horse (to own)

4 We the dishes every night (to do)


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities She she had a pair of skates (to wish)

6 He us to call him (to want)

7 She she made a mistake (to confess) He usually the truth (to tell)

9 They apples to make cider (to press) 10 It out easily (to wash)

C Comments (3 minutes) - Give comments D Homework ( minutes)

- Give examples using the present simple tense


Period 3: READING


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to improve reading skills as scan for specific information and choose the best answers



1-Settlement: Greeting the class & checking students’ attendance 2-Checking: No check

The handout:


A Read the passage, then choose the correct completion.

Last year went to Nepal for three months to York in a hospital When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat o the day Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer still bleeding This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed Kornal's between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger cat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep! The writer went to Nepal

a for holiday b for treatment c for business d on a visit When having a few days off, he decided to go into

a the remote villages b the mountains

c the seaside d the tropical forest

3 He wanted to see

a wildcats b tigers c wildlife d wild animals

4 He felt very frightened when

a he saw a tiger b he saw the tiger's lunch a chat

c he crept nearer d he found a deer

5 The tiger a.was like a flash of light


d.jumped out of the grass at about four meters Kamal made his escape when

a one of the elephants ran at the tiger b the tiger went back into the grass c the tiger ate its lunch d the writer pulled him away

B Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best fits each of the numbered blank. David Evans is a farmer He does farming on his own land in Wales The farm has (1) his family for generations The soil is poor David (2) sheep on his land He does not employ (3) fulltime workers His sons help him when they are not (4) school His wife adds to the family income by (5) eggs which her hens produce In summer she often (6) paying guests into the farmhouse The guests from the city enjoy their quiet holiday in the clean country (7) and Mrs Evans enjoys having some (8) money to spend on clothes for her children and herself However, it is a lonely life for the Evans family when the guests have gone The question is that if his children want to (9) the farm when Mr Evans gives up working Country life is quiet and (10) to them It is quite likely that they will leave the farm for the city some day.

1 a been to b belonged to c possessed d depended on

2 a feeds b Grows c raises d leads

3 a some b more c much d any

4 a in b for c at d on

5 a selling b sells c to sell d sell

6 a take b takes c took d is taking

7 a wind b sights c life d air

8 a more b free c extra d interest

9 a take off b take over c take after d take care


Period 4:

Wh- Questions


1 Educational aim: Help Ss speak and write English exactly

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Ss may have more practice on Wh - questions

3 Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skill

METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative TEACHING AIDS: handouts, textbooks 


Teacher's Activities Students' activities

Wh- Questions allow a speaker to find out more information about topics They are as follows:

When? Where? Who? Why? How? What? Time Place Person Reason Manner Object/Idea/Action

Other words can also be used to inquire about specific information: Which (one)? Whose? Whom? How much? How many? How long? How often? How far? What kind (of)?

Choice of alternatives Possession

Person (objective formal) Price, amount (non-count) Quantity (count)

Duration Frequency Distance Description

The "grammar" used with wh- questions depends on whether the topic being asked about is the "subject" or "predicate" of a sentence For the subject pattern, simply replace the person or thing being asked about with the appropriate wh-word

(Someone has my baseball.)

(Something is bothering you.)

Who has my baseball?

What is bothering you?

For the predicate pattern, wh- question formation depends on whether there is an "auxiliary" verb in the original sentence Auxiliary or "helping" verbs are verbs that precede main verbs Auxiliary verbs are

italicized in the following sentences I can it

They are leaving I have eaten my lunch

I should have finished my homework

To make a question using the predicate pattern, first

1 They their homework at night (when) Mr Robertson came to the party alone

(who) The car is across the street from the house

(where) I like the red blouse, not the blue one

(which) ……… She felt better after she took a nap

(how) ……… That is an English book

(what) ……… My sister called her boyfriend yesterday

(when) ……… ………

8 She talked to him for an hour (how long) ……… He studies piano at the university

(what) ……… 10 The party lasted all night (how

long) ……… 11 The check was for $5.50 (how

much) ……… 12 She was eating a sandwich

(what) ……… 13 She is working hard


form a yes/no question by inverting the subject and (first) auxiliary verb Then, add the appropriate wh- word to the beginning of the sentence

(You will leave some time.)

? will you leave When will you leave? (He is doing something.) ? is he doing

What is he doing? (They have been


? have they been Where have they been? If there is no auxiliary and the verb is "be," invert the subject and verb, then add the appropriate wh- word to the beginning of the sentence

(He is someone.) ? is he Who is he? (The meeting was some


? was the meeting When was the meeting? If there is no auxiliary and the verb is not "be," add do

to the beginning of the sentence Then add the

appropriate wh-question word Be sure to "transfer" the tense and number from the main verb to the word do

(You want something.) ? do you want What you want? (You went somewhere.) ? did you go (past tense)

Where did you go? (She likes something.) ? does she like (third

person -s)




By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to improve their pronunciation



1-Settlement: Greeting the class & checking students’ attendance

2-Checking: No check

The handout:


I Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.

1 a scream b death c ready d peasant

2 a traveled b stared c landed d seemed

3 a chat b panic c park d passenger

4 a frightening b brigade c pilot d fire

5 a technology b teaching c purchase d lunch

6 a chance b teaching c chemistry d children

7 a hard b start c party d talk

8 a son b sunshine c above d woman

9 a polite b literature c guide d kind

10 a great b teacher c street d receive

II Pick out the word that has the italicized letter pronounced // or /a:/

marvelous far kind love cousin

maths hard subject games worry

much headmaster communicate study talk

director company charge complain package

father July discuss language during

money wrote travel party shop

/ ^/ _ /a: /


III Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

1 a tobacco b contented c buffalo d transplanting

2 a passenger b purchase c district d routine

3 a technology b comfortable c activity d experience

4 a repair b harrow c arrive d announce

5 a interested b serious c wonderful d immediate

6 a Physics b History c Boils d Chemistry

7 a important b profession c Geography d Literature

8 a entertain b communicate c receive d complain

9 a children b student c professor d teacher


Period 6:



UNIT 1,2

Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest

1.A far B dark C target D mat 2.A.heat B repeat C meat D heart 3.A beat B.tea C lead D.head 4.A month B.wonderful C lovely D woman A.lunch B sunny C student D subject Choose the most suitable word or phrase

The children agree - the candy equally

A divide B to divide C.dividing D having divided My cousin is keen on - the English club

A.join B to join C.having joined D joining They advise me - a raincoat

A to wear B wear C wearing D wore 9.We should avoid - other people ‘s feeling

A hurt B to hurt C hurting D.having hurt 10.Don’t forget - her message when you see her

A giving B to give C give D gave 11 John - in Paris for ten years before he moved to Rome

A.have lived B lived C had lived D.was living 12 I - for two hours every night

A study B has studied C.has been studying D.studied 13 A As a rule he gets up early

B He as a rule gets up early C He gets as a rule up early D He gets up early as a rule 14.I - snails

A have never eaten B have eaten never C never have eaten D has never eaten

15 I remember - you somewhere last month

A meet B met C to meet D meeting 16 He - in time for meals

A always is B is always C were always D always were 17 They - up late all night

A sometimes stay B stay sometimes C sometimes stays D stays sometimes 18.We dinner at home on Saturdays


A.use to go B went C.gone D go 20 I usually avoid - to the parties

A go B to go C going D gone 21 He’s expecting - a trip to Ha Long Bay

A make B making C made D to make 22 Students stopped - noise when the teacher came in

A to make B made C making D make 23.Would you mind - a newspaper?

A bought B buying C to buy D buy 24 After the visistors - climbing in the mountains, they enjoyed fresh air at the seaside

A gone B have gone C has gone D had gone 25 When they met again, they - each other for ten years

A haven’t seen B didn’t see C don’t see D hadn’t seen 26 The fire alarm went off when smoke rose

A burned B rang C shouted D exploded 27 We use a to break up the earth and plant seeds

A car B plough C dog D land 28 We are contented with what we

A satisfied with B disappointed with C interested in D fond of 29.The plane is due to leave at 10 o’clock, so we should hurry up or we will be late for it

A must B needn’t C had better D shouldn’t 30 He had many interesting _ while he was traveling in America

a.experiment b.experienced c experiences d experience 31 Whenever you see a house on fire, call out the fire

a.bridegroom b brigade c brigadier d bridge 32.When her children are at school, Mrs Baker does her usual a.weather b field c routines d rubbish 33.Turn the radio down, or you will wake the _

a neighbors b neighbourly c neighbourhood d.neighbouring 34 Another word for fasten is

a frighten b loosen c lengthen d tighten

35 Mr Lam occasionally goes to work on foot It means he walks to work a never b sometimes c often d usually

36.Lam always his bike to school

a runs b drives c travels d rides 37 This schhol is from most others

a same b similar c special d different 38 In an English class, working in seems helpful a two b couples c pairs d both 39.Nam is interested taking an art course a in b on c of d with

40 Her good for the test resulted in the fact that she got the best grade a preparation b prepare c prepared d preparedly


Choose the best answer among A , B , C or D that best completes each sentence : John is always late for class , ……….annoys the teacher

A which B this C what D that

2 Now I don’t go to school on foot as I ………

A had been B did C used to D was

3 Without the Braille Alphabet it would be very difficult for ………

A the disabled B the deaf C the mute D the blind

4 Thuy’s class is different……….other classes because the children are disabled

A on B from C in D at

5 Her job is……… of mentally retarded children in the area

A looking B taking care C taking notice D watching

6 We’ve lost her phone number , which makes it difficult ………her

A contacting B contacted C to contact D contact

7 Jane……….for the telephone company , but now she has a job at the post office

A works B used to work C having worked D working

8 By the time he arrived , his classmates………

A had left B has left C left D was left

9 The little boy is helping……….cross the street

A the poor B the rich C the blind D the young

10 Our teacher is very proud………her work

A in B at C of D with

Choose the underlined part among A, B , C or D that needs correcting : 11 Jane couldn’t come to my birthday party , this made me feel sad A B C D 12 Dennis used to smoking a lot a year ago


13 I look forward to have the resolution to the problem I have mentioned A B C D 14 We didn’t like the Club because the poor quality of its service A B C D

15 Our teacher sometimes encourages us our homework in class when we have time


Period 7: WRITING


Language skills:

 Writing:

- building sentences

- choosing the suitable sentences




communicative approach


The handout:

I Choose the best answer to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1 I wish I hadn't sold my bike

I regret

a to sell my bike b selling my bike

c I had sold my bike d not to sell my bike

2 No one told me about the change of plan

I _ a knew about the change of plan

b am not known about the change of plan c was told about the change of plan d didn't know about the change of plan

3 Nigel felt sick from eating too many cakes Nigel felt sick because _ a he has eaten a lot of cakes b he was eating too many cakes

c there were too many cakes he ate d he had eaten too many cakes In the middle of our lunch there was a knock at the door

When _ a we were having lunch, there was a knock at the door b we knocked at the door, we were having lunch

c we had just finished lunch, there was a knock at the door d our lunch were in the middle there Was a knock at the door Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday


b play badminton always on Tuesday c always play badminton on Tuesday d have always played badminton on Tue: Adrian wears jeans all the time

Adrian _

a always wears jeans b often wears jeans

c sometimes wears jeans d usually wears jeans

II Choose the correct sentence - a, b, c or d - made from the suggested words Why/ you/ consider/ don't/ visit/ me

a Why don't you consider to visit me? b Why you don't consider to visit me? c You consider why don't visit me d Why don't you consider visiting me? subject/ you/ what/ best/ like

a What best subject you like? b What subject you like best? c What subject you like best? d What subject you best like? really/ like/ up / I/ morning/ don't/ get / in early

a I really don't like get up early in the morning

b Really I don't like to getting up early in the morning c I don't really like getting up early in the morning

d I don't like really to get up early in the morning learn/ Son/ for/ four years/ English/ so/ he/ the language/ speak/ well

a Son was learning the language for four years, so he can speak English quite well b Son has spoken English for four years, so he learned the language quite well c So Son has been learning English for four, he can speak the language well d Son has been learning English for four years, so he can speak the language quite well

5 children/ work/ profession/ love/ interested/ because/ I/ teaching a.I love teaching profession because the children are in working with

b.I am interested in teaching profession children because I love working with children c.I am interested in teaching profession because I love the children working


Period 8: SPEAKING

I.Choose the sentences or phrases that best complete this dialogue. A: (1) in your exam!

B: (2) I hope we both pass A: Did you study all last night?

B: (3) I watched TV and went to bed (4) A: I did the same (5) after the exam

B: All right (6) .for a drink

1 a How are you b Have a good c Good luck d What about you

2 a Like you b Same to you c Same of you d You

3 a Yes I did b No, of course not c Of course I did d I not that a What about you? b How are you? c And you did? d What did you? a Good bye b Nice to see you c See you later d Meet you again

6 a We go b Let's go c Could you go d Don't you go

II.Choose the sentence or phrase that best completes the dialogue. A: What you usually on your day off?

B: (1) A: Do you get much exercise?

A:(2) A: How often you exercise?

A:(3) B:What you usually do?

A:(4) A: Where you go swimming?

A:(5) A: You're really in good shape!

A:(6) a I usually drive to work b I will sleep all day

c I usually not much d Nothing much I always sleep until noon a I usually b Yes I c How about you? d Very often

3 a No, I sometimes b Yes, I often c About three times a week d Often I don't a I usually go swimming and play badminton

b No I never

c I go straight home after work d I watch TV a lot

5 a Every day from to b I always go to the YWCA


6 a Yeah, I'm a real couch potato b Oh, are you?

c Thanks a lot d Good for you!

III What would you say? Put a circle round the letter of the best reply to each question.

1 Where's the nearest post office? a Turn left and then right b It's about two kilometers c It opens at nine o'clock What's your new address?

a It's the old one b Go straight on

c Flat 42B, 225 Nathan Road, Kowloon How we get there'?

a Flat 42B Nathan Road b Yes, you

c Turn right just after the Bank of China How far is it from here?

a Two kilometers, at least b No, it isn't

c Yes, it's rather far

I think I'll go by bus Where's the nearest bus stop': a Cross the road and turn left

b Five hundred metres, I suppose c It's five minutes by bus

6 What time is there a bus?

a Twice a day b An hour and a half c Seven thirty How often the buses run?

a Twice or three times b Every hour c From that bus stop over there

8 Can you tell me the way to Milus College from your flat?

a Yes, I can b It's round the corner c I know it How long does it take to get to Dave's place from your flat?

a It's a long way b About one kilometers c Thirty five minutes 10 Do you know where there's a public telephone?

a There's one at the bottom of the street b Not very far from here



A Objectives:

1 Educational aim:

- Help Ss speak and write English exactly

- Ps should revise the usage, form and the formation of verbs in the past simple and past perfect tense

2 General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- Use the present simple tense appropriately and distinguish it with the present simple tense - Help Ps to supply the verbs in the present simple tense

3 Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skill

B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

C Teaching aids: Handouts

D Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Organization ( minutes)

- Greeting and checking attendance

B New lesson (35 minutes) 1 Past Simple


(+) S + Ved/c2 + O/ A (-) S + didn’t + Vo + O/A (?) Did + S + Vo + A/ O?


+Regular verbs ending in -y preceded by a consonant form the past tense by changing the -y into -ied

USE Completed Action in the Past

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past

 I saw a movie last month

USE A Series of Completed Actions

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past


 I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim

USE Duration in Past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past


 I lived in Brazil for two years


- Listen and take notes

* Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

- Ask Ps to work in pairs

1 I suddenly remembered I ( leave) ………… my wallet on the bus

2 Yesterday I (thank)……….her for what she (do)………

3 When I got to the office, I (realize) …… that I (forget)……… to lock the door When they (finish)……… their work, they (go)………home

5 I ( call)………….you at o’clock but you (just/ go)……….out

6 I took my family to Paris last year, I (be) …… as a student, so I (know )………… my way round

7 When I (listen)………….the news, I (go) …………to bed


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities USE Habits in the Past

The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past


 I studied French when I was a child

2 Past Perfect FORM

[had + past participle] Examples:

 You had studied English before you moved to New York

USE Completed Action Before Something in the Past

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past


 I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai

USE Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs)

use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past Examples:

 We had had that car for ten years before it broke down

IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past Perfect

Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the Past Perfect


 She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996

C Comments (3 minutes)

- Give comments

D Homework ( minutes)

- Give examples using the present simple tense

* Suggested answers: - had left

- thanked - had done - realized – had forgot - had finished - went - called – had just gone - had been - knew - had listened - went - Ps take notes




A Objectives:

1 Educational aim:

- Help Ss speak and write English exactly

- Help Ps to use correctly present perfect in passive

2 General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Use relative pronoun: who, which, that appropriately

3 Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skill

B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

C Teaching aids: Handouts

D Procedure:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Organization ( minutes)

- Greeting and checking attendance

B New lesson (35 minutes) 1 Presentation

We use relative clauses to give additional information about something without starting another sentence By combining sentences with a relative clause, your text becomes more fluent and you can avoid repeating certain words A relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause within a larger sentence It is called a relative pronoun because it relates to the word that it modifies

A relative pronoun links two clauses into a single complex clause To this extent, it is similar in function to a subordinating conjunction Unlike a conjunction, however, a relative pronoun stands in place of a noun Compare:

(1) This is a house Jack built this house.

(2) This is the house that Jack built.

Sentence (2) consists of two clauses, a main clause (This is the house) and a relative clause (that Jack built) The word that is a relative pronoun Within the relative clause, the relative pronoun stands for the noun phrase it references in the main clause (its antecedent), which is one of the arguments of the verb in the relative clause In the example, the argument is the house, the direct object of built

Relative pronoun: who-> people

that-> people, things or animals

which-> things or animals

2 Practice:

Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) that best

Fill each blank with Who, Which or That 1.A clock is an instrument………tells you the time

2.A fridge is a machine………is used for keeping food fresh

3 April 1st is the day……….is called April Fool’s Day in the west

4 A nurse is a person………… ….looks after patients

5.A teacher is a person……….gives lesson to students

6 A blind person is the one………… can’t see anything

7 The man……….you visited last month is a famous scientist

8.Please think of a word………… comes from a foreign language

9 These are the pictures…… my son drew when he was young


Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities completes each sentence.

1 She gave the man an injection It made him go to sleep

A She gave the man an injection, which made him go to sleep

B She gave the man an injection which made him go to sleep

C She gave the man an injection that made him go to sleep

D All are correct

2 Is Albert Schweitzer, works I respect highly, still a doctor?

A which B whose C what D who’s

3 Is that the man ? A you lent the money to B you lend money

C whom did you lend the money D whom lent the money

4 “Who is the new biology professor?” “He’s the man to the secretary now.” A which is talking

B talking

C that he is talking D that talks

5 Do you know the beautiful girl in the car?

A sit B sat C sitting D who sit

6 The voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate proposals called for higher taxes A who is

B whose

C whom he had D that his

C Comments (3 minutes)

- Give comments

D Homework ( minutes)

- Give examples using the present simple tense


Period 11:




A Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best fits each of the num-bered blank

Marie Curie, the Polish-born French (1) was a courageous and de-terminal woman She left her home for Paris to (2) her interest in science Living in (3) , she still (4) to undulate a: the top of her class She met Pierre Curie (5) after graduation and (6)_ ……… him a year later Together, Pierre and tylarrie (7) the most famous husband-and-wife (8) in science history They (9) _the Radioactive elements, Polonium and Radium They (10) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903

1 a biologist b mathematician c chemist d physicist and chemist

2 a follow b take c pursue d satisfy

3 a poverty b loneliness c wealth d difficulty

4 a made b managed c harbored d worked'

5 a immediately b soon c shortly d rightly

6 a: married b left c divorced d devoted

7 a built b organized c established d formed

8 a couple b partnership c scientists partners

9 a discovered b invented c built d made d

10 a had awarded b awarded c were awarded d were awarding B Read the passage, then choose the one best answer - a, b, c or d

Personal computers, or PCs, are an important part of out eve everyday lives Many people cannot imagine life without them One the most important people in making these machines work is Bill Crams

Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State He grep up in a rich family His

parents sent him to a private school There he met his business partner, Paul Alien When they were in the eight were in the eight grade, they were ere writing programs for business computers and making mores

In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University His parents were happy They thought he would get over his obsession with _ and become a lawyer like his father Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen They worked eighteen hours a day in 'a dormitory room at Harvard They were writing the program that would run one of the first personal computers In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft to sell their product


1 According to the writer,

a people cannot live without personal computers b computers play an important part of our lives c Bill Gates invented personal computers

d Bill Gates is the most important people in computer science The words 'dropped out of in line 10 mean

a graduated from b got over

c took part in d stopped taking class at

3 According to the passage,

a Bill Gate's parents wanted him to become a computer programmer

b Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft because they want to sell their program for personal computers

c Paul Alien left Microsoft because he wanted to start his own company d Bill Gates met his business partner at Harvard

4 How old was Bill Gates when he became the richest man in the United States?

a 34 b 51 c 42 d 44

5 Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?

a In a few years, Microsoft became a very large company

b Bill Gates and Paul Allen first wrote programs for business computers when they were about fifteen

c Bill Gates earned his success by working very hard d Bill Gates is the richest man in the United States

Read the passage, then choose the correct answer - b, c, or d.

Few men have influenced the development of American English to the extent that Noah Webster did Born in West Hartford, Connecticut in 1758, his name has become

synonymous with American dictionaries Graduated from Yale in 1778, he was admitted to the bar in 178i and there after began to practice law in Hartford Later, when he turned to teaching, he discovered how inadequate the available schoolbooks were for the children of a new and independent nation

In response to the need for truly American textbook, Webster published A

Grammatical Institute of the English Language, a three-volume work that consisted of a speller, a grammar, and a reader The Compendious Dictionary of the English Language

was published in 1806

In 1807 Noah Webster began his greatest work An American dictionary u/ the English Language In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of

English and its relationship to other languages and seven more years to the writing itself Published in two volumes in 1828 An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the recognized authority for usage in the United States 'Webster's purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct

meanings, pronunciations, and spelling from those of British English He is responsible for advancing_ simplified spelling forms: develop instead of the British form developed; theater and center instead of theatre and center; color and honor instead of color and


46 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage`?


c Webster's School d Webster's Life 47 How old was Webster when he graduated from Yale?

a 18 b 19 c 20 d 21

48 Why did Webster write A Grammatical burial& - the English Language?

a.He wanted to supplement his income

b.There were no books available after the Revolutionary War

a.He felt that British books were not appropriate for American children b.The children did not know how to spell

49 In how many volumes was 4n American Diction the of the English Language


a One volume b Two volumes c Three volumes d Four volumes 50 According to the author, what was `Webster' purpose in writing An American Dictionary of the English Language?

a To respond to the need for new schoolbooks

b To demonstrate the distinct development of

the E language in America

b. To promote spelling forms based upon

British models



A Choose the word that has the letter (s) pronounced differently fro the others a language b package c mathematics d marvelous

2 a chemistry b prepare c receive d degree

3 a private b diploma c guide d writer

4 a trouble b study c tutor d subject

5 a received b worked c obtained d harbored

6 a disabled b forced c believed d realized

7.a rubbish b suburb c lunch d consume

8 a deaf b teach c read d sleep

9: a pity b children c blind d finger

10 a proper b course c force d talk

B Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others

1 a background b career c secondary d private

2 a scientific b atomic c impossible d professor

3 a obtain b determine c award d harbour

4 a ambitious b difficulty c brilliant d mature

5 a education b difficulty c champion d institute

6 a photography b determinated c exhibition d professional

7 a disabled b mentally c retarded d consuming

8 a subtract b suffer c effort d primary

9 a gradually b proper c origin d opposition

10 a nationality b disability c activity d.demonstration

C Pick out the words that have the italicized letter is not pronounced /n/ or / :/

1 commune rob condition follow

2 organize money force for _

3 sport stall talk shake _

4 sorrow employ organize work _

5 occupation opposition obligation obtain _



I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Ss should have good awareness of the target language of because, because of

2 Knowledge

- General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to express their reasons - Language: because, because is used to express reasons

3 Skills: Improving practicing skill

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Posters IV Procedure:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Organization ( minutes)

- Greeting and checking attendance

B New lesson (35 minutes) 1 Presentation

Grammar patterns

1 because | + clause | + clause

clause | + because | + clause

Because the children don’t like fish, I bought some sausages

We had to take the train because all the buses were full ▲ to talk about the situation that is the reason for something

2 because | + of | + NP

Why couldn’t you sleep? ~ Because of the noise Because of the delay, we missed the connecting flight I gave up my job because of her

▲ to talk about the thing or person that is the reason

for something


Because is commonly preceded by mainly, partly, and simply:

It’s mainly because they are cheap that people choose package holidays

She was chosen partly because of her qualifications but mainly because of her experience

Most people put on weight simply because they don’t get enough exercise

Because often occurs after not:

It’s not because I’m your brother that I’m telling you this It’s because…

They didn’t sack him because he was lazy, but because of


Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

his attitude

She didn’t marry him because of his money

Because often follows clauses with must, and introduces the reason for making a deduction: Jim must be at home because his lights are on

They must’ve been starving because look how much they ate

Set phrases • just because

Just because I’m 16, it doesn’t mean I’m a baby ▲ to say that, because one thing is true, it’s not the case that another thing is also true

• because/’cause/cos I want to = commonly used to justify a decision:

Why are you leaving? ~ Cos I want to

2 Practice:

1 Add of to these sentences, but only if it is necessary:

1 Because -the fire, they lost everything It’s not because -your money, it’s because - like you

3 Just because - you’re tired doesn’t mean you can’t the washing up

4 Why did she go and live in the country? ~ Because her health

5 I didn’t it because - you; I did it because -you

asked me

6 Mainly because - not looking in the mirror, he failed his driving test

2 Match the two parts of these sentences:

a Because it was getting cold b It must have been getting cold c Just because it’s cold

d It wasn’t because of the cold e We decided to go inside f Why are we going inside? Because I want to

2 because Richard was wearing gloves doesn’t mean we have to go inside we decided to go inside

5 that we decided to go inside because of the cold

C Comments (3 minutes)

- Give comments

D Homework ( minutes)

- Give examples using because, because of

1 of of x of of of




A Objectives:

1 Educational aim:

- Help Ss speak and write English exactly

- Ps should revise the usage of expressing concession: although, though, despite, in spite of

2 General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Use phrases or clause after although, though, despite, in spite of

3 Skills: Improve students’ speaking and writing skill

B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

C Teaching aids: Handouts

D Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Organization ( minutes)

- Greeting and checking attendance

B New lesson (35 minutes)

Definition: The use of a word, phrase or sentence that diminishes and may contradict implications of a statement or description

They are similar in meaning They all serve to record something that is surprising or unexpected But the difference in usage is that although, though and even though are all conjunctions, whilst in spite of and despite

are both prepositions So usage requires: in spite of + noun

although + clause despite + noun though + clause even though + clause

Although and though can be used in the same way Though

is perhaps more common in informal speech and writing, whereas although can be used in a wide variety of styles Compare:

 'Our new neighbors are quite nice, though their dog

is a bit of a nuisance.'

 'She insisted on keeping her coat on, although it

was extremely warm in the house as the central heating was on.'

'Although she was commended for completing the Millennium Dome project on time and within budget, management felt that it was now time for a new person with different talents to take over.'

Though is often used with even in order to give emphasis:

-Greeting Exercise 1:

Complete the sentences below with

although - despite - in spite of.

1 the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip

2 The children slept well the noise earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents

4 John rarely sees Paul they live in the same town

5 Julie failed the exam of working very hard

6 it was cold, she didn't put on her coat

7 Tom went to work not feeling very well

8 Anna never learned the language she lived there for two years

9 of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain

10 I couldn't eat I was very hungry Answer:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 'I managed to get good results in my exams, even though I

went out four times a week when I was supposed to be revising.'

Whilst despite might be thought more formal than in spite of - it is, after all, one word rather than three - there is really very little difference in usage between the two:

 'Despite the appalling weather, they succeeded in

walking to the top of Ben Nevis.'

'They decided to get married in spite of the huge differences in their ages.'

So, to summarize: despite and although: similar meanings, but different syntax required Compare:

 'Although it was raining heavily, we finished the

game of football.'

 'We finished the game of football in spite of the

heavy rain.'

 'Despite his strong Welsh accent, we understood

most of what he was saying.'

 'Even though he had a strong Welsh accent, we

understood most of what he was saying.' One further word Although, despite and in spite of are normally used as prepositions, they can also be used in adverbial constructions with -ing, thus:

 'I managed to pass my exams, despite going out four

times a week during the revision period.'

 'In spite of feeling terribly sick, I went to work every

day that week.'

'Despite being severely handicapped, he managed to complete the race.'

C Comments (3 minutes)

- Give comments

D Homework ( minutes)

- Give example using although, despite, in spite of




A Choose the sentence (a, b, c, or d) which is closest in meaning to the sentence printed before.

1 When did you last ride a bike? a How often did you ride a bike? b How long is it since you rode a bike? c What time is it since you ride a bike? d How much time did you ride a bike? The train was due to leave five minutes ago

a The train was supposed to leave five minutes ago b The train is five minutes late in leaving

c The train left five minutes ago d a and b are correct

3 I didn't use to like football a I don't like football

b When I was young I liked football, but now I don't c Once I didn't like football, but now I

d I wasn't accustomed to football

4 The police blocked off the road, which caused a traffic jam

a The road that caused a traffic jam was blocked off by the police b The police blocked off a traffic jam on the road

c The police blocked off the road because it caused a traffic jam d The fact that the police blocked off the road caused a traffic jam

5 Henry should have done his homework last night but he watched TV instead a Henry didn't watch TV last night because he had to his homework b Henry watched TV last night instead of doing his homework

c Henry did his homework while watching TV

d Henry had already done his homework before he watched TV It was breakfast-time when Susan rang

a When Susan rang I have just finished my breakfast. b Susan rang after had had my breakfast

c I was having my breakfast when Susan rang d I was going to have my breakfast as soon as Susan rang Adrian's job interview is on 17 October

a Adrian will be called for a job interview on 17 October b Adrian is giving a job interview on 17 October.

c Adrian had an interview for a job on 17 October d Adrian is having a job interview on 17 October You can get off this train at Bath

a This train stops at Bath b This train is going to stop at Bath


a We helped with the project b We must help with the project c We will help with the project

d We are going to help with the project

10 The last time went swimming was when we were in Spain a I swam a lot when we were in Spain

b I hadn't been swimming before we moved to Spain c I haven't been swimming since we were in Spain d I went swimming while we lived in Spain

11 They spoke too quickly for us to understand a They spoke so quickly that we couldn't understand it b They spoke so quickly that we couldn't understand c They spoke so quickly that we couldn't understand them

d They spoke quickly enough so that we couldn't understand them

B Choose the correct sentence (a, b, c, or d) made from the suggested words Global communication be/ transform/ the invention/ Internet

a Global communication was transformed the invention of the Internet

b The invention of the Internet was transformed the global communication.S

c Global communication was transformed by the invention of the Internet

d Global communication was transformed invention of Internet ?: What/ use/ fax machine/ for

a What are you used fax machine for? b For what fax machine is used? c What is the use for fax machine? d What is fax machine used for? 3 Inventions/ like/ electric light bulb/ change/ way/ people/ live

a Inventions like the electric light bulb changed the way people lived

b The inventions like the electric light bulb has changed the way that people lived c The way people lived has been changed by inventions like electric light bulb

d The invention§ like the electric light bulb changed way people had lived 4 I/ give away/ my computer/ be/ three years old

a gave away my computer which was only three years old b I gave away my computer, which was only three years old c My computer which I gave away was only three years old. d My computer, that I gave away; was only three years old. 5 new school/ open/ recently/ New Road

a A new school recently opened in New Road.

b A new school has been recently opened in New Road. c A new school has recently opened in New Road. d A new school opened recently in New Road.

6 Belgian! call/ Etienne Lenoir/ make/ the first/ motor car a A Belgian made the first motor car called Etienne Lenoir.



I Choose the appropriate sentence to fill in each gap to complete the following conversation.

A: Goodbye everyone! (1) B: Where are you going? _ A: To Australia (2) C: When are you coming back?

A: Well (3) B: It sounds great! (4) A: Thanks (5)

a I'll send you postcards

b we're going on a two-week tour of Australia

c I'm taking my family to visit the Great Barrier Reef d I'm going on holiday

e Have a good time!

II Choose the sentences or phrases that best complete these conversations. A: _

B: Well, a microwave is used to cook or heat food a Could you tell me what is a microwave used for? b Please tell me how to use a microwave?

c Can you tell me what is used 'for cooking'?

d Could you tell me what a microwave is used for? 7.

A: What will we when we want to call the Fire Service? B: _

a Dial 113 b Dial 114 c Dial 115 d Dial 116

3 A: _ B: Let me see, since September 2003 a When did you attend this school?

b How long have you studied at this school? c Since when did you studied at this school? d How-often you attend this school?

4 A: Would you like a coffee?

B: _

a Not at all b Ye, let's c Yes I would d Yes I'd love one

4 A: What should you if you don't want to hear the sound? B: _

a Press the MUTE button b Press the VOLUME button c Press the PROGRAM button d Press the POWER button

III Choose the sentence or phrase that best completes the dialogue.


B: Oh, my weekend was, terrific thanks

A: (2) B: On Saturday, I participated in the local charity society to visit Nguyen Dinh Chieu

Special School for the Blind

A: (3) B: Well, they were having a music lesson

A: Really? (4)

_They listened and used their fingers to touch the music notes in Braille and sang

A: Great! Next time (5) _ a What did you on weekend? b How was your weekend?

c Did you have a good weekend? d How did you spend your weekend?

2 a What you do? b Where did you go on Saturday?

c What did you on Saturday? d What were you doing on Saturday? a What were the visually impaired students doing when you came?

b What did the visually impaired students when you came? c What were the visually impaired students doing before you came? d What did the visually impaired students after you had come? a How they can learn music without seeing?

b How can they learn music if they not see? c What they to learn music?

d How can they learn music without seine

5 a I'll go b I'd like to visit, too





Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Organization ( minutes)

- Greeting and checking attendance

B New lesson (35 minutes)

Indirect Speech (also referred to as 'reported speech') refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said It is almost always used in spoken English

1) If the sentence starts in the present, there is no backshift of tenses in Reported speech Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan says

that she works in an office

2) If the reporting verb (i.e said) is in the past, the reported clause will be in a past form This form is usually one step back into the past from the original

Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan said

that she worked in an office

Tense change

As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense: (the tense on the left changes to the tense on the right):

Direct speechIndirect speech

Present simple  Past simple

Present continuous  Past continuous

Present perfect simple  Past perfect simple

Present perfect continuousPast perfect continuous

Past simple  Past perfect

Past continuous  Past perfect continuous

Past perfect  Past perfect (no change)

Past perfect continuous  Past perfect continuous

(no change)

Modal verb forms also sometimes change:

Direct speech Indirect speech

will would

can could

must had to

shall should

may might

!Note - There is no change to; could, would, should, might and ought to

You can use the present tense in reported speech if you want to say that something is still true i.e my name has always been and will always be Lynne so:


-listen and take notes

Ss pay attention and work in pair to exercises


Change these following sentences in to reported speeches

1 ‘I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key, so I had to break the window,’ he said

2 ‘The mirror is there so that you can see yourself when you are dancing,’ the instructress told him ‘I wrote to him the day before yesterday I wonder why he hasn’t rung up,’ she said

4 ‘If the ground is dry on the day of the race, my horse might win,’ said the own

5 ‘You’d better slow down There’s a speed limit here,’ she said to me (use advise )

6 ‘If Tom wants seats, he’d better apply early,’ she said

7 ‘We walked 50 miles last night to see the Minister and protest about our rents being raised He was very polite and promise to what he could for us,’ said one of the tenants

8 ‘They should put traffic light here, otherwise there’ll be more accidents,’ she said

9 ‘It’s time we began training for our next match,’ the coach said to them

10 ‘If you leave home at six, you should be here at nine,’ he said to me 11 ‘If it rains this afternoon it will be

too wet to play the match tomorrow,’ the captain said


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Direct speech Indirect speech

"My name is Lynne", she said She said her name was Lynne


She said her name is Lynne

You can also use the present tense if you are talking about a future event

Direct speech (exact quote) Indirect speech (not exact)

"Next week's lesson is on reported speech ", she said She said next week's lesson is on reported speech

Time change

If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to fit in with the time of reporting

For example we need to change words like here and yesterday if they have different meanings at the time and place of reporting

Expressions of time if reported on a different day

this (evening)  that (evening)

today › yesterday these (days) those (days)

now › then

(a week) ago  (a week) before

last weekend  the weekend before last /

the previous weekend here  there

next (week)  the following (week)

tomorrow  the next/following day

In addition if you report something that someone said in a different place to where you heard it you must change the place (here) to the place (there)

Pronoun change

In reported speech, the pronoun often changes "I teach English online."

>She said she teaches English online

When changing from direct speech to indirect speech, it is often necessary to change the pronouns to match the subject of the sentence

C Comments (3 minutes)

- Give comments

D Homework ( minutes)

- Give examples using the past simple tense

blanket but I plugged in the electric kettle by mistake I’m always doing silly things like that,’ she told her guest

13 ‘I was intending to it

tomorrow,’ he said,’ but now I don’t think I’ll able to.’

14 ‘Bill should very well at the university, Mrs Smith,’ said the headmaster ‘He’s done very well here.’

15 ‘I don’t think your father like me,’ said the young wife ‘You mustn’t think that,’ she said her husband; ‘it is just that he is old and finds it hard get used to new people.’ ( leave mustn’t

unchanged )

16 ‘The steak is overdone again I’m not complaining; I’m just pointing it out,’ said her husband

‘I wish you’d stop pointing things out,’ said his wife

17 ‘They couldn’t open the safe on the spot so they carried it away with them,’ the night watchman reported 18 ‘If you saw my father, you’d

recognize him at one He is the most extraordinary-looking man,’ she said to me

19 ‘I found an Roman coin in the garden yesterday,’ he said,’ and I’m going to take it to the museum this afternoon.’

20 He said,’ I’m got out of my boat, leaving the engine running, but while I was standing on the quay the gears suddenly engaged themselves.’

-Ss pay attention and take notes in their notebook

- Listen


Ngày đăng: 23/04/2021, 20:18

