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8.Read the following passage and answer the questions. 9.Put the words in order to make meaningful sentences. Complete the sentences using word cues.. 11.Fill in each blank with the corr[r]


Kế hoạch ôn tập English

I Đăc điểm , tình hình.

1 Kết khảo sát

Lớp C , D : 40 %

2 Điểm mạnh, yếu

a).Thuận lợi

- Đa số học sinh ngoan, phơ huynh quan t©m tíi viƯc häc cđa em

b) Khó khăn

- Nhiều hs lêi häc

II ChØ tiªu

- TB Líp C , D : 70 % K- G : 20 % - 25 %

III Biện pháp

- Tăng cờng gọi hs lên bảng làm tập

- Yờu cu hs tự giác làm tập nhà + chuẩn bị tốt trớc học - Trao đổi chuyên mơn nhóm

B KÕ ho¹ch thĨ

KÕ ho¹ch

Themes /

Toppics Attainment targets Language focus ( periods)Times

1 Personal information

- Friends - House and family


- Introduce people and respond to introductions

-Describe people ‘s appearance -Make arrangments

- Talk about intentions -Ask for and give reasons - Talk about past events


Listen to a monologue or a dialogue within 80-100 words for general or specific information


Read a dialogue or a passage 110-140 words for general or specific information


Write about oneself or others within 60-80 words using words or picture cues


-Tenses : present simple , past simple - Infinitive

- Modal verbs : must , have to , ought to - Reflexive pronouns : yourself , my self themselves……

-Adverbs of place : here , there , upstiars , downstairs,…

-Prepositions of time : after , before , until , as soon as …

- Adjective + too / enough + to – infinitive

- Let’s

-Why -Because


- Words describing house and home :

rugs , couch …

- Names of telecommunication devices : fax machine , moble phone

- Words describing appearance : thin talll……


2 Education

- School life and study habits


- Ask for and respond to favors - Give advice and instructions -Express obligation

-Offer and respond to assistance -Talk about study habits

-Talk about future plans


Listen to a monologue or a dialogue within 80-100 words for general or specific information


- Present simple with fure meaning - Reported speech : command , requests and advice


-Modal verbs : may , can , could, should -Adverbs of manner : well , fast , badly , hard ,…Possessive case

- Prepositions of time: at, on, in , after ,


-Tell / ask somebody to something



Read a dialogue or a passage 110-140 words for general or specific information


-Write an informal letter of 60-80 words to a friend using words cues -Write a paragraph of 60-80 words telling about a future plan using suggested guidelineds or questions

-Be about to -Used to

-Certainly /of course


- Words to talk about study habits : semester , report , examination , revise , learn by heart,…

-Words to talk about school life : care , take part in , perform , look after ,… Words to talk about future plans : play soccer , go camping , cook meals ,…

3 Community

- Shopping - Neighborhood - Countrylife and city life


-Ask for information and assistace - Talk about price , quantity and size -Talk about differences / similarities -Talk about future events and changes


Listen to a monologue or a dialogue within 80-100 words for general or specific information


Read a dialogue or a passage 110-140 words for general or specific information


-Write a letter to a friend of 60-80 words about the neighborhood using suggested guidelines or words -Write a community notice of 60-80 words using suggested questions


- Tenses: present perfect (with since and for ), present progressive ( to talk about

the future / to show changes ) , future simple

- Adverbs : already , yet

- Comparisions : ( not ) as …as ( not ) the same as , different from

- Verbs to show changes : get , become - Comparisions of adjectives


 Words to talk about neighborhood : grocery store , stadium ,

drugstore , …

-Words describing country / city life : traffic jam , beautiful , quiet , clean , noisy , polluted ,…


4 Health

- First aid - Healthy environment


 Make suggestions

 Make and respond to a formal requests , offers and promises

 Give and respond to instructions

 Express personal feelings


Listen to a monologue or a dialogue within 80-100 words for general or specific information


- Read a dialogue or a passage 110-140 words for general or specific information


Write a thank–you noteof 60-80 words using questions or words cues Write a set of instructions of 60-80


- Future simple

- Passive forms : Present and future -Modal : will to make offers , requests , promises

- Adjectives folowed by an infinitive and a noun – clause

- Would you mind …?


- Words concerning first aid : ambulance , bandage , bad burn ,

- Words about healthy environment :

recycle , garbage , wrap,… - Sequence markers : first , then , next , finally,…


words using suggested questions , words or picture cues

5 Recreation

-Holidays and vacations - Festivals


 Make suggestions , predictions , resservations and plans

 Describe past activities  Talk about the weather Make an

 - Express d respond to formal rquests

 Accept and decline an invitation


Listen to a monologue or a dialogue within 80-100 words for general or specific information


- Read a dialogue or a passage 110-140 words for general or specific information


Write a paragraph of 60-80 words about a festival using suggested questions or guielines

-Write a postcard of 60-80 words using suggested guielines


- Tenses: past progressive -Connectors : when , while - Reported speech

-Requests with : Would/ Do you mind if ?

Would / Do you mind + V-ing….? -ed and ing participles

-Compound words : rice –cooking , fire –making, …


- Names of sports and pastime activities:

badminton, soccer, …

- Words describing holidays and vacations : seaside , resorts , temple , waterfall , …

-Names of Festivals : Rice cooking Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival , School Festival , Flower Festival,

-Names of resorts : HALong Bay , Mount Rushmore , Napa Valley ,…


6 The world around us

- Technology -Wonders of the world


- Talk about processes

-Express agreements / disagreement -Say what something was like


Listen to a monologue or a dialogue within 80-100 words for general or specific information


- Read a dialogue or a passage 110-140 words for general or specific information


-Write an informal letter to a friends within 60-80 words using suggested ideas / words cues

-Write a set of instructions within 60-80 words using suggested ideas / words cues


- Tenses: present perfect with yet and already , present perfect vs past simple - the past pasive

- Indirect questions with if or whether -Verb + to -inf


- Words related to technology :

fascimile , loudspeaker , microwave , … -Names of some wonders of the world / famous landmarks : Stonehenge , Great Wall , BigBen ,…

-Words describing sequences : first , then , next , after that , finnally ,…


2.Kinds of the exercises.

1.Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest

2.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 3.Fill each blank of the following passage with one suitable word 4.Circle the letter (A,B,C, or D) of the best word to use in each blank 5.Read the first sentence, then complete the second sentence with the same meaning

6.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences

7.Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences

8.Read the following passage and answer the questions 9.Put the words in order to make meaningful sentences 10 Complete the sentences using word cues

11.Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word

12.Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given 13.Writing



Preparing date : 25 / /2010 Teaching date :


/ Objectives: Help students to systemize the grammar they have learnt and they use it to complete the exercises

B/ Language contents:

-Tenses of the verbs -Be going to infi

-Structure with “enough”



I/ Tenses of verbs

The present simple The present

continuous The past simple

1/For m



*Tobe *Verb :

2/The uses

- S+don’t/doesn’t+infi ? Do/Does+S+infi…….? Yes,S+do/does


E.x :I get up at o’clock every day

They don’t like playing soccer

Does she always get up late?

a)It denotes an action which happens frequently at present or a repeated action,a habit.It is used with some adverbs of frequency such as:always.usually,often, sometimes,never,every… once/twice…a week/a month…

E.x:She sometimes gets up late

b)It denotes a

posessive:have,has,belong ,own

E.x She has two children

They own houses c)It denotes a thought or feeling:like,love,enjoy,hat e,


E.x: I like watching T.V She hates eating chocolates

d)It denotes a truth E.x:The Moon moves around the earth

-S+be not+Ving? Be+S+Ving….? Yes,S+be/ No,S+be not E.x: I’m studying English now We are not watching T.V at the moment Is she reading now?

a)It denotes an action happening at the moment of speaking.Used with some adverbs:now,at the moment,at present E.x:We are writing now Are you reading stories at the moment? b)It used with some phrases:Listen! Look! Becareful! E.x:Listen!He is singing Becareful! The car is coming

- S+didn’t+infi… ? Did+S+infi……? Yes,S+did


E.x: I watched T.V last night

He went to school yesterday

Did you see the film last night?

a)It denotes an action happened in the past and

completely ends at the present.Used with some adverbs:last……, … ago, yesterday,in 1998……

E.x:We saw a movie last night

I lived in Nam Dinh in 2003

b)It is used with the adverbs of frequency to denote a habit in the past and it doesn’t happened at the present anymore E.x;I usually stayed up late last year He always went to school late years ago

*In this case we can use the structure “S+used to+infi…” instead


The future simple “Be going to structure”


2/ The

*To be: will be

*Verb: + S + will + infi - S + won’t + infi ? Will + S + infi… ?

+ S + be going to + infi


uses -The future simple is used to say about an future action This action :

a/ will be able to surely happen E.x: They will come here on Sunday

b/ will not be able to happen.In this case we use the following phrases: I think………, I don’t think………, I hope…………, I’m not sure………

E.x: I think he will come here tomorrow

I’m not sure they will go on Sunday

c/”will” denotes an intention at the moment of speaking

E.x: A: Tom is in hospital

B: Oh, really? I’ll visit him tomorrow

d/ “will” is used when you want to help someone:

E.x: A: We’ve run out of sugar B: All right I’ll go and buy some

e/”will” is used in the

subordinate clause which use “when”.” Be going to “ is rarely used

E.x: He will be a teacher when he grows up

*We use this structure to denote:

a/ a plan

E.x : I bought a movie ticket I’m going to the movie theater this evening

b/ an intention ( with surely time)

E.x: I’m going to meet Hoa at her house at o’clock this evening We are going to study together

A: Tom is in hospital B: Yes, I know I am going to visit him tomorrow

c/ a prediction

E.x: Look at those black cloud! It is going to rain

II/ Structure with enough.

1 The same subject:

S + be + adj + enough + to infi = Khá / đủ………để………

E.x: Peter is old

He can take care of himself Peter is old enough to take care of himself

2 The different subject:

S + be + adj + enough + for+ O + to infi

= Khá đủ ………… cho (ai đó) ………….để……… Ex: The weather was hot We could go swimming

->The weather was hot enough for us to go swimming The shoes aren’t big She can’t wear them

->The shoes aren’t big enough for her to wear Exercises


1 The Sun always (rise) ……… in the East Look! It (rise) ………

2 I don’t think I (go)……… out tonight I’m too tired Where you (spend)……….your summer vacation last


4 In my country , it (not rain) ……….much in winter The Moon ( move)……….around the Earth

6 Mai (be)……….very happy when she (receive)……… a letter from her sister this morning

7 Would you like (join)……… my class next Sunday? We (visit)……….the local museum

8 My father (read)……… now He always (read) ………a book after dinner

9 A friend of my brother (call)………him last night, but he (not be) ………at home So I (take)…………a message for him 10.Are you busy this evening?

-Yes I (meet)……….Tuan at the library at seven We (study) ………together

11 Mai (telephone)……….you when she (come) ……… back

12 Water (boil)……….at 100 degrees Centigrade 13 George (not go)………to the club very often 14.How many languages……….( you/speak) ?

15 The swimming bath ( open)………at 7:00 and (close) ……… at 15.30

every day

16 What time………… ( the banks / close)……….in Vietnam? 17 I have a motorbike but I (not use)………it very often 18.How many cigarettes (you / smoke) ……….a day? 19 The Earth (go)……….around the Sun

20 Nurses (look after)…… patients in the hospitals 21 I ( work)………in a bank Henry ( work)

……….in a shop

22 In Britain most of the shops (close)……… at 5:30 p.m 23 Rice (not grow)……… in Britain

24 My father usually (get)……….up at o’clock every morning

25 How often ( you / go)………to the dentist?


28 “ I’m tired” Why (you/ not go)……… to bed early? 29 My closed friend (be)……….Bob He (study)

……….very hard

30 We (have to/ work)………48 hours a week

31 The Moon (move)……… around the Earth and the Earth (revolve)……… around the Sun

32 Paul (be)……… born in France but now he (live) ………… in London

33 We must (clean)………the classroom everyday 34 You ought to (brush)……….your teeth after meals 35.I have to (do)………the housework every day

36 They (watch)……….television at the moment 37 He has 100,000 VND He (buy)……….a new coat tomorrow

38 Miss Trang is in the hospital

-Yes, I know I (visit)……… her tomorrow

39 I (read)………an interesting book at the moment I (lend) ……… it to you when I finish it

40 I (not invite)………her to the party because I (forget) …………her phone number

II/ Combine sentences into one using structure with enough

1.He is not tall He can’t be a good basketball player 2.He is strong He can carry that suitcase

3.The fire isn’t very hot It won’t boil the kettle 4.The ice is quite thick We can walk on it

5 The ladder wasn’t very long It didn’t reach the window It is not warm We can’t go swimming

7.You are not old You can’t have a front-door key He didn’t have much money He couldn’t live on it It was very hot You could fry an egg on the pavement 10 Hoang was very foolish He told lies to the police 11 The buffalo isn’t big He can’t harm you

12.You are quite thin You could slip between the bars 13 The floor wasn’t strong We couldn’t dance on it 14 The coffee wasn’t strong It won’t keep us awake

15 He won’t get up early So he never catches the fast train?

III/ Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.

1 Alexander Graham Bell was born…………March 3rd , 1845…………


2 He worked………… deaf-mutes ……… Boston University I’ll come………… to pick her………at o’clock


6 He worked very hard and finally came……… ……… a very important invention

IV/ Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

1 in/ the/ Sun/ rises/ east/ the

2 time/ I/ most/ my/ with/ spend/ of/ Hoa is/ / as/ Mai/ outgoing/ not/ Hoa/as

4 a/ receive/ Lan/ letter/ yesterday/ her/ friend/ from look/ does/ she/ what/ like?

6 here/ be/ she/ at/ will/ Christmas

7 they/ to/ classroom/ be/ the/ outside/ prefer

8 is/ lucky/ to/ she/ enough/ have/ a/ friends/ lot/ of

V/ Read the message and fill in the form:

My name is Tim Caldwell I’m twenty years old and I’m a

student I live at 25 Cathedral, Melbourne ,Australia with my parents and my younger sister , Carol I’m tall and thin and I have short brown hair I’m humorous and helpful My girlfriend is a nurse Her name is Glenda and she’s twenty ,too She’s very nice

Name: Age: Appearance:

Character: Address: Family: Friend:

VI/ Match a question in A with its response in B


1 What does he look like? a.I’m sorry.He’s out at the moment 2.What you know about the

Sun? b.It’s near the Sun

3.Can I speak to Tan please? c.No, thanks I’m strong enough

4.Do you need any help? d He’s very handsome

5.Where is Mar? e It rises in the East and sets in the


1-……… ………… 3………… 4……… 5…………

VII/ Choose the correct answer

1-………… does Lien live ?In Hue (What / Which / Where )

2- …………does Hoa look like ?She’s beautyful ( Who / What /Which ) 3- My brother isn’t old ennough ………… to school alone ? ( going / go / to go )

4- Ba enjoys……… jokes ( telling / tell / to tell )

5- Lan is getting tired ………… Doing the same thing everyday ( with /of / in )


7- The earth ……… around the sun ( rises / goes / sets ) 8- Each of………… has a different character.( we /our / us )

9- Look ! They ………… up the fence ( climb/ climbing / are climbing ) 10-………… a beuatyful day ! (How / What /Which )

11-Hoa is ……… Than her friend, Nien.( old /older / oldest ) 12- Last year Hoa and Nien ……… to the same school ( go / went / going )

13- Ba’s friend has ………… (black short hair / short black hair / hair short black )

14- We are ……… to drive a car ( old enough not / not old enough / old not enough)

15- ……… moves the around the earth ( The sun / Mars /The moon) 16- He is not tall enough ………… the top of the shelf ( reaching / to reach / reach)

17- ………… I speak to Lan , please? ( Do / Can / Am )

18- ……… you like to go the movie with me tonight ?( Can / Do / Would ) 19- You like cartoons, ……… ? ( you/ don’t you / are you )

20- Let ……… clean the classroom.( we / us / our )

21- They are going ………… their homework tonight ( to / doing / do) 22- An ……… Ha Noi in 1990 ( is born / born /was born)

23- Alexander Graham Bell was a (n)………… ( Scotsman / English / American )

24- Bell worked with ……… at Boston University.( mutes/ deaf / deaf-mutes)

25- The telephone ……… by Alexander Graham Bell ( invented / was envented / invention)

26- They bought new fishing rods to go ………… ( swimming/sailing / fishing)

27- I didn’t see my friend upstairs Maybe he was ……… then ( outside / inside / downstairs)

28- Lan has a lot of homework ……… Literature.( in /at / on ) 29-Would you like ……… a message ?( leaving / to leave/ leave ) 30 -The students………… to the concert tonight ( go / are going/ going ) 31- Nam’s mother is going ……… her friend after work.( visit / to visit/ visiting)

32- They ………… to go to the market and buy something for dinner (ought / should / must )

33- We ………… put all chamicals and drugs out of children’s reach ( can / must / ought )

34- It is safe ………… medicine in locked cupboards ( putting / to put/ put )


36- The kitchen is a ……… place, isn’t it ?( safe /dangerous / peaceful )

37-Some kinds of chemicals and drugs ………… soft drinks or candy ( seem / look like / look as )

38- There is a bookshelf ………… the left of the room ( at / in /on ) 39- The bed is next ……… The closet ( in / to / on )

40-The teacher’s desk is ……… the student’s ( opposite / next / in front )

41- They have to clean up the claasroom by ………( theirs / them/ themselves)

42- She gave ………… a big gift ( him / himself / his )

43-Lien and Lan have to wash their clothes by ……… ( her / herself / themselves)

44- My brother and I can ride to school by …… …… ( myself / himself / ourselves )

45- We used to ……… in a big city ( living / lived / live )

46- She gets used to ……… a motorbike ( drive / driving / drove ) 47 - He’s used to ……… Up early now ( get / getting / got )

48- We ……… a lot of rice for dinner last week.( eat / eating / ate ) 49 - Her birthday is ………… January ( in / on / at )

50- The performance started ……… 8p.m( on / in / at ) 51- We’ll see each other ………… Thursday.( on / in /at )

52- If you want to see my teacher , please come ………… 8a.m and 10 a.m ( at / in / between )



A-Grammar I/ Simple present.

-Ask ss to repeat the form and the uses of it

1)Form: *To be: am,is,are

+ S+V(s,es)

- S+don’t/doesn’t+infi ? Do/Does+S+infi…….?

2)The uses

a)It denotes an action which happens frequently at present or a repeated action,a habit.It is used with some adverbs of frequency such as:

always,usually,often, sometimes, never , every… once/twice…a week/a month…

E.x:She sometimes gets up late

b)It denotes a posessive:have, has,belong,own E.x She has two children

c)It denotes a thought or feeling :like,love, enjoy,hate, dilikes E.x: I like watching T.V

d)It denotes a truth

E.x:The Moon moves around the earth

e)It is used to say about the timetable of a film,a flight,a train, a play, a soccer match…

Ex: What time does the train leave tomorrow? It leaves at 7:15

II/Simple past

-Ask ss to repeat the contents about the past simple -Correct the mistakes

1)Form: *To be: was,were +S+Ved(Vcolumn2)

- S+didn’t+infi… ? Did+S+infi……?

E.x: I watched T.V last night

2) The uses:

a)It denotes an action happened in the past and completely ends at the present.Used with some adverbs:last……,… ago, yesterday ,in 1998… E.x:We saw a movie last night

I lived in Nam Dinh in 2003

b)It is used with the adverbs of frequency to denote a habit in the past and it doesn’t happened at the present anymore

E.x: I usually stayed up late last year

*In this case we can use the structure “S + used to+infi…” instead E.x: I used to stay up late last year

III/Present progressive

-Ask ss to repeat the form and the uses of the present progressive tense

1)Form: ( +) S+be+Ving

(-) S+be not+Ving


E.x: I’m studying English now

2)The uses.

a)It denotes an action happening at the moment of speaking.It is used with some adverbs: now,at the moment,at present

E.x:We are writing now

b)It used with some phrases:Listen!Look! Becareful! E.x:Listen!He is singing

c)It is used with “always” to denote a complaint E.x:Nam is always playing video games

d)It is used to say about a plan,a program which is planned and it cannot be changed(time of the flight,the train,the party )

I’m doing my homework tonight

The flight from Hue is arriving in Hanoi at 10.30

d) It is used with “get” and “become” to show the changes of something or somebody at present

Ex: She is becoming more beautiful It is hotter and hotter

IV/ Present perfect.

-Ask ss to repeat the form and the uses of the present perfect that they have learnt

1/ Form (+) S + have/has + PII

(-) S + have/has + not + PII (?) Have/Has + S + PII …?

2/ The uses.

-It denote an action which happened in the past,refers to present and may continue in the future.It is used with “since” and “for”

-Since: thêi ®iĨm For: thêi lỵng

Ex : We have lived in this house since 1972 They have stayed in that hotel for two weeks 3/It is use with adverbs :

Just , already , recently, never, ever, not…….yet. B-Exercises

-Give students some exercises to

I/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The Moon (go) around the Earth, and the Earth (revolve) around the Sun

2 Paul (be) born in France, but now he (live) in America with his uncle What Miss Lan (look) like?

-She (be) slim, and she (have) wavy hair How your brother (go) to work every day? -He usually (drive)

5 Yesterday Hoang (spend) two hours (repair) his computer set 6.It always (rain) a lot at weekends

7 Last year my brother (spend) his summer holiday (do) volunteer work in the mountainous areas

8.Nam (not want) (go)to the Water Park because he (visit) it yesterday 9.Your son (get) taller and taller, mrs Mai

10.Hung (not visit) his grandparents since he (go) to university 11.You (be) to Phong Nha before?


II/Complete the following sentences.

1.It/often/hot/ summer/my country 2.The Sun/rise/the East/set/the West

3.My family/go/Ha Long bay/last summer 4.The film/start/9.00/tonight

5.I/live/Truc Phu/since 1994

6.Minh/use/live/farm/when/he/small boy 7.We/not see/him/for years


9.What time/the train/leave/tomorrow? -It/leave/10.30

10.She/not do/his homework/last night

A-Grammar I/Structure with: enough to infi

-Ask ss to repeat the structure The same subject:

S + be + adj + enough + to infi = Khá / đủ………để………

E.x: Peter is old He can take care of himself ->Peter is old enough to take care of himself

2.The different subject.

S + be + adj + enough +for O + to infi = /đủ……… để làm

E.X: The shoes aren’t big She can’t wear them

->The shoes aren’t big enough for her to wear


-Ask ss to repeat the form and the use of gerund

*Form : V-ing

-ask ss to tell some verbs which are followed by gerund

*love, like, enjoy, dislike, hate + V-ing : to express a hobby.

Ex : I love playing soccer She hates eating chocolates III/ Be going to structure.

-Ask ss to repeat the form and the use of it

1.Form : S + be going to + infinitive 2.Use :We use this structure

a to express an intention

Ex: She bought a ticket She’s going to see movies tonight

b.for a plan

Ex: My class is going to go camping on this weekend

c for a prediction.

Ex: Look at those black clouds It’s going to rain

IV/The modal verbs



S + Modal verbs + infinitive.

Ex: You should get up early and morning exercises I must clean the house every day


I/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The boys like (play) game but hate (do) lessons How long you (know) Mrs Chi?

-I (know) her for five years

3 We (not see) her since we (be) on holiday in Ha Long bay The weather (become) colder and colder in December I (not go) out this evening I (stay) at home

6.What he (do) this evening?

-I don’t know He may (stay) at home

7.You should (practice) speaking English every day 8.It (get) hotter and hotter in June

9 We (have) a party next Sunday.would you like (come)? 10.The movies (start) at 8.15 this evening

II/ Combine sentences into one using structure with enough

1.He is not tall He can’t be a good basketball player 2.He is strong He can carry that suitcase

3.The fire isn’t very hot It won’t boil the kettle 4.The ice is quite thick We can walk on it

5 The ladder wasn’t very long It didn’t reach the window It is not warm We can’t go swimming

7.You are not old You can’t have a front-door key He didn’t have much money He couldn’t live on it It was very hot You could fry an egg on the pavement 10 Hoang was very foolish He told lies to the police

A-Grammar I/ Prepositions of time

-Ask ss to tell some prepositions of time -Repeat the uses of them

In + month , year( in June , in 2006)

On + day of the week , day of the month ( on Monday, on June 14th) At + time ( at o’clock)

After, before + time ( after 2pm)

Between + time and time ( between 2pm and 4pm )

II/ Adverbs of manner 1/ Form

- Ask ss to repeat the form of adverbs of manner

Adj + ly = Adverbs of manner

Ex : beautiful -> beautifully Bad -> badly Quick -> quickly

* special cases :


Fast -> fast Hard -> hard Early -> early

2/ Use

It is used to modify a verb Ex : She learns English well

*Note : An adjective is used to modify a noun or a subject.

Ex : She is a beautiful girl He is tall

III/ Adverbs of place

-Ask ss to tell some adverbs of place Ex: Nam isn’t upstairs.He is downstairs

IV/ Reflexive pronouns

Ex: I my homework myself

-Ask ss to repeat the reflexive Pronouns

1/Form : We use I with myself

You yourself / yourselves He himself

She herself We ourselves They themselves It itself

2/Use: Used to emphasize a person or a thing

Eg: She cut herself

John saw himself in the mirror

B-Exercises I/ Supply the necessary reflexive pronoun.

1.Both boys taught………to swim

2 We all enjoyed ………at the concert last night Did you enjoyed……….at the party last night? 4.I once cut ……….badly with the same knife She likes to look at……….in the mirror My father shaves………every morning Helen cut………….on a piece of glass

8 Alice and I enjoyed……… very much at the party yeaterday 9.The dog hurt……….when it jumped over the fence

10 The child is not old enough to dress………

II/Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions given At on in until for from to between

1.Linh’s uncle left Ho Chi Minh city………… 2000 and went to Ha Noi 2.A:How long are you going to stay there?

B:……….I can speak the language fluently

3 The accident happened………Monday morning when Sue was driving to work


6.Robert is going to stop work………… next February Does your brtother really enjoy working………night?

8 Mr.Phong went to New York ………ten days last spring Tam works hard……… Monday……… Friday so he sleeps……….the weekend

10.You can meet me ………7.15 and 8.00

III/Change the following adjectives into adverbs and use them to complete the sentences

Beautiful careful clear dangerous easy Fast fluent good hard slow

1 She ran very……so I couldn’t catch up with her We lost the match because we didn’t play…… He’s a good driver.He drives very……… She is a famous singer.She sings……… He worked very………and got tired Don’t walk so quickly.Can you walk more….?

7.Can you speak more……….,so I can understand what you mean? She practices speaking English every day,so she speak it


9 He cycled ………and had some accidents

10.It is a very simple question You can………….answer it


I/ Reported speech.

-Ask ss to repeat the forms of the reported speech

1/ Statements:

Lan said “ I my homework “

->Lan said (that) she did her homework

2/ Command, requests.

“ Can you give me some drink ?”

->Hung asked me to give him some drink “ Please explain this word to me.”

-> She told Lan to explain that word to her

*Form : S + asked/ told + O + to infi…. 3/ Advice ( mang tÝnh bæn phËn)

“You should work harder next semester.”

->He said (that) I should work harder next semester

*Form : S + said(that)+ S + should + infi…… II/Comparisons of adjective.

-Ask ss to repeat the forms of comparisons of adjectives * Comparative : Short adj - er + than + object

More long adj + than + object

* Superlative : The + short adjective - est


* Irregular adjectives

good/ well – better – the best bad – worse – the worst many – more – the most little – less – the least Ex: Nam is taller than Tuan

Ha is more beautiful than her sister Nam is the tallest student in our class Nam is the most intelligent student of all *Some the comparison structures:

-be (not) the same as.:(không) giống -be different from:khác

-be (not) as…….as……:(kh«ng) b»ng……

-My sister is different from me

-This bag has the same price as that one -my hat is not as cheap as yours


I/Change the following sentences into reported sentences.

1.”Please lend me your dictionary, Quang,” said Hoa Hoa asked Quang……… 2.”Can you help me with my homework?”

Minh asked her sister………

3.”You should practice speaking English every day,” the teacher said The teacher said………

4.”You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese,” My brother said………

5 “Please repeat what you have said, Mr Binh,” Tim asked Mr Binh……… “Can you turn down the radio?”

Mrs Jackson told Mary……… “Can you explain this word to me?

Trang asked Hue……… 8.”Please don’t talk during the test,”

Mrs Lan told the students……… 9.”You should concentrate on your lesson,” Mrs Van said……… 10.”Could you speak more slowly?”

I asked the foreigner………

II/Rewrite the following sentences as directs.

1.Your bag is more expensive than mines.(as….as)

2 This bicycle is 800,00 VND That bicycle is 600,000 VND.(different) 3.Hoa’s house is big.Minh’s house is big,too.(same size)

4.His car runs fast but a race car runs faster.(as….as)


6.It is hot today It was hot yeqterday.(like)

7.Mr Phong teaches Math Mr.Ha teaches history.(same subject). 8.The Royal hotel is 400 meters high The Queen hotel is 400 meters high,too.(same height)

I / Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the brackets

1 We must be there( at /before/ between /after )7 30 and 15 Vietnamese language is different ( as/like / from /with ) English language

3 She told me ( giving / to give /gave ) you this present

4 Jane is ( as/ like /the most / more ) beautiful than her sister Mary likes ( playing/ plays /played /play ) the piano

6 When my uncle was young , he used ( go/ went /going/ to go ) fishing on Sundays

7 He ( left / has left / leaves ) for London a year ago I have known her ( since / for / at / in ) three years

II / Complete the conversation :

A : Can I help you ?

B : I would like ……… this parcel to Hanoi

A : Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail ? B : I am not sure ……… is airmail ?

A : I will have ……… the parcel first Well , two kilograms That will be 9,000 dong

B : That is not very cheap But ……… it airmail A : All right

III / Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in the brackets : They ( live ) ………… in Hanoi for 20 years

2 My aunt ( not go ) ……… out of her house since she ( buy )……… a color TV

3 The film ( begin ) ……… at 30 pm tonight 4.The weather (get)……….colder

5.We (have)………a party next Sunday Would you like (come) ………… ?

6.She (go)……….out since this morning

IV/ Read the passage carefully Then answer the questions below :

Chiang Mai is a city in Thailand that has a wonderful night market In the evening , the main street is lined with small stands and shops that sell almost anything you can imagine Some stands sell jewelry or clothing , others sell traditional Thai crafts and still others sell fresh fruit and species It is easy to spend an entire evening just looking at everything If you decide to buy something , you will not be disappointed The prices are very reasonable There are a lot of wonderful attractions in Chiang Mai , but the night market is a favorite for many people

1 Where is Chiang Mai ?

2 How is the main street in the evening?


4 Are the prices expensive ?

V / Listening comprehension : You are going to listen twice Check (v)

the correct box for True or False :

Statements True False

1 Ba is younger than Lan

2 Lan is shorter than her brother

3 Both Ba and Lan go to school in the morning They love pop music , reading novels


The tenses

Preparing date : Teaching date : A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand and use the Present Simple , Present progressive , Past Simple and Simple future tenses Do the exercises well

B / Teaching aids :

Teacher : Prepare the reference and make the teaching plan carefully Student : Review the uses of the Simple Present , Present Progressive , Past Simple and Simple future tenses

C / Procedure :

I / Grammar :

1 / Present Simple :

Khi chia động từ ngơi thứ số ít, phải có s vần phải đợc đọc lên

VÝ dô: John walks to school everyday


VÝ dô: They understand the problem now Henry always swims in the evening (thãi quen) We want to leave now

Your cough sounds bad

2 / Present progressive :


Subject + is + [verb +ing ] are

- Nó dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy thời Thời gian đợc xác định cụ thể phó từ nh now, right now, presently.

- Nó dùng để thay cho thời tơng lai gần Ví dụ: He is learning in the US


u ý : Để phân biệt tơng lai gần hành động xảy cần vào phó

tõ c©u) VÝ dơ:

The committee members are examining the material now ( kiểm tra)

George is leaving for France tomorrow (tơng lai gần - rời tới Pháp vào ngày mai)

3 Past Simple :

Verb + ed

- Một số động từ tiếng Anh có khứ đặc biệt đồng thời có phân từ đặc biệt

- Một số động từ có dạng: Ví dụ: Light - lighted - lighted lit - lit

Ngời Anh a dùng khứ thờng chia động từ phân từ đặc biệt Ví dụ: He lighted the candle on his birthday cake

Nó thắp nến chiÕc b¸nh sinh nhËt Nhng

I can see the lit house from a distance

Tôi nhìn thấy từ xa nhà sáng ánh điện

Nó dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy dứt điểm q khứ, khơng liên quan tới

 Thời gian hành động câu rõ ràng, thờng dùng với số phó từ thời gian nh: yesterday, at that moment, last + thời gian nh: Last night

month week vv



VÝ dô: John went to Spain last year Bob bought a new bicycle yesterday Maria did her homework last night Mark washed the dishes after dinner We drove to grocery store this afternoon

George cooked dinner for his family Saturday night 4 Simple future :

Will / shall

+ [ Verb in simple form ]

Can / may.

- Ngày ngữ pháp đại, đặc biệt Mỹ dùng will cho tất ngơi cịn shall đợc dùng trờng hợp sau:

 Mêi mọc ngời khác cách lịch Ví dụ: Shall we go out for lunch? Shall I take your coat?

 Đề nghị giúp đỡ ngời khác cách lịch Ví dụ:

Shall I give you a hand with these packages  Dùng để ngã giá mua bán, mặc Ví dụ:

Shall we say : fifteen dollars?

- Nó dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy vào thời điểm định tơng lai Thời điểm không đợc xác định rõ rệt Các phó từ thờng dùng

tomorrow, next + thêi gian, in the future.

* Near future (tơng lai gần)

To be going to smth - làm gì.

- Dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy tơng lai gần, thời gian đ-ợc diễn đạt số phó từ nh : in a moment (lát nữa), tomorrow.

VÝ dô: We are going to have a meeting in a moment We are going to get to the airport at am this morning

- Ngày nay, đặc biệt văn nói ngời ta thờng dùng Present progressive để thay

- Dùng để diễn đạt việc chắn xảy tơng lai gần

VÝ dô:

Next year we are going to take a TOEFL test for the score that enables us to learn in the US


- Deliver the paper to each student and explain the aims of the exercises to students

- Students the exercises individually - Collect and correct the students,papers

I / Supply the correct form of the verbs :

1 When we ( be ) small , our family ( live ) in the countryside

2 Miss Trang is in hospital – Yes , I know I ( visit ) her tomorrow I read ) an interesting book at the moment I ( lend ) it to you when I finish it

4 Look at those blacks clouds It ( rain )

5 I ( not invite ) her to the party because I ( forget ) her phone number Look ! Our new teacher ( come ) She ( have ) long , black hair The sun always ( rise ) in the east Look , it ( rise )

8 I not think I ( go ) out tonight I am too tired

9 Where you ( spend ) your summer holiday last year , Tam ?

10 Mai ( be ) very happy when she ( receive ) a letter from her sister this morning

11 Would you like ( join ) my class next Sunday ? We ( visit ) the local museum

12 Mai ( phone ) you when she comes backs

13 Last year we ( live ) in Nha Trang with our grandparents , but now we ( live ) in Hue with our parents

14 I ( not know ) how to dance when I ( be ) six years old 15 I hope my sister ( send ) me a letter soon

16 What Miss Lan ( look ) like ? – She ( be ) slim , and she ( have) wavy hair

17 You ( used ) to play so much when you ( live ) in the country ?

18 Trung,s father ( teach ) him how ( ride ) a bicycle when he ( be ) twelve

years old

19 Yesterday Hoang ( spend ) two hours ( repair) his computer set 20 They ( work ) very hard when they ( be ) young

21 We ( have ) a small party next Sunday Would you like ( come ) ?

22 Hai ( come ) back a moment ago Now she ( sit ) in the sofa in the living room and ( watch )

TV She ( look ) a bit tired

IIi bµi tËp , 2, 3, , 5, / 5-6 sách tập bổ trợ nâng cao Week

Preparing date : / /2010 Teaching date : A Aims : Help Students to grasp comparatives and superlatives, exclamations and some words , structure in unit 2,3

B Preparation : Teaching plan , book , reference books , exercises C Class activities

1 Warm up 2 Presentation


- Comparatives and superlatives

Comparative :

a) Short adjectives :

- Have Ss give the form :

S1 + Tobe + adj + er + than + S2 EX: She is taller than me

This ruler is longer than that one

- Have Ss make sentences in front of the class b) Long adjectives :

_ Ask Ss to give the form :

S1 + Tobe + more + adj + than + S2 EX: This pen is more expensive than that one He is more inteligent than his brother Old  older/ elder  the oldest/ eldest Small  smaller  the smallest Big  bigger  the biggest Thin  thinner  the thinnest Heavy  heavier  the heaviest Late  later / latter  the latest / last Good  better  the best Small  smaller  the smallest Bad  worse  the worst

Far  farther/ further  the farthest / furthest Little  less/ lesser  the lest/ least

Much / many  more  the most

Beautiful  more beautiful  the most beautiful ……… ………… ………

-Ask Ss to exercises 1, 2, ( unit ) in work book - Ss on the board

-T : correct - Ask Ss to some more exercises


I/ Complete the sentences with the best answer in the brackets: His… … name is Van (family, full, middle)

2 She lives … … 24 Hoang Van Thu street (on, in to, at) How… is it from the hospital to the bus stop? (long, far, high, much)

4 His father like jogging, and … … does his mother (too, so, but) They will … … badminton next Sunday (play, to play, playing, play)

6 a lovely house! (When, where, how, what)

7 Which is the … … apartment? (best, better, most, more) Her date of birth is … November fourth (at, on, in, of)


II/ Make questions with the underlined words or phrases:

1 Her telephone number is 849277

2 It’s about two kilometers from my house to the movie theater 

3 His father is an architect

 We will go camping next Sunday

……… My address is 2/10B Ly Thuong Kiet Street

……… They are often go to school by bike

 Nam is studying Math

 Her date of birth is on August 22nd

 10 She will be fifteen on her next birthday

 11 My father works in Thong Nhat factory

III: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.Tomorrow (be)… my birthday , so I would like you(come) to my house for dinner tonight

2.You shouldn’t make noise when our teacher (teach) ……… 3.The next Sunday will be Lan’s birthday so I (buy) ……… a gift for her tonight

4.Chi (have) ……….a lot of English books 5.Minh never (go) ……… to the zoo by bike 6.Listen ! She (play) ………the piano

7.We usually (play) ……….blindman’s bluff at recess

8.My father never (drink) ………….coffee , but at the moment he (drink ) ……….it

9.I’d like (buy) ………some envelopes

10.The children enjoy (read) ……… picture books IV/: Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given. 1.She doesn’t have as many toys as I => She has


2.There is less coffee in my cup than there is in your cup.=> There is ………

3.I don’t have so many friends as my sister => I have ………


5.My brother drinks more coffee than my sister => My sister drinks ………

6.She eats more chocolate than I => I eat ……… 7.She has less flour than he has => He has ………

8.There are more students in my class than there are in her class => There are ………

9.There is less water in a desert than there is in a mountain => There isn’t ………

10 There are fewer singers in a small city than there are in a big city => There aren’t ……

V/: Give the correct form of the adj/ adv in parentheses

1 This house isn’t very modern I want a ( modern) ……….one That building is the ( high ) ……… one in our town

3 Nam is a good tennis player I think he is the ( good ) …………in the club

4 My bag isn’t very heavy Your bag is ( heavy ) ………

5 We don’t know many people You know ( many )……… people than us

6 It is a very bad film It’s the ( bad ) ……… ….film I’ve ever seen What is the ( long )……….river in the world ?

8 Tuan doesn’t work hard I work ( hard )……… She doesn’t know much Her sister knows much ( much )


10 They have little free time but we have ( little )………

3/Homework :

Redo all exercises


Preparing date : / /2010 Teaching date : /2010

A.Aims : Help Ss to grasp the use of simple future tenses

-Ss can practice and exercises well B Preperation : Books , reference books

C Procedure

1 Warm up 2 Presentation

-Ask Ss to tell the form of simple future tense -T: correct


1-Please don’t make so much noise I ( study )…………

2-This machine ( not work)……… It hasn’t worked for years 3-I ( not belong )……… to a political party

4-Hurry! The bus ( come )……… I (not want )……… to miss it

5- The River Nile ( flow )……… into the Mediterranean

6-The river ( flow )……… very fast today-much faster than usual 7-It never ( snow )……… in Vietnam?

8-We usually ( grow )……… vegetables in our garden but this year

we ( not grow ) ………any

9- A:Can you drive ?

B: No, but I ( learn )……… My father ( teach) me


10-You can borrow my umrella I ( not need )……… it now

11-I usually ( enjoy )……… parties but I ( not enjoy ) ……… this one very much

12-I ( not understand)……… what he is saying now

13-Jelly is in LonDon at the moment She (stay )……… at the HiTon Hotel She usually ( stay )……… there when she is in LonDon 14-My parents ( live )……… in Bristol They were born there Where your parents ( live )……… ?

15-She ( stay )……… with her sister at the moment until she ( find ) somewhere to live


16-Look ! Somebody ( climb )……… up the tree over there 17-I ( not know )……… your telephone number

18-You ( believe ) ……….in God ?

19-Can you hear those people ? What they ( talk )……… about ? 20-Look ! That man ( try )……… to open the door of our car

21-The moon ( go ) ………around the Earth

22- I ( think )……… it would be a good idea to leave early 23-I usually ( go )……… to work by car

24-They are worried because the number of people without jobs ( increase ) ………

25-The train to HaNoi ( start )……… at a.m tomorrow morning

II/ Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningfull sentences

1 To/ take/ often/ Mai /minutes / get/ her/ to /bus/ school /it / ten/ by House / is / it / Minh’s / far / to / apartment / how / from/ Lien’s ? Younger / more / work / hours / my / sister / I / than

4 Hotel / show / you / me / way / the / to / Bong Sen / Miss / could / the ? Clerk / would / I / like / fifty/ a / thousand / phone / dong / card

6 Grow / farmers / some / but / main / their / crop / rice / is / the / vegetables

7 Please / show / me / you / way / the / to /station / nearest / could/ the / police ?

8 By / me / it / about / takes / minutes / ten/ to / from / go / my / to / house / my / factory/ bike / often / father’s

9 Phone / stamps / would / some / for / Great Britain / a / card / clerk / I / like / and

10.Loves / theatre / to / Chi/ going / join/ school/ group / she / acting / much/ is / the / because / very


Redo all exercises

Week Revision

Preparing date : / / 2010 Teaching date : / 2010

A Aims : Help Students to grasp comparatives and superlatives, exclamations and some words , structure

B Preparation : Teaching plan , book , reference books , exercises C Class activities

1 Warm up 2 Presentation

The present progressive tense :

- Ask Ss to give the form and use of the present progressive tense :  Form: ( + ) S + am / is / are + V-ing

( - ) S + am / is / are + not + V- ing ( ? ) Am / is / are + S + v- ing ?

 Use : It is used to express an action which is happening at a time at present It usually goes with adverbs of time such as : now / at the moment / at present

Examples: She is listening to music at the moment They are playing marbles in the yard now

- Have Ss make sentences as model

The simple future tense :

- Have Ss give the form and the use in front of the class * Form : ( + ) S + Will + V ( without To )

( - ) S + Will not + V ( without To ) ( ? ) Will + S + V ( without To ) ?

 Use : It is used to express an action or a plan which will happen in the future It usually goes with adverbs of time such as : Tomorrow , Next week / month / year …

Example: She will go to Ha noi tomorrow They will have a party next week - Ask Ss to make sentences

Asking answering about distances :

Ask Ss to give the structure about asking and answering the distances : How far is it from……….to………… ?

It’s about ……….km/m

EX: How far is it from your house to school ? It’s about km

How far is it from NamDinh to Ha Noi ? It’s about 90 km

- Have Ss work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class

Exclamations :


What a cold day ! What naughty boys !

- Have Ss make sentences

Adverbs of frequency :

Always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / rarely / never … - Ask Ss to say about the position of adverbs :

Ex : He always gets up at 5:00 in the morning I am never late for school

Asking and answering about the price :

How much + is / are + S ? => S + is / are + ………

How much + does / + S + cost ? => It/ They + costs / cost + ……

Ex : How much does this shirt cost ? => It costs 50,000 dong How much are these envelopes ? => They are 2,000 dong

Making suggestions :

- Let’s + V - Should we + V ? - How about + V-ing ? - What about + V-ing ? - Why don’t we + V ?

 Agreement : OK / I’d love to /That’s a good idea  Disagreement : + I’m sorry , I can’t

+ I’m sorry , I can’t I’m busy + I’d love to but I’m going to……… + Thanks anyway

EX : Let’s go to Lan’ house Should we play table tennis ? What about going to the movies ? Why don’t we go to the beach ?


Would you like + N ? Would you like + to V ?

EX : Would you like to go to the concert with me ? Would you like to come to my house for lunch ?  Yes , I’d love to / Yes , please / All right

 No, thanks / I’d love to but I’m busy *Ask Ss to some exercises

I/ Give correct forms or tenses of the verbs in parentheses

How often you sports?(play)

She will have to stay in bed if she better tomorrow (not feel)

What ………… you next week? (do)

Do you want me you some coffee? (make) Do you learn how the guitar? (play)


What ……… he now? (do) -He an engineer (be)

Your brother (like) (read) ? -Yes, he does He always

(read) in his free time He (read) in his room at the moment

We (play) soccer if the weather (be) fine tomorrow afternoon

10 You (know) Mr Long?

- Yes He (teach) Literature But now he (not teach) ., he

(spend) his holiday at the seaside with his family

II/Choose the word that has a different pronunciation from the others of each group:

1.a- seat b-meat c-great d-heat 2.a- should b-about c-mouse d-shout 3.a- What b- Where c- Who d- Why 4.a- right b- wrong c- ring d- iron 5.a- paint b- pass c- same d- paper

6.a- school b-student c-stand d-sure

7.a- middle b- mile c- kind d-time 8.a- books b-cats c-papers d- maps 9.a- everything b- tooth c- theater d-they 10.a- marbles b- classes c- teaches d- changes

III/ Fill in each blank a suitable form of adjectives/ adverbs in comparison:

Teppi is (thin) his friends

The boys in my class are (intelligent) those in her class

Winter is (cold) in the year

His new house is ( expensive) than his old one This flower is ( beautiful) in the garden Who is (good) ? Minh or Phong?

The Nil River is (long) in the world

8.Your example is (good) among your friends' ones

Mary sings (beautifully) in our school

10 My teacher says my English is hers (good) 11 The apartment number 10 is in this town


12 Summer is fall.(hot)

13 Her new pens are than her old ones.( expensive) 14 Thu is her sister ( beautiful)

15 The Pacific is ocean in the world (large) 16 Hochiminh city is Hanoi (big)

17.There are boys than girls in our class (few) 18 Hochiminh is city in our country (big) 19 Life in a city is in a country (noisy)


1.All the furniture in the house old- fashioned A- is B- are C- be

2.What is your date birth? A- in B- of C-for

Her brother always goes to bed early, but he gets up early A- ever B-not C-never

Your essay is better than her one A-more B- much C-very

In the USA, students school uniforms A-are not wearing B- not wear C- is not wearing 6.What time does Hoa History class?

A-study B- have C- learn

He is a student ChuVanAn school A- at B- in C- on

Her brother is good playing soccer A- with B- in C-at

We enjoy sports very much A- play B- playing C- to play

10 .recess we often talk in English A- At B- For C- in

.VI/ Rewrite the following sentences with the words given Keep their


No one can run faster than Quang -Quang is

His apartment has four rooms - There are

Houses in the country are cheaper than houses in the city - Houses in the city are

How far is it from the supermarket to the store - What is ?

My brother plays chess worse than I - I play

It is an interesting play -What Loan is short Hoa is taller than Loan Mai is shorter than Loan - Hoa is and Mai is

The post office is near the city center - The post office is not

VIII/ (Match the sentences in column A with those suitable ones in column B:


1 How you go to school? Ba, Pretty good

2 How far is it to your house from here? b, Because I miss my family

3 How old is your grandfather? c, It's Van

4 How are you today? d, I walk

5 How is your new house different from your

old one? e, My grandfather

6 What is your middle name? f, It is very beautiful , lovely and


7 Where you live? g, About 14 kilometers

8 Who are you talking to? h, It is bigger and more modern

9 Why are you unhappy? i, 30 TranhungDao street

10 What is your new cat like? j, 98 years old

3/Homework :

Redo all exercises

Week Revision

Preparing date : / / 2010 Teaching date : / 2010

I/ Fill in each gap with one suitable word / phrase from the box ( m ) their parcels this Christmas gifts posted

People usually give each other gifts at Christmas Christmas is coming soon Mr and Mrs Smith have already bought for their parents They will give them 2- on Christmas morning Tommy and Jane have presents for their parents, too Their eldest brother , Jimmy , is working overseas They have already - him a Christmas card Jimmy will not be at home - The others have all bought presents for him His presents were sent some weeks a go, so that he would have them by Christmas

II/ Read the passage then answer the questions ( 2m )

1, What people usually at Christmas?

- 2, Have Mr and Mrs Smith already bought gifts for their children when Christmas comes? -

3, Where is Tommy and Jane’s eldest brother working?

- 4, Have they already bought a present for their brother?


III/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2m )

1, you ever ( be ) to England? - Yes , I ( go ) there years ago

2, We already ( ) all the homework 3, What you ( ) at o’clock last night?

IV/ Choose the best answer to complete the sentences ( 2m )

1, Would you mind if I ( turn , turned , turning ) on TV?

2, We ( walk , was walking , have walked ) in the park when it rained 3, Finally , we decided ( to go , going , go ) to the movietheater

4, Most of the Nokia mobile phones ( sell , sold , are sold ) in this shop are imported from China

5, The boy ( sit , sat , sitting ) next to Hoa is a new comer

6, The first Hamburgers ( to make , was made , made ) in Louis Lasen in 1985

7, The 23rd Sea Games ( will hold , hold , will be held ) in the Philipines.


IV/ Rewrite the sentences , using the suggestions ( 3m )

1, They collect waste paper everyday

- Waste paper 2, “ Do you like to lay soccer” , asked he

- He asked me 3, "What sports you like best?",

- The form teacher asked his students

V/ Read then answer the questions ( 2,5 m )

I have a little note book I always have it with me I try to fill one page a day Sometimes I put words in groups, like fruit- all kinds of fruit You know? Or colors, or clothes, or things and the shop where you buy them I have some grammar pages, where I write regular verbs or irregular verbs, or a page of prepsitions I think prepsitions are difficult, you know- on Sunday,

in the morning, listen to a concert- but you say phone some one In my

language we say " phone to someone". What does she always have with her?

- How many pages does she try to fill a

day?- In what way does she put words?

- Why does she have a page for prepositions?


5 Does she write regular verbs or irregular verbs on grammar pages?-

VI/ Choose the best answer in each bracket underline the best word

1 She is studying hard ( in order to , for, so that ) pass the examination Nam hates ( go, to go, going ) to the market

3 She advised me ( not be, not to be, not being ) late ( May, Could, Should ) I help you? - No, thank you

VII/ Rewrite the sentences in to indirect speech ( 1,5 m )

1 " Buy me some stamps, Lan " said Hoa

" You should all your home work at home" sai the teacher

" Could you give me a hand, Tim? " Miss Jackson said

VIII/ Supply the correct form of verbs in brackets ( m )

1 Next Saturday ( be ) my birthday Would you like ( come ) ?

2 When he was young, he often ( walk ) to school We enjoy ( read ) history books very much

================THE END =================

Week Revision

Preparing date : / / 2010 Teaching date : / 2010


There are different outdoor activities in my school, but I really enjoy taking part in one sport club called " walking for fun" We organized this club last year to help our school children have good health The regular activity of the club is a km walk along the longest street in our city every Sunday morning Another activity is walking to school All the members of the club who live near school have to walk instead of riding bicycle days a weeks The number of participants increases every week Walking is really interesting

Which club you enjoy taking part in?

Why you enjoy this club?

What are the activites of the club?

What about the number of participants?

- Is walking really interesting?


II/ Supply the correct form of verbs in brackets ( m )

1 Next Saturday ( be ) my birthday Would you like ( come ) ?

2 When he was young, he used ( walk ) to work We love ( go ) camping very much

III/ Rewrite the sentences in to indirect speech ( 1,5 m )

1 " Give me this ruler , Nam " said Hoa


2 " You should practice speaking and writting English everyday." sai the teacher

" Could you open the windows, Tim? " Miss Jackson said

IV/ Choose the best answer in each bracket underline the best word ( m )

1 She is studying hard ( in order to , for, so that ) pass the examination Nam hates ( go, to go, going ) to the market

3 She advised me ( not be, not to be, not being ) late ( May, Could, Should ) I help you? - No, thank you

V/ Read about " How Nam has improved his English" then answer the questions.( 2,5 m )

" In the first year of lower secondary school I had some difficulties in learning English My pronunciation of English words was really bad and my English grammar was worse I did not know how to improve them One afternoon after the lesson, my teacher of English told me to wait for her outside the classroom She took me to the school library and showed me cassettes of pronunciation drills kept in in a glass bookcase She also told me how to use an English - English dictionary to improve my English

grammar."Now I think you know what you should do, said she" I made much progress and only one year later I won the first prize in the English speaking Contest held for secondary school student in my


1 What difficulties did Nam have in learning English in the first year? Who wanted to meet him one afternoon after the lesson?

Did she took Nam to the school library?

- What did the teacher show him then?

What did Nam win one year later?

VI/ Rewrite the sentences in to indirect speech ( 1,5 m )

1 " Don't make noise in class, children" The teacher said " You should the test carefully." sai Miss Hoa

" Can you buy me a note book, Minh? " Ba said

" Do this exercise, Lan" The teacher said

" You should study hard for this semester." sai Miss Lien

" Could you help me with the home work? " Ba said

VII/ Supply the correct form of verbs in brackets ( m )

1 Next Saturday ( be ) my birthday Would you like ( come ) ?

2 When he ( be ) young, he used to work hard

3 We like ( play ) computer games when we have free time Would you like ( come ) to her birthday party next Tuesday??

5 When I ( be ) five , I used to stay with my grand parents We like ( play ) computer games

7 What he ( ) at the moment?

VIII/ Read the passage then answer the questions ( 2,5 m )

Lan is excited about the interesting activities she is going to

The Y & Y is having a plan to help the community She will participate in its recycling program

In joining this program, she will collect glass, used paper and empty cans Then she will send them for recycling

She hopes she can save natural resources and raise some mony for her school Y & Y in these activities She also thinks about participating in either

planting trees and flowers or helping the street childen It is really interesting, isn't it?

1 Is Lan going to beexcited about having interesting activities? -

2 What will she

do?- What will she send for recycling?

- What does she hope in these activities?


5 Is it really interesting?

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2021, 05:22

