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try the local food go to the night clubs visit a museum or art gallery go swimming?. 2 4.[r]


Sở Giáo Dục & Đào Tạo Kỳ Thi Tuyển Học Sinh Giỏi Thành Phố

HẢI PHÒNG Năm học: 2006 - 2007

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9 Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút

Question 1: Listen to people talking about different cities What can you in each place? Tick the list below You will hear the talk twice (8 points)

1 3

go shopping visite the old castle

 go for a walk go shopping

drive around visit the hotels

try the local food go to the night clubs visit a museum or art gallery go swimming

2 4

go swimming visit the museum

take a boat trip go to the theatre

go skiing go to a night club

go round the island by bus try Chinese food try the local food try the local food

Question 2: Listen to people getting ready for their holidays Tick the things there are going to take with them You will hear the talk twice (8 points)

1 2

large suitcase large suitcase

small suitcase small suitcase

presents presents

camera camera

personal stereo personal stereo

books books

swimsuit swimsuit

umbrella umbrella

coat coat

medicine medicine

Question 3: Circle the letter before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others (5 points)

01 A float B broad C goat D coat 02 A office B promise C service D expertise 03 A physical B mythology C rhythmic D psychological 04 A danger B angel C anger D magic

05 A black B blade C blab D black

Question 4: Choose the best option: (a), (b), (c) or (d) Write your answers in the box below (24 points)

01 Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he _ it before

(a) saw (b) had seen (c) has seen (d) was seen 02 A cold wind _ for the last three days.

(a) has been blowing (b) blows

(c) is blowing (d) blew

03 I wish I _ younger.

(a) had been (b) would be (c) were (d) have been 04 She said she _ to me, but she didn't.

(a) would have written (b) will have written (c) would write (d) will write

05 She told him that if he _ his promise, she _ speak to him again

(a) break-would never (b) break - will never (c) broke - will never (d) broke-would never 06 I'll see you in August when I _ back.

(a) will come (b) came (c) will have come (d) come 07 We were very pleased _ the service.

(a) with (b) on (c) at (d) from

08 He mumbled throughout his speech so I could _ understand a single word

(a) really (b) fully (c) hardly (d) hard 09 I have _ told her not to that and yet she always does. (a) admittedly (b) repeatedly (c) wholeheartedly (d) frankly


(a) anyone (b) someone (c) everyone (d) no one 13 The steamer Mongolia was built _ iron.

(a) from (b) by (c) with (d) of

14 Two men were walking up and down the dock at Suez _ the crowd of natives

(a) within (b) among (c) in (d) between 15 "You say, consul," Fix asked for the twentieth time, "that this steamer is never _ schedule?"

(a) behind (b) before (c) after (d) off 16 from Bill, all the students said they would go.

(a) Except (b) Only (c) Apart (d) Separate 17 If only he _ told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn't have gone so wrong

(a) had (b) has (c) would have (d) should have 18 You may think that this is a _ job for someone who is applying for a marketing post

(a) peculiar (b) stranger (c) usual (d) typical 19 Suddenly _ hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate. (a) felt (b) having felt (c) feeling (d) feels

20 Everyone thought she would accept the offer _, she turned it down

(a) However (b) So (c) Too (d) Moreover 21 I am sure I could very easily _ all the requirements (a) complete (b) fulfil (c) commit (d) finish 22 He says he will pay ; I don’t think he will, _.

(a) though (b) even though (c) in case (d) but

23 Safety should come first _ lives shouldn’t be put at risk. (a) People (b) Peoples (c) People’s (d) Peoples’ 24 Would you be _ my letters while I am away ?

(a) too good as to forward (b) as good as forward (c) so good as to forward (d) so good as forwarding Question 5: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English Supply the right one (7 points)

01 Today the number (A) of people which (B) enjoy winter sports is (C) almost double that (D) of twenty years ago

02 He couldn't find the (A) dictionary because it was packing (B) in the case (C) ready for sending (D)

03 The (A) athlete really surprised (B) to hear that he had won (C) the race after all (D)

04 He sounded his horn sudden (A) when he saw the really (B) old man step carelessly (C) off (D) the sidewalk

05 Your friends became very (A) angrily (B) over a seemingly (C) little (D) problem

06 The coal (A) is the world's (B) most abundant fossil (C) fuel (D). 07 A traveller can reach (A) some of the village (B) along the Amazon only (C) by riverboat (D)

Question 6: The word in capital letters at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space Fill in the blank in this way (10 points)

Some recent research into (01) (CONVERSE) between men and women has produced results which will surprise few women Men are always interrupting women when they talk One (02) _ (RESEARCH) feels that men regard female talk as a kind of conversational (03) (HOUSE) They expect women to play a (04) (SUPPORT) role So a man interrupts in a display of dominance or control Men also have a much more (05) (PLEASANT) listening style Whereas a woman uses gestures or say: "mm", a man will say such thing as "right" or "okay" thus settle the stage for an (06) (INTERRUPT) Conversation of this kind, then, hardly has (07) (MEAN) communication Male talk is often (08) _ (ARGUE) while women are more tentative, asking more questions and tending to build up their replies on what the other person had said The research would indicate that women are better (09) (LISTEN) than men Yet, listening secretly to conversation between groups of women, one has the (10) (IMPRESS) of several simultaneous monologues into which no man would be able to get a chance to speak


In Britain most schools are financed by the state and, for the children attending these schools, they are free However; about per cent of the school population attend private schools, and these are financed from pupils' fees The general pattern of schooling in Britain is as follows

All the children must start school at the age of five Many have previously attended play schools or nursery schools, but these are not compulsory Primary education, whether state or private, seeks to develop all aspects of the child: physical and emotional, as well as intellectual and cultural

Roughly at the age of 11 (but often somewhat later, especially in the case of private education), children move to different schools These are called secondary schools, and nowadays most of them are comprehensive, that is to say, children of all abilities go to the same school Within some comprehensive schools children are put into different classes according to their intellectual ability; in others, children of different abilities are all kept together in the same class

In the first four or five years at a secondary school, the pupils have a set timetable of subjects, such as History, English and a foreign language, as well as science subjects and sports At the end of this period most pupils take one or two public examinations, though these not normally include all the subjects that the students have studied In fact, a pupil may take the exam in as many, or as few, subjects as is thought suitable

After these exams, i.e at the age of 16 or so, most pupils at state schools leave Only about 30 per cent continue at school, compared with about 90 per cent in the small private sector For those that stay on, in either type of school, the next two or three years are spent concentrating on a small number of subjects, and at the end of these years of concentrated preparation, the pupils usually take a public school-leaving examination in their three specialist subjects Their results in these exams will largely determine whether they now start to work, or whether they can continue with higher education at a university or college

Answers (T, F or NI)

01 School education in Britain is free of charge. 02 School education is compulsory in Britain.

03 School education in Britain is mainly free of charge. 04 Most children in Britain attend private schools. 05 Most children in Britain attend state schools.

06 Comprehensive secondary schools are for pupils of different abilities

07 Pupils of the same abilities must attend comprehensive secondary schools

08 After four or five years at secondary schools, all pupils take one or two public examinations

09 In Britain state schools are better than those of the private sector

10 At the age of 16 or so, about 70 per cent pupils at state schools leave

Question 8: Read the following passage then answer the questions below (8 points)

A healthful lifestyle leads to a longer, happier, healthier life Staying healthy means eating well-balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding things that are bad for the body and mind

Nutrition plays a key role in maintaining good health and preventing many diseases In spite of all the information available about diets, scientists still believe that good nutrition can be simple There are several basic rules to follow Keep fat intake low Eat foods high in carbohydrates which are the starches in grains, legumes, (beans, and peas),vegetables, and some fruits Avoid too much sugar Limit salt Eat lots of fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamins

A healthy lifestyle is an active lifestyle Lack of proper physical exercise can cause tiredness, irritability, and poor general health Physical fitness requires both aerobic exercise, such as running, bicycle riding , and swimming, and muscle- strengthening exercise, such as weight lifting Finally, good health is acquired saying no to bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and over-eating and by avoiding situations that are constantly stressful People can take their lives and happiness into their own hands Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the first step



» 02 Three problems that lack of physical exercise can cause are

» 03 What kinds of exercise does physical fitness require?

» 04 Three kinds of aerobic exercise mentioned in the passage are » 05 What exercise is good for muscle-strengthening?

» 06 Grains, legumes, vegetables, and some fruits all contain

» 07 Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of

» 08 What is the main idea of the whole passage?

» Question 9: Rewrite these sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the first, using the word in brackets at the end of each sentence DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM OF THE GIVEN WORD (10 points)

Example: Opera doesn't interest David (INTERESTED) »David isn’t interested in Opera

01 "Did you speak to the headmaster, Mom" I asked (SHE)

» 02 There is no point in seeing that film (WORTH)

» 03 It's good thing you brought your cheque book or we wouldn't have been able to buy the car (YOU)

» 04 The flight to London was cheaper than I had thought it would be. (AS)

» 05 I expect you were tired after the match (BEEN)

» 06 You ought to go to the dentist's immediately (BETTER)

» 07 It snowed so they cancelled the flight (OWING)


08 Maria and Philip are getting married, despite not having very much money (ALTHOUGH)

» 09 The last time I ate Chinese food was years ago (YEARS)

» 10 I am happy to go anywhere you like (MIND)

» Question 10: Sentence building Complete the dialogue below (10 points)

A: Hello / John! Nice / see / you / you / have / comfortable / journey? » B: Yes / thanks / I / came up / yesterday / the 10 a.m / King's Cross » A: you / found / good / hotel? Where / you / stay?

» B: At / Queen's / Princess Street / I / booked / few / ago / I / no trouble / at all

» A: Good / That / one / best / city / How long / you / stay?

» B: three / days

» A: you / know / Edinburgh / at all?

» B: No / I / haven't / here / many / years / I / think / I / spend /

afternoons / looking / Edinburgh

» A: I / not / busy / afternoon / If / like / take / afternoon / off show /


» B: Thanks / very much / That / very / pleasant


Sở Giáo Dục & Đào Tạo Kỳ Thi Tuyển Học Sinh Giỏi Thành Phố

HẢI PHÒNG Năm học: 2006 - 2007

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9 Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút


You’ve got minutes to read all the sentences in Question and Question before listening.

Question Listen to people talking about different cities What can you in each place? Tick the lists below You will hear the talk twice.

1 It’s not really the best place to shop Prices are too high there nowadays But the food’s great and quite cheap It’s a wonderful place just to walk around in and look at the old buildings But there aren’t any interesting museums or art galeries, I am afraid

2 It’s a very nice place to visit if you like being outdoors The scenery is beautiful Take a bus trip around the island, and sail around it if you have time You can also go skiing Unfortunately, the water is too cold there for swimming You probably won’t like the local food It’s very spicy

3 There are very good beaches there Everything‘s quite cheap, so take plenty of money with you There’s not much else to There’s only one hotel and no interesting old buildings

4 There are several excellent museums and art galleries If you like Chinese food you should visit China town It’s fairly quiet at night though It dosen’t have any good nightclubs or theatres

1 3

go shopping visite the old castle

 go for a walk  go shopping

drive around visit the hotels

 try the local food go to the night clubs visit a museum or art gallery  go swimming

2 4

go swimming  visit the museum

 take a boat trip go to the theatre

 go skiing go to a night club

 go round the island by bus  try Chinese food try the local food try the local food

You’ve got minutes to check your answers before we come to Question 2.

Question Listen to people getting ready for their holidays Tick the things they are going to take with them You will hear the talk twice.

a I am not going to take many things with me this time, so I won’t need the big suitcase Let’s see I think we can buy presents for our friends when we get there They’ll have music on the plane, so I won’t need my personal stereo, but I’d better take something to read It’ll be fairly cool at this time of the year, so I don’t surpose we’ll be doing any swimming I’d better pack the umbrella in case it rains I’ll need a thick coat, too, if it’s going to be cold That’s about everything

b I’ll put all our things into the big suitcase Now, where are all the presents we bought? I’ll put them in the top I think I’ll get a new camera as soon as I arrive I won’t take my old one You might want to listen to music on the plane, so I’ll take my personal stereo I won’t take these books, they are too heavy The weather should be good at this time of the year, so we’ll able to some swimming We don’t need coats or umbrellas I’ll put in some air-sickness tablets in case we need them

That’s the end of the listening.

1 2

large suitcase  large suitcase

 small suitcase small suitcase

presents  presents

camera camera

personal stereo  personal stereo

 books books

swimsuit  swimsuit

 umbrella umbrella

 coat coat

medicine  medicine

Question 3: Circle the letter before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others (5 points)

01 B 02 D 03 D 04 C 05 B


01 b 02 a 03 c 04 c 05 d 06 d 07 a 08 c 09 b 10 d 11 d 12 a 13 d 14 b 15 a 16 c 17 a 18 a 19 c 20 a 21 b 22 a 23 c 24 c

Question Identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English Supply the right one (7 points)

01 B » who 02 B » packed

03 B » was really surprised 04 A » suddenly

05 B » angry 06 A » coal

07 B » the villages

Question The word in capital letters at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space Fill in the blank in this way (10 points)

01 conversation 02 researcher

03 housework 04 supporting

05 unpleasant 06 interruption

07 meaningful 08 argumentative

09 listeners 10 impression

Question Read the following paragraph about the education in Britain Write true (T) or false (F) for each of the sentences below, according to the information given If the information is not in the paragraph write no information (NI) (10 points)

01 F 02 T 03 T 04 F 05 T

06 T 07 F 08 F 09 NI 10 T

Question Read the following passage then answer the questions below (8 points)

1 fat, sugar and salt

2 tiredness, irritability, poor general health

3 aerobic exercise and muscle- strengthening exercise running, bicycle riding, swimming

5 weight-lifting carbohydrates vitamins

8 The main idea of the passage is how to lead a healthy life

Question Rewrite these sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the first, using the word in brackets at the end of each sentence DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM OF THE GIVEN WORD (10 points)

01.I asked my mother if / whether she had spoken to the headmaster 02.That film isn't worth seeing

03.We wouldn't have been able to buy the car if you hadn’t bought your cheque book

04.The flight to London was not as expensive as I had thought it would be

05.You must have been tired after the match 06.You had better go the dentist's immediately 07.The flight was cencelled owing to the snow

08.Maria and Philip are getting married, although they haven’t got/do not have very much money

09.It‘s years since I last ate Chinese food 10.I don’t mind anywhere we go

Question 10 Sentence building Complete the dialogue below (10 points)

A: Hello, John Nice to see you Did you have a comfortable journey? B: Yes, thanks I came up here yesterday on the 10 a.m (train) from King's Cross

A: Have you found a good hotel? Where are you staying?

B: At the Queen's in Princess Street I booked a few days ago so I had no trouble at all

A: Good That's one of the best in the city How long are you staying? B: For three days

A: Do you know Edinburgh at all?

B: No I haven't been here for many years I think I'll spend the afternoons looking round Edinburgh

A: I shan't be very busy this afternoon If you like, I'll take the afternoon off and show you round

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 04:31

